BadBoyHalo (2024)


―The phrase Bad says whenever someone swears

BadBoyHalo (also known as Bad, BBH, Darryl Noveschosch, and BaldBoyHalo, is a YouTuber and very close friend of Skeppy. Bad is victim to many of Skeppy's trolls and memes. He runs his own Minecraft server, MunchyMC and often streams on his Youtube channel. He used to go by TheSaintsOfGames because his channel was originally a group channel of him and his friends, and now uses that as his Twitter name. He often features in Skeppy's event videos and occasionally streams.


  • 1 Social Medias
  • 2 YouTube Friends
    • 2.1 Skeppy
    • 2.2 Dream
    • 2.3 Zelk
    • 2.4 a6d
    • 2.5 Sapnap
  • 3 Trivia
  • 4 References

Social Medias[]

YouTube Friends[]


Skeppy is BadBoyHalo's best friend. Bad has been included in many of his videos. He constantly annoys Bad with his memes about him. He and Bad won as a team on Minecraft Monday. Bad also "trolled" Skeppy by setting up a fan server without him knowing.[1]


Dream used to be an admin on Bad's server, MunchyMc. He later quit due to inactivity, because he was busy working on his YouTube channel, which now has over 18 million subscribers. Bad is also featured in Dream's Minecraft Manhunt, Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters. Bad has seen Dream's face before, which he described as "interesting"...


Zelkam used to be a staff on Bad's server but later quit and is now Manager rank on Skeppy's server.


a6d is a French YouTuber who is friends with BadBoyHalo, TapL and many more. He was friends with Skeppy before the a6d drama.


Sapnap is another Youtuber and is part of the Dream Team. He makes many videos that feature BadBoyHalo. They are good friends despite Sapnap killing Mr. Squeegy and trying to roast BBH in lava.


  • It is widely thought that Bad is either Irish or Canadian. However, he confirmed in one of Skeppy's videos that he is actually American.[2]
  • On a 2012 McPVP he said he was 21, but he has admitted to have lied in order to get into the event.
    • He is currently 26 years of age.
  • Even though Famous Birthdays states that his Birthday is on April 2,[3] he stated on a live stream that "Actually it may or may not be my birthday we will be celebrating as if it is my birthday."
    • This stream aired on April 6, 2019
  • Near the end of the video "So the French Server Owner Finally Trolled Him...", Bad said that he used to work with children that have special needs.
  • BadBoyHalo made a video about the time he accidentally drove his dad's car into a telephone pole, causing a power outage for thousands of people.[4]
  • He used to go by the username 'SaintsofGames' because he and his friends wanted to share a channel, but Bad was the only one who wanted to continue the channel. He later named it to BadBoyHalo, the current channel name.
  • In a livestream, he mentioned that his height was listed as 5'9" (175 centimeters) on his driver's license, but he suggested that it may be closer to 5'8" (173 centimeters).
    • However Antfrost, who is 5'7" (170 centimeters), has met up with Bad and claims that Bad is shorter than him. we won't know but it is between 5'6" (167 centimeters) to 6'4" (193 centimeters)
  • He has at least two brothers (confirmed in the 72 pizzas video and in a recent stream) and a sister (he mentioned going to her wedding in a stream). He could possibly have more siblings.
  • He went bald on August 1st, 2020 for $10,000.[5]
  • He used to swear before he met Skeppy, but now he never swears.
  • He has a pet dog named Lucy, nicknamed Rat, who he has a dog-cam for on his streams.
  • He is a 2-time winner of Minecraft Monday, winning week 5, and 7.[6][7]
  • While he is American, he has Russian ancestry (as proven by his last name)
  • He is a ordained minister as confirmed in a livestream.


BadBoyHalo (2024)
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