Scott McCall (2024)

In Wolf Moon, Scott and his best friend Stiles went into the Beacon Hills Nature Preserve after Stiles heard on the police radio that half of the body of a dead young woman had been found in the woods, and they wanted to find it before the police did. However, when they ran into Sheriff Stilinski and his deputies, they were forced to split up, which allowed Scott, who was distracted by the fact that he had dropped his inhaler onto the forest floor, to be bitten by a large, monstrous Werewolf with glowing red eyes (though it happened so fast that he believed it was a real wolf).

The next day, Scott went to school, only to find he has developed strange side effects such as superhuman senses, strength, and agility. After school, when Scott and Stiles went back to the woods to go retrieve his lost inhaler, Stiles joked that Scott had become a Werewolf before they suddenly ran into Derek Hale, who looked at Scott suspiciously before reminding them that they were on private property, scaring the two teens into leaving in the process, though not before Derek tossed Scott his lost inhaler.

Even more concerning was the fact that his wound had completely healed by the time he made it to work at the animal clinic that evening. Right as he was closing up, the new girl at school, Allison Argent, arrived in tears after she had hit a dog with her car. Scott was able to unconsciously quiet the scared animal with his newly-gained powers, and even got the courage to ask her out as his date to Lydia Martin's party after the lacrosse scrimmage, which Allison accepted.

Scott was ecstatic about his date plans, but Stiles, who had done some research into the strange symptoms and side effects Scott seemed to be exhibiting, realized that Scott had truly been turned into a Werewolf and wasted no time in summoning his best friend to his bedroom so that he could share this revelation.

However, Scott, unhappy that Stiles was ruining his good mood, lost control of his new lycanthropy due to the impending full moon and almost attacked Stiles, causing him to leave in embarrassment and shame with a short apology; what he did not notice was that he had left three claw gashes in the leather of his desk chair from anger. Sure enough, that night at the party, the full moon appeared overhead and caused Scott so much pain and fear that he abandoned Allison at the party and ran home, where he quickly began to transform into a Werewolf.

Scott, believing Derek had something to do with it, managed to inform Stiles about his suspicion before he fully changed, but when Stiles told him that Derek had taken Allison home, Scott jumped out the window to save her. He followed Allison's scent into the woods with his new senses, where he eventually found Derek with Allison's jacket, which he had used to lure Scott there.

Before Scott could argue any further, he was blinded by flash-bang arrows and subsequently hit with a real arrow that went through his arm and pinned him to a tree. A trio of male Hunters appeared, forcing Derek to incapacitate them long enough to free Scott and flee with him. Once they made it to safety, Scott blamed Derek for turning him into a Werewolf, which Derek did not deny-- he simply explained that the Bite was a gift, and that they were brothers now because of their shared lycanthropy.

The next morning, Stiles picked Scott up at the preserve and drove him home, during which time he promised Scott that he'd help him get through his new condition. However, when Scott arrived to school on Monday, he had an awkward run-in with Allison during which he admitted that he had no excuse for what happened Friday night, though she did not seem very upset about it; on the contrary, she gave him a second chance without much argument.

Just then, Allison waved to a man behind them who Scott recognized as the leader of the Hunters who shot him during the full moon. Allison explained that he is her father, Chris Argent, and Scott began to panic.

In Second Chance at First Line, Scott continued to struggle with controlling his lycanthropy, particularly when he lost his temper or when his heart rate began to race, such as when he was scared or playing lacrosse. While he grappled with the decision over whether or not he should quit the team as a result of it, he was pressured about his choices on all sides; Queen mean-girl Lydia Martin insisted that he stay on the team, since her popularity depended on her dating the captain of the star-lacrosse team, whereas Derek argued that Scott had to quit because if he shifted on the field, he would risk exposing the entire Werewolf community, which would result in Derek killing Scott in retribution.

Derek's aggressive behavior caused Scott to become suspicious about his involvement in the murder of the bisected woman in the woods, especially when he smelled the dead body on the Hale property. He and Stiles returned to the ruins of the Hale House to investigate after Derek left, where they found half of a wolf buried inside a spiral made of rope and wolfsbane.

When they removed the wolfsbane, the half-wolf turned into the upper half of the bisected woman from the woods, and Scott and Stiles determined that Derek must have killed her, leading them to inform Sheriff Stilinski about what they had found.

Scott then went straight to the Argent House, where he jumped down from the roof just as Argent was pulling into the driveway, causing Argent to accidentally hit him. However, Scott shrugged the injuries off, and Allison was so appalled by what her father had done that the older man was too embarrassed to question it further.

The next night, Scott went against Derek's instructions and played in the game anyway, and though he did begin to transform on the field, he was able to rush off before anyone became suspicious and bring himself back in control in the locker room. Allison followed Scott toward the showers, but, fortunately for Scott, she arrived just after Scott regained control, allowing him to keep his secret. He admitted to her that she made him nervous, and the two kissed, which marked the start of their romantic relationship.

Once Allison left, Stiles approached Scott and informed him that the woman buried on Derek's property was Derek's sister Laura, and that the autopsy revealed that she had been killed by an animal, which forced the Sheriff's department to release Derek from jail due to the fact that they were ignorant of the supernatural world and its animal-esque shapeshifters.

In Pack Mentality, after Scott had a nightmare in which he wolfed-out and brutally murdered Allison, he immediately went to school to talk to Stiles about his concerns that his dream may have been real.

Upon arriving in the parking lot, Scott and Stiles come upon a bloody crime scene in the bus bay, causing Scott to become even more convinced that he might have actually murdered her in the night, though he eventually found her alive and well, leaving him confused as to what really happened. While in chemistry class, Scott, Stiles, and their classmates saw a visibly traumatized and mauled man being loaded into an ambulance from the crime scene, and Scott, desperate for answers, decided to go to see Derek after school to see what he had to say.

At lunch, Scott and Stiles were joined by Allison, Jackson, Lydia, and Danny, where they all speculated about what happened to the man. When Stiles found a news alert on his phone about the attack, he informed the group that the victim was Garrison Myers, who Scott recognized as being his bus driver when he was still living with his father.

Lydia then changed the subject to Allison and Scott's date the next night and invited herself and Jackson along to make it a double date. When Lydia suggested that they go bowling, Jackson made a rude comment about hating playing against people who weren't good, and Scott (who, like Allison, was clearly not fond of the idea of going out with Jackson and Lydia but who also didn't want to look rude in front of the other) insisted that he was a good bowler before agreeing to the date.

After lunch, Stiles immediately called Scott out on his lie and reminded him that he was terrible at bowling, which Scott regretfully acknowledged before they began to discuss their current issues, such as Scott's difficulty controlling his lycanthropy and the various attacks in Beacon Hills.

Afterward, Scott went to work at the animal clinic, where he apologized to Dr. Deaton for his tardiness, though Deaton was quick to remind him that being two minutes late is not a big deal. Shortly afterward Sheriff Stilinski arrived with one of his search dogs from the K9 unit, which caused Scott to worry that Stilinski had made a connection between Scott and Garrison Myers. Scott watched as Stilinwki gave Deaton a file on the victims to see if he had any idea what could have attacked Garrison and Laura Hale, and became even more nervous as Deaton explained how a wolf would attack a person.

Once his shift ended at work, Scott went to the Hale House, hiding in the nearby nature preserve until the Sheriff's deputies who were checking on the house had left. He then loudly shouted that he knew Derek was listening and waited for Derek to show himself. Scott went on to sheepishly apologize for mistakenly accusing him of murder as well as for essentially announcing Derek's presence in Beacon Hills to the Argent Hunters before asking him for his help.

Derek finally came out onto the porch and pointed out that he knew Scott didn't want his help-- he wanted to know what he did-- leading Scott to realize that Derek knew about the attack at the high school. Derek informed him that he could help Scott learn control over his lycanthropy, but that it wouldn't come for free; when Scott asked him what it would cost, Derek said they would settle that part later, and that for now, he would give Scott what he wanted-- to know what he had done the previous night. He instructed Scott on how to use his enhanced senses at the crime scene to let his body trigger the memories that his mind repressed.

That night, Scott and Stiles drove to the crime scene in the high school bus bay, where Scott left an irritated Stiles to keep watch while he went into the bus to trigger his memories, much to Stiles' protests to the contrary. While in the bus, Scott's memories of his nightmare transformed into his true memories of what really happened on the bus-- the Werewolf who bit him had called Scott to the bus with his Alpha Roar and had attacked Garrison Myers in an attempt to get Scott to hunt with him; instead, Scott fought the Werewolf, causing a great deal of his blood to be left at the scene when he was clawed across the chest, though the wounds healed quickly.

This led Scott to once again mistakenly believe that Derek was the other Werewolf and had known what happened to Garrison the entire time. However, he was soon forced to flee the bus and return to the Jeep. When he told Stiles about what he had figured out, Stiles questioned Scott on why Derek would teach him to trigger his repressed memories if those memories would out him as a murderer, but despite these valid questions, Scott continued to believe that Derek was the killer. Scott did, however, take relief in the fact that he himself wasn't the killer and that he could go on the date with Allison without concern that his presence would put her in danger.

The next night, Scott, Allison, Lydia, and Jackson went to the bowling alley for their double date, where Jackson wasted no time making rude comments about Scott's lack of prowess at the game while Lydia purposely pretended to be bad at bowling, both to make Jackson feel better and so she could have an excuse to ask for Scott's assistance.

Allison, feeling badly for Scott and wanting to throw Jackson's comments back into his face, stepped behind Scott while he was preparing to make his next shot and suggested that Scott focus on thinking about her naked to calm his nerves. Sure enough, this allowed Scott to activate his Werewolf powers just enough to get a strike, a streak that would last through the rest of the game.

Jackson became increasingly sullen throughout the game at the revelation of Scott's new bowling skills, and Lydia, now even more attracted to Scott, tried to get him to "teach" her how to bowl better, which he declined in favor of staying with Allison. Scott, Allison, and Jackson were all stunned when Lydia then took her turn with perfect form, revealing that she had simply been playing dumb this whole time for Jackson's benefit.

Later, Scott approached Jackson in the arcade and complimented him on his pinball skills before pointing out that even though he knew that neither of them really wanted to be there (preferring solo dates with their respective partners), they don't have to hate each other. Jackson, annoyed, replied that he didn't hate Scott; he simply didn't believe him when he said that he just suddenly got good at everything. He went on to say that he had no idea if he was on steroids or "something weirder," but he had not given up on his mission to find out what Scott's deal was, adding that he knew that whatever it was, Scott didn't want Allison to know.

With the excitement having died down, Scott took Allison home, walking her to her door and kissing her before Allison remarked that she wasn't fond of group dates and that next time, they should go out alone. Scott wholeheartedly agreed with her and kissed her once again before letting her sneak back into her house.

However, Scott soon learned from Stiles that Garrison Myers had died of his wounds at the hospital and became so furious that he immediately returned to the Hale House to confront Derek. He accused Derek of having finished Garrison off at the hospital as well as having killed his own sister, but Derek insisted that Garrison died on his own before angrily retorting that his sister was killed by Hunters so that she could be used as bait to catch him.

Not believing him, Scott tackled him and threw him through one of the walls in the downstairs part of the Hale ruins, which Derek proclaimed to be "cute" before fully transforming into a Werewolf for the first time in the series, giving Scott a serious beating before finally coming clean to Scott about what was really going on-- both Derek and Scott were Beta Werewolves, and the more monstrous Werewolf who bit Scott and who appeared in his dream was an Alpha, the most powerful of their kind and the only kind of Werewolves who can actually turn a human into one of their kind. Derek then insisted that since Scott was the one the Alpha wanted, Derek couldn't find and kill him without Scott's help, much to Scott's shock and horror.

In Magic Bullet, Scott was once again called upon and forced out of bed in the middle of the night by the Alpha howling, causing Scott to sneak out of the house and track them down. He eventually stumbled upon the Alpha, a shadowy figure (later revealed to be Derek), and a mysterious woman downtown, with Derek chasing after the Alpha and the woman chasing after both of them.

Scott was then shocked to see the woman shooting at Derek with her sniper rifle, just before Chris Argent showed up to pick her up. Scott then overheard the woman informing Argent that the Beta she shot would be dead within forty-eight hours, if that, before they left.

Unsure of what he had just witnessed, Scott returned home, not yet knowing that Derek had been shot with a bullet laced with a rare form of wolfsbane that would eventually kill him if left untreated. The next day at school, Stiles questioned Scott about what he had learned the previous evening, as he was curious about the situation and had several questions: "Who had bitten and turned Scott if it wasn't Derek? Did the Alpha kill the bus driver Garrison Myers? And, did Allison's father Argent knew about the Alpha?" Unfortunately, Scott did not know any of the answers to these questions.

While they talked, their teacher passed back graded tests, on which Scott had scored a D and had written instructions to see them after class. Stiles joked that Scott needed to study more before assuring him that he was kidding and offering to help him study himself, only for Scott to inform him that he was studying with Allison that evening. When Stiles implied that he and Allison would be hooking up, Scott insisted that they were just studying, which led Stiles to indignantly argue that he needed to hook up with Allison because Stiles, as a single man, was currently living vicariously through him.

After school, Scott was about to leave to ride his bike to Allison's house when he saw a weakened and pale Derek Hale stumble toward Stiles' Jeep, leaving Scott with no choice but to go see what he was doing there before anyone noticed his strange behavior. When Scott, who was now the one afraid of exposure, tried to tell Derek to control his eyes, which were flashing between hazel and Beta-blue, Derek insisted he couldn't because he had been shot by a wolfsbane bullet, leading Scott to realize that he was the one who had been shot by the woman from the previous evening.

Derek insisted that Scott, who was planning to hang out at the Argent Family's house anyway, find the type of bullet that the woman had used so they could learn what strain it was and how to treat the poisoning, revealing that his attacker was an Argent as well. Scott then left Derek with Stiles to start his mission.

Scott ended up at Allison's house before she had even gotten back herself in her car due to his Werewolf superhuman speed, which confused Allison and forced Scott to lie about taking a shortcut. He then tried to distract her from this by admitting that he was stressing about his grades because he wasn't doing as well as he normally did, and Allison replied that they could start with studying English before assuring him that her parents wouldn't be home for hours.

Inside, Allison led Scott to her bedroom, and when Scott noticed all of the boxes inside, she admitted that she was still unpacking and had been taking her time with it. Just as Scott was about to suggest where they start in their studies, Allison began kissing him, and the two quickly began making out on her bed. Allison stopped shortly afterward to ask if this was okay, as she didn't want to make Scott feel pressured to do anything he wasn't ready to do, and they resumed after he enthusiastically consented to their hook-up. However, as Scott's heart rate increased with his excitement, he started to uncontrollably transform and used Stiles' phone call as an excuse to stop and settle down as he shut off his phone.

When he returned, he noticed the family photo in the box nearest Allison's bed and pulled it out; upon recognizing the woman who shot Derek in the photo, he asked who she was, and Allison responded that it was her aunt Kate, though they were raised more like sisters. Unnerved, Scott remarked that she looked familiar, and Allison explained that Kate used to live in Beacon Hills and guessed that they had maybe seen each other before.

This evolved into Scott looking at other objects in the box, forcing Allison to confess that they were her attempts to learn photography, painting, and poetry, none of which she believed herself to be good at whatsoever. Scott asked her what she was good at doing, which caused Allison to smile and offer to show him before asking him to follow her.

She took him to the garage, where there was an armory full of guns, knives, and other weapons. Noticing Scott's alarm, Allison reassured Scott that her family weren't in a separatist group, her father was just a firearms dealer for local police stations. She then pulled out her compound bow and showed it to him, revealing that she was a nationally-ranked archer but had quit when she lost interest.

Before they could discuss it further, Argent and Kate returned from the grocery store and drove into the garage, causing Scott and Allison to hide from them. Unfortunately, they were caught nonetheless, and Kate, taking interest in Scott's brown eyes, invited him to dinner that evening, much to Argent's displeasure.

At the dinner, where they were all joined by Victoria Argent, Allison's mother, Argent immediately began testing Scott by offering him alcohol, but Scott, understanding what he was trying to do, declined and stated that he was too young to drink. When Argent asked him if he had ever smoked pot, Kate, trying to save him from her brother, changed the subject to lacrosse and asked him to tell her about the sport, as she didn't know how to play it. Throughout the explanation, Argent butted in with sarcastic comments, bitterly trying to undermine his talent, leading Scott to jokingly accept his previous offer of a shot of tequila.

He was then forced to excuse himself under the guise of using the bathroom when Stiles called to give him an update on Derek's condition, which was quickly deteriorating. Scott instructed Derek and Stiles to go to the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic to wait for him. When Derek asked if Scott had found the bullet yet, Scott, frustrated, retorted that finding a single bullet was difficult in a house that is "like, the frickin' Walmart of guns." Derek gravely informed Scott that if he didn't find the bullet, he would die, which Scott, annoyed, remarked may not be the worst thing to happen. This led Derek to argue, "Then think about this-- the Alpha called you out against your will. He's gonna do it again. Next time, you either kill with him or you get killed. So, if you want to stay alive, then you need me. Find the bullet."

Scott hung up so he could do what he was told, only to accidentally set off an alarm when he tried to go through one of the doors. Kate found him and smirked as she observed that he looked like a lost puppy, and Scott lied and said he was looking for the bathroom. Kate, not knowing he was playing dumb, showed him to the guest bathroom, which just so happened to be connected to the guest bedroom where Kate was sleeping.

Once she had returned to the dinner table, Scott went through her bags and found the bullet he was looking for in a box with the words "Nordic Blue Monkshood" written on the top in French. He texted Stiles with this news, and when Derek realized he had been poisoned by a rare form of wolfsbane, he insisted that Scott bring him the bullet, because he would die without it.

Not wanting to attract attention to his theft, Scott returned to the dining room and thanked the Argents before stating that he should get going. However, Kate refused to let him off this easy and insisted that he stay for desert, as she wanted to know more about him. When Victoria mentioned that Allison had told her that he worked for a veterinarian, Argent took the opportunity to try to feel out what he knew about Werewolves and the supernatural by asking if his boss had any theories about the recent animal attacks.

Scott once again tried to play dumb and remarked that he thought it was a mountain lion, but Argent went on to ask him if he had ever had to deal with a rabid dog and how vicious and brutal they could be. As he described a rabid dog he had encountered when he was younger who had been bitten by a bat, he added, "This harmless animal... turned into a perfectly vicious killer. And it all started with one bite." Allison pointed out that the dog had died, but Victoria retorted that it was only because her grandfather Gerard Argent had shot it, leading Argent to once again remark that something that out of control is better off dead.

Just as Scott was about to leave, Kate confronted him at the doorway and demanded to know what he took from her bag. Scott played dumb for the third time and asked her what she was talking about, so Kate explained that she left her bag closed in the guest bedroom, but after Scott used the restroom, the bag was open, and she wanted to know what he stole from her. Allison immediately jumped in to argue, and when Kate demanded that Scott empty his pockets, Allison reluctantly pulled a condom out of her pocket and held it up, awkwardly admitting that she had taken it from Kate's bag and thus (unknowingly) covering up Scott's theft of the bullet.

Scott then rushed to the animal clinic, where Stiles was just about to cut Derek's infected arm off at Derek's own insistence. When Scott gave Derek the bullet, Derek held it up for a brief moment before losing consciousness and falling on the ground, causing the bullet to fall into a nearby vent in the floor. Scott used his claws to get the bullet out while Stiles slapped Derek in the face until he woke up. They then watched in awe as Derek awakened, broke open the bullet, dumped the wolfsbane onto the table, and burned it with a lighter. He then picked up the ashes and shoved them into his bullet wound, causing him to writhe in pain on the floor for a moment before his arm healed.

With the danger over, Scott insisted that Derek leave them alone, threatening to tell Argent everything if he didn't. Derek was appalled by the fact that he was willing to trust them to help him, but Scott pointed out that they were a lot nicer than he was. Derek then furiously informed him that he would show him just how nice they could be.

He then went on to take Scott to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, where Derek's uncle Peter Hale was in a coma. Derek explained that the Argents set a fire on the Hales' family home six years ago, killing the majority of his family and burning Peter so badly that he had been comatose ever since.

Scott, horrified but unable to process this information in contrast to the family he had just spent the evening with, suggested they must have had a reason, but Derek demanded to know what could possibly justify what they did. He then explained that while the Argents allegedly had a code that states they only kill adults (and only with absolute proof that they had taken human life), there were innocent human children who died in the fire along with their Werewolf relatives. When Scott was left speechless, Derek added that this is what the Argents do, and its what Allison will eventually grow up to do as well.

In The Tell, Scott was seen on the roof of Video 2*C with Derek Hale the night that the Alpha attacked the store's cashier, Leveque, and killed him while Jackson Whittemore and Lydia Martin were there renting a movie. When Derek asked Scott if he was finally starting to see what's really happening, Scott, horrified, insisted that he didn't understand why the Alpha was killing people before asking him if this was typical of Werewolves.

Derek assured him that it was not, quoting his mother by saying, "No. We're predators. We don't have to be killers." He went on to promise Scott that they were going to find out why the Alpha was killing these people before the two set off for the night. However, neither of them noticed the fact that there was a glowing red spiral painted on the roof, the Werewolf symbol for revenge.

When they returned to the Hale House ruins, Scott reminded Derek that he did have a human life, especially the next night, which was the parent-teacher conference that he was required to attend due to the fact that he was failing chemistry; because of this, he wasn't interested in finding out why the Alpha wanted to make Scott "his pet."

Derek then retorted in response that he needed to choose between "homework and not dying," since the next full moon was in less than a week, and they needed to track down the Alpha since his human scent may be totally different than his Werewolf scent. He went on to explain to Scott that Werewolves are naturally stronger in packs, and that they need the numbers in order to stand a chance against the Alpha. He believed that Scott's connection to the Alpha from his bite would be the key to finding him.

He then began training Scott in how to use his new abilities to do this. The first lesson included Derek breaking his arm to demonstrate that pain makes them human, and that he was going to have to learn to fight through the pain to stay in Werewolf form in a fight, a lesson that failed spectacularly during their practice.

The next day, Scott was approaching Allison at school when he saw her frantically shoving a bouquet of balloons back into her locker. He assumed that it was Allison's birthday, which she reluctantly confirmed before demanding that Scott keep it a secret; as it turned out, Allison was ashamed because she was turning seventeen a year earlier than the rest of the class.

Scott was not at all bothered by this and assumed that it was because her family's constant moving all the time led to Allison having to stay back a year in school, which relieved Allison, who had been mocked at previous schools and had rumors spread about her as to why that was, such as a pregnancy or learning disability. To make her feel better, Scott decided that the two of them were going to skip school to celebrate her birthday, to which Allison quickly agreed before the two rushed out to her car.

Allison started having second thoughts about ditching school once they got in the car, especially when she wondered how her father was going to react, but when Scott asked her if she always followed the rules, Allison smirked and retorted, "Not lately," which emboldened Scott to encourage her to start her car and leave. When they saw a truancy officer driving around the parking lot, they were forced to make a decision and sped off away from the school.

Scott and Allison ultimately decided to hike around the Beacon Hills Preserve for the day, where Scott joked that he would blame Allison if they got caught skipping school before the two took advantage of their alone time to flirt with each other. After Allison sent Lydia Martin a text to thank her for the birthday balloons, the two vowed to each turn off their phones so they could focus on enjoying the moment. As a result, they both lost track of time, and Scott totally forgot that he was supposed to work a shift at the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic before the parent-teacher conference.

While walking through the forest, Allison declared the day to be her best birthday ever, and Scott remarked that he would be able to tell if she were lying due to the fact that her "tell" is when she touches her left eyebrow when she isn't being honest. When Allison wished aloud that her parents would stay out all night for the conference so they could spend more time together, Scott began to panic, remembering that he was required to go to the conference with his mother Melissa McCall due to his poor grades. Allison checked the time on her phone and looked concerned when she realized that the conference was already underway.

Meanwhile, at the conference, Melissa's discussion with Adrian Harris about Scott's performance in school went disastrously, with Harris admitting that Scott's mind and body were elsewhere where school was concerned (implying that skipping school was not a new concept for Scott) before suggesting that Scott was suffering from a lack of a male authority figure. Though Melissa argued that she was the authority figure, Harris continued to push about Scott's father, an FBI agent, leaving Melissa with no choice but to assure Harris that she and Scott were much better off without him.

Allison had just dropped Scott off at the high school when Melissa stormed out of the conference, furiously leaving him a voicemail regarding the fact that she was stood up and that his performance in school was so poor. Chris Argent, Allison's father Chris Argent left Allison's a similar voicemail, which Melissa overheard and approached them about it for answers. Argent and his wife Victoria wasted no time suggesting that Scott's influence was corrupting their daughter, and Melissa became absolutely furious at the remark.

Just then, Scott and Allison showed up and were separated by their respective parents in order to head home and discuss the night's events. However, there was a wild animal running lose through the parking lot, leading Argent and Sheriff Stilinski to pursue it, though it was soon discovered that the animal was not a Werewolf like Argent initially assumed, but a mundane cougar prowling the school. Scott allowed his eyes to briefly glow gold so his vision would improve and he would have a better time visually tracking the creature. Fortunately for the others, Argent was able to neutralize the mountain lion before it hurt anyone.

In Heart Monitor, Scott had just finished grocery shopping for his family and was searching for his mother's car in the parking garage when suddenly, he realized he was being stalked by a shadowy figure. Afraid it was the Alpha, Scott immediately made a run for it, trying his best to come up with evasive maneuvers, before finally being caught by the predator-- Derek Hale, who was using this to test Scott's survival skills-- when his phone rang.

Derek lectured him on the fact that this was all part of his training, and that he needed to use anger, not fear, to control himself. Though Scott tried to bring up the things he had done right during the pop quiz, Derek held up Scott's phone and reminded him that Allison, who was the one calling him, was a distraction and that he needed to stay away from her. Scott assured him that he would be able to do so, and Derek smashed his phone to pieces to make sure it stuck.

However, later that night, Scott ended up at Allison's house, where he and Allison were passionately making out in her bedroom. A knock heard on her door sent Scott hiding in the closet, and when Allison answered it, she found her aunt Kate waiting for her on the other side.

When she asked Allison what she was doing, she lied and stated she was just doing homework and explained that she had a history project due that needed to have relevance to her family. Scott eavesdropped as Kate suggested she research "la Bête du Gévaudan," which Allison translated to mean "the Beast of Gevaudan" in French, as it had a lot to do with their family history. Scott saw a picture on the screen and became unnerved when he realized how much it looked like a Werewolf.

Just when Scott was able to sneak out of the Argents' house, he came upon the Alpha as he approached his mom's car and immediately rushed into the safety of his vehicle. Before he could start the engine, he watched in fear as the Alpha scratched a spiral into the fog on the driver's side window, but Scott had no idea what this message meant.

The next day at school, Scott struggled greatly to avoid Allison or Allison-adjacent (i.e. her best friend Lydia Martin) people, which was made even harder when he found that his own best friend Stiles was still mad at him for the events on the night of the parent-teacher conference, during which Scott was too worried about Allison to save Sheriff Stilinski from the car that hit him. Scott apologized for what happened, only for Stiles to continue to ignore him, leaving Scott with no choice but to share the new information he had learned about his lycanthropy from Derek to pique his interest and finally get him talking again.

However, Stiles still did not trust Derek and he decided that it was up to himself to teach Scott how to control his transformations by the end of the school day so he could continue to be with Allison. To do this, Stiles stole Coach Finstock's heart monitor and cell phone so that they could use it to monitor Scott's heart rate. To get his heartbeat racing, Stiles bound Scott's wrists behind his back with duct tape and began taking out his residual anger by forcefully tossing lacrosse balls at Scott until he became angry enough to start to shift.

Unbeknownst to either of them, the suspicious Jackson Whittemore was watching from nearby, trying to figure out Scott's secret. To make matters even stranger, Jackson continued to spy on the two while they were in the locker room, where Scott remarked that something "smelled like it was dying,", which seemed to be a hint to what Jackson was going through after being injured by Derek's wolfsbane-laced claws several days earlier. Jackson became even more suspicious of Scott and decided to get closer to him by getting closer to Allison.

Scott's heart rate continued to be monitored by Stiles throughout the day, where it spiked during Coach Finstock's economics class, where the teacher was cruelly taunting the newly-turned Werewolf. Stiles started to get alarmed as he watched the pulse spike on the cell phone, but suddenly, the pulse got slower, and Stiles suddenly noticed that Scott and Allison were holding hands. Stiles then realized that Allison was an anchor to Scott, helping him stay in control of his Werewolf side, which meant that what Derek believed was actually the false-- Allison wasn't a distraction, she kept him balanced, which meant Scott could continue to date her.

Not satisfied with just a hypothesis, Stiles decided to test his theory once again by keying a jock student's truck and then putting the keys in Scott's hands so that the owner thought it was he who did it. They then began to viciously beat Scott up, with Stiles gleefully monitoring his heart rate the whole time, remarking that this was his last bit of petty revenge against him for what happened at the conference.

That night, Scott arrived at the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic for his shift to find his boss Alan Deaton tied up and in the middle of being interrogated by Derek, who believed Deaton was the Alpha. When Scott lashed out at Derek for his crazy plan, Derek admitted that the spiral was a symbol for revenge in Werewolf culture. Still unable to believe his boss could be a killer, Scott decided to prove Derek wrong by howling into the intercom at the high school to draw the Alpha to them while Derek kept Deaton tied up in the back of his Camaro.

Just then, the Alpha appeared in front of them, having clawed out Derek's back and causing blood to pour from his open mouth. Assuming Derek was dead, Scott and Stiles rushed into the school to seek refuge, and Deaton was shown to have disappeared.

In Night School, Scott calls The Alpha when the powerful Werewolf arrives he manages to trap Alison Jackson Stiles and Lydia in the high school and forces Scott to turn. Scott almost kills his friend but manages to control himself at the last second Allison believes that she can not trust and breaks up with him.

In Lunatic, Scott is heartbroken about his break up with Allison and not to mention the effects of the full moon. He begins hallucinating death and violent threats. Scott is seduced by Lydia. When Stiles restrain him during the full moon, Scott manages to escape. When sees Allison and Jackson in a car together. They are just talking but Scott hallucinates that they are kissing and tries to attack the car.

In Wolf's Bane, Scott tries his best to reconnect with Allison. Jackson eventually figures out Scott’s secret and threatens to expose him. At the lacrosse game Scott overhears the Argents discussing the possibility that Jackson might be a Werewolf.

In Co-Captain, The Alpha,is revealed to be Derek’s uncle Peter Hale, Peter soon tries to convince Scott to join his pack. He shows memories of the Hale fire and what he went through. Scott still refuses. Jackson demands that Scott make him a Werewolf too. Scott tells him he doesn’t understand the implications of what he’s asking. Scott and Allison are attempting to make up when they’re interrupted by Peter Hale arriving to take Melissa Scott’s mom on a date.

In Formality, When having heart to heart conversation with his mom she manages to convinces Scott that he must tell Allison about hisfeelings if they are to have any shot at love. Unfortunately Scott is banned from the School dance. He knows Allison is going with Jackson so he goes to the dance anyway. Scott dances with Danny briefly to keep the Coach from making him leave. Scott then maneuvers his way into Allison’s arms for a slow dance. They couple leave the dance to go make out in a bus, but Allison’s dad shows up and Scott reveals his a Werewolf.

In Code Breaker, Scott uses his Werewolf abilities to track down Derek and free him from the Hunters. Allison and Kate attack Derek and Scott but the Alpha shows up. Peter Hale gets into a vicious fight with Scott, Derek, Argent, Kate, and Allison, and though Kate is killed by Peter in retribution for the fire, the others, with help from Stiles and Jackson, manage to incapacitate Peter with a Molotov co*cktail. Derek is ready to give Peter the killing blow in retaliation for Peter killing Laura, but Scott begs him not to, since he wanted to try to cure himself by killing the Alpha who turned him. However, Derek disregards Scott's request and kills Peter himself, becoming the Alpha in the process. Scott is then seen several nights later, where he's sitting on the roof of the Argent House with his arms around Allison as they look at the moon, with Scott still a Werewolf and in danger from the Hunters.


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In Creatures of the Night,

In Parasomnia,

In Dreamcatchers,

In Condition Terminal,

In A Novel Approach,

In Required Reading,

In Strange Frequencies,

In Ouroboros,

In Lies of Omission

In Status Asthmaticus, Scott attempts to convince Liam that Hayden'll die if he gives her the bite but Liam only gets angry, believing Scott is breaking his promise to save her. This argument leads Scott to have yet-another asthma attack but Theo passes him an inhaler to cure him before he says there's another way to save Hayden. In the next day, Scott, Liam and Theo take Hayden to the animal clinic, where she is treated by Melissa McCall but the supermoon, in conjunction with Hayden's illness, begins affecting Liam as shown when he hurt Mellisa when she accidentally hurt Hayden a little bit. Theo says they're there to save a life not to kill each other, which makes Scott say that the effets of the supermoon can be felt even during the day and can cause them to be more aggressive and stronger.

Scott and Theo talk about the way Liam wants to save his first love, a conversation which makes Scott remember his relationship with Allison and Kira's current absence. Theo tells Scott that he needs his pack but the latter says it looks like he doesn't have one anymore. Hayden asks Scott to get her sister Valerie as she didn't want to die without her. Scott goes search for Valerie but gets a text from Lydia that tells him to meet her there in the library. Once he arrives there, he doesn't find anyone until he notices Theo completing a mountain ash barrier, something impossible for a Werewolf. Theo finally reveals he's a Werewolf-Werecoyote chimera and not a true Werewolf and the first chimera to be ever created. Theo tells Scott that a Chimera isn't just a monster with incongruous parts but also something impossible to achieve or an unrealizable dream. He reveals that despite having survived the transformation, unlike the other chimeras considered as failure, he wasn't what the Dread Doctors ultimately wanted, adding that they all can't be True Alphas. Scott, furious over Theo's manipulations, lunges toward him but Theo passes the barrier, which throws Scott across the library so hard after he makes huge force against it. Theo remarks there's no calls for Scott and he has to wait for the supermoon.

That night, Scott tries to break the barrier like he did in the night he became a True Alpha. He starts to get an asthma attack and takes a hit of his inhaler. He puts his inhaler in his pocket and runs to the barrier but is repelled backward with so much force that he is thrown halfway across the room. He lands on the ground so hard that he groans in pain. After he picks himself off the ground and gets an idea he goes to the roof, only to discover he can't jump to safety as well. Attempting to break the barrier triggers another asthma attack and Scott furiously breaks the inhaler, revealing it has been laced with Wolfs bane. He hears a growl behind him from a wolfed-out Liam, who and asks if Scott isn't going to save Hayden but Scott insists the bite won't save her. Liam, with his anger and rage greatly amplified by both the super moon and Hayden's illness, says he had been thinking about alternatives but Scott says the super moon is making Liam more aggressive. Liam corrects him, saying the supermoon making him stronger and says Scott is going to keep his promise even if it costs his life. The two start fighting each other and Scott manages to knock Liam down so he can shift into his Werewolf form. However, Liam easily gets the upper-hand due to Scott having been inhaling purple wolfs bane for weeks and he was not trying to injure Liam.

Scott attempts to stop Liam because Theo is manipulating him into killing Scott so he can take his power as a Beta bitten by a True Alpha is the only one capable of taking that Alpha's power and once Liam becomes the Alpha, Theo will kill Liam and take the Alpha powers from him but Liam insists no one is forcing him to kill Scott, he wants to do it himself. They keep fighting until Mason shows up and breaks Liam out of his rage before revealing Hayden died a few minutes ago, which makes Liam leave the library to see her one last time. Theo arrives, knocks Mason out and stabs his claws into Scott's intestines. Scott insists his pack won't ally Theo as they're not like him and never will be. Theo questions if it because he's a chimera and not a true Werewolf but Scott answers it is because he disregards his humanity. Furious over these words, Theo finishes the job, rips out his claws and leaves Scott's body behind before the glowing red disappears from Scott's eyes. Melissa rushes to him and starts making chest compressions in an attempt to bring him back but Mason says Scott is without a pulse for 15 minutes but Melissa doesn't lose the hope because her son is an Alpha and he's too strong to die like this. Melissa keeps begging her son to wake up, she gives a last blow and Scott wakes up and roars to the sky, while his mother and Mason look at him in awe

His mother takes him back to their house and starts to take care of his injuries. A despondent Scott tells he lost everyone and believes it was for good but Melissa assures her son every leader suffers a loss and he has to get them back because he's their leader and every leader gives them one thing: hope.

In The Last Chimera, Scott is in his bathroom, attempting to clean the wound he sustained from Theo on the night of supermoon while the wounds from his fight with Liam already healed. He looks himself in the mirror and tries to trigger his healing better by glowing his Werewolf eyes glow red, which he is able to do for a brief moment with a great amount of effort before they return to their normal brown. Scott is furious and screams in rage and grief at the broken state of his body and his pack as he slams his bloody palms against the sink so hard that it rattles the plumbing.

He gets dressed and picks up his bike helmet in preparation to leave, but before he makes it to the staircase, his vision begins to blur making the hallway look longer than usual and he looks pale and sweaty and starts to feel woozy before losing consciousness and collapsing on the floor. Parrish wakes him up and he says he needs help with Lydia that was catatonic as they reach to the hospital, Scott confronts Stiles about his father and tells Stiles, his mother and Parrish that Theo wanted Liam to kill him so Theo could become an Alpha. In the McCall House Theo arrive to talk to Stiles while Scott is hearing everything, Theo says he's not the bad guy, just a survivor. As Theo doesn't answer him what's happening to his father, Stiles goes after him but gets unconscious and Scott wakes him up and tells he can help him as they defeated their former enemies.

He calls Malia and later Chris Argent to help them against The Dread Doctors and Noah Patrick, Sheriff Stilinski is saved and all are happy. Its also revealed when Theo and Hayden were looking for Noah , Scott carved the same symbol of his tattoo warning to Theo and The Dread Doctors to get his pack back all together again and more stronger

In Damnatio Memoriae, Parrish shows Scott a video from the security cameras of the Transmission Towers and something passes and Scott thinks its the last chimera. He does a murder board like Stiles but accidentally ruins much of his work. He asked for Malia's help but she refuses and tells she's going to do something she doesn't want to tell.He's later seen in the bathroom of his house cleaning his wound from Theo that looks slightly better, Stiles appears and asks his help if they can have more clues about the last chimera's attack in the Towers. At the towers, the boys look for clues and find a cabinet that has been knocked down. Scott tries to lift it up but the extent of his injuries has sapped some of is strength. Stiles helps him lift it together.

They find a message "Damnatio Memoriae" and asks Stiles to hold the light still to take a picture but Tracy paralyses him and fights Scott, Josh also appears and Stiles warns Scott and he gets both the chimeras knocked down in one blow. He was ready to fight Corey but Theo intervenes and says maybe there not ready to take on an Alpha. Scott is still shocked that Tracy, Josh and Corey are alive again. Theo responds he found some new friends and says what's coming is worse than him. Scott and Stiles realize that the Doctors resurrected an old creature and they need their pack all back together and they start with Kira.

In Codominance,Scott along with Stiles are going to Shiprock, New Mexico to retrieve Kira and her mother, Liam appears and asks if he can help and Scott tells his Beta to do not do a thing until he's back. Scott during the trip reads about Damnatio Memoriae and says it was a Roman practice to scratch off the names of some people and Stiles recognizes its being forgotten and this practice was later used on a killer known as Demon Tailor and he believes that should be the killer that is killing people of Beacon Hills and says it could have became a Werewolf. He and Stiles take a break to refill and Stiles tells him how he killed Donovan. Scott believes it was in self-defense. They arrive to save Kira from the Skinwalkers and he roars at them. As they retreat, he starts to kiss Kira. He goes back to Beacon Hills. At the McCall house, Scott is laying on his back, sleeping soundly on the sofa in the living room from falling asleep at some point during the car ride and was woken up by Kira. She informed the sleepy Scott that Mason and Liam got information from Corey, Theo is looking for a blind Alpha. Scott realizes it's Deucalion.

In The Sword and the Spirit,

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In Amplification, Scott, Stiles, Sheriff Stilinski and other deputies go after The Beast of Gévaudan where it arrives to the hospital and fights Parrish. Later he gets all the pack to his house to create a plan to get Lydia out of Eichen House, Stiles reveals he stole a key card on the last night when he visited Lydia and its said if they cause a brownout the key card will work. Scott and Liam take Stiles to the closed unit and Stiles have to go on his own as the Werewolves can't pass the mountain ash. Everyone is doubtful of the plan but Scott reminds them if they don't do this, Lydia will die there tonight and take a lot of innocent people with her.

He and Stiles prepare to leave the library until they cross with Theo, knowing the plans from Corey and says he and the chimeras can pass the mountain ash without trouble and says he know Scott saw the fresco, he replies that he doesn't want to be one of the bodies.Scott is shocked that Kira caused a blackout on the entire power grid of the school but says she can do this. He and his pack get in Eichen House without problems. Kira and Malia go to the electrical where Kira can cause a brownout and Scott, Stiles and Liam pass the guards until the closed unit, as Kira is able to cause the brownout they note the card reader is gone. Liam and Scott try to break the gate but its too Mountain Ash, Liam asks him to hit him so he'll be much stronger and Scott punches him several times and both Werewolf break the gate and Stiles goes get Lydia.

Scott and Liam wait for Stiles and know the key card doesn't work anymore as almost ten minutes passed and then Scott starts to feel pain as the wound from Theo of the night of super moon still hasn't healed. They're confronted by four guards and get shocked but Scott uses his True Alpha roar to make him and Liam fight back.

In Lie Ability,

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In A Credible Threat, Scott, Liam, Stiles and Chris Argent meet up with Parrish in school and find a lot of students dead and the Beast of Gevaudan, who roars at them and who is chased by Parrish, in Hellhound mode. Chris realizes that the Beast is getting smarter. Mason and Corey figured out that the Beast of Gevaudan attacks places with frequencies. He gets a meeting with Liam, Stiles and Lydia and the former reveals Mason's theory. Stiles say they can find the Beast's identity since he figured out that who is the Beast has shoes in size 10. They should get the lacrosse game cancelled because they don't want to put many people in risk. Scott and Stiles find their coach in reception area of Stepping Stones, Beacon Hills Rehabilitation Center. They want him to forfeit the game but Bobby refuses. In a classroom, Scott gives each of the members of the pack a task but Malia is worried since Scott is still healing from the wound Theo caused him in the night of super moon but he healed completely after getting Lydia out of Eichen House. Kira gets out of the game for knocking Brett's helmet off with her stick and Lori, Brett's sister, tries to talk to her but her Kitsune spirit starts taking control over her but Scott arrives in time and saves Lori. He yells at Kira, making her return to normal. The Beast appears and many people start running ofr their lives as the Beast goes after them.

In Maid of Gévaudan, Scott fights against the Beast of Gevaudan in school and ends up badly injured but manages to get in the library. There, he sees the horrified students and tells them to go upstairs when he heard the roar of the beast. He and the Beast of Gevaudan fight but Scott is once again beaten and when he thought he was going to die, Liam, Malia and Braeden work together and scare off the Beast, giving Scott time to recover. Braeden exasperatedly asks Scott if he believed he would have a chance against hte Beast. Scott blushes and negates but now he caught the Beast's scent. He follows the scent to the parking lot and he and Liam find the shoes with blood they've been looking for in Mason's car. Mason appears and Scott realizes that Mason was the Beast of Gevaudan's vessel the whole time. Corey appears and escapes with Mason through invisibility.

In The Beast of Beacon Hills, Scott is still injured from the wounds he sustained from his fight with the Beast. Kira helps him go to bed and says he need to heal before they figure out that Mason is or is not the Beast. At morning, Scott's injuries healed and realizes that the rest of the pack is on his kitchen talking about finding Mason. Scott grabs Corey as he was invsible, listening the meeting. He says he did everything he could but Mason was taken by the Dread Doctors. Scott and Liam are called by Tracy and Theo, who recently killed Josh, took his power and wore the Dread Doctor mask to figure out the Beast's identity. Theo asks Scott to bring the map of telluric currents to his lair in 2 hours. Theo tells them that where the Dread Docots took Mason, the Nazi Alpha Werewolf Der Soldat, whose blood the Doctors used to prolong their lives, will be there too. Scott, Liam and Theo find the new lair and find Mason but the Dread Doctors showed up. Mason transforms into the Beast and kills the Dread Doctors until Chris and Gerard appear and the former shoots the Beast, making it return to normal. But instead of being Mason in the Beast's place, Sebastien, who was the original Beast of Gevaudan, is the one to appear.

In Apotheosis,

, Scott and Liam bring the injured Surgeon to the animal clinic, where Deaton has just received what made Mason a genetic chimera: he absorbed his twin in the womb. Deaton verifies the Surgeon's condition until Sebastien calls out for him. The Surgeon creates an electromagnetic field so the Werewolves and Deaton can't follow him. Sebastien removes the Surgeon's helmet and recognizes him as his old friend Marcel, who reveals the pike used to kill Sebastien was in the Argents' hands. In the hospital, Melissa heals Lydia after she had been previously injured by Sebastien's claws and Scott and Liam take her to the tunnels, where they are confronted by Theo, who uses his electrokinetic powers from, Josh to incapacitate Scott and Liam and uses his Kanima venom from Tracy to paralyze Scott and forcing him to let go of Lydia, causing the latter to fall in another room.

Theo senses Sebastien and confronts him, claiming he wants his power. He attempts to steal his power the manner Deucalion taught him but it turns out to be a futile attempt, leading Sebastien to escape. Theo realizes Deucalion and Scott were working together this whole time and he could have taken the Beast's powers with Belasko's talons if he didn't believe Deucalion's lies about them. Deuc snaps Theo's neck and wishes him good luck with it before he is shot by Gerard, accompanied by his son Chris, who says he's surprised to see Scott and Deucalion together. However, Argent and Scott also planned a double-cross as Argent passes him the sword-cane/pike and aims his gun at his father, because he knew Gerard would only cause even more destruction as he did in the past. Argent tells Scott and Liam to go while he deals with Gerard.

Sebastien finds the two and asks them to return the pike to him but they made sure they would only give it to him if he gave Mason back to them. However, Sebastien doesn't even know where to begin to separate them, leading Scott and Liam to wolf-out before lunging toward Sebastien, who turns into the Beast. The Beast comes out on top in their fight and partially shifts back into Sebastien, who grabs Scott's throat before attempting to kill but accidentally performs the Werewolf memory manipulation ritual and stalls when he sees Scott's memories of Allison, his sister Marie Jeanne's descendant, who looks exactly like her not only in physical appearance but in personality as well. Sebastien is stunned speechless upon seeing the person who looks exactly like his sister that he lets go of Scott.

Lydia and Kira, whose sword has been successfully repaired by the Shiprock Skinwalkers, arrive and the Banshee screams Mason's name with so much force that Sebastien loses his corporeal body and leads him to be separated from Mason. The Beast's essence attempts to escape but Parrish, in Hellhound-mode, grabs him, allowing Scott to kill him for a final time with the sword-cane/pike. Everyone believes they've won until Theo reappears, with electricity crackling his entire body and who glares at the pack for killing the Beast but Kira blocks the lightning bolt he shoots at them with her sword and tells him the Skinwalkers have a message for him: his sister wants to see him. With the Skinwalkers' power, Kira stabs her katana into the ground and opens a sinkhole, from where Tara's spirit comes out and drags Theo down with her to Hell and no one goes to help him, even if he pleaded for help before the sinkhole disappears as though it was never there in the first place.

In the animal clinic, Hayden, who has been previously injured by Sebastien like Lydia, is fearing she will die just like the first time and Liam tells her it's her choice. She looks at Scott, who partially transforms in order to bite. In a night of full moon, Hayden has survived the transformation and has become a true Beta Werewolf and a true member of the McCall Pack.

In school, Scott looks at the initials of the beginning of senior year and tears come running down his face when he looks at his own initials and Allison's while Stiles and Lydia talk how Allison saved Scott's life from Sebastien's clutches. In the end, he joins his two friends in the library.}}

Scott McCall (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.