The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)




2,00 THUS OF ADVERTISING AORKED CHON BY TAE CLEVELAND ASSOCIATED PRESS, January 1 1836. to Lites vi Aps.u one aquare. Line Si. 3 8 6 7 8 9 d. 1.12 1.50 1.38 2.25 2,62 8,00 3,75 d.

1.00 1.25 1.81 3.13 5,40 6.25 1,0 1.5 2,01 2,50 3,00 4,00 5,1 u. 1.25 3,00 3,10 4. 1J 6.09 6,10 4, JU 8,30 4,38 6.25 6,12 7,00 7,48 8,75 1,50 2.00 3,00 4,14) 5.00 7,00 8,00 9,00 10,00 10 A 1,15 6.25 9,00 10,25 11,50 TwO 2,14) 8. 4.50 0,00 1,40 9,00 10,50 12,00 13,50 15 (4) 8,10) 10,00 12,00 14,09 16,00 18,00 :20,00 10,00 12,50 15,00 17,50 20,00 22,50 23,00 3F 133,00 16,25 19,00 26,00 29,25 32.50 in. 15,00 18,75 22,50 26,25 80,00 37,00 20,00 40,00 43,00 00,00 In.

8,00 13 20.00 00 31,23 87,50 43,75 50.00 00,25 02,52 10, 01 20,00 87,540 45,40 60,00 61,50 15,00 10, 43,73 32,00 61,25 70.00 78.75 87,80 1: li. 15,00 40,00 00,00 70,00 80.00 90.00 100,00 Displaved Advertiment: haif placed more in than Special usual column rates. of busk Advertise Liaded and Less dunbio tl.o oruinary will a be understood to apply Yearly to the immediate business of the Advertiser, and all otliadvertising contracts er soul in by we Advertiser will be charged Extri. Advertisem*nts not accompanied with written directions, will Inside inserted until for bid and for six, wine and twelve months, twenty. charged accordingly.

Ve per cut of extra. meetings, Fire.nens, Military, Charitable and Re otices lizions Loti as, titty la far ant editorial discount. column vUI be charged at the Bus of One Dollie per equan, euch in.sertion, under head bustr R9 notices. All transient advertisem*nts to be paid for in or advance. less, tor three Advertisem*nts in the weekly one Wor or less, one 115 sature or for a longer time than three dally.

Adver twenty woment: in daily and wEekly will be charged fifty per me jer discount. coat atra. r. and deaths 25 centa. Bills of advertisers payable quarterly.

J. W. Phin Dealer. FAIRBANKS, J. PINKERTON Leader.


myl0dly MENEY G. PERRY C. TIL YER, Attorney Counselor Clere and, Over Clark's Hardware Store, St. ap16 Superior Sweet, SPARS, opposite W. ATTORNEYS Weddell C.

OTIS, House, AT Cleveland, CAW, OLIO, THEODORE C. SEARS. GROCERS. BABco*ck kinds of HURD, Groceries, Foreign and WHOLESALE Domestic turers of and the Bess Wines, Quality of Confectionarice, No. 16 Water Fancy Goods, Toys, Also, Manufac Street, Cleveland, oniv.

E. H. BABco*ck, mAr24 192 HURD, JR. D. G.

GET and BRANCH, COMMISSION WHOLESALE MERCHANT, Oviatt's vc15 GRO- Ex. chant: foot Superior St. J. M. Dealers CRAW in Fish, Pork, SON, Hams, and INSPECTORS Cut to Meats, consign.

AND River Cleveland, Oliv. ou the same. attention paid ments, and alvanced PHYSICIANS. T. G.

AND CLEVELAND, M. 1 en relieved PHYSICIAN of Cry Hospital P'hysiciar, will bercafter devote hinisel: to Las those Oile of Block, Superior Street. Residence, No. 15 his private practice. pect.

Strect. bovi it. B. A. I.

SURGEON thanking his frie.ds of the City and surrounding Districts for DENTIST-(Graduate of the Clevelat Medical College,) he liberal patronage which he has enjoyed for the last 4 yearsrespectfully soli a of a their single favors. 'Tooth, $1,00 -Up. Low. 001 plete 40. Dor.

Il. assures all who THE PRICESper may and patron: him that his work shall not be surpassed in or St. and Work l'ublic WARRANTED, Square. dice over 'Talcolt's, cortier BUILDEINS. A Ing, and ornamental making.

CARVING, Also Plaster MODEL- OrAnn. of cv. ry de furnished to order E. by BOLTON. Hock Corner Superior and ON R.

PORTER, ARCHITECTS.dice on the corner of Sherif and Euclid Sts, Cleveland, Onio. jan2 J. SI. perintendent of BLACKBURN. Bulldings.

No. 83 Architect Oregon and Clove and, Ohio. from LAINES, the Factories, LAWNS, by and REMNANTS BLEACHED TERRY OF A COTTONS. CO. DENEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! Yo.

superior House. RESPECTFULLY vicinity, INFORM that they have THE taken CIT. the entire stock of Ready Made Clothing, Furnishing Goals of M. Althen, deceased. No.

11 Superior (Johnson House,) where they will carry on the business. A will selected stock of now goods just roceiving, together with the already large stock on hand, makes our assorument market; one of the largest and complete ever offered in this low and! prices, and prompt attention, enable us to give entire satis long lu the Clothing business, good workmen, faction N. to those Garments who male may to favor order on short notice, and in the la us with their patronage. Lest style of fashion, on the most reasonable toring. LITHOGRAPHING, c.

Burridge, Bank Cleveland, 0. LA. -The Old Dominion, or the Southampton Massacre. I'rice NEW NOVEL BY G. P.


SOMETHING For the purpose of reconciling buyers and dealars, we respectfully call attention to the FINE STOCK OF of CLOTHING now on exhibition at the elegant establishment MAYAR 73 Superior Cirveland, 0. who keep, in connection with all kinds and qualitles of Ready Made tho hing. a tine line of imported CLOTHS, all styles and colors. Every known article of Geetlemea's Furnishing Goods at Wholesale and Retail. We sell to suit and make to order CHEAPER TILLN THE A l'ull and beautifu! stock of Summer Good -Linen, Cotton Casimer, etc.

Ball on us, and tr aure of our endeavors to please. KOCH. LEVI MAYER, mi lyd No. 15, Supertor St. 0.0 O.

nessEY 0. 8 SINCLAIR DEALERS IN SAL STRIP VEIN COAL By the 1: tail, and for NOT COAL for Smithing. We are daily receiving thee Coals from our mines, aril are prepared to All orders for lurze or small amounta, on she at reasonable terms. al furnished STEAMBOATS at any time during the day or night, and delivered at any point on the direr, if destred. ONe Yard on the east side of the Cleve.


No. 13 Water Street, Opposite W'm. Bingham HOUSE SIGN PAINTER, CLEVELAND, OlIO. Real Estaic Agrary and Insurance Office. C'olumbus Detroit Street, SIDE.

GENT for the purchase and sale of Real A Erato. Negotiator of Loans, C'onverancer, and Collecting of Rents. No charged unless besiness is elected I.rough my Agency. TO good Store and four good FOR Houses and Lots, located In parts of the city. at bA' gains.

Vacant Lots in all rarte of the citv. which will be sold on tern sin suit. if to parties wishing to linprove. dit' DARISIN Sights and Freuch Principles, seen throuch Ameriuan Spectacles, Jarves -second KEYES ARE OFFERING SPOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASII, or would exchange for city roperty, some very fine Farming Lands well sit bated near Bail Roads County Seats Flourishing Villages, Mills, in the State of lowa. Otice over Gi Atheneum tsuildine.

Superior St. k31Am SAWING, AND ALL kind. of ornamental Fancy Scroll works for l'iano Manu sturers and Carpentera, HENRY done by MUELLER, fe13.y Hewitt': Stear: Power Bhak. Cleveland, Ohio. ROSE THEIR Stuck of notions.

will continue their Woolen'and Domes tic Gails business at their old 41 B.INK STREET. They all their direct from the Manufacturer on and ro-pertfully invite the attention of lobMerchants and the Trade, to their Stock of WOOLEN GOODS which will. in a Nurt time, embrace an extensive and will be roll by the or at manufacturers prices, April S. 1856. BURGERT MANUFACR and Wholesale Dealers lu Loots Shoes, 39 Water volaml.

0. apla13lly GEORGE HOWLETT, series. This la the hast exposition of l'arisian Life that has yet appeared. Price $1. J.

B. COBB CO. THE 1,000,000. -TIE U. S.

PATENT MARBLE (CAPITAl. $165.000.) No. 398 Broad. cute way, all corner ordera Walker for St. St.

York. Are prepared 1.01 exePEDESTALS. PILASTERS TABLE TOPS, COLUMAS, SLATS, In imitation equal Sienna, in Brocatel, strength, Neapolitan, and all fancy Marbles, beauty and durability to real marble, and in some respects superior thereto. and at less than half the cost. Culike marbleized iron, wool, or slate, it is wholly tree from all objectious which are urged against mere surface work, where of paint, the cope! article.

varnist, Mantles from the temporary polish and beauty from 33 to $10. Orders Builders, Cabinet Makers and others solicited, and satisfaction guarautied. Agenta for the principal cities treated with P'ETER BENNIE, LAMB. oct2 l-1y LOVEL G. MICKINS, V.

I'res. IMPORTANT TO HOUSE KEEPERS The P'E MILLS, 51 FULTON and TI BEERMAN NEW YORK. P'rincipal Office 103 FRONT STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Nos. 86, 37 and 33 Hud.

son Street, City. The of long and well known COFFEE AND SPICE ESTABLISHMENT. Continue to prepare the Best PHARMACEUTICAL P'OW. HERS in use for RAISING BREAD, LISCUIT, TEA AND OTHER They also prepare Mustard. and many the most reusonable Catalogues Font to dealers who re.

other articles of daily use in every family, which they offer upon quest them. 1. H. J. 0.

ISHAM. N. Consumers advised to laquire for HOPE MilLI, articles. July AND MCFARLAND, 33 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK, Manufacturere of the World Renowned SALAMANDER SAFES. BANK VAULTS, BALTIMORE DEPOT, 145 Pratt strect.

DOSTON 14 loward Street. aug39.1y J. C. C. 27 A.


near old slip, N. VA constantly on hand and manufacture to order, Lags and Sacks, Sewed and Seamless, for They all uses, would and of rerpectfully every desirable call attention stole and to their quality. Winequalled fa. cilities for making and printing BAGS OR SACKS FOR FLOUR. MEAL, HOMINY, BUCKWHEAT.

HAMS, SALT, SPICES, Sec, all of which they furnish to order, in the most approved atyle of design and printing, and with quickest despatch. Also Importers and Dealers in GUNNY BAGS AND BAGGING, and various kinds of Thread and 'Twine, both Linen and ('otton, of which we are receiving continual supplies. mar10 810 NEW YORK 1850. SPRING TRADE. 1856, EASTMAN SHELDON TOWNSEND No.


Barometers, Thermometers, Translarge and general assortment all the different kinds, suitable pareit, Hanging and Boat Come Constantly on for Steamers and Sailing Vessels of every description. Ship Chandlers and other dealers supplied on the most reasonable terins. V7orthington's Safety Steam PUMP, AND ENGINE. IN THIS MACHINE, THE SIMPLEST POSSIBLE combination of steam with 3 double acting lump, is a'tained. The steam piston is attached to the end the piston rod, and the plunger of the l'amp to the other.

The piston moves back and forth in lis cy Linder, carrying with it the purp plunger, and causing it 10 deliver CONTINUOUS POWERFUL STREAM, A moment's reflection will show that the interposition of a FiveWbrol. Or other device for producing ROTARY MOTION, would he not only useless, but wasteful: for the reason that the alternate motion of the strain piston is the very one which it is necessary to convey to the Pump. Therefore, when a crank is employed, the rectilinear motion inust ultimately restored in an indirect way. A modidcation of this simple engine, embracing the advantages of Great Steam Expansion and Condensation, has been very enccossfully applied to CITY WATER WORKS. Three engines, capable of delivering 500.000 Gallons per Day, hare been used for MORE THAN TWO YEARS at the city of Savannah, to elevate water 120 not high, through 2,505 feet of 16 inch main; and a contract has Just been concluded with the city of Cambridge, for similar service.

In regard to econon.y, the reports show as good a result as has been attained in this department. The undersigned otters the following maines and places in this vicinity for referen U.S. NAVY. All the Steamers; Navy Yards at Brooklyn and Washington: Mints at Philadelphia and California; Assay Onico. New York: Hospital at Brooklyu, OF STEAM AND BOATS.

Collina'; Bremen; Havre: U.S. Mail Pacific Mail Vandertit's; NicaraFall Savannah; Charleston; Norfolk Richmond: Baltimore; River: Stonington; Norwich; Union Ferry Co. New York: Jersey city Ferry. SUGAR REFINERIES. Messrs.

Booth Edgar: Howell Greer, Turner D. Harris: Boston Retinery; Bristol FACTORIES, Litchheld Oil; Hecker'a Mills; Lowell Bleachery; Thompsonville Carpet Globe I'rint Works; American Print Works: Lowen Atlantic De Laine P'acife Mille; Wamsutta Mills; Warren Manufacturing llaywan! Rubber N. C. Car Spring Union White Leak Atlantic Forge; Burdon's Machine Shop; C'ooper's Glue Factory. GAS WORKS.

New York. 1 Brooklyn; Buffalo; New Haven; Washington: Baltimore. Alexandria; Jersey City; Knoxville; Savannah: P'ortsmouth: Cumberland; Toronto, IRON WORKS. Peter Cooper's; Glendon: Albany: Indson: Poughkeepsie; Leesport: Manhattanville: Hen allaer; Green Mountain: Barnum; Richardson Mount Savage; Port Henry: Stockbridge. MINES.

Bethlehem Zinc; Reed Gold; l'enn. Coal Forrestdale. QUARRIES. Shaler Lall; Middlesex; Middletown; Russ Reid. K.

R. STATIONS. Leng Island; Erie: Hudson River; Cleveland P'enn. HOTELS. St.

Nicholas; Astor House; Howard's; Merchant's; Irving New York. DISTILLERIES IN NEW YORK. Ely; Johnson Lazar. us; Barnard: PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Asylums at Utica; Trenton Raleigh: Hospital; City Hospital, Brooklyn.

FOUNTAINS, AC. Cemetery; Messrs. D. Manley, J. Perry.

WRECKING PURPOSES. New York Beard of Under. writers: Mutual: Amer. Trans. Oswego N.

Western; Milwaukle; Boston Relief to. HENRY X. WORTHINGTON. diy. 28.

Broadway. Now York. HAWES, AM the annexed assortment and splenStock of Mahogany, Rosewood, and would remark that the advantages we posses in having foreign woods, select ed by our own agents, and imported direct, as also in manufact uring Veneers, at. our own Saw Mille. adord facilities to offer a large and extremely tine Stock, at the very lowest prices viz: 815,000 teat of Rosewood Veneers, part extra fine.

0 Mahogany Crotch Venters. extra shaded and Mottled Vencers.J 293,040 shaded Veneers. 21,0 0 Satin Veneers, 165,14 kJ tine Walnut fencers. 81.1 NJ Blister and Mottled Figure, 125,04) B. E.

Maple Veneers, 22,14 NJ White Holly Veneers, Boards. Mahogany Boards and l'lank. Patterns assorted sizes; Cabinet Piano Forte mouldings. AlsO, Rosewood, Mahogany, Red and Spanish Cedar Logs, Glue, Sand l'aper, de. Also, Shaved Veneers of all kinds, for Frame my 7 A MIMIC SUBSCRIBERS would inform the Cabinet Manufacturers, l'lano Forte Makers, and otis of this City and vicinity, that they bare opened a yard with suit.

able buildings at No. 370 Washington in the city New York. where have on hand a large and very superior cf the finest wood to be found in the United States. We odor ft. tine and extra tine roseword veneers.

DAD, ft. do mottled mahogany veneers. 35,000 ft. do mahogany shaded it. p'ain do do do ft.

ft. tine mahogany do crotch drawbutt veneers, veneers. varicua sizes. It. extra tine mahogany do do ft.

tine blistered figured walnut do it. mottled do do do 64.00 it. do do various it. walnut crotch ca venecra, draw butt sizca 30,0 0 ft. fine and extra fine satin wool veneers.

ft. zebra veneers. 47 000 ft. curl dand bird's eye maple veneera. ft.

seasoned rosewood, mahogany, and satin wond boards, plank, and joist of all thicknesses. Piano and Cabinet mouldings, 750 dinerent patterns, all at very LOW PRICES, and upon 39 TERMS any other establishment in the country. Orders will be Ailed with the utmost cure and dispatch. HAWES WILLOUGUBY, No. 370 Washington Beach North IT Moore N.

Y. City. Wheeler Wilson Manufacturing ('o's Improved Sewing Machines. THESE successful SEWING operation among MACHINES Manufacturers and lu Families, long to thorough, teat their merits. 'They are now odered to the Public with entire condense in their supriority over all others iu market being adapted not vuly to the wants of Tailors, Dress Makers, Shirt Collar Manufacturera, but also to general Fumily sowing.

An examination of their practical operation is solicited at our principal ollie, No. 843 Broadway, New York -or at No. 107 Superior St. in this City. WHEELER WILSON SFO.

BILLIARD Largest most elegant place of the kind in the 'World, 529 and 541, Broadwar, New between the St. Nicholas and Metropolitan 25 Tables -18 in one room. m24d3m G. C. E.

MILES, Proprietors. IMPORTER OF Mahogany Rosewood, NOS. 156 178 N. Y. Charles Muller IMPORTER OF Fancy Goods, Cutlery Looking Glass Plates, AND OF LOOKING SSES, 120 William Strnet, near John.


Give their special attention to the securities of Western RailAll communications promptly answered and Information given. REFER TO ZALMON FITCH, Cleveland. ST. I'. HANDY.

J. WARING, Esq, 2 LYXAN ATWATER. J. R. Johnson, 1856.

W. I. Willard H. Roberta, N. I'.


Prompt attention paid to the sale and or reshipping STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND MING; NEW YORK, 2150 tons, Commander BURGH, 2500 tons, Commander, CuM- 5 ROBERT CRAIG: 1962 tons, Commander, JoHN intend DUNCAN. culling The their Glasgow new and and New powerful York Steamship Company Steamers from New fork for Glasgow direct, us under NEW EDINBURGH, Saturday, 17th May, at 12 o'clock noon. YOKE, GLASGOW, Pirat RATES OF PASSAGE. Third Class, found with cooked 80 00 An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For Freight ur Passage, apply to J.

MeS YMON, 17 Broadway, New York. New York City Bills or Gold only received for passage dec12ly NEW FORK, BREMEN S. MAIL A STEAMERS- The ships comprising this line are the WASHINGTON, Capt. E. CAVENDY; HERMANN, I Capt.

EDWARD HICOINS. These steamers stop at Southampton, both going and returning. PROPOSED DATES OF From SouthNew York. Bremen. York.

From From ampton for Saturduy. Suturday. Wednesday. 26 Feb. 23 Feb.

27 Fob. 23 Mar. 52 Mar. 20 22 April April 23 April 19 May 19 May 21 May 17 June 14 June 18 July 12 July 16 July 12 Aug. Aug.

13 9 Sept. Sept. 10 (ht. A Oct. Oct.

Nov. Nov. 5 Nov. Nov. 29 Dec.

Nov. 29 Doc. 29 Dec. 31 Stopping at Southampton, both going and they ofer passengers proceeding to London and Havre, advautage over any other route, for the economy of time and money. PASSAGE FROM NEW YORK TO SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN.

First Cabin. Main Saloon, $180; First Cabin, Lower Saloon $100; Second do. $00. All letters and must pass through the Post Once. No bills of lading will be sigued or parcels received on the day of sailing.

Au experienced Surgeon is attached to each ship. For freight or passage, apply to II. SAND. 11 South William Street, New York, C. A.

HEINEKEN Bremen, PROSKEY Southampton, M. ISELIN, flavre. Jan29360-1yd Wire Window Screen Establishment, 109 John street, v. 1. SCREENS.

FOR TION FROM DUST. MOSQUITOES, FLIES, Painted in Beautiful Landscape. Iron Also, Wire, Manufacturers' Agent for the sale of Brass, l'opper and every description of Wire Cloth. apidonne7 G. DE WITT.

JR. INNS. WE TION OF WOULD PRINTERS to CALL our well THE known INKS. ATTEN- Wc deem it unnecessary to more than to assure them that they are giving entire satisfuction in the largest and bet P'rinting houses in New York Boston. We are constautly supplied with every variety of Look, Job, Card Coiored Inks, Gold Size and Varnish.

MORRILL mar26aldly 47 Anu New York. CO ARTIST IN HAIR AND JEWELER, 577 Broadwoy, opposite the Metropolitan Hotel. All kinds of Ornamental lair Work made to order. mar27a2dly AGENTS WANTED TO SELL MAPS THE UNITED STATES. Subscriber constantly lasuing New Maps of the most useful and Salable character.

Enterprising Agents and sellers in different parts of the coun. try are making from 37.0 TO $:,000 A TEAR. Auy persevering can nuke a permanent business with but very small outlay and no risk. Catalogue and letter containin full descriptions, terins, will be sent free to a good man who is in want of business. All Inquiries answered by return mail.

Great inducements and liberal allowance made to Agents and Pedlars already in the business. Men out. of emgloyment, ad. dress A. I.

JOCELYN. Publisber of Popular Maps and Illustrated Sheets, N08. 58 FO l'ulton N. Y. To Druggists and Country Merchants.

Stebbins, Morgan Allen, 46 York. IMPORTERS AND 46 York. IMPORTERS AND DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYES, RESPECTFULLY of invite Goods, selected the from attention both the of Domestic and Foreign markets. The quality of the articles can be relied upon by the the or the Manufactu. rer, and are offered on the mort terns tor or approved credit.

STEBBINS, ALLEN. 46 N. Certram, Fulton Beckman. For the 1,000,000 S. PATENT MARBLE COMPANY, 90 Thompson N.

Y. ANUFACTURERS of Marble Mantles, Table Tops, Columns, Pedestals, In Sennia, Br. tolla, and all Italian Marbles. This article. which is a preparation of Marble Dust, chemically combined with mineral colore, 80 84 to be moulded into any form and color, by which a marble can be inanufactured at less than haif cost of the common material.

white it excelg it in durability and beauty. Uniike Marbleized Iron and Slate, there is 1.0 surface work, the color running into the mass of the material, while no varuish is used to give a temporary beauty to the surface. Mantles from 19 to 10. Table tons, equally cheap. Rights for the AND SALE of above for the States, which will ensure immense return- to those interesting themselves.

Information furnished on application to PETER RENNIE. I'resident, or JOSEPH LAMB. Secretary. NEW YORK. French Window Glass.

COWARD P. DICKIE- Chambers York, two doors west of Hudson River Railroad Depot. otters to Dealers and C'onsumers his celebrated brands ef FRENCH WINDOW GLA -S on favorab'e terms. l'artles wishing information will be turnished with prices on receipt of their address. Glass cut to my desired pattern, and packed free of' charge.

11:5 A. CLARK. J. WILLIAMSON. Clark Brokers, NO.

2: WILLIAM STREET, 20 lind NEW YORK. ALFRED MUNROE 411 BROADWAY, (Between Howard and Grand New York.) MANUFACTURFRA AND DEALERS IN Fine and Fashionable Ready Made CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, BOYS, large assortment which they guar. CONSTANTLY ON ILAND A antee to be well made and well and appropria'ely trimmed.Their Stock challenges comparison in variety, style, quality and price, with anv in New York. BOYS' CLOTHING. Being an important branch of their business, A.M.

('0. he. stow upon it the greatest care in the style. make and selection ot Goods. The embraces sizes and goods adapted to all ages, from three years upwards.

No deviation, in any instance, from marked P'rices. ALFRED MUNROE, W'M. D. ABBATT. w3m G.


G. A. Arnoux harder of in: the been dissolved on the frat Inst- A. Arnoux, the foun. original dro.

has associated with himself uis sell Ing WILLLIM. of the late firm,) for the purpose of continue as Merchant They have taken the store 30. Hotels, 567 where Broadway, they have between just the St. Nicholas and Metropolitan Cassimeres, and of opened a tine assortment of Cloths, Our customers are estines assured the that newest sty les. the reputation which forty our aim will be to enchance earned years of attention to business Lag be to for the senior partner: and that our constant care will and have workmanebip, every garment cannot be made up in a manner that, for style surpassed.

TERRESIN ROOFING. the DESIRE being TO the CALL ATTENTION Fire Proof roodng material now in cheapest and most durable taxes of the old composition, it neither use, runs With all the advanin cold weather. but remains tongh and in hot nor cracks 1t is about one halt the expense of pliable through all searable, in proof of which we tin, and far more du. Rooting In Cincinnati and refer to many hundred quarts of to old tin and shingle roofs, throughout with.out the West. removing It can be ap.

the tin or shingles. or to All orders LEMUEL addressed PAGE, to PAGE Boston, HADLEY, Cleveland, 0, attention. will meet with prompt 'The proprietors are prepared to pnt them on. either in the for city use. or country, or they will furnish materials with directions Materials for sale Wholesale and Retail.

For refer. Ottice over Post Water Cleveland, 0 see Prospectus. PAGE HADLEY, who want cheap dress goods, will and find Delaines, Berage Delaines, Challles, French Prints, Ginghams, on the "C'heap at our store, with the 60 prices distinctly marked In and selling at from 23 to per cent below cost. my 7 KENDALL D'WITT. 1856.

Western Transportatien Company. "CASH CAPITAL. $900,000.7 1. "Incorporated under the Lawa of the State of New York." I'. L.

President, Buttalo. FOOT. Vice President. GEO. I.

BRYANT, Secretary, Buffalo. JOIN ALLEN, Treasurer. This Company embraces the following lines, viz: Troy Union Westeru Line, Co. Western Transportation Co. N.

Y. Transportion Fulton Lake Boat Line. Gridith's Mississippi Line. Great Western Line. Western Line.

Eckford Line. ABOVE NAMED LINES HAVE pared, sold on their the opening I'roperty to this Company, which wl1 be prethe interest of of these navigation, to oller the facilities of porting united Property. either East or Lines West. for the purpose of transpor'The Company have a Line of TWENTY TWO PROPELLERS, running direct to CLEVELAND, TOLEDO, CHICAGO) and other Upper Lake l'orts. They have also a large and commodious to Warehouse receive all at Cleveland for their own use, and are prepared forward the same Property that may be consigned to them, and with the utmost dispatch, and it shall be their care to transport all Property safely and in good order.

with All the claims for damaged or lost Goods, will be settled Agent at Cleveland. tinned The Lines Company a solicit from the customers of the before manat continuance of their For Freight or Contracts apply the following vitini: Company's Buttalo: W. Pearl RICE, N. HUGH ALLEN, No. 1 Coenties Slip and 66 JAS.

land II. St. JAS. BELL, E. CLAPP, No.

2 Courtway) N. X. W. CHASE, Albany; JOIN TUTTLE, Troy. I'.

K. L. ROBINSON, GREGORY, Boston, office 86 State Chicago, Mark T. Packages N. T.

General Freight Agent. Cleveland. 1856. PEOPLE'S LINE OF STEAMERS, TOR The following Chicago, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, a Line from named first class Steam Propellers will for other ports, leaving Clevclaud to Chicago, Milwaukee, Sheboygan and Railroad bock, Mondays, at Cleveland Pittsburgh GLOBE P'RATT. and Fridaya.



ample The above accommodations named P'ropellers are all of the Largest Class, with up erpressly for the for Freight and Passengers, being fitted tern will And States. the Lake (Illinois, the lowa. most Wisconsin, Kansas, or Nebraska,) Lathe Trave! People moving to Westions for Families, desirable route. The accommodaticular, are such, us with cannot Wagons, fail to Horses, and Furniture In par. transhipment till give satisfaction, being no they reach the port of destination.

For Freight or Passage apply on board or to Office in Warehouse CHARLES MARSDEN, Agent. on River At. of leveland. American and Western Transportation SEASON ARRANGEMENT! 1856. 4 THE CAPTAIN STEAMBOAT SULTANA, J.

A. REID. Will run during the benson of 1556, between Buffalo aud Green Lay, as follows; LEAVE BUFFALO. LEAVE GREEN BAY. Wednesday.

May 11 Wednesday. May May 21 Wednesday Wednesday. May Wednes June 4 June 18 Wedn2: Wednesday. 251 Wednesday. July 2 day July Wednesday.

July 16 Wednesday 23 Wednesdav. uly 80 6 Wednesday. 20 Wedhesday 27 Wednesdav Wednesday 10 17 Wednesday. 21 Wednes 'av 8 Wednesday Oct. 15 Wednesday.

Oct. 22 Wednesday 29 Wedneeday Wednesday Nov. 12 Nov 19 Wednesday. Nov. 26 87 For F.

eight or Passage, apply on board or to JOHN DAY de BROTHER, cu Bay. GOODELL WHITNEY, SUTTON Budalo. 1. A. EDDY (loveland.

NEWBURY Detroit. GRAY, Mackinac. Merchants at, Green Bay wishing to have their Goods for war. ded early con do so by the Sultana it they forward their Goods omn New York to Buffalo by the opening of the Lakes, as the above. Sultana is pow in Budalo, and will leave fo: Green Bay as mar26d7tn 1856,1 P.


CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS, Icalors in I'roof FLOUR. PORK GRAIN, Fire Brick corner of Merwin and Division Streets, Dear the Bridge, CLEVELAND, OlIO. Proprictors of the Northern Transportation Line, OHIO CANAL: And Agents of the Northern Transportation Company's Live, Between Boston and New York, and Cleveland. I'roperty forwarded with dispatch to and from New York, Boston, and all points in New England, vin (awego and densburgh. 1856.

NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION COM'Y. This Company having 11 First Class Steam Propellers, Will, during the present run a DAILY (0, LINE CLEVELAND BETWEEN OGDEN BURGH. OSWE. TOLEDO DETROIT: And semi- Weekly between Ogdensburgl and ()8- wegn, and Chicago and Milwaukee connecting at Ogdens burgh with the Ogden burgh and Vermont Contral Rail Roads, between Oglensburgh Boston: And at with the new Oswego Line of 35 first class Canal Bouta BLING THE CHEAPEST A AND MOST EXPEDITIOUS Between Oswego and Now York. ROUTE Between New York and Boston and the West.

(Two additional Propellers will be built and placed in the line about August 1st) TIME- Let ween Boston and Lake Erie and to 10 days. do Between Boston and Lake to 15 days. Net New York and Lake Lake Erie ...12 to 15 days. do Between New York and Michi. 15 10 18 days.

APPLY TO OTIS KIMBALL Agent V. C. 1. 1. 108 State Boston.

J. MYERS, N. 197 Broadway, up stalrs. N. Y.

ALLISON, Agent. Oswego, CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD Cleveland, 0. A. GODARD, 'Toledo, 0.: CRAW FORD 10., Ogdensbargh, N. GEORGE WILEY.

Agent, Detroit, MATHER Chicago, 111. ble from the Vermont quarries, and Nails fond Iron from Lake N. -This Line offers great facilities transporting Mar. Champlain via Ogdensburgh to the West. 1856.

LAKE SUPERIOR LINE. l'assenger and Freight line composed of the Steamers NORTH STAR, PLANET, ILLINOIS. Capt. B. G.

SWEET. Capt. J. NIcHoLsoN. C'apt J.

WilsoN. ONE ('leveland oi every the Monday above and Thursday Steamers at 9 will o'clock V. leave and Detroit every Tuesday and Friday at o'clock P. for all the principal points on Lake Superior; Touching at Mackin. ac.

Vorth Star. Planet. Illinois. Leaves Clevland Leaves Cleveland' Leaves Cleveland Thurmlay, May 1st Monday. May 5th, Thursday, May 8th Monday, 12th Thursday, 15th Mondav.

19th l'hursday, 221 Monday, 26th hursday, 29th Monday, June 2d Thursday, Jur.o 6th Monday, June 9th Thursday, 12th Monday, 1oth Thursday, 19th Monday, Thursday, 26th Morday, Hoth Thursday, July Ad Monday, July 7th Thursday, July 10th Monday, 14th Thursday 17th Moudav. 21st Thursdey, 24th Monday, Thursdey. 31st Monday, Ang. 4th Thursday, Aug. 5th Mondav, Ang.

11th Thuralay, 14th Monday, Thursday, Mordav, 25th Thuasday, Seth Monday. Sept. "ist Thursday, Sept. 4th Monday. Sept.

Sth Thursday, 11th Monday, 15th Thursday, 18th Monday, 22d Thuralay, 2'th Monday, 29th Thursday, Oct. Monday. Oct. 6th Thursday, Cot. 9th Monday, 13th Thursday, 10th Monday, 2uth 'I hursday, 0 41 Monday, 27th Thursday, goth Monday, Nov.

ed Thur day, Nor. 6th Monday, Nov. 10th Thursday, 18th Monday, 17th. Thursday. 20th.

Monday. 21th For Freight or Passage apply on ward or to 4p23 MUSSEY SINCLAIR. 1856. STEAMER TELEGRAPH. VIE tine low pressure Steamer Telegraph, Capt.

BARROW, will make twotrips a week between Port Stanley and P'ort Kurwell. Leave Ceveland tor l'ert Stanley and Port Burwell every Monday and Thursday, at 7 o'clock I'. M. Leave Port at 1 o'clock I'. and P'ort Stanicy at o'clock P.

for ('leveland every Wedneslar and Saturday. The TELEGRAPH carries the U.S. Mail between these Ports' and connects at Cleveland with the C. C. A C'.

Railroad Cleveland P'ittsburgh, Lake Shore and Toledo Railroads. ALSO, at Port Stanley with the London and Port Burwell Line of Stages, and alter July with Port Stanley and London Railroad. The TELFGRAPH has been thoroughly over hauled and re. fitted, and is in excellent condition for the trade she in. Car For Freight or Passage to A.



A. WALLINGFORD. SUIT. THE UNION mat Dista EXPRESS ch 10 COMPANY are prepared to give Goods for Cleveland, ('oluinbus, Cincinnati. and all in.

portant Western and Southwestern towns at the lowest ruling rates, and bind then selves that the same shall be delivered within the time agreed upoll Sundays and unavoidable vacepted. Ilaving competent and futhful Agents of our own, at all points of resulpment, we are cuabled to guarantee unusual Despatch to Merchandise. Mark Packages Express, and deliver goods C'ompany's Depot, No. 72 arren atrect, New York, and at the Railroad Depot, Boston. For Freight Contracts and Bills of Lading apply to GEO.

M. TIBBITS AGENTE, River Street, Cleveland, Ohio, or REACH WALLINGFORD. 174 Brondway, GEORGE SHIPEN. State street, Boston; DANIEL F. LONEY.

Albady, N. C. SEYMOUR, Budalo, N. Y. my211yd MARSEILLES QUILTS, at BEST white FREEMAN'S, colored.

UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT DISTRICT OF villO, gy. U. S. Marshals Salc. of the virtue of a writ of Fi Fa, issued out of Ohio, at the United suit of Sates Circuit Court for the northern district The Cleveland, Zaneeville Joseph Pennock C'incinnati and Rail Nathan Road F.

Hart, levied vs. on said Aud company, shall in expose to public sale, bt the Ra'l Road the vilage of Akron. on the 12th day of Depot June, of lowing bet ween descrited the hours of 2 and 6 P. M. of said day, the 10l.

One Locomotive personal property, to wit: de and Tender is culed the Vulcan, Hercules, Five Passenger Cars, Nos. 1. 3, 4. 8. and 6: two Akron; Nos 1 and 2: eighteen Platform Cars, Nos.

11, 9 Baggage ('ars, 22. 4, 7. 19, 6. 0, 42, 2, 8. 30, and 20 sixty nine 21, Grivel 16,15, 8, Nos.

63, 71. 67, 10. 6. 2. 08.

74. 33, 12, Cars, 31, 70, 49, 94, 37, 84. 24, 66, 86. 7. 68, 60, C1.

21. 8, 4. 15. 11. 27.

8, 67, 25, 31, 48. 23. 21, 47, 92, 41, 43, 32, 14, 17, 13, 42. 25, 26, 18. 20, 14 16, 46.

89, 36, 89, and four without numbers 35, ditcen 10, 21. Cars, 20, 1, 19, 40, 28, 39. 10, 7. 8 15, 42, 3 and Freight J. W.

FITCH. SPAULDING Marshal for the Northern District of Ohio. PARSONS. At ya for b232wd SHIP PUMPS. To Builders and Owners of Steamers, Propellers, Schooners and other Lake Craft.

NIIE tention the subscribers Double beg Action leave to call your atVessel use. They are very Force simple l'ump4 in arranged construction. expressly for to readily get out of understood by all, compactly arranged, and not liable power, unsurpassed. order, As and for great durability and ire engines they operate perfectly.PRICE where These orders Pumps will may be he seen in operation at the Custom House, Wells and Cisterns, on received by the Agent. Alga l'umps the same principle.

Stockholders Mooting. CLEVELAND, JUNE 3d. 1536. THE annual meeting of the Stockholders held of at the their Cleveland Toledo Rail load Company, will of July for oflice the in this city, on Wednesday, the second day ing year and for o. purpose of electing Di: ectors for the ensuThe such her busintas as may come tutore them.

Foils will be opened as 2 o'clock P. By b36 1md order of the Hirectors F. I. LITCHFIELD. Secretary.

The Earnest Man: A sketch dirst of the Missionary character to and Kurhum. labors of ADORIAN JUDSON, PRICE 31,00. For sale By by J. Il. B.

C. COB: Conant. CO. New Age of Goid; or the Written by himself. ADVENTURESOF RONT DEXTER ROMAINE.

Price 1.25 For sale J. B. CORB CO. Wassail Morton; A By Francis Parkman. Price 1,25.

For sale hv J. B. COBB CO. Edith Sale: Village Story, by Thrace 'Talmon. For sule by J.

B. COBB CO. The Wife's Trials: A Novel, by the author of the Jealous Wife. 1' rice 50c. For sale by B.

COBB CO. TO 'THE LADIES. ESSRS. MURRAY ALGIE continue Auction at No. 24 Superior Street, A low.

drat rate variety of DRY GOODS. and they are going very Tapestry Ingrain Carpets. SMITH'S PATENT TAPESTRY INyears and CARPETS Just received. We kept these Goods ly) preferred a gave Three them up But because our customers (very wise. to palm them off' Ply.

wince our neighbors are disposed bave as something new, and rior to a 3 ply, we them at our concluded to keep them. shall be Happy to show former price for them, T.S. BECK WITH. ENGLIS EA ERUSSELS A Lopened, NOTHER In Dew l'atterns. invoice The of demand these for them Goods has just been Tapestry unbracedented.

They cost but little over the price of Patent Ingrains, and are worth two sf them for service and beauty, at BECK WITH'S, Carpet Store. IMPROVED FELT. THIS FELT IS JIGULY RECOMMENArchitects. ded, and mnch used by the most emiuent Engineers and Among the many porposes for which has been Sla'e, employed. Tin.

the Clapboards, following n.ay Floors. be chumerated: for putting under on partition walls, for the purpose of preventing rust and draft, progerving zs from wet and and adding damp. to the deadening warmth ofthe sound. and equalizing temperature, ing it cool during summer. building in winter, and b.copor rain.

for besides deadening the sound of bail which purpose its non-conducting properties render it poruliarly foa well adapted tor building purposes. Material: sale Wholesale Ketail PAGE HADLEY, Office over Port st. Ch 0. New Millinery Establishment. RS.

will ope DODD, on having Monday, May just 5th, a arrived very Fashi from cable N. assortment of Gooda, at SO STRENT, door to French her She most assortment. respectfully invites the Ladies to call and cramine New Dork Styles. She has, and is receiving daily, the latest mal Brainard CO's, NEW CLOTHING HALL, 72 Superior Street, IS BECOMING THE GREAT RESORT simply for be the cause people the of Cleveland and the surrounding country, Largest Stock of Clothing is to found there, and for the cheapest pr cos. It is with a little hesitancy that we that we sell for lowest prices, being aware of the fact that much reliance cannot be placed upon those who are eternaly ha upon low prices.

and that may be able more tally to demonstrate truthfulness of what we would carnestly a call from those who wou.d be satisfied upon the subjectOur Stuck of SUMMER CLOTHING. in the very large -is composed of the best material, and is made est Style. WE WILL SELL A BEAUTIFUL NEAT FITTING SUMMER FOR: $2.02. Brainard New Clothing Hall, Is meeting with great success, and is the deterumnation of Proprietors to make it the most desirable trading point in the city. where men may purchase ithout far of being defrauded.

Our Stock consists in part of FLUE and BLACK PRESS and FROCK COATS in the latest styles; A spiendid assortment of Black Doeskin and Cassimere Pants; an endless varie. ty of Fancy l'ants: a complete ck ot Linen and Cotton Pants; Linen and Marseilles Vests, and Linen ('oats. Our stock of Farmer's Satin and Italian Cloth Coa's, and Geot's Furnishing Goods la not equalled in the city. We would call the especial attention of parents to our stock BOY'S CLOTHING! BRAINARD New ('lothing Hall, 72 Superior Clevelnud. RICH PRAIRIE LANDS AND TOWN LOTS.

in Illinois, Iowa, adjoining States. For sale lu great variety, at low rates, and on favorable terwin. Pamphlet Catalogue Descriptions of Property, with prices attached. forwarded gratis by nail on application. Our extensive connections will facilitate giving valuable information of any part of the West to applicants desiring to locate.

Buyers of Illinois Central Railroad Lands, can avail themselves of the knowledge and experience of Mr. purvy, the late land agent of the company, to supply the diAl. culty of making judicious selections. lands, Particular attention given to locating warrants, examining furnishing maps and descriptions, payment of taxes, and to a general Real Estate business. CHARLES M.

DUPUY Corner of Mich. avenue and south Water St. near Ill. Cer. R.

K. Depot. Chicago. In. CHARLES M.

DUPUT. marl? DAVID e. OGDEN Oak Hall Clothing Emporium! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Corner of Superor and Water Cleveland, Geo. A.

DIVES. 'roprietor. THE is ATTENTION respectfully OF solicited to our PURCHASERS superb ussorument of Spring and Sumner Goods, comprising the most choice Stiles for MEN HOY'S WEAR. Our largely increased business inducts belief that our ex. crtiens to please our customers, and to oiler them at all times a superior assortment of WELL MADE CLOTHING at reason.

able prices, have been crowned with No rains lave been or will tr spared to sustain the reputation we have acquired. The facilities we cujoy for obtaining at all times the very choicest styles of Goods enables us to he continually odering to our customers something new and desirable. Persona who are still unacquainted with our principles of business are hereby informed that we "Guarantee every article sold to be what it is represented." Our large and unequaled Stock comprises every article of gar ment worn. together with a large and complete stock of FURNISHING GOODS, Embracing every thing necessary for a Gentleman's Tolict. 'The Wholesale Department E.G.

DAYS CO. Union 1 Pump Works, 113 John N. Y. E. L.

DAY, Agent, CLEVELAND. OHIO. Of Oak fall having been greatly enlarged and extended, we are prepared to pay particular attention to the wants of the trade throughout the West. Our stock will be found replete with the most desirable Gouda for country merchants, our lung Intimacy with the Western trace. giving an experience and knowledge of their wants our Stock it would by any tee eastern house.

'The extent and variety of needless to enume. rate, as those who may tavor us with a call may judge for them. selves of our ability to supply their want the low grade of our prices, which will be found equally as low as in any mar. ket in the Union. An experience of ten years warrants us in saying we can better supply the wants of WESTERN MERCHANTS than it le in the power of eastern houses to do.

GEO. A. DAVIS, Corner Sup. and Water Cleveland, 0. R.

F. HIBBARD'S CELEBRATED WILD CHERRY BITTERS. DYSPEPSIA in with the Wild all its Cherry attendant Bitters, and evils, wh'le the Bitters give tone and energy to the stomach and ilver, they also allay nervous exc tahinity and irritation. by their tonic powers they restore the tone of the stomach. create an appetite and regulate the bowels, an.

by their sedative effect, they remove rustle night sweats and produce quiet and healthful sleep. In colds, coughs, spitting of bipod. or sore throat, they are For testimony rend the fol owing certificute: Mr. R. I.

verily believe that your Cherry Bitters has been the means, through P'rovidence, if saving inv life. I have been ailing for several years, and for the lust year I a very bad CoUGI. It became worse and worse. At last I raised large quantities of Mood, had wad was greatly debilated and reduced, and not expect to live. After using a few bottles of Jour Biters there has been a wonderful change wrought in me.

1 311 now to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and my cough has left me. You can well imagine that I am thankful for these results. MI. No.

170 Washi Brooklyn. Prepared and sold by FULLER OSBORN, 82 Now York, and also sold by PALMER SACKRIDER, Cleveland, Ohio. MATERIALS Or my own importation just ree'd at my'10 CRITTENDEN'S. PIANO STORE! OSSIAN E. DODGE, REMOVED FROM BOSTON.

opened at No. 87 taken WATER ep his as residence one of in Cleveland, Ohio, the frin of DUDLEY DODGE. A Where Wholesale Retail Piano Store, of those may world constantly renowned he found a large and varied assortment Pianos, manufactured by MALLET, DAVIS Boston. Musicians, and the public generally, are invited to call particularly examine the SUPERIOR THE PATENT PATENT SUSPENSION BRIDGE, GRAND ACTION. An applied to these instrun.ents, (as they have secured a une superior quality, by those of any other makers in the world.) vis Co's quantity, and erenness of tone of Hallett.

from the Pianos, may be inferred from the following Peg CAL AUTHORITY: universally acknowledged HIGHEST tured "It is br now Hallet, generally Davis acknowledged that the Pianos manufac the world. for BRILLIANCY are unrivaled in America, or PURITY OF TONE.ton Daity Tinus. An without immense shattering volume the of sound can be produced by these bell like notes, and we tones, as they send forth the most to their equals must confess that we have never lister rity of action. for power, brilliancy, sweetness of tone, and Daily Herald. sing The notice.

Pianos of They Mallet, are Davis deserve more than a ful. and of the PUREST truly splendid Instruments very -Boston and of Daily Truteur. your Owing Grand to the Piano Fortes, BEAUTIFUL I think ELASTICITY of the action any pianist, who Extract plays from properly, to break either a string would he impossible The peculiar feature of A Haller, letter from Wm. Mason.) they make no noise. Nothing Davis Co's instruments vibration of the strings: but pure tone is pr duced by board aud action are such.

and that the skil ful construction of the ing their merits dislike to use any other pianists, instrument after in cert. Sunday Mercury. the in I tone find as them in to be VERY SUPERIOR instruments -as I of a letter from L. M. and can quantity of unhesitatingly tone to say, those that I find them superior in or other makers: also in the ant ticity one and who easy wishes touch: and can cheerfully recom end them Ertract of a to own or play on the BEST PIANOS.Mr.

Dodge litter will also front keep a large and splendid Stock of great improvement of Carhart'e a patent. with the $45, for a sinall, sw of ct lute Child toned Bishop. varying in prices n.agnificent Donbie instrument, to for a being superior to an ordinary Bank. Organ Melodeon, PURER, MORE church ormu-its tone like those of other EVEN. make.

full as powerful, and quicker, and THEY WILL REMAIN IN TUNE. Ladies are especially inrited cull and ine the Instruments, Lenutiful Finish, and Superior Tone of Mr. Dodge will not sell a "Cheap Instrument" anv price, but will sell FIRST CLASS INSTRU. MEATS VERY CHEAP. STODART PIANOS.

NEWTON BRADBURY'8 PIANO LARGE FORTES. assortment EMERSON'S PREDIC PIANOS. A Piano Fortes for sa'e low for of cash, at these the excellent the subscriber, MELODEONS, 100 SUPERIOR STREET. VIOL GUITARS, ACCORDEONS. SAX HORNS.

ANew Songs, l'olkas, SHEET MUSIC, Waltzes, Schottis hes, Ac. VIOLIN STRINGS Italian, Trench. and English. the h-st assortment in the city For sale by J. I'.

HOLBROOK. BANJO, TAMBORINES, DRUMS, a020 100 Superior Mirert. MORRIS I. FRANKLIN. PRICLAN, 66 TER opposite the Post Office.

Has always on hand large assortment of Pure Crystal e-copes and all Patent other Double Focus Ere Glasses, Mathematical Instruments. All Kinds Tel. Repairing promptly executed. ap3 IMPROVEMENT IN Teeth. after Manufactory Dit.

for LOOMIS' P'roducing ENTIRE SETS of Artificial lished in this city. By this plan A set is Method, composed la of now estab. Improved piece of material, the teeth and plate are all the tout The one periority Those of this method is very apparent. WRIGHT'S interested 190 Lake are Invited where ere call specimens at may LOOMIS' be (leveland. Anni 24th.

1836 FOUNTAIN OF HEALTH. Porter, Ale and manufacturing Cider in and furnishing Soda, Mineral Water, for SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW READY Also, SODA WATER IN bottles FOUNTAINS for shipping and apparatus city sired. JOHN SHRINK it April 2. No. '53.

210 a 20, Seneca Bund. near turtevant's l'ianing Mill. loveland, Ohio Barlow's in this c'ounty in joint stock shares to the S. offer the right at the Cleveland American Mechanics, Hotel this We are found at Sturtevant Brothers weck. Otherwise this and other terms territory in Ohio, Michigan and Illinois is for sale on for Cash, approved paper.

or Real Estate. E. 2. REED, S. SILSBEE.


ALP'OKT, Agent. Exchange, Vessel and General Agent. W. C. NEILSON, Agent KEYSTONE MARINE FIRE INS.


of Jersey City, N. J. ATO'T being it Member of the Board of Underwriters, take risks at low rates. Verruls bought anti cold on commission. Steam Pump and Sub Marine Armors for hire.

April 25, 1556. Odice 106 River St. in Rosy' 1 New Brick Block. BLACK TEA. EXTRA FINE BREAKFAST," "OLONG," A Those wishing a superior article Invited to call.

"CANTON OLONG." W. WARREN, 130 Superior St. RAREGE, Green, Black, Brown Silk and Cotton, at RETTBERG HAUSMANN. SPRING GOODS. A.

M. MENCED PERRY receivirg their CO. Spring Goods, HAVE the drst in 00M- the roarket, and additions will be constantly made, rendering their complete. ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS- -Roses, Dwarf Box, niways ou hand and for sale, south side of public quare. 2 ELLIOTT CO.

IVORY HANDLE TABLE CUTLERY, fine assortment, just openel at Cor. Sup. St. Pub. Sq.

DIE RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE EAGLI-u Constitution, by E. Creasy M. A. I'rico 91 00. For sale at Iny'29 J.

B. COBB CO. Lance, for BERGES Travelling Linen Dresses. Lustre BEST and FREEMAN. Plain De for the Million-500 different -Styles and Sizes.

By far the largest atock in town, at RETTBERG N. HAUSMANN. SILVER WARE--A NEW LOT, WARratted, equal to lust received at ALBERTSON'S. Cor. Sup.

St. Pub. Sq. SILKS New styles in ColoredBishop's new make in Black. highly recommended by RAYMOND CO.

CUTLERY. -My stock is again complete. my 29 CRITTEADEN'S for. Poucine, Nymph, Almond. Savon and Lubin's the TOILET Honey, Brown, Windscented Soaps, at APOTHECARIES HAIL ap30 23 Superior St.

Buttons, not fail LACeR, to Fringea, look for Embroiderica, Dress Silks, Trimmings Chenilles, Head Dresses, at HAUSMANN. -Dress and Mantilla Fringes, all widths -Just rocrive. DEWITT. FOR good p'easant HEADACHE- Genuine Bay romedy for headache, a toilet jaw wash. For erle by W.

1p30 Paints; Glass; Brushes! Woodward, Pinkney Clark, FULTON NEW YORK. IMPORTERS OF CHANCES, ENGLISH -Sheet and French GLASS, White Lead, Zinc, Manufactur rs of EXTRA GROUND PAINT BRUSILES. ENGLISH and AMERICAN COLORS, Dry and ground in On, imported expressly for tre Trade, which we oiler on the most favorable Torwa. All Goods warranted as represented. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.

SLATE ROOFING. SUBSCRIBERS WOULD RESPECT. fully inform the citizens of Cleveland and vicinity, that they Lave catered into Co-partnership under the name and Arm of ARNOLD MCINTIRE, for the purpose of carrying on the business of Slate itoofing and Dealing in Slate, tion and of hope, all with strict attention to business and prompt execu orders they may be favored with, to merit a continuance of the patronage that has hitherto been extended to the ju. nior partner. THOMAS ARNALD, D.

W. McINTIREH. White, E. U. Rouse.

Heard Porter, Architecte, EN W. J. Warner, REFERENCES. SPLENDID DRESS GOODS. NOW landing from WEDNESDAY, the Africa JUNE 4th.

will be op'nd Rich Chene and Jaspe Dreas Silks, New l'atteras Brown, Blue, and Black l'olka Foulards, Elegant Organdie Robes, in new Designs, Genuine French Jaconets and LawnE, and Lilac hareges. plain and chintz colors, Grenadine and Tissue lobes, Barege Roles de Pattern Dresses, prices verylow, Figured and Chintz Berages, These goods are of Frecch contirmed and English s'yles, and Prints in clegant styles. richer fabrics have never before beeu cpened in this city. my 30 E. I.

BALDWIN CO. GREAT SACRIFICE. $10,000 at WORTH Administrator's OF Sale. I am CLOTH. now large offering for assortment sale 20 of per cent.

less than any other store in town a and every COATS, VESTS, PANTS, thing kept in a C'lothing Store. F.AKERS, A CONE AT. LAST! Las OUr STOCK OF GOODS IS and fine complete, selection. comprising all articles in our Line. A large NEW STYLES of By the LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, palr and yard.

These Gor da were purcha-ed from Largest Importing Houses in America, and so And new tor styles cf CASH-aud will be sold cheaper than elsewhere. AND CORNICES, BORDERS, PINS, 1100KS, LOOPS, GRIPS, FRINGES. DAMASKS, earne Bud tains. and White Hollands, Green and White Oil Cloths fur imo. OUR SHADE DEPARTMENT A Is now large con Stock plote, of or Gilt, Gothic, Flair.

and Ornamental Los. fin Mattresses and Lounges, Plants Constantly on hand and made perfect ed From 12 Cents Looking Glasses pu- and Picture Frames to each, to to to suit purchasers. Gilt Portrait ters, Metallic inade to order. Fly Brushes Feather pas and Ladies' Work Hat Racks, Stands: also French and German Fancy power. very beautiful, Wholesale or a Natural Curiosity.

which TONE. E. Retail. a39mayldim C. JONES, opposite the Weddell House.

of or for a New Carpet Warehouse, la, Marble 652 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, M. Buildings, opposite the St. Nicholas and Dealers in THOMAS CARPETS, LEWIS, IMPORTERS con- most respectfully to inform their OIL CLOTHS, they have removed from Pearl friends and customers, Well Store Atret to their new and spacious quality Where they will be 522 pleased BROADWAY. elas mense purchases, of that their recent to and which have been is new in Design, Fabric, and Markets. on terms the selected, both from the Foreign and mand and most advantageous that Cash DIE.

dety competition. which they are determined to sell at prices IL. late Comprising from or Foreign EW AND CHOICE STOCK. drop, ge's, Tale and and Piano Domestic Covers, Carpeting. vil Cloths, bu- and with Sheep every Skin, Article I'lain connected and Fancy Angora Goat Skins, together Coir Matting and Mats, Adelaide un- have deterunned to sell at with their business, which They have set THE aside a LOWEST distinct CASI department Mats, in which their celebrity in well established.

Their Mattirg these ent Stock being large, well are abled oder, on the most favorable imported direct. assorted. and at country buyers, at wholesale or retail, terms, marl9dtawly to city FIRST PREMIUM GOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES. STEINWAY SONS, Piano Forte 88 51.9 BROADWAY. NEW YORK.

of to their spiendid as RESPECTFULLY call the atof which, for volume semi-grand of ton-, and ela-tirity square TO and every thing that of beauty or a nish. They were renders a Lia -o perfect. are position awarded the First Premium for both kinds, in with the wot makers nom Boston. I'bil. adelphia, New York and Baltimore.

NEW TRIUMPH. mium STEINWAY GOLD SUNS MEDAL have just been awarded the FIRST Pi. of the (over all competitors) at the late Fair Fortes. Amer.can Institute, Crystal l'alace, for the BEST Piano modtf' Millinery Establishment. NEW ARRIVAL.

L. P. BRAGG HAS JUST RE. ery, turned from New York with her splendid stock of Millinmost consisting fashionable of late. assortment Caps, French Ribbons, and the found Flowers that can of in the city.

for rooms are Nog. 9 and 10, up stairs, Nor thrup whose services Spangler's she Block. formerly occupied by Mrs. C. Nash, and has engaged for the present vear, and whose known.

taste and willingness 10 please cus' omers is universally Also connected with this establishment. the well kuown with fashionable the Dressmaker, Mi- 8. A Jinks, who is now ready Fu. She is latest and most desirable patterns to fill all ever ready to wait on customers with pleasure Milliners at from wholesale, the surrounding county, can he supplied with ex. Show as cheap as can be found in the city.

amine rooms apened Tuesday, April 8th. I'lease call and ex. fur yourselves. 412n SHOW CASES. Campboil Thompson, de- Show Case Metal Sash Manufacturers, constantly 011 hand ail extensive Silver Prated.

German Silver, Hard, Rosewood. Mahogany, cheap stock of CASES. made in every Satin Wood, Ac. Also, a large assortment of Window and Looking Glasses, or re promptiv am Gonds carefully packed and ALit ped to any part of the United Atalos and Address CAMP'BELI, THOMPSON. Wei Chicago, UI A.J.

CAMPSELL. 1: Park l'lac. hear Broadway, IN WEALTH. F. have just received a large assortment of a new article.

in the wav of Gents will do well to call upon us before purchasing the line PATENT ENAMELED COLLAR. Collars, as in point of economy for peisons who pa ronize laundries, it la great saving to wear the PATENT COLLAR. a they can be purchased new at about the cost of washing the or. dinary linen Collar. Price each, cente or 5 shillings per dozen; Ilberal d1-.

count made to the trade. Sold only at DAVI OAK ITALL, my'8 ('or. Superior Water a. OMNIBUS STREET LINE. PROSPECT to ('o ver of and 12 A.

34 and I. M. Return to corner of Superior ter at A. M. and P.

M. 2-KINSMAN to Water 0 and 12 A. 5, and M. I'. M.

Return at and 10 A. 1, and P. M. WEST SIDE. to and 12 A.

M. and a Return to Commercial Iotel at 10 A.M.. 14. and Ch P. M.

Tickets at all the Book stores. STEVENS. May 1. 1836. dtF City Insurance Company, OF CLEVELAND, O.

No. 5 Bank Street, (W edell House) Insure Buildings, Merchandise, Household Furniture, and other Personal Property AGAINST LOSS I Losses equitably and promptly adjusted and pald. DIRECTORS, Geo. Worthington, M. L.

Crowell, m. Hart, Jos. Masury, 11. Gris wold, F. Jno.

Outhwaite, W. P. Fogg, L. C. Thayer.

HI. K. Wells. F. BRATTON, Sec.

JOHN M. IvOREs, Prea. ITALIAN SIGHTS AND PAPAL PRINL through An.erican Spectacles, by Jas. Jackson James. J.

B. CORE (0. BONNETS. TAYLOR, GRISWOLD HAVE now ready for exhinition a variety of Bonnets. cumme*r STUFFS.

Summe: Cassimerc and Linen Goods for men and variety, openel this day. ap24 KENDALL ITT. ARBER'S SOAP -Made for that particular purpose, at the 8) APOTHECARIES' HALL, 23 Sup. St. I HAVE AN EXTRA LARGE Stock Double Boreled Shot Guns, very And Lamers ded steel, and the prices are vary low.

Jan 98 N. F. CRITTENDEN C'ollins' New Hat Cap Establishment! HATS FOR THE MILLION! A THOSE IN HAT are WANT OF that A reminded their taste can be gratified nt the Vac 25 Superior Street. Where is always to be found the most desirable and complete assortment in the State. Our purchases are 1 cossarily large to supply the increasing for th- present popular HATS.

which have beet introduced by us this Spring. An weare giv. ing our patrons the benefit of the low priced ('ash system. Dealers supplied. COLLINS, 25 Sup.

Scoville Block, fonnerly Franklin House. May 3, 3. 1306. aS ally Planing Mill Sash Factory. COBB have their chinery nOw in full operation, in their new location at 113 corner of Columbus Centre Street, where they are prepared to Dress Lumber to order.

ard keep cans artly for ale, Pressed Lumber of all kinds, Stu Blinds, F. T'ickets all of the bast quality. my B. A. BRAGG, James Bennett, rear of l'arson's Block and the ('omtaken the Shop formerly occupied by mercia! House, where he intend.

carrying on the HORSE SHOEING BUSINESS strictly on the cash system. Having bad twenty years experince at the business in the East, feels confident that he can give entire satisfaction. Horses shod short notice, and particular attention pail to Shoeing lancy Horses. for Shoeing new, nud 15 cents for getting. to For the improvement of stock, DR.

BRAGG will keep NAPOLEON MOLOAN, and Boung GIFFORD MORGAN. NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS. W. WARREN. 130 Superior street, cor.

of 91., INVITES particular attention to a large Stock of DRESS GOODS. 20 pi-ces India Silks, goods; Warranted to wash; Striped and Figured Jaepe Silky; I'tain and Colored Silks; Plain Black and Moire Antique Silks; I'lain Chall, ail Silk ard Worsted; Nightingale Baregc8, Jaspe; Rich French Prims, ard sTall Plain Satin Siriped and I'laid Barege Black Silk Mantillas; 100 Stella Shaw a 1 colors. WANTED! 1,000,000 Business Cards TO PRINT, ON OUR Lightning Steam Card Press! AT PRICES 60 T'ER CENT CHEAPER THAN EVER! $2,50 TO 84,00 PER THOUSAND! Send In your Orders. FURNISHING GOODS. Table Damask (white and brown), Damask Cloths and assortment of Linen Sheetings, Pillow Case Linen, bins, Towels and Diapers, and if not the largest are at the cheupest in the city, at S.

HI MAN, InJ-7 Cor. Superlor Public S4. WANT OF A NICE FITTING AND fashionable made Garments for CHILDREN'S WEAR, WIll now And everything reynleite for a Child from 3 years old upward's. 23 OAK HALL. NOW lot the Al.

Cur Shades Dus is ted that ayle Home will they And presthey or Drug 6.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.