11 Signs Your Marriage Will End in Divorce - Online Divorce (2024)

Disclaimer: OnlineDivorce is not a law firm and its services, website, forms or templates are nota substitute for the advice or services of an attorney.OnlineDivorce provides access to computer-aided self-help services at your specific direction.OnlineDivorce's website and written instructions provide general information about the divorce process only;we cannot give you any specific advice, opinions or recommendations as to your selection or completionof forms or your particular legal rights, remedies or options.OnlineDivorce.comis a website that provides access to self-guided online questionnaires.OnlineDivorce does not sell blank forms.You may be able to download blank forms from a government website depending on your state.Communications between you and OnlineDivorce are governed by ourPrivacy Policybut are not coveredby the attorney-client or work product privileges. Your access to OnlineDivorce's website is subject to and governed by ourTerms of Use.Any purchase from OnlineDivorce is subject to and governed by ourTerms of Service.

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OnlineDivorce.com provides an online portal to give visitors a general understanding of the law that pertains to divorceand other family law issues, to provide an automated software solution to individuals who choose to prepare their own legal documents.Customers need not download or even license OnlineDivorce.com software. OnlineDivorce.com hosts its OnlineDivorce.com software asa backend service for customers when they create their own documents. The Site includes general information oncommonly encountered divorce issues. At no time do we review your answers for legal sufficiency, draw legalconclusions, provide legal advice, opinions or recommendations about your legal rights, remedies, defenses,options, selection of forms, or strategies, or apply the law to the facts of your particular situation.OnlineDivorce.com is not a law firm and may not perform services performed by an attorney. OnlineDivorce.com, its Services,and its forms or templates are not a substitute for the advice or services of an attorney.

OnlineDivorce.com strives to keep its legal documents accurate, current and up-to-date. However, because the lawchanges rapidly, OnlineDivorce.com cannot guarantee that all of the information on the Site or Applications is completely current. Thelaw is different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and may be subject to interpretation by different courts.The law is a personal matter, and no general information or divorce tool like the kind OnlineDivorce.com provides canfit every circ*mstance. Furthermore, the divorce information contained on the Site and Applications is not legaladvice and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. Therefore, if you need legal advice for yourspecific problem, or if your specific problem is too complex to be addressed by our tools, you should consult alicensed attorney in your area.

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Attorneys advertised on this site are independent attorneys.See the attorneyin your area who's responsible forthese advertisem*nts. OnlineDivorce.com is not an "attorney referral service" or a law firm.

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Please read this carefully. It affects your rights.


Most customer concerns can be resolved quickly and to the customer's satisfaction by calling our Customer CareCenter at 1 877 503 0262. In the unlikely event that the Company Customer Care Center is unable toresolve your complaint to your satisfaction (or if Company has not been able to resolve a dispute it has with youafter attempting to do so informally), we each agree to resolve those disputes through binding arbitrationor in small claims court rather than in a court of general jurisdiction.Arbitration is less formalthan a lawsuit in court. Arbitration uses a neutral arbitrator instead of a judge or jury,allows for more limited discovery than a court does, and is subject to very limited review by courts.Any arbitration under these Terms will take place on an individual basis; class arbitrations andclass actions are not permitted. While in some instances, upfront costs to file an arbitrationclaim may exceed similar costs to bring a case in court, for any non-frivolous claim that does not exceed$75,000, Company will pay all costs of the arbitration. Moreover, in arbitration you may recover attorney's fees fromCompany to the same extent or more as you would in court. The arbitrator shall apply the same limitationsperiod that would apply in court.

Under certain circ*mstances (as explained below), Company will pay you more than the amount of thearbitrator's award and will pay your attorney (if any) his or her reasonable attorney's fees if thearbitrator awards you an amount greater than what Company offered you to settle the dispute.

You may speak with independent counsel before using this Site or completing any purchase.

Arbitration Agreement:

(a) Company and you agree to arbitrate all disputes and claims between us in small claims court or before a single arbitrator.The types of disputes and claims we agree to arbitrate are intended to be broadly interpreted.It applies, without limitation, to:

  • claims arising out of or relating to any aspect of the relationship between us, whether based in contract,tort, statute, fraud, misrepresentation, or any other legal theory;
  • claims that arose before these or any prior Terms (including, but not limited to, claims relating toadvertising);
  • claims that are currently the subject of purported class action litigation in which you are not a memberof a certified class;
  • and claims that may arise after the termination of these Terms.

For the purposes of this Arbitration Agreement, references to " Company," "you," and "us" include ourrespective subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, employees, employers, business partners, shareholders,predecessors in interest, successors, and assigns, as well as all authorized or unauthorized users orbeneficiaries of services or products under these Terms or any prior agreements between us.Beneficiaries include, but are not limited to, spouses, children, dependents, or others named in divorcedocuments.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may bring an individual action in small claims court, or, where the amount at issue is within the venue’s small claims court’s jurisdiction, either party may demand small claims court in lieu of arbitration upon receipt of a Notice of Dispute.This arbitration agreement does not preclude your bringing issues to the attention of federal,state, or local agencies. Such agencies can, if the law allows, seek relief against us on your behalf.You agree that, by entering into these Terms, you and Company are each waiving the right to a trial byjury or to participate in a class action. These Terms evidence a transaction or website use ininterstatecommerce, and thus the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) governs the interpretation and enforcement of thisprovision. This arbitration provision will survive termination of these Terms.

(b) A party who intends to seek arbitration must first send, by U.S. certified mail, a written Notice of Dispute("Notice") to the other party. A Notice to Company should be addressed to: Notice of Dispute, General Counsel,OnlineDivorce.com LLC, 200Continental Drive,Suite 401, Newark,DE 19713 (the "Notice Address"). The Notice must (a) describe the nature and basis of theclaim or dispute and (b) set forth the specific relief sought ("Demand"). If Company and you do not reach anagreement to resolve the claim within 30 days after the Notice is received, you or Company may commence anarbitration proceeding or demand that the matter proceed in small claims court in lieu of arbitration, should the Demand be within the venue’s small claims jurisdiction. During an arbitration, the amount of any settlement offer made by Company or youshall not be disclosed to the arbitrator until after the arbitrator determines the amount, if any, to which youorCompany is entitled.

(c) Should neither party demand small claims court, after Company receives notice at the Notice Address that you have commenced arbitration, it will promptlyreimburse you for your payment of the filing fee, unless your claim is for more than $75,000.(Currently, the filing fee for consumer-initiated arbitrations is $200, but this is subject to change bythe arbitration provider. If you are unable to pay this fee, Company will pay it directly after receivinga written request at the Notice Address.) The Company will not reimburse you for arbitration fees should you commence arbitration after it submits a demand for small claims court in lieu of arbitration. The arbitration will be governed by the Consumer Arbitration Rules(the "AAA Rules") of the American Arbitration Association (the "AAA"), as modified by these Terms, for allclaims under $75,000, and the applicable rules as determined by the AAA for all claims of or above $75,000,and will be administered by the AAA. The AAA Rules are available online at www.adr.org or by calling theAAA at 1-800-778-7879. The arbitrator is bound by these Terms. All issues are for the arbitrator to decide,except that issues relating to the scope, enforceability, and interpretation of the arbitration provision andthe scope, enforceability, and interpretation of paragraph (f) are for the court to decide. Unless Company andyou agree otherwise, any arbitration hearings will take place in the county (or parish) of your contact address.If your claim is for $10,000 or less, you may choose whether the arbitration will be conducted solely on thebasis of documents submitted to the arbitrator, by a telephonic hearing, or by an in-person hearing asestablishedby the AAA Rules. If you choose to proceed either in person or by telephone, we may choose to respond only bytelephone or submission. If your claim exceeds $10,000, the AAA Rules will determine whether you have a rightto a hearing. The parties agree that in any arbitration of a dispute or claim, neither party will rely forpreclusive effect on any award or finding of fact or conclusion of law made in any other arbitration of anydispute or claim to which Company was a party. Except as otherwise provided for herein, Company will payall AAA filing, administration, and arbitrator fees for any arbitration initiated in accordance with thenotice requirements above. If, however, the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your claim or therelief sought in the Demand is frivolous or brought for an improper purpose (as measured by the standards setforth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)), then the payment of all such fees will be governed by the AAARules. In such case, you agree to reimburse Company for all monies previously disbursed by it that are otherwiseyour obligation to pay under the AAA Rules. In addition, if you initiate an arbitration in which you seek reliefvalued at more than $75,000 (excluding attorney's fees and expenses), the payment of these fees will be governedby the AAA rules.

(d) For claims under $75,000 that proceed in arbitration, if, after finding in your favor in any respect on the merits of your claim,the arbitrator issues you an award that is greater than the value of Company's last written settlementoffer made before an arbitrator was selected, then Company will:

  • pay you either the amount of the award or $2,000 ("the alternative payment"), whichever is greater;
  • and pay your attorney, if any, the amount of attorney's fees, and reimburse any expenses(including expert witness fees and costs), that your attorney reasonably accrues for investigating,preparing, and pursuing your claim in arbitration (the "attorney's payment").

If Company did not make a written offer to settle the dispute before an arbitrator was selected, you and yourattorney will be entitled to receive the alternative payment and the attorney's fees, respectively, if thearbitrator awards you any relief on the merits. The arbitrator may make rulings and resolve disputes as tothe payment and reimbursem*nt of fees, expenses, and the alternative payment and the attorney's fees at anytime during the proceeding and upon request from either party made within 14 days of the arbitrator's rulingon the merits. In assessing whether an award that includes attorney's fees or expenses is greater than thevalue of Company's last written settlement offer, the arbitrator shall include in his or her calculationsonly the value of any attorney's fees or expenses you reasonably incurred in connection with the arbitrationproceeding before Company's settlement offer.

(e) The right to attorney's fees and expenses discussed in paragraph (d) supplements any right to attorney'sfees and expenses you may have under applicable law. Thus, if you would be entitled to a larger amount underapplicable law, this provision does not preclude an arbitrator from awarding you that amount. However, youmay not recover duplicative awards of attorney's fees or costs. Although under some laws Company may have aright to an award of attorney's fees and expenses if it prevails in an arbitration proceeding, Company willnot seek such an award for claims under $75,000.

(f) An arbitrator may award injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and onlyto the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party's individual claim. YOU AND COMPANY AGREETHAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN YOUR OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITIES AND NOT AS PLAINTIFFSOR CLASS MEMBERS IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING OR IN THE CAPACITY OF A PRIVATE ATTORNEYGENERAL. Further, unless both you and Company agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more thanone person's claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding.The arbitrator may award any relief that a court could award that is individualized to the claimant andwould not affect other customers. Neither you nor we may seek non-individualized relief that would affectother customers. If a court decides that applicable law precludes enforcement of any of this paragraph'slimitations as to a particular claim for relief, then that claim (and only that claim) must be severedfrom the arbitration and may be brought in court.

(g) If the amount in dispute exceeds $75,000 or either party seeks any form of injunctive relief, either partymay appeal the award to a three-arbitrator panel administered by AAA by a written notice of appeal within thirty(30) days from the date of entry of the written arbitration award. An award of injunctive relief shall be stayedduring any such appeal. The members of the three-arbitrator panel will be selected according to AAA rules.The three-arbitrator panel will issue its decision within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the date ofthe appealing party's notice of appeal. The decision of the three-arbitrator panel shall be final and binding,subject to any right of judicial review that exists under the FAA.

(h) Notwithstanding any provision in the applicable Terms to the contrary, we agree that if we make anyfuture change to this arbitration provision (other than a change to any notice address, website link ortelephone number provided herein), that change will not apply to any dispute of which we had written noticeon the effective date of the change. Moreover, if we seek to terminate this arbitration provision, any suchtermination will not be effective until at least thirty (30) days after written notice of such terminationis provided to you, and shall not be effective as to disputes which arose prior to the date of termination.

8. Additional Terms

Some Company Services may be subject to additional posted guidelines, rules orterms of service ("Additional Terms") and your use of such Services will be conditioned on your agreementto the Additional Terms. If there is any conflict between these Terms of Use and the Additional Terms, theAdditional Terms will control for that Service, unless the Additional Terms expressly state that theseTerms of Use will control.

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By submitting your email address in connection with your rating and review, you agree that OnlineDivorce.com may useyour email address to contact you about the status of your review and other administrative purposes.







12. Unsolicited Submissions.

Except as may be required in connection with your use of OnlineDivorce.com Services, OnlineDivorce.com does not wantyou to submit confidential or proprietary information to us through this Site or any Applications. All comments,feedback, information or material submitted to OnlineDivorce.com through or in association with this Site shall beconsidered non-confidential and OnlineDivorce.com's property. By providing such submissions to OnlineDivorce.com you herebyassign to OnlineDivorce.com, at no charge, all worldwide right, title and interest in and to the submissions and anyintellectual property rights associated therewith. OnlineDivorce.com shall be free to use and/or disseminate suchsubmissions on an unrestricted basis for any purpose. You acknowledge that you are responsible for the submissionsthat you provide, including their legality, reliability, appropriateness, originality and content.

13. Compliance with Intellectual Property Laws.

When accessing OnlineDivorce.com or using the OnlineDivorce.com legal document Service, you agree to obey the law and youagree to respect the intellectual property rights of others. Your use of the Service and the Site is at alltimes governed by and subject to laws regarding copyright, trademark and other intellectual property ownership.You agree not to upload, download, display, perform, transmit or otherwise distribute any information or contentin violation of any third party's copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property or proprietary rights.You agree to abide by laws regarding copyright ownership and use of intellectual property, and you shall besolely responsible for any violations of any relevant laws and for any infringements of third party rightscaused by any content you provide or transmit or that is provided or transmitted using your OnlineDivorce.comuser account.

OnlineDivorce.com has adopted a policy that provides for the immediate removal of any content,article or materials that have infringed on the rights of OnlineDivorce.com or of a third partyor that violate intellectual property rights generally. OnlineDivorce.com's policy is to removesuch infringing content or materials and investigate such allegations immediately.

Copyright Infringement:

Notice. OnlineDivorce.com has in place certain legally mandated procedures regarding allegationsof copyright infringement occurring on the Site or with the Service. The Company has adopted a policy that providesfor the immediate suspension and/or termination of any Site or Service user who is found to have infringed therights of the Company or of a third party, or otherwise violated any intellectual laws or regulations. The Company'spolicy is to act expeditiously upon receipt of proper notification of claimed copyright infringement to remove ordisable access to the allegedly infringing content. If you have evidence, know, or have a good faith belief thatyour rights or the rights of a third party have been violated and you want the Company to delete, edit, or disablethe material in question, you must provide the Company with the following information in writing (see 17 U.S.C512(c)(3) for further detail): (1) A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of theowner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; (2) Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to havebeen infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, arepresentative list of such works at that site; (3) Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringingor to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled andinformation reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material; (4) Information reasonablysufficient to permit the Company to contact you, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, emailaddress; (5) A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of isnot authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (6) A statement that the information in thenotification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of anexclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

The above written information must be sent to our registered Copyright Agent:

Copyright Agent
c/o OnlineDivorce.com LLC, 200
Continental Drive,
Suite 401, Newark,
DE 19713

Counter-Notice. If you believe that your Content that was removed (or to which access was disabled) is notinfringing, or that you have the authorization from the copyright owner, the copyright owner's agent, or pursuant tothe law, to post and use the material in your Content, you may send a written counter-notice containing thefollowing information to the Copyright Agent: (1) Your physical or electronic signature; (2) Identification of theContent that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the Content appearedbefore it was removed or disabled; (3) A statement that you have a good faith belief that the Content was removed ordisabled as a result of mistake or a misidentification of the Content; and (4) Your name, address, telephone number,and email address, a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the federal court in Seattle, WA, and astatement that you will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of the allegedinfringement. If a counter-notice is received by the Copyright Agent, the Company may send a copy of thecounter-notice to the original complaining party informing that person that it may replace the removed Content orcease disabling it in 10 business days. Unless the copyright owner files an action seeking a court order against theContent provider, member or user, the removed Content may be replaced, or access to it restored, in 10 to 14business days or more after receipt of the counter-notice, at the Company's sole discretion.

14. Inappropriate Content.

When accessing the Site, any Applications, or usingOnlineDivorce.com's Services, you agree not to upload, download, display, perform, transmit orotherwise distribute any content that: (i) is libelous, defamatory, obscene, p*rnographic, abusive or threatening;(b) advocates or encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability orotherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or foreign law or regulation; or (c) advertises or otherwisesolicits funds or is a solicitation for goods or services. OnlineDivorce.com reserves the rightto terminate or delete such material from its servers. OnlineDivorce.com will cooperate fullywith any law enforcement officials or agencies in the investigation of any violation of these Terms of Use or of anyapplicable laws.

15. Compliance with Export Restrictions.

You may not access, download, use or export the Site, Applications,or the Materials in violation of United States export laws or regulations or in violation of any other applicablelaws or regulations. You agree to comply with all export laws and restrictions and regulations of any United Statesor foreign agency or authority and to assume sole responsibility for obtaining licenses to export or re-export asmay be required. You acknowledge and agree that the Materials are subject to the United States Export AdministrationLaws and Regulations and agree that none of the Materials or any direct product therefrom is being or will beacquired for, shipped, transferred or re-exported, directly or indirectly, to proscribed or embargoed countries ortheir nationals or used for any prohibited purpose.

16. Metrics.

Metrics displayed on this Site may include timeframes, quantities, and other numbers combined fromacross our family of sites.

17. Standardized State Forms.

Many states have standardized forms for divorce and other matters. Unfortunately,many people find completing them difficult. As part of our mission to simplify and provide affordable access tolegal protections, we provide an automated process that allows you, our customer, to prepare your own forms moresimply. We do not charge you for the form. In fact, sample versions are available to view without charge.We charge for use of our Site, educational resources, and the related materials and services we provide.

18. Personal Use.

The site is made available for your personal use on your own behalf.

19. User and Authorized Contact Access to Order Information.

The Company will give you, or anyone you designate as allowed “spouse access,” information about your order.This may include information about the nature and status of your order, information you provided to processyour order, payment information, and contact information. If you want someone to have access to your order,you must provide him or her spouse access or they may not obtain information. You can confirm who is authorizedfor access to your account, add new authorized contacts, or remove authorized contacts by clicking first on"My Profile", and then on "Spouse Access." You can then designate the individual as having edit or only view access.

20. Children.

Minors are not eligible to use the Site or Applications and we ask that they do not submit anypersonal information to us.

21. Customers Needing Extra Assistance.

OnlineDivorce.com aims to provide full access toits website and product offerings regardless of disability. If you are unable to read any part of theOnlineDivorce.com website, or otherwise have difficulties using the OnlineDivorce.com website, please call1 877 503 0262 and our customer care team will assist you.

22. Governing Law; Venue.

Any legal action or proceeding relating to your access to or use of the Site, anApplication, or Materials is governed by the Arbitration Agreement contained in paragraph 7 of these Terms of Use.These Terms of Use expressly exclude and disclaim the terms of the U.N. Convention on Contracts for theInternational Sale of Goods, which shall not apply to any transaction conducted through or otherwise involving thisSite or an Application.

23. Copyrights.

All Site design, text, graphics, the selection and arrangement thereof, Copyright ©,OnlineDivorce.com, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

24. Trademarks.

OnlineDivorce.com, LLC, OnlineDivorce.com, all images and text,and all page headers, custom graphics and button icons are service marks, trademarks and/or trade dress ofOnlineDivorce.com, LLC. All other trademarks, product names and company names or logos cited herein are theproperty of their respective owners.

25. Inquiries.


26. Right to Refuse.

You acknowledge that OnlineDivorce.com reserves the right to refuseservice to anyone and to cancel user access at any time.

27. Acknowledgement.


Updated 03/08/2023

Please read these terms of service carefully before using this site.

1. I understand and agree that OnlineDivorce.com, LLC (“Company” or “Site”) is not a law firm or an attorney,may not perform services performed by an attorney, and its forms or templates are not the substitutefor the advice or services of an attorney. Rather, I am representing myself in this legal matter.No attorney-client relationship or privilege is created with Company.

2. If, prior to my purchase, I believe that Company gave me any legal advice, opinion or recommendationabout my legal rights, remedies, defenses, options, selection of forms or strategies, I will not proceedwith this purchase, and any purchase that I do make will be null and void.

3. I understand that these Terms require the use of arbitration on an individual basis to resolve disputes, ratherthan jury trials or class actions, and also limit the remedies available to me in the event of adispute as described in the Company Arbitration Agreement, contained in Paragraph 15 of theseTerms of Service.

4. Subscriptions

  1. Certain OnlineDivorce.com products include subscriptions for continued access to our platform, customer service, and other features. If your purchase includes a subscription, it will be disclosed at the time of or before you checkout. If your purchase includes such a subscription, yourpurchase provides access to the platform and support services for the period of time specified.After that period of time, access automatically renews for an indicated period of time and your card will automatically be charged the current rate, as indicated at your time of purchase (rate subject to change).Cancel renewals anytime by visiting My Profile.

  2. Storage Subscription.If you have purchased the OnlineDivorce.com Storage subscription, OnlineDivorce.com will electronically store your documents and data for easy data recovery.Customers using OnlineDivorce.com Storage are encouraged to keep original copies of their documents in a secure location. Notice that by canceling Storage subscription yougive OnlineDivorce.com permission to delete all your data from our storage.

  3. Fees. If you purchase a subscription, you will be charged in accordance with the billing terms in effect at the time of your initial purchase.If you purchase a subscription that is charged in full on purchase, in each renewal period for that subscription, you must pay the total cost of the next subscription period by the first day of that period.For each subscription, your charge remains for each subscription period no matter if you access the services or Site during any subscription term. In other words, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT USE THE SUBSCRIPTION, INCLUDING ACCESSING QUESTIONNAIRES, SUPPORT SERVICES, OR OTHER BENEFITS, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUBSCRIPTION FEES UNTIL YOU CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION OR IT IS OTHERWISE TERMINATED.

  4. Billing. You must provide valid credit card information at the time of purchase to allow payment for the initial membership term of a subscription.

  5. Renewals. For your automatically renewing subscriptions, your subscription will renew at the end ofthe initial membership term (the “Billing Date”) and at the end of each successivemembership term, until you notify us that you want to terminate your subscription under these Terms or yoursubscription is otherwise terminated. If you do not notify us, your credit card willautomatically be charged for the renewal term of your subscription on your Billing Date. If your purchasedate is on the 29th through 31st day of any month, your Billing Date for renewals in months with fewerdays will fall on the last day of the month. OnlineDivorce.com may adjust your Billing Date in subsequentrenewal periods without notice. This will be reflected by a charge to your account on a prorated basisaccording to the numberof days that have passed since the Billing Date of your latest renewal charge. Unless OnlineDivorce.comotherwise notifies you in advance under these Subscription Terms, the renewal charge will be equal to theoriginalpurchase price for the subscription. OnlineDivorce.com may obtain automatic updates for any expiring creditcards you have provided.

    You must pay OnlineDivorce.com the fees associated with your subscription. Additional discounts may be available for members purchasing multiple months up front or as part of certain promotions.

  6. Notice of Automatic Renewal. We may send a reminder email to your account’s email address of record before your Billing Date. Unless required by law in the state where you reside, OnlineDivorce.com is not obligated to provide this notice. You acknowledge that (i) your failure to read, (ii) your inability to receive, or (iii) OnlineDivorce.com’s failure to send the email creates no liability for OnlineDivorce.com.

  7. Promotional Trial Memberships. We sometimes offer customers trial memberships, all of which are subject to these Subscription Terms (unless otherwise stated in the offer).For a trial or other promotional membership with no initial charge, you agree we may authorize a charge of up to one dollar ($1) to your method of payment to verify your payment source.AT THE COMPLETION OF A TRIAL MEMBERSHIP, UNLESS YOU CHOOSE TO CANCEL BY CALLING 1.1 877 503 0262 OR THROUGH MY PROFILE, YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WILL RENEW AUTOMATICALLY AND YOUR CREDITCARD WILL BE CHARGED TO BEGIN YOUR INITIAL MEMBERSHIP TERM.

  8. Responsibility for Misuse. You may not: (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute, or otherwise makeavailable to any party the benefits granted to you by or any content in your subscription; or (ii) change, reproduce, reverse engineer, make derivative works basedon or referring to, or in any way exploit the licenses you have been granted with your subscription, or content or source code in your subscription

    You are responsible for all expenses incurred or other actions that may occur through your use of a subscription. You must alert us immediately of any fraudulent, unauthorized,illegal, or suspicious use of a subscription or subscription benefits, or any other breach of security or unauthorized or illegal activity that you reasonably suspect.

  9. Changes to Subscriptions.

    1. General Changes. OnlineDivorce.com may discontinue the offering of a subscription, including the functionality, content, or availability of any features ofsubscriptions or Third-Party Services, at any time in its sole discretion. We may also impose limits on features and services or restrict your access to all or partof the subscription. However, you have the right to cancel your membership should we materially decrease benefits. If we add new features to a subscription,the new features will be subject to these Subscription Terms. If you add a product or service to your subscription, OnlineDivorce.com has the discretion to charge you a proratedportion of the costs to align your renewal date with your current subscription. OnlineDivorce.com will provide you notice before doing so.

    2. Fee Adjustments. OnlineDivorce.com may increase subscription fees by notifying you of new fees at least 30 days before the beginning of a renewal term.The new fees will be effective on the first day of the renewal term. If you do not cancel your subscription, you will be deemed to have accepted the new fees for the renewal term andsubsequent renewal terms (unless the fees are increased in the same manner for a subsequent renewal term).Reductions in fees become effective on the first day of the next renewal term without a pro rata adjustment for the period covered under the prior fee schedule.

    3. Renewal Term Adjustments. OnlineDivorce.com offers subscriptions of various lengths. OnlineDivorce.com may increase the renewal term from monthly, quarterly, or otherwise, to quarterly, annually, or otherwiseat our discretion by notifying you of the new renewal term at least 30 days before the beginning of a renewal term. If you do not cancel your subscription, you will be deemedto have accepted the new renewal term moving forward (unless the renewal term is changed in the same manner for a subsequent renewal term).

    4. Discontinuation and Replacement of Subscriptions. Should OnlineDivorce.com cease to offer your subscription, we can discontinue your subscription,continue to provide it to you, or provision a replacement (similar or comparable product) at the then-current price.Additional fees may be charged for such replacement subscription. OnlineDivorce.com will notify you of new fees at least 30 days before they become effective.

    5. By Subscriber.
      You may upgrade or downgrade your subscription to other available options at any time by calling our Customer Care Center at 1.1 877 503 0262 or by canceling online at My Profile.

  10. Termination or Cancellation

    1. By OnlineDivorce.com.
      OnlineDivorce.com may terminate your use of all or part of the subscriptions in its sole discretion. As your sole remedy, we will refund to you any prepaid fees specifically related to the current term of that subscription.

      Your right to use a subscription is subject to any limits established by OnlineDivorce.com or by your credit card issuer.If payment cannot be charged to your credit card or your charge is returned for any reason, including through a chargeback, OnlineDivorce.com may, in its sole and absolute discretion, suspend or terminate your access and account, which will terminate these Subscription Termsand our obligations under them. If a charge made to your credit card is declined, OnlineDivorce.com may, but is not obligated to, contact you and may make multiple attempts to bill that card over a thirty-day period.

      If you wish to reactivate your account after a termination, the new term begins on the reactivation date.

    2. By Subscriber.
      You may cancel your subscription at any time by calling our Customer Care Center at 1.1 877 503 0262 or by canceling online at My Profile. After you have canceled, your subscription will remain active until the end of then-current period.

    3. Services After Termination. After your subscription is terminated or your membership term has ended, you will not be able to access the corresponding subscription offerings.

5. Limitation of Liability and Indemnification.


6. Terms of Use.

I understand that the Site's general terms of use (the "Terms of Use") also applyto these Terms of Service and in agreeing to these Terms of Service, I acknowledge that I have read andagree to thoseTerms of Use,which are incorporated herein by reference.

7. Filing Service.

If you choose to purchase our filing services with a divorce package (sometimes called our Platinum Service or Premium Service), thefollowing provisions apply to you:

  • You are responsible for paying court filing fees. Depending on your location, that may require that youobtain money orders or we may invoice you for the fees and pay them on your behalf.

  • Except as otherwise noted, filing services may include all mandatory or otherwise applicable court fees, expedite fees,certified copy fees, walk-in fees, courier fees, e-filing fees, service fees, delivery fees, credit card fees, and othertransactional fees we are charged or incur on your behalf. Where fees are estimated, the difference between the actual fees and the amount charged will be retained as a convenience fee.

  • You may make unlimited changes to your paperwork prior to the initial shipment to you.

  • You must review and approve forms for use and confirm your and your spouse’s mailing addresses priorto transmission or shipment for signature.

  • Once fully signed, we will make your initial filing with the court and either serve the divorcepapers on your spouse or arrange for your spouse’s signature, varying by state. Your spouse must bewilling to sign the paperwork for us to complete this service. Because significant work will havebeen performed, your spouse declining to sign the paperwork is not grounds for a refund.

  • Once your spouse has signed and returned all required paperwork, we will file the spousal documentswith the court.

  • While we provide instructions, future court filings are your responsibility.

  • We will attempt to notify you if the documents you or your spouse are due to return are not receivedor are received but incomplete. We will retain incomplete documents or documents that cannot continuein the process for a minimum of 180 days, but may destroy them after that time as we consider thesignatures stale. We will retain only electronic copies. This will necessitate repeating thesignature process if you desire to move forward. Once we destroy documents we consider stale, wewill return associated money orders to you absent you providing and our accepting contrary instructions.OnlineDivorce.com is not responsible for the cost of money orders lost inreturn shipping.As a courtesy, we may extend the time we retain stale paperwork for our subscribers, but cannot filethem absent fresh signatures.


If you are offered and/or choose to purchase mediation services, the following provisions apply to you:

  • Mediators providing services through this site are not attorneys and do not provide legal advice.

  • Our Mediators are professionals with a wide variety of backgrounds, who are intended to serve as neutralthird parties who can assist with navigating disputes with your spouse. Although some Mediators mayhave professional certifications in law, counseling and similar fields, communication with a Mediatordoes not establish an attorney-client, therapist-client or doctor-patient relationship. The Companymakes no representations or warranties regarding the background, licensure, competency or abilities ofthe Mediators. The Company cannot guarantee your Mediation session(s) will successfully resolve disputes.

  • Chat-Based Mediation: A chat-based Mediation session is a fast-paced text exchange between users andMediators for the purpose of helping parties reach agreements. If you enable a chat-based Mediation Session,you and your spouse will be connected with a Mediator in a live chat. You understand that if you andyour spouse are unresponsive for over 8 hours during a Mediation Session, the Mediator may close thesession due to inactivity.

  • Live Mediation: A telephone or video conference Mediation session is a limited-time conversation betweenusers and Mediators for the purpose of helping parties reach agreements.


  • If you are represented by an attorney, you are solely responsible for contacting, communicating andreceiving any advice from your attorney before entering into an agreement or communication whileengaged with a Mediator.


  • The Company reserves the right to report to law enforcement and other appropriate state agencies if theCompany has a reasonable suspicion that a child is suffering from emotional abuse, physical abuse orneglect, or if a Mediator has a reasonable suspicion that an identifiable person is a danger to himselfor herself or to another. Safety is of the utmost importance and violence or threats will not be tolerated.The Company, however, has no legal obligation to monitor communications. If you receive threats fromyour spouse or any other user of the Platform, or if you suspect a child is being harmed, you shouldreport this to the appropriate authorities immediately.

  • To protect their privacy, mediators may not use their real names.

  • You expressly agree to pay any and all attorney’s fees and costs incurred by the Company or any of itsofficers, employees, agents or representatives, if you seek to compel any of them to testify, respondto discovery, authenticate communications or produce documentation.

9. Attorney Access Terms.

  • Attorney access (the “Attorney Access Program”) is provided through Singular Law PLLC (“Singular”). Yourrelationship with Singular is governed by theirLimited ScopeRepresentation Agreement.”) Sessions will be provided by Singular and/or a partnering firm (the “Firm”).

  • Attorney access is available to the purchasing spouse or individual. If the non-purchasing spouse, or anotherfamily member, wishes to engage in a consultation, such consultation may be available at the discretion of theFirm.

  • Please note that OnlineDivorce.com does not provide legal services. Attorneys made available through the LegalPlan are third-party independent contractors who agree to provide legal services directly to you, not throughus, via a separate retention agreement between you and the Firm. Their contact information is provided asadvertising. The attorneys have agreed to provide telephone consultations related to subject matters about whichthey represent that they are qualified in jurisdictions where they are admitted to practice. A conflict checkwill apply. We will not select an attorney for you. We make no guarantees as to the substance of the attorney'sadvice.

  • Nothing shall be construed to limit your right to retain, at your own expense, an unaffiliated attorney. Weshall not be obligated to pay for any such services.

  • Exclusions; Conflicts. The following items and matters are specifically excluded from the AttorneyAccess Program, and are not to be considered or treated as Plan Benefits in the case as of the Legal Plan(defined below):

    1. Any action that directly or indirectly involves OnlineDivorce.com or any of its parents, subsidiaries,affiliates, directors, agents, or employees;

    2. Any action that directly or indirectly involves any Firm providing legal services under the AttorneyAccess Program; provided, however,that a Firm may, at its sole discretion and risk, represent you in amatter in which another affiliated Firm is representing another party as legal counsel;

    3. Any matter involving the laws of jurisdictions outside of the United States;

    4. Any matter that, in the Firm's opinion, is frivolous in nature or objective; or

    5. Any case matter or requested service that is determined by the Firm to lack sufficient merit towarrant pursuit, or that the Firm decides has been raised an inordinate or unreasonable number of timeswithout a change in circ*mstances.

  • If you have purchased or otherwise received attorney sessions, you will be eligible to schedule the numberand length of sessions described in your offer. Sessions will be provided by the Firm.

  • If you have purchased or received a trial of a legal plan, you will receive a flat fee offering marketed bySingular (the “Legal Plan”) with sessions provided by the Firm.

    1. Benefits of the Legal Plan. The Legal Plan provides the following benefits (collectively, the"Plan Benefits"):

      1. Telephone consultations with the Firm, during normal business hours, of up to forty-fiveminutes each, limited to one consultation for each new family law legal matter. Telephoneconsultations may not include discussion of tax or business-related matters.

      2. Review by the Firm of OnlineDivorce.com generated documents. The Firm shall provide one (1)telephone consultation about the reviewed document, during normal business hours, and advise thePlan Member on any areas of concern and the legal implications of those provisions and theirconformity to state law.

      3. Review by the Firm of other legal documents of up to ten (10) pages in length. The Firm shallprovide one (1) telephone consultation about the reviewed document, during normal businesshours, and advise the Plan Member on any areas of concern and the legal implications of thoseprovisions and their conformity to state law.

      4. If a Plan Member engages the Firm for services that are not included in the Plan Benefitsdescribed herein, the Firm shall provide such legal services at a twenty-five (25%) discountfrom such Firm's standard rates for representation, as such rates are reported to us;
    2. Not Insurance. The Legal Plan is not a contract of insurance or indemnification insuranceplan, and is not regulated as such. It is a flat fee offering provided by Singular and marketing throughus. We are not an insurance company and does not guarantee legal representation in every situation. TheLegal Plan provides customers with access to free and discounted legal services from the Firm.

    3. Use.

      1. General Practices. You acknowledge that we may establish general practices and limitsconcerning use of the Legal Plan, including without limitation the maximum number ofcomplimentary attorney consultations you may receive in a given period of time related to one orall subjects.

      2. Right to Change Practices. You acknowledge that we reserve the right to change thesegeneral practices and limits at any time, in our sole discretion, with or withoutnotice. However, you have the right to cancel your membership should we materially decreasebenefits.

      3. Responsibility for Misuse. You are responsible for all expenses incurred or otheractions that may occur through your use of a Legal Plan. You must immediately alert us of anyfraudulent, unauthorized, illegal, or suspicious use of a Legal Plan, or any other breach ofsecurity or unauthorized or illegal activity that you reasonably suspect.

    4. Payment

      1. Legal Plan Membership Fees. You will be charged in accordance with the billing termsin effect at the time of your initial purchase, unless you are notified of a fee change inaccordance with "Fee Adjustments" below. For any Legal Plan you purchase that is charged in fullupon purchase, you agree that for each renewal term for such Legal Plan, the amount due for thenext term will be due and immediately payable in full as of the first day of that renewed term.For each Legal Plan, your charge remains for each term no matter if you access the Legal Planduring that term. In other words,EVEN IF YOU DO NOT USE THE LEGAL PLAN BENEFITS OR SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY, YOU WILL BERESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PLAN MEMBERSHIP FEES UNTIL YOU CANCEL YOUR MEMBERSHIP OR IT IS OTHERWISETERMINATED. For more information regarding canceling your Legal Plan subscription, seethe"Termination or Cancellation" section below.

      2. Billing.

        1. To allow payment for the initial term of a Legal Plan, valid credit card informationis due at the time of purchase.

        2. If you have purchased an automatic renewing plan, your Legal Plan subscription willrenew automatically at the end of the initial term (the "Billing Date") and at the endof each term thereafter unless and until you give notice of your intention to terminateyour Legal Plan subscription pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. If you do not giveus notice of such intention, your credit card will be charged for the renewal term ofyour Legal Plan subscription on your Billing Date. If your purchase date is on the 29ththrough 31st day of any month, your Billing Date for renewals in months with fewer dayswill fall on the last day of the month. We may adjust your Billing Date in subsequentrenewal periods without notice. This will be reflected by a charge to your account on apro-rated basis according to the number of days that have passed since the Billing Dateof your latest renewal charge. Unless otherwise notified in advance pursuant to thisAgreement, the renewal charge will be equal to the original purchase price for the LegalPlan.

        3. You agree to pay the fees associated with your Legal Plan subscription. Additionaldiscounts may be available for members purchasing multiple months up front, as part ofcertain promotions which may include additional terms and conditions presented with theoffer, or where limited by law.

      3. Notice of Automatic Renewal. We may send a reminder email to your account’s emailaddress of record before your Billing Date. Unless required by law in the state where youreside, we are not obligated to provide this notice. You acknowledge that (i) your failure toread, (ii) your inability to receive, or (iii) our failure to send the email creates noliability for us.

      4. Promotional Trial Memberships. We sometimes offer certain customers various trial orother promotional memberships, which are subject to this Agreement except as otherwise stated inthe promotional offers. AT THE COMPLETION OF A TRIAL MEMBERSHIP, UNLESS YOU CHOOSE TO CANCELVIA THE MY ACCOUNT PORTAL OR BY CALLING1 877 503 0262, YOUR LEGAL PLANMEMBERSHIP WILL RENEW AUTOMATICALLY AND YOUR CREDIT CARD WILL BE CHARGED TO BEGIN YOURINITIAL TERM.

      5. Attorney Fees. Fees for non-complimentary attorney services provided pursuant to aLegal Plan membership shall be paid directly to the providing Firm. Participating Firms andattorneys are not our employees or agents.

    5. Fee Adjustments. We may increase our fees for a Legal Plan membership effective the first dayof a renewal term by giving you notice of the new fees at least thirty (30) days before the beginning ofthe renewal term. If you do not cancel your membership pursuant to these terms, you shall be deemed tohave accepted the new fee for that renewal term and any subsequent renewal terms (unless the fees areincreased in the same manner for a subsequent renewal term). Reductions in fees become effective on thenext renewal term without any pro rata for the period covered under the prior fee schedule.

    6. Termination or Cancellation.

      1. By Us.

        1. If payment is not made on the Billing Date, you have not made any payment on yourLegal Plan membership, your non-payment may result in suspension of service andsubsequent termination of your Legal Plan membership.

        2. Your right to use a Legal Plan membership is subject to any limits established by usor by your credit card issuer. If payment cannot be charged to your credit card or yourcharge is returned for any reason, including through a chargeback, we reserve the right,in our sole and absolute discretion, to suspend or terminate your access and account,thereby terminating this Agreement and all of our obligations hereunder. If a chargemade to your credit card is declined, we may make multiple attempts to bill that cardover a thirty-day period.

        3. If you wish to reactivate your account after such termination, there will be no setupor reactivation fees; provided, however, accounts terminated for non-payment will bereactivated only on receipt of the full amount past due and a written request toreinstate the account. When an expired account is reactivated, the new term begins onthe date of reactivation.

      2. By You. You will have the right to cancel your Legal Plan membership by calling ourCustomer Care Center at 1 877 503 0262 or by cancelling online through the My Account portal. After such cancellation, yourLegal Plan will remain active until the end of then-applicable period.

      3. Services after Termination. After termination of your Legal Plan membership, either byyou or by us, you will not be able to access the corresponding Legal Plan offerings.

  • Dispute Resolution. The parties agree to arbitrate all disputes and claims pursuant to these Terms ofService. You have the additional right to file a complaint with an attorneys’ state bar association concerningthe conduct of a Firm attorney.

  • Professional, Independent Attorney Judgment. Attorneys performing legal services under the terms ofthis Agreement are not our agents or employees. Any attorney rendering legal services as part of the AttorneyAccess Program shall maintain the attorney-client relationship with the customer, and is solely responsible tothe customer for all legal services provided. It is within the sole discretion of the attorney to determinewhether claims or defenses pertaining to any matter under this Agreement present a frivolous or otherwiseunmeritorious claim or defense. Participating attorneys reserve the right to make independent professionaljudgments regarding such presentations. We will in no way influence or attempt to affect the rendering ofprofessional services of the participating attorneys.

  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Circular 230 Tax Advice Disclosure. To ensure compliance withrequirements imposed by the IRS under Circular 230, we inform you that any U.S. federal tax advice contained inany communication from us (including information provided by a Firm or an attorney offering a free consultation)is and was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (1) avoiding penaltiesunder the Internal Revenue Code or (2) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any mattersaddressed therein.

10. ATTORNEY ADVERTIsem*nTS. Attorneys advertised on this site are independentattorneys.See the attorneyin yourarea who's responsible for these advertisem*nts. OnlineDivorce.com is not an "attorney referral service" or a law firm.

  • Notice to Alabama customers: No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to beperformed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

  • Notice to Missouri customers: The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be basedsolely upon advertisem*nts.

  • Notice to New York customers: Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

11. Additional Terms.

I understand that my purchase may be subject to additional terms and conditions. Any additional terms providedto me are incorporated herein by reference.

12. Third Party Services.


13. Future Products and Services.

If I choose to add a product or service to my order subsequent to thisinitial purchase, these Terms of Service will apply to that additional product or service purchase as well.

14. Abandoned Orders.

My purchase allows me to create my own legal documents. I understand that, otherthan as required by applicable law, I shall have no right to cancel, request a cash refund or obtain storecredit other than as described by the CompanyGuarantee.Both parties acknowledge that Company is out ofpocket time and money for undertaking the work and both parties fully intend to complete the order.Abandoned orders will result in liquidated damages equal to the amount paid to Company for reimbursem*nt of ourcommitment to service this order.

15. Suspended Accounts.

If Company encounters evidence of suspicious activity in connection with my account,including, but not limited to, evidence that my account is being used by someone who is not authorized to do so,I acknowledge that Company, in its sole discretion, may opt to temporarily disable my account for areasonable amount of time in order to investigate. In the event that Company disables my account,I understand that, absent a subpoena or court order, no information about my account will be providedto anyone outside Company, including me or any authorized contact, until the investigation is complete.Additionally, I understand that Company, in its sole discretion, may decide not to send any documentsassociated with my account to me or file any such documents with any government authority, while my accountis disabled. I acknowledge that Company will not be liable for any delays caused by these policies and procedures.


Please read this carefully. It affects your rights.


Most customer concerns can be resolved quickly and to the customer's satisfaction by calling our Customer CareCenter at 1 877 503 0262. In the unlikely event that the Company Customer Care Center is unableto resolve your complaint to your satisfaction (or if Company has not been able to resolve a dispute ithas with you after attempting to do so informally), we each agree to resolve those disputes throughbinding arbitration or in small claims court rather than in a court of general jurisdiction. Arbitration is less formal than a lawsuit in court. Arbitration uses a neutral arbitrator instead of a judge orjury, allows for more limited discovery than a court does, and is subject to very limited review by courts.Any arbitration under these Terms will take place on an individual basis; class arbitrations and classactions are not permitted.While in some instances, upfront costs to file an arbitration claim may exceed similar costs to bring acase in court, for any non-frivolous claim that does not exceed $75,000, Company will pay all costsof the arbitration. Moreover, in arbitration you may recover attorney's fees from Company to the sameextent or more as you would in court. The arbitrator shall apply the same limitations period that wouldapply in court.

Under certain circ*mstances (as explained below), Company will pay you more than the amount of the arbitrator'saward and will pay your attorney (if any) his or her reasonable attorney's fees if the arbitrator awardsyou an amount greater than what Company offered you to settle the dispute.

You may speak with independent counsel before using this Site or completing any purchase.

Arbitration Agreement:

(a) Company and you agree to arbitrate all disputes and claims between us in small claims court or before a single arbitrator.The types of disputes and claims we agree to arbitrate are intended to be broadly interpreted. It applies,without limitation, to:

  • claims arising out of or relating to any aspect of the relationship between us, whether based incontract, tort, statute, fraud, misrepresentation, or any other legal theory;
  • claims that arose before these or any prior Terms (including, but not limited to, claims relating to advertising);
  • claims that are currently the subject of purported class action litigation in which you are not a member of a certified class;
  • and claims that may arise after the termination of these Terms.

For the purposes of this Arbitration Agreement, references to " Company," "you," and "us" include our respectivesubsidiaries, affiliates, agents, employees, employers, business partners, shareholders, predecessors in interest,successors, and assigns, as well as all authorized or unauthorized users or beneficiaries of services or productsunder these Terms or any prior agreements between us. Beneficiaries include, but are not limited to, spouses,children, dependents, or others named in divorce documents.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may bring an individual action in small claims court, or, where the amount at issue is within the venue’s small claims court’s jurisdiction, either party may demand small claims court in lieu of arbitration upon receipt of a Notice of Dispute.This arbitration agreement does not preclude your bringing issues to the attentionof federal, state, or local agencies. Such agencies can, if the law allows, seek relief against us on your behalf.You agree that, by entering into these Terms, you and Company are each waiving the right to a trial byjury or to participate in a class action. These Terms evidence a transaction or website use ininterstate commerce, and thus the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) governs the interpretation and enforcementof this provision. This arbitration provision will survive termination of these Terms.

(b) A party who intends to seek arbitration must first send, by U.S. certified mail, a written Notice ofDispute ("Notice") to the other party. A Notice to Company should be addressed to: Notice of Dispute, General Counsel,OnlineDivorce.com LLC, 200Continental Drive,Suite 401, Newark,DE 19713 (the "Notice Address").The Notice must (a) describe the nature and basis of the claim or dispute and (b) set forth the specific reliefsought ("Demand"). If Company and you do not reach an agreement to resolve the claim within 30 days after theNotice is received, you or Company may commence an arbitration proceeding or demand that the matter proceed in small claims court in lieu of arbitration, should the Demand be within the venue’s small claims jurisdiction. During an arbitration, the amountof any settlement offer made by Company or you shall not be disclosed to the arbitrator until after thearbitrator determines the amount, if any, to which you or Company is entitled.

(c) Should neither party demand small claims court, after Company receives notice at the Notice Address that you have commenced arbitration, it will promptlyreimburse you for your payment of the filing fee, unless your claim is for more than $75,000. (Currently, thefiling fee for consumer-initiated arbitrations is $200, but this is subject to change by the arbitration provider.If you are unable to pay this fee, Company will pay it directly after receiving a written request at theNotice Address.) The Company will not reimburse you for arbitration fees should you commence arbitration after it submits a demand for small claims court in lieu of arbitration. The arbitration will be governed by the Consumer Arbitration Rules (the "AAA Rules")of the American Arbitration Association (the "AAA"), as modified by these Terms, for all claims under$75,000, and the applicable rules as determined by the AAA for all claims of or above $75,000, andwill be administered by the AAA. The AAA Rules are available online at www.adr.org or by callingthe AAA at 1-800-778-7879. The arbitrator is bound by these Terms. All issues are forthe arbitrator to decide, except that issues relating to the scope, enforceability, andinterpretation of the arbitration provision and the scope, enforceability,and interpretation of paragraph (f) are for the court to decide. Unless Company andyou agree otherwise, any arbitration hearings will take place in the county (or parish) of your contact address.If your claim is for $10,000 or less, you may choose whether the arbitration will be conducted solely on the basisof documents submitted to the arbitrator, by a telephonic hearing, or by an in-person hearing as established bythe AAA Rules. If you choose to proceed either in person or by telephone, we may choose to respond only bytelephone or submission. If your claim exceeds $10,000, the AAA Rules will determine whether you have a rightto a hearing. The parties agree that in any arbitration of a dispute or claim, neither party will rely forpreclusive effect on any award or finding of fact or conclusion of law made in any other arbitration of anydispute or claim to which Company was a party. Except as otherwise provided for herein, Company will pay allAAA filing, administration, and arbitrator fees for any arbitration initiated in accordance with the noticerequirements above. If, however, the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your claim or the reliefsought in the Demand is frivolous or brought for an improper purpose (as measured by the standards set forthin Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)), then the payment of all such fees will be governed by the AAA Rules.In such case, you agree to reimburse Company for all monies previously disbursed by it that are otherwise yourobligation to pay under the AAA Rules. In addition, if you initiate an arbitration in which you seek reliefvalued at more than $75,000 (excluding attorney's fees and expenses), the payment of these fees will be governedby the AAA rules.

(d) For claims under $75,000 that proceed in arbitration, if, after finding in your favor in any respect on the merits of your claim, thearbitrator issues you an award that is greater than the value of Company's lastwritten settlement offer made before an arbitrator was selected, then Company will:

  • pay you either the amount of the award or $2,000 ("the alternative payment"), whichever is greater;
  • and pay your attorney, if any, the amount of attorney's fees, and reimburse any expenses (including expertwitness fees and costs), that your attorney reasonably accrues for investigating, preparing,and pursuing your claim in arbitration (the "attorney's payment").

If Company did not make a written offer to settle the dispute before an arbitrator was selected, you and yourattorney will be entitled to receive the alternative payment and the attorney's fees, respectively,if the arbitrator awards you any relief on the merits. The arbitrator may make rulings and resolvedisputes as to the payment and reimbursem*nt of fees, expenses, and the alternative payment andthe attorney's fees at any time during the proceeding and upon request from either party madewithin 14 days of the arbitrator's ruling on the merits. In assessing whether an award thatincludes attorney's fees or expenses is greater than the value of Company's last written settlement offer,the arbitrator shall include in his or her calculations only the value of any attorney’s fees or expensesyou reasonably incurred in connection with the arbitration proceeding before Company’s settlement offer.

(e) The right to attorney's fees and expenses discussed in paragraph (d) supplements any right to attorney's feesand expenses you may have under applicable law. Thus, if you would be entitled to a larger amount underapplicable law, this provision does not preclude an arbitrator from awarding you that amount. However,you may not recover duplicative awards of attorney's fees or costs. Although under some laws Company mayhave a right to an award of attorney's fees and expenses if it prevails in an arbitration proceeding,Company will not seek such an award for claims under $75,000.

(f) An arbitrator may award injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to theextent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party's individual claim. YOU AND COMPANY AGREE THAT EACH MAYBRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN YOUR OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITIES AND NOT AS PLAINTIFFS OR CLASS MEMBERS INANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING OR IN THE CAPACITY OF A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL. Further, unlessboth you and Company agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person's claims, and maynot otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. The arbitrator may award any reliefthat a court could award that is individualized to the claimant and would not affect other customers. Neitheryou nor we may seek non-individualized relief that would affect other customers. If a court decides that applicablelaw precludes enforcement of any of this paragraph's limitations as to a particular claim for relief, then thatclaim (and only that claim) must be severed from the arbitration and may be brought in court.

(g) If the amount in dispute exceeds $75,000 or either party seeks any form of injunctive relief, either partymay appeal the award to a three-arbitrator panel administered by AAA by a written notice of appeal within thirty(30) days from the date of entry of the written arbitration award. An award of injunctive relief shall be stayedduring any such appeal. The members of the three-arbitrator panel will be selected according to AAA rules. Thethree-arbitrator panel will issue its decision within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the date of theappealing party's notice of appeal. The decision of the three-arbitrator panel shall be final and binding,subject to any right of judicial review that exists under the FAA.

(h) Notwithstanding any provision in the applicable Terms to the contrary, we agree that if we make any futurechange to this arbitration provision (other than a change to any notice address, website link or telephonenumber provided herein), that change will not apply to any dispute of which we had written notice on theeffective date of the change. Moreover, if we seek to terminate this arbitration provision, any suchtermination will not be effective until at least thirty (30) days after written notice of such terminationis provided to you, and shall not be effective as to disputes which arose prior to the date of termination.

17. Installment Plans.

(a) Affirm. When making a purchase, you may be offered the option to purchase through Affirm, Inc. (“Affirm”), a third party.Purchases made through Affirm are subject to the Affirm Terms of Service andPrivacy Policy.

(b) Company Installment Offering. In the alternative, certain customers are offered a Company-sponsored installment payment plan.The Company Installment Plan (the "Installment Plan") is available as a purchaseoption for certain products. Upon receipt of my initial payment, I will have access tothe post-purchase questionnaires and other support services, but will not be able tocomplete my order or receive my final documents until I complete my Installment Plan payments.

(c) Billing. By opting into the Installment Plan, I agree to make an initial payment(the "Initial Installment Payment") immediately when I place my order or as otherwise agreed.I hereby authorize Company to charge my credit card for additional installments (each an "Installment Billing Date")on the dates arranged with my authorization. If we select a monthly Installment Plan and my purchase date ison the 29th through 31st day of any month, an Installment Billing Date for months with fewer days willfall on the last day of the month. Each payment will be of the same amount unless otherwise agreed,except that if the total purchase price does not divide evenly into the agreed number of parts, myfinal installment payment will include all outstanding amounts. I understand that I may pay myoutstanding balance at any time without incurring additional charges.

(d) Default. If my credit card is declined, I agree that Company may make multiple attempts tobill that card. If I remain in default on a payment when a subsequent payment is due, I authorizeCompany to charge any due payment amounts to my credit card. I understand that Company may restrictmy ability to use its service, including continuing work on questionnaires, or purchase other Companyproducts if I am delinquent on any payment. I understand that Company may accept late or partial payments,as well as payments that reflect "paid in full" or other restrictive endorsem*nts, without limiting any ofits rights under these Terms of Service. I acknowledge that Company is out of pocket time and money forservicing partially paid orders, and fully intend to complete my Installment Plan payments and the order.Abandoned Installment Plans will result in liquidated damages equal to the amount paid to Company forreimbursem*nt of its commitment to service the order.

(e) Notice of Automatic Billing. Company may send a reminder email to the email address of record formy account before my Installment Billing Dates. I acknowledge and agree that this notice is provided asa courtesy only, and Company is not obligated or required to provide such notice. I acknowledge andagree that (i) my failure to read, (ii) my inability to receive, or (iii) the failure of Company tosend the email does not create any liability on the part of Company or any third-party service provider.

(f) Disputed Charges. I understand that if I dispute a charge to my credit card, I should call the CompanyCustomer Care Center immediately at 1 877 503 0262 and Company will investigate the matter.

(g) Account Information. I agree to notify Company immediately of any changes to my credit card number,its expiration date, and/or my billing address, or if my credit card expires or is canceled for any reason.

18. Delivery.

For products delivered via physical shipment, I understand that Company uses a varietyof carriers for each shipping option and will choose a delivery method for the shipping option and addressI designate. If I select overnight delivery or two-day delivery, I agree that Company may use air orground shipping as necessary to get my items to me within the promised time frame. The shipping feeindicated does not necessarily represent the actual amount paid by Company to the carrier chosen forthe delivery of my order. It may include, in addition to the fees paid to the carrier, Company orthird party handling and processing fees. For products delivered electronically, I understand thatI will be notified via email when my product is complete and available for download. I understand thatI may access my product by logging in toMy Account.

19. Reviews.

After your purchase, you may receive an email survey request from Company. You may alsowrite a review on the Site. If you complete the survey or submit a review, your opinions may be posted,in whole or in part, on the Site or used in marketing material. The review may be accompanied bylimited identifying information, such as your first name and last initial, the product you purchased,your gender, city and/or state, and age range.

20. Access to World Wide Web; Internet Delays.

To use Company services, I must obtain access to the WorldWide Web, either directly or through devices that access web-based content, and pay any servicefees associated with such access. I am responsible for providing all equipment necessaryto make such connection to the World Wide Web, including a computer and Internet access. Accessto certain Company services may be limited or delayed based on problems inherent in the use ofInternet and electronic communications. I understand that Company is not responsible for delays,delivery failures, or other damage resulting from such problems.

21. Notice to California Residents.

Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, California users of our Site are entitled to the following specificconsumer rights notice: The Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Digital Services of theCalifornia Department of Consumer Affairs may be contacted in writing at 1625 North Market Blvd., Sacramento,CA 95834, or by telephone at (916) 445-1254 or (800) 952-5210.

22. Force Majeure.

Company shall not be considered in breach of or default under these Terms of Serviceor any contract with me, and shall not be liable to me for any cessation, interruption, or delay in theperformance of its obligations hereunder by reason of earthquake, flood, fire, storm, lightning, drought,landslide, hurricane, cyclone, typhoon, tornado, natural disaster, act of God or the public enemy, epidemic,famine or plague, action of a court or public authority, change in law, explosion, war, terrorism, armed conflict,labor strike, lockout, boycott or similar event beyond our reasonable control, whether foreseen or unforeseen(each a "Force Majeure Event"). If a Force Majeure Event continues for more than 60 days in the aggregate,Company may immediately terminate these Terms of Service and shall have no liability to me for or as aresult of any such termination.

23. Right to refuse.

I acknowledge that Company reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.

24. I acknowledge that OnlineDivorce.com is not a registered or bonded legal document assistant under California Businessand Profession Code, sections 6400 et seq. Company is located at200Continental Drive,Suite 401, Newark,DE 19713.

25. I acknowledge that I have had the opportunity to view sample templates of OnlineDivorce.com documents and maycall Company Customer Care at 1 877 503 0262 with questions or for assistance locating sampletemplates.

26. By proceeding with my purchase, I agree to these Terms of Service.

Updated 12/08/2023

Effective Date: 01/01/2021
Last Revised on: 03/08/2023
Last Reviewed on: 03/08/2023

OnlineDivorce, and its affiliates and subsidiaries, (collectively,“Online Divorce”, “Company”, “Us”, “Our”, or “We”) recognize that you may be concerned about Ourcollection, use, and disclosure of your personal information. We respect your privacy and are committed to providinga transparent notice of Our privacy practices. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into OurTerms of Use, and Our Terms of Use andTerms of Servicealso apply to information you provide to Us through the website or by using Our services.

If you are a California resident, please review OurNotice at Collection and Privacy Policy for California Residentsand see the applicable state-specific section below. If you are a Colorado,Connecticut, Nevada, Utah or Virginia resident, please see the applicable section below for stateprivacy rights that may apply to you.

This policy describes the types of information We may collect from you when you visit Our website(s), includingwww.onlinedivorce.comand/or Our mobile application(s) (collectively, Our "Site"). This policy also covers information We collect about you offline, from third parties, or when youvisit one of Our locations or contact Us by phone. This policy describes Our practices for collecting, using,maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information.

Please read this policy carefully to understand Our policies and practices regarding your information and how We willtreat it. This policy may change from time to time (see Changes to Our Privacy Policy).


“Personal information” is information that identifies, relates to, or could reasonably be linked with you or yourhousehold. The definition of Personal Information does not include publicly available information from federal,state, or local government records, such as professional licenses and real estate or property records.

“Sensitive Personal Information” (“SPI”) is a subset of Personal Information that includes certain governmentidentifiers (such as social security numbers); an account log-in, financial account, debit card, or credit cardnumber with any required security code, password, or credentials allowing access to an account; precise geolocation;contents of mail, email and text messages; genetic data; biometric information processed to identity a consumer;information concerning a consumer’s health, sex life, or sexual orientation; or information about racial or ethnicorigin, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership.

As a general rule, We limit the Personal Information We collect to that which is necessary for Us to provide Ourservices. We collect several types of Personal Information from and about you, including:

  • Information provided by you, such as name, address, email address, telephone number, and other personallyidentifying information. For example, We collect information from you when you register online orfill out a questionnaire on Our Site;
  • Information provided by third parties about you. As part of Our services, We may also collect informationfrom your attorneys, your current or former spouse, and third-party reporting services, including, for example,information about your marriage, properties, debts, assets, and contact information; We may also receiveinformation from third party websites and applications, such as payment processors or social media sitesthat you may have used to “Share” or “Forward” information from or about Us; and
  • Information collected automatically as you navigate through the Site. Information collected automatically mayinclude usage details, domain address, IP addresses, internet browser, operating system, your internetconnection, the device or equipment you use to access Our Site, location information, and informationcollected through cookies, pixels, web beacons, or other tracking technologies.


Social Security numbers are classified as “Confidential” information and SPI under Our Information Security andPrivacy Policies. As such, Social Security numbers may only be accessed by and disclosed to Our associates andothers with a legitimate business purpose in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Social Securitynumbers, whether in paper or electronic form, are subject to physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards. Theserestrictions apply to all Social Security numbers collected or retained by Us in connection with customer, currentor former spouse of customer, employee, or other relationships.


We use information that We collect about you or that you provide to Us:

  • to present Our Site and its contents to you and to improve Our Site (We continually strive to improve Our Siteofferings based on the information and feedback We receive from you);
  • to provide you with information or services that you request from Us;
  • to process your payments;
  • to fulfill Our obligations to you as a customer;
  • to provide you with notices about your account and to improve customer service (your information helps Us tomore effectively respond to your customer service requests and support needs);
  • to carry out Our obligations and enforce Our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and Us,including for billing and collection;
  • to notify you about changes to Our Site or any products or services We offer or provide through it;
  • to allow you to participate in interactive features on Our Site and to personalize your experience (yourinformation helps Us to better respond to your individual needs);
  • to enable communications to you regarding Our services such as email and text;
  • to work with marketing partners to provide you with products or services that may be of interest to you;
  • to engage in analysis, research, and reporting regarding the use of Our Site and Our services;
  • to fulfill any other purpose for which you provide it and in any other way We may describe when you provide theinformation; and
  • for any other purpose with your consent or authorization.


We may disclose information that We collect about you or that you provide Us directly as described in this privacy policy:

  • to Our subsidiaries and affiliates;
  • to contractors, service providers, and other third parties We use to support Our business;
  • to a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution,or other sale or transfer of some or all of Company's assets, whether as a going concern or as part ofbankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which personal information held by Company about Our Siteusers is among the assets transferred;
  • to fulfill the purpose for which you provide it. For example, to process your inquiry regarding your productpurchased, a divorce, parenting classes, or name change services;
  • for any other purpose disclosed by Us when you provide the information; or
  • with your consent or authorization.

We may also disclose your personal information:

  • to comply with and/or respond to any court order, law, or legal process, including to respond to any government,regulatory, or law enforcement request;
  • to enforce or apply Our Terms of Use, Terms of Service, and other agreements, including for billing andcollection purposes; and
  • if We believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of Company, Ourcustomers, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for thepurposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

We may disclose aggregated information about Our users and deidentified data or information that does not identify anindividual. We may use this non-Personal Information for any purpose, including without limitation, for research andmarketing purposes, and may also share such aggregated, deidentified or anonymized data with third parties,including advertisers, promotional partners, and others.


We have implemented reasonable measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and fromunauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure. The safety and security of your information also depends onyou. No data transmission over the Internet, mobile networks, wireless transmission, or electronic storage ofinformation can be guaranteed 100% secure. Where We have given you (or where you have chosen) a password for accessto certain parts of Our Site, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to shareyour password with anyone. You provide Us with your information at your own risk.


This Site may contain links to other sites. Please be aware that We are not responsible for the content or privacypractices of such other sites. We encourage Our users to be aware when they leave Our Site and to read the privacystatements of any other site that collects personally identifiable information.


Our Site is not intended for children under 16 years of age. No one under age 16 may provide any information to or onthe Site. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16. If you are under 16, do not useor provide any information to or on this Site or through any of its features. If We learn We have collected orreceived personal information from a child under 16 without verification of parental consent, We will delete thatinformation. If you believe We might have any information from or about a child under 16, please contact Us in oneof the ways provided in the Contact Information section below to request the deletion of that information.


This Site is not intended for visitors outside of the United States and Canada. We do not direct Our activities atusers outside of the United States and Canada. If you are visiting the Site from a location outside the U.S. orCanada, your connection will be through and to servers located in the U.S. All information you receive from the Sitewill be created on servers located in the U.S., and all information you provide will be maintained on webservers andsystems located within the U.S. The data protection laws of the U.S. or Canada may differ from those of the countryin which you are located, and your information may be subject to access requests from governments, courts, or lawenforcement in the United States, according to the laws of the United States. By using the Site or providing Us withany information, you consent to the transfer to, and processing, use, sharing and storage of, your information inthe U.S.


We will respect Web browser “do not track” signals. Other parties may collect personally identifiable informationabout your activities over time and across different Web sites when a consumer uses Our Site or service.


Certain web browsers or extensions may offer you the ability to turn on a global privacy control (“GPC”) signal thatwill allow you to opt out of the sale of your data if it is activated. Other web browsers may not offer the GPCsignal. We recognize and honor global privacy control signals on browsers that support it, but your choice to optout may not be recognized if you subsequently use another browser or device that does not support GPC signals.Please note that We currently do not associate your browser or device IP address with your email address or otheraccount information, so if you choose to opt out from the sale of your IP address by using a GPC signal, it may notaffect your advertising or marketing choices for your email address or account information. You may select yourcommunication preferences within your account and adjust your cookie settings through Our Do Not Sell My PersonalInformation pop up.


To sign up for information or services with Us, you must have cookies enabled on your internet browser. If you choosenot to enable cookies, you will still be able to browse Our Site, but it will restrict some of the functionality ofOur Site and what you can do.

We may use Tracking Technologies, including cookies, to provide you with a personalized experience. Cookies can beused to do several things, for example, enabling certain functions of the Site, enhancing security, improvingfunctionality, remembering your preferences, or counting the number of people looking at Our Site (analytics). Wealso may use them to keep track of what you’ve done on the Site, and how to get you back to where you were duringyour last visit.

First party cookies originate from the same domain as the website you’re currently visiting. Third-party cookiesoriginate from a domain that’s different from the website being visited. For example, when you visit Our website, Wemay link to another company’s website, or another company like Google Analytics, Bing Analytics, and/or Facebook,may place cookies on your device to provide Us with analytics on Our website visitors, to let Us know if you viewOur content, or provide advertising to you. We don’t control how these third parties use their cookies, so Wesuggest you check their website to see how they’re using them and how you can manage them. How Google/Doubleclickuses Cookies is here;Bing/Microsoft’s privacy policy is here;and Facebook’s privacy policy is here

Information on controlling and deleting cookies, including on a wide variety of browsers, is also available atallaboutcookies.org.Some of the more popular browsers (and links to maintain your cookies on each) are:
Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome

It is not currently possible for you to synchronize your cookie settings between your browsers and devices (e.g.,your computer and your smartphone), so you must manage your cookies on each browser and on each device you use.


If you wish to change your marketing preferences, you may click the link on any email you receive from Us, or use theinformation in Our Contacting Us section below to opt out of the sharing of your information for marketing purposes.Your choice will not affect Our ability to share information in the other ways described in this Privacy Policy.Certain states, as set forth below, may provide you with additional options regarding your Personal Information.


California – If you are a California resident, you have the right under the California Consumer Privacy Act,upon a verified request, to:

  • To know the categories of personal information being collected about you, the purposes for which the categories of information are collected or used, and whether that information is sold or shared;
  • To know the length of time We intend to retain each category of personal information;
  • To know whether your personal information is sold or disclosed and to whom;
  • To access your personal information;
  • To delete the information you have provided to Us, with certain exceptions;
  • To correct your personal information;
  • To reject automated decision making and profiling;
  • To access information about automated decision making;
  • To opt out of the sale of personal information;
  • To know if Sensitive Personal Information (“SPI”) is being collected about you, the categories of SPI being collected, the purposes for which the categories of SPI are collected or used, and whether the SPI is sold or shared;
  • To limit the use of your SPI if it is used for cross-contextual behavioral advertising or for the purposes of inferring characteristics about you; and
  • Not to be discriminated against, even if you exercise your privacy rights.

To exercise these California rights, you or your authorized agent may make a request to know, access, correct,delete, opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal information, limit the use of your SPI, or reject automateddecision-making and profiling by sending Us a request using the information in the Contacting Us section below,calling Us toll-free at 1 877 503 0262 or by using thiswebform.

We have also provided Our California Notice at Collection for Consumershere,which contains additional information about the Personal Information we collect.

While We do not sell or share your information for monetary purposes, the definition of “sale” in California includesthe sharing of Personal Information for targeted advertising and analytics, so you may contact Us to opt out of the“sale” of information for this purpose. You may contact Us to limit the use or sharing of your SPI, specifically,your geolocation information, if you have enabled it. We never share your Social Security Number for any purposeother than the purpose for which you have provided it to Us.

If you use an authorized agent to submit your request, We may require proof of the written authorization you havegiven. We also may require you to confirm your identity and your residency in order to obtain the information, andyou are only entitled to make this request free of charge once per year. For additional requests within a 12-monthperiod, We may charge you an additional amount. For emails, please include “California Privacy Rights” as thesubject line. You must include your full name, email address, and attest to the fact that you are a Californiaresident. We will process your request within 45 days or let you know if We need additional time or cannot processyour request. If you make this request by telephone, We may also ask you to provide the request in writing so thatWe may verify your identity. If We are unable to honor your request, We will notify you of the reason within therequest time period.

If you are a California job applicant, employee/former employee, or independent contractor for the Company, weprovide an additional California Notice at Collection for Employees and Job Applicants.

Colorado [Effective July 1, 2023] – If you are a Colorado resident, you have the right under the ColoradoPrivacy Act, upon a verified request, to:

  • To confirm whether a controller is processing your personal data and to access such personal data;
  • To correct inaccuracies in your personal data;
  • To delete your personal data;
  • To obtain a copy of your personal data that you previously provided to Us in a portable, and if technicallyfeasible, readily usable format, if processing is carried out by automated means;
  • To opt out of the processing of your personal data for purposes of (i) targeted advertising, (ii) the sale ofpersonal data, or (iii) profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significanteffects concerning the consumer.

To exercise these Colorado rights, you or your authorized agent may make a request to confirm, access, correct,delete, obtain a copy, or opt-out of the processing of your personal data for targeting advertising, sale, orprofiling by using the information in the Contacting Us section below.

If you use an authorized agent to submit your request, We may require proof of the written authorization you havegiven. We also may require you to confirm your identity and your residency in order to obtain the information, andyou are only entitled to make this request free of charge once per year. For additional requests within a 12-monthperiod, We may charge you an additional amount. For emails, please include “Colorado Privacy Rights” as the subjectline. You must include your full name, email address, and attest to the fact that you are a Colorado resident. Wewill process your request within 45 days or let you know if We need additional time or cannot process your request.If you make this request by telephone, We may also ask you to provide the request in writing so that We may verifyyour identity. If We are unable to honor your request, We will notify you of the reason within the request timeperiod. If We decline to take action on your request, you can appeal Our decision within a reasonable time periodafter We’ve notified you of Our decision by submitting an email to the address in Our Contacting Us section belowentitled “Colorado Privacy Rights Appeal.” We will review your request and respond within 45 days of the receipt ofyour appeal, along with a written explanation of the reasons for Our decision.

Connecticut [Effective July 1, 2023] – If you are a Connecticut resident, you have the right under theConnecticut Data Privacy Act, upon a verified request, to:

  • To confirm whether or not a controller is processing your personal data and to access such personal data;
  • To correct inaccuracies in your personal data;
  • To delete personal data provided by, or obtained about, you;
  • To obtain a copy of your personal data that is processed by Us in a portable, and if technically feasible,readily usable format, where the processing is carried out by automated means, as long as it does not require Usto reveal any trade secret;
  • To opt out of the processing of your personal data for purposes of (i) targeted advertising, (ii) the sale ofpersonal data, or (iii) profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significanteffects concerning the consumer.

To exercise these Connecticut rights, you or your authorized agent may make a request to confirm, access, correct,delete, obtain a copy, or opt-out of the processing of your personal data for targeting advertising, sale, orprofiling by submitting a written request to Us using the information in the “Contacting Us” section below.

If you use an authorized agent to submit your request, We may require proof of the written authorization you havegiven. We also may require you to confirm your identity and your residency in order to obtain the information, andyou are only entitled to make this request up to twice annually. For emails, please include “Connecticut PrivacyRights” as the subject line. You must include your full name, email address, and attest to the fact that you are aConnecticut resident. We will process your request without undue delay, but within 45 days of your request, or letyou know if We need additional time or cannot process your request. If you make this request by telephone, We mayalso ask you to provide the request in writing so that We may verify your identity. If We are unable to honor yourrequest for any reason, We will notify you of the reason.

If We have refused to act on your Connecticut request, you can appeal Our decision by submitting an email to theaddress in Our Contacting Us section below entitled “Connecticut Privacy Rights Appeal” and We will review yourrequest and respond within 60 days of the receipt of your appeal with a written explanation of the reasons for Ouraction or inaction. If your appeal is denied, you may submit a complaint to theConnecticut Attorney General.

Nevada – If you are a Nevada resident, you have the right to request certain information from Us regardingthe collection and sale of your personal information (as defined in Nevada Revised Statutes 603A.320) during yourvisit to Our websites or when you otherwise interact with Us online. If you have sought or acquired, by purchase orlease, any goods or services for personal, family, or household purposes from Us, you may ask Us to disclose whetherWe have sold for monetary consideration certain information about you (specifically, your first and last name,physical address, email address, telephone number, social security number, an identifier that allows you to becontacted either physically or online, or other contact information that allows us to identify you personally). Wedo not “sell” Personal Information as that term is defined under Nevada law.

As a Nevada resident, you may also request to opt out of us sharing such information about you. To make this inquiry,please submit a request in writing to Us using the information in the “Contacting Us” section below with “NevadaPrivacy Rights” in the subject line. You must include your full name, email address, and attest that you are aNevada resident by providing a Nevada postal address in your request. Please state whether you are requestinginformation and/or opting out.

We will process your Nevada request within 60 days, or We will let you know if We need additional time. We mayrequire additional information to verify your identity before We can respond.

Utah [Effective December 31, 2023] – If you are a Utah resident, you have the right under the Utah Consumer Privacy Act, upon a verified request, to:

  • To confirm whether or not a controller is processing your personal data and to access such personal data;
  • To delete personal data provided by you;
  • To obtain a copy of your personal data that you previously provided to Us in a portable, and if technicallyfeasible, readily usable format, where the processing is carried out by automated means;
  • To opt out of the processing of your personal data for purposes of (i) targeted advertising, or (ii) the sale ofpersonal data.

To exercise these Utah rights, you or your authorized agent may make a request to confirm, access, correct, delete,obtain a copy, or opt-out of the processing of your personal data for targeting advertising, sale, or profiling bysubmitting a written request to Us using the information in the “Contacting Us” section below. We do not “sell”Personal Information as that term is defined under Utah law.

If you use an authorized agent to submit your request, We may require proof of the written authorization you havegiven. We also may require you to confirm your identity and your residency in order to obtain the information, andyou are only entitled to make this request up to twice annually. For emails, please include “Utah Privacy Rights” asthe subject line. You must include your full name, email address, and attest to the fact that you are a Utahresident. We will process your request within 45 days of your request, or let you know if We need additional time orcannot process your request. If you make this request by telephone, We may also ask you to provide the request inwriting so that We may verify your identity. If We are unable to honor your request for any reason, We will notifyyou of the reason.

Virginia – If you are a Virginia resident, you have the right under the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act,upon a verified request, to:

  • To confirm whether or not a controller is processing your personal data and to access such personal data;
  • To correct inaccuracies in your personal data;
  • To delete your personal data;
  • To obtain a copy of your personal data that you previously provided to Us in a portable, and if technicallyfeasible, readily usable format, if processing is carried out by automated means;
  • To opt out of the processing of your personal data for purposes of (i) targeted advertising, (ii) the sale ofpersonal data, or (iii) profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significanteffects concerning the consumer.

To exercise these Virginia rights, you or your authorized agent may make a request to confirm, access, correct,delete, obtain a copy, or opt-out of the processing of your personal data for targeting advertising, sale, orprofiling by submitting a written request to Us using the information in the “Contacting Us” section below. Pleasenote: We do not “sell” Personal Information as that term is defined under Virginia law.

If you use an authorized agent to submit your request, We may require proof of the written authorization you havegiven. We also may require you to confirm your identity and your residency in order to obtain the information, andyou are only entitled to make this request up to twice annually. For emails, please include “Virginia PrivacyRights” as the subject line. You must include your full name, email address, and attest to the fact that you are aVirginia resident. We will process your request within 45 days or let you know if We need additional time or cannotprocess your request. If you make this request by telephone, We may also ask you to provide the request in writingso that We may verify your identity. If We are unable to honor your request for any reason, We will notify you ofthe reason within the request time period.

If We decline to take action on your Virginia request, you can appeal Our decision by submitting an email to theaddress in Our Contacting Us section below entitled “Virginia Privacy Rights Appeal” and We will review your requestand respond within 60 days of the receipt of your appeal with a written explanation of the reasons for Our decision.If your appeal is denied, you may contact theVirginia Attorney General.to submit a complaint.


Canadian laws provide specific privacy rights to our Canadian customers. If you are a resident of Canada, thissection applies in addition to all other applicable rights and information contained in this Policy.

Where applicable, We follow applicable Canadian federal and provincial privacy laws ('Canadian Privacy Law'),including:

  • The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
  • Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act (Alberta PIPA)
  • British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act (BC PIPA)
  • Québec's Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector (Québec Act).

Consent. In most cases, we rely on implied consent to collect, use, or disclose your personal information. Insome circ*mstances, including those involving sensitive personal information, we obtain express consent. Where youhave provided your consent to the collection, use, and transfer of your personal information (whether orally, inwriting, or electronically), you may have the legal right to withdraw your consent under certain circ*mstances. Inaddition to the methods described above with respect to your privacy choices, you may withdraw your consent bysubmitting a request using the information in the “Contacting Us” section below. Please note that if you withdrawyour consent, We may not be able to provide you with a particular product or service. We will explain the impact toyou at the time of your request to help you with your decision.

Use of Your Personal Information. We will not collect, use, or disclose personal information except for theidentified purposes identified above (See Disclosure of Your Information), unless we have received additionalconsent or the processing is authorized without consent. Where we engage service providers who utilize the PersonalInformation we provide to them, those relationships are governed by a written agreement regarding theconfidentiality of your information.

Canadian Access and Challenge Rights Canadian Privacy Law provides the right to receive information about theexistence, use, and disclosure of your personal information and be provided access to that information. You may alsochallenge the accuracy and completeness of your personal information and have it amended as appropriate. Dependingon the nature of the challenged information, amendment may involve correction, deletion, or addition of information.

Exercising Your Canadian Privacy Rights. If you have an account with Us, you may view and update your accountinformation (as noted above) directly by logging into your account. To submit a request for access to informationnot contained within your account, or to challenge the accuracy or completeness of your personal information, youmay also submit a written request using the information in the “Contacting Us” section below. When submitting arequest, We also may require you to confirm your identity and your residency in order to obtain the information.For emails, please include “Canadian Privacy Rights” as the subject line. You must include your full name, emailaddress, and attest to the fact that you are a Canadian resident, and provide your province of residence. We willbegin processing your request once you have completed the verification process and will respond within the timeframerequired by law.

If We cannot substantively respond to your request in a timely manner, We will notify you and state the reason forthe delay. Under certain circ*mstances, We may not be able to fulfill your request, such as when doing so wouldinterfere with Our regulatory or legal obligations, where We cannot verify your identity, or if your requestinvolves disproportionate cost or effort. However, We will respond to your request within a reasonable time, asrequired by law, and provide an explanation.

Additional information about how to exercise your rights under Canadian Privacy Law can be found here:

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Toll-free: 1-800-282-1376

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta
Toll-free: 1-888-878-4044
Edmonton office: (780) 422-6860
Calgary office: (403) 297-2728

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of British Columbia
Vancouver: (604) 660-2421
Elsewhere in BC: (800) 663-7867

Commission d'acces a' l' information du Quebec
Toll-free: 1-888-528-7741


It is Our policy to post any changes We make to Our privacy policy on this page. Those changes will be effective thenext time you use Our services, so please check this policy periodically.


If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact Us via telephone1 877 503 0262 or at[emailprotected]or via mail at Attn: General Counsel at200Continental Drive,Suite 401, Newark,DE 19713.

Effective Date: 01/01/2021
Last Revised on: 03/08/2023
Last Reviewed on: 03/08/2023

OnlineDivorce.com (“we,” “our”, or “Company”) respects your privacy and is committed to providing a transparent Noticeat Collection and Privacy Policy for California Residents. This Notice and Privacy Policy for California Residentsapplies solely to those who reside in the State of California (“consumers” or “you”).

The purpose of this notice and privacy policy is to provide California residents, at or before the time we collectyour personal information, with a comprehensive description of our online and offline practices regarding thecollection, use, disclosure, and sale of personal information and of the rights of consumers regarding your personalinformation:

  • Notice at Collection:

    Notice at or before the point of collection, about the categories of personal information to be collectedfrom you and the purposes for which the personal information will be used.

  • Privacy Policy:

    A comprehensive description of our online and offline practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure,and sale of personal information and of your rights regarding your personal information, including:

    • Your right to know about personal information collected, used, disclosed or sold:
      • Categories of personal information we collected in the preceding 12 months
      • Categories of sources from which personal information is collected
      • Categories of personal information, if any, we disclosed or sold in the preceding 12 months
      • For each category identified as disclosed or sold, categories of third parties to whom theinformation was disclosed or sold
      • For each category, how long we retain the personal information
    • Notice that we do not sell or share your personal information, if applicable
    • Your right to access your personal information
    • Your right to request correction of your personal information
    • Your right to request deletion of your personal information
    • Your right to opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal information
    • Your right to limit the sale or sharing of your sensitive personal information, if used forcross-contextual behavioral advertising, if applicable
    • Your right to access information about automated decision making, if applicable, and your right toreject automated decision making and profiling
    • How to submit a verified consumer request for your Rights to Know, Correct, or Delete, opt out, or limitthe sharing of sensitive personal information
    • How to use an authorized agent to submit a verified consumer request
    • Your right to non-discrimination for the exercise of your privacy rights
    • Other California privacy rights
    • Changes to our privacy notice
    • Our contact information

Notice at Collection and Privacy Policy for California Residents

Notice at Collection

The purpose of this Notice at Collection is to provide you with timely notice, at or before the point of collection,about the categories of personal information to be collected from you and the purposes for which the personalinformation will be used.

Do We collect?Categories of Personal Information
[ x ]A. Identifiers: For example, a real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier,online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, social security number,driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers.
[ x ]B. Personal Information Categories from Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e): For example, a name,signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number,passport number, driver’s license or state identification card number, insurance policy number,education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number,or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information.
[ x ]C. Characteristics of CA or Federal Protected Classifications: For example, race, religion,national origin), age (40 and over), gender, sexual orientation, medical condition, ancestry, pregnancy(includes childbirth, breastfeeding and/or related medical conditions), familial status, disability,veteran status, or genetic information.
[ x ]D. Commercial Information: For example, records of personal property, products or servicespurchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
[ x ]E. Biometric Information: For example, physiological, biological or behavioral characteristics,including an individual’s deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), that can be used, singly or in combination witheach other or with other identifying data, to establish individual identity. Biometric informationincludes, but is not limited to, imagery of the iris, retina, fingerprint, face, hand, palm, veinpatterns, and voice recordings, from which an identifier template, such as a faceprint, a minutiaetemplate, or a voiceprint, can be extracted, and keystroke patterns or rhythms, gait patterns orrhythms, and sleep, health, or exercise data that contain identifying information.
[ x ]F. Internet or Other Similar Network Activity: For example, browsing history, search history, andinformation regarding a consumer’s interaction with an Internet Web site, application, or advertisem*nt
[ x ]G. Geolocation Data: For example, information that can be used to determine a device’s physicallocation
[ x ]H. Sensory or Surveillance Data: For example, audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, orsimilar information that can be linked or associated with a particular consumer or household
[ x ]I. Professional or Employment-Related Information: For example, compensation, evaluations,performance reviews, personnel files and current and past job history.
[ x ]J. Education Information (defined as information that is not publicly available personallyidentifiable information as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C.section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99)): Education records directly related to a student maintained by aneducation institution or party acting on its behalf, for example, non-public information that can beused to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity in relation to an educational institution eitherdirectly or indirectly through linkages with other information.
[ x ]K. Profile Data: For example, inferences drawn from personal information to create a profileabout a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends,predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.
[ x ]L. Sensitive Personal Information: For example, social security number, driver’s license number,account login, debit or credit card number in combination with password or PIN, precise geolocation(less than 1850 sf radius), racial/ethnic origins, religious or philosophical beliefs, union membership,contents of emails or texts to others, genetic/biometric data, health information, sex life/sexualorientation data.

Please note that Personal Information does not include:

  • Publicly available information from government records.
  • Deidentified or aggregated consumer information.
  • Information excluded from the CCPA's scope, like:
    • health or medical information covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996(HIPAA) and the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA) or clinical trial data;
    • personal information covered by certain sector-specific privacy laws, including the Fair CreditReporting Act (FCRA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) or California Financial Information Privacy Act(CalFIPA), and the Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994.

We use the personal information we collect for one or more of the following business purposes:

  • To fulfill or meet the reason for which the information is provided
  • With your consent or authorization
  • For our internal operation purposes
  • For auditing relating to consumer transactions including ad impressions and compliance with regulations
  • Fraud and security detection
  • Debugging to identify and repair errors
  • Short-term data use for the current interaction that is not used to build a profile
  • Servicing transactions and accounts (e.g., customer service, maintaining and servicing accounts, customerverification, payment processing) and providing services on behalf of business or service provider (e.g.,financing, advertising or marketing, analytics)
  • To evaluate or conduct a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale ortransfer of some or all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of a bankruptcy, liquidation, orsimilar proceeding, in which personal information held by us is among the assets transferred
  • Undertaking internal research for technological development and demonstration
  • Undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service or device that is owned,manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by the business, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the serviceor device that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by the business
  • To share the personal information with service providers to carry out other business purposes

We do not use any sensitive personal information you directly provide to us such as social security numbers orgovernment identification for cross-context behavioral advertising, but if you have enabled location services, yourgeolocation information may be used for this purpose. You may limit the use of your geolocation information for thispurpose by making a request as outlined below, or by turning off location services on your device. We never collectsensitive personal information for the purpose of inferring characteristics about you.

We will not collect additional categories of personal information without providing you a new Notice at Collectiondisclosing those categories.

Privacy Policy

This Notice at Collection is for California residents only and supplements and is incorporated into our main PrivacyPolicy.

Your Right to Know

You have the right to request that we disclose what personal information we collect, use, disclose, and sell. You cando this through a verified consumer request. That process is described below in the section, “Submitting a VerifiedConsumer Request.”

We collect personal information, which means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of beingassociated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household(“personal information”). The following table includes disclosures for the preceding 12 months of: categories ofpersonal information we have collected about consumers, the categories we have disclosed for a business purpose, andcategories of third parties with whom we shared the personal information during that period.

CategoryIn the preceding 12 months this category was:Categories of third parties to whom the information was disclosed
A. Identifiers[ x ][ x ]
  • Advertising and marketing service providers
  • Internet service providers
  • Data analytics providers
  • Government entities
  • Operating systems and platforms
  • Cloud storage providers
  • Payment processors
  • Web hosting service providers
  • E-mail distribution service providers
  • Help Desk service providers
  • Financial, legal, and accounting service providers
  • Cybersecurity service providers
  • Logistics and planning tool service providers
  • Customer relationship management tool providers
  • Product fulfilment service providers
B. Personal Information Categories from Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)[ x ][ x ]
  • Advertising and marketing service providers
  • Internet service providers
  • Data analytics providers
  • Government entities
  • Operating systems and platforms
  • Cloud storage providers
  • Payment processors
  • Web hosting service providers
  • E-mail distribution service providers
  • Help Desk service providers
  • Financial, legal, and accounting service providers
  • Cybersecurity service providers
  • Logistics and planning tool service providers
  • Customer relationship management tool providers
  • Product fulfilment service providers
C. Characteristics of CA or Federal Protected Classifications[ x ][ x ]
  • Advertising and marketing service providers
  • Internet service providers
  • Data analytics providers
  • Government entities
  • Cloud storage providers
  • E-mail distribution service providers
  • Help Desk service providers
  • Financial, legal, and accounting service providers
  • Logistics and planning tool service providers
  • Customer relationship management tool providers
  • Product fulfilment service providers
D. Commercial Information[ x ][ x ]
  • Advertising and marketing service providers
  • Internet service providers
  • Data analytics providers
  • Government entities
  • Cloud storage providers
  • Web hosting service providers
  • E-mail distribution service providers
  • Help Desk service providers
  • Financial, legal, and accounting service providers
  • Logistics and planning tool service providers
  • Customer relationship management tool providers
  • Product fulfilment service providers
E. Biometric Information [ x ][ x ]In the context of customer care call recordings:
  • Help Desk service providers
  • Customer relationship management tool providers
F. Internet or Other Similar Network Activity[ x ][ x ]
  • Advertising and marketing service providers
  • Internet service providers
  • Data analytics providers
  • Government entities
  • Operating systems and platforms
  • Web hosting service providers
  • Help Desk service providers
  • Financial, legal, and accounting service providers
  • Cybersecurity service providers
  • Customer relationship management tool providers
  • Product fulfilment service providers
G. Geolocation Data[ x ][ x ]
  • Advertising and marketing service providers
  • Internet service providers
  • Data analytics providers
  • Government entities
  • Web hosting service providers
  • Help Desk service providers
  • Financial, legal, and accounting service providers
  • Cybersecurity service providers
  • Customer relationship management tool providers
  • Product fulfilment service providers
H. Sensory or Surveillance Data[ x ][ x ]

In the context of customer care call recordings:

  • Help Desk service providers
  • Customer relationship management tool providers
I. Professional or Employment-Related Information[ x ][ x ]
  • Advertising and marketing service providers
  • Internet service providers
  • Data analytics providers
  • Government entities
  • Operating systems and platforms
  • Cloud storage providers
  • Web hosting service providers
  • E-mail distribution service providers
  • Help Desk service providers
  • Financial, legal, and accounting service providers
  • Logistics and planning tool service providers
  • Customer relationship management tool providers
  • Product fulfilment service providers
J. Education Information [ x ][ x ]
  • Advertising and marketing service providers
  • Internet service providers
  • Data analytics providers
  • Government entities
  • Operating systems and platforms
  • Cloud storage providers
  • Web hosting service providers
  • E-mail distribution service providers
  • Help Desk service providers
  • Financial, legal, and accounting service providers
  • Logistics and planning tool service providers
  • Customer relationship management tool providers
  • Product fulfilment service providers
K. Profile Data[ x ][ x ]
  • Advertising and marketing service providers
  • Internet service providers
  • Data analytics providers
  • Government entities
  • Operating systems and platforms
  • Cloud storage providers
  • Web hosting service providers
  • E-mail distribution service providers
  • Help Desk service providers
  • Financial, legal, and accounting service providers
  • Logistics and planning tool service providers
  • Customer relationship management tool providers
  • Product fulfilment service providers

The categories identified as collected in the table above were collected from the following categories of sources:

  • You directly
  • Your current or former spouse
  • Advertising networks
  • Internet service providers
  • Data analytics providers
  • Government entities
  • Operating systems and platforms
  • Social networks
  • Data brokers

Your Right to Correct Your Personal Information

You have the right to request that we correct any of your personal information collected by us that is inaccurate,subject to certain exceptions. You can do this through a verified consumer request. That process is described belowin the section, “Submitting a Verified Consumer Request.”

We may decline to process your correction request if we are unable to verify your identity, if the request ismanifestly unfounded or excessive, or if the information is publicly available information, certain medicalinformation, consumer credit reporting information, or other types of information exempt from the CCPA.

Your Opt-Out Choices

While we do not sell or share your personal information for monetary purposes, the definition of “sale” in Californiaincludes the sharing of personal information for targeted advertising and analytics. Because we use companies likeGoogle Analytics and Facebook ads, our non-monetary uses of your personal information may be considered a “sale”under the CCPA. You may contact us to opt out of the sharing of your information for this purpose. We do notknowingly sell the personal information of minors under 16 years of age. You also may contact us to limit the use ofyour sensitive personal information, specifically, your geolocation information, if you have enabled it. We nevershare your Social Security Number for any purpose other than the purpose for which you provided it to us.

Your Right to Request Deletion of Your Personal Information

You have the right to request that we delete any of your personal information collected by us, subject to certainexceptions. You can do this through a verified consumer request. That process is described below in the section,“Submitting a Verified Consumer Request.”

We may deny your deletion request if retaining the information is necessary for us or our service provider(s) to:

  • Complete the transaction for which we collected the personal information, provide a good or service that yourequested, take actions reasonably anticipated within the context of our ongoing business relationship with you,or otherwise perform our contract with you.
  • Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or prosecutethose responsible for such activities.
  • Debug products to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality.
  • Exercise free speech, ensure the right of another consumer to exercise their free speech rights, or exerciseanother right provided for by law.
  • Comply with the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (Cal. Penal Code § 1546 et. seq.).
  • Engage in public or peer-reviewed scientific, historical, or statistical research in the public interest thatadheres to all other applicable ethics and privacy laws, when the information’s deletion may likely renderimpossible or seriously impair the research’s achievement, if you previously provided informed consent.
  • Enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with consumer expectations based on your relationshipwith us.
  • Comply with a legal obligation.
  • Make other internal and lawful uses of that information that are compatible with the context in which youprovided it.

Submitting a Verified Consumer Request

You have the right to submit verified consumer requests to know information, correct information, or for deletion. Youmay also request to opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal information, or to limit the use of yoursensitive personal information.

The request to know can be for any or all of the following:

  1. Specific pieces of personal information that we have collected about you;
  2. Categories of personal information we have collected about you;
  3. Categories of sources from which the personal information was collected;
  4. Categories of personal information that we sold or disclosed for a business purpose about you;
  5. Categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold or disclosed for a business purpose;
  6. The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling personal information;
  7. The length of time we intend to retain each category of personal information.

The response to a request for any of the categories above will cover the preceding 12 months. Please note that we arenot required to provide personal information to you more than twice in a 12-month period. We cannot respond to yourrequest or provide you with personal information if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request.We will only use personal information provided in a verifiable consumer request to verify the requestor’s identityor authority to make the request.

You can submit requests by calling1 877 503 0262or using ourwebform.

If you submit a request that is not through one of these designated methods or is deficient in some manner unrelatedto verification, we will either treat it as if it had been submitted in accordance with our designated methods orprovide you with information on how to submit the request or remedy any deficiencies.

Your request will be verified by matching the information you provide to information that we have collected.Categories may include, but are not limited to, name, address, telephone number, last 4 digits of your socialsecurity number, last 4 digits of the credit card you used to pay for your order, a prior order number, or similartypes of data we hold.

Once we receive your verifiable consumer request, we will confirm receipt of the request within 10 business daysdescribing our verification process. We will respond to your request within 45 calendar days, if we are able toverify your identity. Requests for deletion will require a separate confirmation that you want your informationdeleted.

If requests from you are manifestly unfounded or excessive in particular because of their repetitive character, wemay either charge a reasonable fee or refuse to act on the request, notifying you of our reason for refusing to act.If we determine that the request warrants a fee, we will notify you of the reason for that determination and provideyou with a cost estimate before completing your request.

Please note that, in responding to your request, we are not permitted to disclose or provide you with your SocialSecurity number, driver’s license number or other government-issued identification number, financial accountnumber, any health insurance or medical identification number, an account password, security questions andanswers, or unique biometric data generated from measurements or technical analysis of human characteristics.However, we will inform you with sufficient particularity that we have collected the type of information withoutdisclosing the actual data.

Requests to Know or Delete for Child Under the Age of 16: We accept requests for minors under the age of 16 if we candetermine that it was submitted by a parent or guardian. If submitting such a request, please provide sufficientdocumentation to demonstrate that relationship.

Using an Authorized Agent to Submit a Request

Only you, or a natural person or a business entity registered with the Secretary of State to conduct business inCalifornia that you have authorized to act on your behalf, may make a verifiable consumer request related to yourpersonal information. You may also make a verifiable consumer request on behalf of your minor child. If you use anauthorized agent, you may provide a power of attorney executed pursuant to California Probate Code sections 4000 to4465. If a power of attorney that meets those provisions is not submitted, you will be required to provide theauthorized agent signed permission to submit a request, verify your identity directly with us, and directly confirmwith us that you provided the authorized agent permission to submit the request.

If you’re an authorized agent making a request you need to do the following:

(a) provide a copy of a power of attorney provided to you by the consumer pursuant to Probate Code sections 4000 to4465; or

(b) provide proof of signed permission along with a copy of your ID and have the consumer confirm with us that theyprovided you permission to submit the request by sending an e-mail.

Requests to Access, Correct, or Delete Household Information

We will not comply with a request to know specific pieces of information, correct personal information, or a request to delete household personalinformation unless (i) the request is made by the account holder or (ii) all consumers of the household jointlyrequest access to specific pieces of information or deletion, we can individually verify all members of thehousehold and we can verify each is currently a member of the household. If a member of a household is a minor under16, we must obtain verifiable consent before complying with a request for specific pieces of information for thehousehold or deletion of household personal information.

Your Right to Non-Discrimination for the Exercise of a Privacy Right

You have a right not to receive discriminatory treatment by the business for the exercise of the privacy rightsconferred by the CCPA. Unless permitted by the CCPA, we will not:

  • Deny you goods or services.
  • Charge you different prices or rates for goods or services, including through granting discounts or otherbenefits, or imposing penalties.
  • Provide you a different level or quality of goods or services.
  • Suggest that you may receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level or quality ofgoods or services.

Other California Privacy Rights

California’s “Shine the Light” law (Civil Code Section § 1798.83) permits users of our Website that are Californiaresidents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for theirdirect marketing purposes. You can submit requests by calling1 877 503 0262or using ourwebform.

Company honors Web browser “do not track” signals.

Other parties may collect personally identifiable information about your activities over time and across differentWeb sites when a consumer uses our Site or service.

You may modify your cookie preferences here.

Changes to Our Privacy Notice

We reserve the right to amend this privacy notice at our discretion and at any time. When we make changes to thisprivacy notice, we will post the updated notice on the Website and update the notice’s effective date. Yourcontinued use of our Website following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of such changes.

Contact for More Information

If you have any questions or comments about this notice, the ways in which we collect and use your information, yourchoices and rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights under California law, please do not hesitateto contact us at:

Phone: 1 877 503 0262


Email: [emailprotected]

Postal Address:

Attn: General Counsel
200Continental Drive,Suite 401, Newark,DE 19713.

Our refund policy:

At OnlineDivorce, we care about our customers and stand by the quality of our services -so we’ll refund our fees, other than the activation fee, within the first 30 days of purchaseif you're unhappy with our services. Call or email us and we'll process your refund.

What it doesn't cover:

We provide significant services beyond the generation of your forms. Answers to common questions,filing instructions, and customer care provided during the process of using our site are just someof the valuable services we provide. For this reason, we unfortunately cannot grant a refund incases where a customer has accessed our post-purchase services, including our post-purchasequestionnaires, forms, instructions, and customer care center, unless there’s a flaw in ourunderlying documents. If you have not accessed our post-purchase services, however, you canrequest a refund within 30 days of purchase.

In addition, we cannot guarantee that a customer's spouse will sign the documents and cannot providea refund where the spouse refuses. We cannot provide refunds for fees we collect on behalf of othersthat we cannot get back. For example, if you purchase the electronic filing of your documents, completethe documents, and we pay to file with a court, the court will not refund those fees to us and we cannotrefund them to you. Similarly, if you purchase a package with prepaid shipping labels, we cannot obtaina refund for those labels. Finally, fees paid directly to lawyers or for mediation services are not coveredby this guarantee.

Updated 09/13/2022

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.