52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (2025)

★ = Platinum / 100%

Scores are my own. 5 = Mediocre; 6 = Fine; 7 = Good; 8 = Great; 9 = Amazing; 10 = Masterpiece.
Orange highlighted = All-time favorite

Clean List

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1: Uncharted: Drakes Fortune | 3rd Jan ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (1)

At last, after an entire gen of gaming on PC & Nintendo systems exclusively, I picked up a PS4 on December and couldn't be more satisfied with the library. I was (almost)literally swimming in games trying to find the time to play them all. I decided to play Uncharted first because I always wanted to play it since I never owned a PS3, and what a ride, but we'll get to it. As for Uncharted 1, I can't say it's a very good game but I did enjoy it and happy I didn't skip it. 6/10

2: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | 5th Jan ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (2)

One of the biggest leaps I've experienced in a game series, from a slightly above mediocre entry to one of the best action games of its time. 9/10

3: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception | 7th Jan ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (3)

This one eventually became my favorite entry (until I played the fourth installment) due to it being the most memorable one, to me at least. Although it isn't much of an improvement over its predecessor, it builds upon its strengths to create an even better experience. 9/10

4: Call of Duty: WWII | 11th Jan

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (4)

The campaign started good but lost it's pace not long after. The silly writing killed every opportunity for the story to be taken seriously. The multiplayer is solid enough and the zombies are boring as hell (which is the reason I never platinum'd it). 5/10

5: The Order: 1886 | 26th Jan ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (5)

Very solid experience, good writing, good cinematics. Has a fair share of flaws. I would've probably been pissed if I picked it up at launch for full price due to it's short running time (took me about 6 hours to beat and 2 more to platinum) but I bought it on sale for like $5 so I'm good. 6/10

6: Bloodborne | 1st Feb ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (6)

Probably the game I was mostly looking forward to playing on PS4, and boy did it deliver. The most beautiful and atmospheric out of all of Miyazaki's games. Immediately became my favorite PS4 game. But not for long. 9/10

7: Persona 5 | 8th Feb ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (7)

Not for long indeed, as I absolutely fell in love with this one. The only game in recent years (aside from Divinity Original Sin 2, my 2017 GOTY) to which I felt hooked. And I mean it, I just couldn't stop playing. I've seen people complaining about it's pacing and such, and there are issues with it, but I felt like most of the issues are present from the second quarter onward, at a point where the game already sucked you in hard enough and most of the drawbacks, if not all, are entirely forgivable, as long as the game stays thrilling as all hell, and it is. At least until the final act which I despised. An all-time favorite and probably my favorite JRPG of the gen. 9/10

8: Rime | 10th Feb ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (8)

The first PS Plus game I've beaten. Solid all around. Lovely visual design. Some very mundane sections and poorly designed puzzles, but it's not very long so I pulled through. Nice ending as well. 6/10

9: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End | 15th Feb ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (9)

Amazing. Great writing, superb presentation, best-in-series combat, good environmental variety, level design, and visuals. A masterfully crafted experience that just sucks you in through its entire course. The absolute best in the series, and probably one of the best action games of all-time. 9/10

10: Shadow of the Colossus | 19th Feb ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (10)

Wow. Breathtakingly beautiful. Incredibly memorable journey with what's probably the greatest ending in gaming. What a ride. One of the best games I've ever played and I'm so glad Sony gave me the opportunity to experience it for the first time on a modern hardware. This is a one for the books. 10/10

11: Horizon Zero Dawn | 25th Feb ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (11)

Great combat, well-designed world. Didn't really feel the story although I thought it was alright. Good game overall, good expansion as well. 7/10

12: The Last of Us | 27th Feb

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (12)

Thrilling and captivating, an emotional rollercoaster. Amazing characters and story, great combat. Although I had the ending spoiled due to some overly talkative friends, still was an amazing experience. 9/10

13: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy | 1st Mar ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (13)

Good game, not a lot to say aside from the fact I felt it was nowhere as good as 4, but still good nonetheless. 7/10

14: Ratchet & Clank | 10th Mar ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (14)

Very enjoyable. Great combat, great visual design. Very poor story and characters (worth mentioning that I've never played R&C before), but the gameplay is king in this one. 7/10

15: Celeste | 19th Mar ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (15)

Not a fan of platformers but it's hard not to fall in love with this one. With its colorful vibes, amazing music and relatable, charming story and characters, it's hard for me to even call this a platformer at the end of the day, despite it being actually a great platformer in terms of mechanics and level design. 9/10

16: Fe | 23rd Mar ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (16)

A nice attempt but not there. A tiresome game, not very fun. The visuals, while unique, leave a bad taste due to how terrible it is to navigate through the maps with every area looking overly similar. 4/10

17: Journey | March 25th ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (17)

Amazing emotional experience. Great presentation, puzzles, and visual design. Another one for the books. 9/10

18: Final Fantasy XV | 15th Mar

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (18)

Not very good overall. I got used to its messy combat, but the poor pacing and mixed bag of a story are had to ignore. It had many good moments and the open world is enjoyable, but overall, I can't even say it surpassed XIII for me. 6/10

19: A Way Out | 29th Mar ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (19)

Another great experience and a very unique one indeed. Could've easily been a 9/10 if it wasn't for some cringey writing and a few padded, overly cheesy sections. I believe that Josef Fares can make something that will be remembered as an all-time great, but unfortunately this ain't the one. 8/10

20: Batman: The Telltale Series | 2nd April ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (20)

A pretty bad game overall. I only played it due to it being free on PS Plus. Has a few good moments. Very few. 4/10

21: Batman: The Enemy Within | 4th April ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (21)

Yeah, I fell for it, after I beat the first one I saw this on sale and picked it up. Glad I did though, a major improvement over the first one, much more intuitive choices, better writing and more thrilling overall. 7/10

22: Far Cry 5 | 20th April

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (22)

The gunplay is alright but overall the gameplay is pretty bland and repetitive. The forced story sections have diminished my most enjoyable part of the game, which was just clowning around beating random objectives without paying attention to its uninteresting story. In the final third, I was already burned out of its world and forced myself to beat it. 5/10

23: Pokémon Ultra Moon | 27th April

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (23)

It was fun, but still the weakest gen in my opinion, and this one didn't even try that much to fix anything. I'm still a sucker for Pokemon so I'm having a hard time scoring any one of them with less than a 6, so 6/10

24: Nioh | 4th May ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (24)

So many mixed feelings with this one. I LOVED the combat, so satisfying and engaging, but aside from that, almost every other aspect of the game is either a mixed bag or just plain bad. Left me with a bitter taste overall. It's just shallow, uninspiring, unimaginative (for the most part) and has some very questionable design choices, the worst of which are the ones that encourage tedious grind (most notable in the DLC missions in which the level spike is extreme). I also found most of the side missions an insulting excuse of side content, it's literally telling the player to beat the same mission over and over again under different circumstance. Worth mentioning that I'm still very much looking forward to its sequel, because the foundation is there, and it's a terrific foundation, but they desperately need to improve their overall design. 6/10

25: Gravity Rush Remastered | 15th May ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (25)

Took a few hours to jell but once it did I very much enjoyed it until the very end. 7/10

26: Red Dead Redemption | 22nd May

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (26)

Replayed it on PS Now after all those years to better prepare myself for the much hyped sequel, as it's probably my most anticipated game in years, and yep, can confirm it's still is the greatest Rockstar game to date, with GTA IV right behind it for similar reasons - story, characters, atmosphere, world design and gameplay. One of the bests of its time. 9/10

27: Ico | 25th May

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (27)

I still had a few weeks left on my PS Now subscription so I thought it would be fitting to play Ico due to my love for SoTC. Although it's not as powerful, it's still a memorable journey. 8/10

28: Infamous | 4th June

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (28)

Another one I played on my PS Now adventures and yeah, my least favorite one. Didn't like the combat very much, feels too much of a random cluster-fuck and didn't have that much needed "super-hero" feel to it. The story is pretty good but the laughable, silly morale system almost ruined it entirely for me. 6/10

29: Salt & Sanctuary | 5th June ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (29)

A fine love letter to Dark Souls and Metroid. A surprisingly good game with a few drawbacks. 7/10

30: Until Dawn | 6th June ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (30)

Great story, probably one of the best interactive dramas I played. Felt like the story could've offered more and didn't explore enough the dark lore which was probably my favorite part of it. 8/10

31: Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn | 09th June

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (31)

Yeah, it's bad. But I got it for free on Switch and it's only a few hours long so I went for it. 3/10

32: Resident Evil HD Remaster | 26th June

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (32)

Great game, I don't know why I waited so long to play it but glad I finally got my taste of this acclaimed series. Can't wait for the upcoming remake. 8/10

33: Call of Duty: Black Ops III | 2nd July

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (33)

The story is pretty bad, the levels are bland, but overall the campaign is enjoyable nonetheless mostly thanks to the co-op. The multiplayer is top 3 in the entire series in my opinion. And now for the platinum grind... This is going to take a while. 6/10

34: Thumper | 7th July ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (34)

As a music lover, this has been quite an awesome experience for me. Very atmospheric, engaging and fun. Going for S ranks on all levels was probably one of my hardest feats in all my years of gaming. 8/10

35: Flower | 10th July ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (35)

A good, relaxing game with a great visual design. An experiment gone right. 8/10

36: Heavy Rain | 18th July

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (36)

It's pretty good. I liked the detective work the most. I honestly think the story is great but the writing is a mixed bag, has some cheap moments and a few unexplained plot holes that are immediately evident and hard to ignore. 7/10

37: Hitman Go: Definitive Edition | 23rd July ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (37)

Pretty fun and creative puzzle game. I wish the entire game was based on actual Hitman missions because those were awesome. Still, it's a smartphone game I played on console environment so I'll give it a fair score. 6/10

38: No Man's Sky | 28th July

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (38)

I was debating whether to include NMS or not since it doesn't really have an ending (well, that depends if you consider reaching the center of the galaxy an ending) but decided to include it due to the amount of time I put into it. I have to say I'm quite impressed, I wanted to play it on launch since I adore exploration-based survival games, but because of the abysmal reception decided to skip it. And now, two years post-launch it seems that the game finally took shape so I gave it a go, and glad I did. Really liked it, very fun and addicting, but still, I felt like it could've used another layer of depth like Starbound did, with stuff like settlements, actual villages \ small cities and a verity of enemies including some boss fights. Also, it could've used a better combat (both ground and space). Still a good game nonetheless. 7/10

39: Lara Croft Go | 29th July ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (39)

This one had more cool and creative ideas than Hitman Go with a better art direction, however, I feel like I enjoyed Hitman Go more, probably because of the more tactical and open-ended gameplay in comparison to Lara Croft Go, which felt more formulary (like there only one way to solve most stages). Still a fine game. 6/10

40: Octopath Traveler | 29th August

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (40)

Good game. Extremely charming and well designed. The combat is fun enough to carry through the entire game. While it has a unique structure, I felt like that very structure ended up backfiring the experience as it feels like 8 different story DLCs mashed together into one base game, with none of those stories being exceptionally written nor memorable (well, except for Alphin's IMO). This made the overall experience feel lacking to me, like a missed opportunity to utilize its incredible art direction. It's a cool approach, but I would've preferred one good, memorable story over 8 average ones. 7/10

41: RUINER | 1st September

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (41)

What a pleasant surprise. A very good game. Great art design, music, atmosphere. The story is odd just enough to remain cool and the combat is pretty much amazing - fluid, engaging and satisfying. 8/10

42: Human: Fall Flat | 11th September ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (42)

Hilarious, fun and charming game. Some stages are better than others. Should be played with friends. 7/10

43: Watch Dogs 2 | 24th September

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (43)

I actually bought it at launch, dunno why I waited so long but finally got around to play it. Well, it's a Ubisoft game, which means it has a vast, beautiful open world with generally good mechanics but very little good content to back it up. The story is average at most, the characters are uninteresting and the game severely lacks in memorable moments overall. I'd even go as far as saying that the first Watch Dogs was more memorable due to its unique settings and cool atmosphere. Watch Dogs 2 a very fun game, but it has very little to offer in order to push it above average, so for me, it's just that, an average game. 5/10

44: The Division | 6th October

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (44)

Almost everything I've said about Watch Dogs 2 is applicable here as well, only that in this one the gameplay is basically crap, it's just a bullet sponge hell with an overly repetitive mission structure. Good thing this is a multiplayer game because I would've never beat it solo, just so tiresome, but fun enough to keep us busy. It became a tradition for me to pick up Ubisoft games on a major sale, so I guess Assassin's Creed Origins / Odyssey is next. 4/10

45: Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition | 12th October ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (45)

When I first played DOS2 on PC it quickly became one of my favorite games of all time, experiencing it again a year later on PS4 felt just as magical. The Definitive Edition further improves on what had already been a near-perfect game in my eyes, a masterclass of an RPG and masterpiece of video-game design. 10/10

46: Marvel's Spider-Man | 19th October ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (46)

The main story is great overall, the story is okay, the pacing is mostly good and the production value is as high as you'd expect from a big Sony game, and the gameplay is mechanically is superb, fast and fluid and stays addictive for the most part. But, unfortunately, I have some gripes with it. I felt like some of the villains could've been handled better. most of the side content is just bland and repetitive, feels like the usual, overly familiar open-world filler content I usually see in Ubisoft games, it's unfortunate. 7/10

47: Red Dead Redemption 2 | 5th November ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (47)

There it is, I finally got to put my hands on it, my most anticipated game of the generation, and I'm very proud to say that it's also probably the best game I've played in the entire generation. RDR2 not only managed to overcome the absurd expectation I had of it but also serves as a benchmark for video game design in general, as it challenges the player's expectations over and over again, and redefines the boundaries of video game immersion. It tells a wonderful tale executed with grace, an amazing cast of characters each backed with top-notch voice acting. The world is breathing with life with unmatched detail, everything seems to have a meaning and depth. While it's not all great, as the gameplay is just solid at most, the story might just drag a bit too long and some of the side content is way too time-consuming (such as the challenges), I still feel like it's serviceable enough for you to immerse yourself this twisted, wondrous, lifetime of an experience, just don't try to 100% it like I did, because it will leave you with a bad taste. 9/10

48: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 | 15th November

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (48)

While the absence of my beloved annual COD singleplayer campaign is disappointing, it's also a major source of criticism when I look back and rate my experience with the game. The fact that this one skipped the campaign just made the package much more solid all around. Multiplayer and Zombies are just what you would expect from COD with a good amount of polish and some exciting new additions. My highlight is obviously the new Blackout mode, extremely thrilling and satisfying, I didn't enjoy a COD multiplayer that much since MW2, it's so well executed, the battle-royale experience I was waiting for since I quit PUBG due to how lackluster it is. 7/10

49: Diablo III | 22nd November

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (49)

The gameplay is incredibly addicting but I felt like the writing and atmosphere is quite lacking. I only played Diablo 1 and it was one of the most atmospheric games I played back in the day, it's dark theme was incredible and every piece of lore felt significant. Well, I guess that this wasn't ever the main focus of the series, nor what the fans really expected from their Diablo experience. Still, Diablo 3 is a highly enjoyable game. 7/10

50: Pokémon Let's Go Eevee | 16th December

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (50)

"One step forward, two steps back", It's probably been said many times but I can't really stress this enough. Disappointing, not that I expected much, but still, it's the first mainline Pokemon to be marketed at $60 and it's heavily lacking in comparison to previous installments. The slick visuals fail to impress me when it seems that Game Freak doesn't even care about fixing the problems that have been haunting the series since its inception, as the pacing is still a slog even on powerful hardware. Both control methods are fundamentally flawed, their choice to make the game playable with 2 buttons and a stick just makes it feel bad, and that's without mentioning the forced motion controls. The game is still fun overall, but not something I would come back to, and I always replay main Pokemon games. Hoping the next one will do the series justice. 5/10

51: God of War | 16th December ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (51)

Incredible. Breathtaking. I never liked God of War, but saying that this one is different would be putting it lightly. What an awesome experience. Amazing combat, great pacing, good gameplay diversity, beautiful world that is a joy to explore and insane direction and production. The only shortcomings are the lack of enemy variety and it could've used more meaningful side content instead of some of the grind, but still, superb game. 9/10

52: Gravity Rush 2 | 22nd December ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (52)

Disappointed. I had high expectation as I really liked the first one, but it feels like Gravity Rush 2 is completely disconnected from whatever made the first one so fun and addicting. The game is infested with mind-bogglingly unfun missions and objectives "Do it the game's designated way or don't do it at all". The stealth segments are absolute trash, most of the side missions are bad, and the game desperately needs a better story. The characters are cute and funny but feel hollow due to the lackluster narrative. I really expected Gravity Rush 2 to break the boundaries of its portability and build upon the fantastic fundamentals of the first game and create a more impressive, fun experience, with a properly developed cast of characters and engaging story, but instead, this just feels like a massive step backward in terms of game design. 5/10

53: Overcooked! 2 | 29th December ★

52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (53)

Fun little Co-Op game. Had a blast playing it with friends. 7/10

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Done! It has been one hell of a year for me. Unfortunately, next year is going to be much more tight for me so I'm probably not going to make it to 53, but I'm still up for the challenge. I would've probably made it to 60+ games if I wasn't trying to platinum almost each one, but I didn't realize how much fun and satisfying trophy hunting actually is haha.

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52 Games. 1 Year. 2018. (2025)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.