The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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THE PLAIN DEALER TUESDAY AUGUST 15 1967 Ohio GIs Search Tunnels for VC of Lake Engineers Out st until Second Union Joins Strike at St rom irst Page re have rom irst Page Al By LBJ Aides ax Surcharge eld 1 in orner action ine 1 1 af nAV'Y'PM administration introduced its 1 dllJJCJf HI 11 vvu record $806 million 1968 bud get rom irst Page be ii Claims A rabs Massacred gram director denied chairman of the Presi student Advertisem*nt tear the This marks the first time that the militant Negro orga nization has taken a formal the little (Negro) mustn't give up the ship Others less daring signed off to the disappointment of millions of fans This station and others with names like Radio 227 Radio 270 Radio 355 Radio 390 and Radio London will disappear Many of the ships from which they transmitted their broad casts are headed where they would have been the scrap heap ON GUARD Standing at entrance to a Viet Cong tunnel are Pic William Smith of East Liverpool left and Pfc Robert Martin of Cleveland lined up Arab victims and shot them in the back in cold blood This is the Gaza Strip Palestine not Dachau Ger One newsletter cartoon de picts Gen Moshe Dayan the Israeli defense minister with dollar signs as shoulder in signia Another cartoon shows a hand marked with the Star of David and a dollar sign tightening a rope fastened around the necks of President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United Arab Republic and Cassius Clay the heavyweight boxer NEWSLETTER fol lows the pro Arab Soviet and racist lines and smacks very heavily of anti semitism" Irving Shulman southeastern director of the Anti Defama tion said yesterday But Ralph eatherstone the student pro race myself I the pit crew of lap who PECK WARNS JOB SEEKERS Disneyland is the largest amusment park The John Hanco*ck Building in Chicago is the second largest build ing Third largest is the Chrysler building in New York City Gallon Giver JOE BARSHICK has re ceived membership in The Plain Dealer Gallon Club for his donations of blood to the Red Cross blood pro gram He is a foreman for Osborn Manufacturing Co Also introduced was tion to renew a 58 mill real estate tax which expires this year If council approves levy will be placed on November ballot THE PROPOSED budget is about $4 million higher than the 1967 budget As in past years the larg est amount is allocated for public safety which includes the police and fire depart ments which will receive $354 million compared with $339 million for 1967 Other departments alloca tions are: public service $113 million: public properties $11 million general government $47 million health and wel fare $4 million community development $25 million fi nance $915000 port control $980000 Miscellaneous expen ditures will take up the re maining $95 million Councilmen will discuss the extension of the levy and the proposed budget at committee hearings before the next full council meeting Aug 29 "WE WON'T HAVE TO W(W ABOUT THE GARAGE PROBLEM WPfVtWiiJ DRAGSTERS Pfc Richard A Selzer more left and Pfc Jason A Sell of Carrollton dent Council of Economic Advisers and Schultze Ackley making an unusual appearance before the com mittee at the request of Mills said the buoyant nature of the economy would permit a tax increase without endangering prosperity A deficit of $29 billion he added would be highly stimulative inappro priate and even perilous The risk of excessively high interest rates and limit ed credit especially in home building The risk of unacceptable inflationary pressure Even with the surcharge and economy in government ample protection i i The committee approved a bill restricting use of wire tapping and electronic eaves dropping devices A fine of up to $1000 or im prisonment of one to three years are provided THE BILL would not apply to some law enforcement ac tivities but such wire tapping could be done only under a warrant issued in advance by a common pleas judge stating a probable law violation Benson Wolman legislative representative for the Ameri can Civil Liberties Union ob jected to this clause saying it was too broad and would per mit The bill which now goes to the Rules Committee for scheduling for a floor vote combines two original bills in troduced by Sen Ralph Re gula 29 Navarre Boston (Special) Mr A A Peck noted authority on train inc computer programmers esti mates that too man' people are tied into low income jobs because thev lack today's skills Thousands upon thousands of computer pro grammers are needed frf high in I was rough getting him Whaley said places we could hardly squirm through and I near ly passed out several times But we did it and when we got out we verified he was Martin provided addition al details was also a sniper in the tunnel and he kept firing everytime they tried to move the body another' reason it took so long to pull him Soon the men received confirmation of what they suspected they would stay the night watching the three entrances INDING the two bodies re ported Pfc Richard A Sel zer 19 of 2697 Sun Drive Lakemore were about to end the search when we heard noises come from a tunnel we Interjecting Pfc Jason A Sell 19 of Hight St Carrollton said: finally found them and blocked up all but three en Selzer continued put trip flares and Claymores anti personnel mines) at the mouths They really try to break out they were just prob ing admit I was scared to death sitting there looking at two of those holes wondering when they tri New York Times Service By GENE ROBERTS ATLANTA The Student iNonviolent Coordinating Com miittce has attacked Zionism Martin 126th 5 BETWEEN I pm and 8 pm Monday through riday OR WRITE with your were coming out or if they were coming The four Viet Congs made their dash at 6 when they thought they could catch the GIs off guard Bursting out they sprayed grenades and rifle fire wildly and loped for a paddy field we never saw Sell began and Selzer finished: did and one was cut down jumping a a machine gun put his legs around his head and the rest were brought down by 16s The tunnel system ex tending deep into the hill was to be thoroughly By KENNETH ARMSTRONG Plain Dealer Correspondent THE RED HILL South The gunships armed helicopters first saw the six Viet Cong at the bottom of run ning down a trench line They attacked with ma chine guns and rockets "Got cried a pilot "We were sweeping north of the reported Pfc William Smith 24 of Rural Route 2 East Liv repool until the choppers spotted them we seen a A member of Al Company 1st Battal ion 14th Regiment of the 25th Infantry 3d Brigade Smith said: we reached here I saw one and threw a grenade at him Whether I got him or not I WHILE GIS formed a crescent outside three main tunnel entrances others searched the a gently rising mass of red laterite 310 miles northeast of Saigon Two bodies were found the one killed by the helicopter and the other by Smith our were left ana presumed to be in the tun nel complex With the exception of the three being watched all possible exits were blocked with logs and rocks The next investigate the tunnel system an of ficer called None stepped forward To set an example Lt Jerry Clark a young West Pointer from Cha teaugay NY volunteered He was the platoon leader of Pfc Robert 24 of 2626 Cleveland Clark waited gas was tossed into ominous tunnel to flush out the four Viet Cong When none emerged he donned a gas mask and went in head first a flashlight in one hand a revolver in the other Trailing him was Lt David Whaley 22 of ort Worth Tex MARTIN RELAYED progress: into the main tunnel squeezing through a little dip a trap door is blocking his Whaley ordered a hammock passed to him tie it to the boards and pull them he said trap door may be booby trap The tug loosened the boards but there was no ex plosion Beyond the door Clark found an carbine some packs and a grenade On their hands and knees the pair proceeded slowly Martin mumbled: be in one of those tunnels takes a lot of Clark came to another door and Whaley cautioned: open it sure booby trap Clark either did not hear or ignored him He pulled and a muffled re verberated down the tunnel A booby trap grenade at tached to the door had ex ploded in face CRAWLED up to Whaley said I was pretty sure he was dead However we had to get him As if to atone for their earlier timidity two men volunteered to join Whaley in the narrow passageway question of union recognition the respective prerogatives of union and management and the manner of settling future disputes The Plain Dealer learned that the hospital displeased at the publicity surrounding court sponsored talks asked for the recess to evalu ate union proposals MEANWHILE the hospital has been insisting to nonstrik ing staff members that it has not in any way recognized the union In a statement dated ri day and addressed All St Employes and Volun the hospital insisted that are determined not to be intimidated" The state ment was signed by Shoos and Charles Arter Jr president of lhe hospital's trustees The statement said the hos pital had entered the talks under Judge Manos the full understanding that these SINCE the $6 million proj ect was approved by the fed eral government in 1963 the city has been able to sell only a few parcels for redevelop ment Cleveland must sell about 1 50 of the 986 acres in nrniprt nrpa Tn nfhnr ontinn fha i Ul VVUVI UVUVU U1V 4 ir1 a icit ranging from $14 billion to $18 billion the sixth deep est flood of red ink in history exceeded only by five World War II years He was backed before a committee generally cool to higher taxes by Gardner Ack SNCC is anti semitic He said that its student committee was not interested in indicting all Jews but Jewish a category which he applied to Israel and Jews in Jew shops in the SOME THE arguments on the Middle East situation par alleled those expressed in an other publication Thun derbolt the White published by the National States Rights Party a white supremecist organi zation headquartered in Sa vannah Ga In this issue the Thunderbolt defended the Arabs with charges that Is rael napalmed civilians soon as! Lfrfe IM tPiAE THAT CMGRRyS WOOO A Tree A tome jobs Surprisingly many peo ple have the ability and can easily trained or free ininrmation and apti i tude test Phone 696 4151 or write Dept 1 Program I ming and Systems In titute 101 ya Euclid Ave Cleveland 44115 Someone told me that commissioner of harbors is a retired Army colonel Is this Yes Earle Butler who is a registered engineer in both Indiana and Ohio served in Korea rance and the United States as a battal ion and group commander in troop military construction While with TVA as a district engineer he was responsible for the United States portion of construction of the St Lawrence Seaway Why can't I get a war rant charging my boyfriend with stealing my $700 coat and my Miss KW Lakewood Lakewood prosecutors told Quickline as they have told you that many delicate legal points are in volved They stem from the fact that he purchased these items for you They say the circ*mstances do not indicate a clear cut criminal case In the event that you wish to file a civil court action they will be happy to assist your lawyer City Gives Land Sale to Realtors rom irst Page the Kyoung River returned Sunday the spokesman said to destroy one of the four spans of what was described as bypass bridge" a mile to the east The raids thus ap pear to have produced a major obstruction to the flow of traffic over the vital rail artery MILITARY sources here had no comment when asked whether the repeated strikes close to the border were re lated to President reported decision under con gressional pressure to widen the list of permissible targets in North Vietnam Until Sat urday the closet bombing target to the Chinese border was the railyard at Caonung 30 miles away It was struck once late last month WASHINGTON UP) The US air attack on Doumer bridge raised anew 1 the old question of just where the boundaries of the North Vietnamese capital lie It i turns out there are two sets This issue has a direct bear ing on right when the): Can you help locate inv cousin Mrs who has been teaching at US military bases in Europe? A letter sent to her last known address was returned unclaimed Her mother is quite seriously SP With the help of Paul Brokaw on the administrative staff here of Rep William Minshall and of Minshall the State Department's facilities were tapped and PDQ was informed of your present assignment in Crete as we notified you A message has been relayed to her Brokaw reports After using water cither hot or cold we hear a whis tling sound for about five seconds What is HU Euclid Would you believe Dixie? In the meantime we suggest you call a plumber We applied for Social Security last October and not received a check as yet Could you look into VK Berea Sure and so has the Social Security branch handling your file It has sent a special request tor quick action by the payment center If the first check forthcoming soon let us know What is the larg est amusem*nt park and the second and third largest DI Chesterland discussions were not bargain jing sessions and did not in any way constitute recogni tion of the union They were to be and have been mere discussions to explore possi i bilities for a resolution of the strike newspaper sugges tions to the the statement con tinned Hospital has not rec ognized the union and is not engagea in collective oargain ling with the union We shall course continue to seek combed by six volunteers iO operating in pairs d' While the pressed on Selzer Sell and'lS I talked Both were drag is ster enthusiasts iillrcf RACED at 42 and at Sei zer said opening his tiU fold to a picture showing string of trophies in front of his ord when get back I want to some more Selzer re marked never met back home but I knew his Sell explained: had an 2 Olds and although I worked in Gene Dun Why CTS buses have ineir exhaust pipes extended to the top of the bus so as not to nearly asphyxiate mo torists and NL CTS explains that roof top exhaust pipes such as used on diesel trucks would only cause the fumes to fan out over a greater area If you discover any logic in that answer let us know We are puzzled too Which tenant uses which side of the garage when both are occupying the same dou ble house? Thank Mrs Plain Dealer Bureau Tolcdo expressed concern COLUMBUS Action on protection for creditors bill that would exempt estates! Mastics said he felt other sec of less than $5000 from ad of present law offer ministration in probate courts was delayed last night by the Senate Judiciary Committee The senators said they wanted opinions from the probate judges The bill already approved in the House was presented to the committee by two greater Cleveland representa fives George Mastics 52 air view and Ronald Mottl 51 Parma They said that Cuyahoga County probate judges and the Cleveland and Cuyahoga 1 County Bar association sup 1 port the bill PRESENT exemption is $2000 Raising this to $5000 would exempt nearly half of the estates in Cuyahoga Coun ty from administration which takes about nine months Mastics said Sen Howard Cook Will Euclid Beach Park have special price days this month? Vermilion Bargain days at Euclid Beach Park will be Tuesdays and ridays through Aug 26 from 1 pm to closing and Saturdays from 6 pm to closing All rides will be 5 cents except three which will be 10 cents 4 'M IN INDIAN GIVER" Communists reported Ameri can planes bombed the city and the Pentagon denied it or example a Hanoi broadcast Saturday said US planes had attacked the North Vietnamese capital and de nounced the strike on the bridge link in a supply route from China as a and extremely serious of the war But the official Pentagon position is that the raid was 17 miles north north east of the city center but outside the city limits Technically both could claim accuracy in their statements The Doumer Bridge accord ing to a 1965 North Vietna mese map used at the Penta gon lies immediately outside what the Communists call But Town" also lies within an area perhaps 20 Invrrnr ti i rvl Ilin Mnrlll IHHtI) ICUfcCl HUR4J tuc nuxui Vietnamese define as 'yr This larger zone probablyjhe south by the New York corresponds to what a major Central system tracks American city would reler to as its metropolitan before him Thursday to port their progress A MOTION by hospital law yers to restrict Local 47 pick eting remains pending before i Judge Manos When the mo tion came before him last Tuesday the judge suggested I negotiations in place of a court hearing The judge has guided the talks but has not participat ed actively I NTn nennnmin 1 been discussed Unresolved honoi able and equitable questions The Plain Dealerimeans of resolving our dis learned pertain to the basic Pde with the union Senators Tie Up Probate Revision US Jets Hit Again Near China SAIGON (J) Gen William Westmoreland US com mander in South Vietnam'' I declared Monday that '4 i Vietnam's armed forces "are making steady The general also reported progress in the over all mili tary spectac ular but steady and In an interview with Joseph ried of the Mutual Broad casting System the command er took the opposite view from critics who have ex pressed increasing doubts sides about the effectiveness of South fighting forces We would like to tell you there is a citv ordinance of some sort which would relieve you of having to make the choice But there You as lhe landlord have to make the decision Who got there first? Last August the city tore up two of my sidewalks over my protests They did a slop py job of pouring concrete Over the winter they cracked and crumbled They say I will have to pay for this Please help me Mrs The bureau of sidewalks rechecked this work and found that for some reason this concrete deteriorated The con tractor has agreed to replace whatever blocks he put in and will do so as soon as his scheduled work for the city brings him to this vicinity I bought a dining room suite on Nov 11 and paid cash $58541 I have not yet received all of it What I did get was different than I or dered They relusc to give me my money back Could you Mrs Lakewood The furniture dealer says he is not closing the door on you but explained that what you first ordered special was a dis continued line That was the cause of the first delay When you reordered the china cabinet was on backorder He is sorry you were disappointed with the set you received but you signed for them when they were delivered and opened When he gets cherrywood in he says he will exchange yours for something else REMEMBER: If PD phones are busy when you we like mail too Send problems to PD Quickline The Plain Dealer 1801 Superior Avenue Cleve land Ohio 44114 Quickline answers questions only through this column called these hard facts hind the plan: Vietnam war costs exceed ing $22 billion a year A budget deficit which rtrtitlzJ ortn COQ Killirtr out what he termed a iowIer said the nation facts erate temporary emergency prospect of a budget def in taxes icit ranging from $14 billion Britain Scuttles SNCC Letter Hits Zionism Radio rirates New York Tinies Service A short but col orful era came to a formal end for Britain last midnight) when legislation took effect jn 3ac p0We commit tees bimonthly paper the SNCC newsletter and accused On a Viet Hill Wfl Call PDQuickline 523 4870 i outlawing radio pirates and their nonstop pop One by one the offshore jews of committing atrocities radio stations have called it against the Arabs a 4 I 1 1 A 1 A 4iuib viiiy nciuiu vdiviiuc which started it all on Easter Saturday 1964 remains 27 year position in lhe Arab Israeli old owner told his crew they dispute you know the newsletter says the Zionists conquered the Arab homes and land through ter ror force and massacres that they wiped out over 30 Arab villages before and after they took control of the area they now call A BLURRED photograph in the newsletter is labeled Massacres and carries the caption: "5OW5 LIKE aPDUA'J Jf 1 I vlrjsH fe'' Oil wV it ill' I 1 A.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


Is the Cleveland Plain Dealer still in circulation? ›

The Plain Dealer is the major newspaper of Cleveland, Ohio; it is a major national newspaper. In the fall of 2019 it ranked 23rd in U.S. newspaper circulation, a significant drop since March 2013, when its circulation ranked 17th daily and 15th on Sunday. U.S.

Can I read The Plain Dealer online? ›

circulation department, you have access to The Plain Dealer e-edition via any of The Plain Dealer apps and via the desktop browser version using the same username and password on up to three devices.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays.

Who was Thomas Vail Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

Vail (b. 1926), assumed personal direction of the Plain Dealer in 1963 as publisher and editor at the age of 36. Vail revitalized the Plain Dealer by hiring young reporters and supported more Democrats, giving the paper a vigorous non-partisan stance.

What is Ohio's largest newspaper? ›

The Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper and top advertising source.

How much is the Sunday Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

How much does an obituary cost in The Plain Dealer? ›

Placing an obituary in The Plain Dealer – Home Delivery starts at $269.95.

How often is The Plain Dealer printed? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

Where is the Cleveland Plain Dealer located? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co, 4800 Tiedeman Rd, Cleveland, OH - MapQuest.

How do I contact a Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The Plain Dealer Production and Distribution Center 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (216) 999-5000 or (800) 362-0727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

How do I cancel Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

Your payment is non-refundable, and your access will continue until the end of your current subscription. To cancel your subscription to The Plain Dealer, please visit You may also call 216-999-6000.

How much is a subscription to the Akron Beacon Journal? ›

*After 3 months, Tuesday-Sunday Print Delivery + Digital will be $35/month. The Sunday Only Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months. The Saturday & Sunday Print Delivery + Digital will be $30/Month after 3 months. Not valid with any other Akron Beacon Journal subscription offer.

When was The Plain Dealer building built? ›

Built as the headquarters of The Plain Dealer newspaper, the 235,000-square-foot office building opened in 2001.

Who was the first bishop of Cleveland? ›

RAPPE, LOUIS AMADEUS (2 Feb. 1801-8 Sept. 1877), first bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland, was born in Audrehem, France, to Eloi and Marie-Antoinette Noel Rappe. He studied at the college of Boulogne-sur-Mer and seminary at Arras, and was ordained in 1829.

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

One of those that submitted a bid was Industrial Commercial Properties/Cleveland Superior, LLC, which now owns the former Plain Dealer building.

When did the Cleveland Press go out of business? ›

Citing the depressed economy and consequent losses in advertising, however, Cole announced the paper's closing on 17 June 1982, and the final edition appeared that afternoon. The former Press plant was demolished to make room for the North Point office complex. View image at Cleveland Memory.

Does Cleveland still have the flats? ›

The Flats have come back to life thanks to a multi-million-dollar makeover to both its east and west banks. This waterfront neighborhood now features restaurants, bars, shops and a boardwalk with complementary green space.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.