Call of Duty: Warzone's Rebirth Island map replacement: Fortune's Keep (2024)

Call of Duty: Warzone is about to go through some huge changes with Season 4 right around the corner, with Warzone's new map being introduced as a cool 12-piece puzzle. Introducing Fortune's Keep:

Call of Duty: Warzone's Rebirth Island map replacement: Fortune's Keep (1)

Fortune's Keep is the new Warzone Rebirth map, with the official Twitter account for Call of Duty tweeting: "Thank you to our community for helping reveal Fortune's Keep, a new #Warzone Resurgence map, where the amount of danger and action is second only to its riches".

The new Fortune's Keep map is reportedly a fast-paced and close-quarters combat-focused map, which is just how Rebirth players like it. We don't have much to go by other than some photos, but Fortune's Keep looks like it's at least double the size of Rebirth Island -- with some more island-y vibes to it -- where you'll be battling it out in the Camp, Graveyard, Lighthouse, Smuggler's Cove, Terraces, and more.

How will they get rid of Rebirth Island? According to leaker "TheGhostOfHope", they will be "NUKING Rebirth Island" in Call of Duty: Warzone. Oh boy, a nuke... and then the start of Season 4 with the debut of the new Fortune's Keep map will keep Warzone Resurgence fans (like myself) happy.

Call of Duty: Warzone's Rebirth Island map replacement: Fortune's Keep (2024)
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