Wandering Trader (2024)

For the mob in Minecraft Dungeons, see MCD:Wandering Trader.

The wandering trader is a passive mob that randomly spawns near the player. It can trade, making natural items more available, less dangerous to obtain, and in some cases, renewable.


  • 1 Spawning
    • 1.1 Despawning
  • 2 Behavior
  • 3 Trading
  • 4 Drops
  • 5 Sounds
  • 6 Data values
    • 6.1 ID
    • 6.2 Entity data
  • 7 Achievements
  • 8 Advancements
  • 9 History
  • 10 Issues
  • 11 Trivia
  • 12 Gallery
    • 12.1 Screenshots
    • 12.2 In other media
  • 13 Notes
  • 14 References
  • 15 External links


The wandering trader appears randomly in the Overworld with 2 leashed trader llamas. They typically spawn within a 48-block radius of a player. In Bedrock Edition, they also try to spawn by a claimed bell in a village.

When the world is created (or updated from an older version), a counter is initialized to 24000 ticks (20 real-life minutes, or 1 Minecraft day). Each minute (1200 ticks), if /gamerule doTraderSpawning is set to true,‌[Java Edition only] the counter is decreased by 1200. When the counter reaches 0 it is reset to 24000 and, if /gamerule doMobSpawning is set to true, an attempt may be made to spawn a wandering trader. The first time there is a 25% chance of making the attempt, which increases to 50% the second time and is 75% thereafter until a trader is spawned or no player is found for the attempt.

When attempting a spawn, a random player is selected. If no player is found, no trader is spawned but the chance for future attempts is reset to 25%. If a player is found, then 90% of the time the spawn attempt immediately fails.

It should be noted, if there is a bell within 48 blocks of the player then the nearest such bell is used as the target location.

After either of the above conditions are met: ten attempts are made to find a valid mob spawning location on the uppermost block of a random X/Z position within -48/+47 of the target location on each axis. If spawning the trader succeeds, an additional ten attempts are made for each of two trader llamas to find a position within -4/+3 of the trader.[verify] Wandering traders can still spawn if the passive mob cap is full.

In Bedrock Edition, when using spawn eggs or the /summon command to spawn a wandering trader, llamas always spawn with it. Wandering traders never spawn if /mobevent minecraft:wandering_trader_event is set to false.


A wandering trader despawns after being loaded for 48000 ticks (40 minutes, or 2 full Minecraft days), although ticks spent with the trading UI open are not counted.[verify] Naming the wandering trader with a name tag or placing the wandering trader in a boat/minecart does not prevent it from despawning.[1] This also includes wandering traders as passengers of other mobs in Java Edition, where the wandering trader still despawns if summoned on top of another mob.

When a wandering trader is unloaded, either by moving into unloaded chunks or entering another dimension, its despawn timer freezes.

Wandering traders despawn sooner if all the trades are locked.‌[Bedrock Edition only][verify]


The wandering trader has 6 random trades. New trades are not unlocked after trading with it.

After spawning, the wandering trader prefers to wander within 16 blocks of the initial spawning target location, even if that player leaves or the bell is removed, if not otherwise reacting to nearby players or mobs.[verify]

The wandering trader can sometimes form a caravan, due to wild llamas that follow the leashed trader llama(s).

Wandering traders drink a potion of invisibility during dusk and as needed to renew the effect during the night. They also drink milk if invisible during the day to remove the invisibility effect.

Wandering traders avoid zombies and their variants, all illager variants, and vexes, staying at least 8 blocks away. Unlike other villagers, a wandering trader killed by zombies does not become a zombie villager.[2]

Wandering traders drink potions of invisibility if hurt by magic attacks or projectiles from hostile mobs (but not players), or when avoiding illagers, vexes, and zombies.‌[BE only]

When attacked by a player, a wandering trader flees from the player as a villager would do. The llamas, however, attack the player by spitting if their master gets hit, except in Peaceful. The llamas stop attacking if the player is killed and respawns, if the llamas are leashed after the wandering trader is killed, or if the player gets far enough away from them for a short period of time.

Despite their similarities to villagers, attacking or killing wandering traders does not anger iron golems.[3]

Unlike most other villager-like mobs, wandering traders do not visually sit down when riding objects such as boats and minecarts.[4]


Wandering Trader (1)

For the available trades for the wandering trader, see Trading§Wandering trader.

The trading system is a gameplay mechanic that allows players to buy items with emeralds, but from a wandering trader this time.

A player can click on the wandering trader to view the items offered for sale, similar to a villager. Different offers are visible in a list, and clicking on one of the offers moves the corresponding items to the slots above the player's inventory. All offers involve emeralds as a currency.

Wandering traders typically sell items generated in the world or otherwise related to nature, such as plants, dyes, and buckets of fish. They can also trade less common items, such as coral blocks, blue ice, or nautilus shells. Overall, trades offered by wandering traders offer a way to obtain biome-specific materials, without having to travel to the specific biomes.

After the player purchases the same item several times, the wandering trader locks the trade, but unlike villagers, never unlocks the trade. The wandering trader can appear again around the player with new trades after a while.

Wandering traders do not have the novice-master trading system like villagers. Instead, the player can buy anything from the wandering trader without the need of unlocking the previous trades.

Wandering traders do not increase or decrease the prices of its items being sold if attacked by the player, or if the player has the Hero of the Village effect.

Unlike villagers, wandering traders only sell items, they do not buy items. Wandering traders do not have an experience bar and do not modify their offers or prices based on changing demand. This (the trade items or prices) can be changed by the player by editing the corresponding NBT data flag through the use of the /data[JE only] command.

Wandering traders are the only renewable source of sand, red sand, coral blocks, and small dripleaves.

The wandering trader cannot work at a job site block and restock, even summoned with a villager profession or other villager data.


  • A milk bucket (8.5% chance, increased 1% per level of Looting) if killed while holding or before finishing drinking.
  • A potion of invisibility (8.5% chance, increased 1% per level of Looting) if killed while holding or before finishing drinking.

A wandering trader is also a source of leads, as it typically spawns with two leashed trader llamas. These leads break and drop (at the location of the llama) if either trader or llama dies or if they are separated.

Wandering traders do not drop any loot when they despawn.

Wandering traders do not reward any experience when killed or when the player successfully trades with the wandering trader.


Java Edition:
Wandering traders use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Wandering Trader mumblesFriendly CreaturesRandomlyentity.wandering_trader.ambientsubtitles.entity.wandering_trader.ambient1.00.8-1.216
Wandering Trader tradesFriendly CreaturesWhile the trade UI on a wandering trader is openentity.wandering_trader.tradesubtitles.entity.wandering_trader.trade1.00.8-1.216
Wandering Trader diesFriendly CreaturesWhen a wandering trader diesentity.wandering_trader.deathsubtitles.entity.wandering_trader.death1.00.8-1.216
Wandering Trader hurtsFriendly CreaturesWhen a wandering trader is damagedentity.wandering_trader.hurtsubtitles.entity.wandering_trader.hurt1.00.8-1.216
Wandering Trader agreesFriendly CreaturesWhen a player successfully trades with a wandering traderentity.wandering_trader.yessubtitles.entity.wandering_trader.yes1.00.8-1.216
Wandering Trader disagreesFriendly CreaturesWhen a player fails to trade with a wandering trader due to lack of resourcesentity.wandering_trader.nosubtitles.entity.wandering_trader.no1.00.8-1.216
Wandering Trader drinks milkFriendly CreaturesWhile a wandering trader is drinking milk to become visible during daytimeentity.wandering_trader.drink_milksubtitles.entity.wandering_trader.drink_milk0.50.9-1.016
Wandering Trader drinks potionFriendly CreaturesWhile a wandering trader is drinking a potion to become invisible during nighttimeentity.wandering_trader.drink_potionsubtitles.entity.wandering_trader.drink_potionvaries [sound 1]0.9-1.016
Wandering Trader disappearsFriendly CreaturesWhen a wandering trader becomes invisibleentity.wandering_trader.disappearedsubtitles.entity.wandering_trader.disappeared0.80.9-1.116
Wandering Trader appearsFriendly CreaturesWhen a wandering trader becomes visibleentity.wandering_trader.reappearedsubtitles.entity.wandering_trader.reappeared0.80.9-1.116
  1. The first listed sound is 0.35; the second listed sound is 0.325

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
Friendly CreaturesRandomlymob.wanderingtrader.idle1.00.8-1.2
Friendly CreaturesWhen a wandering trader diesmob.wanderingtrader.death1.00.8-1.2
Friendly CreaturesWhen a wandering trader is damagedmob.wanderingtrader.hurt1.00.8-1.2
Friendly CreaturesWhen a wandering trader becomes invisiblemob.wanderingtrader.disappeared1.00.8-1.2
Friendly CreaturesWhen a wandering trader becomes visiblemob.wanderingtrader.reappeared1.00.8-1.2
Friendly CreaturesWhile a wandering trader is drinking milk to become visible during daytimemob.wanderingtrader.drink_milk1.00.8-1.2
Friendly CreaturesWhen a wandering trader drinks a potion to become invisible during nighttimemob.wanderingtrader.drink_potionvaries[sound 1]0.8-1.2
Friendly CreaturesWhile the trade UI on a wandering trader is openmob.wanderingtrader.haggle1.00.8-1.2
Friendly CreaturesWhen a player successfully trades with a wandering tradermob.wanderingtrader.yes1.00.8-1.2
Friendly CreaturesWhen a player fails to trade with a wandering trader due to lack of resourcesmob.wanderingtrader.no1.00.8-1.2
  1. wandering_trader/drink_potion is 0.7 and random/drink is 0.65

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierTranslation key
Wandering Traderwandering_traderentity.minecraft.wandering_trader

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Translation key
Wandering Traderwandering_trader118entity.wandering_trader.name

Entity data[]

Wandering traders have entity data associated with them that contains various properties.

Java Edition:

Main article: Entity format

  • Entity data
      • Additional fields for mobs that can breed
    • Tags common to all entities
    • Tags common to all mobs
    • DespawnDelay: The number of ticks counted down until this wandering trader is forced to despawn. The wandering trader despawns when this value reaches 1.
    • Offers: Is generated when the trading menu is opened for the first time.
      • Recipes: List of trade options.
        • A trade option.
          • buy: The first 'cost' item, without the Slot tag.
            • Tags common to all items
          • buyB: May not exist. The second 'cost' item, without the Slot tag.
            • Tags common to all items
          • maxUses: The maximum number of times this trade can be used before it is disabled. Increases by a random amount from 2 to 12 when offers are refreshed.
          • rewardExp: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this trade provides XP orb drops. All trades from naturally-generated villagers in Java Edition reward XP orbs.
          • sell: The item being sold for each set of cost items, without the Slot tag.
            • Tags common to all items
          • uses: The number of times this trade has been used. The trade becomes disabled when this is greater or equal to maxUses.
    • WanderTarget: Destination toward where this trader wanders.
      • X: The X coordinate to wander toward.
      • Y: The Y coordinate to wander toward.
      • Z: The Z coordinate to wander toward.
    • Inventory: Each compound tag in this list is an item in the wandering trader's inventory, up to a maximum of 8 slots. Items in two or more slots that can be stacked together are automatically be condensed into one slot. If there are more than 8 slots, the last slot is removed until the total is 8. If there are 9 slots but two previous slots can be condensed, the last slot returns after the two other slots are combined. Wandering traders don't change their inventory automatically or drop items from it upon death. The inventory is currently unused.
      • An item in the inventory, excluding the Slot tag.
        • Tags common to all items

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.


IconAchievementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)Gamerscore earnedTrophy type (PS4)
The HagglerAcquire or spend 30 Emeralds by trading with villagers or with wandering trader. [sic]30GSilver


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Wandering Trader (2)What a Deal!
Successfully trade with a VillagerAdventureTake an item from a villager or wandering trader's trading output slot, and put it in your inventory.adventure/trade
Wandering Trader (3)Star Trader
Trade with a Villager at the build height limitWhat a Deal!Stand on any block that is higher than 318 and trade with a villager or wandering trader.adventure/trade_at_world_height


Java Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Fire Charge|Fire Charge]]<br/>{{ItemEntity|image=Fire Charge.png|invimage=Fire Charge|durability=|renewable=Yes|stackable=Yes (64)|networkid='''[[JE]]''': 64}}'''Fire charges''' are items that can be {{control|used}} as a single-use version of a [[flint and steel]] or shot as a [[small fireball]] from a [[dispenser]].== Obtaining ===== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|fire-charge}}=== Crafting ==={{Crafting|Blaze Powder|Coal; Charcoal|Gunpowder|Output= Fire Charge, 3|type= Miscellaneous}}=== Bartering ===[[Piglin]]s may [[barter]] 1 fire charge when given a [[gold ingot]].== Usage ==[[File:Natural Fire Charge.png|200px|thumb|Dispensing Fire Charge]]Fire charges can be used as ammunition for [[dispenser]]s, or as a substitute for [[flint and steel]].When used, it instantly places a [[fire]], similar to flint and steel. The fire charge is consumed in the process. It can prime [[TNT]], light [[Nether portal|nether portals]], [[Campfire|campfires]], [[Candle|candles]], [[Cake|cakes with candles]] and [[creeper]]s{{only|JE}} like flint and steel.When a fire charge is fired from a dispenser, it shoots a [[small fireball]].=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|rowspan=4|sound=Ghast fireball4.ogg|subtitle=Ghast shoots|source=hostile|description=When a fireball is shot by a ghast|id=entity.ghast.shoot|translationkey=subtitles.entity.ghast.shoot|volume=10.0|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16 {{verify}}}}{{Sound table|subtitle=Blaze shoots <ref group=sound name=LousyEvents>{{Bug|MC-98316||Wrong subtitles caused by missing distinction}}</ref>|source=hostile|description=When a fire charge is fired from a dispenser or a blaze|id=entity.blaze.shoot|idnote=<ref group=sound name=LousyEvents/>|translationkey=subtitles.entity.blaze.shoot|translationkeynote=<ref group=sound name=LousyEvents/>|volume=2.0|pitch=0.8–1.2|distance=32}}{{Sound table|subtitle=Fireball whooshes|source=block|description=When a fire charge is used by hand|id=item.firecharge.use|idnote=<ref group=sound name=nounderscore>{{bug|MC-177457}}</ref>|translationkey=subtitles.item.firecharge.use|translationkeynote=<ref group=sound name=nounderscore/>|volume=1.0|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16}}{{Sound table|subtitle=Fireball whooshes|source=hostile|description=When a fire charge is used to light a creeper|id=item.firecharge.use|idnote=<ref group=sound name=nounderscore/>|translationkey=subtitles.item.firecharge.use|translationkeynote=<ref group=sound name=nounderscore/>|volume=1.0|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Ghast fireball4.ogg|source=hostile|description=When something shoots or uses a fire charge|id=mob.ghast.fireball|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Fire Charge|spritetype=item|nameid=fire_charge|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Fire Charge|spritetype=item|nameid=fire_charge|aliasid=fireball|id=509|form=item|translationkey=item.fireball.name|foot=1}}=== Entity data ==={{main|Small Fireball#Entity data}}== Achievements =={{Load achievements|Into the Nether}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|We Need to Go Deeper}}== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|IiCTxsHg6SQ}}</div>== History =={{for|information pertaining to smallmfireballs (which fire charges produce when shot from a dispenser)|Small Fireball#History}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|[[File:Fire Charge JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added the fire charge texture. It is currently only used by [[fireball]]s and [[small fireball]]s, both of which are entities, and is not used by any items.}}{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w04a|Added fire charges, which use the above texture. They can be crafted only with [[coal]].}}{{History|||snap=12w05a|Fire charges can now be crafted with charcoal.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38b|The [[sound]] when using the fire charge has now been changed; it now uses the same sound as [[flint and steel]].}}{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Fire charges can now be used to craft [[Firework Rocket|fireworks]].}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w31a|The sound when using fire charges to set fire has now been changed; it now uses the same sound as when fired from [[dispenser]]s.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w33c|Fire charges now appear purple and explode with [[dragon's breath]] when fired from dispensers. Whether a true dragon fireball entity is created or if this effect is purely visual is unknown.}}{{History|||snap=15w44b|Fire charges once again appear as [[small fireball]]s when fired from dispensers.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w40a|The <code>life</code> tag is no longer used for anything, but still saved/read.{{info needed|Is this even relevant to the fire charge, or is it a remnant from the blaze page or something?}}}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 385.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Fire Charge JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of fire charges has now been changed.}}{{History||1.15|snap=19w42a|Dispensed fire charges{{info needed|as in the fireball, or a dispenser facing straight into a campfire?}} can now light campfires.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w07a|Fire charges have a {{frac|5|109}} (~4.59%) chance of being given by the new [[piglin]]s when [[bartering]], in a stack size of 1.}}{{History|||snap=20w09a|Fire charges now have a {{frac|20|226}} (~8.85%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}{{History|||snap=20w10a|Fire charges now have a {{frac|40|411}} (~9.73%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}{{History|||snap=20w11a|Fire charges now have a {{frac|40|417}} (~9.59%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}{{History|||snap=20w13a|Fire charges now have a {{frac|40|424}} (~9.43%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}{{History|||snap=20w16a|Fire charges now generate in[[ruined portal]]chests.}}{{History|||snap=20w20a|Fire charges now have a {{frac|40|423}} (~9.46%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1–5.}}{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w28a|Fire charges now have a {{frac|40|459}} (~8.71%) chance of being given by piglins when bartering, in a stack size of 1.}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=Pre-release 2|Fire charges can now be {{control|use|text=used}} to forcibly detonate [[creeper]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-185618|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History||1.19.4|snap=23w06a|Added the [[fire charge]] to the "Ingredients" tab in the creative inventory.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Fire Charge JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added fire charges.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Fire charges can now be used to craft [[firework star]]s.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Fire Charge JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of fire charges has now been changed.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Fire charges can now be obtained from bartering with piglin.|Fire charges can now be found in[[ruined portal]]chests.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of fire charges has been changed from <code>fireball</code> to <code>fire_charge</code>.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU9|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Fire Charge JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added fire charges.}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Fire charges now make [[sound]]s when igniting [[block]]s.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Fire Charge JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of fire charges has now been changed.}}{{History|3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Fire Charge JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added fire charges.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Gallery ==<gallery>GodPortal.png|A fire charge found in a [[ruined portal]] chest, together with an [[enchanted golden apple]].</gallery>== See also ==* [[Flint and Steel]]* [[Dragon Fireball]]* [[Ghast]]== References =={{reflist}}== External Links ==*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory-fire-charge Taking Inventory: Fire Charge] – Minecraft.net on January 11, 2019{{Items}}[[Category:Recipe using Charcoal]][[cs:Ohnivá koule]][[de:Feuerkugel]][[es:Carga ígnea]][[fr:Boule de feu]][[hu:Tűzgolyó]][[ja:ファイヤーチャージ]][[ko:화염구]][[nl:Vuurbal]][[pl:Ognista kula]][[pt:Bola de fogo]][[ru:Огненный шар]][[th:ลูกไฟ]][[zh:火焰弹]]</li><li>[[Enchanted Book|Enchanted Book]]<br/>{{About|the book that can give items enchantments when used on an anvil|the artifact that can enchant allied mobs in Minecraft Dungeons|Enchanter's Tome}}{{Item| image = Enchanted Book.gif|imagesize=160px| stackable = No| renewable = '''Swift Sneak''': No<br>'''All others''': Yes| rarity = Uncommon }}An '''enchanted book''' is an [[item]] that lets players add [[enchantments]] to certain items using an [[anvil]].== Obtaining ===== Chest loot ======= Level-30 books ===={{LootChestItem|enchanted-book}}==== Random enchantment books ===={{LootChestItem|enchanted-book-rnd}}==== Soul Speed books ===={{LootChestItem|enchanted-book-rnd-soul-speed}}==== Swift Sneak books ===={{LootChestItem|enchanted-book-rnd-swift-sneak}}===Fishing===Enchanted books can be obtained as a "treasure" item from [[fishing]] with a [[fishing rod]] as part of the "treasure" category. The book has the equivalent of a level 30 enchantment from an enchantment table, but treasure enchantments are available and the chance of multiple enchantments is not reduced.=== Trading ==={{IN|bedrock}}, librarian [[villager]]s have a 50% chance to sell enchanted books as part of their trades at novice, apprentice, and journeyman-level, and have {{frac|1|3}} chance to sell enchanted books at expert-level as part of their trades, meaning each librarian villager can sell up to four books. The price ranges between 5-64 [[emerald]]s per book. Based on the level of the enchantment and whether it is classified as a "[[Enchanting mechanics|treasure enchantment]]" (meaning they are not obtainable by enchanting, e.g. [[Mending]]), which doubles the cost, or not a price is determined.{{IN|java}}, librarian villagers have a {{frac|2|3}} chance to sell an enchanted book as part of their trades at the novice, apprentice, and journeyman level, and have a 50% chance to sell an enchanted book at the expert level, meaning each librarian can sell up to four books. The price ranges from 5-64 [[emerald]]s per book, depending on the enchantment's level as well as whether or not it is a [[Enchanting mechanics|treasure enchantment]].{| class="fandom-table"|+Cost of Enchanted Books based on their level!Level!Lowest Price!Highest Price|-|I (1)|5|19|-|II (2)|8|32|-|III (3)|11|45|-|IV (4)|14|58|-|V (5)|17|71 (capped at 64)|}They may contain any available enchantment (except Soul Speed and Swift Sneak) at any available level. See [[Trading#cite_note-enchanted-book-10|trading notes]] for more information on enchantments and prices.===Drops ===Vindicators and pillagers that spawn from raids have a small chance to drop an enchanted book with a level 30 enchantment, which may be a treasure enchantment.{{only|bedrock}}===Enchanting===[[File:Enchanted Book 4x.png|thumb|An enchanted book with multiple high level enchantments.]][[File:Similar enchantments.png|thumb|An enchanted book with multiple enchantments that can be applied to the same item.]]Players can create an enchanted book by enchanting a [[book]] on an [[enchantment table]]. Books have a decreased chance of getting multiple enchantments (specifically, if multiple enchantments would be added, then one is removed at random), and have a lower "enchantability level" than most other items. Treasure enchantments such as Mending cannot be obtained from an enchantment table.=== Bartering ===Players can barter with [[piglin]]s by using or throwing [[gold ingot]]s, and doing so has a {{frac|5|459}} chance for piglins to give the player an enchanted book with any level of [[Soul Speed]]. Soul Speed enchanted books are only obtainable through [[bartering]], [[chest]] loot inside a bastion remnant, and [[fishing]]. They cannot be obtained through [[enchanting]] or [[trading]].== Usage =={{see also|Anvil mechanics}}In Survival, enchanted books are the only method to obtain certain enchantments on certain tools, such as Unbreaking on [[shield]]s. Enchanted books have a shine effect on their sprite.To use an enchanted book, the player must place an item in the first slot in an [[anvil]], and a book in the next. In order to complete the enchantment, the player must have the required amount of [[experience]]. Note that using an enchanted book gets significant discounts at the anvil. Enchanted books themselves can be combined to create a single book with increased or multiple enchantments, similar to combining tools or weapons. When combining items, the compatible enchantments from the book in the second slot are transferred to the item from the first slot, keeping the highest level of any type. If two enchantments have the same level and a higher level is available, they combine into the next level. If a book is applied to an item that can't take all of its spells, the appropriate spells are transferred, while the unusable ones are lost. Enchanted books are single-use. Enchanted books do not exhibit their enchantment. For example, a book with Sharpness IV as an enchantment does no more damage than an un-enchanted book, or any non-weapon item, would when used as a weapon. An exception is the Fire Aspect book which can ignite TNT and light campfires and the Mending book if the block mined can be broken by fist.{{only|bedrock}}=== Available items ==={{See also|Enchantments}}Enchanted books can enchant the usual items that can be enchanted at an [[enchanting table]], but ''unlike an enchanting table'', they are able to boost enchantments such as Sharpness or Thorns to their maximum power, and may apply the following enchantments to items (the table displays only netherite tools and armor, but any type can be enchanted):<!-- do not change the items listed in this table. It is supposed to show the items that can receive these enchantments from an enchanted book, but are NOT possible through an enchanting table. -->{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" data-description="Secondary enchantments"|-!Enchantment!Items enchantable<br>at an enchanting table!Note|-|[[Efficiency]]|{{simpleGrid|Shears}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Pickaxe}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Shovel}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Axe}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Hoe}}|Increases mining speed|-|[[Thorns]]||{{simpleGrid|Netherite Helmet}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Chestplate}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Leggings}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Boots}}|Inflicts damage on attacker|-|[[Unbreaking]]|{{simpleGrid|Shears}}{{simpleGrid|Flint and Steel}}{{simpleGrid|Fishing Rod}}{{simpleGrid|Carrot on a Stick}}{{simpleGrid|Warped Fungus on a Stick}}{{simpleGrid|Trident}}{{simpleGrid|Shield}}{{simpleGrid|Elytra}}<br>{{simpleGrid|Netherite Pickaxe}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Shovel}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Axe}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Hoe}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Sword}}{{simpleGrid|Bow}}{{simpleGrid|Crossbow}}<br>{{simpleGrid|Netherite Helmet}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Chestplate}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Leggings}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Boots}}|Increasing durability on enchanted tools/armors|-|[[Frost Walker]]|{{simpleGrid|Netherite Boots}}|Creates walkable ice layer over water|-|[[Mending]]|{{simpleGrid|Netherite Helmet}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Chestplate}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Leggings}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Boots}}<br>{{simpleGrid|Netherite Pickaxe}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Shovel}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Axe}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Hoe}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Sword}}{{simpleGrid|Bow}}{{simpleGrid|Crossbow}}<br>{{simpleGrid|Shears}}{{simpleGrid|Flint and Steel}}{{simpleGrid|Fishing Rod}}{{simpleGrid|Carrot on a Stick}}{{simpleGrid|Warped Fungus on a Stick}}{{simpleGrid|Trident}}{{simpleGrid|Shield}}{{simpleGrid|Elytra}}|Uses XP Orbs to repair damaged tools/weapons/armors|-|[[Curse of Binding]]|{{simpleGrid|Netherite Helmet}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Chestplate}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Leggings}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Boots}}<br>{{simpleGrid|Elytra}}{{simpleGrid|Carved Pumpkin}}{{simpleGrid|Head}}|Prevents removal of cursed item|-|[[Curse of Vanishing]]|{{simpleGrid|Netherite Helmet}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Chestplate}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Leggings}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Boots}}<br>{{simpleGrid|Netherite Pickaxe}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Shovel}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Axe}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Hoe}}{{simpleGrid|Netherite Sword}}{{simpleGrid|Bow}}{{simpleGrid|Crossbow}}<br>{{simpleGrid|Shears}}{{simpleGrid|Flint and Steel}}{{simpleGrid|Fishing Rod}}{{simpleGrid|Carrot on a Stick}}{{simpleGrid|Warped Fungus on a Stick}}{{simpleGrid|Trident}}{{simpleGrid|Shield}}<br>{{simpleGrid|Elytra}}{{simpleGrid|Carved Pumpkin}}{{simpleGrid|Head}}<br>{{simpleGrid|Compass}}{{simpleGrid|Recovery Compass}}|Cursed item is destroyed upon death|-|[[Soul Speed]]|{{simpleGrid|Netherite Boots}}|The wearer's speed is increased when walking on [[soul sand]] or [[soul soil]].|-|[[Swift Sneak]]|{{simpleGrid|Netherite Leggings}}|The wearer's sneaking speed is increased.|}=== Creative mode ===The player can enchant any item with any enchantment in [[Creative]] mode, allowing any applied effects to exhibit themselves.{{only|java}} For example, a [[stick]] can be enchanted with [[Silk Touch]] to allow the player to successfully dig [[grass block]]s. The enchanted item can still be used in Survival mode without any loss of enchantments.Enchantments that are normally incompatible are still incompatible; for example, Piercing and Multishot cannot be both applied to the same item, even in Creative mode.If a block is enchanted, it loses the enchantment upon being placed in the world.=== Disenchanting ===Disenchanting an enchanted book at a [[grindstone]] yields a normal [[book]] and some experience depending on the quality of the book.=== Chiseled bookshelf ==={{control|Use|text=Using}} the [[chiseled bookshelf]] while having an enchanted book in the main hand will put the book inside the chiseled bookshelf.== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Chiseled bookshelf insert enchanted1.ogg|sound2=Chiseled bookshelf insert enchanted2.ogg|sound3=Chiseled bookshelf insert enchanted3.ogg|sound4=Chiseled bookshelf insert enchanted4.ogg|subtitle=Enchanted Book placed|source=block|description=When an enchanted book is placed in a chiseled bookshelf|id=block.chiseled_bookshelf.insert.enchanted|translationkey=subtitles.chiseled_bookshelf.insert_enchanted|volume=0.8|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound name=insertvaries>Can be 1.0, 0.85, or 1.1 for each sound</ref>|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Chiseled bookshelf pickup enchanted1.ogg|sound2=Chiseled bookshelf pickup enchanted2.ogg|sound3=Chiseled bookshelf pickup enchanted3.ogg|subtitle=Enchanted Book taken|source=block|description=When an enchanted book is removed from a chiseled bookshelf|id=block.chiseled_bookshelf.pickup.enchanted|translationkey=subtitles.chiseled_bookshelf.take_enchanted|volume=0.8|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound name=pickupvaries>Can be 1.0, 0.8, or 1.1 for each sound</ref>|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Chiseled bookshelf insert enchanted1.ogg|sound2=Chiseled bookshelf insert enchanted2.ogg|sound3=Chiseled bookshelf insert enchanted3.ogg|sound4=Chiseled bookshelf insert enchanted4.ogg|source=block|description=When an enchanted book is placed in a chiseled bookshelf|id=insert_enchanted.chiseled_bookshelf|volume=0.8|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound name=insertvaries>Can be 1.0, 0.85, or 1.1 for each sound</ref>}}{{Sound table|sound=Chiseled bookshelf pickup enchanted1.ogg|sound2=Chiseled bookshelf pickup enchanted2.ogg|sound3=Chiseled bookshelf pickup enchanted3.ogg|source=block|description=When an enchanted book is removed from a chiseled bookshelf|id=pickup_enchanted.chiseled_bookshelf|volume=0.8|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound name=pickupvaries>Can be 1.0, 0.8, or 1.1 for each sound</ref>|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Enchanted Book|spritetype=item|nameid=enchanted_book|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showitemtags=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Enchanted Book|spritetype=item|nameid=enchanted_book|id=521|itemtags=minecraft:bookshelf_books</code>|form=item|foot=1}}=== Item data ==={{el|java}}:{{main|Player.dat format}}Enchanted books use an NBT tag <code>StoredEnchantments</code> to indicate the enchantment. The allowed sub-tags are <code>id</code> and <code>lvl</code>, equivalent to the format of the <code>Enchantments</code> tag that is used for enchantments applied to items.''The following NBT structure is provided to show how the <code>StoredEnchantments</code> tag is organized, and is not comprehensive above the <code>tag</code> tag. The full NBT for an item can be found [[Chunk format#Items_and_XP_Orbs|here]].''<div class="treeview" style="margin-top: 0;">*{{nbt|compound|tag}}: The tag tag.**{{nbt|list|StoredEnchantments}}: The list of enchantments on this book.***{{nbt|compound}} An enchantment****{{nbt|string|id}}: The enchantment name ID****{{nbt|short|lvl}}: The enchantment level</div>{{el|bedrock}}::See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Item format]].==Advancements=={{load advancements|Enchanter}}==History=={{History|java}}{{History||November 24, 2012|link=none|[[Dinnerbone]] stated that he wanted to add a way to [[enchanting|enchant]] items in an [[anvil]] using [[paper]] at [[MINECON 2012]].}}{{History||December 6, 2012|link={{tweet|Dinnerbone|276777823996366848}}|Dinnerbone released the first image of enchanting a diamond [[sword]] using an enchanted book that has [[Looting]] II for 6 levels. He also stated that "this is the reason I originally added the anvil."}}{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|[[File:Enchanted Book JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added enchanted books. |The enchantments of enchanted books can be applied to any [[item]].}}{{History|||snap=12w50a|In [[Survival]] mode, enchanted books can now be used with limited kind of items. In [[Creative]] mode, they can still be used with any item. It was stated that the remaining functionality in Creative mode is intentional.<ref>{{Tweet|Dinnerbone|277084371146665984|Also enchanted books + items they're not intended for are a little broken and I kindly ask you to not exploit it too badly thanks.|December 7, 2012}}</ref><ref>{{bug|MC-4203}}</ref>|Librarian [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] enchanted books at a cost of 1 [[book]] at 5–64 [[emerald]]s. The cost depends on the [[enchanting|enchantment]] level, and the cost can occasionally go above 64 emeralds; see [[Trading/Before 1.8]] for more details.|Enchanted books now spawn in [[dungeon]], [[mineshaft]], [[desert temple|desert]] and [[jungle temple|jungle]] temple, [[stronghold]] and [[village]] blacksmith [[chest]]s.}}{{History|||snap=pre|Enchanted books have been added to the [[Creative inventory]]. All levels for each enchanted book can be found in the search tab, and only the maximum level in the ''Tools'' and ''Combat'' tabs.}}{{History||1.5.1|snap=13w11a|The [[player]] can now combine enchanted books of the same level to create a higher level variation.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Enchanted books can now be obtained by [[fishing]] as a "treasure" [[item]]. It is possible for the book to have multiple enchantments.}}{{History|||snap=13w39a|When [[enchanting]] books, [[book]]s can now gain multiple enchantments.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Trading]] for enchanted books has been changed: the [[emerald]] cost has been doubled for [[treasure enchantment]]s, and cost has been capped at 64.}}{{History|||snap=14w25a|Enchanted book [[Depth Strider]] added, which can go up to Level III and allows for faster underwater moving.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w42a|Enchanted book [[Frost Walker]] added, which can go up to Level II and turns water into [[frosted ice]].|Enchanted book [[Mending]] added, which repairs [[tools]]/[[armor]] upon receiving [[experience]].}}{{History|||snap=15w43a|The average yield of enchanted books found in [[stronghold]] library [[chest]]s has now more than tripled.}}{{History|||snap=15w44a|The average yield from [[desert temple]], [[mineshaft]] and [[dungeon]] chests has been substantially increased. The enchantments on these books are now fully random, rather than enchanted only at level 30.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Enchanted books are now found in the new [[woodland mansion]] chests, with fully random enchantments.|Enchanted book [[Curse of Binding]] added, which prevents removal of cursed [[armor]].|Enchanted book [[Curse of Vanishing]] added, which destroys cursed items upon [[death]].}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 403.}}{{History|||snap=18w09a|Enchanted books now have a chance of generating in [[underwater ruins]] chests.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Enchanted Book JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of enchanted books has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w47a|Enchanted books now have a chance of generating in [[pillager outpost]] chests.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w11a|Added [[Soul Speed]] enchanted book, which increases player's speed on [[soul sand]] and [[soul soil]]. It can be obtained only via the [[bartering]].}}{{History|||snap=20w16a|Soul Speed enchanted books now generate in [[bastion remnants]] chests.}}{{History||1.19|snap=Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1|Added [[Swift Sneak]] enchanted book, which increases player's speed while sneaking. It can be obtained only in [[ancient city]] chests.|Enchanted books now generate in [[ancient city]] chests.}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Enchanted books can now interact with [[chiseled bookshelves]].}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[File:Enchanted Book JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added enchanted books. |All levels of each enchanted book can be obtained in the Creative inventory.}}{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Enchanted books now generate in [[desert temple]]s.}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Enchanted books now generate in [[mineshaft]]s.}} {{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Enchanted books now generate in [[jungle pyramid]]s.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Enchanted books now generate in [[end city|end cities]].}}{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Enchanted books can now be [[trading|bought]] from librarian villagers for 5-64 emeralds as part of their tier 1, 4 and 5 trades.}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Enchanted books now generate in [[woodland mansion]]s.|Enchanted books [[Mending]] and [[Frost Walker]] added.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.13|snap=beta|Added Curse of Binding and Curse of Vanishing [[enchanting|enchantments]], but they are obtainable only via [[trading]] with librarian [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Enchanted books can now be found in [[underwater ruins]].}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Curse enchantments are no longer obtainable via trading.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Enchanted Book JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of enchanted books has been changed.|Enchanted books can now be found in [[pillager outpost]]s.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|[[Vindicator]]s and [[pillager]]s that spawn in [[raid]]s can now [[drops|drop]] enchanted books.|[[Trading]] has been changed, enchanted books [[trading|bought]] from librarian [[villager]]s now cost 15-64 [[emerald]]s.|Librarian villagers now have a 50% chance to [[trading|sell]] enchanted books as part of their first, second, and third tier trade, and {{frac|1|3}} chance to sell enchanted books as part of their fourth tier trades.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Added [[Soul Speed]] enchanted book, which can be obtained only via [[bartering]] and at [[bastion remnants]] chests.}}{{History||1.20.0<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.50|snap=beta|Enchanted books can now interact with [[chiseled bookshelves]].}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU14|xbone=CU1|ps=1.04|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Enchanted Book JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added enchanted books.|Only the maximum level of each enchanted book can be obtained within the Creative inventory.}}{{History|PS4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Enchanted Book JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of enchanted books has been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Enchanted Book JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added enchanted books.|All levels of each enchanted book can be obtained in the Creative inventory.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{Issue list}}==Trivia==*When obtained through the {{cmd|give}} command with no stored enchantments, the enchanted book has no attached enchantments, but still shines as if it is enchanted.*A book enchanted with [[Unbreaking]] III appears in both the tools tab and combat tab of the [[Creative]] [[inventory]].==Gallery==<gallery>File:Dinnerbones_enchanted_Books.png|First image of an enchanted book, released by Dinnerbone.File:DungeonBook.png|An enchanted book found in a dungeon chest.File:Enchanted_Book.gif|An animation of an enchanted book.</gallery>==References =={{reflist}}{{Items}}[[Category:Renewable resources]][[de:Verzaubertes Buch]][[es:Libro encantado]][[fr:Livre enchanté]][[hu:Varázskönyv]][[ja:エンチャントの本]][[ko:마법이 부여된 책]][[nl:Betoverd boek]][[pl:Zaklęta książka]][[pt:Livro encantado]][[ru:Зачарованная книга]][[th:หนังสือร่ายมนตร์]][[uk:Зачарована книга]][[zh:附魔书]]</li></ul>
19w05aWandering Trader (4) Added the wandering trader.
19w06aWandering traders now drink invisibility potions at dusk and milk buckets at dawn.
19w09aAdded two new sounds for wandering traders when they drink invisibility potions and milk.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Book|Book]]<br/>{{For}}{{Item| image = Book.png| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)|effects=Read}}'''Books''' are items used in [[enchanting]] and [[crafting]].== Obtaining ===== Block loot ===Three books are dropped when a [[bookshelf]] is mined without [[Silk Touch]] or destroyed by an [[explosion]].=== Crafting ==={{crafting|Paper|Paper|Paper|Leather|Output= Book|type= Miscellaneous}}=== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|book}}=== Grindstones ===Disenchanting an [[enchanted book]] at a [[grindstone]] yields a normal book and a small amount of experience.=== Villager gifts ==={{in|java}}, librarian [[villagers]] throw books at players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.== Usage ===== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}=== Chiseled bookshelf ==={{control|Use|text=Using}} the [[chiseled bookshelf]] while having a book in the main hand will put the book inside the chiseled bookshelf.=== Enchanting ===Books can be made into [[enchanted book]]s by enchanting them on [[enchanting table]]s.=== Trading ===Librarian [[villager]]s can buy a single book as part of an [[enchanted book]] trade.Apprentice-level Librarian villagers have a {{frac|2|3}} chance to buy 4 books for an [[emerald]] {{in|java}}, and always offer the trade {{in|bedrock}}.== Achievements =={{load achievements|Librarian;Enchanter}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Enchanter;The Power of Books}}== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Chiseled bookshelf insert1.ogg|sound2=Chiseled bookshelf insert2.ogg|sound3=Chiseled bookshelf insert3.ogg|sound4=Chiseled bookshelf insert4.ogg|subtitle=Book placed|source=block|description=When a book is placed in a chiseled bookshelf|id=block.chiseled_bookshelf.insert|translationkey=subtitles.chiseled_bookshelf.insert|volume=0.8|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound>Can be 1.0, 0.85, or 1.1 for each sound</ref>|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Chiseled bookshelf pickup1.ogg|sound2=Chiseled bookshelf pickup2.ogg|sound3=Chiseled bookshelf pickup3.ogg|subtitle=Book taken|source=block|description=When a book is removed from a chiseled bookshelf|id=block.chiseled_bookshelf.pickup|translationkey=subtitles.chiseled_bookshelf.take|volume=0.8|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound>Can be 1.0, 0.8, or 1.1 for each sound</ref>|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Chiseled bookshelf insert1.ogg|sound2=Chiseled bookshelf insert2.ogg|sound3=Chiseled bookshelf insert3.ogg|sound4=Chiseled bookshelf insert4.ogg|source=block|description=When a book is placed in a chiseled bookshelf|id=insert.chiseled_bookshelf|volume=0.8|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound name=insertvaries>Can be 1.0, 0.85, or 1.1 for each sound</ref>}}{{Sound table|sound=Chiseled bookshelf pickup1.ogg|sound2=Chiseled bookshelf pickup2.ogg|sound3=Chiseled bookshelf pickup3.ogg|source=block|description=When a book is removed from a chiseled bookshelf|id=pickup.chiseled_bookshelf|volume=0.8|pitch=''varies'' <ref group=sound name=pickupvaries>Can be 1.0, 0.8, or 1.1 for each sound</ref>|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Book|spritetype=item|nameid=book|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showitemtags=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Book|spritetype=item|nameid=book|id=387|itemtags=minecraft:bookshelf_books</code>|form=item|foot=1}}== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|UGJBUhxwKy0}}</div>== History =={{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.0.11|[[File:Book JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added books.|The only use of books is crafting [[bookshelves]], which are only used as a purely decorative [[block]] until [[Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3]].}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Books are now found in the new [[stronghold]] library [[chest]]s.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Books are now used to craft [[enchantment table]]s, gaining their first functional usage outside of decoration.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w17a|The crafting recipe is now shapeless, so books can now be crafted in the player's 2×2 [[crafting]] area, although the recipe now requires [[leather]]. Before this version, books were crafted with three [[paper]] sheets in a single column.|A book can now be crafted into a [[book and quill]], which can be used to create [[written book]]s.}}{{History|||snap=12w21a|Librarian [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 11–12 books for 1 [[emerald]].}}{{History|||snap=12w22a|Librarian villagers now [[trading|sell]] [[enchanted book]]s for 5–64 emeralds and 1 book.}}{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Books can now be enchanted into [[enchanted book]]s, and then combined together in an [[anvil]] with a [[tool]] to then enchant it.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Librarian villagers now buy 8–10 books for 1 [[emerald]].}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w43a|Average yield of books in [[stronghold]] library chests has been substantially increased.}}{{History||1.12|snap=17w13a|Added the [[knowledge book]], a green-colored book that grants the [[player]] a recipe for [[crafting]].|The recipe tab on the [[crafting table]] GUI uses a red-colored book.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 340.}}{{History|||snap=18w11a|Books now generate in [[shipwreck]] chests.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Book JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of books has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w48a|Books can now be obtain by disenchanting non-curse [[enchanted book]]s in a grindstone.|Books can now be found in chests in [[plains]] [[village]] houses.}}{{History|||snap=18w50a|Books can now be found in chests in [[desert]] village houses.}}{{History|||snap=19w13a|Librarian villagers now give books to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}{{History||1.19|snap=Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1|Books now generate in [[ancient city]] chests.}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Books can now interact with [[chiseled bookshelves]].}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Book JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added books. They are currently unobtainable and serve no purpose.}}{{History||v0.3.0|Books can be used to craft [[bookshelves]].}}{{History||v0.5.0|Books can now be obtained after activating the [[nether reactor]].}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|The crafting recipe for books now requires [[leather]]. Before this version, books were crafted with three [[paper]] sheets in a single column.|Books are now used to craft [[enchanting table]]s.|Books can now be enchanted into [[enchanted book]]s, and then combined together in an [[anvil]] with a [[tool]] to then enchant it.|Books are no longer available from the [[nether reactor]].}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Librarian villagers now [[trading|buy]] 8–10 books for 1 [[emerald]].}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|A book can now be crafted into a [[book and quill]], which can be used to create [[written book]]s.}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Books can now be found inside of the map room [[chest]] in [[shipwreck]]s.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Books can now be found in [[plains]] [[village]] chests.|[[File:Book JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of books has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Librarian [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 4 books for an [[emerald]].}}{{History||Wild Update<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.18.30|snap=beta|Books now generate in [[ancient city]] chests.}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.50|snap=beta|Books can now interact with [[chiseled bookshelves]].}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Book JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added books.}}{{History||xbox=TU14|ps=1.04|The crafting recipe for books now requires [[leather]]. Before this version, books were crafted with three [[paper]] sheets in a single column.}}{{History|PS4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Book JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of books has now been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Book JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added books.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== See also ==* [[Enchanted Book]]* [[Knowledge Book]]== How book is renewable ==The paper comes from sugar canes, which is renewable because it grows and the leather from killing cows, renewable because cows breed{{Items}}[[Category:Renewable resources]][[cs:Kniha]][[de:Buch]][[es:Libro]][[fr:Livre]][[hu:Könyv]][[it:Libro]][[ja:本]][[ko:책]][[nl:Boek]][[pl:Książka]][[pt:Livro]][[ru:Книга]][[th:หนังสือ]][[uk:Книга]] [[zh:书]]</li><li>[[Cooked Rabbit|Cooked Rabbit]]<br/>{{Item| title = Cooked Rabbit| image = Cooked Rabbit.png| heals = {{hunger|5}}| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Cooked rabbit''' is a [[food]] item that can be eaten by the [[player]].== Obtaining ===== Mob loot ==={{IN|Bedrock}}, adult [[rabbit]]s drop 0–1 cooked rabbit if killed while on fire. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 0–4 with Looting III.{{IN|Java}}, adult [[rabbit]]s drop 1 cooked rabbit if killed while on fire. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of [[Looting]], for a maximum of 1–4 with Looting III.=== Cooking ===Cooked rabbit can be obtained by cooking [[raw rabbit]] in a [[furnace]], [[smoker]], or [[campfire]].{{Smelting |showname=1 |Raw Rabbit |Cooked Rabbit |0,35}}=== Villagers ==={{IN|java}}, butcher villagers may give players with the [[Hero of the Village]] effect cooked rabbit.{{IN|bedrock}}, apprentice-level butcher villagers have 25% chance to sell 5 cooked rabbit for an emerald.== Usage ===== Food ===To eat a cooked rabbit, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the [[hotbar]]. Eating one restores {{hunger|5}} [[hunger]] and 6 hunger [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].=== Crafting ingredient ===Cooked rabbit can be used to craft rabbit stew.{{crafting usage}}=== Wolves ===Cooked rabbit can be used to [[breed]] and heal tamed [[wolves]], lead them around, and make baby tamed wolves grow up faster by 10% of the remaining time.==Sounds=={{Sound table/Entity/Food}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Cooked Rabbit|spritetype=item|nameid=cooked_rabbit|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Cooked Rabbit|spritetype=item|nameid=cooked_rabbit|id=289|form=item|foot=1}}== Achievements =={{load achievements|Rabbit Season}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.8|snap=June 30, 2014|slink=https://twitter.com/TheMogMiner/status/483636993780232192|[[Ryan Holtz]] tweeted images of cooked rabbits and some other new [[item]]s.}}{{History|||snap=14w27a|[[File:Cooked Rabbit JE1.png|32px]] Added cooked rabbit. It is used to craft [[rabbit stew]].}}{{History|||snap=14w33b|[[File:Cooked Rabbit JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of cooked rabbit has been changed. The new texture was created by [[wikipedia:Reddit|Reddit]] user [http://www.reddit.com/u/zeldahuman zeldahuman].<ref>{{reddit|2bjzes/a_reminder_of_the_blocks_and_items_added_in_18_so|cj69zie|context=3}}</ref><ref>{{reddit|2c5f35/minecraft_snapshot_14w31a_has_been_released|cjct7gb}}</ref>}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 412.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Cooked Rabbit JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cooked rabbit has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=19w13a|Butcher [[villager]]s now give cooked rabbit to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Rabbits now always drop at least 1 coooked rabbit when killed while on fire.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Cooked Rabbit JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added cooked rabbit.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Cooked Rabbit JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cooked rabbit has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Cooked rabbit can now be [[trading|bought]] from butcher [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.12.0|snap=beta|The [[trading]] price of cooked rabbit has been lowered to one [[emerald]].}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|[[File:Cooked Rabbit JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added cooked rabbit.}}{{History|PS4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Cooked Rabbit JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cooked rabbit has been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Cooked Rabbit JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added cooked rabbit.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Gallery ==<gallery>File:Rabbit Items 2 Ryan Holtz.png|First image of the item by [[Ryan Holtz]].</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}{{items}}[[Category:Food]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[de:Gebratenes Kaninchen]][[es:Conejo asado]][[it:Coniglio cotto]][[fr:Lapin cuit]][[ja:焼き兎肉]][[ko:익힌 토끼고기]][[nl:Gebraden konijnenvlees]][[pl:Pieczony królik]][[pt:Coelho assado]][[ru:Жареная крольчатина]][[zh:熟兔肉]]</li></ul>
Pre-Release 1The spawning of wandering traders can now be controlled using /gamerule doTraderSpawning.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Paper|Paper]]<br/>{{Item| image = Paper.png| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Paper''' is an item crafted from [[sugar cane]].== Obtaining ===== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|paper}}=== Crafting ==={{Crafting|A2= Sugar Cane |B2= Sugar Cane |C2= Sugar Cane|Output= Paper,3|type= Miscellaneous}}=== Villagers ==={{IN|java}}, cartographer [[Villager|villagers]] may give paper to players with the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.== Usage ===== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}=== Anvil usage ==={{:Map/BE|zoom}}=== Trading ==={{IN|bedrock}}, novice-level librarian and cartographer villagers buy 24 paper for an [[emerald]] as part of their trades.{{IN|java}}, novice-level cartographer villagers always offer to buy 24 paper for an emerald, while novice-level librarians have a {{frac|2|3}} chance of offering the same trade.== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Paper|spritetype=item|nameid=paper|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Paper|spritetype=item|nameid=paper|id=386|form=item|foot=1}}==History=={{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.0.11|[[File:Paper JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paper, which can be used to craft [[book]]s.}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.6|snap=Test Build 3|Paper can now be used to craft [[map]]s.}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Paper can now be found in the new [[stronghold]] library [[chest]]s.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Paper can now be [[trading|sold]] to librarian [[villager]]s, at 24–35 paper for 1 [[emerald]].}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Paper can now be used to craft an empty [[map]].|Maps start out at their closest zoom level and can be extended by adding more paper.}}{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Paper can now be used to craft [[firework rocket]]s.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Trading]] has been changed: librarian [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 24–46 paper for 1 [[emerald]].}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w43a|The average yield of paper from [[stronghold]] library [[chest]]s has more than doubled.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Added cartographer [[villager]]s, which [[trading|buy]] paper as their tier 1 trade.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 339.}}{{History|||snap=18w11a|Paper now generates in the [[chest]]s of some [[shipwreck]]s.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Paper JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of paper has now been changed.|Paper can now be used to craft [[banner pattern]]s.}}{{History|||snap=18w48a|Paper can now be found in chests in [[village]] cartographer houses.}}{{History|||snap=19w02a|Paper can now be used to craft a [[cartography table]].}}{{History|||snap=19w13a|Cartographer villagers now give paper to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Paper JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paper. It is currently unobtainable and serves no purpose.}}{{History||v0.3.0|Paper is now [[craft]]able, and can be used to craft [[book]]s.}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Paper can now be used to craft empty [[map]]s and empty locator maps.|Paper can now be used to zoom in maps, using [[anvil]]s.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=?|The [[Windows 10 Edition]] can now use the [[anvil]], as well as the [[crafting table]], to zoom in [[map]]s, just as [[Pocket Edition]] in general can.}}{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Librarian [[villager]]s now [[trading|buy]] 24–36 paper for 1 [[emerald]].}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Added cartographer villagers, which [[trading|buy]] 24–36 paper as their tier 1 trade.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Paper can now be used to craft [[firework rocket]]s.}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Paper can now be found inside [[chest]]s of some [[shipwreck]]s.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Paper JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of paper has now been changed.|Paper can now be found in cartographer house chests in [[village]]s.|Paper can now be used to craft [[banner pattern]]s and [[cartography table]]s.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Librarian and cartographer villagers now buy 24 paper for an [[emerald]].}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Paper JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paper.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Paper JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of paper has now been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Paper JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added paper.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== References =={{Reflist}}==External Links==*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/paper Taking Inventory: Paper] – Minecraft.net on August 4, 2023{{Items}}[[cs:Papír]][[de:Papier]][[es:Papel]][[fr:Papier]][[hu:Papír]][[ja:紙]][[ko:종이]][[nl:Papier]][[pl:Papier]][[pt:Papel]][[ru:Бумага]][[th:กระดาษ]][[uk:Папір]][[zh:纸]][[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Bed|Bed]]<br/>{{Block| image = White Bed (N).png| extratext = View [[#Gallery|all renders]]| transparent = Yes| tntres = 25| hardness = 4| light = No| tool = any| renewable = Yes| stackable = No| flammable = No| lavasusceptible = {{jebe|Yes|No}}}}A '''bed''' is a [[Dye|dyeable]] [[block]] that allows a player to sleep and to reset their [[spawn]] point to within a few blocks of the bed in the [[Overworld]]. If the bed is obstructed or removed, the player spawns at the default world spawning location.== Obtaining ===== Natural generation ===;IglooA red bed naturally generates in each [[igloo]].;VillageBeds of various colors generate in [[village]] houses, depending on the specific structure and [[biome]]:* [[Desert]] village houses have cyan, green, or lime beds.* [[Plains]] village houses have white or yellow beds.* [[Savanna]] village houses have orange, red, or yellow beds.* [[Snowy taiga]]{{only|bedrock|short=1}} and [[taiga]] village houses have blue or purple beds.* [[Snowy tundra]] village houses have blue, red, or white beds.=== Breaking ===Beds can be mined with any [[tool]], or without a tool.<ref>{{bug|MC-192722||Beds have no assigned tool}}</ref>{{breaking row|horizontal=1|Bed|sprite=red-bed|any}}A bed also drops itself as an item when pushed by a [[piston]].=== Crafting ==={{Crafting |head=1 |showname=0 |showdescription=1 |A2=Matching Wool |B2=Matching Wool |C2=Matching Wool |A3=Any Planks |B3=Any Planks |C3=Any Planks |Output= Matching Bed |type=Decoration block |description=The wool color must match. The planks can be different.}}<!--recipe removed{{Crafting |showdescription=1 |White Bed |Matching Colored Dye |Output= Matching Dyed Bed |type=Decoration block |description=White beds can be re-dyed using dyes.{{only|java}}{{until|JE 1.20}}}}-->{{Crafting |showdescription=1 |Any Bed |Matching Dye |Output= Matching Bed |type=Decoration block |description=A bed of any color can be re-dyed using dyes.}}{{Crafting |showdescription=1 |Any Dyed Bed |Bleach |Output=White Bed |type=Decoration block |description=This removes the color from the bed.{{only|bedrock|education}} |foot=1}}<div style="display:none"><!-- This is so the pre-Village & Pillage dyes can have dye-related crafting recipes show on their respective pages. They don't need to be displayed on this page because they already intuitively list "Any Matching Dye".-->{{Crafting |showdescription=1 |Any Bed |Bone Meal; Lapis Lazuli; Cocoa Beans; Ink Sac |Output=White Bed; Blue Bed; Brown Bed; Black Bed |type=Decoration block |description={{only|bedrock|education}}}}</div>=== Trading ===Journeyman-level shepherd villagers sell 1 of 16 beds for 3 [[emerald]]s as part of their trades.== Usage ===== Sleeping ===[[File:Sleep Animation.gif|240px|thumb|Player falling asleep.]]Beds are used by pressing the {{control|use item}} button while looking at the bed.A player sleeps by {{control|using|using}} a bed during a [[thunderstorm]], or at [[night]] (between 12542 and 23459 ticks in clear weather, when stars appear in the sky, or between 12010 and 23991 ticks in rainy weather). Players can sleep during a thunderstorm even if they are in a biome where it does not rain (i.e. Desert). Attempting to use a bed at any other time results in the message "You can only sleep at night or during thunderstorms". A player sleeps in a bed for 101 in-game [[tick]]s, or 5.05 seconds before the time skips to the next day. Sleeping in a bed with the {{cmd|gamerule doDaylightCycle}} set to <code>false</code> results in the player being kicked out of the bed after the 101 ticks, but does not change time of the world to day.Sleeping in a bed is possible only in the [[Overworld]]. Attempting to sleep in a bed in [[the Nether]], [[the End]], and [[custom dimension]]s in which they are disabled causes it to [[explosion|explode]] and set [[fire]] to surrounding blocks; unless {{cmd|gamerule respawnBlocksExplode}}{{only|bedrock}} is set to {{cd|false}}.<ref>{{bug|mcpe-28723}} – "Exploding bed in the Nether" resolved as "Works As Intended". This is referenced {{in|je}} when a player is killed by "Intentional Game Design". </ref> The explosion has power 5, which is stronger than [[TNT]] (4), but not as strong as a charged [[creeper]] or [[End Crystal|end crystal]] (6). The explosion centers on the head part of the bed. [[Villager]]s can sleep normally in any dimension without the bed being blown up.<ref>{{bug|MC-146515|||WAI}}</ref> Upon death from a bed explosion, the [[death messages|message]] "'''(Player) was killed by [Intentional Game Design]'''" appears.The player must be close to the bed to sleep. If the player is close enough to click on the bed, but not close enough to sleep in it, the message "You may not rest now, the bed is too far away"{{only|java|short=1}}/"Bed is too far away"{{only|bedrock|short=1}} appears. A player must be within 2 blocks of the bed {{in|JE}} or 3 blocks {{in|BE}} to use the bed.If a "monster" is within 8 blocks of the bed horizontally (in the X- and Z-axis), and 5 blocks vertically (in the Y-axis), the message "You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby" appears and the player is prevented from sleeping until the monsters leave or are killed. Most hostile mobs, as well as some neutral mobs prevent players from sleeping, as shown in the table below.{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"!Mob!Prevent the player from sleeping|-|{{EntityLink|Blaze}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Chicken Jockey}}|{{Tc|partial|when hostile{{Only|Java|short=1}}/Yes{{Only|Bedrock|short=1}}}}|-|{{EntityLink|Creeper}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Drowned}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Endermite}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Enderman}}|{{Tc|partial|when hostile}}|-|{{EntityLink|Ender Dragon}}|{{Tc|no}}|-|{{EntityLink|Evoker}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Ghast}}|{{Tc|no}}|-|{{EntityLink|Giant}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Guardian}}, {{EntityLink|Elder Guardian}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Hoglin}}|{{Tc|no}}|-|{{EntityLink|Illusioner}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Killer Bunny}}|{{Tc|no}}|-|{{EntityLink|Magma Cube}}|{{Tc|partial|no{{Only|Java|short=1}}/Yes{{Only|Bedrock|short=1}}}}|-|{{EntityLink|Piglin}}|{{Tc|no}}|-|{{EntityLink|Piglin Brute}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Pillager}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Phantom}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Ravager}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Shulker}}|{{Tc|no}}|-|{{EntityLink|Silverfish}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Skeleton}}, {{EntityLink|Skeleton Horseman}}, {{EntityLink|Stray}}, {{EntityLink|Wither Skeleton}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Spider}}, {{EntityLink|Cave Spider}}, {{EntityLink|Spider Jockey}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Slime}}|{{Tc|partial|no{{Only|Java|short=1}}/Yes{{Only|Bedrock|short=1}}}}|-|{{EntityLink|Vex}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Vindicator}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Warden}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Witch}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Wither}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Zoglin}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Zombie}}, {{EntityLink|Zombie Villager}}, {{EntityLink|Husk}}|{{Tc|yes}}|-|{{EntityLink|Zombified Piglin}}|{{Tc|partial|when hostile{{Only|Java|short=1}}/Yes{{Only|Bedrock|short=1}}}}|-|}{{notelist}}If the player has not entered a bed and didn't die for 3 in-game days, [[phantom]]s can spawn unless {{cmd|gamerule doInsomnia}} is set to {{cd|false}}. {{in|java}}, this can be verified by checking if the "Time Since Last Rest" [[statistic]] is greater than 1.00 h.A hostile mob can wake a player that is sleeping.The player also cannot sleep in a bed occupied by another player, resulting in the message, "This bed is occupied".A player can, however, sleep in a bed being used by a villager. The player may first wake the villager (pressing {{control|use}} on the villager) and then quickly enter the bed before the villager can lie down again. The villager reclaims the bed after the player wakes. The villager is kicked out of its bed when a player attempts to sleep there.A player also cannot sleep while on fire, while poisoned, or while starving.If all sleeping requirements are met and the player enters a bed, the player is positioned in the bed. The player falls asleep as the screen fades to black. {{IN|bedrock}}, the sleeping animation slowly lowers the player into bed.Once all players in a world are asleep, after 5 seconds (100 ticks) the time of day changes to sunrise. (time 0)During this time, the chat window is focused, and the player can leave the bed by clicking the {{btn|Leave Bed}} button.[[Waterlogging|Waterlogged]] beds{{only|bedrock}} cannot be slept in unless the player or villager has the {{EffectLink|Water Breathing}} or {{EffectLink|Conduit Power}} status effects. Attempting to use a waterlogged bed otherwise does not display any message.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-35802}}</ref>Beds displaying an error above the hotbar is a feature exclusive to beds; other blocks that cannot be used do not display such a message.<ref>{{bug|MC-160479}} resolved as "Works As Intended"</ref>If there are two or more blocks of space above the bed, then the player can wake up on the bed. If there is less than two blocks above the bed and there is room on the side, then the player wakes up on the side of the bed. If there is no space on the side of the bed and there is less than two blocks above the bed, then the player still wakes up on top of the bed, but suffocates if it's a solid block. Villagers always wake up on top of the bed, meaning they can suffocate if there isn't enough room above the bed.====Passing the night====Sleeping changes the [[daylight cycle|time of day]] to sunrise and resets the [[weather]] cycle, changing the weather to clear conditions. {{IN|JE}}, the weather cycle is only reset if it is currently raining or snowing. The player wakes up next to the bed, facing the bed.Sleeping does not accelerate processes that take place over time such as the growth of [[crops]] or [[smelting]]. If {{cmd|gamerule doDaylightCycle}} is <code>false</code>, the player instead wakes up in the night.To skip the night in multiplayer, all players in the [[Overworld]] must be in bed at the same time. Pressing the {{btn|Leave Bed}} button is not necessary in this case. The percentage of players that need to sleep to skip the night can be customized with the game rule {{cd|playersSleepingPercentage}}.Villagers are unable to skip the night by sleeping in beds, unlike players.If the bed is destroyed while the player is in it, due to for example an explosion or by another player, the player wakes prematurely and the night does not pass.====Setting the spawn point====Once a player has entered a bed (or right clicked the bed during daytime), their spawn point is set to the location of that bed. {{IN|java}}, multiple players can set their spawn point on a single bed. {{IN|bedrock}}, the last player to use a specific bed is the only player who can respawn there, and players who had previously slept there respawn at the world spawn.{{ctrl|Using}} a bed in the daytime likewise sets the spawn point, without actually entering the bed. When a bed explodes, it does not set the spawn point. The message "Respawn point set" is displayed in chat when the respawn point is successfully changed.The check for a bed is made only when the player respawns. This means that the bed can be destroyed and replaced or even reoriented, but as long as there is a bed present in the same location, the player can respawn there. If a player's bed is absent, or if the area around the bed is made unsuitable for respawning (see below), a message is displayed saying ''You have no home bed or charged respawn anchor, or it was obstructed''{{only|je}}/''Your home bed was missing or obstructed''{{only|be}}, and the player respawns at the [[Spawn#World spawn|world spawn]] point. When choosing where to respawn the player, the northwesternmost (lowest X- and Z-coordinates) location of the seven blocks adjacent to the head of the bed is chosen first. If this location is obstructed, the next choice is to its south (+Z), rather than the east (+X). Only when all seven locations around the head are obstructed are the three remaining ones adjacent to the foot then to be considered. For a location to be unobstructed, the block at the level of the bed must be air or non-solid (e.g. torches, but not glass) and there must be a space with a solid block below it and two non-colliding blocks for the player to stand in 0-2 blocks below the bed. It does not matter if the bed itself has blocks above it. Putting a slab one block above a bed can act as a two block tall space, as the bed is half a block tall. The bed never spawns the player on or directly below itself even if all other locations are obstructed. If a bed is obstructed, the player's spawn point is cleared after they respawn. That is, even if the bed is subsequently made usable again, the player continues to respawn at the world spawn until interacting with the bed again. Specifically, when interacting with it, the location of the ''head'' of the bed is saved as the spawn point, and if a bed is in that space (whether it is the foot or the head) then the respawn works. This can be observed by reorienting the bed with its head in the same location. Interacting with it does not produce a "Respawn point set" message as the game doesn't change the saved spawn point. If a bed is reoriented so that its foot is in this space, it still functions on the next respawn, but it can also be interacted with to update the spawn point to the new head of the bed and cause a "Respawn point set" message. Attempting the reverse, reorienting the bed so that it overlaps the original location of the foot, results in a respawn at world spawn. However, the location of the foot of the bed is also saved. If the bed is moved so that part of it overlaps the original location of the head, it can be observed that the same locations need to be obstructed to stop spawning. It is possible to respawn 2 blocks away from the bed this way.=== Bouncing===Falling onto a bed bounces the player with 66% strength – the bouncing-up velocity is 66% of the impact velocity. The player also takes 50% of normal fall damage.Baby villagers bounce on beds during the day.If the player is falling while sleeping requirements are met, and presses {{control|use}} on a bed within reach before hitting the ground, the fall damage is delayed until the player wakes.A player can bounce on a bed while another player or villager is sleeping on it without waking the player or the villager up.Villagers can be pushed onto beds, as the bed is half a block tall.=== Curing===Each bed in the vicinity of a zombie villager has a chance to speed up the [[Zombie_Villager#Curing|process of curing the zombie villager]]. Iron bars (such as in a prison cell) also have this effect.=== Placement===Beds require two blocks of floor space. Placement requires at least 2 blocks from the player's facing direction. When placed, the foot of the bed is placed on the block selected and the head of the bed on the block farther away from the player. {{IN|bedrock}}, beds require solid blocks below them when placed. However, the bed remains in place if its supporting blocks are later removed. {{IN|java}}, beds do not require supporting blocks and can be placed anywhere, provided there is enough room. ==Sounds =====Generic==={{Sound table/Block/Wood}}===Unique==={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Explosion1.ogg|sound2=Explosion2.ogg|sound3=Explosion3.ogg|sound4=Explosion4.ogg|subtitle=Explosion|source=block|description=When a player attempts to sleep while not in the Overworld|id=entity.generic.explode|translationkey=subtitles.entity.generic.explode|volume=4.0|pitch=0.56-0.84|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Explosion1.ogg|sound2=Explosion2.ogg|sound3=Explosion3.ogg|sound4=Explosion4.ogg|source=block|description=When a player attempts to sleep while not in the Overworld|id=random.explode|volume=4.0|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}==Data values=====ID==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table||edition=java|showblocktags=y|showitemtags=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=White Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=white_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Orange Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=orange_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Magenta Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=magenta_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Light Blue Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=light_blue_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Yellow Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=yellow_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Lime Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=lime_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Pink Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=pink_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Gray Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=gray_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Light Gray Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=light_gray_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Cyan Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=cyan_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Purple Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=purple_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Blue Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=blue_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Brown Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=brown_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Green Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=green_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Red Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=red_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds}}{{ID table|displayname=Black Bed|spritetype=block|nameid=black_bed|blocktags=beds|itemtags=beds|foot=1}}{{ID table|displayname=Block entity|spritename=beds|spritetype=block|nameid=bed|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Bed|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Block|spritename=Beds|spritetype=block|nameid=bed|id=26|form=block|itemform=item.bed}}{{ID table|displayname=Item|spritename=bed|spritetype=item|nameid=bed|id=418|form=item|translationkey=item.bed.black.name,item.bed.red.name,item.bed.green.name,item.bed.brown.name,item.bed.blue.name,item.bed.cyan.name,item.bed.silver.name,item.bed.gray.name,item.bed.pink.name,item.bed.lime.name,item.bed.yellow.name,item.bed.lightBlue.name,item.bed.magenta.name,item.bed.orange.name,item.bed.white.name|foot=1}}{{ID table|notnamespaced=y|displayname=Block entity|spritename=beds|spritetype=block|nameid=Bed|foot=1}}===Metadata==={{see also|Data values}}{{IN|be}}, bed items use the following data values:{{/DV}}===Block states==={{see also|Block states}}{{/BS}}===Block data===A bed has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.{{el|java}}:{{see also|Block entity format}}{{/BE}}{{el|bedrock}}:: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format]].==Advancements=={{load advancements|Sweet Dreams}}==History==''For a more in-depth breakdown of changes to textures and models, including a set of renders for each state combination, see [[/Asset history]]''{{History|java beta}}{{History||November 26, 2011|link={{tweet|jeb|140410431394160640}}|Originally, [[crying obsidian]] was intended to act as a block to reset spawn points, until beds were introduced.}}{{History||1.3|[[File:Red Bed JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added beds. |The only color for beds is red.|Beds can currently be crafted using any color combination of wool.|Sleeping in an area potentially exposed to monsters can cause [[player]]s to wake up early, with a [[skeleton]] or [[zombie]] spawned next to them.|Trying to sleep in a bed in [[the Nether]] does nothing.}}{{History||1.4|Sleeping in a bed now resets the player's spawn position, though it does not work for most users. The spawn point unintentionally changes only if ''Leave Bed'' is clicked and the function is limited to [[multiplayer]].}}{{History||1.4_01|Beds now act as a respawn point as intended.}}{{History||1.6|snap=Test Build 3|Trying to sleep in a bed in the Nether now causes the bed to [[explosion|explode]].}}{{History||1.7|As blocks now pull textures from the expected places for model application, this has resulted in the bed texture shifting downward in <samp>[[terrain.png]]</samp>. No visual difference has resulted for the actual bed.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4|Bed explosions in the Nether now light nearby blocks on fire.}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5|The bottom textures of beds have been changed to the texture of the new [[oak]] planks from [[File:Red Bed JE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] to [[File:Red Bed JE2 BE1 (facing NWU).png|32px]].}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6|Beds no longer spawn monsters. Instead, trying to sleep when monsters are around displays a message saying ''You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby''.}}{{History||1.2.4|snap=release|[[Cat]]s while in standing position now purposely go and sit on beds.|[[Spruce]], [[birch]], and [[jungle tree|jungle]] planks can now be used to craft beds.}}{{History||1.5|snap=?|Beds now check their [[biome]] for detonation rather than just their dimension.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=1.7.1|[[Acacia]] planks and [[dark oak]] planks can now be used to craft beds.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w29a|Beds now display the cracking animation on top and bottom.}}{{History|||snap=14w33a|Beds now make [[sound]]s when placed, and play logical sounds when stepped on and [[breaking|broken]].<ref>{{bug|MC-66347||Beds make incorrect sounds|Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w43a|Bed now generates inside [[igloo]]s.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The messages "You can only sleep at night", "You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby", and "This bed is occupied" now appear on top of the hotbar, the place that the message "Press <whatever your sneak key is> to dismount" also appears when the player is riding a [[mob]].}}{{History|||snap=16w33a|If the player is close enough to click on the bed, but not close enough to sleep in it, the message "You may not rest now, the bed is too far away" is now displayed.}}{{History||1.12|snap=17w06a|Neutral [[zombie pigmen]] no longer prevent the player from sleeping in a bed.}}{{History|||snap=March 13, 2017|slink={{tweet|jeb_|841311279784591361}}|[[Jeb]] mentions colored beds for [[Java Edition 1.12|1.12]].}}{{History|||snap=17w15a|[[File:White Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE1.png|32px]] [[Dye]]d beds have been added.|The "Bed" has been renamed to "Red Bed".|Beds can now only be crafted using wool of the same color.|[[File:Red Bed JE2.png|32px]] The texture of red beds has been changed. The top of the beds are no longer mirrored. <!--- the numbers appear out of order but it is correct since it orders all beds in the current order in the Java Creative inventory --->|{{Sprite|pos=1|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=9|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=8|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=16|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=13|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=15|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=2|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=5|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=6|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=14|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=10|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=4|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=12|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=11|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=3|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=7|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} Beds now appear 3D in the [[inventory]].|[[File:Red Bed JE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] Beds now have 3D legs.<ref>{{bug|MC-11963||bed hind legs not rendered|Fixed}}</ref>|Beds have been made bouncy, though they do not completely reduce all [[fall damage]].|Beds are now a [[block entity]].}}{{History|||snap=17w17a|[[File:Red Bed JE4 BE2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] The four legs of a bed are now each textured separately, and their [[model]] is different.|[[File:White Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]]<br> <!--- the numbers appear out of order but it is correct since it orders all beds in the current order in the Java Creative inventory --->{{Sprite|pos=17|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=25|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=24|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=32|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=29|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=31|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=18|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=21|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=22|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=30|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=26|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=20|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=28|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=27|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=19|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} {{Sprite|pos=23|image=Bed Icons 1.12.png|size=32|sheetsize=512}} The textures of beds have now also been changed.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Beds now require solid blocks below them, or they break into an item. Previously, a bed needed to be placed on solid blocks, but the blocks could later be removed.}}{{History|||snap=18w07a|Sleeping in a bed is now important to keep [[phantom]]s from spawning.}}{{History|||snap=18w20a|Players in [[Creative]] mode can now sleep even if monsters are nearby.}}{{History|||snap=18w22a|Beds no longer require supporting blocks below them; they do not break into an [[item (entity)|item]] if said blocks are removed, and can be directly placed on top of non-solid blocks.}}{{History|||snap=pre2|The "You can only sleep at night" message when using a bed has been changed to "You can sleep only at night and during [[thunderstorm]]s."}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:White Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]]<br>{{InvSprite|White Bed}} {{InvSprite|Light Gray Bed}} {{InvSprite|Gray Bed}} {{InvSprite|Black Bed}} {{InvSprite|Brown Bed}} {{InvSprite|Red Bed}} {{InvSprite|Orange Bed}} {{InvSprite|Yellow Bed}} {{InvSprite|Lime Bed}} {{InvSprite|Green Bed}} {{InvSprite|Cyan Bed}} {{InvSprite|Light Blue Bed}} {{InvSprite|Blue Bed}} {{InvSprite|Purple Bed}} {{InvSprite|Magenta Bed}} {{InvSprite|Pink Bed}} The textures of all beds have been changed.|[[File:Red Bed JE5 (facing NWU).png|32px]] The bottom textures of beds have been changed to new oak planks texture.}}{{History|||snap=18w44a|Cats can now sleep in empty beds or sit on their owner when their owner is sleeping.}}{{History|||snap=18w47a|[[File:Red Bed JE6 BE3 (facing NWU).png|32px]] The bottom textures of beds have been changed to the new oak planks to texture, once again.}}{{History|||snap=18w48a|Beds now generate in the updated [[plains]] [[village]]s.}}{{History|||snap=18w49a|Beds now generate in the updated [[savanna]] villages and the new [[snowy tundra]] villages.}}{{History|||snap=18w50a|Beds now generate in the updated [[desert]] and [[taiga]] villages.}}{{History|||snap=19w08a|All mobs can now sleep in beds using [[command]]s.}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|[[Villager]]s now claim beds and sleep in them during the night.|Shepherd villagers now [[trading|sell]] beds.}}{{History||1.15|snap=19w35a|If a player tries to sleep in a bed that is occupied by a villager, that villager is now kicked out of the bed.}}{{History|||snap=19w36a|Trying to sleep in a bed during the daytime now sets the player's spawn location to that bed.}}{{History|||snap=pre2|Successfully changing a spawn point using a bed now displays a message in [[chat]].}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|Crimson and warped planks can now be used to craft beds.}}{{History|||snap=20w12a|The message "Your home bed was missing or obstructed" has been changed to "You have no home bed or respawn anchor, or it was obstructed" due to the addition of the [[respawn anchor]], used to set the player's spawn in [[the Nether]].}}{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w30a|Beds now prioritize the side of the bed the player or villager entered from and then spaces circling around the foot of the bed up to the head of the bed.}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w51a|Added gamerules for sleeping in multiplayer.}}{{History||1.18|snap=21w44a|Sleeping now only resets the weather cycle if it is currently raining or snowing.<ref>{{bug|MC-63340||Sleeping always resets time until rain|Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[Mangrove]] planks can now be used to craft beds.}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w43a|Bed explosions can now be properly [[blocking|blocked]] by [[shield]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-200006|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History||1.20|snap=Pre-release 1|Beds of any color can now be dyed into any other color.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Red Bed JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added beds.}}{{History||v0.5.0|Beds can now be obtained after activating the [[nether reactor]].}}{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Beds no longer restore [[health]] in normal difficulty, making [[food]] a more required [[Survival]]-needed resource.|Added smooth lighting to beds.}}{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 8|The lighting on beds has been improved.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Tamed [[cat|ocelots]] while standing now purposely go and sit on beds.|Beds are no longer available from the [[nether reactor]].}}{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|Beds now make a [[sound]] when placed, identical to [[block]]s like [[stone]].<ref name="lazilycodedsounds">{{bug|MCPE-10077}} – "Incorrect sounds on beds" resolved as "Fixed".</ref>}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Beds are now generated in [[igloo]]s.}}{{History|||snap=alpha|[[File:Leave Bed 1.0.jpg|36px]] The ''Leave Bed'' button now has a new texture.}}{{History|||snap=alpha|Sleeping now ends [[weather]].}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|[[File:White Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:White Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added the other 15 colors of beds.|The "Bed" has been renamed to "Red Bed".|[[File:Red Bed JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of red beds has been changed.|A new animation when sleeping has been added to beds.|Beds in [[igloo]]s are now white in [[ice plains]] and brown in [[cold taiga]]s.|Beds now bounce the [[player]] two [[block]]s up, and have 3D legs.|Placement, stepping and breaking [[sound]]s for beds are now correctly wooden.<ref name="lazilycodedsounds"/>}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Beds can now be [[waterlogging|waterlogged]] and require [[Water Breathing]] to sleep in.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Colored beds can now be turned into white beds by adding [[bleach]]. This works only if {{el|ee}} features are turned on.}}{{History||1.6.0|snap=beta|Sleeping in a bed is now important to keep [[phantom]]s from spawning.}}{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|[[Cat]]s can now sleep in empty beds or sit on their [[player|owner]] when their owner is sleeping.}} {{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Various beds now generate in the new [[village]]s.|[[Villager]]s can now sleep by occupying a bed, which prevent [[player]]s from using it.|[[Igloo]]s now generate with red beds.|Beds are now used to count the number of available houses in [[village]]s.|[[File:White Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of all beds have been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Beds can now be [[trading|bought]] from shepherd [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.13.0|snap=?|[[Player]]s now succeed in attempting to sleep on villager-occupied beds, kicking the villager off.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Red Bed JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added beds.}}{{History||xbox=TU12|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu= Patch 1|[[Cat]]s in standing position now purposely go and sit on beds, preventing [[player]]s from using them.}}{{History||xbox=TU43|xbone=CU33|ps=1.36|wiiu=Patch 13|The sleeping animation while in beds has been changed.}}{{History||xbox=TU54|xbone=CU44|ps=1.52|wiiu=Patch 24|switch=1.0.4|[[File:White Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:White Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] Added the other 15 colors of beds. |The "Bed" has been now renamed to "Red Bed".|[[File:Red Bed JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed (item) LCE.png|32px]] The textures of red beds has been changed. |Beds are now [[dye]]able and bounce the [[player]] two [[block]]s up, and have a single 3D legs.}}{{History||xbox=TU60|xbone=CU51|ps=1.64|wiiu=Patch 30|switch=1.0.11|The sleeping animation in beds has been changed again.}}{{History||xbox=TU69|xbone=none|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|switch=none|Sleeping in a bed is now important to keep [[phantom]]s from spawning.|Beds can now be [[waterlogging|waterlogged]] and require {{EffectLink|Water Breathing}} to sleep in.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.83|wiiu=none|switch=none|The sleeping animation for beds has been reverted to how it was before [[Legacy Console Edition version history#ps-1.64|1.64]].}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.91|wiiu=none|switch=none|Various beds now generate in the new [[village]]s.|[[Villager]]s can now sleep by occupying a bed, which prevents [[player]]s from using it.|Beds are now used to count the number of available houses in villages.|Beds can now be [[trading|bought]] from shepherd [[villager]]s.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Red Bed JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added beds.}}{{History||1.9.19|[[File:White Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:White Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added the other 15 colors of beds.|The "Bed" has been renamed to "Red Bed".|[[File:Red Bed JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of red beds has been changed.|Beds now bounce the [[player]] two [[block]]s up and have 3D legs.}}{{History|Education}}{{History||1.0|[[File:Red Bed JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added beds.}}{{History||1.0.1|[[File:White Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE2 BE2.png|32px]]<br>[[File:White Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed (item) BE1.png|32px]] Added the other 15 colors of beds.|The "Bed" has been renamed to "Red Bed".|[[File:Red Bed JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of red beds has been changed.|Beds now bounce the [[player]] two [[block]]s up, and have 3D legs.}}{{History||1.0.27|Colored beds can now be turned into white beds by adding [[bleach]].}}{{History||1.12|[[File:White Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Light Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Gray Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Black Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Brown Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Red Bed JE4 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Orange Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Yellow Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Lime Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Green Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Cyan Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Light Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Blue Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Purple Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Magenta Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] [[File:Pink Bed JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The textures of all beds have been changed.}}{{History|foot}}=== Data history ==={{History|java}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different block states for the <code>bed</code> ID have been split up into their own IDs.|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this block's numeral ID was 26, and the item's 355.}}{{History|foot}}=== Bed "item"==={{:Technical blocks/Bed}}==Issues=={{Issue list}}== Trivia==* The reason beds explode in the Nether and the End is because Notch found it was the easiest solution to dimension-unique respawning.<ref>{{tweet|Notch|1259681657793077250|duh|11 May 2020}}, in response to {{tweet|NoahBandito|1259681319392550912|So you're telling me the "Inteded Game Design" should actually be "Sorry, I was too lazy to code"?|11 May 2020}}</ref>** Dimension-unique respawning was eventually implemented via the [[respawn anchor]], and gained command support at the same time. Despite this, beds and respawn anchors still explode in invalid dimensions.* If the player quits the game while sleeping, upon return the player wakes up beside the bed.* Using the {{cmd|teleport}} command while another player is sleeping still teleports the sleeping player, but the player wakes immediately.{{only|java}}* If the player places a bed on [[ice]], running over the bed acts like running over ice, similar to slabs.* When placed using the {{cmd|setblock}} command, only one half of a bed is placed, because beds are two blocks long. A single half can be slept in like a whole bed.* Villagers can sleep in the Nether and the End without causing the bed to explode.<ref>{{bug|MC-146515}} Resolved as Works As Intended</ref>* While the block state used to determine the half of a two-block block such as [[door]]s and double-tall [[flower]]s is called ''half'', in the case of beds this is called ''part''.* Players and villagers do not drown or take damage from lava while in a bed, even if the bed is covered in lava.*The red bed was the original default bed color. In [[Java Edition 1.12]] and [[Pocket Edition 1.1.0]] version of the game, the default color was changed to white.== Gallery ===== All renders ===<gallery>White Bed.png|WhiteLight Gray Bed.png|Light grayGray Bed.png|GrayBlack Bed.png|BlackBrown Bed.png|BrownRed Bed.png|RedOrange Bed.png|OrangeYellow Bed.png|YellowLime Bed.png|LimeGreen Bed.png|GreenCyan Bed.png|CyanLight Blue Bed.png|Light blueBlue Bed.png|BluePurple Bed.png|PurpleMagenta Bed.png|MagentaPink Bed.png|Pink</gallery>=== Screenshots ===<gallery>Multiplayer Sleeping.png|A sleeping player in multiplayer.Missing Bed.png|The message that can be seen after a failed attempt to respawn at the spawn point set by a bed.Nether Bed.png|A crater created by attempting to sleep in the Nether.Ender Bed.png|A crater created by attempting to sleep in the End.16 color beds.png|All the different color variants.Old Village New Village VillagerSleeping MCEE.png|An unemployed [[villager]] and a [[butcher]] villager goes to sleep, unaware of the zombies outside.Stackedbeds.png|A stack of beds.Mob wakeup.png|Player being awakened by a [[zombie]].Day Sleeping.png|The message that can be seen when any players attempt to sleep during daytime.Sleeping.png|A player going to sleep in a bed on the first day of a ''Minecraft'' world.CobwebVillage.png|A bed in an abandoned village has its bottom half replaced by wheat crops.</gallery>=== In other media ===<gallery>File:Rainbow Bed.png|The [[MCE:Rainbow Bed|rainbow bed]], a unique coloration featured in [[Minecraft Earth]].File:The Sham.jpg|The Sham, a villainous, sentient bed featured in the [[skin pack|Campfire Tales]] skin pack.</gallery>==References=={{Reflist}}{{Blocks|Utility}}{{Items}}[[Category:Utility blocks]][[Category:Manufactured blocks]][[Category:Generated structure blocks]][[Category:Block entities]][[cs:Postel]][[de:Bett]][[es:Cama]][[fr:Lit]][[hu:Ágy]][[it:Letto]][[ja:ベッド]][[ko:침대]][[nl:Bed]][[pl:Łóżko]][[pt:Cama]][[ru:Кровать]][[th:เตียง]][[uk:Ліжко]][[zh:床]]</li></ul>
21w05aWandering traders can sell small dripleaf.
21w13aWandering traders can sell pointed dripstone, rooted dirt and moss block.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[:Category:Minecraft Dungeons items|Category:Minecraft Dungeons items]]<br/>All items that are in ''[[Minecraft Dungeons]]''.{{Minecraft Dungeons items}}[[Category:Minecraft Dungeons]][[Category:Items]][[ja:カテゴリ:アイテム (Minecraft Dungeons)]][[pl:Kategoria:Przedmioty w Minecraft Dungeons]][[pt:Categoria:Itens do Minecraft Dungeons]]</li><li>[[Flint and Steel|Flint and Steel]]<br/>{{Item| image = Flint and Steel.png| rarity = Common| renewable = Yes| durability = 64| stackable = No}}'''Flint and steel''' is a [[tool]] used to create [[fire]] or to ignite certain blocks, structures and mobs.== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting|head=1|showname=0|showdescription=1|Iron Ingot|Flint|Output=Flint and Steel|type=Tool}}{{crafting|foot=1|ignoreusage=1|Damaged Flint and Steel|Damaged Flint and Steel|Output= Flint and Steel|description= The durability of the two tools is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.|type= Tool}}=== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|flint-and-steel}}== Usage ===== Igniting ===When {{control|use|text=used}} on the space above any solid top surface, on any side of any flammable block or any side of any [[obsidian]] block within a valid unlit [[nether portal]] frame regardless of if there is a solid top surface available, the flint and steel places a [[fire]] there.Flint and steel can be used to light unlit [[campfire]]s, [[candle]]s and [[cake|cakes with candles]].Flint and steel can be used to light [[nether portal]]s, as any fire existing within an appropriate [[obsidian]] frame will instantly be replaced with [[Nether Portal (block)|nether portal blocks]] that occupy the entirety of the frame.Using flint and steel on [[TNT]] ignites it. The explosion damage dealt by TNT ignited with flint and steel in this specific way counts as the player's attack. If the player is {{Control|sneak|text=sneaking}} a fire is instead placed on the side of the TNT the flint and steel was used on.A flint and steel can be used on a [[creeper]] to force it to explode. Explosions initiated in this way cannot be cancelled.When powered, a [[dispenser]] containing flint and steel can place fires or ignite relevant blocks such as TNT or campfires in the space directly in front of it. This reduces the flint and steel's durability. A dispenser containing a flint and steel cannot detonate creepers.=== Enchantments ===Flint and steel can receive the following [[enchantment]]s:{|class="wikitable col-2-center col-3-right"|+!Name!Max Level![[Enchanting|Method]]|-|[[Unbreaking]]|III|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}} |-|[[Mending]]|I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}} |-|[[Curse of Vanishing]]|I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}} |}== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|rowspan=2|sound=Flint and steel click.ogg|subtitle=Flint and Steel click|source=block|description=When a flint and steel is used to place fire|id=item.flintandsteel.use|idnote=<ref name=incorrecteventnames group=sound>{{Cite bug|MC|177457|Fire charge and flint and steel sound event names do not follow item IDs|date=April 5, 2020}}</ref>|translationkey=subtitles.item.flintandsteel.use|translationkeynote=<ref name=incorrecteventnames group=sound/>|volume=1.0|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16}}{{Sound table|subtitle=Flint and Steel click|source=hostile|description=When a flint and steel is used to light a creeper|id=item.flintandsteel.use|idnote=<ref name=incorrecteventnames group=sound/>|translationkey=subtitles.item.flintandsteel.use|translationkeynote=<ref name=incorrecteventnames group=sound/>|volume=1.0|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Random break.ogg|subtitle=Item breaks|source=player|description=When a flint and steel's durability is exhausted|id=entity.item.break|translationkey=subtitles.entity.item.break|volume=0.8|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}};{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Flint and steel click.ogg|source=block|description=When a flint and steel is used to place fire|id=fire.ignite|volume=1.0|pitch=0.8-1.2}}{{Sound table|sound=Random break.ogg|source=player|description=When a flint and steel's durability is exhausted|id=random.break|volume=1.0|pitch=0.9|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Flint and Steel|spritetype=item|nameid=flint_and_steel|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Flint and Steel|spritetype=item|nameid=flint_and_steel|id=299|form=item|foot=1}}== Achievements =={{Load achievements|Into the Nether}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|We Need To Go Deeper}}== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|caz8BBG48VU}}</div>== History =={{more sounds|type=old|There is within the possible realm a different use sound from 2015-era Pocket Edition, can this be uploaded?}}{{History|java indev}}{{History||0.31|snap=20100110|[[File:Flint and Steel JE1.png|32px]] Added flint and steel.|Flint and steel can be used to set [[fire]].}}{{History|||snap=20100129|[[File:Flint and Steel JE2.png|32px]] The steel part of the texture has been brightened.|Flint and steel can be used alongside [[lava]] to [[smelting|smelt]] [[ores]] and cook [[food]].<ref>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpmK7rDU5bA</ref>}}{{History|||snap=20100201-2|Flint and steel can now sometimes be dropped as loot from killing [[mobs]].}}{{History||20100219|[[File:Flint and Steel JE3 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of flint and steel has been changed, due to its new crafting recipe.|Flint and steel can no longer drop from mobs.|Flint and steel can now be crafted from an [[iron ingot]] and the newly added [[flint]].|[[Furnace]]s have been added to replace the cooking and [[smelting]] function of flint and steel.}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.7|Flint and steel, along with [[fire]] itself, [[explosion]]s and [[Mechanics/Redstone/Circuit|redstone]] are now the only ways to activate [[TNT]].<ref>{{tweet|jeb_|78154891637436416}}</ref>}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|The [[player]] can now [[trading|buy]] 1 flint and steel from farmer [[villager]]s for 3 [[emerald]]s, making flint and steel [[renewable]].}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38a|The [[sound]] when using flint and steel has been changed.}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w04a|[[Dispenser]]s are now able to use flint and steel on the [[block]] in front of them.}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w18a|Flint and steel can now be found in the new [[chest]]s in [[nether fortress]]es.}}{{History|||snap=13w25a|Flint and steel now loses [[durability]] when igniting [[TNT]].}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Flint and steel now has a shapeless crafting recipe.{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed" data-description{{=}}"Old recipe"! Old recipe{{!}}-{{!}}{{Crafting|A1=Iron Ingot|B2=Flint|Output=Flint and Steel|ignoreusage=1}}{{!}}}|Using flint and steel on a [[creeper]] now causes it to [[explosion|explode]].}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Villager]]s no longer [[trading|sell]] flint and steel, making it no longer renewable. However, if a villager selling flint and steel already exists in the world, it can be continuously traded with to obtain flint and steel renewably.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w43a|The average yield of flint and steel in [[nether fortress]] [[chest]]s has been slightly reduced.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 259.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Flint and Steel JE4 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of flint and steel has been changed.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w07a|[[Gravel]] now can be given by the [[piglin]]s when [[bartering]], making flint and steel renewable again.}}{{History|||snap=20w16a|Flint and steel can now be found inside [[ruined portal]] chests.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.4.0|[[File:Flint and Steel JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Added flint and steel.}}{{History||v0.7.0|Flint and steel can now be used to set [[fire]].}}{{History||v0.7.4|Using flint and steel on a [[creeper]] now causes it to [[explosion|explode]].}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Added flint and steel to the [[creative]] [[inventory]].}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Flint and steel can now be used to activate a [[nether portal]].|Flint and steel can now be found in [[nether fortress]]es.|Flint and steel can now be [[enchanted]] in [[anvil]]s.}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Flint and steel can now be used inside [[dispenser]]s when powered.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Flint and Steel JE4 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of flint and steel has been changed.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Flint and steel can now be obtained by [[bartering]] with [[piglin]]s.|Flint and steel can now be enchanted with [[Curse of Vanishing]] through an [[anvil]].}}{{History|||snap=beta|Flint and steel are no longer obtainable from [[bartering]].|Flint and steel can now be found inside [[ruined portal]] chests.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Flint and Steel JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Added flint and steel.}}{{History||xbox=TU3|Flint and steel, along with [[fire]] itself, [[explosion]]s and [[redstone (disambiguation)|redstone]] are now the only ways to activate [[TNT]].}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Flint and steel now makes [[sound]]s when igniting [[block]]s.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Flint and Steel JE4 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of flint and steel has been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Flint and Steel JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Added flint and steel.}}{{History|foot}}Historical sounds:{| class="wikitable"! Sound! From! to! Pitch|-| {{sound||Flint and Steel old.ogg}}|?|?|?|}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* In [[Adventure mode]], flint and steel cannot light fires, nor can it ignite nether portals (unless it has the tag {{cd|CanPlaceOn:obsidian}}). However, it can still ignite TNT and creepers.* The name "Flint and Steel" may be misleading and is inaccurate considering the game doesn’t have and possibly will have [[Java Edition mentioned features#Steel|steel]] in the game and it's crafted with iron instead. This is similar to the [[Old Growth Taiga|Old Growth Pine Taiga]], as there are no pines in the game and they have [[Spruce|Spruce Trees]] instead.**In real life, Iron can’t be used as a fire striker, so Mojang had to rename it to Flint and Steel so it makes more sense. This explains why it is called Flint and Steel, but there is no steel in the game.**Steel was mentioned by Mojang, as a “stronger” iron, but shortly rejected, and there are no currently no plans to add it to the game.* Flint and steel cannot light end portals.* Flint and Steel is the first item to mention another item that is not in the game.*In the April Fools Snapshot, [[Java Edition 23w13a or b]], one of the possible voted was “Flint and Steel can ignite any block”.==References=={{Reflist}}{{Items}}[[Category:Renewable resources]][[cs:Křesadlo]][[de:Feuerzeug]][[es:Mechero]][[fr:Briquet]][[hu:Kovakő acéllal]][[ja:火打石と打ち金]][[ko:부싯돌과 부시]][[nl:Vuursteen en staal]][[pl:Krzesiwo]][[pt:Pederneira]][[ru:Огниво]][[zh:打火石]]</li></ul>
22w15aWandering traders can sell mangrove propagules.
23w07aWandering traders can sell cherry saplings.
Upcoming Java Edition
Villager Trade Rebalance
23w31aWandering traders now sell more items, and buy certain items from the player.
Most existing trades have lower prices and higher amounts in stock.
Bedrock Edition
  • tag: Parent Tag
    • Trim: Properties of Armor Trim.
      • material: The material which decides the color of armor trim.
      • pattern: The pattern of armor trim.

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Armor durability from Indev until late Beta


beta Trader (5) Added the wandering trader, available only through Experimental Gameplay.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Black Dye|Black Dye]]<br/>{{Item| image = Black Dye.png| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Black dye''' is a [[Dye#Primary|primary color dye]] similar to an [[ink sac]].== Obtaining ===== Trading ===[[Wandering trader]]s have a chance to [[trading|trade]] 3 black dyes for 1 [[emerald]].{{only|java}}=== Crafting ==={{Crafting |head=1 |showname=0 |Ink Sac |Output=Black Dye |type=Material}}{{Crafting |Wither Rose |Output=Black Dye |type=Material |foot=1}}== Usage =={{dye usage}}=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage|ignore=Banner|continue=1}}{{banner crafting usage}}=== Loom ingredient ==={{Banner loom usage|Black Dye}}=== Trading ===Apprentice-level Shepherd villagers have a 20%{{only|bedrock}} or {{frac|2|7}}{{only|java}} chance to buy 12 black dye for an emerald.== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Black Dye|spritetype=item|nameid=black_dye|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Black Dye|spritetype=item|nameid=black_dye|aliasid=dye / 16|id=395|form=item|translationkey=item.dye.black_new.name|foot=1}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Black Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added black dye.}}{{History|||snap=18w44a|Black dyes now can changed the text color on the [[sign]]s to black.}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Added the [[wandering trader]], which sell black dyes.}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|Black dyes can now be [[trading|bought]] by shepherd villagers.}}{{History||1.15|snap=Pre-release 1|Black dye can now be used to craft [[prismarine|dark prismarine]], just like [[Bedrock Edition]].}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Black dyes can now used to craft newly added [[black candle]]s.}}{{History|||snap=21w19a|Black dyes can no longer used to craft black candles.}}{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Black dyes can once again used to craft black candles.}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Black dyes now can change the text color on [[hanging sign]]s to black.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|[[File:Black Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added black dye.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Black dye can now be [[trading|sold]] to shepherd [[villager]]s.}}{{history||1.13.0|snap=beta|Black dye can now be [[crafting|crafted]] from [[flower|wither roses]].}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of black dye has been changed from <code>dye/16</code> to <code>black_dye</code>.}}{{History|ps4}}{{History||1.83|[[File:Black Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added black dye.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}{{Items}}[[Category:Dyes]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[de:Schwarzer Farbstoff]][[es:Tinte negro]][[fr:Teinture noire]][[ja:黒色の染料]][[ko:검은색 염료]][[pl:Czarny barwnik]][[pt:Corante preto]][[th:สีย้อมสีดำ]][[zh:黑色染料]]</li><li>[[Redstone Comparator|Redstone Comparator]]<br/>{{Block| image = | image2 = | transparent = Yes| light = No| tool = any| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)| flammable = No| lavasusceptible = No| group = Redstone Comparator| group2 = Subtracting| group3 = Powered| group4 = Powered+Subtracting| 1-1 = Redstone Comparator.png| 2-1 = Subtracting Redstone Comparator.png| 3-1 = Powered Redstone Comparator.png| 4-1 = Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator.png}}{{Many images}}A '''redstone comparator''' is a [[block]] that can produce an [[Redstone Dust|output signal]] from its front by reading [[chest]]s, [[lectern]]s, [[beehive]]s and similar blocks, or repeat a signal without changing its strength. It can also be set to either stop outputting a signal when its side input recieves a stronger one (front torch off), or subtract its side input's signal strength from its output (front torch on).== Obtaining ===== Natural generation ===Redstone comparators generate in [[Ancient City|ancient cities]].=== Breaking ===A redstone comparator can be broken instantly with any [[tool]], or by hand, and drops itself as an item.{{Breaking row|Redstone Comparator|horizontal=y}}A redstone comparator is removed and dropped as an item if:* its attachment block is moved, removed, or destroyed;* [[water]] flows into its space;{{only|java}}* a [[piston]] tries to push it or moves a block into its space.If [[lava]] flows into a redstone comparator's space, the redstone comparator is destroyed without dropping as an item.=== Crafting ==={{Crafting|B1=Redstone Torch|A2=Redstone Torch|B2=Nether Quartz|C2=Redstone Torch|A3=Stone|B3=Stone|C3=Stone|Output= Redstone Comparator|type=Redstone}}== Usage ==A redstone comparator can be placed on the top of any [[opaque]] block with a solid full-height top surface (including upside-down [[slab]]s and upside-down [[stairs]]). {{IN|be}}, a comparator can also be placed on [[wall]]s and fences. For more information about placement on transparent blocks, see [[Opacity/Placement]].The redstone comparator has a front and a back — the arrow on the top of the comparator points to the front. When placed, the comparator faces away from the player. The comparator has two miniature redstone torches at the back and one at the front. The back torches turn on when the comparator's output is greater than zero (the arrow on top also turns red). The front torch has two states that can be toggled by {{control|using}} the comparator:* Down and unpowered (indicating the comparator is in "comparison mode")* Up and powered (indicating the comparator is in "subtraction mode")The redstone comparator can take a signal strength input from its rear as well as from both sides. Side inputs are accepted only from [[redstone dust]], [[block of redstone]], [[redstone repeater]]s, other comparators, and [[observer]]s in specific scenarios. The redstone comparator's front is its output.It takes 1 [[redstone tick]] (2 game ticks, or 0.1 seconds barring lag) for signals to move through a redstone comparator, either from the rear or from the sides. This applies to changing signal strengths as well as simply to turning on and off. Redstone comparators check their power state before their scheduled ticks update. This results in redstone comparators not usually responding to 1-tick fluctuations of power or signal strength — for example, a [[clock circuit|1-clock]] input is treated as always off from the side, and always on from the rear. This happens because the signal changes back to its original state before the redstone comparator checks its input states. However, certain setups such as powering any input with two separate observer pulses at the same time will cause a redstone comparator to respond to 2 gametick pulses.The redstone comparator has four functions: maintain signal strength, compare signal strength, subtract signal strength, and measure certain block states (primarily the fullness of containers).=== Maintain signal strength ===A redstone comparator with no powered sides outputs the same signal strength as its rear input.=== Compare signal strength ===[[File:Comparators Explained.png|Comparators in comparison mode.|thumb]]A redstone comparator in comparison mode (front torch down and unpowered) compares its rear input to its two side inputs. If either side input is greater than the rear input, the comparator output turns off. If neither side input is greater than the rear input, the comparator outputs the same signal strength as its rear input.The formula for calculating the output signal strength is as follows:<code>output = rear × [[Wikipedia:Iverson bracket|[]]'''''left''''' ≤ '''''rear''''' AND '''''right''''' ≤ '''''rear'''''[[Wikipedia:Iverson bracket|<nowiki>]]]</code>{{-}}=== Subtract signal strength ===[[File:Redstone comparator.png|thumb|The greatest of the side inputs A and C is subtracted from the rear input B, outputting 1. If either A or C were greater than B, it would output 0.]]A redstone comparator in subtraction mode (front torch up and powered) subtracts the signal strength of the higher side input from the signal strength of the rear input.<code>output = max('''''rear''''' − max('''''left''', '''right'''''), 0)</code>For example: if the signal strength is 6 at the left input, 7 at the right input and 4 at the rear, the output signal has a strength of ''max(4 − max(6, 7), 0) = max(4−7, 0) = max(−3, 0) = 0''.If the signal strength is 9 at the rear, 2 at the right input and 5 at the left input, the output signal has a strength of ''max(9 − max(2, 5), 0) = max(9−5, 0) = 4''.=== Measure block state ==={{Schematic | caption = A redstone comparator can measure the fullness of a chest, as well as other block states, even through an opaque block. |rd-ew!|rc-w!|ch|SB|rc-e!|rd-ew!}}A redstone comparator treats certain blocks behind it as power sources and outputs a signal strength proportional to the block's state. The comparator may be separated from the measured block by an opaque block. However, {{in|je}}, if the opaque block is powered to signal strength 15, then the comparator outputs 15 no matter the fullness of the container.<ref>{{bug|MC-64394}} (resolved as "Works As Intended")</ref>[[Category:Java Edition specific information]]{{-}}==== Fullness of containers ===={| class="wikitable floatright" style="margin-left: 0.5em; margin-right: 0; text-align: center;"|+ Minimum Items for Container Signal Strength|-!Containers!{{BlockSprite|Furnace|link=Furnace}}<br>{{BlockSprite|Blast Furnace|link=Blast Furnace}}<br>{{BlockSprite|Smoker|link=Smoker}}!{{BlockSprite|Hopper|link=Hopper}}<br>{{EntitySprite|Minecart with Hopper|link=Minecart with Hopper}}<br>{{BlockSprite|Brewing Stand|link=Brewing Stand}}!{{BlockSprite|Dispenser|link=Dispenser}}<br>{{BlockSprite|Dropper|link=Dropper}}!{{BlockSprite|Chest|link=Chest}}<br>{{EntitySprite|Minecart with Chest|link=Minecart with Chest}}<br>{{BlockSprite|Shulker Box|link=Shulker Box}}<br>{{BlockSprite|Barrel|link=Barrel}}![[Double Chest|{{Schematic|size=16|ch-s|-|ch-n}}]]!{{BlockSprite|Jukebox|link=Jukebox}}|-!Total Slots!3!!5!!9!!27!!54!!1|-!Power Level! colspan="5" |Number of Items!Music Disc|-|0||0||0||0||0||0||No disc|-|1||1||1||1||1||1||"13"|-|2||14||23||42||1s 60||3s 55||"cat"|-|3||28||46||1s 19||3s 55||7s 46||"blocks"|-|4||42||1s 5||1s 60||5s 51||11s 37||"chirp"|-|5||55||1s 28||2s 37||7s 46||15s 28||"far"|-|6||1s 5||1s 51||3s 14||9s 42||19s 19||"mall"|-|7||1s 19||2s 10||3s 55||11s 37||23s 10||"mellohi"|-|8||1s 32||2s 32||4s 32||13s 32||27s||"stal"|-|9||1s 46||2s 55||5s 10||15s 28||30s 55||"strad"|-|10||1s 60||3s 14||5s 51||17s 23||34s 46||"ward"|-|11||2s 10||3s 37||6s 28||19s 19||38s 37||"11"|-|12||2s 23||3s 60||7s 5||21s 14||42s 28||"wait"|-|13||2s 37||4s 19||7s 46||23s 10||46s 19||"Pigstep"|-|14||2s 51||4s 42||8s 23||25s 5||50s 10||"Otherside"<br>"Relic"|-|15||3s||5s||9s||27s||54s||"5"|}A redstone comparator can output a signal indicating how full a container is. (0 for empty, 15 for full, etc.) The table on the right is described more in detail, later in this section.Containers that can be measured by a comparator include:* {{BlockLink|Furnace}}* {{BlockLink|Blast Furnace}}* {{BlockLink|Smoker}}* {{BlockLink|Brewing Stand}}* {{BlockLink|Hopper}}* {{ItemLink|Minecart with Hopper}} on top of a [[detector rail]]* {{BlockLink|Dispenser}}* {{BlockLink|Dropper}}* {{BlockLink|Chest}}* {{BlockLink|Trapped Chest}}* {{ItemLink|Minecart with Chest}} on top of a [[detector rail]]* {{BlockLink|Barrel}}* {{SchematicSprite|size=16|ch-e}}{{SchematicSprite|size=16|ch-w}} Large chest* {{SchematicSprite|size=16|ch-e}}{{SchematicSprite|size=16|ch-w}} Large trapped chest* {{BlockLink|Shulker Box}} (any color)Generally speaking, the comparator output signal strength represents the average fullness of the slots, based on how many of that item form a full stack (64, 16, or 1 for non-stackable items).The ''Minimum Items for Container Signal Strength'' table (right) shows the minimum '''''full-stack-equivalent (FSE)''''' to produce different signal strengths from common containers. A '''''full-stack-equivalent''''' quantifies how many normal 64-stackable items are needed to output a corresponding signal strength. The 's' is a constant 64, with the additional amount needed following after.One may also consider the terms: '''c''umulative-weight''''' or '''''weighted-sum''''' instead of '''''full-stack-equivalent'''''.Items that stack to a max of 16 ([[snowball]]s, [[sign]]s, [[ender pearl]]s, etc.), contribute +4 to the ''full-stack-equivalent'' for each unity (count of 1 item). Similarly, items that stack to 1 ([[minecart]], [[boat]], etc.) contribute +64, and items that stack to 64 contribute +1.Example 1: 3 ender pearls will contribute a 3 x 4 = 12 ''full-stack-equivalent''.Example 2: 16 ender pearls and 60 redstone dust contributes a 16x4 + 60x1 = 124 ''full-stack-equivalent''.Example 3: 1 minecart and 60 redstone dust contributes a 1x64 + 60x1 = 124 ''full-stack-equivalent''.Example 4: To produce a signal strength of 10 from a hopper, one requires a ''full-stack-equivalent'' of at least 3s + 14 = 206 but strictly less than than 3s + 37 = 229. This can be done with 3 minecarts, and 14 dirt.When a comparator measures a large chest or large trapped chest, it measures the entire large chest (54 slots), not just the half directly behind the comparator. A chest or trapped chest that cannot be opened (either because it has an opaque block, [[ocelot]], or [[cat]] above it) always produces an output of 0 no matter how many items are in the container — shulker boxes can always be measured, even if they cannot open.;Calculating signal strength from items:When a container is empty, the output is off.:When it is not empty, the output signal strength is calculated as follows::<code>'''''signal strength''''' = floor(1 + (('''''sum of all slots' fullnesses''''') / ('''''number of slots in container''''')) × 14)</code>:<code>fullness of a slot = '''''number of items in slot''''' / '''''max stack size for this type of item'''''</code>:''Example:'' 300 blocks in a dispenser (which has 9 slots), where each block stacks to a maximum of 64 has a 300 ''full-stack-equivalent.'' This produces an output with a signal strength of 8:<blockquote>1 + ((300 items / 64 items per slot) / 9 slots) × 14 = 8.292, floored is 8</blockquote>;Calculating items from signal strength:It can be useful in redstone circuits to use containers with comparators to create signals of a specific strength. The number of items required in a container to produce a signal of desired strength is calculated as follows::<code>items required = max('''''desired signal strength''''', roundup(('''''total slots in container''''' × 64 / 14) × (desired signal strength − 1)))</code>:''Example:'' To use a furnace (which has 3 slots) to create a strength 9 signal, players need 110 items:<blockquote>max(9, (3×64/14) × (9−1)) = 109.714, rounded up is 110</blockquote>{{-}}==== Miscellaneous ====[[File:Comparator storage.png|Comparators used to measure containers.|thumb]]Some non-container blocks can also be measured by a redstone comparator:;{{BlockLink|Beehive}} and {{BlockLink|Bee nest}}: A hive or nest outputs a signal strength equal to the amount of honey in the hive/nest.;{{BlockLink|Cake}}: A cake outputs a signal strength relative to the amount of cake remaining. Each slice is worth 2 signal strength, with 7 total slices, for an output of 14 for a full cake.[[File:Cauldron Redstone Strength Values.png|Cauldron signal strength|thumb]];{{BlockLink|Cauldron}}: A cauldron outputs different signal strengths depending on how much water or powdered snow is inside. From completely empty to completely full, the output values are 0, 1, 2, and 3. If lava or powder snow is inside, the strength is always 3.[[File:Composter Redstone Strength Values.png|Composter signal strength|thumb]];{{BlockLink|Composter}}: A composter outputs different signal strengths depending on the level inside. From completely empty to completely full, the output values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.;{{Anchor|CommandBlock}}{{BlockLink|Command Block}}: A command block stores the "success count" of the last command executed, which represents the number of times the most recently used command of this command block succeeded. A "success" is defined by the [[command]]'s success conditions: if a red error message is returned in the chat, the command was not successful.: Most commands can succeed once per execution, but certain commands (such as those that accept players as arguments) can succeed multiple times, and the comparator outputs the number of times it succeeded (maximum 15 when sent to redstone dust, but in the code it is able to go up to the 32-bit integer limit, and can be used in contraptions with no redstone dust with those values).: A command block continues to store the success count of the last command executed until it executes its command again, thus the comparator continues to output the same signal strength even after the command block is no longer being activated (it doesn't turn off when the signal to the command block turns off).;{{BlockLink|End Portal Frame}}: An end portal frame outputs a full signal of 15 if it contains an [[eye of ender]] and zero otherwise.[[File:Item frame and comparator.png|A comparator can measure the presence and rotation of an item frame's contents.|thumb]];{{EntityLink|Item Frame}}: A comparator can measure the state of an [[item frame]]'s contents. An item frame comparator outputs 0 if the item frame is empty, or 1 to 8 for any item depending on its rotation: 1 at initial placement, plus 1 for each 45° of rotation for a maximum of 8.: For an item frame that holds a map, a unit of rotation is 90° instead of 45°, but a comparator still outputs power levels 1 to 8. It takes two full rotations to cycle through all comparator outputs, and each orientation of the map corresponds to two output levels that differ by 4.: The comparator must be placed behind the block the item frame is attached to, facing away from the item frame. The block must be a full block, and the item frame cannot be submerged in water. Having a sign in the same block as the item frame will prevent the frame from sending a signal as well.{{only|java}};{{BlockLink|Jukebox}}: A jukebox outputs a signal strength indicating which music disc is currently playing. See the ''Minimum Items for Container Signal Strength'' table above.;{{BlockLink|Lectern}}: A lectern outputs a signal strength that depends on what page the player is currently on. The calculation used is::<code>'''''signal strength''''' = floor(1 + (('''''current page''''' - 1) / ('''''number of pages in book''''' - 1)) × 14)</code>:This results in page 1 having a signal strength of 1, and the last page having a signal strength of 15. The exception is a single page book, which will output a signal strength of 15.:For example, a book with 15 pages will output a signal equal to the current page number. A book with 5 pages will output signal strengths of 1, 4, 8, 11 and 15 for the different pages. A book with 100 pages will have the signal strength increase to the next level on pages 1, 9, 16, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51, 58, 65, 72, 79, 86, 93 and 100.:;{{BlockLink|Respawn Anchor}}: A respawn anchor outputs a signal strength of 0, 3, 7, 11, or 15, depending on the "charged" value.;{{BlockLink|Sculk Sensor}}: A sculk sensor outputs a signal strength depending on the type of vibration that is detected.;{{BlockLink|Chiseled Bookshelf}}: A chisled bookshelf outputs a signal strength between 1 and 6 indicating the last slot interacted with. When no slot has been interacted with yet, it outputs 0.{{-}}== Sounds ===== Generic ==={{Edition|Java}}:{{Sound table/Block/Stone/JE}}{{Edition|Bedrock}}:{{Sound table/Block/Wood/BE}}=== Unique ==={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|rowspan=2|sound=Click.ogg|subtitle=Comparator clicks|source=block|description=When a comparator is set to subtraction mode|id=block.comparator.click|translationkey=subtitles.block.comparator.click|volume=0.3|pitch=0.55|distance=16}}{{Sound table|subtitle=Comparator clicks|source=block|description=When a comparator is set to comparison mode|id=block.comparator.click|translationkey=subtitles.block.comparator.click|volume=0.3|pitch=0.5|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|rowspan=2|sound=Click.ogg|source=block|description=When a comparator is set to subtraction mode|id=block.click|volume=0.2|pitch=0.55}}{{Sound table|source=block|description=When a comparator is set to comparison mode|id=block.click|volume=0.2|pitch=0.5|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Redstone Comparator|spritetype=block|nameid=comparator|foot=1}}{{ID table|displayname=Block entity|spritename=redstone-comparator|spritetype=block|nameid=comparator|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Redstone Comparator|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Unpowered block|spritename=unpowered-comparator|spritetype=block|nameid=unpowered_comparator|id=149|form=block|translationkey=-}}{{ID table|displayname=Powered block|spritename=powered-comparator|spritetype=block|nameid=powered_comparator|id=150|form=block|translationkey=-}}{{ID table|displayname=Item|spritename=redstone-comparator|spritetype=item|nameid=comparator|id=522|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|notnamespaced=y|displayname=Block entity|spritename=redstone-comparator|spritetype=block|nameid=Comparator|foot=1}}=== Block states ==={{see also|Block states}}{{/BS}}=== Block data ===A redstone comparator has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.{{el|je}}:{{see also|Block entity format}}{{/BE}}{{el|be}}:: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format]].== Advancements =={{Load advancements|the power of books}}== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|J7Z20Zzz3yU}}</div>== History =={{info needed section|If {{bug|MC-50242}} also affected comparators?}}''For a more in-depth breakdown of changes to repeater textures and models, including a set of renders for each state combination, see [[/Asset history]]''{{History|java}}{{History||November 24, 2012|link=https://youtube.com/watch?v=YG9RNyRhIow&t=6m56s|[[Jeb]] stated that there may be a "capacitor" in [[Minecraft]]. }}{{History||December 27, 2012|link={{tweet|Dinnerbone|284388625595125760}}|[[Dinnerbone]] released [https://web.archive.org/web/20190710120115/https://imgur.com/a/FBKed pictures] of the first version of the "comparator", stating it was a replacement for the "capacitor" idea that has variable, alternate inputs.}}{{History||January 2, 2013|link={{tweet|Dinnerbone|286428595423965184}}|Dinnerbone released one more [http://dinnerbone.com/media/uploads/2013-01/screenshots/2013-01-02_12.06.47.png picture] of the comparator. The picture itself showing a digital-to-analog converter, using the comparator as the main [[block]].}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w01a|[[File:Redstone Comparator (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Redstone Comparator (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Redstone Comparator (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added redstone comparators.|Redstone comparators have 0 delay.At this point, block ID 149 was used for unpowered comparators, and block ID 150 for powered comparators.}}{{History|||snap=13w01b|A delay of 1 game tick ({{frac|1|2}} redstone tick) has now been added to redstone comparators to fix bugs.|The ability to measure containers to redstone comparators has now been added.}}{{History|||snap=13w02a|[[File:Redstone Comparator (S) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Redstone Comparator (S) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE2.png|32px]] The appearance of redstone comparators has now been changed - the top texture has changed to show [[quartz]] in the middle and the sides now use the [[smooth stone]] texture rather than the smooth stone slab side texture.|The algorithm for measuring containers has now been changed so that redstone comparators output a signal with as few as 1 [[item]] in the container.}}{{History|||snap=13w02b|Redstone comparators now treat large [[chest]]s as a single container.}}{{History|||snap=13w03a|Redstone comparators now output success count of [[command block]]s.|Redstone comparators now measure container [[minecart]]s on [[detector rail]]s.}}{{History|||snap=13w04a|Redstone comparators now measure [[jukebox]]es.}}{{History|||snap=13w05a|Redstone comparators no longer cause constant [[block]] updates. The delay has now been made consistent, and side input no longer causes a pulse output.|Block 150 (later <code>powered_comparator</code>) is no longer used; powered state is now represented by the 8s bit on block 149 (later <code>unpowered_comparator</code>).}}{{History|||snap=13w05b|Redstone comparator delay has now been changed from 1 game tick (1/2 [[redstone]] tick) to 2 game ticks (1 redstone tick).}}{{History|||snap=13w09c|The redstone signal strength from a redstone comparator next to a [[brewing stand]] with 3 [[water bottle]]s in it is now the same as one with 3 water bottles and 1 ingredient in it.}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w18a|Redstone comparators now measure [[cauldron]]s and [[end portal frame]]s.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w04a|Redstone comparators now measure [[item frame]]s.}}{{History|||snap=14w10a|The torches under redstone comparators have now been shortened, which has changed the underside appearance from [[File:Redstone Comparator UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Powered Redstone Comparator UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Subtracting Redstone Comparator UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] [[File:Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] to [[File:Redstone Comparator UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]].}}{{History|||snap=14w25a|[[File:Redstone Comparator (S) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Redstone Comparator (S) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE3.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE3.png|32px]] The torches on comparators are now subject to ambient occlusion.|Comparators set to subtract mode appear to be powered as well regardless of incoming power. The subtracting-only model still exists and can be achieved through {{cmd|setblock}}.}}{{History|||snap=14w25b|[[File:Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE4.png|32px]] The powered front torch when in subtraction mode is now lower.|Comparators set to subtract by hand now appear normally again.}}{{History|||snap=14w28a|Redstone comparators now measure [[cake]]s.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w42a|With the addition of the [[blaze powder]] fuel slot, [[brewing stand]]s now have 5 slots instead of 4. Their original comparative power values from redstone comparators are listed below:{{{!}} class{{=}}"wikitable collapsible collapsed" data-description{{=}}"Original values"! Original values{{!}}-{{!}}*0: 0*1: 1*2: 19*3: 37*4: 55*5: 1s 10*6: 1s 28*7: 1s 46*8: 2s*9: 2s 19*10: 2s 37*11: 2s 55*12: 3s 10*13: 3s 28*14: 3s 46*15: 4s{{!}}}}}{{History|||snap=15w47a|Redstone comparators' side inputs now take power from [[redstone block]]s.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|All 3 IDs for the redstone comparator have now been merged into one ID: <code>comparator</code>.|Redstone comparators now render their underside, which has changed their undersides from [[File:Redstone Comparator UNKVER2 (facing NWU).png|32px]] to [[File:Redstone Comparator UNKVER3 (facing NWU).png|32px]].|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these blocks' numeral IDs were 149 and 150, and the [[item]]'s 404.|As a result, the formerly unused comparator ID is now technically used again, due to both unpowered and powered versions being merged into a single comparator block ID.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Redstone Comparator (S) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Redstone Comparator (S) JE4.png|32px]] [[File:Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Redstone Comparator (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of redstone comparators have now been changed.}}{{History|||snap=19w02a|Redstone comparators now measure [[lectern]]s.}}{{History|||snap=19w03a|Redstone comparators now measure [[composter]]s.}}{{History|||snap=19w12b|Redstone comparators can now be placed on [[glass]], [[ice]], [[glowstone]] and [[sea lantern]]s.}}{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|Redstone comparators now measure how much honey is inside [[beehive|bee hive]]s and [[bee nest]]s.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|The way to calculate the input signals of redstone comparators has now been changed.}}{{History|||snap=20w11a|The changes to the way of calculating the input signals of redstone comparators from [[Java Edition 20w06a|20w06a]] have now been reverted.}}{{History|||snap=20w16a|Redstone comparators now measure [[Pigstep music disc]]s in [[jukebox]]es.}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Redstone comparators now measure [[lava cauldron]]s.}}{{History|||snap=20w46a|Redstone comparators now measure [[Cauldron#Holding powder snow|powder snow cauldron‌]]s.}}{{History||1.18|snap=21w41a|[[File:Powered Redstone Comparator (S) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE6.png|32px]] The texture of powered redstone comparator have now been changed.}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|Redstone comparators now generate as part of [[ancient cities]].}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Redstone comparators now measure [[chiseled bookshelves]].}}{{History||1.20.2|snap=23w33a|Redstone comparators now use stone sounds instead of wood sounds.<ref>{{bug|MC-182820|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Redstone Comparator (S) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Redstone Comparator (S) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE2 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Was this the model used?}} [[File:Redstone Comparator (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added redstone comparators.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Redstone comparators now measure [[end portal frame]]s.}}{{History||1.0.5|snap=alpha|Redstone comparators now output success count of [[command block]]s.}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Redstone comparators now measure [[shulker box]]es.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Redstone comparators now measure [[jukebox]]es.|Redstone comparators now render their underside, which has changed their undersides from [[File:Redstone Comparator UNKVER1 (facing NWU).png|32px]] to [[File:Redstone Comparator UNKVER3 (facing NWU).png|32px]]}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Redstone Comparator (S) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Redstone Comparator (S) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Redstone Comparator (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of redstone comparators have now been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Redstone comparators now measure [[smoker]]s, [[blast furnace]]s, [[lectern]]s and [[composter]]s.}}{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|[[File:Powered Redstone Comparator (S) JE5.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE6.png|32px]] The texture of powered redstone comparator have now been changed.}}{{History||1.20.30|snap=beta|Redstone comparators now use the <code>minecraft:cardinal_direction</code> [[block state]] instead of <code>direction</code>.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU19|xbone=CU7|ps=1.12|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Redstone Comparator (S) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Redstone Comparator (S) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE2 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Was this the model used?}} [[File:Redstone Comparator (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added redstone comparators.}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|switch=1.0.1|Redstone comparators can now measure [[item frame]]s.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Redstone Comparator (S) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Redstone Comparator (S) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) BE.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) BE.png|32px]]{{verify|Was this the model used?}} [[File:Redstone Comparator (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of redstone comparators have now been changed.}}{{History|3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Redstone Comparator (S) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Redstone Comparator (S) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Powered Subtracting Redstone Comparator (S) JE2 BE1.png|32px]]{{verify|Was this the model used?}} [[File:Redstone Comparator (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] Added redstone comparators.}}{{History|foot}}=== Redstone comparator "items" ==={{:Technical blocks/Redstone Comparator}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* Comparators do not emit redstone particles when powered, unlike redstone torches and repeaters.<ref>{{bug|MC-51692|||WAI}}</ref>== Gallery ==<gallery>Dinnerbone Comparator 1.png|Dinnerbone showing how comparators work.Dinnerbone Comparator 2.png|Dinnerbone showing how comparators work.Dinnerbone Comparator 3.png|Dinnerbone showing how comparators work.Dinnerbone Comparators 1.png|A contraption incorporating comparators.Dinnerbone Comparators 2.png|Comparators in action.Dinnerbone Comparators 3.png|Output specific signals.Dinnerbone Comparator Thing.png|Another comparator in use.Item Frame Comparator.png|Rotating the torch in the item frame adjusts the comparator's output.</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}{{Redstone}}{{Blocks|Utility}}{{Items}}[[Category:Mechanics]][[Category:Block entities]][[Category:Redstone mechanics]][[Category:Mechanisms]][[Category:Manufactured blocks]][[Category:Non-solid blocks]][[de:Redstone-Komparator]][[es:Comparador de redstone]][[fr:Comparateur de redstone]][[hu:Redstone-komparátor]][[ja:レッドストーンコンパレーター]][[ko:레드스톤 비교기]][[nl:Redstonevergelijker]][[pl:Komparator]][[pt:Comparador de redstone]][[ru:Компаратор]][[uk:Редстоуновий компаратор]][[zh:红石比较器]]</li></ul></nowiki>
beta traders now drink a potion of invisibility during dusk, when hurt by projectiles or magic attacks, and when avoiding illagers and zombies.
If a player is holding an emerald, wandering traders now hold items they want to trade.
The spawning of wandering traders can now be enabled or disabled using the /mobevent command.
beta traders have been fully implemented and are now separate from Experimental Gameplay.
Wandering traders now disappear faster after all trades are disabled.
Wandering traders now have 6 random trades, instead of 4.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Green Dye|Green Dye]]<br/>{{redirect|Cactus Green|the plant|Cactus}}{{Item| title = Green Dye| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Green dye''' is a [[primary color dye]].== Obtaining ===== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|green-dye}}=== Smelting ==={{Smelting|head=1|showdescription=1|Cactus|Green Dye|1|description={{only|Java}}<ref>{{bug|MC-210211||Smelting cactus gives too much experience since 1.13}}</ref>}}{{Smelting|head=0|showdescription=1|Cactus|Green Dye|0,2|description={{only|Bedrock}}|foot=1}}=== Trading ===[[Wandering trader]]s sell 3 green dye for an [[emerald]].== Usage =={{dye usage}}=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage|ignore=Banner|continue=1}}{{banner crafting usage}}=== Loom ingredient ==={{Banner loom usage|Green Dye}}=== Trading ===Expert level shepherd villagers have {{frac|1|6}} chance to buy 12 green dye for an emerald.{{only|bedrock}} Expert level shepherds have a {{frac|2|7}} chance to buy 12 green dye for 1 emerald.{{only|java}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Green Dye|spritetype=item|nameid=green_dye|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Green Dye|spritetype=item|nameid=green_dye|aliasid=dye / 2|id=397|form=item|translationkey=item.dye.green.name|foot=1}}== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|O4KVTPI4qIc}}</div>== History =={{History|java beta}}{{History||1.2|[[File:Green Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cactus green, together with all other dyes.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=1.3|[[File:Green Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cactus green has been changed.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Added the ability to [[Armor#Dyeing|dye]] leather [[armor]] and [[wolf]] collars.}}{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Cactus green can be crafted with [[gunpowder]] to create a [[firework star]].}} {{History||1.6.1|snap=13w19a|[[Stained clay]] can now be [[crafting|crafted]].}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w41a|[[Stained glass]] can now be crafted.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w30a|Added [[banner]]s, which can be dyed.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Added the ability to dye [[shulker box]]es.}}{{History||1.12|snap=17w06a|Cactus green can now be used to craft green [[concrete powder]].}}{{History||1.12|snap=17w15a|Added the ability to dye [[bed]]s.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>dye</code> ID have now been split up into their own IDs.|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 351.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|"Cactus Green" has been renamed to "Green Dye".|[[File:Green Dye JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of green dye has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w44a|Green dye can now change the text color on [[sign]]s to green.}}{{History|||snap=18w50a|Green dye can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[desert]] [[village]] houses.}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Added the [[wandering trader]], which sells green dye.}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|Green dye can now be [[trading|bought]] by shepherd villagers.}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Green dye can now be used to craft [[green candle]]s.}}{{History|||snap=21w19a|Green dye can no longer be used to craft green candles.}}{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Green dye can once again be used to craft green candles.}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Green dye can now change the text color on [[hanging sign]]s to green.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Green Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cactus green. It is currently unobtainable and has no usage.}}{{History||v0.3.2|Cactus green is now obtainable by [[smelting]] cacti in a [[furnace]]. It still has no usage.}}{{History||v0.4.0|Cactus green can now be used to craft [[cyan dye]], [[lime dye]], and [[green wool]].}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Green Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of cactus green has been changed.}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Cactus green can now be used to dye [[water]] in [[cauldron]]s.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Cactus green can now be used to dye [[shulker]]s.}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Cactus green can now be used to dye [[bed]]s, [[shulker box]]es, and craft [[concrete powder]].}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Cactus green can now be used to craft [[stained glass]], patterns on [[banner]]s, and [[firework star]]s.}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Cactus green can now be used to craft [[balloon]]s and [[glow stick]]s.}}{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|"Cactus Green" has been renamed to "Green Dye".}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Green dye is now sold by [[wandering trader]]s.|[[File:Green Dye JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of green dye has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Green dye can now be found in [[desert]] [[village]] house [[chest]]s.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Green dye can now be [[trading|sold]] to shepherd [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of green dye has been changed from <code>dye/2</code> to <code>green_dye</code>.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Green Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cactus green.}}{{History|PS4}}{{History||1.83|"Cactus Green" has been renamed to "Green Dye".}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Green Dye JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of green dye has been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Green Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added cactus green.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}{{Items}}[[cs:Kaktusová zeleň]][[de:Grüner Farbstoff]][[es:Tinte verde]][[fr:Teinture verte]][[hu:Kaktuszzöld]][[ja:緑色の染料]][[ko:초록색 염료]][[nl:Cactusgroen]][[pl:Zielony barwnik]][[pt:Corante verde]][[ru:Зелёный краситель]][[Category:Items]][[Category:Dyes]][[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Saddle|Saddle]]<br/>{{about|normal saddles|the removed horse saddle|Horse Saddle}}{{item| image = <gallery>Saddle (Pig).png | PigSaddle (Horse).png | HorseSaddle (Strider).png | Strider</gallery>| invimage = Saddle| renewable = Yes| stackable = No}}A '''saddle''' is an [[item]] required to ride [[Pig|pigs]] and [[Strider|striders]] or control ridden [[camel]]s, [[Horse|horses]], [[Donkey|donkeys]] and [[Mule|mules]].== Obtaining ===== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|saddle}}=== Fishing ===Saddles can be obtained as a "treasure" item from [[fishing]] with a base chance (without fishing rod enchantments) of 0.8%.=== Trading ===Master-level [[Trading#Leatherworker|leatherworker]] [[villager]]s have a 50% chance to sell a saddle for 6 [[Emerald|emeralds]] as their trade.{{only|bedrock}} This trade is always offered in ''Java Edition''.=== Mob loot ===Any mob that the player equips with a saddle drops the saddle upon death.A [[strider]] may spawn being ridden by a [[zombified piglin]], which causes it to spawn wearing a saddle. This saddle always drops when the strider is killed.A [[ravager]] always spawns with a saddle and always drops the saddle upon death. Looting does not affect the drop.== Usage ==[[File:SaddledHorse.png|thumb|right|A [[horse]] equipped with a saddle.]]While [[camel]]s, [[horse]]s, [[donkey]]s, [[mule]]s and [[Skeleton Horse|skeleton horse]]s{{Only|Java}} can always be ridden, a saddle is required to control them. These mobs (only after being tamed, in the case of equine mobs) can be equipped with a saddle by placing it in their inventory, which can be opened by pressing {{control|use}} while holding a saddle or {{control|sneaking}}. The saddle can be unequipped by removing it from {{SlotSprite|Saddle}} the specific inventory slot. Saddles are required to ride [[Pig|pigs]] and [[Strider|striders]], but even with a saddle their movement cannot be controlled like other mobs. A [[Carrot on a Stick|carrot on a stick]] (for pigs) or a [[Warped Fungus on a Stick|warped fungus on a stick]] (for striders) is required to direct these mobs. {{control|Using}} a saddle on one of these mobs equips them with the saddle, and, since they have no inventory, there is no way to retrieve the saddle without killing the mob.Animals can also be equipped with saddles by a [[dispenser]].Although [[ravager]]s are equipped with saddles and sometimes ridden by other mobs, the [[player]] is unable to ride ravagers.== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|rowspan=4|sound=Saddle equip.ogg|source=neutral|subtitle=Saddle equips|description=When a saddle is equipped to a camel|id=entity.camel.saddle|translationkey=subtitles.entity.horse.saddle|volume=0.5|pitch=0.8|distance=16}}{{Sound table|subtitle=MC-184399|source=neutral|description=When a saddle is equipped to a strider|id=entity.strider.saddle|translationkey=-|volume=0.5|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|subtitle=Saddle equips|source=neutral|description=When a saddle is equipped to a horse, donkey, mule, skeleton horse, or zombie horse|id=entity.horse.saddle|translationkey=subtitles.entity.horse.saddle|volume=0.5|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|subtitle=Saddle equips |source=neutral|description=When a saddle is equipped to a pig|id=entity.pig.saddle|translationkey=subtitles.entity.pig.saddle|volume=0.5|pitch=1.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|rowspan=3|sound=Saddle equip.ogg|source=neutral|description=When a saddle is equipped to a camel|id=mob.horse.leather|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|source=neutral|description=When a saddle is equipped to a horse, mule, skeleton horse, or zombie horse|id=mob.horse.leather|volume=0.6|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|source=neutral|description=When a saddle is equipped to a donkey|id=mob.horse.leather|volume=0.5|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Saddle|spritetype=item|nameid=saddle|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Saddle|spritetype=item|nameid=saddle|id=371|form=item|foot=1}}== Achievements =={{load achievements|When Pigs Fly}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|This Boat Has Legs}}== History =={{needs render|type=old|isolated saddles in 1.13 dev|section=11}}{{History|java infdev}}{{History||20100625-2|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Saddle JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added saddles.|Saddles do not [[drops|drop]] from saddled [[pig]]s.|Saddles can be found in the new [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.2.4|snap=release|When baby animals were introduced, baby [[pig]]s could be ridden just like adult pigs. After this version, baby pigs can no longer be saddled.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Saddles can now be [[trading|bought]] from butcher [[villager]]s for 6–7 [[emerald]]s each, and thus have become [[renewable resource|renewable]].}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w36a|Saddles now [[drops|drop]] from killing saddled [[pig]]s.|Added [[Carrot on a Stick|carrot on a stick]] to direct saddled pigs, effectively controlling them.}}{{History|||snap=12w37a|Pigs can now jump when being ridden.}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w18a|Regular saddles can now be used to ride [[horse]]s, while previously they required [[Horse Saddle|horse saddle]]s.|Added saddles to the loot tables of [[mineshaft]] minecarts, [[stronghold]] altar chests, [[village]] blacksmith chests, as well as [[Desert pyramid|desert]] and [[jungle pyramid]]s.|Added chests to [[Nether Fortress|nether fortresses]], where saddles can be found.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Saddles can now be [[fishing|fished]] with [[Fishing Rod|fishing rod]]s and are described as treasure.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Trading]] has been changed: leatherworker [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] saddles for 8–10 [[emerald]]s each, and butchers no longer [[trading|trade]] saddles.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Saddles can now be found in [[End City|end city]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History|||snap=15w43a|The average yield of saddles in [[Nether Fortress|nether fortress]] chests has been slightly decreased.}}{{History|||snap=15w44a|Saddles have been removed from [[mineshaft]] chests.|The average yield of saddles in [[dungeon]] chests has been decreased.|The average yield of saddles in [[desert pyramid|desert temple]] chests has been increased.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w45a|[[File:White Horse (Saddle) 17w45a.png|50px]] The models of the horse's saddle has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=17w46a|[[File:White Horse (Saddle) 17w46a.png|50px]] The models of the horse's saddle has been changed once again.}}{{History|||snap=17w47a|Prior to [[Java Edition 1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 329.}}{{History|||snap=18w03a|[[File:White Horse (Saddle) 18w03a.png|50px]] The models of the horse's saddle has been changed once again.}}{{History|||snap=pre2|[[File:White Horse (Saddle) 1.13pre2.png|50px]] The models of the horse's saddle has been changed once again. The reins bit has now been rendered. Also, the lines of the reins are no longer rendered except when riding.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Added [[ravager|illager beast]]s, which [[drops|drop]] saddles.|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Saddle (Horse) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Saddle JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of saddles have been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w48a|Saddles can now be found in [[chest]]s in [[village]] tanneries.}}{{History|||snap=18w49a|Saddles can now be found in chests in [[savanna]] village houses.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w13a|[[File:Saddle (Strider) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[strider]]s, which can be ridden with saddles.}}{{History|||snap=20w15a|Saddles placed in a [[dispenser]] can now saddle pigs, striders, and tamed horses, donkeys and mules.}}{{History|||snap=20w16a|Saddles now generate in [[Bastion Remnant|bastion remnant]] chests.}}{{History|||snap=20w17a|[[File:Saddle (Strider) JE2.png|32px]] The texture of the strider saddles has been changed. The front and back orientation of the saddle has been corrected.<ref>{{bug|MC-176116}}</ref>}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|Saddles may now be found in [[ancient city]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Saddles can be used to ride [[camel]]s with the use of a built-in experimental data pack.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.7.0|[[File:Saddle JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added saddles. They are currently unobtainable and have no practical usage since they cannot be equipped on any mobs.}}{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Saddles can now be obtained from [[village]] blacksmith [[chest]]s.}}{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Saddles can now be [[fishing|fished]] with [[fishing rod]]s and are described as treasure.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Saddles can now be found in [[nether fortress]]es.}}{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Saddles can now be found in [[desert temple]]s.}} {{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Saddle (Horse) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Saddles can now be used for riding [[horse]]s and [[pig]]s.|Saddles can now be found inside [[jungle temple]]s.}}{{History||snap=?||Added saddles to the [[Creative inventory]].{{info needed}}}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Saddles can now be found in [[end cities]].}}{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Saddles are now [[trading|sold]] by leatherworker [[villager]]s for 8-10 [[emerald]]s as their only third tiers [[trading|trades]].}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Saddles can now be found in [[plains]] [[village]] tannery and weaponsmith [[chest]]s.|Added [[ravager]]s, which [[drops|drop]] a saddle upon death.|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Saddle (Horse) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Saddle JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of saddles have been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Saddles can now be found in [[savanna]], [[snowy taiga]], [[taiga]] and [[snowy tundra]] village tannery [[chest]]s.|Saddles can now be found in savanna, taiga, snowy taiga, and [[desert]] village weaponsmith chests.|Saddles can now be found in savanna [[village]] house chests.}}{{History|||snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed. Leatherworker [[villager]]s now have 50% chance to [[trading|sell]] saddles for 10 [[emerald]]s as part of their last tier [[trading|trade]].}}{{History||1.12.0|snap=beta|The trading price of saddles has been lowered to 6 emeralds.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Saddle (Strider) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added [[strider]]s, which can be ridden with saddles.|Saddles now generate in [[Bastion Remnant|bastion remnant]] chests.}}{{History||1.20.0<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.19.50|snap=beta|Saddles can now be used to ride [[camel]]s with the use of the "[[Bedrock Edition 1.20|Next Major Update]]" [[experimental]] toggle.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Saddle JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added saddles.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Saddle (Horse) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Saddle JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of saddles have been changed.}}{{History|3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Saddle (Pig) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] <br>[[File:Saddle JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added saddles.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* A saddle is considered "armor" by the game, but the value of protection to the animal is zero.* A saddle on a pig can still be seen if the pig is afflicted with [[Invisibility]].* When riding a saddled mob, the hunger bar is replaced by hearts (representing the mounted mob's health) resembling the look of the saddle.== Gallery ==<gallery>File:Pig saddle.png|A [[player]] riding a [[pig]] (before [[Java Edition Beta 1.8|Beta 1.8]]).File:Horse saddle.png|A player riding a [[horse]].File:13w21a-new-HorseUI-inventory.png|The horse interface implemented in [[Java Edition 13w21a|13w21a]] that allows for the removal of saddles, but only on horses, [[donkey]]s or [[mule]]s.File:Saddled Mule (picture).png|Mule equipped with both a saddle and a [[chest]].File:GodSpawner.png|A saddle found in a monster room chest, which coincidentally contains an [[enchanted golden apple]].</gallery>== See also ==* [[Transportation]]== References =={{reflist}}{{items}}[[cs:Sedlo]][[de:Sattel]][[es:Montura]][[fr:Selle]][[hu:Nyereg]][[it:Sella]][[ja:鞍]][[ko:안장]][[nl:Zadel]][[pl:Siodło]][[pt:Sela]][[ru:Седло]][[zh:鞍]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[uk:Сідло]]</li></ul>
beta traders now have sounds.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Melon Slice|Melon Slice]]<br/>{{Dungeons hatnote|type=consumable|Melon}}{{Item| title = Melon Slice|typeimage=Melon Slice.png| renewable = Yes| heals = {{hunger|2}}| stackable = Yes (64)}}A '''melon slice'''{{efn|Known as '''Melon Slice''' {{in|java}} and '''Melon''' {{in|bedrock}}.}} is a [[food]] item that can be eaten by the [[player]].== Obtaining ===== Block loot ==={{see also|Tutorials/Pumpkin and melon farming|title1 = Pumpkin and melon farming}}Melon slices can be obtained by breaking (harvesting) [[melon]]s using any [[tool]] or by hand. [[Axe]]s, followed by [[sword]]s, are the fastest tools for harvesting melons. A melon drops 3–7 melon slices, when broken; by hand, using a [[tool]], or after being broken by the movement of a [[piston]], with an average of 4.64 slices per melon.Breaking a melon with a tool enchanted with [[Fortune]] increases the potential number of drops by 1 slice per level, up to a maximum of 9 slices.== Usage ===== Food ==={{see also|Tutorials/Hunger management|title1=Hunger management}}To eat a melon slice, press and hold {{control|use}} while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores {{hunger|2}} [[hunger]] and 1.2 hunger [[Hunger#Mechanics|saturation]].=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}=== Composting ===Placing a melon slice into a [[composter]] has a 50% chance of raising the compost level by 1.==Sounds=={{Sound table/Entity/Food}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Melon Slice|spritetype=item|nameid=melon_slice|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|spritename=melon-slice|displayname=Melon|spritetype=item|nameid=melon_slice|aliasid=melon|id=272|form=item|translationkey=item.melon.name|foot=1}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet}}== History =={{History|java beta}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|[[File:Melon Slice JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added melons.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4|Melons are now used in the [[crafting]] recipe of [[glistering melon]]s.}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5|Melons once again drop the correct number of slices.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Melons can now be [[trading|bought]] from farmer [[villager]]s, at 5–8 melon slices for 1 [[emerald]].}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w37a|Block ID 105, [[melon stem]], has been removed from the {{cmd|give}} [[commands|command]].}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|[[Villager]]s no longer [[trading|sell]] melons. They now buy [[melon]]s instead.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 360.}}{{History|||snap=18w20b|"Melon" has been renamed to "Melon Slice."|The ID of melon slices has been changed from <code>melon</code> to <code>melon_slice</code>.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Melon Slice JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of melon slices has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=19w03a|Placing a melon slice into the new [[composter]] has a 20% chance of raising the compost level by 1.}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Melon slices now have a 50% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.5.0|[[File:Melon Slice JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added melons. |Melons restore {{health|2}} each, rather than {{hunger|2}}.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=?|Added Melon slice to the Creative inventory.}}{{History|||snap=build 1|Melons now restores [[hunger]] instead of [[health]].|Melons can no longer be obtained from [[nether reactor]]s.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|[[Breaking]] a [[melon]] with [[shears]] now always yields 9 melons.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Melon Slice JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of melons has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Melons can now be used to fill up [[composter]]s.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Melons can now be [[trading|sold]] to farmer [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed, melon slices can no longer be sold to farmer villagers.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of melon slices has been changed from <code>melon</code> to <code>melon_slice</code>.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU5|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Melon Slice JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added melons.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Melon Slice JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of melons has been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Melon Slice JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added melons.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== See also ==* [[Pumpkin]]* [[Glistering Melon Slice]]== Notes =={{fnlist}}{{Items}}[[Category:Plants]][[cs:Meloun]][[de:Melone]][[es:Rodaja de sandía]][[fr:Tranche de pastèque]][[hu:Dinnye Szelet]][[ko:수박]][[nl:Meloenschijf]][[pl:Arbuz]][[pt:Fatia de melancia]][[ru:Ломтик арбуза]][[zh:西瓜片]][[Category:Food]][[Category:Renewable resources]]</li><li>[[Eye of Ender|Eye of Ender]]<br/>{{redirect|Ender Eye|the boss|Ender Dragon|item that teleports the player to where it lands|Ender Pearl}}{{ItemEntity|image=Eye of Ender.png|stackable=Yes (64)|renewable=Yes|size=Height: 0.25 Blocks<br>Width: 0.25 Blocks|networkid='''[[JE]]''': 72}}An '''eye of ender''' is a craftable item used to locate [[stronghold]]s and activate the [[end portal]]s within them.== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting |Blaze Powder |Ender Pearl |Output=Eye of Ender |type=Miscellaneous}}== Usage ===== Locating strongholds ===[[File:Eye of Ender (break).gif|thumb|right|An animation of an eye of ender shattering.]]To locate [[stronghold]]s (and the [[end portal]]s they house):* Pressing {{control|use}} while holding an eye of ender causes it to fly approximately 12 blocks in the direction of the nearest stronghold, traveling through any blocks necessary, and leave a trail of purple particles, the same particle effect used for [[endermen]] and [[ender chests]]. ** The eye leads to the [[chunk]] where a spiral staircase, the first room generated in the stronghold, is located.** The center of this entrance staircase is always exactly at the chunk coordinates 4, ~, 4, although the eye of ender leads to chunk coordinates 0, ~, 0 (the northwest corner of the chunk).* While over 12 blocks away from the northwest corner of the staircase chunk, the eye will travel upward to offer an easily-visible indication of the horizontal direction the player must travel.* When closer than 12 blocks to the northwest corner of the staircase chunk, the eye will travel downward, to indicate the player is above a stronghold and must mine downward.* After two or three seconds of travel, the eye floats in the air briefly, then either falls (becoming collectable again) or shatters in mid-air. The eye has a 20% chance of shattering (80% chance of surviving) per throw, therefore throwing it three times has approximately 50% overall chance to shatter the eye (0.8<sup>3</sup>=51.2%).* The eye of ender's flying function works only in the [[Overworld]]. It does nothing in [[the Nether]], [[the End]], [[custom dimension]]s{{verify|type=current}}, or in worlds with no strongholds.Note that the eyes may point to an incorrect location if the target chunks were generated with a different biomes map in an older version or through different generation settings.<ref>See also {{bug|MC-135996}}</ref>=== Activating end portals ===[[File:Active End Portal.png|thumb|right|An end portal activated with eyes of ender.]]Once an end portal is found, the eyes of ender are required to activate it. End portals require a total of 12 eyes of ender in order to activate, though each individual frame-block has a 10% chance of containing an eye of ender when generated. Eyes can be placed in empty [[End portal frame]]s by pressing {{control|use}} on them until the entire ring of 12 is filled, thereby activating the portal. Due to the fact that there is a 10% chance of each individual end portal frame having an eye in it, there is a one out of one trillion chance of every frame having an eye in it thereby activating the portal even if the player doesn't have any eyes of ender.{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"|+End Portal Pre-Filled Eyes!Eyes!0!1!2!3!4!5-12|-|Exactly|28%|38%|23%|9%|2%|<1%|-|Or More|100%|72%|34%|11%|3%|<1%|}=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}== Sounds =={{Edition|Java}}:<br>Eyes of ender use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.{{Sound table|sound=Ender Eye death1.ogg|sound2=Ender Eye death2.ogg|subtitle=Eye of Ender falls <ref group=sound name=LousyEvents>{{Bug|MC-98316||Wrong subtitles caused by missing distinction}}</ref>|source=neutral|description=When an eye of ender drops or breaks|id=entity.ender_eye.death|idnote=<ref group=sound name=LousyEvents/>|translationkey=subtitles.entity.ender_eye.death|translationkeynote=<ref group=sound name=LousyEvents/>|volume=1.3|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Ender Eye launch1.ogg|sound2=Ender Eye launch2.ogg|subtitle=Eye of Ender shoots|source=neutral|description=When an eye of ender is thrown|id=entity.ender_eye.launch|translationkey=subtitles.entity.ender_eye.launch|volume=0.5|pitch={{frac|1|3}}-0.5|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=End portal eye place1.ogg|sound2=End portal eye place2.ogg|sound3=End portal eye place3.ogg|subtitle=Eye of Ender attaches|source=block|description=When an eye of ender is placed in an end portal frame|id=block.end_portal_frame.fill|translationkey=subtitles.block.end_portal_frame.fill|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{Edition|Bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Item Frame break1.ogg|sound2=Item Frame break2.ogg|sound3=Item Frame break3.ogg|source=block|description=When an eye of ender breaks <ref group=sound>{{Bug|MCPE-115646}}</ref>|id=block.itemframe.break}}{{Sound table|sound=Bow shoot.ogg|source=player|description=When an eye of ender is thrown|id=random.bow|volume=0.5|pitch=0.33-0.5}}{{Sound table|sound=End portal eye place1.ogg|sound2=End portal eye place2.ogg|sound3=End portal eye place3.ogg|source=block|description=When an eye of ender is placed in an end portal frame|id=block.end_portal_frame.fill|volume=0.3|pitch=0.9/1.0/1.1|foot=1}}==Data values=====ID==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Item|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Eye of Ender|spritetype=item|nameid=ender_eye|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Entity|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Eye of Ender|spritetype=entity|nameid=eye_of_ender|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Item|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Eye of Ender|spritetype=item|nameid=ender_eye|id=433|form=item|foot=1}} {{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Entity|shownumericids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Eye of Ender|spritetype=entity|nameid=eye_of_ender_signal|id=70|foot=1}}===Entity data===The purple particles left by eyes of ender have entity data that define various properties of the entity.{{el|java}}:{{main|Entity format}}{{/ED}}{{el|bedrock}}::See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].==Advancements=={{load advancements|Eye Spy}}==Video =={{Video note|This video does not mention that eyes of ender can be used to craft [[ender chest]]s or [[end crystal]]s.}}<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|E0AhoxYLomc}}</div>==History=={{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|[[File:Eye of Ender JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added eyes of ender.|Eyes of ender can be used on a [[end portal frame|portal block]] to repair them, but repairing them does nothing.}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4|Each eye can now be placed in a [[end portal frame|portal block]] or used to hone in on a [[stronghold]]. [[Jens Bergensten|Jeb]] demonstrated the new uses for an eye in his livestream.<ref>http://www.twitch.tv/jebox/b/297000418</ref> An [[end portal]] within a stronghold could be seen in the stream with two eyes inserted into blocks.|In older worlds with chunks generated before [[Java Edition Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3]], the eyes may mislead the [[player]] to a place where there isn't a [[stronghold]] at all. This happens because the eyes lead to where a stronghold should be based on the world seed in the current version, but before Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3 strongholds generated differently based on the seed. Therefore, if the player saved the coordinates the eye traveled to in an old world and generated a new world with the same seed, the player could travel to those same coordinates and find a stronghold.}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6|Eyes of ender no longer render like a tool in third person.}}{{History|||snap=RC1|The throwing sound of eyes of ender has been changed.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Eyes of ender can now be used to craft [[ender chest]]s.|Priest [[villager]]s would [[trading|buy]] 2–3 eyes of ender for one [[emerald]].}}{{History|||snap=12w22a|Priest villagers no longer buy eyes of ender, instead selling them for 7–10 emeralds.}}{{History||1.6.4|snap=1.6.3-pre|Eyes of ender now lead to [[stronghold]]s based on the structure data saved in the world file instead of calculating their approximate location via the [[seed (level generation)|world seed]]. Therefore, strongholds generated in old versions can still be found even if the distribution of strongholds is changed.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w41a|Eyes of Ender now lead to the entrance of a stronghold instead of the portal room.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|With changes that have been made to villagers and the [[trading]] system, cleric villagers now sell eyes of ender for 7–11 [[emerald]]s, as one of their tier III trades.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w41a|Eyes of ender are no longer [[trading|sold]] by cleric [[villager]]s.}}{{History|||snap=15w44b|An eye of ender is now used to craft an [[end crystal]].}}{{History|||snap=pre3|Eyes of ender now point to the 125 new strongholds.<ref>{{bug|MC-91173}} resolved as "Fixed"</ref>}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The [[entity]] ID has been changed from <code>EyeOfEnderSignal</code> to <code>eye_of_ender_signal</code>.}}{{History||1.12|snap=17w17a|A new ''pop'' [[sound]] has been added when a thrown eye of ender bursts.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 381.}}{{History|||snap=pre5|The [[entity]] ID has been changed to <code>eye_of_ender</code>.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Eye of Ender JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of eyes of ender has been changed.}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|Eyes of Ender now lead to the corner of the chunk (0, ~, 0) instead of the center (8-9, ~, 8-9).<ref>{{bug|MC-253394}}</ref>}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[File:Eye of Ender JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added eyes of ender.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Eye of Ender JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of eyes of ender has been changed.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|The [[particles]] of eyes of ender have been changed to match {{el|je}}.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU7|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Eye of Ender JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added eyes of ender.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Eye of Ender JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of eyes of ender has been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||1.7.10|[[File:Eye of Ender JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added eyes of ender.}}{{History|foot}}=== Historical images ===<gallery>File:Held_Eye_of_Ender.png|The eye of ender used to appear large in third-person view.</gallery>==Issues=={{issue list}}==Trivia ==*When thrown in third-person view, the eyes of ender fly out from the player's feet instead of their hand.*Before [[Java Edition 1.9]], eyes of ender can be purchased from cleric villagers, which means players can find a [[stronghold]] and go to [[the End]] without accessing [[the Nether]] at all.*{{IN|bedrock}} if the player travels beyond a certain radius (roughly 740,000 blocks), eyes of ender always point to a stronghold near spawn, even though strongholds continue to generate past this limit. If one travels to this limit, they can see eyes of ender suddenly switching direction. A similar phenomenon occurs with the {{cmd|locate}} command.==Gallery=====Screenshots===<gallery>Stronghold Portal Room.png|An end portal frame containing a few eyes of ender.EnderChestexample.png|An [[ender chest]] depicting an eye of ender on the front.</gallery>===In other media===<gallery>File:Eye of Ender JINX.jpg|Official T-shirt artwork "Eye of Ender" sold by JINX.File:Happy Halloween Eye.jpg|A Halloween T-Shirt design featuring an eye of ender.</gallery>==External links==*[http://www.strongholdfinder.com/ A super-easy stronghold triangulation tool]*[http://jsfiddle.net/42EDX/40/ JSFiddle Eye of Ender triangulator - can guess the location of other 2 strongholds in the first ring]*[https://ens-gijs.github.io/minecraft-stronghold-locator/ Minecraft Stronghold Locator Eye of Ender throw plotting visualizer - zoomable to show all possible stronghold rings]*[https://github.com/winny-/stronghold Python Eye of Ender throw plotting tool]*[http://www.purplefrog.com/~thoth/MinecraftStronghold/stronghold.html HTML Eye of Ender throw plotting visualizer (not updated after 1.9 stronghold placement changes)]*[http://chunkbase.com/apps/stronghold-finder Chunk Base Stronghold Finder (seed-based)]*[https://github.com/toolbox4minecraft/amidst/releases Amidst - File-based world visualizer]*[http://minecraft.tournier.org/StrongholdLocator/ Find strongholds by analyzing stronghold.dat file]== References=={{reflist}}{{Items}}{{entities}}[[cs:Endové oko]][[de:Enderauge]][[es:Ojo de ender]][[fr:Œil de l'Ender]][[hu:Végzet szeme]][[ja:エンダーアイ]][[ko:엔더의 눈]][[nl:Enderoog]][[pl:Oko Endera]][[pt:Olho de ender]][[ru:Око Края]][[th:ดวงตาแห่งเอนเดอร์]][[uk:Око Краю]][[zh:末影之眼]]</li></ul>
beta traders can sell small dripleaf, pointed dripstone, rooted dirt and moss block.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Bucket|Bucket]]<br/>{{about|the empty bucket|buckets filled with objects}}{{Item| image = Bucket.png| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (16), except in furnace fuel slot}}A '''bucket''' is an item used to carry [[water]], [[lava]], [[milk]], [[powder snow]], and [[Bucket of aquatic mob|various aquatic mobs]].== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting |A2= Iron Ingot |C2= Iron Ingot |B3= Iron Ingot |Output= Bucket |type= Miscellaneous}}=== Natural generation ==={{LootChestItem|bucket}}== Usage ==Empty buckets can be used to "pick up" a [[water]] or [[lava]] source block by pressing {{control|use}} item on a block of the relevant type. If the empty bucket is part of a stack and the player's inventory is full, the filled bucket drops in front of the player as an item. A bucket filled with a source block can then be used to place its source block contents in the empty block next to the side of the block the player is currently looking at, or replacing the block looked at for some replaceable blocks.One can press {{control|use}} when looking at a [[cow]], [[mooshroom]], or [[goat]] to fill a bucket with [[milk]]. A bucket full of milk can be emptied only by drinking it or by using it in crafting a recipe (like [[cake]]).A bucket full of water can be used on a live aquatic mob ([[cod]], [[salmon]], [[tropical fish]], [[pufferfish]], [[axolotl]], or [[tadpole]]) to collect the mob in the bucket for transportation to another location. The mob in item form becomes a [[bucket of aquatic mob]].An empty bucket can be used to empty a [[cauldron]] with water or lava, filling the bucket with the fluid. This does not work with dispensers.<ref>{{bug|MC-165196}}</ref>A lava bucket placed in the fuel slot of a [[furnace]] becomes an empty bucket after the lava is consumed during [[smelting]].An empty bucket fills with [[water]] when placed in the fuel slot of a [[furnace]] while smelting a [[Sponge|wet sponge]].An empty bucket can be used to collect [[powder snow]], filling the bucket with powder snow. Emptying the powder snow bucket places the powder snow block in the empty block next to the side of the block the player is currently looking at.== Sounds =={{el|je}}:{{Sound table|sound=Fill water bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill water bucket2.ogg|sound3=Fill water bucket3.ogg|subtitle=Bucket fills|source=player|description=When a bucket is filled with water|id=item.bucket.fill|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.fill|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Empty water bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty water bucket1.ogg|sound3=Empty water bucket2.ogg|sound4=Empty water bucket3.ogg|subtitle=Bucket empties|source=block|description=When a water bucket is emptied <ref group=sound><code>empty1</code> plays at twice the frequency as the other sounds</ref>|id=item.bucket.empty|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.empty|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0 <ref group=sound>Except for the second copy of <code>empty1</code>, which is 0.9</ref>|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg|subtitle=Bucket fills|source=player|description=When a bucket is filled with lava|id=item.bucket.fill_lava|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.fill|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0 |distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg|subtitle=Bucket empties|source=block|description=When a lava bucket is emptied|id=item.bucket.empty_lava|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.empty|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Fill powder snow bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill powder snow bucket2.ogg|subtitle=Bucket fills|source=player|description=When a bucket is filled with powder snow|id=item.bucket.fill_powder_snow|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.fill|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0/0.9/1.1|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Empty powder snow bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty powder snow bucket2.ogg|subtitle=Bucket empties|source=block|description=When a powder snow bucket is emptied|id=item.bucket.empty_powder_snow|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.empty|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|rowspan=2|sound=Fill fish bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill fish bucket2.ogg|sound3=Fill fish bucket3.ogg|subtitle=Fish captured|source=neutral|description=When a fish is collected into a water bucket|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.fill_fish|id=item.bucket.fill_fish|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|subtitle=Tadpole captured|source=neutral|description=When a tadpole is collected into a bucket|id=item.bucket.fill_tadpole|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.fill_tadpole|volume=0.5|pitch=1.5|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Fill axolotl1.ogg|sound2=Fill axolotl2.ogg|sound3=Fill axolotl3.ogg|subtitle=Axolotl scooped|source=neutral|description=When an axolotl is collected into a bucket|id=item.bucket.fill_axolotl|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.fill_axolotl|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|rowspan=3|sound=Empty fish bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty fish bucket2.ogg|sound3=Empty fish bucket3.ogg|subtitle=Bucket empties|source=neutral|description=When a fish is placed from a bucket|id=item.bucket.empty_fish|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.empty|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|subtitle=Bucket empties|source=neutral|description=When a tadpole is placed from a bucket|id=item.bucket.empty_tadpole|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.empty|volume=0.5|pitch=1.5|distance=16}}{{Sound table|subtitle=Bucket empties|source=neutral|description=When an axolotl is placed from a bucket|id=item.bucket.empty_axolotl|translationkey=subtitles.item.bucket.empty|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Cow milk1.ogg|sound2=Cow milk2.ogg|sound3=Cow milk3.ogg|source=player|subtitle=Cow gets milked|description=When a cow is milked|id=entity.cow.milk|translationkey=subtitles.entity.cow.milk|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Mooshroom milk1.ogg|sound2=Mooshroom milk2.ogg|sound3=Mooshroom milk3.ogg|subtitle=Goat gets milked|description=When a regular goat is milked|source=neutral|id=entity.goat.milk|translationkey=subtitles.entity.goat.milk|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Goat screaming milk1.ogg|sound2=Goat screaming milk2.ogg|sound3=Goat screaming milk3.ogg|sound4=Goat screaming milk4.ogg|sound5=Goat screaming milk5.ogg|subtitle=Goat gets milked|source=neutral|description=When a screaming goat is milked|id=entity.goat.screaming.milk|translationkey=subtitles.entity.goat.milk|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{el|be}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Fill water bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill water bucket2.ogg|sound3=Fill water bucket3.ogg|source=block|description=When a bucket is filled with water|id=bucket.fill_water|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Empty water bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty water bucket2.ogg|sound3=Empty water bucket3.ogg|source=block|description=When a water bucket is emptied|id=bucket.empty_water|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|rowspan=2|sound=Water Splash Old.ogg|source=block|description=When a water bucket is placed in a cauldron<wbr><ref group=sound name=bucketsplash>{{Bug|MCPE-135919}}</ref>|id=cauldron.fillwater|volume=0.1|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|source=block|description=When a water bucket is removed from a cauldron<wbr><ref group=sound name=bucketsplash/>|id=cauldron.takewater|volume=0.1|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Fill lava bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill lava bucket2.ogg|sound3=Fill lava bucket3.ogg|source=block|description=When a bucket is filled with lava|id=bucket.fill_lava|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Empty lava bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty lava bucket2.ogg|sound3=Empty lava bucket3.ogg|source=block|description=When a lava bucket is emptied|id=bucket.empty_lava|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Fill powder snow bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill powder snow bucket2.ogg|source=player|description=When a bucket is filled with powder snow|id=bucket.fill_powder_snow|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Empty powder snow bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty powder snow bucket2.ogg|source=block|description=When a powder snow bucket is emptied|id=bucket.empty_powder_snow|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Fill fish bucket1.ogg|sound2=Fill fish bucket2.ogg|sound3=Fill fish bucket3.ogg|source=block|description=When a creature is collected into a water bucket|id=bucket.fill_fish|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Empty fish bucket1.ogg|sound2=Empty fish bucket2.ogg|sound3=Empty fish bucket3.ogg|source=block|description=When a creature is placed from a bucket|id=bucket.empty_fish|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Cow milk1.ogg|sound2=Cow milk2.ogg|sound3=Cow milk3.ogg|source=neutral|description=When a cow is milked|id=mob.cow.milk|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Mooshroom milk1.ogg|sound2=Mooshroom milk2.ogg|sound3=Mooshroom milk3.ogg|description=When a regular goat is milked|source=neutral|id=mob.mooshroom.suspicious_milk|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0, 0.9, 1.1}}{{Sound table|sound=Goat screaming milk1.ogg|sound2=Goat screaming milk2.ogg|sound3=Goat screaming milk3.ogg|sound4=Goat screaming milk4.ogg|sound5=Goat screaming milk5.ogg|description=When a screaming goat is milked|source=neutral|id=mob.goat.milk.screamer|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Bucket|spritetype=item|nameid=bucket|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|showaliasids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Bucket|spritetype=item|nameid=bucket|id=360|aliasid=bucket / 0|form=item|foot=1}}== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|0tVu5HYLQMw}}</div>== Achievements =={{Load achievements|I am a Marine Biologist}}== Advancements =={{Load advancements|Hot Stuff}}== History =={{History|java infdev}}{{History||20100615|[[File:Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added buckets.|Buckets can currently pick up only [[water]] and [[lava]].}}{{History||20100625-2|Buckets can now be found in the new [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.0.11|[[Cow]]s are now [[milk]]able by using buckets.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|Added [[mooshroom]]s, which can be milked like normal [[cow]]s.}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5|In [[Creative]] mode, buckets now remain empty when {{control|used}} to pick up [[water]] and [[lava]].}}{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w06a|Buckets are now [[renewable resource|renewable]], due to zombies having a chance to drop iron ingots.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Buckets are now stackable up to 16.|[[Dispenser]]s can now use buckets to collect and dispense water and lava.}}{{History|||snap=12w22a|[[Smelting]] in a [[furnace]] with a [[lava bucket]] now leaves an empty bucket for the [[player]] to retrieve.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w25b|An empty bucket in the [[fuel]] slot now fills and become a [[water bucket]] after a [[sponge|wet sponge]] is dried. This happens for empty buckets placed by the [[player]] while the furnace is still smelting, and for empty buckets left by lava buckets.|Stacked buckets in the fuel slot now become a single water bucket.}}{{History|||snap=14w26a|The [[player]] can now place only one bucket in the [[fuel]] slot, which fixes the bug above.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w44a|A full [[cauldron]] can now be emptied with a bucket, filling the bucket with [[water]].|The average yield of buckets from [[dungeon]] [[chest]]s has been substantially decreased.}}{{History|||snap=15w46a|Buckets now replace single [[snow|snow layers]] when {{control|used}} on the top, instead of placing the [[water]] or [[lava]] in the [[air]] above the snow layer.}}{{History|||snap=15w50a|Added [[sound]]s for buckets: <code>item.bucket.fill</code>, <code>item.bucket.fill_lava</code>, <code>item.bucket.empty</code>, and <code>item.bucket.empty_lava</code>.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Buckets are now found in the new [[woodland mansion]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 325.}}{{History|||snap=November 18, 2017|slink=https://youtu.be/A_Z3AokMwWI?t=1h52m07s|Buckets were said to be able to pick up fish mobs.}}{{History|||snap=18w08b|Added [[fish bucket]]s, which turn into regular buckets when {{control|used}}.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of buckets has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w49a|Buckets can now be found in chests in [[savanna]] [[village]] houses.}}{{History||1.16|snap=Pre-release 1|Using a bucket on water or lava in Creative mode now provides the player with one water or lava bucket in the inventory.<ref>{{bug|MC-9856}}</ref> This is created in a new inventory slot rather than replacing the used bucket. A limit of one bucket per fluid can be obtained this way - attempting to fill a bucket where a filled one already exists in the inventory removes the fluid as expected but does not provide any new buckets.|Cows and mooshrooms can also now be milked in Creative mode,<ref>{{bug|MC-36322}}</ref> providing the player with limitless milk buckets.}}{{History|||snap=Pre-release 4|Milking cows now provides Creative players with only one bucket.<ref>{{bug|MC-188352}}</ref>}}{{History||1.17|snap=October 3, 2020|slink=https://youtu.be/DWZIfsaIgtE?t=2h04m58s|Buckets were revealed to be able to be used to collect [[axolotl]]s.}}{{History|||snap=21w13a|[[Goat]]s are now milkable by using buckets.}}{{History|||snap=20w46a|Added [[powder snow]], which can be collected with buckets.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.7.0|[[File:Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added buckets.}}{{History||v0.7.4|Filled buckets no longer stack.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-3960}}</ref>|Empty buckets no longer allow [[liquid]] sources to be targeted and broken like [[block]]s.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-3857}}</ref>}}{{History||unknown|The stack limit for empty buckets has been changed from 64 to 16.}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|A full [[cauldron]] can now be emptied with a bucket, filling the bucket with [[water]].}} {{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|Added [[sound]]s when using buckets.|An empty bucket in the [[fuel]] slot now fills and becomes a [[water bucket]] after a [[sponge|wet sponge]] is dried. This happens for empty buckets placed by the [[player]] while the [[furnace]] is still [[smelting]], and for empty buckets left by [[lava bucket]]s.}}{{History||?|Buckets no longer highlight fluid blocks when aiming at them.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Buckets now generate in [[woodland mansion]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Added [[fish bucket]]s, which turn into regular buckets when used.|Empty buckets can now be used to catch [[fish]].|Moved all bucket items from the Equipment tab to the Items tab in the [[Creative inventory]].{{verify|type=update}}{{info needed}}<!---please check snapshots, only 1 major release version was checked each--->}}{{History||1.9.0|snap=beta|[[Cauldron]]s filled with [[lava]] can now be emptied by using a bucket, filling it with lava.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of buckets has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Buckets can now be found in [[savanna]] [[village]] house [[chest]]s.}}{{History||1.16.200|snap=beta|[[Goat]]s are now milkable by using buckets.}}{{History||1.16.210|snap=beta|Added [[powder snow]], which can be used to turn bucket to powder snow bucket.}}{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Added [[axolotl]]s, which can be used to turn bucket to axolotl bucket.}}{{History||1.19.0|snap=?|Added [[tadpole]]s, which can be used to turn bucket to tadpole bucket.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added buckets.}}{{History||xbox=TU9|Buckets are now stackable up to 16.}}{{History|PS4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of buckets has been changed.}}{{History|new 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added buckets.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Gallery ==<gallery>Bucket SDGP.png|Bucket in the [[Super Duper Graphics Pack]].</gallery>== See also ==*[[Cauldron]]*[[Bowl]]*[[Glass Bottle]]*[[Water]]== References =={{reflist}}== External Links ==*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory-bucket Taking Inventory: Bucket] – Minecraft.net on December 14, 2018{{Items}}[[Category:Tools]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[cs:Kbelík]][[de:Eimer]][[es:Cubo]][[fr:Seau]][[hu:Vödör]][[it:Secchio]][[ja:バケツ]][[ko:양동이]][[nl:Emmer]][[pl:Wiadro]][[pt:Balde]][[ru:Ведро]][[th:ถัง]][[uk:Відро]][[zh:桶]]</li><li>[[Pink Dye|Pink Dye]]<br/>{{Item| image = Pink Dye.png| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}'''Pink dye''' is a [[Dyeing#Quasi-Primary|quasi-primary color dye]].== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting |head=1 |showname=0 |showdescription=1 |Peony;Pink Tulip;Pink Petals |Output=Pink Dye,2;Pink Dye;Pink Dye |type=Material}}{{Crafting |Red Dye |White Dye |Output=Pink Dye,2 |type=Material}}{{Crafting |Red Dye |Bone Meal |Output=Pink Dye,2 |type=Material |foot=1 |description={{only|bedrock|education}}}}=== Trading ===[[Wandering trader]]s sell 3 pink dye for an [[emerald]].== Usage =={{dye usage}}=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage|ignore=Banner|continue=1}}{{banner crafting usage}}=== Loom ingredient ==={{Banner loom usage|Pink Dye}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Pink Dye|spritetype=item|nameid=pink_dye|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Pink Dye|spritetype=item|nameid=pink_dye|aliasid=dye / 9|id=404|form=item|translationkey=item.dye.pink.name|foot=1}}== Video =={{yt|pPq-Hs9ZPx4}}== History =={{History|java beta}}{{History||1.2|[[File:Pink Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added pink dye.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|Added the ability to [[Armor#Dyeing|dye]] leather [[armor]] and [[wolf]] collars.}}{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Pink dye can now be [[crafting|crafted]] with [[gunpowder]] to create a [[firework star]].}} {{History||1.6.1|snap=13w19a|[[Stained clay]] can now be crafted.}}{{history||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|With the addition of new [[flower]]s, many secondary and tertiary dyes are now primary [[dye]]s.}}{{History|||snap=13w41a|[[Stained glass]] can now be crafted.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w30a|Added [[banner]]s, which can be dyed.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Added the ability to dye [[shulker box]]es.}}{{History||1.12|snap=17w15a|Added the ability to dye [[bed]]s.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The different data values for the <code>dye</code> ID have now been split up into their own IDs.|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 351.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Pink dye is now crafted using [[white dye]], instead of [[bone meal]].|[[File:Pink Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of pink dye has now been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w44a|Pink dye can now change the text color on [[sign]]s to pink.}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Added the [[wandering trader]], which sells pink dye.}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|Pink dye can now be [[trading|bought]] by shepherd villagers.}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Pink dye can now be used to craft [[pink candle]]s.}}{{History|||snap=21w19a|Pink dye can no longer be used to craft pink candles.}}{{History|||snap=Pre-release 1|Pink dye can now once again be used to craft pink candles.}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Pink dye can now change the text color on [[hanging sign]]s to pink.}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w07a|[[Pink petals]] can now be crafted into pink dye.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Pink Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added pink dye.}}{{History||v0.4.0|Pink dye is now craftable with [[rose red]] and [[bone meal]].|Pink dye can now be used to craft pink wool.}}{{History||v0.6.0|Pink dye can now be used to dye [[sheep]].}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Pink dye can now be used to craft [[magenta dye]].}}{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 11|Pink dye can now be used to craft colored [[terracotta]].}}{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Pink dye can now be used to dye tamed [[wolf]] collars.}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Pink dye can now be used to dye [[water]] in [[cauldron]]s.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Pink dye can now be used to dye [[shulker]]s.}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Pink dye can now be used to craft [[concrete powder]], colored [[bed]]s and dyed [[shulker box]]es.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Pink dye can now be used to craft [[firework star]]s, [[stained glass]] and patterns on [[banner]]s.}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Pink dye can now be used to craft [[balloon]]s and [[glow stick]]s.}}{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Pink dye can now be used to dye tamed [[cat]] collars.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Pink dye is now [[trading|sold]] by [[wandering trader]]s.|Pink dye can now be used to dye white [[carpet]]s and undyed [[glass pane]]s.|[[File:Pink Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of pink dye has now been changed.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of pink dye has been changed from <code>dye/9</code> to <code>pink_dye</code>.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|switch=1.0.1|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Pink Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added pink dye.}}{{History|PS4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Pink Dye JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of pink dye has now been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Pink Dye JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added pink dye.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}{{Items}}[[Category:Dyes]][[cs:Růžové barvivo]][[de:Rosa Farbstoff]][[es:Tinte rosa]][[fr:Teinture rose]][[hu:Rózsaszín festék]][[ja:桃色の染料]][[ko:분홍색 염료]][[nl:Roze kleurstof]][[pl:Różowy barwnik]][[pt:Corante rosa]][[ru:Розовый краситель]][[zh:粉红色染料]][[Category:Renewable resources]]</li></ul>
beta traders can sell mangrove propagules.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Milk Bucket|Milk Bucket]]<br/>{{Item| title=Milk Bucket| image = Milk Bucket.png| renewable = Yes| effects = Clears all| stackable = No}}A '''milk bucket'''{{fn|Known as '''Milk Bucket''' {{in|java}} and '''Milk''' {{in|bedrock}}.}} is a [[drink]] obtained from {{Control|use|text=using}} a [[bucket]] on [[cow]]s, [[mooshroom]]s and [[goat]]s that can be consumed to clear all [[Effect|effects]].== Obtaining ===== Harvesting ===Milk buckets can be obtained from [[cow]]s, [[mooshroom]]s, and [[goat]]s by pressing {{control|use}} while looking at them with an empty [[bucket]].=== Mob loot ===A milk bucket has a chance of dropping from a [[wandering trader]], if the trader is killed while holding it.{{only|java}}== Usage ==Holding {{control|use}} with a milk bucket starts the drinking sound and animation. {{IN|java}}, the animation is shown only in first-person camera mode.When consumed, milk immediately removes all status [[effect]]s from the [[player]]. [[Fire]] is not a status effect; therefore, drinking milk doesn't extinguish a burning player.The benefits of area status effects granted by [[beacon]]s and [[Conduit Power|conduit power]] are restored almost immediately in Bedrock Edition and after a few seconds in ''Java Edition''.=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage|Milk Bucket}}== Sounds =={{el|je}}:{{Sound table|sound=Drink.ogg|subtitle=Sipping|source=player|description=While a player is drinking milk|id=entity.generic.drink|translationkey=subtitles.entity.generic.drink|volume=0.5|pitch=0.9-1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Cow milk1.ogg|sound2=Cow milk2.ogg|sound3=Cow milk3.ogg|source=player|subtitle=Cow gets milked|description=When a cow is milked|id=entity.cow.milk|translationkey=subtitles.entity.cow.milk|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Mooshroom milk1.ogg|sound2=Mooshroom milk2.ogg|sound3=Mooshroom milk3.ogg|subtitle=Goat gets milked|description=When a regular goat is milked|source=neutral|id=entity.goat.milk|translationkey=subtitles.entity.goat.milk|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Goat screaming milk1.ogg|sound2=Goat screaming milk2.ogg|sound3=Goat screaming milk3.ogg|sound4=Goat screaming milk4.ogg|sound5=Goat screaming milk5.ogg|subtitle=Goat gets milked|description=When a screaming goat is milked|source=neutral|id=entity.goat.screaming.milk|translationkey=subtitles.entity.goat.milk|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Wandering trader drink milk1.ogg|sound2=Wandering trader drink milk2.ogg|sound3=Wandering trader drink milk3.ogg|sound4=Wandering trader drink milk4.ogg|sound5=Wandering trader drink milk5.ogg|subtitle=Wandering Trader drinks milk|source=neutral|description=While a wandering trader is drinking milk to become visible during daytime|id=entity.wandering_trader.drink_milk|translationkey=subtitles.entity.wandering_trader.drink_milk|volume=0.5|pitch=0.9-1.0|distance=16|foot=1}}{{el|be}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Drink.ogg|source=player|description=While a player is drinking milk|id=random.drink|volume=0.35|pitch=0.9-1.1}}{{Sound table|sound=Cow milk1.ogg|sound2=Cow milk2.ogg|sound3=Cow milk3.ogg|source=neutral|description=When a cow is milked|id=mob.cow.milk|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Mooshroom milk1.ogg|sound2=Mooshroom milk2.ogg|sound3=Mooshroom milk3.ogg|description=When a regular goat is milked|source=neutral|id=mob.mooshroom.suspicious_milk|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0/0.9/1.1}}{{Sound table|sound=Goat screaming milk1.ogg|sound2=Goat screaming milk2.ogg|sound3=Goat screaming milk3.ogg|sound4=Goat screaming milk4.ogg|sound5=Goat screaming milk5.ogg|description=When a screaming goat is milked|source=neutral|id=mob.goat.milk.screamer|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Wandering trader drink milk1.ogg|sound2=Wandering trader drink milk2.ogg|sound3=Wandering trader drink milk3.ogg|sound4=Wandering trader drink milk4.ogg|sound5=Wandering trader drink milk5.ogg|source=neutral|description=While a wandering trader is drinking milk to become visible during daytime|id=mob.wanderingtrader.drink_milk|volume=1.0|pitch=0.8-1.2|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Milk Bucket|spritetype=item|nameid=milk_bucket|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Milk|spritetype=item|nameid=milk_bucket|aliasid=bucket / 1|id=361|form=item|translationkey=item.milk.name|foot=1}}== Achievements =={{load achievements|The Lie}}== Advancements =={{Load advancements|Husbandry}}== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|eyxea_d0b3s}}</div>== History =={{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.0.8|[[File:Milk Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Milk has been introduced, but it has no purpose and is obtainable only through inventory editing.}}{{History||v1.0.11|Milk can now be obtained by {{control|use|text=milking}} a [[cow]] with a [[bucket]]. However, it is not yet drinkable.}}{{History||v1.0.17|Milk buckets can now be emptied.}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.2|Milk has been incorporated into the [[crafting]] recipe of [[cake]].}}{{History||1.2_01|[[Squid]] can now be milked by right-clicking on their mouth if part of their body was exposed to [[air]] or if they were not touching another [[block]]. An easy way to accomplish this is to pull a squid with a [[fishing rod]] away from other blocks and then milk it.}}{{History||1.3_01|Squid milking has been removed.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|Milk can now be obtained by milking [[mooshroom]]s.}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|Milk has been made drinkable.|According to a tweet by [[Jeb]] on September 30th 2011, milk was made a cure for all status effects.<ref>{{tweet|jeb_|119842906528944129|@Nexusdog_UK I haven't! In beta 1.9 pre2 milk works like a clear-everything drink|September 30, 2011}}</ref>|Milk is no longer emptiable.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 335.}}{{History|||snap=18w20a|"Milk" has been renamed to "Milk Bucket".}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Milk Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of milk buckets has been changed.}}{{History||1.14|snap=19w06a|[[Wandering trader]]s now drink from milk buckets at dawn, and have a change to drop them.}}{{History||1.17|snap=21w13a|Milk can now be obtained by milking [[goat]]s.}}{{History|upcoming java}}{{History||Villager Trade Rebalance<br>(Experimental)|link=Java Edition 1.20.2|snap=23w31a|Wander traders now have a chance to [[trading|buy]] a milk bucket from the player.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.7.0|[[File:Milk Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added milk buckets. |Milk buckets are not yet drinkable.}}{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 4|Drinking milk now removes [[status effects]].|Added milk buckets to the Creative inventory.{{verify|type=update}}{{info needed}}<!---same update?--->}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Moved all bucket items, including milk, from the Equipment tab to the Items tab in the [[Creative inventory]].{{verify|type=update}}{{info needed}}<!---please check snapshots, only 1 major release version was checked each--->}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Milk Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of milk buckets has been changed.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The ID of milk has been changed from <code>bucket/1</code> to <code>milk_bucket</code>.}}{{History||1.16.200|snap=beta|Milk can now be obtained by milking [[goat]]s.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Milk Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added milk buckets.}}{{History|Ps4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Milk Bucket JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of milk buckets has been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Milk Bucket JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added milk buckets.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== See also ==*[[Water Bucket]]*[[Lava]]*[[Food]]*[[Cake]]*[[Honey Bottle]] (alternative to remove poison effect)*[[Medicine]]== Notes =={{fnlist}}== References =={{reflist}}== External Links ==*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--milk-bucket Taking Inventory: Milk Bucket] – Minecraft.net on October 8, 2019{{Items}}[[Category:Food]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[Category:Tools]][[cs:Mléko]][[de:Milcheimer]][[es:Cubo con leche]][[fr:Seau de lait]][[hu:Tej]][[it:Secchio di latte]][[ja:ミルク入りバケツ]][[ko:우유 양동이]][[nl:Emmer melk]][[pl:Wiadro mleka]][[pt:Balde de leite]][[ru:Ведро с молоком]][[th:ถังนม]][[uk:Відро молока]][[zh:奶桶]]</li><li>[[Photo|Photo]]<br/>{{exclusive|education}}{{Item| image = Photo EE2.png| renewable = No (unless [[portfolio]] is available)| stackable = }}A '''photo''' is an [[item]] containing a picture taken with a [[camera]].<ref>{{cite|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210925044841mp_/https://educommunity.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4407489082644-Feature-Walkthrough-Minecraft-Education-Edition-GOAT-Beta-version-1-17-30-| title = Feature Walkthrough Minecraft: Education Edition GOAT Beta (version 1.17.30)|website=Minecraft: Education Edition Support|date=September 24, 2021}}</ref><ref>{{cite|url=https://education.minecraft.net/en-us/blog/new-update-and-anniversary-for-mee| title = The GOAT Update Celebrates a Minecraft Milestone!|website=Minecraft: Education Edition|date=November 2, 2021}}</ref><ref>{{ytl|2Wd0J-EIfws|GOAT Release Playthrough|Minecraft: Education Edition|December 2, 2021}}</ref>== Obtaining ==A photo in a [[portfolio]] can be saved as a photo item by selecting the "Save to Inventory" button underneath it.== Usage ==Photos display an image when held in the hand or when placed in an [[item frame]], similarly to [[map]]s. Photos can have captions added to them by renaming them in an [[anvil]] or by adding a caption while they are in a portfolio. Photos can be added to [[book and quill]]s and portfolios by selecting the "Add Photo" button in the book and quill or portfolio.== Data values ===== ID ==={{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Photo|spritetype=item|nameid=photo_item|id=?|form=item|foot=1}}== History =={{History|education}}{{History||1.17.30|snap=|[[File:Photo EE1.png|32px]] Added photos.}}{{History||1.17.30|snap=release|[[File:Photo EE2.png|32px]] Changed photo texture.}}{{History|foot}}== Gallery ==<gallery>Photo Item 1.png|A photo being placed in an item frame.Photo Item 2.png|A photo being saved from a portfolio.Photo Item 3.png|A photo being added to a book and quill.</gallery>== References =={{Reflist}}{{Items}}{{Education Edition}}[[Category:Education Edition items]][[Category:Non-renewable resources]][[ja:写真]][[pl:Zdjęcie]][[zh:相片]]</li></ul>
beta traders now drink milk at dawn.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Minecart with Hopper|Minecart with Hopper]]<br/>{{ItemEntity|image=Minecart with Hopper.png|renewable=Yes|stackable=No|size=Height: 0.7 Blocks<br>Width: 0.98 Blocks|networkid='''[[JE]]''': 10|drops=1 {{ItemLink|Minecart with Hopper}}<br>plus contents|health={{hp|6}}}}A '''minecart with hopper''' is a [[minecart]] with a [[hopper]] inside. Unlike a normal hopper, it pulls items from containers much more quickly, cannot push items into containers, can collect [[Item (entity)|item entities]] through a single layer of [[solid block]]s and is locked and unlocked via [[Activator Rail|activator rails]].== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting|Output= Minecart with Hopper|type= Transportation|Hopper|Minecart}}Minecarts with hoppers can be retrieved by attacking them. By doing so it drop as an [[item (entity)|item]] and any other contents of the hopper are dropped as well.== Usage ==[[File:Minecart with Hopper GUI.png|thumb|176px|The GUI of a minecart with hopper.]]Minecarts with hoppers are placed similarly to other [[minecart]]s.A minecart with hopper pulls in items lying nearby (within a range slightly larger than the cart itself), or inside a container directly above the minecart, at a rate of 1 item every [[game tick]] (20 items per second), eight times as fast as a normal hopper. It also picks up items that are lying on a block directly above the track. It does not push items into containers, but a hopper underneath the track can remove items from a minecart with hopper on the track. Ordinary hoppers can also drop items into a minecart with hopper like other containers, at the normal speed of 2.5 items per second. In Bedrock Edition, a minecart with hopper on curved rail pulls in items in a hopper lying in front of its moving direction and 1 block above if hopper's output funnel is pointed downward and no block is below that hopper.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-94293}}</ref>The hopper can be disabled by passing over a powered [[activator rail]], and can be reenabled by an inactive activator rail.An empty minecart with hopper can travel more than 85 blocks without stopping (as opposed to a normal cart going less than 12 blocks) from a dead stop using a 2 powered track starter even with another cart in front of them. However, the distance traveled by a minecart with hopper depends on the hopper's load. Using a 1 powered rail starter track, a minecart with an empty hopper travels 64 blocks until it stops (as opposed to an empty normal minecart going 8 blocks). The distance traveled diminishes non-linearly with increased hopper load; a minecart with a full hopper can travel only 16 blocks in this setup.{{See also|Tutorials/Storage minecarts}}== Sounds =={{Edition|Java}}:<br>Minecarts with hoppers use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.<ref group=sound name=rollsource>{{bug|MC-42132}}</ref>{{Sound table|sound=Minecart rolling.ogg|subtitle=Minecart rolls|source=Friendly Creatures <ref group=sound name=rollsource/>|overridesource=1|description=While a minecart with hopper is moving|id=entity.minecart.riding|translationkey=subtitles.entity.minecart.riding|volume=0.0-0.35 <ref group=sound>Relates linearly with horizontal velocity (max 0.5)</ref>|pitch=0.0-1.0 <ref group=sound>Will increase by 0.0025 per tick if the minecart's horizontal velocity is more than 0.01</ref>|distance=16|foot=1}}{{Edition|Bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Minecart rolling.ogg|source=neutral|description=While a minecart with hopper is moving|id=minecart.base|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Item|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Minecart with Hopper|spritetype=item|nameid=hopper_minecart|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Entity|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Minecart with Hopper|spritetype=entity|nameid=hopper_minecart|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Item|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Minecart with Hopper|spritetype=item|nameid=hopper_minecart|id=526|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Entity|shownumericids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Minecart with Hopper|spritetype=entity|nameid=hopper_minecart|id=96|foot=1}}=== Entity data ===Minecarts with hoppers have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the entity.{{el|java}}:{{main|Entity format}}{{/ED}}{{el|bedrock}}:: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]].== Video ==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|I5etC7LeCac}}</div>== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w03a|[[File:Minecart with Hopper JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart with Hopper (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added minecart with hopper.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w43a|Loot tables are added; minecarts with hopper now can use loot tables.}}{{History||1.9.1|snap=pre2|The title of the [[inventory]] is changed from 'Hopper minecart' to 'Minecart with Hopper'.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The entity ID of the minecart with hopper has now been changed from <code>MinecartHopper</code> to <code>hopper_minecart</code>.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 408.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Minecart with Hopper JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart with Hopper (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of the minecart with hopper have now been changed.}}{{History||1.15|snap=19w38a|[[File:Minecart with Hopper 19w38a.png|32px]] The hopper now appears dark, same as suffocating mobs.}}{{History|||snap=19w39a|The hopper now renders correctly.}}{{History||1.16.2|snap=Pre-release 1|Opening or destroying a minecart with hopper now angers nearby [[piglin]]s.}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|The crafting recipe for a minecart with hopper is now shapeless.|Breaking a minecart with hopper will now drop the item instead of the minecart and hopper separately, though the contents of the hopper are still dropped.<ref>{{bug|MC-249493|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History||1.19.4|snap=23w06a|Minecart with hopper now no longer aggravates [[piglin]]s when opened.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|[[File:Minecart with Hopper JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart with Hopper (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added minecart with hopper.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|The entity ID of the minecart with hopper has now been changed from <code>minecarthopper</code> to <code>hopper_minecart</code>.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Minecart with Hopper JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart with Hopper (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of the minecart with hopper have now been changed.}}{{History||1.19.0|snap=beta|Breaking a minecart with hopper will now drop the item instead of the minecart and hopper separately, though the contents of the hopper are still dropped.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU19|xbone=CU7|ps=1.12|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Minecart with Hopper JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart with Hopper (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added minecart with hopper.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Minecart with Hopper JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart with Hopper (item) JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of the minecart with hopper have now been changed.}}{{History|new 3ds}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Minecart with Hopper JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart with Hopper (item) JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added minecart with hopper.|Minecarts with hopper emit smoke [[particles]] when destroyed.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Gallery ==<gallery>File:First hopper Minecart Image.png|The first image of hopper carts released by Dinnerbone.<ref>{{Tweet|Dinnerbone|291215700213772289|Well you guys got that quick. The letters in the hotbar were for <nowiki>[imgur link]|January 15, 2013}}</ref>File:13w03a Banner.png|The 13w03a banner showing a minecart with hopper and a [[dropper]].</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}{{items}}{{entities}}[[Category:Mechanics]][[Category:Storage]][[cs:Vozík s násypkou]][[de:Trichterlore]][[es:Vagoneta con tolva]][[fr:Wagonnet à entonnoir]][[hu:Tölcsér csille]][[it:Carrello da miniera]][[ja:ホッパー付きのトロッコ]][[ko:호퍼가 실린 광산 수레]][[nl:Mijnkar met trechter]][[pl:Wagonik z lejem]][[pt:Carrinho de mina com funil]][[ru:Вагонетка с воронкой]][[uk:Вагонетка з лійкою]][[zh:漏斗矿车]]</li><li>[[Shovel|Shovel]]<br/>{{Item| image = <gallery>Wooden Shovel.png | WoodenStone Shovel.png | StoneIron Shovel.png | IronGolden Shovel.png | GoldenDiamond Shovel.png | DiamondNetherite Shovel.png | Netherite</gallery>| rarity = Common| renewable = '''Netherite''': No<br>'''All others''': Yes| durability = * Wood: 59* Stone: 131* Iron: 250* Golden: 32* Diamond: 1561* Netherite: 2031| stackable = No}}'''Shovels''' are [[tool]]s used to hasten the process of breaking [[dirt]], [[sand]], [[gravel]] and other soil blocks, as well as to convert [[Dirt (disambiguation)|dirt]] blocks into [[Dirt Path|dirt paths]].== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting |head=1 |showname=0 |showdescription=1 |name=[[Shovel]]s |B1= {Any Planks}; Iron Ingot; Gold Ingot; Diamond |B2= Stick |B3= Stick|Output= Wooden Shovel; Iron Shovel; Golden Shovel; Diamond Shovel|type= Tool}}{{Crafting |name=[[Stone Shovel]] |B1=Any stone-tier block |B2=Stick |B3=Stick |Output=Stone Shovel |description=Can use any variant of cobblestone |type=Tool}}{{Crafting |foot=1 |ignoreusage=1 |name=[[Shovel]] |ingredients=Damaged Matching [[Shovel]] |Damaged Wooden Shovel; Damaged Stone Shovel; Damaged Iron Shovel; Damaged Golden Shovel; Damaged Diamond Shovel; Damaged Netherite Shovel |Damaged Wooden Shovel; Damaged Stone Shovel; Damaged Iron Shovel; Damaged Golden Shovel; Damaged Diamond Shovel; Damaged Netherite Shovel |Output=Wooden Shovel; Stone Shovel; Iron Shovel; Golden Shovel; Diamond Shovel; Netherite Shovel |description= The durability of the two shovels is added together, plus an extra 5% durability. |type= Tool}}=== Upgrading ===Like other diamond tools, a diamond shovel can be upgraded to a netherite shovel, although increased durability and resistance to fire/lava in item form are the only benefits. The shovel's performance as a digging tool or a weapon is unchanged by the upgrade.{{Smithing|Netherite Upgrade|Diamond Shovel|Netherite Ingot|Netherite Shovel|description=|tail=1}}=== Repairing ======= Grinding ===={{Grinding|showdescription=1|ingredients=2x Damaged [[Wooden Shovel]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Stone Shovel]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Iron Shovel]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Golden Shovel]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Diamond Shovel]] or<br>2x Damaged [[Netherite Shovel]]|Damaged Wooden Shovel; Damaged Stone Shovel; Damaged Iron Shovel; Damaged Golden Shovel; Damaged Diamond Shovel; Damaged Netherite Shovel|Damaged Wooden Shovel; Damaged Stone Shovel; Damaged Iron Shovel; Damaged Golden Shovel; Damaged Diamond Shovel; Damaged Netherite Shovel|Wooden Shovel; Stone Shovel; Iron Shovel; Golden Shovel; Diamond Shovel; Netherite Shovel|description=The durability of the two shovels is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.}}==== [[Anvil mechanics#Unit repair|Unit repair]] ===={{/Repairing with Anvils}} A shovel can be repaired in an [[anvil]] by adding units of the [[tiers]]' repair material, with each repair material restoring 25% the shovel's maximum durability, rounded down. It also keeps the shovel's [[Enchanting|enchantments]].=== Chest loot ===On <code>ancient_city/city_center/city_center_2</code>, they generate a furnace with a wooden shovel inside of it.{{LootChestItem|iron-shovel,level-enchanted-iron-shovel,random-enchanted-golden-shovel,diamond-shovel,level-enchanted-diamond-shovel,damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-shovel,damaged-random-enchanted-diamond-shovel-2}}=== Mob loot ======= Equipment ===={{Main|Drops#Equipped items}}[[Zombie]]s and [[husk]]s have a 0.67% (3.33% in Hard [[difficulty]]) chance of spawning with an iron shovel. They have an 8.5% (9.5% with [[Looting]] I, 10.5% with Looting II and 11.5% with Looting III) chance of dropping that shovel if they are killed by the player. The dropped shovel is usually badly damaged, and may be enchanted: 0%–25% on Normal difficulty and 3.125%–25% on Hard difficulty, varying with [[regional difficulty]], and enchanted as if on an enchanting table at level 5–22.==== Raids ====Vindicators and pillagers that spawn from raids have a 4.1% chance(5.12% on hard) to drop a badly-damaged iron shovel that is sometimes enchanted with a random enchantment.{{only|bedrock}}=== Trading ===Novice-level toolsmith villagers have a 25% chance to sell stone shovels for one emerald, journeyman-level toolsmith villagers have a 25% chance to sell enchanted iron shovels for 2 emeralds, and expert-level toolsmith villagers have a 50% chance to sell enchanted diamond shovels for 5 emeralds as part of their trades.{{only|bedrock}}Novice-level toolsmith villagers have a 40% chance to sell stone shovels for one emerald, journeyman-level tool smiths have a 40% chance to sell an enchanted iron shovel for 7-22 emeralds, and expert-level tool smiths have a {{frac|2|3}} chance to sell an enchanted diamond shovel for 11-27 emeralds.{{only|java}}The enchantments are the same as the ones obtained from an [[enchanting table]] at levels 5–19.=== Villager gifts ==={{in|java}}, toolsmith [[villager]]s occasionally throw stone shovels at players with the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.== Usage ===== Digging ===A shovel can be used to break some materials faster. When breaking a block, it uses 1 durability. For blocks that break instantly, it uses 0 durability.==== Durability ====Each different tier of shovel has a different durability:{| class="wikitable sortable"! Material! [[Durability]]|-| {{itemLink|Wooden Shovel|Wood|link=Shovel}}| 59|-| {{itemLink|Stone Shovel|Stone|link=Shovel}}| 131|-| {{itemLink|Iron Shovel|Iron|link=Shovel}}| 250|-| {{itemLink|Diamond Shovel|Diamond|link=Shovel}}| 1561|-| {{itemLink|Golden Shovel|Golden|link=Shovel}}| 32|-| {{itemLink|Netherite Shovel|Netherite|link=Shovel}}| 2031|}==== Speed ====The following table summarizes the speed at which different quality shovels perform on different block types. Values with a red background indicate that no resource is dropped when the block is destroyed without a shovel. {{breaking row|Clay|simple=1}}{{breaking row|Coarse Dirt}}{{Breaking row|Concrete Powder}}{{breaking row|Dirt}}{{breaking row|Dirt Path}}{{breaking row|Farmland}}{{breaking row|Grass Block}}{{breaking row|Gravel}}{{breaking row|Mud}}{{breaking row|Muddy Mangrove Roots}}{{breaking row|Mycelium}}{{breaking row|Podzol}}{{breaking row|Red Sand}}{{breaking row|Rooted Dirt}}{{breaking row|Sand}}{{breaking row|Snow|Wooden}}{{breaking row|Snow Block|Wooden}}{{breaking row|Soul Sand}}{{breaking row|Soul Soil}}{{breaking row|Suspicious Gravel}}{{breaking row|Suspicious Sand|foot=1}}=== Dirt paths ===A shovel can be used to create a [[dirt path]] by {{control|using}} (not digging) the shovel on any one of the following blocks, losing one durability point:* {{BlockLink|Grass Block}}* {{BlockLink|Dirt}}* {{BlockLink|Coarse Dirt}}* {{BlockLink|Rooted Dirt}}* {{BlockLink|Podzol}}* {{BlockLink|Mycelium}}=== Campfire ===A shovel can be used to extinguish a [[campfire]].===Weapon===Hitting a mob while holding a shovel is a stronger attack than barehanded. Shovels take 2 damage when used as a weapon.====Java Edition====[[Category:Java Edition specific information]]Shovels have an attack speed modifier of -3, meaning they take 1 second to [[Damage#Attack cooldown|recover]]. Shovels deal different damage based on the type:{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" data-description="Attack damage"!Shovel type! Attack damage! Attack speed!Damage per<br>second (DPS)|-|{{ItemLink|Wooden Shovel}}<br>{{ItemLink|Golden Shovel}}||{{hp|2.5}}|| rowspan="4" |1||2.5|-|{{ItemLink|Stone Shovel}}||{{hp|3.5}}||3.5|-|{{ItemLink|Iron Shovel}}||{{hp|4.5}}||4.5|-|{{ItemLink|Diamond Shovel}}||{{hp|5.5}}||5.5|-|{{ItemLink|Netherite Shovel}}||{{hp|6.5}}|1.6||10.4|}====Bedrock Edition===={{IN|bedrock}}, shovels always attack instantly and do the following damage:{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" data-description="Attack damage"! colspan="5" |Attack damage|-|{{ItemSprite|Wooden Shovel}}{{ItemSprite|Golden Shovel}} {{hp|2}}|{{ItemSprite|Stone Shovel}} {{hp|3}}|{{ItemSprite|Iron Shovel}} {{hp|4}}|{{ItemSprite|Diamond Shovel}} {{hp|5}}|{{ItemSprite|Netherite Shovel}} {{hp|6}}|}===Enchantments===A shovel can receive, or be found in an [[End City]] with the following [[enchantment]]s:{| class="wikitable col-2-center col-3-right"|+!Name!Max Level![[Enchanting|Method]]|-|[[Fortune]]<ref group="note" name="exc">Silk Touch and Fortune are mutually exclusive</ref>|III|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Silk Touch]]<ref group="note" name="exc" />|I|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Efficiency]]|V|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Unbreaking]]|III|{{Inventory slot|Enchanting Table}}{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Mending]]|I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Curse of Vanishing]]|I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|}{{notelist}}=== Fuel===Wooden shovels can be used as a fuel in [[furnace]]s, smelting 1 item per shovel.===Smelting ingredient==={{Smelting|showname=1|Iron Shovel;Golden Shovel|Iron Nugget;Gold Nugget|0,1}}===Piglins ==={{EntityLink|Piglin|Piglins}} are attracted to golden shovels and run toward any golden shovels on the ground, and inspect it for 6 to 8 seconds before putting it in their inventory.== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Shovel flatten1.ogg|sound2=Shovel flatten2.ogg|sound3=Shovel flatten3.ogg|sound4=Shovel flatten4.ogg|subtitle=Shovel flattens|source=block|description=When a shovel creates a [[dirt path]]|id=item.shovel.flatten|translationkey=subtitles.item.shovel.flatten|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Random break.ogg|subtitle=Item breaks|source=player|description=When a shovel's durability is exhausted|id=entity.item.break|translationkey=subtitles.entity.item.break|volume=0.8|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Grass hit1.ogg|sound2=Grass hit2.ogg|sound3=Grass hit3.ogg|sound4=Grass hit4.ogg|sound5=Grass hit5.ogg|sound6=Grass hit6.ogg|source=block|description=When a shovel creates a dirt path <ref group=sound>{{Bug|MCPE-114390}}</ref>|id=use.grass|volume=1.0|pitch=0.8}}{{Sound table|sound=Random break.ogg|source=player|description=When a shovel's durability is exhausted|id=random.break|volume=1.0|pitch=0.9|foot=1}}==Data values=====ID==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Wooden Shovel|spritetype=item|nameid=wooden_shovel|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Stone Shovel|spritetype=item|nameid=stone_shovel|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Iron Shovel|spritetype=item|nameid=iron_shovel|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Diamond Shovel|spritetype=item|nameid=diamond_shovel|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Golden Shovel|spritetype=item|nameid=golden_shovel|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Netherite Shovel|spritetype=item|nameid=netherite_shovel|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Wooden Shovel|spritetype=item|nameid=wooden_shovel|id=309|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Stone Shovel|spritetype=item|nameid=stone_shovel|id=313|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Iron Shovel|spritetype=item|nameid=iron_shovel|id=296|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Diamond Shovel|spritetype=item|nameid=diamond_shovel|id=317|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Golden Shovel|spritetype=item|nameid=golden_shovel|id=323|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Netherite Shovel|spritetype=item|nameid=netherite_shovel|id=605|form=item|foot=1}}==Achievements=={{load achievements|MOAR Tools ;Oooh, shiny!}}==Advancements=={{load advancements|Oh Shiny}}== Video==<div style="text-align:center">{{yt|U4X-4S4neYM}}</div>==History=={{Missing information|there are so many missing blocks that need shovel to break}}{{History|java indev}}{{History||0.31|snap=20091231-2|[[File:Iron Shovel JE1.png|32px]] Added iron shovels which are located in the player's [[inventory]].|Shovels cannot be crafted yet and are not functional in this version.}}{{History|||snap=20100110|Shovels are now functional and can now be used to gather [[material]]s like [[dirt]], [[sand]] and [[gravel]] 400% faster than by hand.}}{{History|||snap=20100124|A complete [[tool]] set is no longer given to the [[player]] on starting a new world. Instead, there are multiple [[chest]]s in the later called "[[Indev House]]" containing a stack of most accessible [[blocks]]/[[items]] including [[tools]].}}{{History|||snap=20100128|[[File:Wooden Shovel JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Shovel JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Shovel JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[Tools]] now have tiers. Shovels made from wood, stone, and diamond have been added.|[[File:Iron Shovel JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of iron shovels has been changed.|A shovel held by the player is now rendered to appear more 3D.|They cannot be crafted yet, but have been added to the item chest in the Indev house.}}{{History|||snap=20100129|Wood, stone, iron, and diamond shovels can now be [[craft]]ed.}}{{History|||snap=20100130|[[File:Golden Shovel JE1.png|32px]] Shovels can now be made out of gold.}}{{History|||snap=20100201-1|[[Tools]], including shovels, now take [[damage]] when being used.|Better tools, including shovels, now last longer.}}{{History||20100206|[[File:Golden Shovel JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of golden shovels has been changed.}}{{History|java alpha}}{{History||1.0.5_01|Shovels are now used to get snowballs out of snow layers.}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||April 9, 2011|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy882ILYJMM&t=154s|[[File:Iron Shovel (pre-release).png|32px]] Alternate iron shovel texture was shown in [[Mojang]] test video.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.2.4|snap=release|[[Spruce planks]], [[birch planks]], and [[jungle planks]] can now be used to craft wooden shovels.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w18a|Wooden shovels can now be used as [[fuel]] in a [[furnace]].}}{{History|||snap=12w21a|Blacksmith [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] diamond shovels for 7 [[emerald]]s, and iron shovels for 4–5 emeralds.}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w21a|Instead of replacing the barehanded [[damage]] ({{hp|1}}), shovels now add their damage onto the barehanded damage, which results in all shovels doing {{hp|1}} more damage than before.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=1.7.1|[[Acacia planks]] and [[dark oak planks]] can now be used to craft wooden shovels.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Tool smith villagers now [[trading|sell]] enchanted iron shovels for 5–7 emeralds. The previous trades are now unavailable, making diamond shovels [[non-renewable resource|non-renewable]].}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|A shovel can now be used on a [[grass block]] to create [[grass path]] blocks.|[[Enchanting|Enchanted]] iron or diamond shovels can now be found in [[end city]] chests.}}{{History|||snap=15w34a|Shovels now use the "attack strength" combat mechanic meter. The time it takes for the meter to fill up for a shovel is 0.8 seconds.}}{{History|||snap=15w34c|Shovels now do more [[damage]] and take longer to recover.}}{{History|||snap=15w35a|The damage of shovels has been reduced.}}{{History|||snap=15w41a|Wooden shovels are now used to craft [[boat]]s.}}{{History|||snap=15w50a|The [[sound]] <code>item.shovel.flatten</code> has been added to shovels.}}{{History|||snap=16w04a|Wooden shovels are no longer used to [[crafting|craft]] boats.}}{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|Golden and iron shovels now [[smelting|smelt]] down into one of their respective [[nugget]]s.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[item]]s' numeral IDs were 269, 273, 256, 277 and 284.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Wooden Shovel JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Shovel JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Shovel JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Shovel JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Shovel JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all shovels have been changed.}}{{History|||snap=18w50a|Iron shovels can now be found in chests in [[village]] toolsmith houses.}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|Toolsmith [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] stone shovels and enchanted diamond shovels, making diamond shovels [[renewable resource|renewable]] again.}}{{History|||snap=19w13a|Toolsmith villagers now give stone shovels to players under the [[Hero of the Village]] effect.}}{{History||1.15|snap=19w37a|Shovels can now be used to extinguish [[campfire]]s.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[File:Netherite Shovel JE1.png|32px]] Added netherite shovels.|Netherite shovels are obtained by combining one diamond shovel and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.|[[Crimson planks]] and [[warped planks]] can now be used to craft wooden shovels.}}{{History|||snap=20w09a|[[File:Diamond Shovel JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of diamond shovels has been changed.|Shovels can now break soul soil quickly.}}{{History|||snap=20w10a|[[File:Netherite Shovel JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The texture of netherite shovels has been changed.|Netherite shovels can no longer be crafted.|Netherite shovels are now obtained by combining one diamond shovel and one netherite ingot in a smithing table.}}{{History|||snap=20w15a|Stone shovels can now be crafted using [[blackstone]].}}{{History|||snap=20w16a|Netherite shovels now generate randomly enchanted in[[bastion remnants]]chests.|Golden shovels now generate randomly enchanted in [[ruined portal]] chests.}}{{History|||snap=20w17a|Diamonds shovels now generate in place of netherite shovels in bastion remnant chests.}}{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w30a|Increases the chance of finding randomly enchanted diamond shovels in bastion remnant chests.|Unenchanted, undamaged diamond shovels can also be found in bastion remnant chests.}}{{History||1.17|snap=21w08a|Stone shovels can now be crafted using [[cobbled deepslate]].}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[Mangrove planks]] can now be used to craft wooden shovels.}}{{History|||snap=22w13a|Wooden shovels may now be found in [[ancient city]] [[furnace]]s.}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|Upgrading diamond shovels to netherite shovels now requires the netherite upgrade [[smithing template]].}}{{History||1.20|snap=23w14a|Shovel now breaks [[suspicious sand]] and [[suspicious gravel]] quickly.}}{{History|upcoming java}}{{History||Combat Tests|snap=1.14.3 - Combat Test|The attack speed for all shovels has been increased to 2.|The [[damage]] for all shovels has been decreased by {{hp|1}}.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.2.0|[[File:Stone Shovel JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added stone shovels.}}{{History||v0.3.0|[[File:Wooden Shovel JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added wooden shovels.|Survival players no longer start out with an infinite durability stone shovel in the inventory.}}{{History||v0.3.2|[[File:Iron Shovel JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Shovel JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Shovel JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added iron, gold, and diamond shovels.}}{{History||v0.4.0|Removed stone shovels from the creative inventory.}}{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Wooden shovels are now used to craft [[boat]]s.|Iron shovels are now available in the [[creative]] [[inventory]].|A shovel can now be used on a [[grass block]] to create [[grass path]] blocks.}}{{History|||snap=build 11|Wooden, stone, golden, and diamond shovels are now available in the [[creative]] inventory.}}{{History|||snap=build 12|All shovels have been removed from creative.}}{{History|||snap=build 13|Shovel have been re-added to creative mode.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Shovels can now be [[enchanting|enchanted]].|[[Zombie]]s now have a small chance to spawn holding an iron shovel.}}{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Added [[husk]]s, which have a small chance to spawn holding an iron shovel.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|[[Enchanting|Enchanted]] iron and diamond shovels can now be found inside [[end city]] chests.}}{{History||1.0.4|snap=alpha|Enchanted iron shovels are now [[trading|sold]] by toolsmith [[villager]]s for 4-5 [[emerald]]s.}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Iron and golden shovels are now [[smelting|smeltable]].}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Wooden Shovel JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Shovel JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Shovel JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Shovel JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Shovel JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all shovels have been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Iron shovels can now be found in [[village]] toolsmith houses.}}{{History|||snap=beta|[[Vindicator]]s and [[pillager]]s that spawn in [[raid]]s can now drop iron shovels upon [[death]].|[[Trading]] has been changed, toolsmith [[villager]]s now have a 25% chance to [[trading|sell]] enchanted iron shovels for 2 [[emerald]]s as part of their third tier trades.|Stone shovels and [[enchanting|enchanted]] diamond shovels can now be [[trading|bought]] from toolsmith villagers.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Netherite Shovel JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added netherite shovels.|Netherite shovels are obtained by combining one diamond shovel and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.|[[File:Diamond Shovel JE3 BE3.png|32px]] The texture of diamond shovels has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Netherite shovels can no longer be crafted.|Netherite shovels are now obtained by combining one diamond shovel and one netherite ingot in a smithing table.|Stone shovels can now be crafted using [[blackstone]].|Netherite shovels now generate randomly enchanted in[[bastion remnants]]chests.|Golden shovels now generate randomly enchanted in [[ruined portal]] chests.}}{{History|||snap=beta|Diamonds shovels now generate in place of netherite shovels in bastion remnant chests.}}{{History||1.20.10|snap=beta|The [[wooden shovel]] in the crafting recipe has been removed for all boat types except the bamboo raft.}}{{History|||snap=beta|The bamboo raft recipe no longer needs a wooden shovel.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Wooden Shovel JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Shovel JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Shovel JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Shovel JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Shovel JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shovels (all five types).}}{{History||xbox=TU53|xbone=CU43|ps=1.49|wiiu=Patch 23|switch=1.0.3|Iron and golden shovels are now [[smelting|smeltable]].}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Wooden Shovel JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Shovel JE2 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Shovel JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Shovel JE3 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Shovel JE2 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of all shovels have been changed.}}{{History|New Nintendo 3DS Edition}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Wooden Shovel JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Stone Shovel JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Iron Shovel JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Golden Shovel JE2 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Diamond Shovel JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added shovels.}}{{History|foot}}==Issues=={{issue list}}==Gallery==<gallery>Shovel JINX.jpg|Official shovel T-shirt made by JINX.Stone Shovel SDGP.png|Stone shovel in the [[Super Duper Graphics Pack]].Adventure Shovel.png|An "adventure shovel" that can break blocks in [[adventure mode]].</gallery>===Enchanted shovels===<gallery>Enchanted_Wooden_Shovel.gifEnchanted_Stone_Shovel.gifEnchanted_Iron_Shovel.gifEnchanted_Golden_Shovel.gifEnchanted_Diamond_Shovel.gifEnchanted_Netherite_Shovel.gif</gallery>==References=={{reflist}}== External Links ==*[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory-shovel Taking Inventory: Shovel] – Minecraft.net on November 16, 2018{{items}}[[Category:Combat]][[cs:Lopata]][[de:Schaufel]][[es:Pala]][[fr:Pelle]][[hu:Ásó]][[ja:シャベル]][[ko:삽]][[nl:Schep]][[pl:Łopata]][[pt:Pá]][[ru:Лопата]][[uk:Лопата]][[zh:锹]]</li></ul></nowiki>
beta traders no longer spawn underground.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[:Category:Planned items|Category:Planned items]]<br/>All pages relating to items that have been officially announced, but are not yet in the game.__EXPECTUNUSEDCATEGORY__[[Category:Items]][[Category:Planned]][[pt:Itens planejados]]</li><li>[[Music Disc|Music Disc]]<br/>{{hatnote|"5" redirects here. For the versions, see [[1.5]] and [[Combat Test 5]].}}{{hatnote|"11" redirects here. For the versions, see [[1.1]] and [[1.11]].}}{{hatnote|"13" redirects here. For the versions, see [[1.3]] and [[1.13]].}}{{redirect|Far|the phenomenon in Bedrock Edition or Java Edition Beta|Far Lands}}{{distinguish|Disk}}{{Item| image = Music Disc 13.png| extratext = View [[#Gallery|all renders]]| renewable = * '''Pigstep, otherside, 5, Relic''': No* '''All others''': Yes| stackable = No| rarity = Rare}}'''Music discs''' are a set of sixteen items that can be played in [[jukebox]]es.==Obtaining=====Crafting===Disc 5 is the only disc that can be crafted, unlike all other discs. This disc can be crafted with [[Disc Fragment|its fragments]].{{Crafting|A1=Disc Fragment 5 |B1=Disc Fragment 5 |C1=Disc Fragment 5|A2=Disc Fragment 5 |B2=Disc Fragment 5 |C2=Disc Fragment 5|A3=Disc Fragment 5 |B3=Disc Fragment 5 |C3=Disc Fragment 5|Output=Music Disc 5|type=Aesthetic}}=== Chest loot==={{LootChestItem|disc-13,disc-cat,disc-mellohi,disc-wait,disc-otherside,disc-pigstep}}===Archaeology==={{LootChestItem|disc-relic}}===Mob loot===When killed by any [[skeleton]] or [[stray]] (or [[wither skeleton]] if given a [[bow]] using commands), a [[creeper]] drops a random music disc in addition to its normal drops, with the exceptions of Pigstep, otherside, 5, and Relic.Because [[TNT]] ignited by a flaming [[arrow]] attributes all resulting kills to the entity that fired the arrow, a skeleton igniting a TNT block due to holding a [[bow]] enchanted with [[Flame]], or shooting through [[lava]] or fire, also causes any creepers killed in the explosion to drop a disc.<ref>{{bug|MC-210303|||WAI}}</ref><ref>{{bug|MCPE-150884|||WAI}}</ref>==Discs=={{missing information|the Relic music disc}}{{C418 agreement}}{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%" data-description="Disc listing"!Item!<span class="nowrap">In-game</span> name! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="width:150px" |Composer! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="width:10000px" |Description! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="width:200px" |Soundtrack title!Soundtrack! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="width:150px" |Track preview! class="unsortable" scope="col" style="width:50px" |Length|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|1|{{InvSprite|Music Disc 13}}}}|13|C418|A somewhat unsettling, cave-themed ambient piece consisting mostly of echoed synthesized ambient sounds that closely resemble those that play in the game's caves, resonating metallic clinks, and quiet wind blowing. The entire track is wholly engulfed in reverb. At different points in the piece, muffled bow firings, a heavily reverbed hiss followed by a subsequent heavily reverbed explosion and echoed splashes can be heard in the background. The track goes silent for 13 seconds at the 1:30 mark.|"Thirteen"|''[[Minecraft - Volume Alpha]]'' No. 16|[[File:13.ogg|noicon]]|2:58|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|2|{{InvSprite|Music Disc Cat}}}}| cat |C418|A light, looping melody plays on a soft synth and is joined by a synth percussion beat. A toothlike synth plays a bass line and some harmonies throughout and is later accompanied by additional chiptune-like synths that provide more layers of harmony.At 1:46, what sounds like an interpolation of part of the melody from the track "Minecraft" plays.The four-note pattern at 2:04 can also be heard at the beginning of "far" and "dog".In the [[Legacy Console Edition|Legacy Console Editions]] the track "Dog" plays after "Cat" is finished.|"Cat"|''[[Minecraft - Volume Alpha]]'' No. 19|[[File:Cat.ogg|noicon]]|3:05|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|3|{{InvSprite|Music Disc Blocks}}}}|blocks |C418|An upbeat chiptune-style piece with a shuffling waltz rhythm.|"Blocks"|''[[Minecraft - Volume Beta]]'' No. 28|[[File:Blocks.ogg|noicon]]| 5:45|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|4|{{InvSprite|Music Disc Chirp}}}}|chirp|C418|A retro tune with a sample from the 1970 MATTEL Bossa Nova Style Program Disc<ref name=":0">{{Ytl|G89vIy8Guj4|Optigan Program Disc: Bossa Nova Style|t=22}}</ref> playing in the background, along with a vaporwave-like version of Mall.|"Chirp"|''[[Minecraft - Volume Beta]]'' No. 20|[[File:Chirp.ogg|noicon]]|3:05|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|5|{{InvSprite|Music Disc Far}}}}|far|C418|A calm, relaxing nature-like melody played on a watery echoing synth, accompanied by other synths playing chords.|"Far"|''[[Minecraft - Volume Beta]]'' No. 29|[[File:Far.ogg|noicon]]|2:54|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|6|{{InvSprite|Music Disc Mall}}}}| mall|C418|Serene music played on a kalimba along with other instruments.|"Mall"|''[[Minecraft - Volume Beta]]'' No. 27|[[File:Mall.ogg|noicon]]|3:17|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|7|{{InvSprite|Music Disc Mellohi}}}}|mellohi|C418|A slow, slightly melancholic waltz with a sample from a mellotron playing in the background.|"Mellohi"|''[[Minecraft - Volume Beta]]'' No. 22|[[File:Mellohi.ogg|noicon]]|1:36|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|8|{{InvSprite|Music Disc Stal}}}}|stal |C418|A moderate jazz-like piece played on a piano, saxophone, and double bass, with recorder interludes.|"Stal"|''[[Minecraft - Volume Beta]]'' No. 23 |[[File:Stal.ogg|noicon]]|2:30|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|9|{{InvSprite|Music Disc Strad}}}}|strad|C418|A tropical-sounding piece with the main melody being played on a {{w|steelpan}}, accompanied by a layered mix of strings, woodwinds, and soft synths, and supported by a glitchy electronic tribal percussion beat, ending on some melancholy {{w|melodica}} chords. Bits and pieces of the melody from "Minecraft" can be heard throughout, sometimes played on bells in the background.|"Strad"|''[[Minecraft - Volume Beta]]'' No. 24|[[File:Strad.ogg|noicon]]|3:08|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|10|{{InvSprite|Music Disc Ward}}}}|ward|C418|Starts off with an excerpt from Chopin's Funeral March<ref>{{w|File:Frederic_Chopin_Piano_Sonata_No.2_in_B_flat_minor_Op35_-_III_Marche_Funebre.ogg|Frédéric Chopin - Piano Sonata No.2 - III ''Marche Funèbre''}}</ref> played on a synth organ, but it is interrupted by vinyl static and switches to an electronic, upbeat tune with a dark undertone.|"Ward"|''[[Minecraft - Volume Beta]]'' No. 26|[[File:Ward.ogg|noicon]]|4:11 |-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|11|{{InvSprite|Music Disc 11}}}}|11|C418|A recording that begins with vinyl static, followed by the sounds of someone walking on or breaking [[stone]] blocks, heavy breathing, and rustling. Haunting background noises are heard throughout the recording, resembling the ambient sound effects that play in the game's caves (and by extension, the sounds of the disc "13"). After the background noises quiet down for a moment, metallic clicking or scraping noises can be heard, followed by coughing, sounds of page-turning, then more clicking or scraping. The background noises resume more loudly, and the sounds of faster footsteps or breaking [[stone]] blocks can be heard, which accelerate until they are replaced with [[dirt]] sounds as the background noises approach. A loud, distorted noise is heard roughly a second before the recording abruptly stops. At this point, one hears only quiet beeping, vinyl static, and a hissing noise, and the track ends.|"Eleven"|''[[Minecraft - Volume Beta]]'' No. 25|[[File:11.ogg|noicon]]|1:11|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|12|{{InvSprite|Music Disc Wait}}}}|wait|C418|An upbeat remix of "Minecraft". It starts out with some quiet synth Latin percussion and some soft synths playing a melody, and then expands into a chiptune-esque song. This disc was originally named "where are we now".<ref name=":1">{{tweet|notch|119412635828629504|I had trouble getting Where Are We Now to play because of the spaces in the name. Working on it.:)|Sep 29, 2011}}</ref><ref name=":2">{{bug|MC-894}}</ref>|"Wait"|''[[Minecraft - Volume Beta]]'' No. 21|[[File:where are we now.ogg|noicon]]|3:58 (Fades at 3:51)|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|14|{{InvSprite|Music Disc Otherside}}}}| otherside|Lena Raine|Starts off as an uplifting and happy retro-style ostinato in a major key. Upon reaching the second half, the song changes to a minor key and progresses into a darker melody, eventually cutting off abruptly. A clock can be heard ticking quickly at the end.|"otherside"|''[[Minecraft: Caves & Cliffs (Original Game Soundtrack)]]'' No. 7 |[[File:Otherside.ogg|noicon]]|3:15|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|15|{{InvSprite|Music Disc 5}}}}|5|Samuel Åberg| A recording that begins with static and a warped noise. After a moment of silence, there is the sound of a [[Flint and Steel|flint and steel]] lighting, [[fire]], a [[bat]], and then walking. The walking becomes heavier and metallic. The sound stops with sounds of breathing followed by a roar which warps into soft, relaxing music. The music soon transitions back, to the sound of footsteps, [[lava]] bubbling, and [[Block of Amethyst|amethyst]]. A warped noise and a [[sculk shrieker]] can be heard activating. Then a coughing sound, something metallic and stone and sand sounds followed by another warped noise can be heard. Then, after a moment of silence, a heartbeat begins and a rising static can be heard in the background. Sounds of [[deepslate]] can then be heard, along with strange noises building up and abruptly stopping. A crescendo of overlapping warped sounds is followed then dies down. The footsteps begin again, much quieter now. A [[sculk sensor]] clicks, and a [[warden]] roars. The wardens roar warps and slows down, and then the disc ends.|"Five"|''[[Minecraft: The Wild Update (Original Game Soundtrack)]]'' No.4 |[[File:Five.ogg|noicon]]|2:58|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|13|{{InvSprite|Music Disc Pigstep}}}}|Pigstep|Lena Raine|An intense, somewhat hip-hop-style beat beginning with a repeating tuba-like tune and dubstep-style drop, along with more mellow parts reminiscent of a radio.|"Pigstep - Mono Mix"|''[[Minecraft: Nether Update (Original Game Soundtrack)]]'' No. 4|[[File:Pigstep.ogg|noicon]]|2:28|-|style="text-align:center"{{sort|16|{{InvSprite|Music Disc Relic}}}}|Relic |Aaron Cherof|The recording begins with vinyl static and record grain before abruptly bursting out into an upbeat 8-bit tune of low audio quality. The main melody of "A Time of Legends" and "The Well of Fate" from the [[Minecraft Legends:Original Game Soundtrack|original soundtrack]] of [[Minecraft Legends]] is heard later, played on the same 8-bit synthesizer. Later in the song a bass is added to the noise. Slight record grain and warbled pitches can be heard throughout the song.|"Relic"|''[[Minecraft: Trails & Tales (Original Game Soundtrack)]]'' No. 5|[[File:Relic.ogg|noicon]]|3:38|}==Usage==The music discs resemble older 78-{{tooltip|rpm|Revolutions per minute}} {{w|phonograph records}} from the early 20th century, which were often played in jukeboxes from that era. They are used in ''Minecraft'' in a similar fashion: A music disc can be played on a [[jukebox]] by holding the disc and right-clicking on the jukebox.The in-game music disc tracks are all {{w|Monaural|monaural}} recordings. Tracks released for listening outside of the game are in {{w|Stereophonic_sound|stereo}}.If the [[player]] places a [[Redstone Comparator|comparator]] besides a jukebox, the intensity of the redstone signal depends on the disc currently played, with the following values:{| class="wikitable"!Disc! Intensity|-|(no disc)||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-off}} 0|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-13}} ''13''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 1|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-cat}} ''cat''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 2|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-blocks}} ''blocks''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 3|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-chirp}} ''chirp''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 4|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-far}} ''far''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 5|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-mall}} ''mall''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 6|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-mellohi}} ''mellohi''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 7|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-stal}} ''stal''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 8|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-strad}} ''strad''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 9|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-ward}} ''ward''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 10|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-11}} ''11''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 11|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-wait}} ''wait''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 12|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-pigstep}} ''Pigstep''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 13|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-otherside}} ''otherside''<br>{{ItemSprite|music-disc-relic}} ''Relic''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 14|-|{{ItemSprite|music-disc-5}} ''5''||{{BlockSprite|redstone-dust-dot-on}} 15|}==Data values=====ID==={{JE}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showitemtags=y|showforms=y|firstcolumnname=Track|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=C418 - 13|spritename=music-disc-13|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_13|itemtags=creeper_drop_music_discs, music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - cat|spritename=music-disc-cat|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_cat|itemtags=creeper_drop_music_discs, music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - blocks|spritename=music-disc-blocks|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_blocks|itemtags=creeper_drop_music_discs, music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - chirp|spritename=music-disc-chirp|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_chirp|itemtags=creeper_drop_music_discs, music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - far|spritename=music-disc-far|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_far|itemtags=creeper_drop_music_discs, music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - mall|spritename=music-disc-mall|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_mall|itemtags=creeper_drop_music_discs, music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - mellohi|spritename=music-disc-mellohi|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_mellohi|itemtags=creeper_drop_music_discs, music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - stal|spritename=music-disc-stal|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_stal|itemtags=creeper_drop_music_discs, music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - strad|spritename=music-disc-strad|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_strad|itemtags=creeper_drop_music_discs, music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - ward|spritename=music-disc-ward|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_ward|itemtags=creeper_drop_music_discs, music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - 11|spritename=music-disc-11|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_11|itemtags=creeper_drop_music_discs, music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - wait|spritename=music-disc-wait|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_wait|itemtags=creeper_drop_music_discs, music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Lena Raine - otherside|spritename=music-disc-otherside|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_otherside|itemtags=music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Samuel Åberg - 5|spritename=music-disc-5|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_5|itemtags=music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Lena Raine - Pigstep|spritename=music-disc-pigstep|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_pigstep|itemtags=music_discs|form=item}}{{ID table|displayname=Aaron Cherof - Relic|spritename=music-disc-relic|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_relic|itemtags=music_discs|form=item|foot=1}}{{BE}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Track|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=C418 - 13|spritename=music-disc-13|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_13|aliasid=record_13|id=541|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - cat|spritename=music-disc-cat|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_cat|aliasid=record_cat|id=542|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - blocks|spritename=music-disc-blocks|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_blocks|aliasid=record_blocks|id=543|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - chirp|spritename=music-disc-chirp|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_chirp|aliasid=record_chirp|id=544|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - far|spritename=music-disc-far|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_far|aliasid=record_far|id=545|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - mall|spritename=music-disc-mall|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_mall|aliasid=record_mall|id=546|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - mellohi|spritename=music-disc-mellohi|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_mellohi|aliasid=record_mellohi|id=547|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - stal|spritename=music-disc-stal|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_stal|aliasid=record_stal|id=548|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - strad|spritename=music-disc-strad|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_strad|aliasid=record_strad|id=549|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - ward|spritename=music-disc-ward|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_ward|aliasid=record_ward|id=550|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - 11|spritename=music-disc-11|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_11|aliasid=record_11|id=551|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=C418 - wait|spritename=music-disc-wait|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_wait|aliasid=record_wait|id=552|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=Lena Raine - otherside|spritename=music-disc-otherside|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_otherside|aliasid=record_otherside|id=634|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=Samuel Åberg - 5|spritename=music-disc-5|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_5|aliasid=record_5|id=644|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=Lena Raine - Pigstep|spritename=music-disc-pigstep|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_pigstep|aliasid=record_pigstep|id=628|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name}}{{ID table|displayname=Aaron Cherof - Relic|spritename=music-disc-relic|spritetype=item|nameid=music_disc_relic|aliasid=record_relic|id=702|form=item|translationkey=item.record.name|foot=1}}===Raw music files==={{in|je}}, the music disc files can be found in {{code|[[.minecraft]]/assets/objects}}.{{fn|The files in the <samp>objects</samp> folder are hashed. To locate the music disc files, see [[Tutorials/Sound directory]].}}{{in|be}}, it can be found in:*Mobile versions: {{code|[[com.mojang]]/resource_packs/music/vanilla_music/sounds/music/game/records/}}*Windows: {{code|%PROGRAMFILES%\WindowsApps\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_''<version>''_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe\data\resource_packs\vanilla_music\sounds\music\game\records}}All music disc files are in {{w|Vorbis|Ogg Vorbis}}.{{fnlist}}==Achievements=={{load achievements|sound of music}}==Advancements=={{load advancements|sound of music}}==History=={{History|java alpha}}{{History||April 2010|link={{ytl|3Sthf0u94Cs}}|[[Daniel Rosenfeld|C418]] uploaded a video to {{w|YouTube}}, containing previews of many music tracks that were later added as records. (This video is no longer available.)}}{{History||v1.0.14|[[File:Music Disc 13.png|32px]] "13" and [[File:Music Disc Cat.png|32px]] "cat" are the first records to be added to ''Minecraft''.|Records are officially named "music discs". |"13" was an ambient track before this update.{{info needed|so did it play randomly like other music?}}|Music discs have been added to [[dungeon]] chests.|Music discs can also be [[drops|dropped]] by [[creeper]]s shot by [[skeleton]]s.}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.2_02|Before this update, gold "13" music discs were noticeably more common than green "cat" ones. Now, green "cat" discs are more often [[drops|dropped]].}}{{History||August 1, 2011|link=https://twitter.com/C418/status/98174571756265473|C418 announces new music discs.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|[[File:Music Disc Blocks.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Chirp.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Far.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Mall.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Mellohi.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Stal.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Strad.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Ward.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc 11 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] 9 new music discs have been implemented, adding up to a total of 11 discs, although they are not [[drops|dropped]] by any [[creeper]]s. These are stored along with the first discs, 13.mus and cat.mus, (which have been decoded as 13.ogg and cat.ogg respectively). Before this update, there were 10 unused music files, now only one remains unused, which is the song "where are we now". "Where are we now" was not added with the rest of the new 9 music discs because of problems with the spaces in the name.<ref name=":1"></ref><ref name=":2"></ref>}}{{History||1.1|snap=11w50a|All of the music discs, except for "11", can now be dropped by creepers killed by [[skeleton]]s.|All music discs now have the same probability of being [[drops|dropped]].}}{{History||1.4.4|snap=1.4.3|[[File:Music Disc Wait.png|32px]] The disc "where are we now" has been renamed to "wait" and made available in game.<ref name=":1"></ref><ref name=":2"></ref>|The music disc "11" is now available in survival. It is dropped by [[creeper]]s in the same way as other discs.}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w04a|Active [[jukebox]]es now give off a redstone signal when a [[Redstone Comparator|redstone comparator]] is placed behind it; its strength depends on the ID of the inserted disc.}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w24a|Custom music discs can now be made using [[Resource Pack|resource pack]]s.|Before this version, "cat" and "13" were the only discs in .ogg format, all the other discs were in .mus format, which was decrypted by ''Minecraft'' on-the-fly.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w44a|The average yield of music discs from [[dungeon]] chests has been decreased.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w39a|Music discs "cat" and "13" are now found in the new [[Woodland Mansion|woodland mansion]] chests.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|The IDs have been changed from {{code|record_$song}} to {{code|music_disc_$song}}.|Prior to [[Java Edition 1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], these [[item]]s' numeral IDs were 2256 through 2267.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Music Disc 11.png|32px]] The texture of music disc "11" has been changed.|Music discs are now also [[drops|dropped]] by [[creeper]]s killed by [[stray]]s.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w16a|[[File:Music Disc Pigstep.png|32px]] Added a new music disc called "Pigstep". |The "Pigstep" music disc cannot be dropped by creepers, and can be obtained only from [[Bastion Remnant|bastion remnant]]s. }}{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w30a|The chance of finding the "Pigstep" music disc in bastion remnant chests has been increased from 3.3% to 5.6%.}}{{History||1.18|snap=21w42a|[[File:Music Disc Otherside.png|32px]] Added a new music disc called "otherside". |The "otherside" music disc cannot be dropped by creepers, and can be rarely obtained only from [[stronghold]] corridor chests or even more rarely from [[dungeon]] chests.}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|Music Disc "13", "cat" and "otherside" may now be found in [[ancient city]] [[chest]]s.}}{{History|||snap=22w16a|[[File:Music Disc 5 JE1.png|32px]] Added a new music disc called "5".}}{{History||1.19.1|snap=22w24a|Music discs are now essential to duplicate [[allay]]s.}}{{History||1.20|snap=23w17a|[[File:Music Disc Relic JE1.png|32px]] Added a new music disc called "Relic".}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|[[File:Music Disc 13.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Cat.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Blocks.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Chirp.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Far.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Mall.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Mellohi.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Stal.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Strad.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Ward.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc 11 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Wait.png|32px]] Added music discs.|All of the music discs, except for "11", can be [[drops|dropped]] by [[creeper]]s killed by [[skeleton]]s.}}{{History||?|The music disc "11" can now be dropped by creepers.}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|As a version exclusive, the music discs "mellohi" and "wait" can now be found inside [[Buried Treasure|buried treasure]] chests.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Music Disc 11.png|32px]] The texture of music disc "11" has been changed.|Music discs now are [[drops|dropped]] by [[creeper]]s killed by [[stray]]s.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|[[File:Music Disc Pigstep.png|32px]] Added a new music disc called "Pigstep".}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|The IDs of music discs has been changed from {{code|record_<track>}} to {{code|music_disc_<track>}}.}}{{History||1.18.0|snap=beta|[[File:Music Disc Otherside.png|32px]] Added a new music disc called "otherside". |The "otherside" music disc cannot be dropped by creepers, and can be rarely obtained only from [[stronghold]] corridor chests or even more rarely from [[dungeon]] chests.}}{{History||1.19.0|snap=beta|[[File:Music Disc 5 JE1.png|32px]] Added a new music disc called "5".}}{{History||1.19.10|snap=beta|Music discs are now essential to duplicate [[allay]]s.}}{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|[[File:Music Disc Relic JE1.png|32px]] Added a new music disc called "Relic".}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.00|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Music Disc 13.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Cat.png|32px]] Added "13" and "cat" as music discs.}}{{History||xbox=TU5|[[File:Music Disc Blocks.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Chirp.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Far.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Mall.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Mellohi.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Stal.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Strad.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Ward.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc 11 JE1 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Music Disc Cat.png|32px]] Added the remaining 10 music discs.}}{{History||xbox=TU12|[[File:Music Disc Wait.png|32px]] The "where are we now" music disc now uses the blue texture used in the [[Java Edition|PC]] version, opposed to the green "cat" texture it used to use.}}{{History||xbox=TU22|xbone=CU10|ps=1.15|The "where are we now" music disc has been added to survival.}}{{History||?|The "where are we now" music disc has been renamed to "wait".}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Music Disc 11.png|32px]] The texture of music disc "11" has been changed.}}{{History|foot}}==Gallery==<gallery>Music Disc 13.png|Music Disc<br>C418 - 13Music Disc Cat.png|Music Disc<br>C418 - catMusic Disc Blocks.png|Music Disc<br>C418 - blocksMusic Disc Chirp.png|Music Disc<br>C418 - chirpMusic Disc Far.png|Music Disc<br>C418 - farMusic Disc Mall.png|Music Disc<br>C418 - mallMusic Disc Mellohi.png|Music Disc<br>C418 - mellohiMusic Disc Stal.png|Music Disc<br>C418 - stalMusic Disc Strad.png|Music Disc<br>C418 - stradMusic Disc Ward.png|Music Disc<br>C418 - wardMusic Disc 11.png|Music Disc<br>C418 - 11Music Disc Wait.png|Music Disc<br>C418 - waitMusic Disc Otherside.png|Music Disc<br>Lena Raine - othersideMusic Disc 5.png|Music Disc<br>Samuel Åberg - 5Music Disc Pigstep.png|Music Disc<br>Lena Raine - PigstepMusic Disc Relic.png|Music Disc<br>Aaron Cherof - Relic</gallery>==Issues=={{issue list}}==Trivia==* Before [[Java Edition 1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], data values used by music discs ranged from 2256 to 2267, while all other blocks/items used the first free data value available.* The title "13" is a reference to the 13 cave ambience sounds that existed when the disc was added. Similar sounds can be heard throughout the track. ** Because "13" was created in 2010, it actually uses older sound effects from earlier versions of the game for bow firing{{sound||Bow_Shooting_Old.ogg}}, arrow impacts{{sound||Arrow_Old.ogg}}, explosions{{sound||Explosion_Old.ogg}}, and water splashing{{sound||Water_Splash_Old.ogg}}, which have since been replaced. ***The background noise also bears resemblance to a deeper version of the unused and removed [[Java_Edition_removed_features#Audio_loops|cave chimes]]{{sound||Cave_chimes.ogg}}. Before the explosion, there was also the sound of a creeper fuse{{sound||Creeper_fuse.ogg}} which is still used.**C418 initially wanted the music disc to be found deep underground in a cave in-game, being played by some device.<ref>https://c418.org/albums/minecraft-volume-alpha/</ref>*Exclusively on {{el|lce}}, an extra track called "dog" is appended to the "cat" music disc. Once "cat" is done playing and fades out, "dog" begins playing for another two minutes or so, making this version of "cat" the longest music disc in the game.*"chirp" uses the same accompaniment samples as "The Orb of Dreamers" from the ''[[w:c:littlebigplanet:LittleBigPlanet (series)|LittleBigPlanet]]'' series.<ref>{{ytl|3Jnubcn2G-Y|Daniel Pemberton - The Orb Of Dreamers}}</ref> The samples come from the {{w|Optigan}} disc "Bossa Nova Style".<ref>{{ytl|G89vIy8Guj4|Optigan Program Disc: Bossa Nova Style|t=22}}</ref> C418 stated that it was coincidental.<ref>{{tweet|1=c418|2=314472205109043200|3=Remember when people thought I plagiarized LittleBigPlanet music? Yeah, the Optigan is a lovely instrument that I will never utilize again.|4=March 20, 2013}}</ref>*The texture used for the music disc "chirp" was previously used for the [[camera]] tripod texture prior to [[Pocket Edition v0.9.0 alpha]].*The title "stal" is a Swedish word meaning ''stole'' in English and a Polish word meaning ''steel''.*The music disc "11" is the only visibly damaged music disc. **If the .ogg file for "11" is turned into a {{w|spectrogram}} in an audio editor, the static at the end displays what seems to be [[Player|Steve]]'s face and the numbers 12418. The numbers are a visual signature, where "C" is hexadecimal for "12", and combined with "418" creates "[[Daniel Rosenfeld|C418]]", the name of the producer of all of the music disc tracks except for "Pigstep", "otherside", "5" and "Relic".**Within the disc are sounds, in order of appearance, of stone{{sound||Stone_dig4.ogg}}{{sound||Stone_dig1.ogg}}{{sound||Stone_dig3.ogg}}{{sound||Stone_dig2.ogg}} and dirt or gravel{{sound||Gravel_dig1.ogg}}{{sound||Gravel_dig4.ogg}}{{sound||Gravel_dig3.ogg}}{{sound||Gravel_dig2.ogg}}. At the time disc "11" was made, footstep sounds, placing sounds, and breaking sounds were the same for the respecive block. It is unknown exactly what the character was doing when these sounds were played.**There is a track that is exclusive to the album ''[[Minecraft - Volume Beta]]'' called "Eleven", which has the same length of 1:11 and begins with the same vinyl static sound before being abruptly interrupted by a record scratching sound and switching to a new, calm piano piece.** C418 once imagined that the "monster" chasing the person in "11" is himself "being a weird monster that occasionally records songs from strangers and then dies in '11'".<ref>{{tweet|c418|119413441793495040|Yes! I now imagine C418 being a weird monster that occasionally records songs from strangers. And then dies in 11|September 29, 2011}}</ref>** "11" causes jukeboxes to output a redstone signal strength of 11.** Before [[Java Edition 1.13]], the [[data value]] of "11" was 11.**[[Brandon Pearce]] stated that the [[warden]] mob is based on the "monster" heard at the end of "11".<ref>{{ytl|pH_6-ZVOUAk|Ask Mojang #11: All About Caves & Cliffs|Minecraft|OCtober 30, 2020}}</ref>*The music disc "wait", originally titled "where are we now", was finally added to [[Java Edition 1.4.3]] after existing solely in the game's files for an unspecified amount of time.**"wait" used the original title "where are we now" in older versions of the Legacy Console Edition.*"Pigstep" is the only disc to have its name capitalized in-game, and it can only be found in [[Bastion Remnant|bastion remnant]]s. It is also the music disc with the fastest beat.*"Pigstep" is a {{w|portmanteau}} of "piglin" and "dubstep".<ref>{{tweet|kuraine|1277309336532840448|I don't have any cool insight on the title, it's just dubstep for piglins.|June 26, 2020}} </ref>*“5” is the only music disc that is crafted, as it requires 9 disc fragments in a 3×3 formation to craft.**In disc “5”, there are some sounds taken from [[Minecraft Dungeons]] of the [[MCD:Endersent|Endersent]] {{sound||D6 sfx mob endersentIdleVocal-001.ogg}}, the [[Minecraft Dungeons:Vengeful Heart of Ender|Vengeful Heart of Ender]]{{Sound||D6 sfx mob finalFormMagicChimes-004.ogg}}, and relating to an [[MCD:Enderman|enderman]] {{sound||Sfx_mob_eventEnderman2D-001.ogg}}.***Other sounds can be heard. In order of appearance, these are: flint and steel clicking {{sound||Flint_and_steel_click.ogg}}, a bat{{sound||Bat_idle4.ogg}}{{sound||Bat_takeoff.ogg}}{{sound||Bat_loop.ogg}}, lava bubbling{{sound||Lava.ogg}}, [[amethyst cluster]] breaking{{sound||Amethyst_Cluster_break1.ogg}}, a [[sculk shrieker]]{{sound||Sculk shrieker shriek1.ogg}}, stone{{sound||Stone_hit6.ogg}}{{sound||Stone_hit5.ogg}}{{sound||Stone_hit4.ogg}}, sand{{sound||Sand_hit1.ogg}}{{sound||Sand_hit5.ogg}}, a sculk shrieker{{sound||Sculk shrieker shriek1.ogg}} overlaying a warden{{sound||Warden_ambient1.ogg}}, [[sculk sensor]] clicking{{sound||Sculk Sensor sculk clicking2.ogg}}, and a [[warden]] roaring{{sound||Warden_roar5.ogg}}.==See also== *[[Music]]*[[Daniel Rosenfeld|C418]]**''[[Minecraft - Volume Alpha]]''**''[[Minecraft - Volume Beta]]''*[[Lena Raine]] **''[[Minecraft: Nether Update (Original Game Soundtrack)]]''**''[[Minecraft: Caves & Cliffs (Original Game Soundtrack)]]''**''[[Minecraft: The Wild Update (Original Game Soundtrack)]]''*[[Samuel Åberg]]*[[Aaron Cherof]]==References=={{reflist}}==External Links== *[https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--music-disc Taking Inventory: Music Disc] – Minecraft.net on January 14, 2021{{Items}}{{Soundtrack}}[[de:Schallplatte]][[es:Disco de música]][[fr:Disque de musique]][[ja:レコード]][[ko:음반]][[nl:Muziekplaat]][[pl:Płyta muzyczna]][[pt:Disco musical]][[ru:Пластинка]][[tr:Müzik Diski]][[zh:音乐唱片]]</li></ul>
beta traders now can sell 1 cherry sapling for 5 emeralds.
PlayStation 4 Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Shield|Shield]]<br/>{{Item| image = Shield.png| image2 = White Shield.png| extratext = View [[#Gallery|all renders]]| durability = 336| renewable = Yes| stackable = No}}A '''shield''' is a tool used for protecting the [[player]] against attacks.== Obtaining ===== Crafting ==={{Crafting|head=1|showname=0|A1=Any Planks <!-- the recipe changed in 15w37a, do not change it to the old recipe without reason -->|B1=Iron Ingot|C1=Any Planks|A2=Any Planks|B2=Any Planks|C2=Any Planks|B3=Any Planks|Output=Shield|type=Combat}}{{Crafting|ignoreusage=1|Shield|Matching Banner|A2=Shield|B2=Banner|Output=Matching Shield|type=combat|foot=1}}=== Repairing ==={{Crafting|ignoreusage=1|showdescription=1|Damaged Shield|Damaged Shield|Output=Shield|description= The durability of the two shields is added together, plus an extra 5% durability. The repaired shield has no pattern.|type= Combat}}Shields may also be repaired on an [[anvil]] by using [[planks]] or another shield. Shields repaired on anvils retain their pattern.=== Trading ===Journeyman-level armorer [[villager]]s have {{frac|1|3}}{{only|Bedrock|short=1}}/{{frac|2|5}}{{only|Java|short=1}} chance of selling a shield for 5 [[emerald]]s as their sixth trade.== Usage ==Despite using iron in its crafting recipe, it cannot be smelted into [[iron nugget]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-111738}}</ref>=== Defense ===Shields are used for [[blocking]] incoming attacks. {{control|Using}}{{Only|Java|short=1}} or {{Control|sneaking}}{{Only|Bedrock|short=1}} causes a player to slow to a [[sneaking]] pace, and after {{convert|5|ticks|seconds}}<ref>{{bug|MC-100949||Shield blocking is delayed}}</ref>, attacks coming from in front of the player are blocked, dealing no damage. When the shield blocks an attack of {{hp|3}} or stronger, it takes durability damage equal to the strength of the attack rounded up. Most blocked projectiles that carry status effects (such as [[Shulker#Shulker bullet|shulker bullets]]{{only|java|short=1}}, flaming [[arrow]]s, or tipped arrows) do not affect the blocker. [[Trident]]s & arrows can be deflected into other targets. Knockback from melee attacks and projectiles is prevented, while knockback from [[explosion]]s, [[hoglin]], and [[ravager]] attacks are significantly reduced.The shield directionally blocks all attacks coming from within the FOV of the direction the wielder is facing, providing a full hemisphere of coverage to them. If the wielder faces straight up, they are likely to miss their blocks.<ref>{{bug|MC-109101||Shields do not block damage while the player faces straight up}}</ref><!--straight down fix: MC-92019-->Mobs that deal continuous contact damage such as the slime, magma cube, and blaze rapidly drain the shield's durability for as long as the shielded player remains within the mob's hitbox.<ref>{{bug|MC-169167}}</ref><ref>{{bug|MCPE-119451}}</ref>Blockable attacks include:*Melee attacks, except by a warden, axe-wielding mobs or by a sprinting player wielding an axe, however even without sprinting an axe still greatly decreases the durability ** Status effects do not carry through to the blocker{{only|java|short=1}}.*Normal, tipped, and spectral [[arrow]]s** Arrows other than [[Piercing]] are totally deflected and can hit other targets.** Status effects do not carry through to the blocker{{only|java|short=1}}.***This can be used to damage the attacker or another mob down there.*[[Flame|Flaming arrows]]** Burning does not carry through to the blocker{{only|java|short=1}}.*[[Trident]]s*[[Snowball]]s and [[egg]]s*Spines from [[pufferfish]]*Bullets from [[shulker]]s** The levitation effect does not carry through to the blocker{{only|java|short=1}}.*Spit from [[llama]]s*[[Fireball]]s, such as from [[blaze]]s and [[fire charge]]s** Burning does not carry through to the blocker.*Direct hits from [[ghast]] [[fireball]]s** These still cause environmental damage.*All explosions{{only|JE|short=1}}*Explosion damage from [[creeper]]s*[[TNT]] that another player lit*[[Ravager]] headbutts** These still knock the blocker back by about 3 blocks.** Blocking these strikes can stun the ravager for a moment, and it roars afterward.*Ravager roars are blocked but still knock back the blocker.*[[Bee]] stings are blocked, but bees continuously attack until the player stops blocking and the player is stung.*Beam attacks from [[guardian]]s or [[elder guardian]]s (only reduces damage by 50%).*Damage reflected from [[Thorns]] enchantment / [[Guardian|guardians]].They cannot block:*Arrows from a [[crossbow]] enchanted with [[Piercing]]** This does not reduce the shield's durability.*[[Status effect]]s from tipped arrows or shulker bullets {{only|bedrock|short=1}} <ref>{{bug|MCPE-52904}}</ref>** Direct projectile damage is blocked, but the effect still carries through.*Status effects from splash/lingering [[potion]]s, [[evoker]]s' fangs, or breath from the [[ender dragon]]*Beam attacks from [[guardian]]s or [[elder guardian]]s, or the [[warden]]'s sonic boom attack*TNT that the blocking player lit themselves{{only|BE|short=1}}*TNT that a [[Redstone (disambiguation)|redstone mechanism]] lit{{only|BE|short=1}}*[[Fall damage]], including that from [[ender pearl]]s** This also includes when the player rides an [[entity]] that died due to fall damage.*Strikes from a warden or any [[axe]]-wielding mob (e.g., [[vindicator]]s, [[piglin brute]]s, [[zombie]]s after disabling players shield they attack another time immediately)** Such strikes disable being able to use shields for 5 seconds.=== Applying patterns ===[[File:Cyan Shield Screenshot.png|250px|thumb|A custom shield.]]Shields can be decorated by applying a [[banner]].{{Crafting|showdescription=1|Shield|Matching Banner|Output=Matching Shield; Ominous Shield|B2link=Banner|Olink=Shield|type=Combat|description=Applies the banner pattern to the shield. The banner is consumed.<br>The shield must have no preexisting patterns.<br>Does not change existing durability or enchantments on the shield.}}Unlike with [[banner]]s, shields cannot be repainted or washed in a [[cauldron]]. Shields have only half the resolution of banners, making patterns look slightly different. In the game files, the pattern textures can be found in a separate directory called entity/shield.{{IN|java}}, shields with patterns can also be obtained using the same commands as banners, except <code>banner</code> has to be replaced with <code>shield</code>.=== Enchantments ===A shield can receive the following [[enchantments]], but only through an [[anvil]]:{| class="wikitable col-2-center"|+!Name!Max Level![[Enchanting|Method]]|-|[[Unbreaking]]|III|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Mending]]|I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|[[Curse of Vanishing]]|I|{{Inventory slot|Anvil}}|-|}== Sounds =={{edition|java}}:{{Sound table|sound=Shield block1.ogg|sound2=Shield block2.ogg|sound3=Shield block3.ogg|sound4=Shield block4.ogg|sound5=Shield block5.ogg|subtitle=Shield blocks|source=player|description=When an attack is blocked using a shield|id=item.shield.block|translationkey=subtitles.item.shield.block|volume=1.0|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Equip generic1.ogg|sound2=Equip generic2.ogg|sound3=Equip generic3.ogg|sound4=Equip generic4.ogg|sound5=Equip generic5.ogg|sound6=Equip generic6.ogg|subtitle=Gear equips|source=player|description=When a shield is placed in the offhand slot|id=item.armor.equip_generic|translationkey=subtitles.item.armor.equip|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0|distance=16}}{{Sound table|sound=Random break.ogg|subtitle=Item breaks|source=player|description=When a shield's durability is exhausted|id=item.shield.break|translationkey=subtitles.entity.item.break|volume=0.8|pitch=0.8-1.2|distance=16|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Shield block1.ogg|sound2=Shield block2.ogg|sound3=Shield block3.ogg|sound4=Shield block4.ogg|sound5=Shield block5.ogg|source=player|description=When an attack is blocked using a shield|id=item.shield.block|volume=0.7|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Equip generic1.ogg|sound2=Equip generic2.ogg|sound3=Equip generic3.ogg|sound4=Equip generic4.ogg|sound5=Equip generic5.ogg|sound6=Equip generic6.ogg|source=player|description=When a shield is placed in the offhand slot<wbr>{{Upcoming|BE 1.20.30}}<wbr><ref group=sound>{{Bug|MCPE-168039}}</ref>|id=armor.equip_generic|volume=1.0|pitch=1.0}}{{Sound table|sound=Random break.ogg|source=player|description=When a shield's durability is exhausted|id=random.break|volume=1.0|pitch=0.9|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Shield|spritetype=item|nameid=shield|form=item|translationkey=item.minecraft.shield, item.minecraft.shield.white, item.minecraft.shield.orange, item.minecraft.shield.magenta, item.minecraft.shield.light_blue, item.minecraft.shield.yellow, item.minecraft.shield.lime, item.minecraft.shield.pink, item.minecraft.shield.gray, item.minecraft.shield.light_gray, item.minecraft.shield.cyan, item.minecraft.shield.purple, item.minecraft.shield.blue, item.minecraft.shield.brown, item.minecraft.shield.green, item.minecraft.shield.red, item.minecraft.shield.black|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Shield|spritetype=item|nameid=shield|id=355|form=item|translationkey=item.shield.name, item.shield.white.name, item.shield.orange.name, item.shield.magenta.name, item.shield.lightBlue.name, item.shield.yellow.name, item.shield.lime.name, item.shield.pink.name, item.shield.gray.name, item.shield.silver.name, item.shield.cyan.name, item.shield.purple.name, item.shield.blue.name, item.shield.brown.name, item.shield.green.name, item.shield.red.name, item.shield.black.name|foot=1}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Not Today}}== History =={{History||July 10, 2011|link=http://minetimes.wordpress.com/2011/07/10/interview-mit-jeb-ihr-konntet-die-fragen-stellen/|During an interview, [[Jeb]] says that "shields for the left arm" might be added.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w33c|[[File:White Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Light Gray Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Gray Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Black Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Brown Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Red Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Orange Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Yellow Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Lime Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Green Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Cyan Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Light Blue Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Blue Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Purple Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Magenta Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Pink Shield.png|22px]] Added shields.|Shields replace the [[blocking]] functionality of [[sword]]s, although blocking more [[damage]].|The current [[crafting]] recipe of shields includes [[wool]], producing 16 possible colored shields. There currently isn't a blank, uncolored shield.{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed" data-description{{=}}"Recipe"! Recipe{{!}}-{{!}}{{Crafting|A1=Matching Wool |B1=Any Planks|A2=Matching Wool |B2=Any Planks |C2=Iron Ingot|A3=Matching Wool |B3=Any Planks|Output=Matching Shield|ignoreusage=1}}{{!}}}|Any of the colored base shields can be [[crafting|crafted]] with a [[banner]] of the same base color, to produce a patterned shield.}}{{History|||snap=15w34c|When an attack is blocked by a shield, the attacker now may be knocked back.|Being attacked with an [[axe]] now may disable shield use for 5 seconds.}}{{History|||snap=15w37a|The [[crafting]] recipe of shields has been changed to 6 [[planks]] and 1 [[iron ingot]].{{{!}} class{{=}}"collapsible collapsed" data-description{{=}}"Recipe"! Recipe{{!}}-{{!}}{{Crafting|A1=Any Planks |B1=Iron Ingot |C1=Any Planks|A2=Any Planks |B2=Any Planks |C2=Any Planks|B3=Any Planks|Output=Shield|ignoreusage=1}}{{!}}}|[[File:Shield JE1.png|22px]] Crafting a shield now produces a base wooden shield that can be crafted together with any [[banner]].|The cooldown of shields has been reduced from 0.5s to 0.25s.|Blocking with shields now prevents some side effects.{{verify}}|[[Arrow]]s now ricochet off shields.}}{{History|||snap=15w44a|Shields can now be repaired by combining with other shields. This removes any [[banner]] that had been applied.}}{{History|||snap=15w45a|Crafting a banner onto a shield now consumes the banner.}}{{History|||snap=15w47b|Added shield blocking [[sound]]s.}}{{History|||snap=16w07a|Added more variation of shield blocking sounds.}}{{History|||snap=pre1|The [[durability]] of shields has been increased from 181 to 337.}}{{History||1.10|snap=16w21a|Shields can now be equipped by [[dispenser]]s.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w33a|[[Crafting]] a shield with a banner no longer changes the durability, nor does it remove [[enchanting|enchantments]] from it.}}{{History|||snap=16w35a|Shields now block 100% of [[damage]]/[[knockback]]/debuffs dealt in melee combat.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 442.}}{{History||1.13.2|snap=release|Shields now properly block attacks when the player is facing down.<ref>{{bug|MC-92019|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Shield JE2 BE1.png|22px]] The texture of shields has been changed.|Shields no longer knockback attackers when they block due to a bug with rework of the blocking mechanic with the introduction of the ravager.<ref>{{bug|MC-147694}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|Shields can now be [[trading|bought]] from armorer [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.14.3|snap=Pre-Release 3|Shields blocking flaming [[arrow]]s no longer put the [[player]] on [[fire]].}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|[[Crimson planks]] and [[warped planks]] can now be used to craft shields.}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w11a|[[Mangrove planks]] can now be used to craft shields.}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w43a|Shields can now properly block all explosions.}}{{History||1.19.4|snap=23w06a|A sound is now played when a shield is placed into the offhand slot.}}{{History|upcoming java}}{{History||Combat Tests|snap=1.14.3 - Combat Test|Critical hits now bypass shields.|The warm-up delay has been removed from shields.|When in the off-hand, shields now activate when [[sneaking]].}}{{History|||snap=Combat Test 2|Shields now protect against critical attacks again.|Shields can only be activated when the weapon is charged to 200%.}}{{History|||snap=Combat Test 3|A "Shield Indicator" option that displays when the shield is active, similar to the attack indicator, has been added.|An option to hide shields when active has been added.|The arc of available protection of shields has been decreased to 100 degrees instead of 180 degrees.}}{{History|||snap=Combat Test 4|An option to disable shields being activated by pressing {{ctrl|crouch}} has been added.|The option to hide the shield has been removed.}}{{History|||snap=Combat Test 6|Shields now protect up to 5 [[damage]] for melee attacks (still 100% against projectiles).|Shields activate instantly regardless if the weapon is charged, similar to Combat test 1.|Shields now recover faster after an attack.}}{{History|||snap=Combat Test 7c|Shields now add a 50% knockback resistance when active.|Shields now protect against 100% [[explosions|explosion]] damage.}}{{History|||snap=Combat Test 8c|The knockback calculations for shields have been fixed.{{Info needed}}|Crouch-shielding while jumping has been disabled.|Shields with [[banner]]s are now temporarily stronger than normal shields (10 absorption instead of 5, and better knockback resistance) to test different shield types.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Shield JE2 BE1.png|22px]] Added shields.|Shields cannot be customized with [[banner]]s.|Shields are activated by [[sneaking|crouching]] or mounting [[mob]]s.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Shields can now be [[trading|bought]] from armorer [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.16.210|snap=beta|Now grants partial knockback protection from the [[goat]] ram attack.}}{{History||1.16.220|snap=beta|[[Mob]]s that pick up shields now place them to their off-hand.}}{{History||1.18.30|snap=beta|Being attacked with an [[axe]] now may disable shield use. This was not mentioned in the official changelog.<ref>{{tweet|kingbdogz|1504505321884196872|We missed a change in recent changelogs for the Bedrock beta that you may like - we have now made a parity fix that makes shields get disabled for 5 seconds when attacked by an Axe-wielding mob or player. We will make sure to list this properly in the next beta:)|March 17, 2022}}</ref>}}{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|[[File:White Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Light Gray Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Gray Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Black Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Brown Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Red Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Orange Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Yellow Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Lime Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Green Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Cyan Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Light Blue Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Blue Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Purple Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Magenta Shield.png|22px]] [[File:Pink Shield.png|22px]] Shields can now be customized using a banner.}}{{History|PS4}}{{History||1.90|[[File:Shield JE1.png|22px]] Added shields.|Shields do not have [[banner]] application features.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list|-wither}}== Gallery ==<gallery>Shield.png|ShieldWhite Shield.png|White ShieldLight Gray Shield.png|Light Gray ShieldGray Shield.png|Gray ShieldBlack Shield.png|Black ShieldBrown Shield.png|Brown ShieldRed Shield.png|Red ShieldOrange Shield.png|Orange ShieldYellow Shield.png|Yellow ShieldLime Shield.png|Lime ShieldGreen Shield.png|Green ShieldCyan Shield.png|Cyan ShieldLight Blue Shield.png|Light Blue ShieldBlue Shield.png|Blue ShieldPurple Shield.png|Purple ShieldMagenta Shield.png|Magenta ShieldPink Shield.png|Pink Shield</gallery>=== Screenshots ===<gallery>JebShield.png|One of the first images of shields. [[Jeb]] wearing diamond armor while holding a creeper-emblazoned shield during [[MineCon]] 2015.Jeb Crafting Shield.png|Jeb crafting a shield.Player with Shield.png|Player holding the default shield.Shield Block.png|A player blocking with a shield.ShieldFirstPerson.png|Blocking with a shield as seen in first person.Enchanted Shield (item).gif|An enchanted shield as seen in the [[inventory]].-ominous- shield.png|A shield with the [[ominous banner]] on it as seen in the inventory.Kai-Shield.jpg|An image of [[Kai]] wielding a banner with a shield, used to announce the feature on [[Bedrock Edition]].Bedrock-Shields.jpg</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}== External Links ==* [https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/taking-inventory--shield Taking Inventory: Shield] – Minecraft.net on July 25, 2019{{Items}}[[Category:Combat]][[Category:Renewable resources]][[de:Schild (Kampf)]][[fr:Bouclier]][[it:Scudo]][[ja:盾]][[ko:방패]][[nl:Schild]][[pl:Tarcza]][[pt:Escudo]][[ru:Щит]][[th:โล่]][[zh:盾牌]]</li><li>[[Food|Food]]<br/>{{For|food in ''Minecraft Dungeons''|MCD:Food}}[[File:Eating Steve.png|thumb|right|150px]][[File:Eating Alex.png|thumb|right|150px]]'''Food''' refers to any consumable [[item]]s that, when eaten, restore [[hunger]] points and hunger saturation points, and sometimes cause [[status effect]]s. They are essential to survival, as going without them eventually causes the player to starve, causing damage until reaching {{hp|10}} in Easy [[difficulty]], and {{hp|1}} on Normal. [[Hunger#Effects of hunger|Starvation]] damage kills the player in Hard and [[Hardcore]] Mode.Food is eaten by holding {{control|use}} while having the food item selected in the hot bar or in the off-hand.[[Cake]] cannot be eaten this way, and must instead be placed on a surface before being eaten.With the exception of [[chorus fruit]], [[golden apple]]s, [[honey bottle]]s, [[milk]], and [[suspicious stew]]{{only|Java}}, food cannot be eaten when the hunger bar is completely full. In [[Creative]] Mode, any food can be consumed at any time.All food items and ingredients can be stacked in the inventory slots, except for [[milk]], [[rabbit stew]], [[mushroom stew]], [[beetroot soup]], [[suspicious stew]], and [[cake]].{{only|Java}}This page covers food items for players; blocks and items that can be eaten by other [[mob]]s are not included here.== Hunger and saturation =={{main|Hunger#Mechanics}}{{seealso|Tutorials/Hunger_management}}[[File:Raw_and_Cooked_Chicken_Comparison.png|thumb|Raw (left) and cooked (right) [[chicken]]. Eating raw chicken can give the [[player]] [[food poisoning]].]][[Player]]s have two different food statistics, one of which is visible: The hunger level is visible, and the saturation level is not.[[Saturation]] is the first statistic to decrease when a player performs energy-intensive actions, and it must be completely depleted before the visible hunger meter begins decreasing. Although the current saturation level is generally hidden, the player can tell that their saturation level is completely depleted if the visible hunger meter begins displaying a jittering effect.Eating a food item replenishes a fixed number of hunger points and saturation points, based on the item. Some foods have a better ratio of saturation to hunger points replenished than others. Overeating the hunger bar does not overflow to saturation.A player's current saturation level can never exceed their current hunger level. A player at a hunger level of 5, for example, can be at a maximum of 5 saturation. Food always restores hunger (raising the saturation limit) ''before'' supplying saturation. The most efficient use of food is to eat low-saturation food to fill the hunger bar, followed by high-saturation food to fill saturation. While a few hunger points may be wasted when eating nourishing food when nearly full, eating nourishing foods on a low hunger bar wastes even more points of saturation. Maximizing saturation increases the length of time (and/or the amount of damage healed) before the player needs to eat again.=== Usage ===Most foods can be eaten by holding down the right-click button with a food item in hand. It takes 1.61 seconds to eat most foods; dried kelp takes 0.865 seconds to eat. Additionally, a player can hold food in their [[offhand]] {{in|Java}}.While eating, food [[particles]] form from the player's mouth correlated with their respective food item, and produces a munching noise. Eating also slows the user significantly.Unlike other foods, [[cake]] has to be eaten by placing it, then right-clicking on its block form. Eating cake is instant and it has 7 edible slices, each giving {{hunger|2}} hunger and 0.4 hunger [[saturation]].=== Nourishment value ===Nourishment is defined as the ratio of saturation to hunger points restored. Foods with higher nourishment values should be eaten when the hunger bar is more full.The "nourishment" table below can help by categorizing foods by their saturation-to-hunger restoration ratios. See the more detailed [[#Foods|Foods]] table for the exact hunger and saturation statistics of each food.<!-- do not change the locations of the food in this table without providing an explanation in the edit summary -->{| class="wikitable" data-description="Nourishment value" |-!Nourishment! Value !Food |- style="text-align: left;"!Great| 2.4 | {{Slot|Enchanted Golden Apple}}{{Slot|Golden Apple}}{{Slot|Golden Carrot}} |- style="text-align: left;"!Good| 1.6 | {{Slot|Cooked Mutton}}{{Slot|Cooked Porkchop}}{{Slot|Cooked Salmon}}{{Slot|Steak}} |- style="text-align: left;"!Normal| 1.2 | {{Slot|Baked Potato}}{{Slot|Beetroot}}{{Slot|Beetroot Soup}}{{Slot|Bread}}{{Slot|Carrot}}{{Slot|Cooked Chicken}}{{Slot|Cooked Cod}}{{Slot|Cooked Rabbit}}{{Slot|Mushroom Stew}}{{Slot|Rabbit Stew}}{{Slot|Suspicious Stew}} |- style="text-align: left;"! Low| 0.6 | {{Slot|Apple}}{{Slot|Chorus Fruit}}{{Slot|Dried Kelp}}<ref group="note" name="Java">{{only|java}}</ref>{{Slot|Melon Slice}}{{Slot|Poisonous Potato}}{{Slot|Potato}}{{Slot|Pumpkin Pie}}{{Slot|Raw Beef}}{{Slot|Raw Chicken}}{{Slot|Raw Mutton}}{{Slot|Raw Porkchop}}{{Slot|Raw Rabbit}}{{Slot|Sweet Berries}}<ref group="note" name="Bedrock">{{only|bedrock}}</ref> |- style="text-align: left;"!Poor | 0.2 | {{Slot|Cake}}{{Slot|Cookie}}{{Slot|Dried Kelp}}<ref group="note" name="Bedrock"/>{{Slot|Glow Berries}}{{Slot|Honey Bottle}}{{Slot|Pufferfish|link=Pufferfish (item)}}{{Slot|Raw Cod}}{{Slot|Raw Salmon}}{{Slot|Rotten Flesh}}{{Slot|Spider Eye}}{{Slot|Sweet Berries}}<ref group="note" name="Java"/>{{Slot|Tropical Fish|link=Tropical Fish (item)}} |}== Foods =={{/table}}=== Ingredients ===The following items cannot be eaten on their own. Instead, they are used to craft consumable food items.<!-- Please leave spaces between each row in the table - this has no effect on the appearance of the table, but it makes it a lot easier on future wiki editors!-->{| class="sortable wikitable list-style-none" data-description="Ingredients"|-! Name! Icon! Used to make! Source(s)! Notes|- id="Bowl"! scope="row" | [[Bowl]]| {{Slot|Bowl}}| {{itemLink|Mushroom Stew}}* {{itemLink|Beetroot Soup}}* {{itemLink|Rabbit Stew}}* {{itemLink|Suspicious Stew}}|* [[Crafting]] from [[planks]]* [[Fishing Rod#Usage|Fishing]]* [[Turtle]] killed by [[lightning]]* Eating food made with them||- id="Cocoa Bean"! scope="row" | [[Cocoa Beans]]| {{Slot|Cocoa Beans}}| {{itemLink|Cookie}}s|* Breaking [[cocoa plant]]s* Bought from [[wandering trader]]||- id="Egg"! scope="row" | [[Egg]]| {{Slot|Egg}}|* {{itemLink|Cake}}* {{itemLink|Pumpkin Pie}}|* Laid by [[chicken]]s* Found in village fletcher chests||- id="Milk"! scope="row" | [[Milk Bucket]]| {{Slot|Milk Bucket}}| {{itemLink|Cake}}|* Milking a [[cow]], [[mooshroom]]s, or [[goat]]s* Killing a [[Wandering trader]] drinking it| Can also be consumed to clear [[status effect]]s|- id="Mushroom"! scope="row" | [[Brown Mushroom]] and [[Red Mushroom]]| {{Slot|Brown Mushroom;Red Mushroom}}| {{itemLink|Mushroom Stew}}* {{itemLink|Rabbit Stew}}* {{itemLink|Suspicious Stew}}| {{anchor|Brown Mushroom|Red Mushroom}}* Dark/shady areas* Swamp [[biome]]s* [[Mushroom fields]]* Breaking [[Huge Mushroom|huge brown or red mushrooms]]* [[The Nether]]* Using [[shears]] on a [[mooshroom|brown mooshroom or red mushroom]]* Bought from [[wandering trader]] ||- id="Flower"! scope="row" | [[Flower]]| {{Slot|Any Flower}}|{{itemLink|Suspicious Stew}}|* Breaking [[Flower]]* Using [[Bone Meal]] on a [[Grass Block]]* Bought from [[wandering trader]]* Killing [[Iron Golem]] (poppy)||- id="Pumpkin"! scope="row" | [[Pumpkin]]| {{Slot|Pumpkin}}| {{itemLink|Pumpkin Pie}}|* Harvesting mature [[pumpkin]]s grown from [[pumpkin seeds]]* Naturally occurring [[pumpkin]]s* Taiga and Snowy Taiga [[Village]]s* Bought from [[wandering trader]] ||- id="Sugar"! scope="row" | [[Sugar]]| {{Slot|Sugar}}|* {{itemLink|Cake}}* {{itemLink|Pumpkin Pie}}|* Crafting [[sugar cane]]* Dropped by [[witch]]es* Creating from its base [[element]]s {{only|bedrock|education}}* Redeemed from [[honey bottle]] on a crafting table ||- id="Wheat"! scope="row" | [[Wheat]]| {{Slot|Wheat}}|* {{itemLink|Bread}}* {{itemLink|Cake}}* {{itemLink|Cookie}}s|* Harvesting mature [[wheat]]* Found in [[Dungeon#Loot|dungeon]], [[Woodland Mansion#Loot|woodland mansion]], [[Shipwreck#Loot|shipwreck]], [[Igloo#Loot|igloo]], [[Village#Loot|village]], [[Ocean Ruins#Loot|ocean ruins]], and [[Pillager Outpost#Loot|pillager outpost]] chest* Crafting [[hay bale]]s||- id="Gold Nugget"! scope="row" | [[Gold Nugget]]| {{Slot|Gold Nugget}}| {{itemLink|Golden Carrot}}|* Crafting [[gold ingot]]s* Dropped by [[zombified piglin]]s* Found in [[Shipwreck#Loot|shipwreck]], [[Igloo#Loot|igloo]], [[Village#Loot|village]], and [[Ocean Ruins#Loot|ocean ruins]] chest* Smelting golden armor or tools* Mining [[nether gold ore]] without [[Silk Touch]]||- id="Gold Ingot"! scope="row" | [[Gold Ingot]]| {{Slot|Gold Ingot}}| {{itemLink|Golden Apple}}|* Crafting [[gold block]]s or [[gold nugget]]s* Rarely dropped by [[zombified piglin]]s and by [[Drowned]]* Smelting [[gold ore]] or [[nether gold ore]]* Found in [[Shipwreck#Loot|shipwreck]], [[Jungle Pyramid#Structure:Loot|jungle pyramid]], [[Dungeon#Loot|dungeon]], [[Woodland Mansion#Loot|woodland mansion]], [[Nether Fortress#Loot|nether fortress]], [[End city#Loot|end city]], [[Mineshaft#Loot|mineshaft]], [[Village#Structure:Loot|village]], [[Stronghold#Loot|stronghold]], [[Buried Treasure#Loot|buried treasure]] and [[Desert pyramid#Structure:Loot|desert pyramid]] chest||- id="Honey Block"! scope="row" | [[Honey Block]]| {{Slot|Honey Block}}| {{itemLink|Honey Bottle}}|* Crafting [[honey bottle]]s||}== Sounds =={{Sound table/Entity/Food}}== Achievements =={{load achievements|Pork Chop;Iron Belly;Rabbit Season;Overpowered;Castaway;Delicious Fish;The Lie;Bake Bread;Time For Stew}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Husbandry;A Balanced Diet;A Furious co*cktail;How Did We Get Here;Fishy Business}}== History =={{History|java classic}}{{History||June 14, 2009|link=https://notch.tumblr.com/post/123343045/my-vision-for-survival|[[Notch]] discussed how food would work in [[survival]] mode: "Monsters will hurt you and take away from your health. The only way to regain health is to eat food. You get food from either hunting or from farming."}}{{History||0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST|[[Mushroom]]s are now edible, making them the first food to be added in the game. At this point, food restores [[health]] instead of [[hunger]], and are eaten instantly without sound or animation. Pigs drop them upon death.}}{{History|java indev}}{{History||0.31|snap=20091231-2|Added [[apple]]s, which are currently non-functional.}}{{History|||snap=20100110|Apples are now edible, and restore {{hp|4}} each.}}{{History|||snap=?|Mushrooms are no longer edible.}}{{History|||snap=20100130|Added [[mushroom stew]], which restores {{hp|8}} health.}}{{History||20100206|Added [[wheat]] and [[bread]].|Mushroom stew now restores {{hp|10}} health.}}{{History||20100219|[[Pig]]s now drop [[raw porkchop]]s, which can be [[smelt]]ed to become [[cooked porkchop]]s.}}{{History|java infdev}}{{History||20100227-1|Added [[golden apple]]s. At this point, they were crafted with [[block of gold]], and restored {{hp|20}}.}}{{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.0.8|Added [[milk]], which was at this point unobtainable and the player could not use it in any way.}}{{History||v1.0.11|Milk can now be obtained in the game, by milking a [[cow]] with an empty [[bucket]].}}{{History||v1.0.14|With the addition of [[chicken]]s, [[egg]]s are now in the game, but have no use. Chickens do not drop raw chicken at this point in time.}}{{History||v1.2.0|snap=<nowiki>?|slink=:Category:Information needed requiring unarchived version|Added [[pumpkin]]s, but not pumpkin seeds.|Added [[raw fish]] and [[cooked fish]], obtainable through [[fishing]].}}{{History||v1.2.3|Eating food now functions correctly in multiplayer.}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.2|Added [[sugar]] and [[cake]].}}{{History||1.4|[[Cocoa beans]] now appear naturally in the game; since Beta 1.2, they were available only through inventory editors.|Added [[cookie]]s.}}{{History||1.5|Pigs now drop cooked porkchops if killed while on fire.}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Added [[melon]]s, [[melon seeds]], and [[pumpkin seeds]].|Added [[raw chicken]] as a drop from chickens, which can be smelted into [[cooked chicken]].|Added [[raw beef]] as a drop from cows, which can be smelted into [[steak]].|Added [[rotten flesh]] as a new drop from [[zombie]]s.|Added an eating animation, instead of food simply disappearing from the player's hand as if a block had been placed.|Added [[hunger bar]]; now food restores hunger instead of health.|Food now stacks in the inventory, with the exception of cake, mushroom stew, and milk.|[[Huge mushroom]]s were added as a new source for [[mushroom]]s.|With the addition of the hunger bar, golden apples now restore {{Hunger|10}} and give 30 seconds of [[regeneration]], but do not heal health directly anymore.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|Mushrooms can now be obtained from the mushroom island [[biome]], via the huge mushrooms, random scattered mushrooms, or the new [[mooshroom]]s.|[[Milk]] can be used to nullify the effects of [[potion]]s.|[[Spider]]s now drop [[Spider Eye|eyes]].}}{{History||1.1|snap=release|Golden apples are now made with [[gold nugget]]s instead of blocks of gold, restore {{Hunger|4}} and give 4 seconds of regeneration.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w21a|Added enchanted golden apples, which functioned like golden apples prior to 1.1 and had the same crafting recipe, but also gave resistance and fire resistance for 5 minutes each.|[[Cocoa Beans]] are now a crop, making all food items a renewable resource.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w34a|[[Potato]]es and [[carrot]]s can be obtainable from zombies (rare drop) or harvested.|Potatoes can be cooked to make [[baked potato]]es|Harvesting potatoes may give 0–2 [[poisonous potato]]es.|Carrots can be crafted into [[golden carrot]]s.|Added [[pumpkin pie]], making [[pumpkin]]s a food ingredient.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Added [[tropical fish (item)|clownfish]], [[Raw Salmon|raw]] and [[cooked salmon]], and [[pufferfish (item)|pufferfish]].}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w02a|Baked potatoes now restore {{Hunger|5}} hunger points instead of 6, with a corresponding reduction in saturation restored.|Carrots now restore {{Hunger|3}} hunger points instead of 4, with a corresponding reduction in saturation restored.}}{{History|||snap=14w27a|Added [[Raw Mutton|raw]] and [[cooked mutton]], [[Raw Rabbit|raw]] and [[cooked rabbit]], and [[rabbit stew]].}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Added [[chorus fruit]], [[beetroot]] and [[beetroot soup]].|Enchanted golden apples are no longer craftable, making them no longer renewable.}}{{History||1.13|snap=18w07a|Added [[dried kelp]], which is edible.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Added [[suspicious stew]].}}{{History|||snap=18w49a|Added [[sweet berries]].}}{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|Added [[honey bottle]]s.}}{{History|||snap=19w35a|[[Honey bottle]]s now remove [[poison]] effects when consumed.}}{{History|||snap=19w46a|All foods can now be consumed in Creative mode, including cake.}}{{History||1.17|snap=21w05a|Added [[glow berries]].}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.4.0|Added the first food items: [[apple]]s, [[bread]], [[mushroom stew]], [[raw beef]], [[steak]], [[raw chicken]], [[cooked chicken]], [[raw porkchop]]s, and [[cooked porkchop]].}}{{History||v0.5.0|Added [[melon]]s, [[melon slice]]s, and [[melon seeds]].}}{{History||v0.7.0|Added [[milk]] and [[cake]].}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Added [[pumpkin pie]], [[carrot]]s, [[potato]]es, and [[baked potato]]es.}}{{History|||snap=build 2|Added [[beetroot]]s and [[beetroot soup]].}}{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|[[Potato]]es and [[carrot]]s can be obtainable from zombies (rare drop) or harvested.|Added [[cookie]]s.}} {{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Added [[rotten flesh]] as a new drop from [[zombie]]s, at this time, it inflicts poison.|Added [[Raw Fish|raw]] and [[cooked fish]], [[clownfish]], [[Raw Salmon|raw]] and [[cooked salmon]], and [[pufferfish]].}}{{History|||snap=build 4|[[Milk]] can be used to nullify the effects of [[potion]]s.}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Eating food now restores hunger.|[[Spider]]s now drop [[Spider Eye|eyes]].|Added poisonous potatoes, golden apples, enchanted golden apples and golden carrots.}}{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Hunger restored by food now matches Minecraft PC.|Added raw rabbit, cooked rabbit, and [[rabbit stew]].}}{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Added raw mutton and cooked mutton.}}{{History|pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Added chorus fruit.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Added [[dried kelp]], which is edible.}} {{History||1.7.0|snap=beta|Food can now be eaten in creative mode and on peaceful difficulty.}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Added [[sweet berries]].}}{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Added [[suspicious stew]].}}{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|Added [[honey bottle]].}}{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Added [[glow berries]].}}{{History|foot}}{{items}}[[Category:Food]][[cs:Potraviny]][[de:Hunger]][[es:Comida]][[fr:Nourriture]][[hu:Étel]][[it:Cibo]][[ja:食料]][[ko:식료품]][[nl:Voedsel]][[pl:Jedzenie]][[pt:Alimento]][[ru:Еда]][[th:อาหาร]][[uk:Їжа]][[zh:食物]]</li></ul></nowiki>
Wandering Trader (6) Added the wandering trader.
  • Wandering Trader (7)

    An early concept featuring texture close to pre-Texture Update design.

  • Wandering Trader (8)

    Another concept.

  • Wandering Trader (9)

    Concept with a hat and early trader llama.

    See Also

  • Wandering Trader (10)

    A wandering trader in 19w05a.


Issues relating to "Wandering Trader" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • The wandering trader was inspired by traveling merchants from various RPGs, specifically ones that appeared to provide players with healing items in dangerous places.[5]
  • Villagers display their held items differently than most creatures do, using the "ground" parameter instead of the usual hand parameter in model display settings.



  • Wandering Trader (11)

    A group of spawned-in wandering traders with a trader llama in the background.

  • Wandering Trader (12)

    A wandering trader and its llama.

  • Wandering Trader (13)

    A wandering trader drinking a potion of invisibility.

  • Wandering Trader (14)

    Two wandering traders.

  • Wandering Trader (15)

    A wandering trader that spawned in a player-made village in Minecraft Education.

  • Wandering Trader (16)

    Wandering trader in the windswept hills.

  • Wandering Trader (17)

    A wandering trader next to a nitwit villager.

  • Wandering Trader (18)

    Makena offering a milk bucket to a wandering trader.

In other media[]



  1. MC-143982—"Named wandering traders despawn"—resolved as "Works As Intended".
  2. MC-143747—resolved as "Won't Fix".
  3. MC-153693—resolved as "Works As Intended".
  4. MC-161106—resolved as "Works as Intended".
  5. "Meet the Wandering Trader" by Per Landin. Minecraft.net, March 22, 2019

External links[]

Wandering Trader (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Last Updated:

Views: 6161

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.