World War III (2024)

World War III (1) World War III (2) World War III (3)

"It doesn't take the most powerful nations on Earth to create the next global conflict. Just the will of a single man."
Vladimir Makarov

World War III (abbreviated WWIII or WW3, also referred to as the Third World War) was a conflict that spans across Europe, all the way to the American continent. It involves many of the great western powers as a major war broke out between Ultranationalist Russia and theUnited States of America with NATO countries such as United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada, the Czech Republicand Italy.

Prior to the the conflict, Ultranationalist member and terrorist Vladimir Makarov spent years amassing power and influence, whose ruthless reputation quickly spread far and wide. In his desire for Russia to return to its former glory and the most dominant superpower of the eastern hemisphere, Makarov orchestrated a series of events which shaped geopolitics in his favor. One of these events was the detonation of a nuclear weapon in the Middle east, causing the deaths of 30,000 US marines under his command in the Middle East. This event warped General Shepherd's morality. Becoming disillusioned with the world order, Shepherd sought to start a conflict between the United States and Russia as revenge. General Shepherd would serve as the architect of starting the war.

The initial conflict began when Russia launched a surprise invasion of the United States in retaliation for the massacre at Zakhaev International Airport, in which they believe the CIA was the perpetrator. The surprised attack caught the United States off guard, as U.S Forces initially were overwhelmed when Russian Ground Forces along with the Russian Navy took control of many U.S cities alongside the Eastern Seaboard. Russian airborne forces continued their assault throughout the East Coast, clashing with U.S Forces in places such as Virginia. The Russian advance would soon come to a complete halt however, and with their crushing defeat in the decisive Battle of Washington D.C, the U.S would turn the tides of the war in their favor. U.S Forces would eventually retake New York City, forcing the Russians to retreat from the U.S Mainland.

Months later, Russia would launch a massive invasion of Europe, turning the Russo-American conflict into a true World War. Europe, already crippled by a series of deadly chemical attacks in major cities orchestrated by Makarov, was quickly overrun by Russian Forces, with most of Eastern and Central Europe falling completely under Russian occupation within hours. Germany, one of NATO's most important members, would also fall to Russian Forces after 24 hours. This prompted the U.S to launch a counterattack, and after winning decisive battles such as the Battle of Hamburg and the Battle of Paris, the Russian advance would come to a halt and both sides reached a stalemate. However, the rescue of Russian President Boris Vorshevsky resulted in Makarov losing all influence over the war, effectively thwarting his plans. Makarov then went into hiding and President Vorshevsky returned to power and signed a peace treaty, ending the war.

By the time the war ended, most of the U.S. East Coast and Europe were in ruin and an unknown number of U.S. soldiers and civilians were dead, wounded or missing. President Vorshevsky later began reconciliation with the Loyalists and offered them their full protection, allowing them to return to Russia and start a coalition government with his government and peaceful relations increase between the United States, Russia and NATO with the new Ultranationalist-Loyalist government.

The initial invasion was the basis for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2and its Remaster whilethe events of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 revolved around the international conflict sparked by the Russian invasion of Western Europe and the battles that occurred in New York City, London, Parisand Berlin.


  • 1 International tension and buildup
  • 2 August 12th (Day 3), 2016
    • 2.1 Zakhaev International Airport Massacre
  • 3 August 13th (Day 4), 2016
    • 3.1 "Following the Shell"
    • 3.2 Invasion of the United States
    • 3.3 The Western and Southern Fronts
  • 4 August 14th (Day 5), 2016
    • 4.1 Counter-Strike in Pacific on Russia
    • 4.2 The Battle of Washington D.C.
  • 5 August 15th (Day 6), 2016
    • 5.1 The Hunt for Makarov and Shepherd
    • 5.2 The Invasion of Alaska
  • 6 August 16th (Day 7), 2016
    • 6.1 The Battle of Nevada
  • 7 Post-Washington
  • 8 August 17th, 2016
    • 8.1 The Recapturing of Baltimore
    • 8.2 The Battle of New York
  • 9 The war consumedEurope - October 3rd, 2016
    • 9.1 Makarov's Plan
  • 10 October 5th, 2016
    • 10.1 Pickingthe Trail Up
  • 11 October 6th, 2016
    • 11.1 The Surprise European Offensive
    • 11.2 NATO Response
  • 12 October 8th, 2016
    • 12.1 Finding Waraabe
  • 13 October 9th, 2016
    • 13.1 The Battle of Paris
  • 14 October 10th, 2016
    • 14.1 Prague Infiltration
  • 15 October 11th, 2016
    • 15.1 Assassination attempt on Makarov in Prague
  • 16 October 12th, 2016
    • 16.1 Infiltration of Karlstejn near Prague
  • 17 October 13th, 2016
    • 17.1 The Battle of Berlin
  • 18 October 14th, 2016
    • 18.1 Saving the Vorshevskys
  • 19 January 21st, 2017
    • 19.1 Price corneredMakarov
  • 20 Notable military operations
  • 21 Radio Traffic during the invasion of America
  • 22 References

International tension and buildup[]

After winning the Second Russian Civil War, the Ultranationalists came to power with Boris Vorshevsky becoming the President of the Russian Federation. The new Ultranationalist regime implemented several policies into the government of Russia. However, they were secretly influenced by a member of the inner circle of the Ultranationalist Party known as Vladimir Makarov, who demanded an aggressive hostile foreign policy towardthe United States.

As a result of Makarov's influence, a new Cold War emerged as the two superpowers looked again at each other with much suspicion. Tensions with the United States and Russiarose even to the point of hostility, forcing theRussian President, Boris Vorshevsky, and the other members in the Ultranationalist Party in the government to removeMakarov from the partywhile trying to improve relations with the United States and the Russian Loyalists. Outraged from beingremoved from the Ultranationalist Party, Makarov vowed to kill Vorshevsky. One of the main intelligence operations during this period was the recovery of a downed American ACS module held in an Ultranationalist controlled base in Kazakhstan loyal to Vladimir Makarov by theTask Force 141 members,John "Soap" MacTavish, and Gary "Roach" Sanderson.

August 12th (Day 3), 2016[]

Zakhaev International Airport Massacre[]

Vladimir Makarov, a known terrorist since 2001 and Russian Ultranationalist, led anattack at Zakhaev International Airport as revenge for the death of Imran Zakhaev. He, Alexei Borodin (a.k.a PFC Joseph Allen, a U.S. Army Ranger chosen to participate in a CIA deep cover mission by General Shepherd), and three other Ultranationalists (known only as Kiril, Levand Viktor) assaulted Zakhaev International Airport and slaughtered everyone around them. This included the civilians, the Russian airport security guards, and theFSB troops. Unknown to Borodin, Makarovwas aware ofhis true identity. Asthey prepared to escape by ambulance, Makarov shot Borodinandleft his body behind in order to give the appearance that the operation was planned and carried out by the United States.

The Russian government, upon seeing the use of American-made weapons (Such as the M240 and M4A1), English speaking terrorists (Makarov instructed the group to speak "No Russian"), and the body of thedead CIA operative, ledto believe that the massacre was supported, armed, and carried out with the approval of the United States government. After the massacre, Russian President Boris Vorshevskyclaimed that those who committed the attack would be held responsible. Vorshevky's move was also backed by the members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan).

August 13th (Day 4), 2016[]

"Following the Shell"[]

"He's our ticket to Makarov."
General Shepherd about Alejandro Rojas

Resolved to clear America of the massacre, Task Force 141 discovered that the ammunitioncamefrom a Brazilian arms dealer namedAlejandro Rojas. Captain MacTavish and his team tracked the arms dealer to Rio De Janeiro. After capturing and interrogating Rojas' right hand man, TF 141 traced Rojas to the favelawhere after a furious foot chase, Rojas was captured. Unable to get extraction due to the Russian invasion (Brazildenied the U.S. access to its airspace), MacTavish called Nikolai to provide transportation out of the city. The team barely escaped as the local militia converged upon them.

Invasion of the United States[]

"All stations, be advised - satellite surveillance has been disabled. SOSUS and PAVE PAWS arrays are inoperative at this time."
— NORAD HQ after knowing the ACS has been hacked.

Following the supposed "American terrorist attack" at Zakhaev International Airport, Russia retaliatedby launching a massive surprise invasion on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, sparking the war between the two countries. The Russian aircraft was able to penetrate the American radar defenses because of a recently retrieved ACS module that had been copied without the knowledge of Russian President Boris Vorshevsky. With the copied module and still unknown to Vorshevsky, the Russian forces wereable to hack into the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) system, leading to the invasion of Alaska, the WestCoast, and the Eastern Seaboard.The surprise invasion attempt was considered an act of war by the U.S government and in response, the United States of America declared war on Russia. A few spillovers of the fight moved into Quebec, Canada.

During the initial stages of the attack, the U.S. militaryincluding the U.S. Army Rangers and theU.S. Marine Corpswerescattered across the Eastern Seaboard, the Southern United States, and Southern California as the Russian aircraft managed to drop as many paratroopers and ground support as possible. The 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, the closest regiment to Washington D.C.headed to secure a crashed High-Value Individual, code-named Raptorin Northern Virginia. The squad encountered heavy resistance including BTR-80's, Mi-28 Havocsand many Russian troops. The Rangers wereable to extract Raptor and inflict heavy casualties on the Russian forces in the process while countering the Russian advances.

Most of the targets by the invading Russian forces included major cities on the East Coast such as Miami, Florida and all the way up to Nova Scotia. Some of the fighting continuedinto Eastern Canada in cities such as Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, and Quebec City. Some areas and buildings on the East Coast that wereattacked by the Russians included the CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia, Camp Davidand the Pentagon. The Russians’ highest priority target in the United States was Washington D.C.where many American forces heldevery advance off in the capital.

As retribution for the airport massacre, the Russians tooktheir anger out on the civilian population. The Russian troops attacked residential neighborhoods and shotcivilian homes up. Simon "Ghost" Rileyindicated that the Russians intended to kill at least a thousand American civilians for every dead Russian civilian in Moscow.

Despite the invasion attempt, neither the United States or Russia resorted to the use of nuclear weapons. Following the extraction of Raptor, the Rangers continued to push through Northern Virginia on route to Washington D.C.Heavy fighting ensued in a community named Arcadiawhere the Rangersalong with a Stryker ICV (Call-sign: Honey Badger)bought valuable time for any remaining civilians to evacuate.

The regiment was also tasked with extracting another High-Value Individual from a house on Brookmere Road. The HVI was found dead upon their arrival, apparently killed by Ultranationalist terrorists disguised as his guards. Upon investigating the safe-house, no evidence of a struggle was found. One of the HVI's guards was found to have Russian prison tattoos on his chest. Shortly after, the soldiers continued their defenses to hold Washington D.C. until the reinforcements arrived.

The Western and Southern Fronts[]

While the U.S. Eastern Seaboardwas under attack,the Russian forces invadedAlabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California (Specifically Los Angeles and San Diego.) The Russians pushed through major cities like Los Angeles and Houston. The Russians entered Texas by the Gulf of Mexico. In California, they entered from the Pacific Ocean. The states of Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona became battlegrounds. The surprise attack caughtthe U.S. defenders off guard, leading to therequestfor British aid on the front. By the time that the British reinforcements reached the front lines, the Russians already tookalmost all of the Southern United States over.The U.S. National Guard and the BritishArmy fought on the Western front to push the Russians back, but the combined forces of the U.S. National Guard and the British Army wereforced to retreat. The Russians continuedpushing through the West withvictory after victory.

August 14th (Day 5), 2016[]

Counter-Strike in Pacific on Russia[]

"Plenty of fight to go around, MacTavish. Glad you made it outta South America. You're meeting up with the 6th Fleet. Leadin' the counter-strike."
— General Shepherd briefing the TF-141 before the counter-strike on the Pacific.

After escaping South America, Task Force 141found out that Makarov had ties to a prisoner known as "Prisoner 627" in a Russian Gulag. The team linkedup with theU.S. Navy SEALs to takea line of oil rigs out that werebeing used as SAM sites to clear the way for the U.S. Navy. Phase One of the operation was to takethe SAM sites out and eliminate the Russian ground forces thattookcontrol of the oil rigs while rescuing the oil workers who were being held hostage. Phase Two of the operation was to assault the gulag itself. After fighting their way into solitary confinement, Captain MacTavish was surprised to find out that #627 was Captain John Price. The team barely escaped the prison before the U.S. Navy bombarded it into oblivion, though a fellow TF 141 operative namedWorm was W.I.A.

The Battle of Washington D.C.[]

"I need to rest, man. It's too much up there."
— A Ranger describing the battle.

The massive Russian military force managed to take control of much of the Eastern Seaboard in the United States, except for Washington D.C.The main priority of the U.S. forces in the capital was to evacuate as many civilians and wounded soldiers as possible, then regroup to retake the city to begin their counteroffensive. However, the Russian armor and the SAM sites delayed the evacuationand eliminating those threats proved to be crucial to ensuring said evacuation.

Sergeant Foley and his squad-mates, consisting of Corporal Dunn and Private James Ramirezentered the Department of Commerce to provide sniper and rocket support for the Washington Monument evacuation site. Private Ramirez, using a Barrett .50cal sniper rifle equipped with a Thermal Scopeassisted the team by taking down Javelin-armed Russian troops.

Later, the team used the Javelins to destroy any incoming helicopters and BTR-80's. With the civilians and the wounded soldiers being able to safely evacuate, the Rangers werenow on the offensive. The team was picked up by theNavy SEALs in theBlack Hawk helicopters and headed to the World War IIMemorial, a Russian strongholdand tore it to pieces. In the beginning of the counteroffensive process, the team's Blackhawk was shot down by the SAM sites atop the Department of Justice. The Rangers crash-landed just southwest of the White House, surrounded by the Russian ground forces.

At the same timethe squad's helicopter crashed, theTask Force 141 operatives assaulted a Russian submarine base with the intent of destroying a nuclear submarine. Captain John Price, however, commandeeredthe sub and launcheda nuclear missile. Price intendedto detonate the missile in orbit, creating a desperately needed EMP over the entire Eastern Seaboard, disabling all electronics.

At the crash site, the severely outnumbered and outgunned Rangers foundthemselves surrounded. The wounded Pvt. Ramirez, Cpl. Dunnand still active Sgt. Foleycontinued to fight against the Russian ground forces. A fellow Ranger, Private Wadewas killed by a stray bullet to the head when he was providing Ramirez with an M4A1 rifle. Meanwhile, in orbit, an astronaut, referred to as Sat1stationed on the International Space Stationobserved a fast-moving object in the sky. As both Houston and the ISS tried to figure out what the bogey was, the missile exploded, creating an EMP and accidentally destroying the ISSas well as accidentally killing Sat1.

On the ground, as the situation for the American forces lookedhopeless, the pulse reachedthe entire Eastern Seaboard (Except for all of Florida and the small parts of Georgiaand mistakenly reaching the parts of Southeastern Canada), disabling most Russian and American electronics. Now with their advantage removed, their forces scattered in the ensuing chaos and the relief of the new combat vehicles thousands of miles away, the Russian forces began losing territory. As the Russian forces began closing in on the crash site, they werethrown into disarray when their own fighter planes and attack helicoptersbegan falling to the ground which wasan intended result of the EMP.

In the ensuing chaos, Foley's squad managed to escape the chaos. They soon learned, through a runner named Private Vaughanthat Colonel Marshall was assembling a task force at Whiskey Hotel, intending to recapture the White House.

The regiment decided to join the other American forces to takethe White House back. During the assault, an emergency broadcast was heard declaring that because of the radio blackout, it had been assumed Washington D.C. had fallen to the Russiansand the United States Air Force was commencing a carpet bombing of the city. Hearing this message, the team desperately fought their way to the roof of the White House and deployed the green flares to indicate that the White House wasretaken.

With the green flares sparked across the capital,the Battle of Washington D.C. provedto be the turning point of the waras the American forces started to pushthe Russiansout of the Eastern Seaboard. Many cities in the Southeast wouldbe retaken from that point on, but the Northeastern cities werestill under Russian controlincluding New York City, the cultural and economic pride of Americaas well as the financial capital of the world. New York City was being used as a main supply point for the Russian forces.

August 15th (Day 6), 2016[]

The Hunt for Makarov and Shepherd[]

"Ghost! Come in, this is Price! We're under attack by Shepherd's men at the boneyard! Soap, hold the left flank! Do not trust Shepherd! I say again, do not trust Shepherd! Soap, get down!"
— Captain Price trying to inform Ghost about Shepherd's betrayal.

After the Battle of Washington D.C., General Shepherd sent TF 141 to the last places where Makarov and his terrorists could be hiding. Two teams went to each supposed hideout, one team led by Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley and Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sandersonwith the fellow operatives namedArcher, Toad, Ozone, Scarecrowand the four other operatives to attack a safe house on the Georgian-Russian borderand the other team led by Captains Price and MacTavishwith a fellow operative namedRookto infiltrate an arms deal at theU.S. Vehicle Disposal Yard 437 in Afghanistan. The safehouse proved to be a goldmine of intelwhere the plans for the airport massacre aredrawn up. The team held out until a DSM transfer on Makarov's computer was completed. Ghost and Roach fled with the DSM against the counter-attacking Ultranationalists (with Scarecrow, Ozoneand the four other operatives deadand Archer and Toad providing sniper cover) to an extraction pointwhere Shepherd was waiting for them. After recovering the DSM, Shepherd had both men killed to cover his own tracks. Archer and Toad were eliminated by theShadow Company forces just a few moments before.

Meanwhile, Soap, Price and Rook evaded an ambush set up by Shepherd. They took advantage of the infighting between Shepherd's Shadow Company and Makarov's men and escaped the boneyard via Nikolai's Hercules C-130, but Rook was K.I.A. by the Shadow Company forces right when they were about to reach Nikolai's plane.

The Invasion of Alaska[]

TheUS National Guardand the BritishS.F.S.Goperatives werestationed at Alaska for training operations whenCommand interrupted them to speakabout the Russian invasion. The US National Guard had to rendezvous with aBritishS.F.S.G.squad in a captured Alaska town. After the British S.F.S.G team met upwith Alpha Team,they supported Alpha while they took the sawmill and cleared the area. They separated again only to meet up with the British troops.The British forcessent a British S.F.S.G infiltration group to investigate a warehouse where the Russians might have been storing weaponry. During this mission, the group was helped byWatcher. After securing the weapons warehouse, theNational Guardforces were ordered to retake the oil pipeline, now underRussiancontrol to prevent them from either takingthe resources or destroying them. After securing the only vital resource that the Russians needed in Alaska,RussianForces retreated.

August 16th (Day 7), 2016[]

Having learned from Makarov where Shepherd was, Soap and Price infiltrated the general's headquarters at Site Hotel Bravo in Afghanistan. Fighting their way through the base, they eventually chased Shepherd by boat. When Price tookthe helicopter down that Shepherd tried to escape in, the boat fell from a waterfall to the ground below. In the ensuing fight, Soap killed Shepherd with the same combat knife that the generalstabbed him with. The twoescaped with Nikolai to a safe house in Northern India. Hours later before Soap could be treated, Makarov's forces assaulted the compound, trying to tieloose ends up. A Loyalist named Yuri heldthem off while Price and Nikolai evacuated Soap. The two (now labeled war criminals) decidedto continue to go after the terrorist leader while waiting for the war to end.

The Battle of Nevada[]

After the Alaskan battle was lost for the Russians,theRussian Ground Forcesmoveddeep inside U.S. territory. Their main objective inNevadawas to secure the Hoover Dam and pour thousands of troops into Arizona and beyond. The first part of the battle took place in a Nevada suburban town which wasunder heavy Russian attack. TheNational Guardtook numerous losses during the attack but managed to push the Russian forces back to a choke-point in a valley pass close to the Hoover Dam. From this point, the Russian armor made a dash for the Hoover Dam to put heavy guns for the fight, but the National Guard halted the Russian advance.

The last phase of the battle was to secure the Hoover Dam. The Russians rigged both sides to detonate on the power generators and, if successful, the states of Arizona and Nevada would lose all power, effectively rendering them defenseless. Although the initial approach by theS.F.S.G.forces was hampered by heavy defenses, they managed to clear the outer defenses and move in. After clearingthe interior of the dam out, the S.F.S.G defused one chargein the power supply for Nevada, but as they tried to defuse the charge for Arizona, it detonated, completely knocking thepower out for Arizona.

Despite this setback, the National Guard held their ground and halted the Russian advance inNevada. The Russians wouldbe pushed out of the West, making the battle of Nevadaan American victory.


There weremixed responses from the international community. During the invasion of Northeastern Virginia, the Brazilian Government refused to allow the U.S. forces access through their airspace. It was unclear how America's traditional European allies (Aside from the United Kingdom) initially responded to the invasion until their own countries wereattacked in Russia's European offensive two months later.

It eventually became apparent that General Shepherd was the grand architect of the war. Hehoodwinked everyone: Both the Russian and American governmentsand even Makarov himself. Shepherd sent Allen to participate in Makarov's massacre, knowing that Allen would die (which Shepherd ensured by leaking Allen's identity toMakarov) and that Makarov would set America up. He even deliberately downed the satellite with the ACS so the Russians could get through America's perimeter defenses.

He did all of this just to test America's true military might. The only person who caught on was Captain Price. He had observed Shepherd's unwillingness to let Task Force 141 setan EMPoff,despite the fact that Shepherd was well known for doing what was always necessary to win.

August 17th, 2016[]

The Recapturing of Baltimore[]

The Russianadvances in the United States werecoming to a halt.Baltimore, a Russian stronghold,was cut off from the Russian territory in the Eastern Seaboard. The National Guard, British Ground Forces, and the regular U.S. Armyadvanced to retake the city. A National Guard Squadron and the British Ground teams weresent to an airport in Baltimore to kill important Russian personnel. They got on a plane to escape the city, but the British forces shot it down, killing the Russian personnel. The teams werethen ordered to go to one of the ports in Baltimore to search for a Russian WMD. When they found it, aRussian Mi-24 Hind was flying it awayuntila National Guardsman shot the helicopterdown and it landed in the Patapsco River. The recon teams weresent to extract the WMD. The teams wouldthen be transferred to New York to fight in the upcoming battle.When Baltimore wasrecaptured, there wereheavycasualties on both sides. The Russians retreated from Baltimore, leaving New Yorkas the last Russian stronghold in the Eastern Seaboard.

The Battle of New York[]

"We CANNOT lose New York."

After the U.S. victory at the Battle of Washington D.C., the Americans reclaimed much of the Eastern Seaboard, pushingthe remaining Russiansbackwho concentrated their remaining forces in New York City, the cultural and economic pride of America and the financial capital of the world. For the Battle of New York, the Russian forces weredug in and had the advantage with the Russian Navy only a few miles from the New York shoreline, the arrival of new vehicles, aircraft, and a radar jamming system on top of the New York Stock Exchange which rendersall American ground communications and aircraft guidance systems useless. So, the U.S. fighter planes wereunable to lock onto and destroy the vital enemy positions. Delta Force unit Team Metal,under the command of Master Sergeant Sandmanwith Sergeants First Class Truck and Grinchand Staff Sergeant Derek "Frost" Westbrook,was assigned to assault the fortified Stock Exchange and destroy the jammer.

After fighting fierce Russian resistance on Wall Street and at the New York Stock Exchange, Metal Team successfully destroyed the jamming system and wasextracted by a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter. While manning the Blackhawk’s mini-gun, Frost shota number of Russian Mi-24 attack helicopters down who arein pursuit. With the jamming system destroyed, the U.S. F-15 Eagleslaunched massive airstrikes and wereable to destroy the key enemy positions all throughout the city, giving the U.S. ground forces the momentum that they needed to push the remaining Russian ground troops back all the way to the shoreline of New York.

Following their next orders, Delta Force was assigned to intercept a Russian Oscar-II class attack submarine which was armed with enough cruise missiles to level the Eastern Seaboard. The submarine had orders to do just that if all Russian forces were forced back into the sea. With much of their Navy's ships in the harbor destroyed, the Americans could notengage the Russian Navy directly. With this in mind, Delta Force was ordered to intercept the submarine along with a detachment of the U.S. Navy SEALs, force the submarine up to the surface, board and eliminate its crew andturn its missiles against its own fleet.

Frost, Sandman, Grinch, and Truck swam through the flooded, submerged Brooklyn Battery Tunnel and into New York Harbor. There, they rendezvoused with a team of Navy SEALs and continued toward their objective. The depths of the harbor werefilled with Russian mines and the joint Delta Force/SEAL force was instructed to navigate around them using the mine detecting sonar devices.

After successfully passing the mines, the team planted charges on the enemy sub. The charges detonated and the submarine was forced to surface, allowing the team to board. Frost and Sandman entered through the sub's access hatch and fought their way up to the bridge. The two of them breached the room, killing all of the sailors within and their captain. From the bridge, Frost and Sandman wereable to launch the submarine's missiles against the Russian fleet.

Delta Forceboarded the Zodiac watercraft that the SEALs put in placeand they made their escape as the cruise missiles from the sub destroyed the Russian fleet. They wereextracted by a CH-46 Sea Knight and flown away from Manhattan as the U.S. fighter jets annihilated the remaining Russian positions in New York. With the fleet annihilated, Russia made an emergency withdrawal of all military forces from the Eastern Seaboard,signifying the American victory.

The war consumedEurope - October 3rd, 2016[]

Makarov's Plan[]

"Russia will take all of Europe, even if it must stand upon a pile of ashes. I want the launch codes, Mr. President."
— Vladimir Makarov

After the Russian military invasion attempt of the United States and their offensive in Afghanistan failed, Makarov planneda massive terrorist/military blitzkrieg attack on the cities and capitals of Europe with the goal of Russia being the supreme ruler of the continent. To achieve this goal, Makarov secretly produced large arsenals of deadly chemical weaponsaided by theAfrican Militia in Somalia and Sierra Leoneto be used as a first-strike weapon on many key military and government installations throughout all of Europe.

Makarov also persuaded the large numbers of top Russian generals and politicians to take part in his massive military offensive and a coup d'état to overthrow the Russian President Boris Vorshevsky. Using the Russian people’s belief that the war against the U.S. was still justifiedand viewing Vorshevsky’s peace agreement as an act against the Russian people, a large majority of the Russian military sided with Makarov.

Vorshevsky, his daughter,Alena, and the Russian peace delegation flewto Hamburg, Germany for a peace summit in order to negotiate a peace treaty with the United States, but Makarov's men hijacked and crash-landed the plane. The president's security detailincluding Commander Leonid Pudvokin, Sergeant Anton Fedorov, (who was later K.I.A.) and Special AgentAndrei Harkovattempted to secure his safetyand after repelling the Ultranationalist soldiers, they prepared to evacuate the President via what the FSO mistookas the evacuation helicopter. Upon touchdown, Harkov openedthe door only for Makarov to emerge, shoot both Harkov and Pudvokin,and takeVorshevsky hostage. Makarov demandedVorshevsky to give him the launch codes for the Russian nuclear arsenal, but Vorshevsky refused. Makarovtoldhis men to find Vorshevsky's daughter, exclaiming "Every man has his weakness", andshotHarkov dead when he saw him reachingfor a pistol. With the coup d'état successful, the Russian commanders builtup a large invasion force to take Europe.

October 5th, 2016[]

Pickingthe Trail Up[]

Yuri informedPrice and Soap about Makarov's interest in shipping an unknown cargo from Africa to Europe. The group (still retaining the title Task Force 141)infiltratedan arms factory in Sierra Leone. Fighting their way through the African Militia to the cargowhich was being contained in a local church, they arrived too late to stop the cargo from leaving.

October 6th, 2016[]

The Surprise European Offensive[]

A phone call intercepted by the French Intelligence was reported to the British Intelligence (MI6) regarding a shipment of the mysterious cargo that was entering London. They immediately alerted their interior security force,MI5 to investigate. The head of MI5 asked theSAS to find out what theunknown hostiles are up to. Bravo Teamled by Sergeant Wallcroft and consisting of Sergeant Marcus Burns and Corporal Griffenattackedthe assembly area on the docks in London where the trucks wereseen leaving from. The SAS soldiers pursued the fleeing Ultranationalist terrorists through the London Underground, During the train chase, Griffen was K.I.A., as well as the other SAS soldiers, leaving Wallcroft and Burns on their own to fight against the Ultranationalists in Westminster Station. The two eventually emerged outside Parliament with another SAS team and stopping one suspected truck. However, the other remaining trucks exploded, blanketing the city with a deadly chemical agent.

Using his Inner Circle terrorist cell to secretly smuggle and transport the chemical weapons to their targets, Makarov's men detonated the chemical WMDs all across every European capital city, simultaneously attacking many military bases and intelligence headquarters such as theGIGN Headquarters in France, Ramstein United States Air Force Base in Germanyand every military headquarters for each of the nations' forces. After the weapons were detonated, theRussian military (using whatever they had left) beganswiftlyto invade Europe, taking almost two-thirds of the European continentand attacking the isolated and crippled European military force. Due to the failed Russian invasion of the United States, the U.S. was unable to swiftly reinforce its European allies or supplement its troops stationed in Europe, allowing the Russian forces to overwhelm many European nations. Within six hours, Eastern Europe, most of Northern Europe, much of Central Europe (with about half of Germany not in Russian hands)and the small parts of France and ItalyfellinRussian hands. Only Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and the United Kingdom arefully secured from the Russians.

NATO Response[]

Realizing that the United States and NATO peace delegation was trapped in Hamburg, Delta Force was sent to extract the highest priority hostage, the U.S. Vice President. They joined with the United States Marine Corps and theArmy Rangers to assault the Russians in the city, coming under heavy fire as the Russiansmoved the tanks to the seashore. Fighting their way through the streets, Delta Force and the Marines, protected by tanks (with one tank gunner named Carterwhowas K.I.A.), was able to reach the convoywhich turned out to be empty. Team Metalwentinside a nearby building, breachingand clearingthe room where the Vice President was held hostageand secured transportation out of the city.

NATO forces were still crippled after the massive invasion and the gas contamination, but the United States was able to organize those forces to counterattack and hold onto the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Irelandand the parts of Germany by the end of the day. However, most of Europe was in Russian hands until the US and NATO forces were able to reclaim parts of France, Italy, Germany, Switzerlandand mostly Central Europe and pushthe Russian forces back within a day.

October 8th, 2016[]

Finding Waraabe[]

"This is for the boys at Hereford."
— Captain Price before killing Waraabe

After receiving intel from his former mentor, MacMillan, Price and Task Force 141with the assistance from the Russian Loyalist forcesassaulteda Somalian shipping company ran by a man named Waraabe. The assault wentwell because of thegiven air cover by Nikolaiand a remote helicoptergunner controlled by Yuri. Waarabe was found and interrogated, revealing that he never dealt with Makarov, but with his right-hand man named "Volk". Satisfied, Price killedhim. The team fledfrom the African Militiaand a sandstorm was on their heels. Nikolai's helicopter was shot down and the team racedto save him from the Militia. The team finally fled from the area on the jeeps provided by the Loyalist forces.

October 9th, 2016[]

The Battle of Paris[]

"Bienvenue. (Welcome.)"
— Sabre

Delta Force was told aboutVolk's whereabouts in Paris and told to aid the much-depleted GIGN in finding the bomb-maker. Team Metal landedon Montmartre Hill in the citywhich wasstill contaminated from the gas attack. The team fought their way to a GIGN squad's positionwho were down to only seven menincluding Sabre, their leader, Fauconand Tueurwho was later K.I.A. The combined team fought to the Paris' sewers and madeit to the catacombs. Moving onward, the team finally reachedVolk who fledto a gray sedan. Borrowing a GIGN van with the GIGN forces providing cover, Team Metal gavechase, avoiding theT-72's, theUAZ-469'sand theMi-24 Hind's. Finally, Volk's car was disabled and the man was dragged out and put in custody.

Unfortunately, their intended LZ was overrun by the Russian armor coming into their position. They weresupported by an AC-130 which paved a corridor for Team Metal to escape. The Delta Force unit tooka shortcut by the U.S. embassy. Eventually, the team reacheda secondary LZ, the Eiffel Tower on the Seine River. The team pushedthrough a bridge and heldoutuntil an airstrike by theA-10's destroyedthe incoming Russian armor allowing their troops to advance. Unfortunately, the strike toppledthe Eiffel Tower. After the team escaped, more air strikes eliminated the Russian positions north of the bridge as the American helicopters flewto the other hot spots in the city.

October 10th, 2016[]

Prague Infiltration[]

Getting valuable information from Volk, Sandman toldPrice that Makarov wouldbe meeting with his advisors at the Hotel Lustig in Prague, Czech Republic. After darkand under the cover of a heavy rainstorm, Price, Soapand Yuri wentstealthy to infiltrate the city. The Czech Resistancewith the assistance of Russian Loyalist Sergeant Kamarovhelped the team by attacking the Russian forces as a diversion. Soap and Yuri battled their way to a church overlooking the hotelwhere they prepared for Makarov's arrival.

October 11th, 2016[]

Assassination attempt on Makarov in Prague[]

"Captain Price... Ад ждет тебя. (Hell awaits you.)"
— Vladimir Makarov

After arriving at the church, Soap and Yuri set up for sniping. Price, meanwhile, took hisposition up at the top of the hoteland Kamarov waited inside to give the signal for the assassination to start off. Several hours passed before Makarov arrived, but after sunrise, he finally arrivedin a convoy of BTR-80's and armored SUVs.

Unfortunately, things went awry when Kamarov did not respond on his radio (he wascaptured by Makarov's guards inside the hotelwhoplaced him into an elevator while strapped to a chair with C4). Not realizing this, Price, Soap, and Yuri continued on with the assassination. Soap and Yuri eliminated several guards on the hotel's balcony with their sniper rifles. Pricewent inside and eliminated further resistance on the floor which he was in. However, Kamarov appeared in the elevator that pulled up to his floorand apologized to Price for getting captured by Makarov's men. Makarovdetonated the C4 on the Sergeant, though Price escaped in the nick of time.

Makarovacknowledged Soap and Yuri's presence by calling Yuri his "friend". Hedetonated the concealed C4 at the church tower which Yuri and Soap werein, though the duo jumped out in time. Both fell several dozen meters, but while Yuri hit the ground with only minor injuries, Soap sustained more serious injuries and he started to bleed profusely. Price took the mortally-wounded Soapwith Yuri providing covering fireto a Czech Resistance safehousewhere Soap told Price aboutYuri's connection toMakarov before he died. Angered by Soap's death, Price punched Yuri down a set of stairs where at the bottom, he held him at gunpoint and demanded information abouthis connection to the terrorist leader.

Yuriexplained that he was a former Ultranationalistwho befriended Makarov and was present at Price and MacMillan's assassination attempt of Imran Zakhaev, the detonation of the nuclear bomb at Al-Asad's capital which killed 30,000 U.S. Marinesand the Zakhaev International Airport massacre which he tried to stop by warning authorities before the attack was unleashed, but Makarov found out about this. As punishment, he shot Yuri and left him for dead. However, Yuri was saved by a medic at the airport. Pricetold Yuri that hebought himself some time, at least for now.

October 12th, 2016[]

Infiltration of Karlstejn near Prague[]

Yuri toldPrice aboutan old Czech castle that Makarov used in the past. After informing MacMillan aboutSoap's death and receiving information aboutthe castle from MacMillan, Price and Yuriinfiltrated the location with parachutes. They slipped past the patrols and got inside the castlewhere they learned that Makarov's men knew that Alena Vorshevskywas in Berlin, Germany. Price and Yurifoughttheir way out of the castle.Using the planted C4, they were able to create enough confusion to escape aliveby parachuting off the castle. But before they left the castle, Price told Nikolai to inform Sandman about the daughter's location.

October 13th, 2016[]

The Battle of Berlin[]

"This A.O. is lost!"
— Sandman

Delta Force pinpointed Alena Vorshevsky's location in Berlin at a hotel. Team Metal flew into the war-torn city, witnessing the American and the German forces fighting for control of the city. Team Onyx's helicopter was shot down before touching down. Team Metal fought tothe roof to provide sniper support as Team Granite attemptedto extract Alena. The A-10's provided air support against the Russian armor. Team Granite, however, was killed, forcing Team Metal to go after Alena themselves. The German Leopard 2 tanks provided the Americans support down the street. The Russians fell back only to cause an entire building to implode, crashing down on the American-German force. The German tanks weredestroyed, but Team Metal was able to escape the kill zone. Delta Force rushed to save Alena from Makarov's men but arrived too late. Even though the city itself was retaken by the American forces, Delta Force failed to extract Alena.

October 14th, 2016[]

Saving the Vorshevskys[]

Tracking the helicopter to a diamond mine in Eastern Siberia, Team Metal and Task Force 141 created a joint task force to assault the Ultranationalist outpost. They battled their way down the mine, supported by a UAV and air support. Alena was found in a torture room and was taken for medical evacuation. The team continued and found the President and rescued him. The force fought its way out as the mine began to collapse. Yuri was wounded while being extracted by Price while Team Metal heldthe Ultranationalists off. Team Metal stayed behind to buy time for the helicopterto escape at the cost of their own lives.

President Vorshevsky arrived back in Moscow and made immediate plans for peace with NATO and the EU.

January 21st, 2017[]

Price corneredMakarov[]

"This is it. Makarov doesn't leave here alive."
— Price to Yuri, moments before assaulting Hotel Oasis

It turned out that Makarov was still alive and in hiding despite Vorshevsky's purge of every hardliner in the Ultranationalist Party and everyone that helped him. It would not be until January 2017 that he was finally found at the Hotel Oasis in the Arabian Peninsula and killed by Captain Price, thus ending the war once and for all.

Notable military operations[]

Radio Traffic during the invasion of America[]

For radio transmissions during the war, see Russo-American War Radio Transmissions.


  1. Intro cutscene for Black Tuesday
  2. Russo-American War Radio Transmissions


Wars in the Call of Duty Series
World War II Timeline

World War I (July 28, 1914-November 11, 1918) World War II (September 1, 1939-September 2, 1945)

Black Ops Timeline

World War II (September 1, 1939-September 2, 1945) • Cold War (March 12, 1947-December 26, 1991) (Vietnam War (November 1, 1955-April 30, 1975) • Angolan Civil War (November 11, 1975-April 4, 2002) • Soviet-Afghan War (December 25, 1979-February 15, 1989) • U.S. Invasion of Panama (December 20, 1989-January 31, 1990)) • Second Cold War (2018-2025 / 2018-2034; player-determined) • Third Cold War (2065-ongoing) • NRC-Egyptian Conflict (2059-ongoing)

Modern Warfare Timeline

Second Russian Civil War (2011-2016) • Middle-Eastern Conflict (2011-ongoing as of 2016) • World War III (August 13-October 14, 2016)

Ghosts Timeline

Tel Aviv War (2005-2015) • Federation War (July 8, 2015-Ongoing)

Advanced Warfare Timeline

Second Korean War (2054-unknown) • War against the Atlas Corporation (June 15, 2060-Ongoing)

Infinite Warfare Timeline

World War I (July 28, 1914-November 11, 1918) • World War II (September 1, 1939-September 2, 1945) • Cold War (March 12, 1947-December 26, 1991) • Secession WarsUNSA-SDF War

Modern Warfare Reboot Timeline

Cold War (March 12, 1947–December 26, 1991) • Urzikstan Insurgency (1999 - 2019) • War Against Al-Qatala (2020-2021, Ongoing)

Aether Story

War of Agartha (Pre-history) • The Great War (January 15th, 1292-December 31st, 1299) • World War I (July 28, 1914-November 11, 1918) • World War II (September 1, 1939-September 2, 1945) • Cold War (March 12, 1947-December 26, 1991)

Dark Aether Story

Netherwars (Pre-history) • World War II (September 1, 1939-September 2, 1945) • Cold War (March 12, 1947-December 26, 1991)

World War III (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.