College Savings Fund | 529 Contributions for Grandparents | Fidelity (2024)

Learn about tax-advantaged savings options for grandparents.

Fidelity Viewpoints

College Savings Fund | 529 Contributions for Grandparents | Fidelity (1)

Key takeaways

  • The 529 education savings plan offers an appealing combination of tax advantages, control, flexibility, and minimal impact on student aid.
  • Determine how much control you want to retain over the money you gift to grandchildren.
  • Consider the importance of potential tax advantages in your gifting decision.

Whether for birthdays or the holidays, one way for grandparents to show they care could be through the gift of education. Many grandparents naturally want to help prepare their grandchildren for their futures, and helping to fund their education is a great way to get them started. A 529 account, or other educational savings vehicle, could be a welcome gift to make to loved ones.

Step 1 is to start a family conversation.

“There are a number of strategies for grandparents to help, but you have to consider how these strategies might impact the whole family: the grandparents, their adult children, and the grandchildren,” says Mike Rusinak, vice president of Fidelity's Financial Solutions group.

Once everyone is on the same page, grandparents can consider the most tax-efficient strategies for their investment.

College Savings Fund | 529 Contributions for Grandparents | Fidelity (2)

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Give efficiently

One flexible way for grandparents to help their grandchildren save for college is with 529 college savings plans,which offer an appealing combination of tax advantages, control, flexibility, and minimal impact on student aid.

Some of the pros

  • Tax advantages. The contributions you make to 529 plansare after-tax, but earnings and withdrawals are federal income tax-free when used for qualified education expenses. This includes up to $10,000 in tuition expenses for elementary, middle, or high school education.1 Also, up to $10,000can be spent from a 529 account to repay qualified student loans and expenses for certain apprenticeship programs.2 Although there are no federal deductions for 529s, some states offer deductions on in-state plans. Others may offer tax breaks on 529 plan contributions in any state, or may use a tax credit. Depending on where you live or where you started your 529 plan, you could be eligible for one of these benefits.3 Our 529 college savings plan comparison tool allows you to view plans by state and compare up to 4 plans at a time.
  • Flexibility. At the college and graduate level, 529 plan funds can be used at accredited institutions for tuition, books, fees, supplies, and other qualified expenses. In addition, once the annual gift has been made to the 529 plan, the money is no longer considered part of the parents’ or grandparents’ estate, for estate tax purposes. And beginning January 1, 2024, the IRS permits 529-to-Roth IRA transfers under certain conditions.4 Read more in Fidelity Viewpoints: How unused 529 assets can help with retirement planning.
  • Control. When you open a 529 account with a child or grandchild as a beneficiary, you maintain control of the account, which lets you decide when to take a distribution; you can even decide to change the beneficiary if you wish.5 A grandparent can open a 529 and maintain total control. Or they may choose to gift to a 529 account owned by the parent, so that the parent maintains control.
  • Front-loading of college savings.In 2024 you can front-load a 529 plan (giving 5 years' worth of annual gifts of up to $18,000 at once for a total of $90,000 per person, per beneficiary) without having to pay a gift tax or chip away at the lifetime gift tax exclusion.6 Of course, that means the grandparent can’t make any more excluded gifts to the grandchild during those 5 years. Also, if the grandparent dies during that 5-year period, the contributions for any remaining years would be brought back into their estate.

Some of the cons

  • One financial aid catch. A 529 account held by a grandparent isn’t included as a parental asset in the federal Student Aid Index (SAI) calculation—which can be a good thing. But (up until the 2024-2025 award year) once the money in the grandparent 529 account is distributed, it is considered student income, which can have a significantly negative impact on financial aid if it is used before the final 2 years of attendance. Starting with the 2024-2025 award year, however, 529 plan distributions from an account owned by someone other than the student or their parent(s) will no longer be considered student income. If grandparents contribute to the parent’s 529 college savings plan, the money is considered a parental asset when calculating the current SAI for federal financial aid. In that case, they count for up to 5.6% of assets versus 20% for a student asset, which is how they would be counted for a custodial account. (See section on Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA) or Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA) accounts.)
  • Limited investment options.529 plans typically offer a selection of investment options, often including age-based funds that automatically become more conservative as the beneficiary approaches college age. However, the range of options is not as broad as those available in Coverdell Education Savings Accounts or UGMA/UTMA brokerage accounts. This can be a pro or a con—depending on your skill, will, and time to choose and manage investments.
  • Penalties on certain withdrawals.If you've set up a 529 account and are the owner, you can withdraw the money yourself at any point. However, be prepared to pay income taxes on any earnings, plus a 10% penalty on those earnings if the money is not used for qualified education expenses.
  • Medicaid implications. A major drawback to ownership of a 529 plan account for grandparents is the possible loss of Medicaid assistance. When Medicaid evaluates a grandparent's means, assets in a 529 set up by that grandparent are considered that grandparent's assets. The 529 plan account balance would have to be spent on your care before Medicaid payments could begin.

"The 529 plan is a particularly attractive savings option for younger children because of the front-loading option and the long-term market growth potential," says Ajay Sarkaria, a vice president of advanced planning at Fidelity Investments. "They also provide a vehicle for tax-free gifting."

Other ways to save

A parent or grandparent can use an UGMA or UTMA account (i.e., "custodial" account) to save for a child, and they would have broad investment options and no limit on contributions. But the child named on the account would gain control once they reach a specified age governed by state rules, which in many places is 18. Grandparents would also still have gift tax limitations of up to $18,000 per beneficiary in 2024. So you would need to be ready to give up control of the money and consider the tax implications.

There is also the potential for less student aid because the accounts would be counted as a student asset and are generally factored into the SAI at 20%, which is much higher than the 2.6%–5.6% factored in for parental assets.

The pros

  • Broad investment options. While the loss of control might be a disadvantage to many parents or grandparents, the greater range of investment options in a custodial account versus a 529 plan could be attractive to a knowledgeable, self-directed investor.
  • No limit on contributions. You can contribute virtually any type of asset, for any amount, on both UGMAs and UTMAs. Note, though, that taxes may apply, so you should consult with a tax attorney or accountant before making a contribution as the gift tax may be a consideration.

The cons

  • Loss of control. The custodian controls the account until the child reaches a specified age, typically 18 or 21 (rules vary by state). Once the account beneficiary reaches that age, they can use the money for anything. This might be a concern for people who fear that the beneficiary might spend the money unwisely or on noneducational expenses.
  • Potential for less student aid. Because custodial accounts—such as UGMAs and UTMAs—are counted as a student's asset, they are generally factored into the SAI at 20%, which is much higher than the 2.6%–5.6% factored in for parental assets.
  • Potential for modest tax liability. The interest, dividends, and capital gains each year from the UGMA/UTMA are reported under the child's Social Security number. For tax year 2024, unearned income between $1,300 and $2,600 is taxed at the child's tax rate. Unearned income above that level would be taxed at the parents' marginal tax rate. The standard deduction for minors in 2024 is either $1,300 or earned income plus $450, not exceeding $14,600—whichever is greater. To learn more about how investments owned by children are taxed, visit Viewpoints: What to know about the kiddie tax.

Also, unlike 529 plans, UGMA/UTMA accounts are included in the estate of the account’s custodian (parent or grandparent) for estate tax purposes until the minor takes possession.

More ways to save

Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) offer a tax-deferred and potentially tax-free savings option if used for college expenses or other education expenses, from kindergarten through college. But eligibility and contributions are limited.

The pros

  • Broader uses. Coverdell ESAs can be used to save for education expenses, from kindergarten through college.
  • Tax benefits. Earnings and withdrawals are tax-free if used for qualified expenses. For taxpayers who claim an American Opportunity credit or Lifetime Learning credit, the credit must be used for different qualified expenses than withdrawals from the Coverdell ESA, if taken in the same year. In addition, once the annual gift has been made to the Coverdell ESA, the money is no longer considered part of the parents' or grandparents' estate for estate tax purposes.
  • More investment options. Coverdell ESAs also have a wider range of investment types that are eligible to be contributed to, or purchased by, these accounts, which could be attractive to a knowledgeable, self-directed investor.

The cons

  • Lower contribution limit and possible confusion. Coverdell ESAs have a low annual contribution limit of $2,000. This is the total amount that all individuals can contribute to one account—or to multiple Coverdell accounts for the same beneficiary—in any year. Unless all family members know what others are contributing and how many accounts have been opened, it could be easy to make an excess contribution. In that case, the holder of the account would owe a penalty.
  • Age limits may apply. A Coverdell ESA can only be opened for beneficiaries under age 18. Contributions made to the account after age 18 may be subject to a penalty tax of 6%. Generally, the funds in the account must be used by the time the beneficiary turns 30 years old or withdrawn within 30 days of the 30th birthday.
  • Limited eligibility. Coverdells have income limits for contributions. For the 2024 tax year, the ability to contribute to a Coverdell ESA begins to be phased out for single tax filers with modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) of $95,000, and the ability to contribute ends at MAGI of $110,000; joint filers are phased out with MAGI of $190,000 to $220,000.
  • Loss of control. Most ESAs require the child's parent or guardian to be responsible for the account. In losing control of the account, a grandparent would no longer have the option of transferring the money to a different beneficiary, or of withdrawing the money if needed for other purposes. That said, there is no law that prevents a grandparent from opening a Coverdell account.

What is the right solution for you?

Another approach for parents and grandparents may be to combine the features of custodial accounts and 529 college savings plans with a custodial 529 plan(UGMA/UTMA 529) account. A custodial 529 account is not the same as a traditional UGMA/UTMA, and also not the same as the traditional 529 account. When the student takes ownership of the account, unlike a traditional UGMA/UTMA, they must use the money for college expenses or pay a penalty. A custodial 529 account still counts as a parental asset even when the student takes ownership—in contrast to the UGMA/UTMA account which is always considered an asset owned by the child.

The contribution limits for a custodial 529 account align with the limits for an UGMA/UTMA account. For federal tax purposes, the annual contribution limit is the federal annual gifting limit currently in effect for the year in which a contribution is made to an account—$18,000 in 2024.

Also, you cannot make an accelerated gift to a custodial 529 account.

Alternatively, grandparents can pay for college directly. For estate planning purposes, the advantage of paying directly is that the payment is not considered a gift. So a grandparent could still use their annual gift exclusion to give up to $18,000 to the same grandchild. A potential downside to that, however, is losing years of tax-advantaged savings offered with a 529 plan or a Coverdell ESA—but every situation is different.

For many grandparents looking for a tax-smart way to contribute to their grandchildren's education, 529 accounts may prove to be an attractive education funding vehicle. But it's not right for everyone. So think through your personal situation with your loved ones. If you need help, work with a financial consultant.

College Savings Fund | 529 Contributions for Grandparents | Fidelity (2024)


Do grandparents get a tax benefit by contributing to a 529? ›

529 plans are one of the best ways for grandparents to save for college because while contributions to a 529 plan are not deductible at the federal level, over 30 states offer a tax deduction or credit for contributions.

What is the grandparent loophole 529? ›

The grandparent loophole allows grandparents to use a 529 plan to fund a grandchild's education without affecting the student's financial aid eligibility. Previously, withdrawals could have reduced aid eligibility by up to 50% of the amount of the distribution.

Can grandparents Superfund a 529? ›

Consider the case of two grandparents with ten grandchildren. Superfunding their 529 plan accounts with a maximum lump-sum contribution would reduce their estate by $1.7 million in a single day without using any of their lifetime exemptions.

What happens to grandparent 529 if grandparent dies? ›

Well, your estate will become the owner of the policy while your child/grandchild will remain the beneficiary of the policy. Your 529 account will not terminate; it will simply continue under a new account owner.

What happens if grandparents contribute to 529 plan? ›

If grandparents contribute to the parent's 529 college savings plan, the money is considered a parental asset when calculating the current SAI for federal financial aid. In that case, they count for up to 5.6% of assets versus 20% for a student asset, which is how they would be counted for a custodial account.

Is it better for a grandparent or parent to own a 529 plan? ›

Is it better for a grandparent or parent to own a 529 plan? Many advisors will push people to have the parent own the 529 plan because recent rules have grandparent contributions hurting total financial aid eligibility.

How much can grandparents contribute to 529 per year? ›

A 529 plan gives both parents and grandparents the option to contribute to a child's education fund. They have no annual contribution limit and an individual can contribute up to $17,000 per year while avoiding gift tax rules, or $34,000 per couple.

What is the best college savings plan for grandchildren? ›

A 529 plan is one of the best tax-advantaged ways to save for higher education. Traditional and Roth IRAs can be used to pay for college expenses, but parents should be sure their retirement needs are covered.

Should I open a 529 for my grandchild? ›

Because of the way financial aid is determined, it's generally best if the beneficiary's parents own the account. But there's an exception. If you open a 529 account as a grandparent and your grandchild only uses the assets for the last 2 years of college, the 529 assets probably won't impact student aid at all.

What is the 5-year rule for 529 contributions? ›

The 5-year election must be reported on Form 709 for each of the five years. For example, a $50,000 529 plan deposit in 2024 can be applied as $10,000 per year, leaving $8,000 in unused annual exclusion per year. This is often called 5-year gift tax averaging or superfunding.

What is the 5-year gift tax rule? ›

A special rule called a 5-year election lets you give five years of annual exclusion gifts at once. So Grandpa could give you $90,000 ($18,000 x 5) in one year, and as long as he hasn't given away more than his lifetime exemption of $13.61 million, there's no gift tax. Grandma could also gift you $90,000 as well.

What happens to 529 if child doesn't go to college? ›

Leave the account intact.

If your child is simply not sure about college or perhaps wants to delay applying, you can keep your 529 plan intact until the child does use it for qualified education expenses.

What is the best account for a grandparent to open for a grandchild? ›

The everyday option: a children's saving account

Some children's accounts have a distinctly higher interest rate than ordinary accounts. Opening a savings account for grandchildren at a local bank or building society is a good way to start teaching them the financial facts of life.

Can grandparents deduct college tuition for grandchildren? ›

Only the person claiming the student's dependency (usually the parent) can claim a tuition credit (there is no deduction). But that person can claim the money paid by any other person (what you, the grandparent paid) in calculating the credit.

What happens to 529 when a child turns 18? ›

In most states, that means age 18, though in some states the age threshold may be higher. The custodian can't change the beneficiary or account owner. Once the account owner/beneficiary becomes an adult, they assume control over the 529 plan.

What is the tax write-off for grandparents? ›

If your grandparent is your dependent, you may claim a deduction for the medical expenses you pay on their behalf. Those expenses are included with the medical expenses for you and the rest of your family, which in aggregate must exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income to be deductible.

How can I save for my grandchildren tax free? ›

You can open a 529 plan in the name of a grandchild (the beneficiary) or contribute to a plan your child owns on behalf of your grandchild. In 2023, you and your spouse can each put $17,000 into your grandchild's 529 plan without triggering gift taxes.

What are the tax implications grandparents paying college tuition? ›

According to the Internal Revenue Service, tuition that you pay for someone else is exempt from the federal gift tax. There is no limit to how much you may contribute towards your grandchild's tuition, said O'Connell, but the special gift tax exclusion only allows donors to pay for college tuition.

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