Mortgage Calculator (2024)

Most people need a mortgage to finance a home purchase. Use our mortgage calculator to estimate your monthly house payment, including principal and interest, property taxes, and insurance. Try out different inputs for the home price, down payment, loan terms, and interest rate to see how your monthly payment would change.

Key Takeaways

  • Using a mortgage calculator can help you determine what house you can afford, given various inputs.
  • You can choose the length of the mortgage, interest rate, down payment, and whether to include any taxes, fees, or insurance in the monthly cost.
  • The results will show the breakdown between interest and principal in the payments.
  • Interest rates are generally higher for loans of longer length and for borrowers with low credit scores.

Mortgage Calculator Results Explained

To use the mortgage calculator, enter a few details about the loan, including:

  • Home price: The purchase price of the home.
  • Down payment: The cash you pay upfront to buy a home, expressed as a percentage of the full loan amount. The size of your down payment can affect your interest rate—lenders typically offer lower rates if you make a larger down payment. (Default setting = 20%.)
  • Loan term: The amount of time you have to repay the loan. In general, the longer the term, the lower your monthly payment, but the more interest you will pay overall. The shorter the term, the higher your monthly payment and the less interest you will pay. (Default setting = 30 years.)
  • Loan APR: The cost to borrow the money, expressed as a percentage of the loan. Alternatively, enter your credit score range to see an interest rate estimate. (Default setting = last month's national average.)
  • Property taxes: The annual tax you pay as a real property owner, levied by your city, county, or municipality. (Default setting = the national average.)
  • Homeowners insurance: Your annual cost to insure your home and belongings against theft, fire, natural disasters, personal liability claims, and other covered perils. Mortgage lenders require borrowers to buy home insurance coverage. If you live in a flood-prone area, your lender may also require flood insurance. And if you're in an area that's vulnerable to seismic activity, you may need earthquake coverage. (Default setting = the national average.)
  • HOA fees: The monthly amount you pay to your homeowners' association (HOA), if the property you are considering has one, to help cover the costs of maintaining and improving the properties and amenities within the association.

Costs Often Included in a Monthly Mortgage Payment

Monthly mortgage payments typically include four costs—principal, interest, taxes, and insurance, collectively known as PITI. Here's a closer look at each one:

  • Principal: The amount you borrow and have to pay back. Mortgages are structured so that the amount of principal you repay each month starts low and increases over time.
  • Interest: The cost to borrow the money. In the early years of your loan, more of your monthly payment applies to interest. Eventually, that shifts so that more of your payment goes toward the principal. On a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, that "tipping point" happens about halfway through the loan term.
  • Taxes: Everyone who owns real property (i.e., real estate) owes property taxes. Local governments collect these taxes to help fund projects and services that benefit the entire community—such as roads, schools, hospitals, and emergency services. If you have a mortgage, your property tax bill may be included as part of your monthly mortgage payment. If so, the lender collects the payments and holds them in escrow until your tax bill is due.
  • Insurance: Your monthly mortgage payment might include two types of insurance if your lender requires them: home insurance and private mortgage insurance (PMI). Home insurance protects your home and belongings against theft, fire, natural disasters, personal liability claims, and other covered perils. Private mortgage insurance is required if you have a conventional mortgage and make a down payment of less than 20% of the home's purchase price.

If your condominium, co-op, or neighborhood has a homeowners' association (HOA), you may also owe HOA dues. Although these fees aren't usually part of a mortgage payment, some mortgage servicers will, upon request, include them in the escrow portion of the payment.

How to Calculate Monthly Mortgage Payments

You can use our mortgage calculator to calculate your monthly payment (the easy way), or you can do it yourself if you're up for a little math. Here's the standard formula to calculate your monthly mortgage payment by hand. To figure out your monthly mortgage payment ("M"), plug in the principal ("P"), monthly interest rate ("i"), and number of months ("n") from your loan and solve:

M=P[i(1+i)n][(1+i)n1]where:P=Principalloanamount(theamountyouborrow)i=Monthlyinterestraten=Numberofmonthsrequiredtorepaytheloan\begin{aligned}&M = \frac{ P \left [ i (1 + i) ^ n \right ] }{ \left [ (1 + i) ^ n - 1 \right ] } \\&\textbf{where:} \\&P = \text{Principal loan amount (the amount you borrow)} \\&i = \text{Monthly interest rate} \\&n = \text{Number of months required to repay the loan} \\\end{aligned}M=[(1+i)n1]P[i(1+i)n]where:P=Principalloanamount(theamountyouborrow)i=Monthlyinterestraten=Numberofmonthsrequiredtorepaytheloan

Lenders usually list interest rates as an annual amount. To determine the monthly rate, divide the annual amount by 12. So, if your rate is 6%, the monthly rate would be 0.06/12 = 0.005.

How to Calculate My Mortgage Interest

Interested in calculating just your mortgage interest? There's a formula for that, too. Here's a quick way to calculate one month of mortgage interest:

MonthlyInterest=LoanBalance×InterestRate12\begin{aligned} &\text{Monthly Interest} = \frac{ \text{Loan Balance} \times \text{Interest Rate} }{ 12 } \\ \end{aligned}MonthlyInterest=12LoanBalance×InterestRate

For example, say you have a $150,000 loan balance with a 5% interest rate. Your interest payment for the month would be:

($150,000×0.05)12,or$7,50012=$625.00\begin{aligned} &\frac{ ( \$150,000 \times 0.05 ) }{ 12 } \text{, or } \frac{ \$7,500 }{ 12 } = \$625.00 \\ \end{aligned}12($150,000×0.05),or12$7,500=$625.00

Remember that your balance changes each month after you make a mortgage payment. Be sure to use the new balance to calculate the next month's interest.

The interest rate for fixed-rate mortgages remains the same for the entire loan term. With adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), the interest rate changes periodically based on prevailing interest rates.

What Is the Average Interest Rate on a Mortgage?

Mortgage interest rates change day-to-day and are influenced by various economic factors, including:

Shown below are the average monthly rates for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages from January 2010 to September 2023, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis:

Mortgage Calculator (1)

Of course, the interest rate you see at the closing table could be higher or lower than the average rate. That's because your interest rate depends on what's happening in the economy at large—plus individual factors, such as the following:

How to Choose the Best Mortgage

If you're like most people, a mortgage represents the largest long-term debt obligation you'll ever have. Choosing the right mortgage can set you up for success and help minimize the overall costs of buying the home. Here are four tips to help you shop for the best mortgage.

Determine How Much You Can Afford

A home is a large purchase, and you may wonder how much you can realistically afford. Try various scenarios on a mortgage calculator to find out what your optimal loan might look like. No matter how much loan you qualify for, keep in mind that you don't have to borrow the entire amount.

Compare Mortgage Loan Term Lengths

A 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is the most popular loan type, but it's not your only option. Use a mortgage calculator to see how various loan terms impact your monthly payment, the amount of interest you'll pay, and the total cost of the home. Remember, a longer loan term means lower monthly payments, but you'll end up paying more interest over the life of the loan.

This chart compares how monthly payments and total interest differ for a home price of $312,500, a down payment of $62,500, a fixed-rate $250,000 loan at 7.2% (for the remainder of the price), property taxes of $2,188 per year, and homeowners' insurance of $91 per month. Length, or term, dictates how much you'll pay in interest and total. Rates change in the table because lenders generally use lower rates with shorter terms.

Loan TermInterest RateMonthly PaymentTotal InterestTotal Cost
30 Years7.20%$1,970.30$360,909.39$610,909.39
20 Years6.25%$2,100.65$188,556.92$438,556.92
15 Years6.15%$2,403.29$133,391.98$383,391.98
10 Years5.50%$2,986.49$75,578.83$325,578.83

Choose the Right Mortgage Type

A conventional loan isn't the only type of mortgage out there, and choosing the right one might come down to your situation. For example, if you have a military connection, a VA loan might be a good option. Do you live in a rural or suburban area? A USDA loan could be a good fit. Borrowers with lower credit scores might benefit from FHA loans. And if you need a mortgage that's larger than standard loan guidelines allow, a jumbo loan is your best bet.

Shop Around

A mortgage is a substantial financial commitment, so now is not the time to go with the first available option. No matter which type of mortgage you're in the market for, it pays to shop around. Remember that tiny differences in interest rates can lead to significant changes in your monthly payment and the total amount of interest you'll pay. Be sure to try out different scenarios on a mortgage calculator to find your optimal loan. And, of course, compare at least four lenders to find one with the terms, choices, and services that work best for you.

How Can a Mortgage Payment Calculator Help Me?

A mortgage calculator can be an indispensable tool if you're considering financing a home purchase. That's because a good mortgage calculator does the following:

  • It helps you estimate your monthly mortgage payment: A mortgage calculator shows what your monthly payment might look like. This is an important first step in the homebuying process.
  • It factors in other home costs: A good mortgage calculator factors in both principal and interest and additional home costs like taxes, home insurance, private mortgage insurance, and homeowners' association dues. Knowing these costs helps you determine a home price you can realistically afford.
  • It narrows your home search: Mortgage payment estimates provide a good starting point for your home search. Instead of spending time looking at properties outside of your price range, you can focus on homes that match your budget. Generally, you should never buy a home above your price range. Of course, it's not a good idea to buy too far below your price range either if doing so means you'll probably have to sell and buy again in a few years.
  • It allows you to try out different scenarios: With a mortgage calculator, it's easy to change one or more inputs to see how it affects your monthly payment, mortgage interest, and the total cost of the loan. This is an easy way to figure out your optimal loan.
  • It shows how different loan types compare: A calculator does the math for you, so you can quickly analyze different loan types. For example, a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage has lower payments, but you'll end up paying more in interest. A 15-year loan has higher payments, but you'll pay less interest over the life of the loan.

How Much House Can I Afford?

One of the key metrics lenders look at to determine how much house you can afford is your debt-to-income ratio (DTI)—the percentage of your gross monthly income that goes toward paying your monthly debt payments. A low DTI demonstrates that you have a good balance between debt and income, while a high DTI signals that your debt may be too high for your income.

In general, 43% is the highest DTI you can have and still qualify for a mortgage. Most lenders, however, prefer DTIs that are no higher than 36%, with housing expenses (including your mortgage payment) representing no more than 28% of that debt (the "28/36 rule").

Another factor that determines how much house you can afford is the amount of money you have available to make a down payment and cover closing costs. Though a larger down payment might mean a bigger mortgage (and more house), make sure you'll have money left over to furnish and live in the home.

Of course, just because a lender approves you for a loan doesn't mean you have to borrow the entire amount. A smaller loan payment provides some wiggle room each month, which might come in handy in an emergency or if something unexpected comes up (say, a pandemic). A lower payment also makes it easier to save for other goals and work on your retirement nest egg.

How Much Money Do I Need to Qualify for a $400,000 Mortgage?

Assuming you've made a 20% down payment on a $500,000 home and a 30-year, $400,000 mortgage at 7.2% would require a monthly payment of about $2,715. You'd need to show a lender you can afford to make that payment and meet your other financial obligations. Most lenders want to ensure your mortgage payment is less than one-third of your monthly income.

How Much Is Private Mortgage Insurance on a $300,000 Mortgage?

Private mortgage insurance generally runs up to about 2% of your loan amount, so close to $6,000 per year or $500 per month.

What Is the Monthly Payment of a $300,000 Mortgage?

A mortgage of $300,000 will cost you $3,255.79 per month in interest and principal for a 30-year loan and a fixed 7.2% interest rate. The monthly payment will increase if you include taxes, mortgage insurance, and other fees.

It's illegal for lenders to discriminate based on race, religion, sex, marital status, use of public assistance, national origin, disability, or age. If you believe a lender has discriminated against you, you can file a report with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and/or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The Bottom Line

Mortgage calculators are an essential planning tool in your search for a home. They help you estimate the house price you can afford and the mortgage rates best for your financial situation.

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Mortgage Calculator (2024)


How much money do I need to make to qualify for a $400000 mortgage? ›

The annual salary needed to afford a $400,000 home is about $127,000. Over the past few years, prospective homeowners have chased a moving target: homeownership. The median sales price of houses sold in the U.S. stood at $417,700 in the fourth quarter of 2023—down from a peak of $479,500 in Q4 2022.

How much do I need to make for a 250k mortgage? ›

Based on these figures and the 28% rule, you would need to earn about $66,903.57 per year to afford a $250,000 home with a 20% down payment — or about $81,171.43 per year to afford it with no down payment.

What is the average mortgage on a $300 000 house? ›

Monthly Mortgage Payments For Different Terms And Rates
Annual Percentage Rate (APR)Monthly Payment (10-year)Monthly Payment (30-year)

Is $2,000 a month mortgage high? ›

Roughly 51% of homebuyers face monthly mortgage payments of $2,000 or more, up from 18% just two years ago. Not only that, but nearly a quarter of homebuyers have payments above $3,000 — up from 5% in 2021.

What house can I afford on 70K a year? ›

The house you can afford on a $70K income will likely be between $290,000 to $310,000. Aside from your gross monthly income, lenders look at your credit report, down payment, monthly debt payments (including car payments and personal loans), and your estimated mortgage rate, among other things.

How much house can I afford if I make $70,000 a year? ›

One rule of thumb is that the cost of your home should not exceed three times your income. On a salary of $70k, that would be $210,000. This is only one way to estimate your budget, however, and it assumes that you don't have a lot of other debts.

Can I afford a 200K house on 50K? ›

Assuming you have enough in savings to cover the down payment, closing costs and cost of regular upkeep, yes, you probably could afford a $200K home on a $50K annual salary. Using our example above, the monthly mortgage payment on a $200K home, including taxes and insurance, would be about $1,300.

Can I afford a 250k house on a 40K salary? ›

Quick Rule Of Thumb: Multiply Your Annual Salary By 2.5 or 3

The quickest way to work out how much house you can afford is to multiply your annual pre-tax salary by 2.5 or 3. If you want a conservative estimate, use 2.5. If you want a more aggressive estimate, use 3.

What house can I afford on 40K a year? ›

If you have minimal or no existing monthly debt payments, between $103,800 and $236,100 is about how much house you can afford on $40K a year. Exactly how much you spend on a house within that range depends on your financial situation and how much down payment you can afford to invest.

What happens if I pay 3 extra mortgage payments a year? ›

Paying a little extra towards your mortgage can go a long way. Making your normal monthly payments will pay down, or amortize, your loan. However, if it fits within your budget, paying extra toward your principal can be a great way to lessen the time it takes to repay your loans and the amount of interest you'll pay.

How much house can $3,500 a month buy? ›

A $3,500 per month mortgage in the United States, based on our calculations, will put you in an above-average price range in many cities, or let you at least get a foot in the door in high cost of living areas. That price point is $550,000.

How do people afford a 300,000 house? ›

How much do I need to make to buy a $300K house? You'll likely need to make about $75,000 a year to buy a $300K house. This is an estimate, but, as a rule of thumb, with a 3 percent down payment on a conventional 30-year mortgage at 7 percent, your monthly mortgage payment will be around $2,250.

How much house can I buy for $1500 a month? ›

If you bring the national average down payment of 6% to closing and have a 7.69% rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage, that's just shy of $1,700 a month in principal and interest. What does $1,500 buy with those same terms? About $225,000 worth of house, give or take.

Can I get a mortgage if I make $20000 a year? ›

HUD, nonprofit organizations, and private lenders can provide additional paths to homeownership for people who make less than $25,000 per year with down payment assistance, rent-to-own options, and proprietary loan options.

What is the minimum income for 200000 mortgage? ›

To be approved for a $200,000 mortgage with a minimum down payment of 3.5 percent, you will need an approximate income of $62,000 annually.

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