2.4: Open-end, Closed-end, and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) (2024)

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    There are three major types of mutual funds, open-end mutual funds, closed-end mutual funds, and Exchange-Traded Funds, commonly referred to as ETFs. Please don’t ask me why the name is capitalized but it is while the first two are not. Also, sometimes you will see Exchange-Traded Fund with a hyphen and sometimes you will see it without a hyphen. The investment world is full of these types of ambiguities. It is one of the reasons why the general public often throws up its hands and gives up trying to understand investments. That is why you need to study hard, Dear Rising Investment Gurus, to help your family, friends, and colleagues.

    By far, the largest number of mutual funds are open-end mutual funds. When people refer to mutual funds without any qualifier, they are invariably referring to open-end mutual funds. An open-end mutual fund is a type of investment company in which investors buy shares from, and sell them back to, the mutual fund itself. There is no limit on the number of shares the fund can issue. Shares are issued and redeemed by the investment company at the request of investors. Investors can buy shares from (purchase) and sell shares to (redeem) the investment company at any time. As of December 2022, there were 8,763 open-end mutual funds totaling $22.110trillion dollars in assets. They make up approximately 72% of all mutual funds.

    The second major fund category consists of closed-end mutual funds. A closed-end mutual fund is a type of investment company that operates with a fixed number of shares outstanding. Shares are issued by an investment company only when the fund is organized. After all original shares are sold you can only purchase shares from another investor. In this way, closed-end mutual funds are bought and sold like stocks and bonds on the open market. The investor will incur brokerage commissions. Closed-end mutual funds are a much smaller part of the mutual fund universe. As of December 2022, there were only 441 closed-end mutual funds holding only $252billion dollars in assets. That number represents only 3.6% of the available mutual funds. In recent years, both numbers have been steadily shrinking.

    The current underlying worth of any mutual fund is represented by the Net Asset Value (NAV). At the end of every day that the stock market in the United States is open, all mutual funds are required to compute the Net Asset Value of a single share. The mutual fund staff sum the value of the securities in the mutual fund and subtracts any liabilities. The securities are quoted as of 4 pm New York time. The liabilities consist of pending redemptions to be sent to investors, pending purchases of new securities, and any other day-to-day costs of running the mutual fund. The liabilities are typically very low compared to the value of the securities. The result of the value of the securities minus the liabilities is then divided by the number of mutual fund shares. This is the Net Asset Value. This is the number you will see when you investigate your mutual fund. Although it is good to understand what the Net Asset Value represents, there is really no need to perform the calculation for yourself; each day, it is computed for you automatically and all you need to do is run to your nearest Internet-enabled device and ask for it.

    Open-end mutual funds are bought or sold at Net Asset Value. Some open-end mutual funds may add a sales commission, also known as sales charge or sales load. If a sales commission is added, the resulting price is called the Maximum Offering Price (MOP) or just the Offering Price. The NAV or MOP is the price that the investor will pay when the fund is purchased. The NAV is the price the investor will receive when the fund is redeemed. Since closed-end mutual funds are bought and sold on the open market, their price usually either reflects a premium or discount to the Net Asset Value. They are very rarely priced at their Net Asset Value. Closed-end funds more often than not will sell at a discount to the Net Asset Value. The investor will pay the current market price when purchasing closed-end mutual funds and receive the current market price when redeeming closed-end mutual funds.

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of open-end versus closed-end mutual funds? Open-end mutual funds are much more popular than closed-end mutual funds and therefore offer the investor a much wider range of options. With open-end mutual funds, there are no market forces so the investor does not pay any brokerage commissions and does not have to worry about any supply and demand market forces.

    One downside of open-end mutual funds is something that the investor has no control over. Invariably, if an open-end mutual fund becomes very successful, it will become very popular. Floods of new contributions will inundate the fund. At first, this may sound like a great boon to the company. However, too much money flowing into a mutual fund can create serious challenges for the mutual fund managers. They must put this money to use and that can be problematic. Will they choose to purchase more of the same securities that they already have in the portfolio? Will they decide to invest in new securities? Both have their pitfalls. Purchasing more of an existing security that is already in the mutual fund may bump the mutual fund up against the 5% rule discussed in the next section. It also could be difficult for the fund to purchase more shares without adversely affecting the price of the security, especially if the security is a smaller issue such as small company stock. Also, identifying, choosing, and monitoring new securities places more burden upon the mutual fund company. Too much diversification can be too much of a good thing. How many resources will the mutual fund company devote to the 250th stock in their portfolio? For this reason, many open-end mutual funds will decide to close the fund. Other mutual funds handle this problem by adding more mutual fund managers, essentially creating multiple portfolios within the overall portfolio. Again, this is an issue that the mutual fund company must handle but it is important for us investors to be aware of.

    In addition to the problem of a flood of contributions into the open-end mutual fund, if an open-end mutual fund experiences a flood of withdrawals from the fund, the exact same problem happens in reverse. Now, the mutual fund managers might be forced to sell securities to pay for redemptions. This may occur at precisely the worst time, namely when the market is experiencing a major downturn and ill-informed investors are running for the exits. Or it may occur when a very successful and popular money manager leaves a fund after many years. Too many contributions and too many withdrawals are both uncommon events but they are something that investors need to be aware of.

    Closed-end mutual funds have the issue that the investor must pay a broker’s commission just as they would when they bought or sold a stock or a bond. (You may be saying to yourself, “My brokerage firm doesn’t charge commissions. I am not paying anything for my trades!” Ah, Dear Student, please know that you are being charged, one way or another. We will tackle the industry’s current sleight of hand in our next chapter.) Closed-end funds must be bought and sold in the marketplace so the forces of supply and demand are at work. Hence, there is sometimes a premium or, more often than not, a discount to the Net Asset Value. However, one advantage of closed-end funds is that it is much easier for the mutual fund investment advisors to manage the underlying assets. Recall that the number of shares is set when the closed-end mutual fund is established. The closed-end mutual fund managers do not have to worry about a flood of purchases or redemptions as do the open-end mutual fund managers.

    A third type of mutual fund has emerged in the past few decades. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) are hybrids of open-end and closed-end mutual funds. Exchange-Traded Funds are open-end mutual funds that have no limit to the number of shares. The mutual fund company issues new shares as needed. However, they trade on the stock exchanges like closed-end mutual funds. Therefore, the investor must purchase the fund using a brokerage account, incurring brokerage transaction fees as would a closed-end mutual fund. Competition and innovation have led some mutual fund companies to find a way to eliminate the brokerage transaction fees. Some mutual fund companies have opened their own brokerage firms and if you purchase their Exchange-Traded Funds through their brokerage firm, they waive the commission.

    Exchange-Traded Funds were introduced in the early 1990’s. Starting in the 2000’s, their popularity began a meteoric rise, as shown in the table below. This has led many in the industry, especially the financial media talking heads doing their best to attract your attention by making profound revelations, to confidently predict that ETFs will supplant all other mutual funds. To steal from Mark Twain, the reports of the death of open-end and closed-end mutual funds are greatly exaggerated. Even given their spectacular growth, ETFs still only account for about 24.5% of the total number of mutual funds.

    Growth of Exchange-Traded Funds
    Year Number of Funds Assets ($US)
    2006 359 $423 billion
    2007 629 $608
    2008 743 $531
    2009 820 $777
    2010 950 $992
    2011 1,168 $1,048 ($1.048 trillion)
    2012 1,239 $1,337
    2013 1,332 $1,675
    2014 1,451 $1,974
    2015 1,644 $2,100
    2016 1,744 $2,500
    2017 1,900 $3,401
    2018 2,057 $3,371
    2019 2,175 $4,396
    2020 2,296 $5,449
    2021 2,690 7,191
    2022 2,989 $6,477 billion ($6.477 trillion)

    Source: Investment Company Institute, ici.org

    There is some confusion surrounding the underlying investments in Exchange-Traded Funds that we will discuss when we discuss the various types of mutual fund strategies and objectives. Furthermore, because of the ability to buy and sell Exchange-Traded Funds throughout the trading day, many speculators and traders have begun to use ETFs as trading vehicles. Many in the industry including John “Jack” Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group, have lamented the use of ETFs as trading vehicles as mutual funds were originally designed to be long-term investments.

    2.4: Open-end, Closed-end, and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) (2024)


    Are ETFs closed end or open-end funds? ›

    ETFs are open-ended funds, meaning they can constantly take on new investors and as they do, the fund's assets grow.

    What is ETFs in investing? ›

    ETFs or "exchange-traded funds" are exactly as the name implies: funds that trade on exchanges, generally tracking a specific index.

    What are open-ended ETFs? ›

    Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) are hybrids of open-end and closed-end mutual funds. Exchange-Traded Funds are open-end mutual funds that have no limit to the number of shares. The mutual fund company issues new shares as needed. However, they trade on the stock exchanges like closed-end mutual funds.

    How many ETFs should I start with? ›

    Experts agree that for most personal investors, a portfolio comprising 5 to 10 ETFs is perfect in terms of diversification.

    What is the downside to closed-end funds? ›

    Investing in closed-end funds involves risk; principal loss is possible. There is no guarantee a fund's investment objective will be achieved.

    What is the single biggest ETF risk? ›

    The single biggest risk in ETFs is market risk.

    Why is ETF not a good investment? ›

    Buying high and selling low

    At any given time, the spread on an ETF may be high, and the market price of shares may not correspond to the intraday value of the underlying securities. Those are not good times to transact business.

    Is an ETF better than a stock? ›

    ETFs offer advantages over stocks in two situations. First, when the return from stocks in the sector has a narrow dispersion around the mean, an ETF might be the best choice. Second, if you are unable to gain an advantage through knowledge of the company, an ETF is your best choice.

    Is it OK to just invest in ETFs? ›

    ETFs can be safe investments if used correctly, offering diversification and flexibility. Indexed ETFs, tracking specific indexes like the S&P 500, are generally safe and tend to gain value over time. Leveraged ETFs can be used to amplify returns, but they can be riskier due to increased volatility.

    What happens to your money when an ETF closes? ›

    Liquidation of ETFs is strictly regulated; when an ETF closes, any remaining shareholders will receive a payout based on what they had invested in the ETF. Receiving an ETF payout can be a taxable event.

    Is a closed-end fund better than an ETF? ›

    Potential for underperformance: Most ETFs are passively managed, which means they seek to track a benchmark index and will not outperform the benchmark. However, closed-end funds are actively managed, which enables the potential to outperform the market.

    Is QQQ an open-end fund? ›

    Yes. Invesco QQQ is a passively managed ETF that tracks the Nasdaq-100 index, which contains some of the world's most innovative companies.

    What is the 30 day rule on ETFs? ›

    If you buy substantially identical security within 30 days before or after a sale at a loss, you are subject to the wash sale rule. This prevents you from claiming the loss at this time.

    How long should you hold an ETF? ›

    Key Takeaways

    For most ETFs, selling after less than a year is taxed as a short-term capital gain. ETFs held for longer than a year are taxed as long-term gains. If you sell an ETF, and buy the same (or a substantially similar) ETF after less than 30 days, you may be subject to the wash sale rule.

    How many S&P 500 ETFs should I own? ›

    SPY, VOO and IVV are among the most popular S&P 500 ETFs. These three S&P 500 ETFs are quite similar, but may sometimes diverge in terms of costs or daily returns. Investors generally only need one S&P 500 ETF.

    Are ETFs like closed-end funds? ›

    ETFs and closed-end funds are similar in that they both trade intraday on an exchange. However, while many ETFs track the performance of an index of securities, closed-end funds are actively managed.

    Are ETFs open-end mutual funds? ›

    Structure: Unlike closed-end funds, most ETFs are structured as open-end funds and some ETFs are structured as UITs.

    Are ETFs open-end management companies? ›

    Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

    ETFs are also offered by open-end management companies, and as characteristics of such funds, do not have a specified number of shares offered in the market.

    What's the difference between an open-end mutual fund and an ETF? ›

    Mutual funds are priced once a day at the net asset value and they're traded after market hours. ETFs are traded throughout the day on stock exchanges just as individual stocks are. ETFs often have lower expense ratios and are generally more tax-efficient due to their more passive nature.

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    Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.