Nick Reyes (2024)

Nick Reyes
Nick Reyes (1)
Slick (by Nora Salter)
Appears inCall of Duty: Black Ops III (easter egg)
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (game)
RankLieutenant Commander (formerly)
Captain of the Retribution
Nick Reyes (2)UNSA
NationalityFile:Flag of the United States.svg American
Killed ByNora Salter (indirectly)
Flying shrapnel leading to suffocation
BirthUnited States, Earth
Height5' 11" (1.80 m)
DeathMay 8th, Tharsis Shipyard 02, Mars' Orbit
WeaponKendall 44, Volk, Karma-45, NV4, FHR-40, P-LAW, EBR-800, Mauler, Reaver, R3K, Type-2, Erad, KBAR-32, KBS Longbow, Banshee, R.A.W., F-SpAr Torch, and any weapon obtained in Campaign.
EquipmentFrag Grenade, Hacking Device, Anti-Gravity Grenade, Grappling Hook, Retractable Shield, Seeker Grenade, T.A.R., Shock Grenade, Combat Knife, Foam Wall, ATAD, and any equipment obtained in Campaign.
TimelineInfinite Warfare Timeline
ActorBrian Bloom
LevelAll except Rising Threat

"Lieutenant Nick Reyes is CO of the Naval Special Operations Task Force: SCAR (Special Combat Air Recon) Team 1. This naval commando is the consummate warrior. His leadership of SCAR Team 1 has been exemplary and Admiral Raines has repeatedly recommended him for promotion. Following a field promotion, he now serves as acting Captain of the UNSA Retribution."Captain's Log

Commander Nick Reyesisthe main protagonist of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. He was initially a Lieutenant before he was promoted to be the captain of the Retribution after its previous captain, John Alder, was killed in action following the ramming of the SDF Olympus Mons during the Geneva Attack.

Reyes previously appeared as an Easter egg in the Call of Duty: Black Ops III map Nuk3town to represent a teaser for Infinite Warfare.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Geneva
    • 1.2 Becoming Captain of the Retribution
    • 1.3 Operation Port Armor
    • 1.4 Hunt for SDF's Most Wanted
    • 1.5 Operation Burn Water
    • 1.6 Rescued
    • 1.7 Operation Dark Quarry
    • 1.8 Operation Black Flag
    • 1.9 Assaulting the SetDef's Orbital Shipyard and Death
  • 3 Gallery
    • 3.1 Concept art
  • 4 Trivia



After meeting with Admiral Fredrick Raines to discuss the SDF's most recent attack on Europa, Reyes meetswith Nora Salter and Raines' secret project, the E3N robot, to commence the Fleet Week celebration. Their celebration is cut short as the city's AATIS guns openfire on the fleet. Reyes, Salter, Raines and Ethan fighttheir way across a chaotic Geneva in order to reach the AATIS Tower, where they find SDF Commander Akeel Min Riah attempting to destroy the guns. Riah is subdued, while Reyes, Salter and Ethan fly into orbit in their Jackals to assist the UNSA's warships against the SDF fleet. While initially successful, the fleet is then caught off guard by the appearance of the Olympus Mons, led by SDF Rear Admiral Salen Kotch. In an attempt to drive off the enemy force, RetributionTemplate:'s then-Captain John Alder commandsthe ship to ram the Mons, despite ReyesTemplate:' and Salter's protests.

Becoming Captain of the Retribution[]

Reyes and Salter return to the ship, intending to meet up with Captain Alder to demand an explanation, only to find him along with the ship's executive officer dead as a result of the collision. As the highest-ranking officer on board, Reyes is immediately given control of the entire ship. As Captain Maureen Ferran of the Tigris arriveson board, Reyes, Ferran and all personnel on the bridge are briefed on the situation with the SDF by Admiral Raines. Raines then promotesReyes to Commander and makes him the Captain of the Retribution. Raines's first order is for Retribution and Tigris to retake the Lunar Gateway Port from the SDF.

Because the Retribution haslimited combat-ready personnel, Reyes ordersthat he, Salter and Ethanjoin the Marines being led by Staff Sergeant Usef Omar, who objectsthat the ship captain's proper place is on the bridge, but accedesto Reyes's order.

Operation Port Armor[]

On his first mission as Commander, Reyes leadsSalter, Ethan, Omar, along with several Marine troops including Sean Brooks and Todd Kashima to retake the Lunar port from the SDF. After initially rescuing the workers on the port, Reyes encounters a near-death situation: as an SDF Skelter fighter opened fire from outside, the windows breakand expose the port’s interior to vacuum. Reyes is sucked outside and a glancing impact with a crate crackshis helmet's faceplate. The survivors are forced to run to a nearby airlock, barely making it inside before Reyes suffocates.

After sweeping through the base and cleaning out the remaining SDF ground forces, Reyes takes the battle to outer space, assisting Captain Ferran and Tigris in battling the Ares Vallis, an SDF destroyer commanded by Captain Bradley Fillion. After ejecting from his Jackal, Reyes breachesthe viewport of the AresTemplate:'s bridge, causing Fillion and all inside to die of suffocation. Reyes retrievesFillion's key card, allowing access to the ship. After deactivating the destroyer's weapons systems, Reyes and his group maketheir escape, allowing Tigris to blow the Ares to oblivion. As Reyes and the crew returnto the Retribution, Admiral Raines relaysan intercepted signal: Kotch rallying his troops for the upcoming attack on Geneva, his words making clear that the SDF's goal is the total conquest of Earth, and the UNSA is fighting for its very survival.

Hunt for SDF's Most Wanted[]

Thanks to the access granted by Fillion's card, Ethan isable to download the locations of all SDF ships throughout the solar system, allowing Reyes to plan out missions ranging from ship assaults to Jackal strikes, taking out several high-ranking officers of the SDF, thinning out their ranks.

Operation Burn Water[]

The RetributionTemplate:'s next primary mission from STRATCOMis to destroy the SDF's primary fuel refinery on Titan, putting a severe crimp in their ability to build and maintain their fleet. Again, Reyes deployswith Sergeant Omar's Marines, though Salter staysbehind to lead the second wave. Reyes and Omar leadthe advance team to mark a position for follow-up reinforcements. The SATO force's advance is checked by the arrival of the Olympus Mons, which beginsbombarding the area and forcesRetribution to withdraw to a safe distance. Without heavy ordnance available, Reyes and Ethan fighttheir way to the refinery's control room and closea turbine, creating a volatile build-up that allowsReyes to detonate the refinery tower from his Jackal.

While returning to the Retribution, Reyes is intercepted by the Olympus Mons, which severely damageshis Jackal and forceshim and Ethan to eject. Seeing the Olympus Mons hammering the Retribution with its guns, Reyes orders the ship to retreat and leave him and Ethan behind. After it is gone, leaving Reyes and Ethan drifting in orbit over Titan, Ethan noticesthat Reyes's suit hasbeen ruptured and is leaking air, meaning Reyes willlikely suffocate within minutes. Reyes acceptshis fate, exchanging words of camraderie with Ethan before blacking out.


Reyes awakes on a shuttle from Tigris, on a course to reunite with Retribution. Captain Ferran informshim that Admiral Raines had refused Salter's pleas to dispatch a rescue party to Titan, but Ferran took the risk and, with more than a little luck, her search party found him and Ethan just in time. The two ships then partways again.

Operation Dark Quarry[]

The RetributionTemplate:'s next mission from STRATCOM is to investigate a mining colony on an asteroid orbiting Mercury. When the landing parties initial flyover showno life signs, Lt. Salter advocatesreturning to the ship and reporting back to Admiral Raines, but Reyes insistson landing and searching for survivors. They succeedin locating these survivors, besieged by a force of C6 robots, which havebeen hijacked and reprogrammed by the SDF. The landing party's Raven successfully evacuatesmost of the civilians, but Staff Sergeant Omar insistson going back for one straggler, even as an asteroid rollsinto the path of a solar flare, igniting a firestorm on the landing pad. Omar shoutsfor Reyes to leave him behind. Reyes refuses, but Salter overruleshis orders and closes the landing ramp, lifting off the ship.

Reyes is badly shaken by the loss of Omar, and by Salter's questioning of his ability to make necessary decisions - such as abandoning one man for the sake of many others.

Operation Black Flag[]

Returning to Retribution, Reyes is informed of a distress call from Tigris; following it, he is devastated to find that she had been lured into a trap and destroyed by the Olympus Mons, with Ferran and all hands lost. Reyes ordersa search and rescue twice, but finally stopshis attempt as he is informed it was a total loss. He and the RetTemplate:'s crew then watcha Signal Buoy from Olympus Mons.

Reyes devisesa plan to lure the SDF fleet back to Earth, where they will use the AATIS guns to destroy the fleet. By utilizing Riah's transponder, it willgive the SDF fleet the all clear to invade Earth. Unfortunately for them, Riah managesto escape custody and destroysthe AATIS guns and his transponder before committing suicide, giving the all clear signal for the SDF Fleet (including the Olympus Mons). Admiral Rainesis then killed by the Olympus Mons after its F-SPAR laser weapon fireson the UNSA HQ.

With the mission now having gone haywire and with no other options, Nick decidesto change the primary objective to securing the Olympus Mons and eliminating Admiral Kotch. Nick orders the Retributionto drop near the Mons and use the shockwave to disable the supercarrier. However, he isalso caught in the shockwave, but ultimately managesto jump aboard the Mons. With Salter, Ethan, and a force of Marines under Brooks, they fight their way to the bridge. As they reachthe ship's command bridge, Nick hacksinto one of the bots standing behind the door between them, commandeering it to Admiral Salen Kotch through the room, and attacksthe admiral.

However, the bot failsto kill Kotch, but leaveshim fatally wounded. Ethan securesthe Olympus bots as they walkup to the dying Kotch, and Nick pointshis knife at the Admiral's throat. At the player's decision, Nick listens to Kotch's last words or endsthe admiral's life by stabbing him in thethroat. Nick then gains control of the Olympus Mons

Assaulting the SetDef's Orbital Shipyard and Death[]

Under Reyes's command, the Olympus Mons commencesan attack run on the SDF's orbital shipyard over Mars. Though the ship destroysmany of the destroyers acting as a picket line, enemy boarding parties manageto sabotage the carrier's weaponry, whereupon Reyes ordersthe Retribution to jump into the system to assist them, while ordering the Mons on a collision course with the shipyard. But when Retribution takesheavy damage and driftsinto the path of the Olympus Mons, Reyes hastwo choices: either plough through the Retribution and complete the collision with the shipyard, or divert course. He choosesthe latter, and both ships crashonto the surface of Mars. Chief Engineer Audrey "Mac" MaCallum later criticizeshis decision, saying that every member of the RetributionTemplate:'s crew is prepared to lay down their lives for him, and the Captain must, ultimately, be prepared to sacrifice the lives of his subordinates to achieve victory - being unable to make that decision was the reason she had been demoted from the post of captain.

After realizing that they have been stranded on Mars, Reyes quickly ralliesthe remaining survivors to launch a desperate, final assault to infiltrate the SDF's Orbital Shipyard. During their attempt to breakthrough, most of the survivors are killed, including McCallum, Victor "Gator" Diallo, Ebele Yetide, Lee Boggs and Maynard Griffin. Reyes detailsSalter and the few remaining survivors to commandeer a SetDef destroyer moored at the shipyard, while he and Ethan fighttheir way into the control center to release the destroyer's docking clamps and enable its weaponry. Once this is done, he orders Salter to open fire on the control center. At first she refuses, but he ordersher to complete their mission.

The destroyer's first volley shattersthe control center's viewports and Reyes is sucked out into space. At first he clings to the hull of a nearby warship, but shrapnel from the various explosions shatters his helmet's face plate, venting his suit and suffocating him to death.

Reyes's name is etched onto the Wall of Remembrance inside UNSA headquarters in Geneva, where Salter, in full dress uniform, salutes, intoning, "Peace to the fallen."


"Listen up. The Front is unaware we control the Olympus. We're going to Mars. Ethan, set a drop course for SetDef's Orbital Shipyard. We'll use their own ship against them and launch a full assault from the Olympus bridge. The Front destroyed our fleet. Let's do the same to them."― Nick, as he explain about their plan to assault on SetDef's Orbital Shipyard on Mars.

"We do not fight here to win, we fight here so those we fight for do not lose. There are many people out there who don't know what we are doing, but they will know what we've done."― Nick Reyes before Operation Blood Storm.

"Nora, finish the mission! That's an order!"― Nick's last words


Reyes in the "We can still fight back" teaser

Nick Reyes (4)

Nick Reyes (5)

A teaser featuring Nick in Nuk3town

Nick Reyes (6)

Nick Reyes (7)

Nick Reyes (8)

Concept art[]

Nick Reyes (9)

Nick Reyes (10)

Nick Reyes (11)

Nick Reyes information

Nick Reyes (12)

Reyes and Salter earlier concept.


  • In multiplayer, Reyes appears as a skin for theMerc Rig that can be obtained in loot boxes.
  • Holding the O-5 rank of Commander in the navy (& the billet of captain of the Retribution), Reyes is the highest-ranking playable character in theCall of Dutyseries.

es:Nick Reyesru:Ник Рейесzh:尼克·雷耶斯


Characters in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Special Combat Air Recon

Nick Reyes · Nora Salter · Dan "Wolf" Lyall · Sipes · Tee · Brozek

Solar Associated Treaty Organization
Retribution Crew
Settlement Defense Front
Combat Rigs
Mission Team Leaders
Nick Reyes (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.