65+ Short ‘Thank You for the Gift’ Messages to Send | Cake Blog (2024)

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Over the last several decades, many traditions in society have become much less formal. Whether the changes have been good or bad are open for interpretation.

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • How to Say ‘Thank You for the Gift’ to a Friend
  • How to Say ‘Thank You for the Gift’ to a Family Member
  • How to Say ‘Thank You for the Gift’ to a Boss, Coworker, or Client
  • How to Say ‘Thank You for the Gift’ to a Partner or Spouse
  • How to Say ‘Thank You for the Gift’ to a Company or Business
  • How to Say Thank You for a Sympathy Gift
  • How to Say Thank You for a Birthday Gift
  • How to Say Thank You for a Wedding Gift
  • How to Say Thank You for a Baby Shower Gift
  • How to Say Thank You for a Retirement Gift
  • How to Say Thank You for a Holiday Gift
  • Short Thank You for the Gift Messages for a Text or DM

One thing that hopefully will never disappear is the formal act of showing gratitude for a gift by writing a thank you note. Here are some snippets of text that you may find helpful when writing a thank you message for gifts received in one of the following situations

How to Say ‘Thank You for the Gift’ to a Friend

You may feel less concerned about writing a formal thank you note to a friend, especially one who is in the same general age bracket as you. After all, you may text some of these friends dozens of times a day, and sending a formal card through the mail may seem cumbersome, especially if you often exchange small gifts.

There is one notable exception to this rule. Many people have not given up the formality of writing a thank you note when receiving a sympathy gift. You may find it difficult to formulate the expressions of gratitude in person if you recently lost someone you loved, so it simply may be easier to write the sentiment on a thank you card and send it through the mail.

Here are some samples of text for writing a thank you note to a friend. Personalize the message so it fits your situation.

1. You were so sweet to think of me on my birthday. I love the personalized wine glasses and I can’t wait to use them with you when we share a bottle of our favorite red.

Just because you are writing a formal thank you note, it doesn’t mean that you have to use formal language. If you are writing a thank you note to a good friend, feel free to use a chatty, conversational style.

2. We had such a great time on the holiday light tour. Thank you so much for including our family in this delightful event.

You may find yourself in the position of sending thanks from your entire family. You may consider having everyone in the family sign their names at the bottom of the card.

3. I am so lucky to have a friend like you. Thank you for inviting me to the Elton John concert last night. It has been one of my lifelong dreams to see him perform.

Don’t forget to thank people for gifts of experiences as well as gifts of things.

4. You know me better than anyone else. Thank you for picking out such a thoughtful and perfect gift.

Of course, make sure you name the item for which you are offering thanks.

5. Thank you so much for the support you have shown my family and me during my mother’s illness. Also, thank you for the beautiful ficus tree that you sent to the funeral home. You have been such a wonderful friend. I appreciate you so much.

You may have an entire list of things to be thankful for when writing a note of gratitude.

How to Say ‘Thank You for the Gift’ to a Family Member

Oddly enough, sometimes it’s harder to say thank you to a family member than it is to say thank you to a friend or acquaintance. For some reason, we think that family members “have” to be supportive, so thanking them does not seem as necessary.

Instead, we should be quicker to show gratitude to the people who are closest to us. They are the people who put up with our idiosyncrasies.

Here are some sample messages to send to your parents, siblings, or children.

6. How can I ever thank you enough for our recent trip to Disney World? I am so thankful that the kids got to experience the Magic Kingdom with their grandparents. We love you!

Write thank you gifts for the big and small presents that you receive.

7. I haven’t taken off my “sisters” necklace since you gave it to me last week. Thank you for the sweet gift.

Even if the relationship with some of your family members is “complicated,” make sure you thank them for the nice things they do.

8. God gave me the best gift when he gave me you as parents. Thank you so much for showing me love, support, and encouragement throughout the years.

Don’t wait for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day to tell your parents, “Thank you.”

9. You always give the most thoughtful gifts. Thank you for the luggage. I plan to use it when I travel to Europe the summer after graduation.

There’s nothing wrong with using the tried-and-true formula for writing thank you notes. Name the item, tell the giver “thank you,” and describe how you will be using it. This formula is especially helpful if you are writing a thank you note for money.

10. I am the luckiest mom in the world. Thank you for the lovely Mother’s Day flowers, cards, and homemade breakfast.

Your kids will learn to write thank you notes from your example. If you want them to get into the habit, you need to do it yourself.

How to Say ‘Thank You for the Gift’ to a Boss, Coworker, or Client

Of course, writing a thank you note to a boss, coworker, or client should be more formal in tone than one you would write to a friend. Here are some samples of texts you may consider using.

11. It was such a lovely surprise to see flowers on my desk on Administrative Assistant’s Day. Thank you for remembering me.

Keep some formal thank you cards in your desk at work so you are prepared to write notes for any gifts you may receive.

12. The May Day basket was such a pleasant surprise. Thank you for your thoughtful gift.

Thank you notes don’t have to be lengthy. That’s why most thank you notes that you purchase from the store are small cards.

13. Thank you for remembering me on my birthday! Lunch was terrific! You are the greatest coworkers ever!

You may want to send out a group email to thank all those who participated in your birthday lunch. Formal thank you notes are not necessary when the act was more out of tradition than generosity, but it is still nice to express appreciation.

14. The last month has been challenging for me. Thank you for finishing projects, filing reports, and taking over some of my daily responsibilities when my daughter was in the hospital.

Coworkers who have your back are worth their weight in gold.

15. It doesn’t seem as if I started at Smith and Smythe 25 years ago this month. Thank you for remembering my silver work anniversary. I will wear my engraved watch with pride.

It may feel awkward to send a thank you note for a thank you gift, but we find ourselves in these strange situations sometimes.

How to Say ‘Thank You for the Gift’ to a Partner or Spouse

Don’t forget to thank your partner, significant other, or spouse for the gifts he or she gives you. This person puts up with you during your good and bad moods deserves to be treated kindly.

16. Thank you for the beautiful necklace. You really do spoil me. I am so thankful that I went out on that blind date 18 years ago.

Of course, when you write a thank you note to your family members, you can thank them for so much more than a physical gift.

17. Thank you for staying up late to finish painting the entryway. I know what a big job this was, but it was nice having it done before my parents’ visit.

When you live with someone for a long time, you may appreciate jobs your spouse completes instead of gifts that your spouse gives you.

18. My mom was right. You were a great catch. Thank you for surprising me with the new grill I’ve been wanting.

Tuck your thank you note into your spouse’s computer bag or leave it on his or her side of the bed.

19. Thank you for encouraging me to go on the trip to the Bahamas with my friends. I didn’t realize how depressed I had been until I spent a few days in the sunshine. Thank you, honey!

Relationships are full of sacrifice and compromise on both sides.

20. Thanks for the motorcycle jacket, honey. You are the best!

Your notes to your spouse can be short and sweet.

How to Say ‘Thank You for the Gift’ to a Company or Business

You may find yourself in the position to have to write a thank you note to a company or business. Here are some samples of text you may use.

21. Thank you for the gift certificate to Mickey’s. What a thoughtful gift! I am so thankful that I was assigned to work on your account. You have not only been great customers, but you have also become wonderful friends.

Don’t forget that you are representing your company when you write a note to a customer. Keep the tone formal.

22. I cried when I saw that the beautiful arrangement at my mother’s funeral was from Smith Enterprises. What a sweet gesture!

Don’t be afraid to show some emotion when writing a thank you note to business associates.

23. Thank you so much for choosing me as the recipient of the 2022 Smith Company Scholarship. I am honored to have been selected.

Encourage your children to write thank you notes for any scholarships they receive.

24. Your generosity amazes me. Thank you for the considerable contribution you made to Head for the Cure.

Don’t forget to write personal messages when a company makes a monetary donation to a nonprofit organization.

25. We are thankful for generous organizations like yours in our community. Thank you for contributing the face masks to our nursing home workers. Your donation may have saved lives.

A kind act deserves a kind response.

How to Say Thank You for a Sympathy Gift

If your loved one experienced a long illness, you might have quite a few thank you notes to write after they die. After all, your friends and extended family members may have been providing meals and acts of service leading up to and around the time of death.

Then, they may have purchased floral arrangements, plants, wind chimes, memorial jewelry, or other gifts at the time of the service. Finally, you may need to thank those who wrote the eulogy, performed at the funeral, or went above and beyond to offer you support.

Here's how to say thank you for an act of kindness following a loved one's death.

26. Words do not express how much I have appreciated all you have done for my family in the last seven months. Organizing the meal train alone was a wonderful gift. Thank you also for the hospital visits, the help with the kids, and the generous donation to Head for the Cure.

If you have a hard time listing everything someone has done for you, admit to it in your thank you note.

27. Thank you so much for the beautiful floral arrangement and kind words. The Family of Dwight Smith

Thank you notes don't have to be long. Some families choose to sign the message "The Family of (Name)" or "The (Name) Family" instead of signing as an individual.

28. Thank you for the generous donation to the American Cancer Society you made in honor of Frederick.

Many non-profit organizations will also thank donors for donations. However, it's kind to thank donors on behalf of the family as well.

29. I've never received a more touching and perfect gift than the fingerprint necklace you surprised me with the other day. It gives me such comfort having Aretha's tiny fingerprint close to my heart.

Personal notes call for personal messages of appreciation.

How to Say Thank You for a Birthday Gift

Another trip around the sun is worthy of celebration! Thank the people who honored you with a gift. Here's how to do it.

30. I am so lucky to have such great friends! Thank you for surprising me on my 50th birthday. I can't stop smiling! I had no idea what I was walking into when I walked into the clubhouse that night!

Don't forget to thank the party organizers of a surprise event.

31. Thank you for surprising me with the most perfect gift. I will treasure the mother's ring forever.

Some people send thank you notes to their friends and extended family members but may feel it is unnecessary to send a message to those in their own household. However, your spouse and children need to know that you appreciate them too, so write thank you notes to them as well.

32. I can't wait to use the martini glasses you gave me for my birthday! Let's break them in soon!

You don't have to begin a thank you note with the phrase "thank you."

33. I had such a great time with you on the historic home tour. Thank you for organizing it and purchasing the tickets for my birthday!

Don't forget to thank people for organizing experiences.

34. It was such a wonderful surprise to receive a beautiful flower arrangement on my birthday! Thank you so much for the cheerful daisies. They are my favorite!

Thank you notes sometimes can act as verification that you received a gift. Put the gift giver at ease by letting them know that the present was delivered to the correct address.

35. I know that my birthday celebration didn't end up as you had planned, but thank you for organizing it anyway! You couldn't have known that there would be 13 tornadoes in the area that night!

It's nice to thank people who attempted to do something nice for you.

How to Say Thank You for a Wedding Gift

Start your marriage with expressions of gratitude by sending thank you notes for your wedding gifts. Also, don't forget to thank parents, attendants, and organizers. Here are some examples.

36. We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends. Thank you so much for traveling to Hawaii for our dream wedding. I hope you had a great time celebrating with us in paradise!

Don't forget to thank the people who had to travel to attend your wedding.

37. Ryan and I were so excited to receive the Wusthof knife set! Thank you so much for the generous gift.

Most etiquette guides remind new couples to name the specific gift they received.

38. Thank you so much for attending our wedding! It was great to see Amelia – she has grown up so much! We also appreciate the monetary gift. We plan to put it toward a vacation to Europe next summer.

Thanking someone for money may feel awkward. However, you don't have to name the amount you received in a thank you note.

39. Thank you for the generous gift! We plan to use it to remodel the master bathroom in our new house.

You don't have to use the words "money," "cash," or "check." Instead, label a monetary gift as a "generous gift."

40. We were sorry that you were unable to attend our wedding. Thank you for the money. We used it to buy a clock when we went to Germany on our honeymoon.

Here's an example of thanking someone for a specific item purchased with a monetary gift.

41. Your gift will certainly come in handy as we begin remodeling our house. Thank you so much!

Again, no mention of "money" is made in this style of thank you note.

How to Say Thank You for a Baby Shower Gift

Congratulations on your new addition! Here's how to write a thank you note for a baby shower gift. We have made it easy for you since we know you are probably sleep-deprived.

42. I can't wait to read the books you gave us for our new little one! I have such fond memories of reading with my mom.

Are you not ready to share your baby's name? There are tricks to use when writing a thank you note that will enable you to hide the name and gender.

43. Baby Smith is so lucky to have such a wonderful family! Thank you for hosting such a beautiful shower. The food and decorations were Pinterest-worthy! Thank you, also, for the adorable outfit. We plan to bring Baby Smith home in it.

People tend to overuse exclamation marks, but multiple exclamation marks may be appropriate in this case.

44. Beatrice looks so cute in the adorable outfit you gave us at the shower. We plan to use it for her three-month pictures – if it still fits! She's growing so fast!

Here's a message of appreciation for a gift that doesn't include the words "thank you."

45. Thank you for the generous gift card to Target. We plan to use it for a jogging stroller, so I can get back into shape after Baby Smith arrives.

You don't have to say how you will be spending a gift card, but it gives you something to write about in the thank you note.

46. Thank you for my favorite stuffed bunny and Beatrix Potter books. I can't wait to snuggle with you while you read the book to me.

Some people write thank you notes from the perspective of the baby. We aren't going to say whether we think this is cute or cringy. That's for you to decide.

How to Say Thank You for a Retirement Gift

You should have plenty of time to write thank you notes now that you have retired. So here's how to say thank you for the retirement gifts.

47. I always told my family that I had the best coworkers. After attending my retirement party, they finally believe me. Thank you so much for hosting such a fun night. It was amazing to see past and present Vance Refrigeration employees.

Did someone throw a party in your honor? Thank them for hosting.

48. Thanks for the laugh! Your comedic retirement gift was the hit of the party! I'm tucking it away to re-gift to you in a few years.

Did you receive a gag gift at your retirement party? Here's how to respond.

49. I can't wait to spend more time in the garden. I'll definitely put your gift to use. Thank you for the tools, flower pots, and seeds!

Did you receive tools for your new hobby? Here's how to thank someone for such a gift.

50. Thank you for the gift card to Amazon. I plan on using it to buy a stack of mystery novels that have been on my to-read list for years.

Did you receive gift cards as a retirement gift? You might tell the gift-giver how you plan to spend the money.

51. Even though I am excited to spend more time with my kids and grandkids, I am sad that I won't be able to see you all every day. I never dreaded going to work. In fact, I looked forward to it every Monday morning. Thank you for being such wonderful coworkers and friends.

Some people write a general thank you note to their coworkers as they retire. This shouldn't replace thank you notes for individual gifts, but it could be used for a group gift.

How to Say Thank You for a Holiday Gift

Did you receive something special for Christmas or another holiday? Don't forget to say thanks! Here's how to write the perfect thank you note.

52. Thank you for the beautiful cashmere sweater. I'll think of you every time I wear it.

Here's a basic, friendly, thank you note for a thoughtful gift.

53. You have always been so good at picking out gifts. Thank you for the vintage clock – I absolutely love it! It goes perfectly in my mid-century modern living room.

Give a shout-out to people who are good at gift-giving.

54. It was so lovely gathering together again after having our holiday celebrations disrupted by Covid. Thank you for hosting the party. We had a wonderful time.

Don't forget to thank those hosting the celebrations.

55. Thank you for the Christmas check. I'm going to buy new sneakers with it so that I can be prepared for my New Year's resolutions.

Did you get money for Christmas? Here's how to say thanks.

56. I love adding to my Christmas village collection. Thank you for the thoughtful gift.

Did you pick out your own gift? You still should say "thanks."

57. Who doesn't love putting on a brand-new pair of socks? Thanks for the practical gift. I'm trying to downsize, so I appreciate this gift so much.

Here's a way to thank someone for a boring but practical gift.

58. I can't wait to wear my new rain boots! I'm probably the only person looking forward to a rainy day!

We hope that we have taught you that thank you notes don't have to begin with those words.

59. Thank you for the beautiful Easter lily. It bloomed for weeks and looked beautiful on my mantel.

Did you receive a hostess gift? Here's a simple way to say "thanks."

Short Thank You for the Gift Messages for a Text or DM

Some of you, at a certain age, may cringe at the idea of sending a thank you by text or direct message. However, in some cases, this is a suitable way to say thanks. We aren't sure what official etiquette guides have to say on the matter, but we think that sending a quick text to say thanks for a birthday or holiday gift is okay.

60. I just received a beautiful bouquet of roses! Thanks, honey!

Did your spouse surprise you with something special? Send a quick thanks.

61. Pillars of the Earth was a fantastic read! Thanks for giving me the book.

Some people wait until the gift is "used" or enjoyed to say thanks.

62. The new teething rings are working great! Thank you for sending them.

Did someone see a need and purchase a gift? Then, send a quick message of appreciation.

63. We had such a great time on the brewery tour! Thanks for inviting us!

You can send this message whether you purchased the tickets for the event or not.

64. I've never been so excited to do my nails! Thank you for the manicure set. It's getting a lot of use.

Do you need to write thank yous for your birthday gifts? Send a quick text and check the task off your list.

65. Every time I pass by the drawing you did of Maggie, I stop and stare in amazement. You are so talented! Thank you for the thoughtful gift.

Gifts don't have to cost anything to be meaningful.

66. Thank you for making the family calendar every year. I look forward to flipping the page at the beginning of each month.

Do you receive the same gift from a family member every year? You might find it hard to write an original thank you note each time. So instead, send a quick text of appreciation.

Keep Thank You Notes Alive

Even though our society is becoming less formal, it would be nice to keep the thank you note alive. Expressing gratitude is not only important to the recipient, but it is an excellent way to count your blessings as well.

65+ Short ‘Thank You for the Gift’ Messages to Send | Cake Blog (2024)


How do you thank someone for sending a cake? ›

Thank you for the delicious birthday cake! It was the perfect treat to celebrate my special day. Your gesture touched my heart and made me feel truly blessed. The birthday cake you ordered for me was a masterpiece!

How do you write a short appreciation message? ›

Simple appreciation messages
  1. 1 Thanks for your help with X.
  2. 2 I really appreciate all of your hard work.
  3. 3 You've been so helpful with X. ...
  4. 4 Sending you some much-deserved appreciation for X.
  5. 5 I'm lucky to call you a friend. ...
  6. 6 I appreciate all of your help during this difficult time.
Aug 3, 2023

How do you say thank you after receiving a gift? ›

Here are a few examples:
  1. Your kindness has touched my heart. ...
  2. I'm so thankful for your tremendous support during this time.
  3. Your generous gift was a blessing. ...
  4. Your thoughtfulness and generosity deeply move me.
  5. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your kindness.
  6. Words cannot express how grateful I am for your help.
Aug 4, 2023

How do you say thank you for sending? ›

  1. “Oh thank you so much! It's something I was looking for.
  2. "Thank you so much for your kind message. It really made my day!"
  3. "I truly appreciate your thoughtful message. ...
  4. "Your words touched my heart. ...
  5. "I wanted to express my gratitude for your message. ...
  6. "Thank you for taking the time to send such a lovely message.
Oct 9, 2023

How do you write a short and sweet thank you card? ›

Many sincere thanks go to you for such a thoughtful gift. I can tell that you truly enjoy giving to others. Thank you so much for sending me such a lovely and meaningful gift on this special day. Your gift made today even more special.

How do you say a simple thank you? ›

Here are seven different expressions and synonyms of gratitude and appreciation in English:
  1. I am grateful to you.
  2. I am indebted to you.
  3. I'm obliged.
  4. I'm thankful.
  5. I appreciate it.
  6. I'm really appreciative of what you did.
  7. I can't thank you enough.
Mar 28, 2022

What is a short note on gratitude? ›

Gratitude is when you feel thankful for the good things in your life. This could be stuff people often take for granted, like having a place to live, food, clean water, friends, and family. Gratitude is taking a moment to reflect on how lucky you are when something good happens, whether it's small or big.

How do you express appreciation and gratitude in words? ›

If you wish to appreciate someone for their help, you can thank them in different ways, some of which are given below.
  1. I am really grateful to you for your kind help.
  2. Thank you so much for your help. It would have been impossible without you.
  3. Thank you for your kindness.

What are some good appreciation quotes? ›

Simple Quotes that Say Thank You
  • Thank you for being a ray of sunshine even on my darkest days.
  • Thank you for always being my greatest supporter. ...
  • Thank you for being so incredible. ...
  • Thank you for opening your arms, home, and heart.
  • Thank you to my wonderful friend. ...
  • I am so glad you're here, thank you!
Jun 14, 2022

How do you respond to thank you for birthday cake? ›

You can express your gratitude by saying something like, "Thank you so much for the thoughtful birthday gift! Your kindness means a lot to me." It's a gracious way to show appreciation for their unexpected gesture, even though they weren't aware of your birthday or part of the celebration.

How do you compliment someone for a good cake? ›

I wanted to say a big, 'Thank you' as the cake was amazing! Enjoyed by everybody. Absolutely fabulous – we can't thank you enough – the cake was amazing and tasted absolutely delicious! Everyone was so impressed by your work.

How do you thank someone for sending food? ›

Expression of thanks

I so appreciated your kindness in bringing a meal last week. Thank you for thinking of me.” “You have no idea what a blessing it was to eat so well while I was mourning my mom. Thank you so much — she would have loved knowing I had such a great friend taking care of me.”

How do you say thank you for birthday wishes and cake? ›

Thank You Messages for Family and Friends
  1. Thank you so much to my family and friends for showering me in love on my birthday. ...
  2. The birthday wishes from my family and friends makes me feel so much gratitude. ...
  3. You brought me so much joy on my special day. ...
  4. I am forever grateful for all of my family and friends.
Mar 21, 2024

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