April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (2024)





April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (10)


National Hug Your Dog Day

Give your pup a big, loving squeeze on National Hug Your Dog Day - they deserve it! Show them some extra love with treats and toys too.

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (14)


National Siblings Day

Celebrate National Siblings Day with your brothers and sisters - it's time to create some special memories and show them how much you care!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (18)


National Farm Animals Day

Celebrate National Farm Animals Day by learning about the importance of these animals in our lives and how we can better protect them!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (22)

National Name Day

National Nana Day

It's National Nana Day and we're honoring all the amazing people with the name - share your favorite memories and photos of your nana today!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (26)

Food & Beverage

National Cinnamon Crescent Day

Get ready to indulge in the sweet and flaky goodness of cinnamon crescents on National Cinnamon Crescent Day - a delicious celebration not to be missed!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (30)

National Name Day

National Tamara Day

Calling all Tamara's - it's time to celebrate your unique name on National Tamara Day! Share your stories and connect with others who share the same awesome name.

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (34)


National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day

Let's stand together and raise awareness for National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day - because knowledge is power in the fight against these diseases.

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (38)


International Safety Pin Day

Don't forget to wear your safety pin proudly on International Safety Pin Day - a symbol of solidarity and support for marginalized communities.

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (42)

Special Interest

Golfer’s Day

Swing into action and celebrate Golfer's Day with a round of golf, some refreshing drinks, and good company on the green!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (46)


Salvation Army Founder’s Day

Join us in honoring the legacy of The Salvation Army's founder on Founder's Day - a day to recognize compassion, charity, and service to others.

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (50)


Eid al-Fitr

Celebrate Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan with feasts, gifts and community togetherness. Feel the spirit of this joyous occasion!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (54)

Arts & Entertainment

Birth anniversary of Manlilikha ng Bayan Masino Intaray

Honor the legacy and artistry of Manlilikha ng Bayan Masino Intaray on his birth anniversary - a true cultural treasure of the Philippines.

See Also

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (58)


Global Work From Home Day

Need a reason to stay in your pajamas all day? It's Global Work From Home Day! Take advantage of this opportunity and enjoy the comforts of home while being productive.

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (62)

National Name Day

National Calvin Day

It's time to celebrate all the amazing Calvins out there on National Calvin Day! Show them some love and appreciation for being awesome.

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (66)


World Homeopathy Day

On World Homeopathy Day, discover the power of natural healing and join the worldwide movement towards a holistic approach to health.

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (70)

Arts & Entertainment

Encourage a Young Writer Day

On Encourage a Young Writer Day, let's inspire the next generation to share their stories and dreams through the power of writing!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (74)

Special Interest

National Report IRS Tax Fraud Day

Don't let tax fraud go unnoticed! Join in on National Report IRS Tax Fraud Day and help combat this serious issue.

Have a holiday idea?Did you notice we are missing a holiday or have an idea for a brand new one?Submit Holiday

Monthly Holidays that include April 10

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (80)


Child Abuse Awareness Month

Show your support for Child Abuse Awareness Month - help spread the message of protection and prevention to keep kids safe.

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (84)


Stress Awareness Month

Take a break and make Stress Awareness Month count - practice self-care, take time for yourself, and find healthier ways to manage stress!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (88)


Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Help bring awareness to Sexual Assault Awareness Month by educating yourself and others on the issue - let's make a difference together!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (92)


Autism Acceptance Month

This Autism Acceptance Month, join us in helping to raise awareness and show support for those on the autism spectrum!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (96)


National Poetry Month

Join us in celebrating National Poetry Month, and explore the world of words through captivating rhymes and stories!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (100)


National Alcohol Awareness Month

Join us in raising awareness during National Alcohol Awareness Month - get informed and take steps to support responsible drinking habits!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (104)


Occupational Therapy Month

This Occupational Therapy Month, join us to recognize and celebrate the amazing work of occupational therapists in improving lives!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (108)


Financial Literacy Month

Start this Financial Literacy Month on the right track - learn the fundamentals of money management, investing, and budgeting!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (112)


Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Show your support for Distracted Driving Awareness Month by taking the pledge to always JustDrive - no distractions allowed!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (116)


National Grilled Cheese Month

Get ready to indulge in ooey-gooey goodness all month long - it's National Grilled Cheese Month! Try new recipes, toppings, and variations for the ultimate cheesy experience.

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (120)


Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

Join the fight against animal cruelty this month and make a difference in the lives of our furry friends!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (124)


Dog Appreciation Month

It's time to show some love for our furry friends! Join us in celebrating Dog Appreciation Month and pamper your pup with treats, toys, and lots of cuddles.

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (128)


World Autism Month

This World Autism Month, let's spread awareness and acceptance for individuals on the spectrum. Let's celebrate neurodiversity together!

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (132)


Canine Fitness Month

Get ready to unleash some fun and fitness with your furry friend during Canine Fitness Month! Join in on the activities and challenges for a healthier pup.

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (136)


Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month

It's Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month - don't forget to protect your furry best friend with preventative measures and regular check-ups at the vet!

Famous Birthdays Today

<div role="listitem" class="single-holiday w-dyn-item"><div class="position-relative---z-index-1"><div class="card card-image-top team-member-link-card"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/steven-seagal" class="card-link-image---image-wrapper border-radius-32px w-inline-block" target="_blank"><div class="holiday-card-image w-embed"><img src="https://imagedelivery.net/lCsODh8EJUNDijZLbbcSWQ/04590e36-0608-427d-71cd-2895c6f9be00/mediumsquare" loading="lazy" alt="Steven Seagal" class="holiday-card-image"></div></a><div class="flex-date"><div class="badge-primary small team-member-job-title-badge">Movie Actor</div></div><div class="pd-left-and-right-20px pd-left-and-right-12px-mbp"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/steven-seagal" class="holiday-card-title-block w-inline-block" target="_blank"><h3 class="card-link-title---hover-secondary-1 display-4 mg-bottom-2px">Steven Seagal</h3></a></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="single-holiday w-dyn-item"><div class="position-relative---z-index-1"><div class="card card-image-top team-member-link-card"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/charlie-hunnam" class="card-link-image---image-wrapper border-radius-32px w-inline-block" target="_blank"><div class="holiday-card-image w-embed"><img src="https://imagedelivery.net/lCsODh8EJUNDijZLbbcSWQ/c11d043a-9ed9-499d-40a6-4e166fdc7100/mediumsquare" loading="lazy" alt="Charlie Hunnam" class="holiday-card-image"></div></a><div class="flex-date"><div class="badge-primary small team-member-job-title-badge">Movie Actor</div></div><div class="pd-left-and-right-20px pd-left-and-right-12px-mbp"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/charlie-hunnam" class="holiday-card-title-block w-inline-block" target="_blank"><h3 class="card-link-title---hover-secondary-1 display-4 mg-bottom-2px">Charlie Hunnam</h3></a></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="single-holiday w-dyn-item"><div class="position-relative---z-index-1"><div class="card card-image-top team-member-link-card"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/haley-joel-osment" class="card-link-image---image-wrapper border-radius-32px w-inline-block" target="_blank"><div class="holiday-card-image w-embed"><img src="https://imagedelivery.net/lCsODh8EJUNDijZLbbcSWQ/4121893d-ac81-4695-1915-53968b077b00/mediumsquare" loading="lazy" alt="Haley Joel Osment" class="holiday-card-image"></div></a><div class="flex-date"><div class="badge-primary small team-member-job-title-badge">Movie Actor</div></div><div class="pd-left-and-right-20px pd-left-and-right-12px-mbp"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/haley-joel-osment" class="holiday-card-title-block w-inline-block" target="_blank"><h3 class="card-link-title---hover-secondary-1 display-4 mg-bottom-2px">Haley Joel Osment</h3></a></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="single-holiday w-dyn-item"><div class="position-relative---z-index-1"><div class="card card-image-top team-member-link-card"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/daisy-ridley" class="card-link-image---image-wrapper border-radius-32px w-inline-block" target="_blank"><div class="holiday-card-image w-embed"><img src="https://imagedelivery.net/lCsODh8EJUNDijZLbbcSWQ/bd95b065-8a8c-4b9c-92a5-f7b6f7024f00/mediumsquare" loading="lazy" alt="Daisy Ridley" class="holiday-card-image"></div></a><div class="flex-date"><div class="badge-primary small team-member-job-title-badge">Movie Actress</div></div><div class="pd-left-and-right-20px pd-left-and-right-12px-mbp"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/daisy-ridley" class="holiday-card-title-block w-inline-block" target="_blank"><h3 class="card-link-title---hover-secondary-1 display-4 mg-bottom-2px">Daisy Ridley</h3></a></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="single-holiday w-dyn-item"><div class="position-relative---z-index-1"><div class="card card-image-top team-member-link-card"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/david-harbour" class="card-link-image---image-wrapper border-radius-32px w-inline-block" target="_blank"><div class="holiday-card-image w-embed"><img src="https://imagedelivery.net/lCsODh8EJUNDijZLbbcSWQ/e233c7fa-0c4e-4ec4-df19-2d7aa8ac2e00/mediumsquare" loading="lazy" alt="David Harbour" class="holiday-card-image"></div></a><div class="flex-date"><div class="badge-primary small team-member-job-title-badge">Movie Actor</div></div><div class="pd-left-and-right-20px pd-left-and-right-12px-mbp"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/david-harbour" class="holiday-card-title-block w-inline-block" target="_blank"><h3 class="card-link-title---hover-secondary-1 display-4 mg-bottom-2px">David Harbour</h3></a></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="single-holiday w-dyn-item"><div class="position-relative---z-index-1"><div class="card card-image-top team-member-link-card"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/q-tip" class="card-link-image---image-wrapper border-radius-32px w-inline-block" target="_blank"><div class="holiday-card-image w-embed"><img src="https://imagedelivery.net/lCsODh8EJUNDijZLbbcSWQ/77ec16a6-0209-4fda-413d-01c288919b00/mediumsquare" loading="lazy" alt="Q Tip" class="holiday-card-image"></div></a><div class="flex-date"><div class="badge-primary small team-member-job-title-badge">Rapper</div></div><div class="pd-left-and-right-20px pd-left-and-right-12px-mbp"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/q-tip" class="holiday-card-title-block w-inline-block" target="_blank"><h3 class="card-link-title---hover-secondary-1 display-4 mg-bottom-2px">Q Tip</h3></a></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="single-holiday w-dyn-item"><div class="position-relative---z-index-1"><div class="card card-image-top team-member-link-card"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/mandy-moore" class="card-link-image---image-wrapper border-radius-32px w-inline-block" target="_blank"><div class="holiday-card-image w-embed"><img src="https://imagedelivery.net/lCsODh8EJUNDijZLbbcSWQ/57bb74a4-8fe5-4c96-de42-84ef98a9ec00/mediumsquare" loading="lazy" alt="Mandy Moore" class="holiday-card-image"></div></a><div class="flex-date"><div class="badge-primary small team-member-job-title-badge">Pop Singer</div></div><div class="pd-left-and-right-20px pd-left-and-right-12px-mbp"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/mandy-moore" class="holiday-card-title-block w-inline-block" target="_blank"><h3 class="card-link-title---hover-secondary-1 display-4 mg-bottom-2px">Mandy Moore</h3></a></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="single-holiday w-dyn-item"><div class="position-relative---z-index-1"><div class="card card-image-top team-member-link-card"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/maren-morris" class="card-link-image---image-wrapper border-radius-32px w-inline-block" target="_blank"><div class="holiday-card-image w-embed"><img src="https://imagedelivery.net/lCsODh8EJUNDijZLbbcSWQ/1c20302b-9957-45da-bdc6-ae4d520b6200/mediumsquare" loading="lazy" alt="Maren Morris" class="holiday-card-image"></div></a><div class="flex-date"><div class="badge-primary small team-member-job-title-badge">Country Singer</div></div><div class="pd-left-and-right-20px pd-left-and-right-12px-mbp"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/maren-morris" class="holiday-card-title-block w-inline-block" target="_blank"><h3 class="card-link-title---hover-secondary-1 display-4 mg-bottom-2px">Maren Morris</h3></a></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="single-holiday w-dyn-item"><div class="position-relative---z-index-1"><div class="card card-image-top team-member-link-card"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/shay-mitchell" class="card-link-image---image-wrapper border-radius-32px w-inline-block" target="_blank"><div class="holiday-card-image w-embed"><img src="https://imagedelivery.net/lCsODh8EJUNDijZLbbcSWQ/b23fb474-a6e7-47c9-772f-4ebca1fe1900/mediumsquare" loading="lazy" alt="Shay Mitchell" class="holiday-card-image"></div></a><div class="flex-date"><div class="badge-primary small team-member-job-title-badge">TV Actress</div></div><div class="pd-left-and-right-20px pd-left-and-right-12px-mbp"><a href="https://www.famouspeople.io/people/shay-mitchell" class="holiday-card-title-block w-inline-block" target="_blank"><h3 class="card-link-title---hover-secondary-1 display-4 mg-bottom-2px">Shay Mitchell</h3></a></div></div></div></div>

This Day in History

<div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>837</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Halley's Comet Close Encounter</div><div class='timeline-text'>Halley's Comet makes its closest approach to Earth at a distance of around 5.1 million kilometers.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1545</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Founding of City Potosí</div><div class='timeline-text'>The city of Potosí in Bolivia is founded following the discovery of vast silver deposits.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1606</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Establishment of Virginia Company</div><div class='timeline-text'>The Virginia Company of London is established with the aim of establishing colonial settlements in North America.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1826</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Missolonghi Exodus</div><div class='timeline-text'>The inhabitants of the Greek town Missolonghi begin to evacuate after a year-long siege by Turkish forces.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1866</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Establishment of ASPCA</div><div class='timeline-text'>The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is founded in New York City.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1925</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Publication of The Great Gatsby</div><div class='timeline-text'>F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" is published for the first time in New York City.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1971</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Start of Ping-Pong Diplomacy</div><div class='timeline-text'>China hosts the U.S. table tennis team in an attempt to improve relations, marking the start of "Ping-Pong Diplomacy"</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1998</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Signing of Good Friday Agreement</div><div class='timeline-text'>The Good Friday Agreement representing a major development in the Northern Ireland peace process, is signed.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>2019</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>First Black Hole Image</div><div class='timeline-text'>Scientists from the Event Horizon Telescope project reveal the first ever image of a black hole located in the M87 galaxy.</div></div></div>

This Day in Music

This Day in Sports


What holiday is Wednesday April 10?

April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar (2024)


April 10 Holidays | 2024 Holiday Calendar? ›

April 10, 2024 7:05 a.m.

What is April 10th national holiday? ›

April 10, 2024 7:05 a.m.

What is special about the 10th of April? ›

It's National Library Outreach Day, World Baton Twirling Day, International Day of Pink, National Hug Your Dog Day, International Safety Pin Day… and much more!

What days are on the 10 of April? ›

  • NATIONAL LIBRARY OUTREACH DAY | Wednesday of National Library Week.
  • National Day. NATIONAL FARM ANIMALS DAY - April 10.
  • National Day. NATIONAL CINNAMON CRESCENT DAY - April 10.
  • National Day. NATIONAL SIBLINGS DAY | April 10.
  • National Day.

What religious holiday is April 10th 2024? ›

Christian April 10, 2024 Eid al Fitr*# Holiday with significant work restriction. This holiday commemorates the completion of Ramadan and lasts for three days during which Muslims celebrate with special prayers, sweets, presents for children, and community festivities.

What is the main holiday in April? ›

From Tax Day and April Fools' Day (watch out for gags and hoaxes!), to Passover and the continuation of Ramadan, to honoring everything from nuts to libraries to eight tracks (seriously!), and more, there is plenty to celebrate or observe in April.

What important holiday is in April? ›

Some major religious April holidays often include Ramadan, Easter, and Passover.

Who was born on April 10? ›

Celebrity birthdays: April 10
  • AJ Michalka. Actor-singer AJ (AKA Amanda) Michalka (mish-AL'-kah) is 32. ...
  • Barkhad Abdi. Actor Barkhad Abdi (BAHRK'-hahd AHB'-dee) is 37. ...
  • Chyler Leigh. Actor Chyler Leigh is 41.
  • Daisy Ridley. Actor Daisy Ridley is 30. ...
  • David Harbour. ...
  • Haley Joel Osment. ...
  • Harry Hadden-Paton. ...
  • Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds.
Apr 10, 2023

What happened on April 10 1938? ›

On April 10, 1938, Austrians were asked whether they supported the March 13 Anschluss. 99.75% of voters said that they supported Germany's annexation of Austria into the Third Reich. After returning to Germany, Hitler issued a new call for a plebiscite on the annexation of Austria.

What is an important fact about April? ›

Did you know? April was the second month in an early Roman calendar, but became the fourth when the ancient Romans started using January as the first month. April is named for the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. The name for the month of April originally came for Aprilis which means to open.

What happened on 10 April in India? ›

On 10 April 1919, there was a protest at the residence of Miles Irving, the Deputy Commissioner of Amritsar. The demonstration was to demand the release of two popular leaders of the Indian Independence Movement, Satya Pal and Saifuddin Kitchlew, who had been arrested by the government and moved to a secret location.

Is April a special month? ›

April is National Pet Month in the United Kingdom, although the U.S. waits until May to honor its non-human family members. International Amateur Radio Month is observed globally in April. International Pillow Fight Day is observed on April 6 in 2020. World Autism Awareness Day falls on April 2 in 2020.

Who many days are in April? ›

April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Its length is 30 days.

What are the three religious holidays in April? ›

Religious Holidays Calendar
April 15 - April 23PassoverJudaism
April 17Easter SundayChristian
April 24Easter/Pascha (Orthodox)Christian
April 28Yom HaShoahJudaism
79 more rows

What religious holiday is April? ›

Easter weekend – 7th – 10th April

Many Christians will go to church on Good Friday and Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection and have a feast and special meals. Easter Sunday is the major celebration when people give chocolate eggs representing rebirth and renewal.

What day does April 10th fall on in 2024? ›

Wednesday 10th April 2024 | There is a Day for that!

What are 5 national holidays? ›

Federal holidays
  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. ( ...
  • Inauguration Day (January 20, every 4 years following a presidential election)
  • Washington's Birthday (Also known as Presidents Day; third Monday in February)
  • Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)
  • Juneteenth National Independence Day (June 19)

Is April 10 the 100th day of the year? ›

April 10 is the 100th day of the year (101st in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; 265 days remain until the end of the year.

What famous people were born on April 10? ›

Celebrity birthdays: April 10
  • AJ Michalka. Actor-singer AJ (AKA Amanda) Michalka (mish-AL'-kah) is 32. ...
  • Barkhad Abdi. Actor Barkhad Abdi (BAHRK'-hahd AHB'-dee) is 37. ...
  • Chyler Leigh. Actor Chyler Leigh is 41.
  • Daisy Ridley. Actor Daisy Ridley is 30. ...
  • David Harbour. ...
  • Haley Joel Osment. ...
  • Harry Hadden-Paton. ...
  • Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds.
Apr 10, 2023

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.