Somerset County Herald and Taunton Courier from Taunton, Somerset, England (2024)

Extra Questions Decided Quiz In the semi-final of the Conservative inter-branch quiz on Tuesday Brushford and Creech St. Michael had an exciting contest. Up to the eleventh round Brushford had a small lead. Both teams were level at the twelfth and 15th rounds. An additional round had to be plaved.

and the issue was not decided until the last question, when Brushford won by 76 points to 74. The teams were: Brushford: Mrs. M. Smail. Mrs.

Bidgood, Miss Rathbone. Comdr. Griffiths. Creech St. Michael: Mr.

and Mrs. Burns. Mr. Child and Mr. Meredith.

The questionmaster was Mr. Edgar Betts, the score-keepers were Mr. Bidgood and Mrs. Mucklow. and the time-keeper Mr.

S. Sweeting. TAUNTON CATHOLIC WEDDING The bridegroom is a dairy farmer and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Taunton Young Farmers' Club. He is a player-member of the Taunton vale Hockey Club. The bride, who is employed by the Somerset County Council in the School Dental Service, is a keen member of the St.

George's Drama Group. A few days before her wedding she took part in the Group's production of Rex Hartley's thriller 'Murder in Mind'. The service, which was followed by Nuptial Mass and the Papal Blessing, was conducted by the Verv Rev. Canon M. J.

Fitzpatrick. of Swindon, and formerly of Glastonbury, a friend of the bride's family, assisted by the Rev. Jones (St. George's) and the Rev. F.

J. Meegan (Wellington). Mr. R. F.

Trevett was the organist. Given away by her father, the bride wore a full-length gown of ivory satin, cut on classical lines, with a short train and a fulllength tulle veil. She carried a sheaf of Harrisii lilies. The bridesmaids, the Misses Marv Connolly and Monica Fawle. wore ballerina-length dresses of light-blue givrine.

and carried bouquets of apricotcoloured roses and lily of the Mr. Ashley Troake. friend of the bridegroom, was best man, and the ushers were Messrs. Peter Quartly (bridegroom's brother). David Cooke and Bill Purcell.

The reception at the Church Hall was attended by over 100 guests, including the clergy who conducted the service and the Rt. Rev. Mgr. lies, rector of St. George's who was unable to attend the service because of another call.

Later in the day the couple left for a touring honeymoon. The bride's going-away outfit was a coffee and cream-coloured suit with matching accessories. Photo: Henry J. Foster, 158. East Reach, Taunton.

A large congregation attended the wedding in St. George's Roman Catholic Church, Taunton, on Saturday, of Mr. Maurice John Quartly, elder son of the late Mr. A. J- Quartly, and Mrs.

Quartly, of Jeanes Farm, Bradford-on- Tone, and Miss Margaret Anne Norton, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Norton, of St Anthony's. York Terrace, Taunton.

A Methodist Examination Taunton Temple Scripture Awards The names have been announced of the scholars of the Temple Methodist Sunday School. Taunton, who have been successful in the Methodist Youth Department Scripture, examination held on 25th March. The awards will be presented at the Sunday School anniversary on Sunday, 12th June. DIVISION 1. James Edward Badco*ck.

Ist lan Marks: Paul Gerald Mitchard: Jennifer Mary Dominey; Sally Ann Wolfe. 2nd Elizabeth Ostime: Roger John Thomas: Michael Marshall; 3rd Mary Gunter. DIVISION 2. Brenda Killick and Kathleen Mary Stephens. Ist class Sheila Sandra Thomas: Lynn Patricia Branchflower; Penelope Anne Redston: David Ross Wolfe: Susan Gibbs.

2nd Diane Fletcher; Carol Denise Lane; Pamela Elizabeth Tunstell; Janet Moira Weare; Pamela May Pollard. 3rd class- Robert John Collard. DIVISION 3. Ist Patricia Stephens; Robert Kennet Killick; Graham Michael Stephens 2nd Stuart Redston: Alistair Richards. DIVISION 4.

Ist Gibbs. 2nd K. Turner. Young peoples' grade B. William Southcombe: Jean Elizabeth Tarr.

Religious Education Exhibition Taunton Venture Was Well Worth While The three-dav exhibition at the Corfleld Hall, Taunton, last week of aids to religious education and of Christian literature is considered to have been well worth while, although the attendance was disappointing. The attendance was affected by the funeral service at Wells, on Thursday, of the Bishop of the diocese and bv the Royal wedding on Friday. Several people visited the exhibition twice, and orders for books and educational aids were satisfactory. The hope is that, in time, a depot of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge will be opened in Taunton. B.P.

Scout Guild A Great Work for. Handicapped Boys The annual meeting of the Taunton and District B.P. Scout Guild was held at District Scout Headquarters on Thursday of last week. Mr. P.

J. Dembrey (president) presided. After reports and accounts had been passed and officers for the vear had been elected, the President introduced Mrs. W. C.

Richardson, late Headquarters' commissioner for handicapped Scouts, who talked on handicapped Scouts and how the Guild could help. A film, 'These Are Our was shown bv Mr. P. Garland, showing how Scouting can help handicapped boys. The President thanked Mrs.

Richardson and also Mr. H. W. T. Webber, chairman of the Guild for nine years, for all he had done.

Hie new Chairman is Mr. P. J. Quick. Refugee Shacks Are a Poignant Reminder part of Taunton's Christian Aid Week programme, three shacks, replicas of those in the refugee quarter of Hong Kong, stand this week the forecourt of North Street Congregational Church.

The shacks are of corrugated iron and draped with sacking and other material. At the entrance are scrolls written in Chinese. In striking this note of authenticity the organizers sought the help of Mr. A. J.

Clements, of Avenue, Taunton, formerly of the Chinese Government Service, and his neighbour. Mr. Harris, who inscribed them. Much of the work in connexion with the venture was done by the Rev. G.

A. J. Story and the Rev. R. M.

A. Clark, members of the Taunton Inter-Church Aid Committee. Film shows have been given three times a day in North Street Congregational Church Hall by Miss M. Kirk, a member of the committee. During the week large numbers of people have carried out house-tohouse collections.

Before the week started the Mayor's fund exceeded £4.000. United Service On Sunday afternoon the Mavor of Taunton. Mrs. A. R.

Uninack. and the Mavoress, Miss Valerv White, attended a united service in St. Mary's Church to inaugurate the week. Among those accompanying them were the Chairman of Taunton Rural Council. Mr.

H. T. Stonex, the Deputy-Mayor of Taunton. Mr. F.

S. Wallis. the Town Clerk. Mr. K.

A. Home, and other members and officials of the Taunton Corporation. Christian Aid Week is a Climax to World Refugee Year, which, ends on 31st May. and it is the churches' great national appeal to provide funds for refugees. Free Church Speaker The Rev.

H. L. Bothamley, the vicar of St. Mary's, who is the chairman of the Taunton Committee. conducted the service, and the lesson was read bv Mr.

Charles Millard, president of the Taunton Free Church Council. The address was given bv the Rev. Leonard Hurst (Congregational minister), of Blagdon Hill, near Taunton, formerly a secretary of the London Missionary Society for 30 vears. He deputized for the Bishop in Korea, the Right Rev. J.

C. S. Dalv. who. because of troubles in that country, had flown back to his own diocese.

The collection was for Christian Aid Week and amounted to £33 19s 7d. Christian Aid Week Eucharist of the Middle Ages Taunton Demonstration About 80 members of the Taunton and Bridgwater branch of. the Church Union attended Holy Trinity Church. Taunton, on Wednesday evening for the last of a series of three demonstrations of the Church's liturgy. This demonstration of the rites of the Middle Ages, showed how the early, rather primitive Eucharist developed into the more elaborate medieval High Mass.

Those taking part were members of the Taunton churches of St. Andrew and Holy Trinity, and the singing was by a choir from Furnham, Chard, i The Rev. R. M. Beck (vicar of St.

John's. Taunton) gave a commentary. Co-op Sales Up 5 per cent. Progress at Taunton The hall-yearly meeting of members of the Taunton district of the West Somerset and East Devon Co-operative Society, was held at the Riverside Rooms. Bridge Street, Taunton, on Thursday.

The District Chairman. Mr. W. P. Haywood, announced that cash sales amounted to £2,271,380, an increase of £111,265, or 5.1 per cent, on the same period of last year.

The aim was to reach annual sales of £5 millions within two years. In the Taunton district there was a sales increase of £25.636. equal to 5.3 per cent. The C.W.S. had been given permission to operate a 'Society' footwear shop at 'The and this opened for business on 23rd October.

Credit Accounts Prom March it was decided to introduce Personal Budget Accounts. This means that members are granted up to 40 weeks' credit for their requirements in the drapery, footwear, outfitting, furnishing and radio and electrical departments This was a convenient way of budgeting for personal requirements. While share and loan capital continued to increase there was need to attract further funds for development purposes. Members with £50 or more to invest could purchase Development Bonds carrying interest at 5 per cent. After meeting all charges for depreciation (£39,387) paying £400 for the goodwill of businesses purchased; and reserving £7,322 for national taxation, there was a surplus of £70.809.

It was proposed to continue dividend to members at 7d in the £, with further bonus of Id in spendable in the dry goods departments. Women Liberals Elect Officers The annual meeting of the Taunton Women's Liberal Association was held on Thursday of last week at the Liberal Headquarters, 41, Bridge Street. The Secretary reported on a year in which much useful work had been done. She said that although Mr. Bruton was now prospective candidate for North Cornwall, Mrs.

Bruton would still be in touch with the Taunton Women's Liberal Association. Mrs. Hemsley. who was leaving to live at Exeter, would be greatly missed. Another member, Mrs.

Sherriff. was leaving the district for Looe. Both were thanked for their valued help. The financial statement showed a healthy balance considering the large amount paid into the divisional fighting fund. Mrs.

Lloyd Fox was elected president and three new vicepresidents were elected Mrs. Meddon Bruton, the Hon. Mrs. Heathcoat Amory and Mrs. Hemslev.

Officers were elected as follows: Chairman. Mrs. Sayers: Vice- Chairman Mrs. Argile; Secretary, Mrs Carwardine: Assistant Secretary, Miss E. K.

Down; Treasurer, Mrs. Swan. Big Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses Taunton Delegates The visit of Mr. G. P.

Carmichael. the Somerset circuit minister, to the Taunton congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, has been postponed until Julv. Mr. Carmlchael is helping to organize a big assembly of Jenovah's Witnesses at the Manchester City Football Ground from 16th-19th June. The 15.000 delegates there will include manv from Taunton and other parts of Somerset.

Other assemblies are being held in London, Birmingham and Glasgow. Mr. Nathan H. Knorr. president of the movement's legal society, is flying to Manchester from New York and will give several talks.

The object of the assembly is to promote peaceful relationships among people of all kinds through an understanding of God's Word. When he visits Somerset congregations in Julv Mr. Carmichael will speak on highlights of the Manchester assembly. Y.M.C.A.Goes 'Modern' When Miss E. M.

Arnold, chairman of Taunton magistrates, officially opens Taunton redecorated buffet lounge on Wednesday, she will see the results of two months' work by members and friends. The Secretary (Mr. George Dodd) says it is a start of a fuller programme of redecorating to brighten up the Y.M.C.A. The cost has been kept low by the members doing it themselves. There is a modern colour scheme, and the furniture has been re-upholstered.

Hospital Gifts Taunton Hospital Management Committee acknowledge the following gifts: Hospital books, Mr. Sutton, Taunton; flowers, Mrs. Hughes, Taunton; scrap books, Mrs. Golding, Taunton: TV set loaned to Ward 7 for the Royal wedding. Rentaset, Taunton.

Trinity and slippers, Mrs. Inions; flowers, Taunton Cubs; lavender bags. Watchet Baptist Sunday School; recording of service, Silver Street Baptist Church per Mr. Letherby; books. Mrs.

Lee, Mrs. Inions; film show, sweets and cigarettes. Visiting Committee, League of Hospital Friends: voluntary help on wards, Taunton Deane Townswomen's Guild, Bishops Hull Women's Institute, Toe women's section. Taunton Isolation and Chest Mrs. E.

F. Poole: magazines, anonymous: children's books, Mr. Brown; books and flowers, Susan and Graham White, Leslie andJeanett Roberts: tinfoil, Linda Salt. Quantock Chest Magazines, Mrs. D.

Cooper; Venetian blinds for wards 1. 2,11 and 12, League of Friends. Sequel to Burnham Collision For driving without due care and attention. Miss Owyneth Mary Williams (34) Flat 2, Brightstowe, Berrow Road. Burnham-on-Sea, was fined £5 at Bumham, on Monday and ordered to pay £1 costs.

Mrs. Marjorie F. M. Butt, 8. Sutherland Avenue, Burnham, Bve evidence that she was riding motor-cycle from Manor Road Into Berrow Miss Williams, driving a car from the opposite direction, cut across her path, with the result that there was collision.

POSTAGE on this issue TAUNTON VISITS TO PAIGNTON ZOO On Sunday, 22nd May. at 12.5 p.m.. a train will leave Taunton for Paignton, for visits to the zoo (12s 6d, including admission and road transport). TWO OFFENCES For two offences of failing to comply with halt signs with a van William Frederick Henry Winchester (39), lorry driver, 67, East Reach, was fined a total of £2 at Bridgwater on Monday. NORTHFIELD AVENUE DEATH Miss Gladys Mildred Hunt (51), of 15.

Northfleld Avenue, died at her home on Thursday morning. She had been under the care of the doctor for a fortnight. Death was due to natural causes LEGAL APPOINTMENT Mr. James Arthur Harvey TUley, a former Axbridge solicitor, who was educated at Taunton School, takes up an appointment as legal adviser to the Registrar-General in Hong Kong, at the end of this month. At present he is assistant land officer in the Department of Lands and Surveys.

Dar-es- Salaam. INSURANCE STAFFS MEETING The local Committee of the Industrial Life Offices met on Thursday at the Hutcombe Hotel for the final supper meeting of the season. Mr. C. J.

Finch, area youth organizer, gave a talk on the Duke of Edinburgh's award and Boys' Clubs. Mr. P. J. Baker presided and thanked Mr.

Finch for his address ROWBARTON OVER-6O CLUB The weekly meeting was held at the Adult School on Monday, when 69 members were present. The Vicar of St. Andrew's (the Rev. J. B.

Squire) paid his monthly visit and conducted a short service. After tea came an announcement of a day's outing in June. The competition was won by Mr. Guest and Mrs. Evans.

The choir has been invited to present its sketch at the Victoria Club on 17th June, and at Trinity Hospital on 20th June. Will choir members please note and bring their costumes. L.T.H. YOUNG WORSHIPPERB' LEAGUE The Young Worshippers' League of the Silver Street Baptist Church gave their 27th annual concert in the School Hall on Tuesday evening. Mr.

H. C. Minett presided. The Secretary (Mr. C.

Collard) reported that the league had met at 10.30 every Sunday morning since the early thirties, except for one break of about four weeks. Tribute was paid to the excellent leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Green. Book prizes were presented by Mrs.

R. H. Cottrell, a former co-leader. The programme included a demonstration, "Lessons from interspersed with songs by the league choir. The accompanist was Mrs.

R. Burford. and the choirmaster was-Mr. L. V.

Turner. A 21st birthday present wag given to Miss E. Burrough: and posies were presented to Mrs. Cottrell, Mrs. Burford and Mrs.

Green. SILVER STREET BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL The 144 th anniversary services of the Silver Street Baptist Sunday School were conducted on Sunday by a former minister, the Rev. E. A. G.

Emery, now of Burlington Baptist Church, Ipswicn. There were large congregations. In the morning the primary children sang 'Sing a song of May-time; with Miss Joan Pilgrim at the piano and Susan Cowlan read the lesson. At the afternoon service Mr. Emery was assisted by the Superintendent (Mr.

L. V. Turner). Members of the beginners and primary departments gave demonstrations of applied methods of instruction, and Lorna Ferris read the Scripture. Others taking part included Pauline Cridland, Nicola Condrey lan Burfltt.

Michael Carnngton, John Fletcher, Busan Caswell and Andrew CHode. Book tokens gained in the local Scripture examinations were presented to Hilary Frost. Kathryn Fish, Rebecca Sawyer, Lorna Ferris and Christine Curry. The lesson in the evening was read by Jill Letherby, of the senior department. Mr.

Emery emphasized that Christian young people should make an impact on irresponsible youth outside the church. The flowers used in the decorations were distributed to aged and sick folk. Mr. E. A.

M. Pitt was the organist. HALSE IF SCHOOL OLOSES A public meeting is to be held at Halse on 33rd May to consider whether in the event of Halse School being closed, the school building would serve as a village hall better than the present building. STOKE ST. GREGORY WHIBT DRIVE At the Thursday night whist drive the winners were Mrs.

Staple, Mrs. M. Patten, Mrs. A. Dare, Mrs.

David, Mr. Sharp Mrs. F. Mrs. Yarde and Mrs.

Williams. WOMEN'B INSTITUTE The Women's Institute met on Tuesday, Mrs. L. Hembrow presiding. Arrangements were made for the spring sale next Tuesday.

It was decided to have an evening outing to Lyme Regis on 14th June instead of the annual birthday party that day. Members will bring refreshments, which will be pooled for the supper. Mrs. Arthurs is the delegate to the annual meeting in London. The word competition last month was won by Miss King and Miss Dudley.

This being members' evening, Mrs. Pearce presided and Mrs. Boyce showed coloured slides of West Africa, taken by herself and her husband. She was thanked by Mrs. Pipe.

This month's competition, to name the photographs of 24 famous personalities, was won by Mrs. Cox. The tea hostesses were Miss Hall, Miss House, Mrs. Brewer and Mrs. H.

Keirle. ASH PRIORS WOMEN'S INBTITUTE At the May meeting. Mrs. Comer welcomed two visitors and also the link' delegate from Bishop's Lydeard. Mrs.

Gavlard is arranging an outing to Clatworthy reservoir on Ist June, when it is hoped that Mr. Wonnacot (borough engineer i will conduct the party around the works. Mesdames Comer, Hanco*ck and Way agreed to attend the inaugural meeting of the League of Friends of Sandhill Park Hospital. Duthie gave a talk on the House of Commons and showed members a copy of a Parliamentary Bill, Hansard, and illustrated books about the House. She was thanked by Mrs.

H. Woolen. Tea was served by Mesdames Lavington-Evans. Harris. Ross and Wingate.

A competition to estimate the combined weight of the President and Secretary produced much laughter, but no correct answer: the nearest were by Mrs. Gaylard and Mrs. Woolen. Mrs. Summers gained nine points for her three scones in the monthly competition.

ASHILL LOCAL WILL Mrs. Kate Mary Richmond, of The Retreat. Ashill, who died on 26th November last, left £7.848 gross, £7,764 net value (duty paid £311). BRADFORD-ON-TONE LOCAL WILL Mr. James Henry Townsend.

of Nutlevs Cottage. Bradford-on- Tone. who died on 19th Januarv, left £2.434 2s gross, £2,396 17s net value. ASHBRITTLE WORKED ON FARM FOR 50 YEARS The funeral took place at Ashbrittle on Saturday of Mr. Ernest Alderman, who died on 3rd May.

aged 63. Mr. Alderman, who lived in Ashbrittle all his life, worked at Court Place Farm for nearly 50 years. During the First World War he served in the Royal Navy. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev.

Eric C. G. Weeks (rector i. and Mr. Shopland was at the organ.

STOCKLAND CHURCHWARDENS At the annual vestry meeting the Vicar. Preb E. Sloil. appointed Mr. Stanley Stone as his warden and Mr.

G. W. Duckham was elected as people's warden. The accounts for the past year showed a substantial balance in hand. The Parochial Church Council was re-elected with the addition of Mr.

J. Stone. The Vicar thanked all the Council for their support in the life of the church. PITMINSTER ATTEMPT ON CHURCH SAFE An attempt was made to open a safe in the vestrv at Pitminster Church last week-end. The organ key, which is kept in the vestry, was used.

WELLINGTON BANNED FROM DRIVING Francis Edgar Binding, ganger, of Pitt Farm, Rockwell Green, was fined £10 at Wiveliscombe on Thursday and disqualified from driving for a vear for riding a motor-cycle while not insured. He was also fined £2 for not having an Excise licence. NEW COMPANY Richardson's Garage of High Street. Wellington. has been registered as a private limited companv with a nominal capital of £5,000 in £1 shares.

The directors are James H. Baker, and Llovd H. Baker, both of Pyles Shorn Road, Wellington. BARMAN DROVE CARELESSLY Henry Roettges. barman, formerly of The Squirrel Hotel.

Wellington, was fined £5 at Taunton, on Wednesday, for driving a car without due care and attention in Corporation Street, Taunton. He was also ordered to pay £4 15s witnesses' expenses. The case was before the court on 4th May when it was stated that Roettges' car was in collision with a lorry. Then the case was adjourned for the defendant's attendance. Roettges told the magistrates that until the offence he had driven the car 113.000 miles without an accident.

BIBLEB FOR THE HOSPITAL Bibles and Testaments have been presented to the Wellington Cottage Hospital and Maternity Home by the Gideons. International, an organization of business and professional men. 62 Bibles and Testaments were presented. The matron's Bibles, which were received bv Miss H. Pleasance (matron.

Cottage Hospital) and Miss M. Elson (matron. Maternity Home), were presented by Mr. L. Bowerman.

on behalf of The Gideons. Mr. Bowerman also presented a token ward Bible and patients' Testament to Mrs. Julian Fox (chairman, Hospital House Committee). Mrs.

E. B. Woodford presented a token sisters' Testament to Sister N. P. Smith, and a token nurses' Testament to Nurse E.

E. Law. An address and benediction was given by Dr. G. E.

Kelly, and the Gideons' story was told by Mr. K. Darch. Prayer was said by Mr. Lloyd, and a prayer of dedication was said bv Mr.

E. B. Woodford. Among the many friends of the nospital who attended was Miss E. Burnett, whose father (Mr.

Egerton Burnett) gave the hospital to Wellington in CLAYHIDON LATE MRS. F. L. DUNN The funeral has taken place of Mrs. Frances Louisa Dunn 13.

Gillards Mead. Churchinford. aged 77. She leaves two sons and a daughter. The service at the Parish Church was conducted bv the Rector (Rev.

C. S. Hope) and Miss Brenda Drew was organist. STAPLEGROVE FLOWERS OFThE WORLD The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the Village Hall, Mrs. Cresswell- Higgs presiding.

Mrs. Berry and Mrs. Bishton were welcomed as new members. Mr. E.

Scott Setcerington illustrated his talk. 'Round the world of with beautiful slides of specimens. He was thanked by Mrs. Searle. Tea was served bv Mesdatnes R.

Coles, Capner, Endacott and helpers. There were nine entries for the best Victorian posy competition, which was judged by Mrs. Scott Setterington. Mrs. Stark and Mrs.

Rendall tied for first place. Mrs. Foreshore was appointed delegate to the annual meeting in London. Mesdames Reed. French, Hargreaves, Williams and Mercer will be taking part in a quiz to be held by the Cannington Institute.

Mrs. Hughes spoke of the visit of members to the W.I. exhibition of handicrafts in London. She showed examples of tatting and offered to give lessons to any interested members. WEST MONKTON VISIT TO ANCIENT MANOR Members of West Monkton University Class were invited, through their Secretary, Mr.

W. Day. to visit Whites taunton Manor on Saturday afternoon. With their tutor, Mr. J.

F. Lawrence, they were received at the Manor by Mr. and Mrs. A. E.

Dobell. Mrs. Dobell explained many interesting features of the Manor, which was in existence at the time of the Conquest and was held for 600 years bv the Brett family. Part of the ancient manor is still in use and additions were made throughout the centuries bv different owners. The main part of the house is 15th centurv and the beautiful fireplaces, with the Brett coat of arms, were greatlv admired.

The party visited the ancient church in the Manor grounds, also the holv well of St. Agnes and the site of the Roman Villa. The visitors were entertained to tea by Mrs. Dobell. who was thanked by Mr.

Lawrence. BISHOPS HULL WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The monthly meeting on Thursday evening of last week was presided over by Mrs. Hutchings. The President welcomed four members from the Norton Fitzwarren branch. It was announced that the World Refugee Fund now exceeded £35.

An evening outing to the Brendon Hills and Porlock is planned for 9th June. Members wishing to go should notify the Secretary, Mrs. Lodge, before 19th May. Mrs. Farrant, of West Buckland.

the delegate to the Albert Hall meeting, was advised how to vote. The competition, a posy in a wine glass, was judged bv Mrs. Mitford Slade and Mrs. Clarke, and they awarded first prize to Mrs. Burford.

Mrs. Agnew, who has spent 16 years in India and Burma, gave an interesting talk on 'Life in Dressed in full costume of an Indian lady. Mrs. Agnew gave an intimate study from the women's point of view, as well as her impressions of life in India. Miss Harris, the room hostess, expressed thanks.

Tea was served by Mrs. Carrington and Mrs. Slipper and Mrs. Gommo sold W.I. literature.

The social half-hour was occupied in cutting out doyleys from greaseproof paper and many artistic patterns resulted. HATCH BEAUCHAMP AID FOR REFUGEES A sale, organized by Mrs. A. Hamilton Gault for the Interchurch Aid for Refugees, was held at Hatch Court on Saturday afternoon. The Rector opened with prayer and thanked Mrs.

Gault for allowing her beautiful grounds to be used for this worthy cause. He introduced his wife, Mrs. Ross McPherson. Heard, who. after stressing the desperate need of help for refugees, declared the sale open.

She received a posy of flowers from Jane Townson. A competition prize of a chicken dinner was won by Mr. H. Pincombe and Lilian Groves won the treasure hunt prize. There were pony rides and teas were served on the terrace of the Court.

The profit, with local subscriptions (including one from the Hatch Beauchamp Baptist Chapel), totalled £64 16s lid. Next week there is to be a house-to-house collection. organized by the Parish Council. TRULL MRS. HALLAM LEAVING At the May meeting of the Trull and Staplehay W.I.

the Treasurer. Mrs. Turner, gave a satisfactory statement of accounts. The President. Mrs.

Denton Cox, referring to the produce and handicraft exhibition to be held on 24th September. asked members to bear in mind possible entries when sewing, knitting, gardening or preserving. Mre. Hallam gave an illustrated talk on three rura: industries of at. Stolford.

willow-growing and peat. Mrs. Foster, in thanking Mrs. Hallam. expressed the great regret of all that she is soon leaving the district to live near Hemvock.

The social half-hour was given over to considering the resolutions for annual general meeting in London. Mrs. Hollyoak won the monthly competition for the best house plant. THE 'WESTERN GAZETTE' IN TAUNTON The Western Gazette can be obtained from all Taunton newsagents with your daily papers every Friday morning. ANY EDITION can be supplied by placing a regular order with your newsagent.

SOMERSET COUNTY HERALD, SATURDAY, 14 MAY, 1960 6 Colour-Cue by GOR RAT the skirt you can match or tone with any colour! L. cornflower OATMEAL rose Wi dove donkey bro olive ABLi MINK Over 130 colours to choose from! OF TA NT ON Phon 3353 NOW IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR for COOL DRINKS with SALADS and PICNICS We are suppliers of all that you may require when the occasion demands the highest quality in food and drink North Town Stores 60 BRIDGE ST. and EASTGATE STORES, TAUNTON The Soldiers', Sailors' Airmen's Families Assoeiatioo helps needy Families ot Service and Ex-Servicemen in SOMERSET ADVICE. CLOTHING, GRANTS. CARE OF CHILDREN.

Etc. BUT need your help to carry on with this work Please send a DONATION, however small, S.S.A.F.A., THE DRILL HALL, TAUNTON Space given On Messrs STARKBY. KNIGH'I tOKi). Lta. yi i II SO M.P.H 7-Tonner Full details from C.

ALLEN SON, LTD. TONE BRIDGE GARAGE. TAUNTON SOMERSET WILTS. TRUSTEE SAVINGS BANK (ESTABLISHED 1817) NEW LIMIT of DEPOSITS (As from 2nd May, 1960) ORDINARY DEPARTMENT £5,000 SPECIAL INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT £2,000 TOTAL £7,000 THERE IS NOW no restriction, within this limit, on the amount deposited in any one year ORDINARY DEPARTMENT A husband and wife with a joint Account, or with separate Accounts, can EACH benefit from the Income Tax concession on the first £1 5 of Interest so between them they can receive up to £30 free of Income Tax SPECIAL INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT INTEREST 4 INTEREST Head Office: HIGH STREET, TAUNTON Branch Office: 68 STATION ROAD, TAUNTON hom*oEOPATHIC TREATMENT Mr. E.

MELVILLE MORGAN will shortly visit Taunton for consultations. For an appointment write to: 6, Clarges Street, London, W.I. LEONARD E. SMITH UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1.


Somerset County Herald and Taunton Courier from Taunton, Somerset, England (2024)
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