Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (2024)

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (1)Ahoy! This here is the 64th Featured Article.

"Jinbe" has been featured, meaning it was chosen as an article of interest.


  • 1 During the Timeskip
  • 2 Fish-Man Island Saga
    • 2.1 Fish-Man Island Arc
  • 3 Dressrosa Saga
    • 3.1 Caribou's Kehihihihi in the New World
    • 3.2 Solo Journey of Jinbe, Knight of the Sea
  • 4 Whole Cake Island Saga
    • 4.1 Whole Cake Island Arc
  • 5 Wano Country Saga
    • 5.1 Wano Country Arc
    • 5.2 One Piece: Stampede
      • 5.2.1 Third Act
    • 5.3 Uta's Past Arc
    • 5.4 One Piece Film: Red
  • 6 Final Saga
    • 6.1 Egghead Arc
  • 7 References
  • 8 Site Navigation

During the Timeskip

At some point after leaving Luffy, Jinbe got in touch with the Emperor, Big Mom and formed an alliance with her.[16] The Sun Pirates became a subordinate crew of the Big Mom Pirates, with the pact being sealed by Aladine marrying Linlin's 21st daughter, Praline.[17] In exchange for their loyalty, as well as a monthly tribute of sweets, Fish-Man Island would become part of Big Mom's territory and use her flag for protection.[18]

Unfortunately, due to his renewed status as a criminal to the World Government after resigning from the Seven Warlords, Jinbe could not enter Fish-Man Island, and thus could not meet Luffy on the island as he originally planned to do.[19] However, he was able to reside in the Sea Forest, and decided to remain there to wait for Luffy. During his time, Jinbe was also keeping an eye on Hody Jones and his crew, but wasn't able to decipher his plans. He gave Prince f*ckaboshi a message to relate to Luffy, warning him not to fight Hody Jones and that he would be waiting in the Sea Forest.[20]

Fish-Man Island Saga

Fish-Man Island Arc

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (2)

While at the Sea Forest, Jinbe sat next to the grave of Queen Otohime. He commented that even after her death, no one had forgotten her ideals.[21] Later, Luffy, Shirahoshi, Megalo, Chopper, Hatchan, and Sanji arrived at the Sea Forest. Jinbe was overjoyed to see Luffy again, but deeply surprised that Shirahoshi was out of Hard-Shell Tower, and was also surprised to see Hatchan, who was supposed to have been captured with the other Arlong Pirates. Jinbe then asked Luffy to explain why he brought Shirahoshi out of her tower. After Luffy reassured Jinbe about Shirahoshi's safety by intercepting a homing axe, Jinbe commented on how carefree Luffy was.

While Shirahoshi was paying her respects to her deceased mother in front of her grave, Luffy inquired about the grave. Jinbe informed Luffy that the grave belonged her mother. Nami and Camie soon arrived bearing terrible news about Hody Jones' rampage in the Ryugu Palace. Jinbe decided to explain the situation as quickly as he can and revealed to the group that he was responsible for allowing Arlong to venture into the East Blue.[22]

Before Jinbe began his explanation, he told a distressed Shirahoshi not to worry about her father, saying that he would be saved from the clutches of the New Fish-Man Pirates. After Nami asked Jinbe about him setting Arlong loose, Sanji stated that he heard about Jinbe from Yosaku and he thought that Jinbe was as bad as Arlong and was surprised that he allied with Luffy. Sanji then informed the ex-Warlord about Nami's suffering at the hands of Arlong and warned him that what he said next would determine whether or not he should be forgiven. Jinbe started off by explaining the dark past of the fish-men and merfolk, as well as the respective ideals of Queen Otohime and Fisher Tiger.[23]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (3)

After finishing his story, Jinbe stated that he would take any punishment Nami desired. Nami relieved Jinbe of the blame since Arlong was the guilty one. Jinbe expressed his tearful gratitude. He then reviewed the current situation on Fish-Man Island. Jinbe said that he knew Hody was scheming something after he left the Neptune Army, but Hody managed to keep Jinbe from getting any word of it. Hatchan started revealing Hody's plan but was interrupted when a visual Den Den Mushi appeared and broadcasted Hody's speech to Fish-Man Island.[24]

When Hody showed the chained-up Neptune, Nami remarked on how the other Straw Hat Pirates, mainly Roronoa Zoro, caused him to be captured. Jinbe was shocked and exasperated at the news, but Camie explained that it was a big misunderstanding and that the Straw Hats were attacked first. Hody went on in detail of his plan to recreate the Ryugu Kingdom as well as execute Neptune and the imprisoned Zoro, Usopp, and Brook. Shirahoshi attempted to go with Megalo to rescue her father, but Jinbe stopped her. Luffy resolved to fight Hody, but Jinbe told him not to, saying that a human fighting Hody would only increase the fish-men's hatred towards humans. Luffy said that he needed to rescue his friends trapped at the palace and that if Jinbe wanted to stop him, he would have to fight him. Jinbe regrettably agreed and prepared himself.

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (4)

Luffy remained insistent on going to Ryugu Palace. He tried to hop on Megalo, but Jinbe stopped him using Fish-Man Karate. Luffy counterattacked using Jet Stamp and Jinbe blocked him. They then charged at each other but suddenly a clone of Nico Robin appeared in between them, shocking Jinbe at her unexpected appearance and yelled at her to move out of the way. Before Luffy and Jinbe collided, "Robin" vanished and the two hit each other. After the real Robin appeared and said that friends should not fight, Jinbe once again tried to reason with Luffy, but the Straw Hat captain remained stubborn. Jinbe eventually came up with a plan that would make Luffy a hero instead of a villain. At first, Luffy disagreed but decided to go along with it when Jinbe agreed to give him all the meat he wants.

Jinbe and Shirahosi rode Megalo to Gyoncorde Plaza to save the king. He and Shirahoshi soon saw what appeared to be King Neptune, but was actually a balloon dummy set as a trap. Shirahoshi was easily deceived, and when they approached it, they were ensnared in a net. They were then tied up and taken to the plaza. Shirahoshi tearfully apologized to Jinbe for falling for the enemies' trick. Jinbe was not deterred since he planned on letting himself get captured from the start. Hody, thinking that his plan was going smoothly, was overjoyed and revealed to everyone that he was the one who truly killed Otohime. Jinbe was stunned at this revelation. When Hody gloated about killing Otohime right in Shirahoshi's face, the princess said that she knew all along, shocking Jinbe and the others present.

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (5)

Shirahoshi explained that Megalo witnessed Hody killing Otohime and relayed the information to her. Jinbe asked Shirahoshi about why she never told anyone. Shirahoshi tearfully stated that she was following her mother's last wish of not holding any hatred towards the killer. Jinbe was surprised that Shirahoshi could actually uphold her promise and commented on Shirahoshi's strong spirit. Hody, on the other hand, ridiculed the princess, saying that her kindness and mercy would lead to the deaths of the rest of her family. Jinbe assured the princess that she did nothing wrong. When Hody was about to kill Neptune, Luffy jumped out of Megalo's mouth and kicked Hody a great distance back. Jinbe was surprised that Luffy actually came out earlier than planned, but relented that it could not be helped. Nami retrieved the World Noble's letter, Robin freed the king and the princes, and Hoe took them to safety. When the rest of the Straw Hats appeared, Jinbe stood among them, preparing to fight against the New Fish-Man Pirates.

After Nami gave Shirahoshi the World Noble's letter, Jinbe told the princess that he would help protect her ideals. Jinbe was awed when Luffy defeated half of Hody's forces with Haoshoku Haki. Hody then tried to kill Shirahoshi with a water shot, but Jinbe nullified Hody's attack with his own water shot. Later he was choking a New Fish-Man Pirate while commenting on Hody's extortion of Surume through the threat of harming the kraken's siblings.

Suddenly, the plaza became dark. Noah, the ancient ship that Vander Decken IX tossed, reached the island and was breaking through the bubble. Just as everyone feared the bubble would not hold, they also realized that Shirahoshi was missing. She was high above the plaza and Jinbe realized that at that height, she would redirect the ship away from the plaza. Jinbe told Luffy that even though the ship is full of water, Decken is a Devil Fruit user, so there must be air somewhere and then tossed him a bubble-making coral to help him.

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (6)

When Wadatsumi defeated Surume due to taking an Energy Steroid pill, he attacked Jinbe, who easily countered by using a roundhouse kick against the giant's punch. After Wadatsumi was kicked by Sanji, Jinbe then prepared himself to fight the giant fish-man together with Sanji. He continued to block Wadatsumi's attacks. When he saw Hammond's "Slave Tank" and how the New Fish-Man Pirates were treating their captives in the same way the World Nobles treat their slaves, he asked Robin to help free them despite the risk they may later pose to Fish-Man Island, and she agreed.

After Wadatsumi became almost spherical after sucking so much air in an attempt to intimidate his foes, Jinbe and Sanji began executing their unseen plan. Jinbe struck Wadatsumi with a powerful Fish-Man Karate attack, causing the giant to open his mouth. Wadatsumi then flew high into the sky as the air he sucked in was released. Jinbe's attack gave Sanji an opening to deal a devastating blow to Wadatsumi. Following the defeat of Wadatsumi and the leaders of the New Fish-Man Pirates, Jinbe and the Straw Hats looked up into the sky as Luffy tried to destroy Noah. When the Sea Kings appeared and stopped Noah from falling, saving the ship and the island at the same time, everyone on Fish-Man Island celebrated.

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (7)

During the aftermath, Jinbe kept the formerly captive humans and the subordinates of the New Fish-Man Pirates in the plaza. The pirates of both factions begged Jinbe to allow them to leave, but Jinbe stated that Neptune would decide their fates and threatened to strike down anyone who tried to escape. Due to his overexertion, Luffy had lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion, a type no one else on his crew has. Jinbe volunteered to be Luffy's donor since, as a pirate, the law that forbids blood donations to humans did not matter to him. During the transfusion, Luffy recovered and asked Jinbe to join his crew.

He reluctantly turned down Luffy's invitation, saying that he had unfinished business to take care of. However, he stated that once it is dealt with, he would come to Luffy's side and, should Luffy still feel the same way, would like to be asked to join once more. Jinbe then joined in on the banquet at the Ryugu Palace in the Straw Hats' honor.

During the festivities, Jinbe spoke to the Straw Hats in private and informed them of the Marines' movements during the timeskip such as how Sengoku retired and how his successor was decided between Aokiji and Akainu after an epic duel between the two admirals which ended in Akainu's victory. He also informed them of the Blackbeard Pirates gaining enough notoriety for Blackbeard himself to take the vacant spot of the Four Emperors, along with the rumors that the Blackbeard Pirates are out stealing powers from other Devil Fruit users. He urged Luffy to be careful, as his past connections with Blackbeard and garnered notoriety might tempt the latter to target him yet again, only to realize that the boy was eating to his heart's content. The other Straw Hats said that it's fine that they at least got the message, to which Jinbe sympathized at the work they have got cut out for themselves. Later, along with the Neptune Royal Family and the Neptune Army, he looked upon the New Fish-Man Pirates leaders in their jail cell and how they have become old due to the Energy Steroids that they stole and consumed in excess.

Afterwards, Jinbe had a private talk with Neptune over the status of the Sun Pirates under Big Mom's jurisdiction. Jinbe stated that, despite her unreasonable demeanor, they have been pretty much able to do as they pleased and admitted that serving under an Emperor served as great protection for his crew. Neptune noted it was because of Jinbe doing this that the island was kept safe after Whitebeard's death through the name of Big Mom, despite Jinbe stating that he and his crew should be doing the protecting. Jinbe stated that he was thinking of cutting ties with Big Mom due to Luffy's invitation to join the Straw Hat Pirates, but he worried that her anger would spill to Fish-Man Island. Neptune stated that Jinbe took on too much responsibility and that they should be able to defend themselves, for aside from the 70,000 new recruits of the Fish-Man District, Neptune stated he would seek to borrow the Straw Hats' flag for protection, to which Jinbe happily concurred. He was later present and shocked along with the crew and Neptune when Luffy declared that he would challenge Big Mom to a fight. Jinbe noted that now he really has to leave Big Mom before things get worse and told the crew not to irritate her anymore than they already have.

Jinbe and the other Fish-Man Island citizens soon bid farewell to the Straw Hats. Jinbe asserted with a nod on how he would meet up with them again someday. When a child requested a straw hat of his own to play "Hero", Jinbe stated that he would arrange for a trading ship to head for the surface and stock up on a supply of "hero hats".

Dressrosa Saga

Caribou's Kehihihihi in the New World

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (8)

Soon after Caribou started attempting a second mermaid-kidnapping spree, Jinbe stopped him by punching him in the face. He then placed the felon into a barrel and took him away from Fish-Man Island while riding a coated boat to the surface. Sometime after leaving Fish-Man Island, they met Coribou and the rest of the Caribou Pirates. Jinbe then stepped out of the boat and pulled it far away from the Caribou Pirates' ship. He and Caribou later reached the surface at the ruined G-5 Marine Base. Jinbe then quickly departed, leaving Caribou in the hands of Commodore Yarisugi, who soon began thinking of several sad*stic ideas on what to do with the pirate.[25]

Solo Journey of Jinbe, Knight of the Sea

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (9)

Later, when Jinbe went on a journey to search for his friends, he encountered a lost Sea Kitten while traveling underwater. Afterwards, Jinbe encountered an ocean dog police officer, who then decided to help the Sea Kitten. When they arrived at the Sea Kitten's home, they found nothing there but the ocean dog's house, which was turned over. Jinbe and the Sea Kitten then saw a sinking ship. Jinbe saved the sailors by raising the ship to the surface, gaining their gratitude. He was then surprised when he read the news concerning Luffy and Law's alliance and Donquixote Doflamingo's supposed resignation from the Seven Warlords of the Sea. From the newspaper, Jinbe also learned that the Sea Monsters went on a rampage at a port town. Jinbe and the Sea Kitten later traveled to the port town and discovered the Sea Kitten's home among the ruins.

After disembarking, Jinbe heard the story from the locals and was led to a sea shrine with no offerings on it. Once he returned to the port town, he saw the ocean dog and its home being thrown onto the ruins. He then pursued a mysterious individual that retreated to the ocean floor. There, Jinbe discovered a large pile of offerings and encountered an old foe, Wadatsumi. After hearing from his side of the story, Jinbe gave him a scolding. Jinbe then spoke to the Sea Monsters that rampaged at the port town to clear up a misunderstanding. He was present when Wadatsumi and the Sea Monsters apologized to the towns people and the Sea Kitten reunited with its parent.

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (10)

Soon after, the locals showed Jinbe a poneglyph that was hidden among the ruins. Jinbe watched the Sea Kings act as ships for the locals to make up for breaking theirs. Having made peace with each other, the locals, Sea Monsters, Wadatsumi, and Jinbe had a feast together. On the next day, Wadatsumi asked Jinbe if he could come along with him. After bidding the townspeople and the Sea Monsters farewell, Jinbe left with Wadatsumi, taking the poneglyph with them.[26]

Whole Cake Island Saga

Whole Cake Island Arc

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (11)

Jinbe later met with his crew to discuss un-affiliating with Big Mom and joining Luffy's crew. The Sun Pirates agreed and fully supported his decision. When Jinbe asked Aladine's wife, Charlotte Praline, about the possibility of incurring Big Mom's wrath if he leaves her crew, she stated that Jinbe would not be the first person who tried to leave and warned him that not a single soul brave enough to utter such words has lived to see another day.[27] Aladine later watched Luffy's group from under the sea, and contacted Jinbe for further orders.[28]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (12)

Upon arriving to Whole Cake Island, Jinbe delivered his poneglyph to Big Mom. Later while she was throwing a tantrum in Sweet City due to her craving for croquemboche, Jinbe stopped her by giving her the sweets she desired. After she calmed down, Big Mom thanked Jinbe for the poneglyph he gave her. Jinbe then wished to discuss something important with her and Big Mom wondered with a frightening expression if Jinbe intended to sever their alliance.[29] Jinbe later explained to Big Mom about his decision to leave her crew. Big Mom was unconcerned about his reasons but was greatly displeased. She then demanded Jinbe to give up something in return and as such, brought out a consequence roulette wheel.[30] Sensing that the roulette was rigged to ensure the death of not only himself but also his crewmates, Jinbe avoided spinning it by claiming to take back his request to leave Big Mom's crew.[31]

After his comrades saved Pekoms from being killed by sharks after getting shot by Capone Bege, Jinbe learned from Pekoms about Bege's assassination plot and Big Mom's intention to massacre the Vinsmoke Family, including Sanji, which would lead the Straw Hats to recklessly try to rescue Sanji. Jinbe spoke to his crew in secret and explained to them about the roulette wheel. He also told them his plan to rebel against Big Mom in order to assist Luffy in his efforts to rescue Sanji and instructed them to leave Totto Land during the chaos.[32]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (13)

Two days after his meeting with Big Mom, Jinbe went to the Prisoner Library where Luffy and Nami were being held prisoner. Charlotte Opera, who was standing guard, told Jinbe that he was forbidden on castle grounds, but Jinbe simply apologized as he hit Opera in the stomach with a powerful Gosenmaigawara Seiken.[33] He released the Straw Hats by burning the book they were imprisoned in and dousing them in water after they were freed. He then explained to them that his Sun Pirates were also one of the crews serving under Big Mom, but he intended to rebel against her. As Luffy dashed out of the Prisoner Library, Jinbe tried to warn him that the castle was crawling with strong foes.[34]

Jinbe and Nami were then pursued through the hallways until they found Chopper and Carrot coming out of a nearby mirror. After Jinbe and Nami entered the Mirro-World, Brûlée angrily reprimanded Jinbe for betraying the Big Mom Pirates. Jinbe explained that he avoided spinning the punishment roulette wheel and Pedro commended him for that by explaining the consequences of it. The group then went on searching for Luffy, Brook, and Sanji.[35]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (14)

They found Brook being held by a sleeping Big Mom in her bed, and they created a fake Brook using another skeleton and some seaweed. Jinbe then placed Brûlée in between the mirror to Big Mom's room, allowing them to travel through it at will. He watched as their first three tries to rescue Brook were unsuccessful, and when Nami went to save Brook, Big Mom threw Prometheus at them, forcing Jinbe to rush in and pull Nami and Brook into the mirror before they were caught in the explosion. Brook then revealed that he had made copies of Big Mom's poneglyphs, impressing Jinbe.[36]

The group searched for Sanji, but none of the mirrors saw him. After Nami theorized that Sanji went to the place where he and Luffy fought, Jinbe commented that Sanji must have gone to Whole Cake Island for some important role he had to fulfill as a Vinsmoke. Jinbe doubted that it would be easy to convince Sanji to come back. He then claimed that he planned to tell the group something after they were all together, but revealed that they could not let the wedding happen, because it would be no mere ceremony. Jinbe asked the group about Pekoms and revealed that the lion mink is alive and safe, but he was about to meet his doom because of a certain plot he was involved in and would have died if Jinbe's crew had not noticed.[37]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (15)

Sometime later, Jinbe and his group managed to contact Luffy and Sanji through a mirror shard. After Luffy explained his intent to ruin the wedding ceremony, Jinbe explained more about Bege, such as his backstory and him plotting against Big Mom. Jinbe then proposed to Luffy about forming an alliance with Bege and Luffy agreed to meet up with him.[38] After Jinbe informed Luffy and Sanji the location of the Fire Tank Pirates' base, Jinbe and his group went to Bege's hideout ahead of them. When the Straw Hat Crew and the Fire Tank Pirates began their negotiations, a fight nearly broke out between Luffy, Bege, and Caesar. Jinbe stopped the quarrel by reminding them that they shared a common enemy in Big Mom and need to work together to defeat her.[39] As Bege explained his plan to kill Big Mom, Jinbe listened attentively. The meeting adjourned once Bege finished going over the plan.[40]

Bege transported the alliance members to the Tea Party inside his body, and when he checked on them, he was shocked to see the Straw Hats sleeping. Jinbe assured him that he would wake them up 10 minutes before the wedding ceremony.[41] After the ceremony started, Jinbe had difficulty waking Luffy up but eventually managed to do so with food. The team then went into the Mirro-World and prepared to crash into the wedding venue once they heard the signal.[42]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (16)

When Luffy made his move against Big Mom, Jinbe and Pedro released the many copies of Luffy through the mirror before running out to join him. After Charlotte Katakuri subdued Luffy, the Sweet Commander noted that Luffy was after the Mother Carmel portrait and demanded to know how he knew about it. Jinbe appeared and used black tea to free Luffy while revealing that Katakuri ate the Mochi Mochi no Mi. Jinbe then claimed that he was the one who told Luffy about the portrait, lying that he heard rumors while working under her for so long. Jinbe then declared to the angered Big Mom that he was leaving her crew to join the Straw Hat Pirates. Big Mom responded to his declaration by saying that he must give up some of his life, which Jinbe was prepared to do despite Luffy's protests. However, Big Mom was unable to take away Jinbe's lifespan because he was not afraid of her and he explained that a man who will join the crew of the future Pirate King does not have to fear a mere Emperor. He then returned his sakazuki to officially seal his departure from the Big Mom Pirates. Enraged by his defiance, Big Mom stomped on the sake cup and attempted to attack him with Prometheus while Brook destroyed the portrait.[43]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (17)

Jinbe evaded Big Mom's attack and after seeing Brook's success, Jinbe was overjoyed. In the ensuing conflict, Jinbe fended off the attacking Big Mom Pirates, wondering why nothing was happening before warning Pedro about Oven's Netsu Netsu no Mi. Bege later told Jinbe to back up the Straw Hats as his assassination operation initiated.[44] As Katakuri went after Luffy, Jinbe tried to fight him but the Sweet Commander managed to get past him. However, despite Katakuri's efforts, Luffy showed Carmel's broken portrait to Big Mom, causing her to start screaming. Jinbe then quickly put on his earplugs.[45]

Jinbe watched as Bege, Vito, and Gotti fired their KX Launchers at Big Mom. However, Big Mom's scream detonated the rockets before they could reach her, shocking Jinbe and his allies. With the assassination attempt a failure, Caesar flew into the venue with the escape mirror and Bege signaled the alliance members to retreat. Before they could escape into the mirror, Big Mom's scream shattered it, leaving them trapped in the venue. Jinbe then watched Bege transforming into a giant fortress to save the alliance.[46] Jinbe's group and the Vinsmoke Family then retreated inside the fortress. Inside Big Father, Jinbe asked Bege what they should do next, but the alliance found themselves in a dire situation as the fortress came under attack by a furious Big Mom.[47] As Bege's fortress continued to suffer damage from Big Mom's attacks, Jinbe listened to Bege as he came up with a plan to escape with Caesar's help.[48] Jinbe remained inside Bege as turned back into human form and had Caesar carry him out of the venue. As the Big Mom Pirates hindered their escape, Luffy, Sanji, and the Vinsmoke Family were overwhelmed by the enemy. Jinbe and Pedro prepared to go out to assist them, but the Tamatebako dropped to the base of the Whole Cake Chateau and the bomb inside the chest exploded, causing the castle to topple over.[49] As the castle collapsed, Jinbe's group, Bege's crew, and the Vinsmoke Family got away. Jinbe's group and the Fire Tank Pirates rendezvous at the northwest part of Whole Cake Island, where Bege decided to part ways with the Straw Hats.[50]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (18)

After Brook and Chopper separated from the group to retrieve the Shark Submerge, the rest headed for the Thousand Sunny. As they approached the Seducing Woods, they ran into Kingbaum. Nami then used part of Big Mom's vivre card to control Kingbaum and forced him to transport the fleeing team. However, before they reached the Seducing Woods, a crazed Big Mom (while riding on Zeus) caught up to them.[51] Using Napoleon in its sword form, Big Mom unleashed an air slash that cut off a part of Kingbaum. As Big Mom prepared to attack again, Nami diverted Zeus' attention by using thunderclouds, causing the cloud homie to veer off-course and drop Big Mom. When Jinbe and his group reached the Seducing Woods, Big Mom ordered the tree homies to stop the Straw Hats, but Kingbaum charged through them. Jinbe and his group were later forced to jump off Kingbaum when Prometheus attacked and burned Kingbaum for his betrayal.[52]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (19)

As the Sanji Retrieval Team continued with their escape, Jinbe explained about Big Mom's eating disorder to Luffy as she resumed her pursuit, and Jinbe urged Nami to keep feeding Zeus thunderclouds because it was the only way to keep Big Mom from catching up to them. When Prometheus caught up to them and Luffy's attacks were unable to harm the living flames with Haki punches, Jinbe managed to stun Prometheus with blasts of water, but several Big Mom Pirates caught up to their captain and clashed with the Sanji Retrieval Team. The team pulled out of the conflict quickly, knowing they could not split up there. When Zeus ate one of Nami's weather eggs and grew massively and became stormy, Nami took the opportunity to summon a massive lightning bolt that struck the Big Mom Pirates pursuing them.[53]

Nami's attack left Big Mom laying at the bottom of a crater. To the Straw Hats' shock, Big Mom was barely affected and continued to move. She ate through the ground as she moved back up, and the team started running again. They were then approached by Pudding and Chiffon. After Chiffon requested Sanji's help in making a cake for Big Mom, Sanji readily agreed to assist them. Big Mom then got back on her feet and unleashed another devastating air slash, and the two groups parted ways with Sanji heading to Cacao Island with Pudding and Chiffon while Jinbe and his group continued fleeing to the Thousand Sunny. Pudding used her Devil Fruit powers to send memories flooding into the souls in the homies, allowing the Straw Hats to make it to the coast without trouble.[54]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (20)

Jinbe and the Sanji Retrieval Team made it back to the ship but were still chased by Big Mom. They got into a conflict with Perospero and Katakuri, who were onboard with Chopper and Brook. While Luffy clashed against Katakuri, Jinbe and Nami prepared the Sunny for escape. After Perospero trapped the ship in candy, Jinbe watched in shock as Pedro attempted to take out Perospero with a massive suicidal explosion.[55] Thanks to Pedro's efforts, the candy trapping the Thousand Sunny dissolved, and the team completed their preparations for their getaway. After Luffy grabbed and dragged Katakuri into the Mirro-World, Jinbe operated the Thousand Sunny's controls, and he and the rest of the group on the ship escaped Whole Cake Island with a Coup de Burst.[56]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (21)

As the team mourned Pedro's self sacrifice and lamented on their inability to save him, Jinbe encouraged them to press on and keep their guard up. After the team was spurred into action, they spotted not only the Big Mom Pirates' fleet heading toward them, but Big Mom herself, who was walking on water using Perospero's candy sea slug.[57] While under siege by the Big Mom Pirates, the team encountered another dire predicament when Big Mom created a massive wave homie to engulf the Thousand Sunny.[58] However, thanks to Jinbe's skills as a helmsman, the team managed to come out of that situation unharmed by skillfully sailing within the 'Green Room' of the wave. He then continued to handle the ship as they sailed toward Cacao Island where they planned to meet up with Sanji and Luffy.[59]

On the way to Cacao Island, the group on the Sunny was puzzled when they saw no pursuers. Jinbe hoped that Aladine and his group managed to escape.[60] With still no enemies in sight, Jinbe commented that there was no way things would continue this smoothly since Big Mom has her pride as an Emperor.[61] As they were getting closer to Cacao Island, Jinbe told the group to prepare for a battle.[62] The group on the Sunny was later surprised to find themselves once again pursued by Big Mom and a fleet of Tarteships.[63] They were initially able to hold their own, but they later discovered another fleet of Tarteships led by Daif*cku in front of them. As they were about to be surrounded by the Big Mom Pirates, they thought about a counterattack. Carrot told the rest of the team to leave this to her, and they watched with amazement as Carrot transformed into her Sulong form and launched an attack on Daif*cku's crew.[64]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (22)

During the scuffle between Carrot and Daif*cku, Jinbe revealed that Carrot faced the risk of severe exhaustion if she used the Sulong form for too long, prompting Brook to retrieve Carrot and carry her back to the Sunny. However, Jinbe and his group later faced despair after Big Mom summoned Zeus and Prometheus back to her side and charged towards the Sunny. After Big Mom landed on the deck, Jinbe told his group to prepare to abandon ship.[65] As she was tearing the ship apart, Jinbe tried telling her that there was no cake on the Sunny, but she refused to believe him and attacked him with Napoleon, sending him flying into the ocean. However, Jinbe returned to douse Prometheus' flames with a wave of water before racing to Big Mom and hitting her with his Buraikan technique. The attack forced Big Mom off the Sunny, but she was rescued by Zeus. Big Mom prepared to slice the whole ship in half, but Nami and Brook worked together to manipulate Zeus into discharging all its power, engulfing Big Mom in a massive blast of lightning. The group on the Sunny quickly moved to escape, but Big Mom continued pursuing them.[66] As Big Mom chased after the Thousand Sunny with Prometheus in gigantic size, Jinbe commented that even ocean water would not help.[67] As the Nostra Castello approached the Thousand Sunny, Jinbe was relieved to see Sanji again. After Pudding brought Sanji to the Straw Hats' ship, the group happily welcomed Sanji back. With the Fire Tank Pirates luring Big Mom away with the cake, the Straw Hats continued on to Cacao Island to retrieve Luffy. On the way, the group on the Sunny learned from Sanji that the Big Mom Pirates were aware of their rendezvous point.[68]

After Sanji and Pudding went ahead to Cacao Island to help Luffy, the group on the Sunny evaded Smoothie's attacks. While steering the Sunny, Jinbe put his trust in Nami's navigational commands.[69] As the promised rendezvous time drew near, Nami pointed out that Luffy needed Brûlée in order to leave the Mirro-World, causing the group to become concerned, given Luffy's absent-mindedness. With a few minutes remaining, Cacao Island was in sight.[70] As they approached the island, they saw the massive fleet that the Big Mom Pirates assembled there. They were overjoyed to hear from Sanji that Luffy made it out of the Mirro-World. The group was then bewildered when they saw the Big Mom Pirates' fleet suddenly engulfed in flames.[71]

As they witnessed Germa 66 attacking the Big Mom Pirates, Sanji told them to sail past the port at full speed. The Sunny group did so and they were overjoyed to see Sanji and Luffy coming towards them.[72] Luffy and Sanji returned to the Sunny and the group quickly made their retreat from Cacao Island. The group was then besieged by Smoothie's fleet, but Judge came to their rescue. After the Sunny passed by Judge's castle, the group later saw enemy ships approaching them from the front and when the situation grew more dire, they were surprised when Wadatsumi appeared and attacked the enemy. Jinbe then dived underwater and saw that the Sun Pirates had arrived to assist him.[73]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (23)

The Sun Pirates cleared a path for the Sunny. However, despite their efforts, the Sunny was intercepted and attacked by the Queen Mama Chanter.[74] Wadatsumi saved the Sunny by switching it with the Sun Pirates' ship and hid the Sunny in his mouth. Wadatsumi tried swimming away, but Oven attacked him with heat waves, forcing him to spit out the Sunny. As he watched the Sun Pirates hold back the Big Mom Pirates, Jinbe decided to stay behind to help them. Luffy consented to Jinbe's decision but reminded him that as an official member of the Straw Hats, Jinbe must survive and meet up with the rest of the crew at Wano. After instructing Nami to sail the Sunny as fast and far as possible, Jinbe joined his former crew in battle.[75]

Jinbe and the Sun Pirates were able to ensure the Thousand Sunny's escape. However, before they could retreat, Big Mom arrived at Cacao Island.[76]

Wano Country Saga

Wano Country Arc

The following events are Non-Canon and therefore not considered part of the Canon story.

One Piece: Stampede

Jinbe wanted poster appeared during the movie on a wall in Buena Festa's hideout as he discusses the competing pirates with Douglas Bullet.[77]

Concludes non-canon section.

Third Act

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (24)

Jinbe successfully escaped Totto Land with the Sun Pirates. After he tended to the injured members, his former crew gave him a send-off. Jinbe later arrived at Wano on the day of the Fire Festival just in time to destroy a Beasts Pirates battleship that was sinking rebel ships with long-range cannons. Having reintroduced himself, Jinbe joined the crew and the raid on Onigashima.[78] After his reunion with the Straw Hats, Jinbe and his new crewmates took over the torii in front of Onigashima.[79] The Straw Hats then arrived at Onigashima with the rebels and Jinbe went on to hide the Sunny.[80]

After disembarking, the Straw Hats received Beasts Pirates disguises from Kin'emon. Jinbe informed the crew that Luffy followed after Kid and Zoro followed after Luffy. While the other Straw Hats used the Kurosai FR-U IV and the Brachio Tank V to travel, Jinbe and Robin decided to proceed on foot.[81]

Jinbe, Robin, and several rebels later infiltrated the Performance Stage in the Skull Dome, where they found Momonosuke tied to a crucifix. Robin asked him what they could do for Momonosuke, but Jinbe told her to wait for the time to strike.[82] When Big Mom later arrived on stage, Jinbe was shocked when he saw that Big Mom had captured Nami and Carrot. Jinbe then witnessed Kaidou announce his plans for his New Onigashima Project.[83]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (25)

As the battle on the Live Stage was unfolding, Big Mom attempted to attack Franky, but Jinbe and Robin worked together and successfully threw Big Mom off of the stage. Once the rest of the crew arrived, all of the Straw Hats assembled on the Live Stage.[84] Two of the Numbers charged toward the Straw Hats. The samurai struggled to bring down Goki, so Zoro cut through its club and Jinbe saved some samurai from the falling piece while Luffy went on to knock out the Number.[85] After defeating the other Number Jaki, Drake requested to fight alongside Luffy. Jinbe refused to trust him because of the Pirate's Code of Honor, but Luffy was willing to allow it, which frustrated Jinbe. When Hatcha sobered up, Jinbe told Franky to lure him away outside with the General Franky.[86]

Jinbe later joined up with Luffy and Sanji at the first basem*nt level. After defeating Briscola, Jinbe offered to escort Luffy to the roof. Sanji pointed out that he had been doing that already, so they agreed to both lead Luffy.[87] When the trio reached the first level of the castle, Jinbe and Sanji defeated Hamlet and Fourtricks without stopping.[88] As they went through the third level, Sanji separated from Luffy and Jinbe. The two ran into rebels from Udon who had built a ladder to the fourth level, bypassing the Beasts Pirates guarding the stairs.[89]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (26)

Due to numerous strong enemies in the fourth floor's Nekoka-fé, Jinbe decided to remain to hold them back while Luffy went forward. Jinbe was then confronted by Who's-Who.[90] While fighting Who's-Who and his subordinates,[91] Jinbe heard Sanji's cry for help broadcasted throughout Onigashima.[92] Jinbe refused to back down despite being outnumbered. However, once Tama's ability activated, the Gifters turned against the other Beasts Pirates, leaving Jinbe to face Who's-Who one-on-one. Who's-Who revealed himself to be a Rokushiki user. After deflecting a Rankyaku, he questioned if he should refer to Busoshoku Haki as Tekkai. Jinbe then recalled hearing about a CP9 agent who had been imprisoned. As Who's-Who transformed into his Human-Beast form, he divulged that he was indeed that agent and then used his unique Shigan variant, Gagan, but Jinbe dodged it. Who's-Who also admitted that the grudge he held for Jinbe was connected to Luffy, the one who had eaten the Gomu Gomu no Mi,[93] as well as Shanks who had stolen the fruit. Jinbe deflected another Gagan but was injured by it, so he chose to dodge Who's-Who's following barrage. Who's-Who complimented the fish-man's speed on land, which Jinbe found to be racist. Who's-Who charged at Jinbe, but the fish-man blocked him and then threw him over the shoulder. Jinbe's anger grew when Who's-Who asked if he knew of the legend of Nika because of fish-men's and the Sun Pirates' histories in slavery. As Who's-Who's Shigan "Madara" repeatedly struck Jinbe, the fish-man endured the hits until the Tobiroppo's fingers broke against Jinbe's Haki. Jinbe then broke Who's-Who's wrists, stepped on his tail, and finished him off with Gyojin Karate Ogi: Onigawara Seiken, while also warning Who's-Who for mouthing off about history.[94]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (27)

Brook later contacted Jinbe and passed on information about his and Robin's current situation and the fire on the third floor, and Jinbe wondered who was holding up Kaidou on the roof.[95] On the second floor, Jinbe held up a ceiling that had almost collapsed on top of a group of fleeing samurai. He worried about how quickly the fire was spreading and how many it would kill.[96] While moving through the third floor, Jinbe found Raizo who had collapsed after defeating f*ckurokuju.[97] When Raizo noticed Jinbe approaching, Raizo told Jinbe about his plan with Jinbe assisting. Jinbe then grabbed the water Raizo had stored inside one of his scrolls with Kairyu Ipponzeoi, sending the water into the levels below and inside the rest of the castle to douse the fire that had spread throughout the Skull Dome.[98] After the Raid concluded, Jinbe was formally introduced to Yamato, who declared to be from now on their new crew member, joining them as Kozuki Oden, however, Jinbe wasn't convinced until Luffy said Yamato would join them, though when Yamato yelled at some Beasts Pirates to stay put, Jinbe said he does not think Yamato looks like an enemy.[99] When Luffy and Zoro awakened from being unconscious, Jinbe explained to Luffy that Yamato willingly forfeited eating something til they woke up due to a tradition in Wano,[100] and would later stay at the castle when a banquet was served while the rest of the alliance (minus Robin) was celebrating another festival in the capital.[101]

Later he along with Luffy, Sanji and Zoro watched Aramaki's fight with Denjiro, Raizo, Kawamatsu, Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, Shinobu, Yamato and Momonosuke from afar. As Aramaki left, he comments on how powerful the Haoshoku Haki he suddenly felt was.[102] Yamato then joins them and tells them that he has decided to stay in the country to protect it from the threats that want to invade it. He then watches as Marco flies off, who tells Luffy that he was leaving on a passing ship. When Luffy thanks him for helping him during the Summit War, Marco tells him that they were all prepared to do it then, and asks Jinbe what the reason was, to which Jinbe laughs and claims that he could not remember anymore.[103]

After the festival, the crew gathers at the Flower Capital's castle, where Robin reveals that Pluton was in Wano Country. However, they are interrupted by Shinobu and Tama.[104]

As the crew is about to set sail, Kin'emon, Momonosuke, and Yamato arrive to say goodbye. Here it is seen how Momonosuke cryingly asks Luffy not to leave and stay with him, and how Luffy gives Momonosuke a flag with the logo of the Straw Hats, in addition to declaring Wano under his protection, to finally set sail As they sailed, Kid urged Luffy and Law to take their boats over the Climbing-Koi Waterfall, which they promptly did.[105]

The following events are Non-Canon and therefore not considered part of the Canon story.

Uta's Past Arc

The Straw Hat's spent a lazy day out at sea on the Sunny, while listening to a Tone Dial playing Uta's new song, New Genesis.[106] Later, after everyone on the crew showed interest in the singer, the crew begged Luffy to attend Uta's concert, and the captain agreed, and the Sunny set course to Elegia.[107]

One Piece Film: Red

Uta organized a concert on Elegia in order to realize her dream of performing for the whole world. Jinbe was present during the concert.[108]

Concludes non-canon section.

Final Saga

Egghead Arc

Aboard the ship, when Nami locked Luffy in a cage as punishment for endangering the lives of the crew members, Jinbe told Nami to calm down, resulting in her scolding him, leading to Jinbe being scared of her to the point of believing that she had Haoshoku Haki, with Chopper advising him to stay away from Nami when she's angry. Robin then received the newspaper where she announced the new rewards. When Sanji became depressed at seeing his new bounty, Jinbe asked if everything was alright, to which Zoro told him not to worry.[109] When the crew heard the news of Cobra's murder at the hands of Sabo and Vivi's disappearance, they all argued over the matter, where Jinbe commented that the last Levely must have been a total disaster. Following the discussion, Luffy told everyone about the promise he, Sabo, and Ace made as children, stating the ultimate goal of their dream, which shocked everyone. After hearing that, Jinbe found it very funny and had chosen a very troublesome captain.

A few days later, the crew entered a stretch of sea in harsh winter weather. Jinbe, seeing this how strong the wind was, asked his companions to retract the sails and Nami how much longer to reach the island, who replied that they had entered the climatic range of the island and that is why, they were close to a winter island. At that moment, a huge whirlpool suspended in the air approached the crew, so Nami asked Jinbe to get everyone out of here or they would all end up doomed, to which Jinbe agreed. However, Luffy and Sanji noticed that there was someone in the water, so Zoro cut the whirlpool in half which led to Chopper suddenly being blown away by a strong gust of wind, so Luffy grabbed him but Chopper got too swept away, with Usopp revealing that there was a person in the whirlpool, a girl.[110] Suddenly, a giant shark appeared below them, nearly destroying the ship. After managing to avoid the creature's bite, Jinbe realized that Luffy, Chopper, and the girl had ended up in the sea, so he asked Franky to hold the helm while he dove in to rescue them. Jinbe arrived just in time and rescued all three of them, wondering where the explosion came from. As he got out of the water, he saw the current being too strong and using the rudder would not be enough. However, at that moment, he realized that the shark was aiming a cannon at them from its mouth, so he took the all of them out the proximity of the shark, diving below the water again.

He then managed to bring the group into a cave on an island. After drying their clothes, the girl, who turned into a woman, introduced herself as Jewelry Bonney. Jinbe then wondered what happened to her crew, but she replied she arrived at the island alone, as the Mecha-Shark ate her boat and she got hungry now.[111] When Bonney revealed she came to Egghead to make Vegapunk pay for his crime for transforming her father into an emotionless cyborg, Jinbe agreed with her.

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (28)

After climbing some stairs, the group reached the surface of the island and was amazed. Being there, Luffy tried to ride a space monster, but he went through it without even touching it, then along with Bonney and Chopper, they tried to eat a deliciously looking dessert, even despite Jinbe warning them that it might be a trap. When they could not touch it either, Jinbe realized that these were holograms, in addition that there was no cold weather despite what they had witnessed outside at sea. Suddenly, Atlas appears and explains why this was this way. After the girl had finished explaining about the food machine and her technological gloves, Jinbe asked her who she was, to which she replied that she was Vegapunk.[112] After Atlas had departed to return to her work, the group made their way through the city, with Luffy changing his clothes with one of Vegapunk's inventions, with the rest of the group following as well. Suddenly, a Pacifista appeared who attacked them for mistakingly thinking they stole food and clothes. However, as Luffy was about to attack the Pacifista, Bonney tearfully begged him not to, stating he looked just like her father, making Jinbe realize she spoke about Bartholomew Kuma earlier.[113]

They managed to escape from the Pacifista thanks to Bonney's powers, where they ended up in the junkyard. There Jinbe and Bonney had a conversation about Kuma's past and his reasonings behind becoming a Pacifista, with Bonney becoming furious over Jinbe's statement that Kuma used to be a tyrant. After they had finished their conversation, she turned everyone back to their normal ages.[114] Later, the group came across a giant rusty robot, to which Bonney wondered if it could really move Jinbe commented that even despite it might working futuristically, it looked very old.[115] The group was then surprised to see the real Vegapunk appear out of the robot after Luffy and Chopper pulled him out.[116]

After this, Vegapunk began to talk about his head, his satellites and how Punk Records was created, also adding the plan he had with the latter. After Jinbe tells her of his concerns about so, Vegapunk is attacked by Bonney. Although Jinbe fails to calm her down, she is herself then passed out when the saber she used attracted a horde of insects. Jinbe then listened to Vegapunk's explanations about Momonosuke's artificial fruit and the Iron Giant. When he asked Luffy to take him with him,[117] Vegapunk revealed his reasons for that, as well as telling them about his ultimate goal of providing free energy for everyone. But suddenly they heard an explosion, to which Vegapunk told them that it must be CP0 to eliminate him; where Jinbe explains to Luffy the difference between these and CP9. Although Jinbe doesn't agree with carried Vegapunk for the big consequences, Luffy agrees without hesitation. Before disappearing, Vegapunk asked them to take Bonney to Labophase, where he would meet them here later.

As Luffy's group started to head to the requested location, they came across CP0.[118] Seeing them, Jinbe commented that they really were after Vegapunk. Luffy then handed over the unconscious Bonney to Jinbe who in turn handed her over to Chopper so he could carry Atlas, who was knocked out by Lucci earlier. As they continue on their way, Jinbe and Chopper ask Luffy, who was fighting with Lucci, to stop. Soon after Sentomaru appeared with the Seraphim S-Snake, S-Hawk and S-Shark; Jinbe was stunned to see that even though they were children, they resembled the ancient Warlords of the Sea.[119] S-Snake then showed them the way to the Void Rocket, which would take them to the Labophase, with Jinbe thanking the Seraphim. The group was then joined by Luffy, who had completed his fight with Lucci. Bonney, who then woke up, was horrified at Luffy's exhausted state, but Jinbe reassured her that it was truly Luffy.

They then arrived at the lab, where he leaves Atlas to be repaired.[120] After Bonney left them to continue her objective, they would meet up with some of the Straw Hats and the Vegapunks.[121] He then overheard Shaka's conversation with Stussy, where he finds out that she was actually a spy of Vegapunk.[122] Once Zoro, Brook, and Stussy arrive, Shaka explained that Vegapunk's main body was missing, plus the security system was down, which meant they were trapped inside the lab.[123] Jinbe later joined everyone in their search for Vegapunk, pairing up with Sanji and Stussy.

When they reached the second floor of Building B; Jinbe commented on how big the place really was.[124] As they were walking, Sanji left to help Nami,[125] so he and Stussy continued to look for Vegapunk, as Stussy received a call from Sentomaru, who explained to Stussy about Kizaru heads towards Egghead and the dire situation, with both flying in a direction while she was making the call.[126]

Jinbe/History/During and After the Timeskip (29)

Later, when York was subdued, Jinbe met with the rest of the crew along with his other allies, where they used the satellite as a hostage and forced her to contact the Five Elders, in order to reveal the situation and the World Government's plans. While he ate, he listened as York did all this, until she asked the Five Elders for help.[127] When Franky revealed that a restrained S-Snake unpetrified him and their crewmates due to her Luffy asking her, Jinbe laughed finding it funny Hanco*ck's extreme love for Luffy remained in a clone.[128]

Where later, Jinbe and Sanji went to Building A to look for Vegapunk's luggage; however, they were informed that Bonney was in trouble at Fabiriophase. Therefore, Sanji offered to help rescue her, while Jinbe informed Vegapunk that they already have all her luggage ready, so he will go to the back exit and wait for them there.[129] Where suddenly, he felt a strange presence, wondering who it was.[130] Shortly after, Nami contacted Jinbe to inform him on Zoro's whereabouts so he could provide backup in his fight against Lucci and to prevent Zoro from getting lost.[131] As Jinbe makes his way across the island, he talked to himself on how the crew should be ready to leave at moments and how it was not the time for Zoro to be fighting.[132] Jinbe then got in contact with the crew and promised in order to escape, he would drag Zoro back with him if he was not done fighting Lucci, by the time he arrived at the scene and notified Sanji the fight was still ongoing, to Jinbe's surprise Zoro managed to heavily wound Lucci.[133] At the same time Jinbe spotted a Itsumade and was rattled by its preposterous Haki, he then asked Zoro if his fight with Lucci was concluded only for both of them to spot that Lucci was still standing and drawing near. Jinbe grabbed Zoro telling him he won already and used Gosenmaigawara Shuto to create a dust cloud in front of Lucci, allowing both of them to flee to escape off the island.[134]


  1. 1.0 1.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 54 Chapter 528 (p. 16-19) and Episode 430, Jinbe makes his debut while speaking with Ace.
  2. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 901 (p. 13) and Episode 876, Luffy proclaims himself to be Jinbe's captain.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1058 (p. 3-5) and Episode 1086, The Straw Hat Pirates' bounties post-Wano Country.
  4. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 620 (p. 16) and Episode 541, Jinbe tells about himself, Arlong and Hatchan being part of the Sun Pirates.
  5. 5.0 5.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 8 Chapter 69 (p. 7) and Episode 31, Jinbe is mentioned by Yosaku for the first time.
  6. 6.0 6.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 57 Chapter 557 (p. 12) and Episode 466, Jinbe decides to resign his job as a Warlord.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 621 (p. 13) and Episode 540.
  8. 8.0 8.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 621 (p. 16) and Episode 540.
  9. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 624 (p. 4) and Episode 544, Jinbe succeeds Tiger as the captain the Sun crew, and joins the Seven Warlords.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 One Piece Blue Deep: Characters World (p. 90), Jinbe's profile after timeskip is revealed.
  11. 11.0 11.1 SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 58 (p. 100), Jinbe's age and height are revealed.
  12. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 648 (p. 16) and Episode 568, Jinbe reveals his blood type and shares his blood with Luffy in order to save him.
  13. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 976 (p. 19) and Episode 980, Jinbe's former bounty seen in his infobox.
  14. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 54 Chapter 528 (p. 18) and Episode 430, Jinbe's former bounty seen in his infobox.
  15. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 622 (p. 14) and Episode 541, Jinbe's first bounty seen on his wanted poster.
  16. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 652 (p. 2) and Episode 572, Jinbe and Neptune discuss the former's alliance with Big Mom.
  17. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 830 (p. 2) and Episode 790, Aladine's wife Praline's is introduced
  18. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 610 (p. 13) and Episode 528, Pappag explains how Big Mom took over Whitebeard's protection.
  19. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 609 (p. 4-6) and Episode 528, Camie reveals to Luffy why he couldn't meet Jinbe.
  20. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 614 (p. 8) and Episode 533, f*ckaboshi reveals to the Straw Hat Pirates the messages from Jinbe for Luffy.
  21. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 615 (p. 17) and Episode 534, Jinbe visits Otohime's grave.
  22. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 619 and Episode 538.
  23. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 620 and Episode 539.
  24. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 64 Chapter 627 and Episode 547.
  25. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68Vol. 69 Chapters 677682, cover story: Caribou's Kehihihihi in the New World Vol. 3-8 and Episode 921, Jinbe delivers Caribou to the Marines.
  26. One Piece Manga — Vol. 75Vol. 78 Chapters 751785, cover story: Solo Journey of Jinbe, Knight of the Sea Vol. 1-28.
  27. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 830 (p. 2-7) and Episode 790.
  28. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 82 Chapter 826 (p. 17) and Episode 785.
  29. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 829 (p. 15-18) and Episode 829.
  30. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 830 (p. 9-10) and Episode 790.
  31. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 834 (p. 4-5) and Episode 795.
  32. One Piece Manga — Vol. 86 Chapter 860.
  33. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 85 Chapter 851 (p. 15-17) and Episode 818.
  34. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 85 Chapter 852 (p. 4-7) and Episode 819.
  35. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 85 Chapter 854 (p. 2-5) and Episodes 821822.
  36. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 85 Chapter 855 and Episodes 823824.
  37. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 85 Chapter 856 and Episode 824.
  38. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 85 Chapter 857 and Episodes 826827.
  39. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 85 Chapter 858 and Episodes 827828.
  40. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 859 and Episodes 828829.
  41. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 861 and Episode 831.
  42. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 862 and Episode 832.
  43. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 863 and Episode 833.
  44. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 864 (p. 3, 5, 9-10, 16-17) and Episode 834.
  45. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 865 and Episode 835.
  46. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 868 and Episodes 838839.
  47. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 869 and Episodes 839840.
  48. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 870 and Episodes 840841.
  49. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 871 and Episodes 841842.
  50. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 872 and Episodes 842843.
  51. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 873 and Episode 844.
  52. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 874 and Episodes 844845.
  53. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 875 and Episode 846.
  54. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 876 and Episodes 847848.
  55. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 877 (p. 6-17) and Episodes 848849.
  56. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 878 (p. 5-9, 12-18) and Episodes 849850.
  57. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 879 (p. 2-7) and Episode 851.
  58. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 88 Chapter 880 (p. 16-17) and Episode 853.
  59. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 88 Chapter 881 (p. 2-17) and Episodes 853854.
  60. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 88 Chapter 884 (p. 16-17) and Episode 858.
  61. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 88 Chapter 885 (p. 14) and Episode 858.
  62. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 88 Chapter 886 (p. 17) and Episode 860.
  63. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 88 Chapter 887 (p. 16-17) and Episode 861.
  64. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 88 Chapter 888 (p. 4-17) and Episodes 861862.
  65. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 88 Chapter 889 and Episodes 862863.
  66. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 890 and Episodes 863865.
  67. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 891 (p. 16-17) and Episode 866.
  68. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 892 and Episodes 866867.
  69. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 894 (p. 11-12) and Episode 868.
  70. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 896 and Episode 871.
  71. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 897 and Episode 872.
  72. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 898 and Episode 873.
  73. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 899 and Episode 874.
  74. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 900 and Episode 875.
  75. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 901 and Episode 876.
  76. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 902 and Episode 877.
  77. One Piece Movie — One Piece: Stampede, Jinbe's wanted poster appears on a wall with other posters.
  78. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 976 and Episode 980.
  79. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 977 and Episodes 981983.
  80. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 978 and Episode 983.
  81. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 979 and Episode 984.
  82. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 984 and Episode 992.
  83. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 985 and Episodes 993994.
  84. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 989 (p. 2-3, 9-11, 16-17) and Episodes 9991000.
  85. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 990 (p. 10-12, 16-17) and Episode 1001.
  86. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 991 (p. 4, 9-10) and Episode 1002.
  87. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 993 (p. 9) and Episode 1005.
  88. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 994 (p. 6-7) and Episode 1006.
  89. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 997 (p. 5-6) and Episode 1011.
  90. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 998 (p. 8, 14-15) and Episodes 10121013.
  91. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 1003 (p. 16) and Episode 1018.
  92. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1005 (p. 7) and Episode 1020.
  93. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1017 (p. 3, 8, 13-17) and Episodes 10381039.
  94. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1018 (p. 6-17) and Episode 1040.
  95. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1024 (p. 4) and Episode 1047.
  96. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 103 Chapter 1038 (p. 2-3) and Episode 1065.
  97. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 103 Chapter 1041 (p. 4) and Episode 1069.
  98. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 103 Chapter 1046 (p. 11-13) and Episode 1073.
  99. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 104 Chapter 1051 and Episode 1078.
  100. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 104 Chapter 1052 and Episode 1079.
  101. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 104 Chapter 1053 and Episode 1080.
  102. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 104 Chapter 1055 (p. 17) and Episode 1082, Jinbe watches Shanks interrupt Aramaki's fight.
  103. One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 Chapter 1059 (p. 3-4).
  104. One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 Chapter 1056 (p. 8-9).
  105. One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 Chapter 1057.
  106. One Piece Anime — Episode 1029.
  107. One Piece Anime — Episode 1030.
  108. One Piece Movie — One Piece Film: Red.
  109. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1058 (p. 1-5) and Episode 1086.
  110. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1060 (p. 1-10, 15-19) and Episodes 10881089.
  111. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1061 (p. 10-11) and Episodes 10891090.
  112. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1062 (p. 7-15) and Episode 1091.
  113. One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 Chapter 1063 (p. 2-9).
  114. One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 Chapter 1064 (p. 10-12).
  115. One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 Chapter 1065 (p. 19).
  116. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1066 (p. 16-17).
  117. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1067.
  118. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1068 (p. 6-9, 11-12, 16).
  119. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1069.
  120. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1070.
  121. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1071.
  122. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1073.
  123. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1074.
  124. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1075.
  125. One Piece Manga — Vol. 107 Chapter 1077.
  126. One Piece Manga — Vol. 107 Chapter 1078 (p. 2-3).
  127. One Piece Manga — Vol. 108 Chapter 1089 (p. 13-17).
  128. One Piece Manga — Vol. 108 Chapter 1090 (p. 7).
  129. One Piece Manga — Vol. 108 Chapter 1093 (p. 4).
  130. One Piece Manga — Vol. 108 Chapter 1094 (p. 11).
  131. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1105 (p. 6).
  132. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1107 (p. 6).
  133. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1110 (p. 13-16).
  134. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1111 (p. 3-6, 18).

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Article information

Author: Patricia Veum II

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Views: 5596

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.