Is One Piece filler boring? (2024)

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Is One Piece filler boring?

It's totally up to you whether you wish to watch these One Piece fillers or skip them. Some One Piece filler arcs like the G-8 arc are considered highly entertaining by the fans. You should also check out the canon scenes as I've mentioned in the notes in some fillers episodes.

(Video) How To Catch Up To The One Piece Anime Fast
Why do I feel boring in One Piece?

Most story arcs are filled with interesting characters and locations, each with their own unique flavor. Sadly, not every arc will capture the viewer's attention. Some of them can be very boring to watch. The vast majority of this list will contain filler arcs from the anime, which are not present in the manga.

(Video) All of one piece was filler?? #onepiece #luffy
(Jalopy Bungus)
Which arc is most boring in One Piece?

One Piece: 10 Worst Filler Arcs, Ranked
  1. 1 Foxy's Return Arc. Episodes 225-226.
  2. 2 Ocean's Dream Arc. Episodes 220-224. ...
  3. 3 Ice Hunter Arc. Episodes 326-335. ...
  4. 4 Spa Island Arc. Episodes 382-384. ...
  5. 5 Bossy Luffy Historical Special Arcs. Episodes 291-292, 303, 406-407. ...
  6. 6 Cidre Guild Arc. ...
  7. 7 Caesar Retrieval Arc. ...
  8. 8 Goat Island Arc. ...
Dec 14, 2022

(Video) The most accurate One Piece review on the internet
(Watashi Shocho)
Is it bad to skip anime filler?

It's fine to skip filler in anime since the actual story will almost never reference filler material – some fandoms even strongly suggest skipping filler – but some anime handle filler well. Filler arcs in Bleach are eminently skippable, as they stray far from the original storyline.

(Video) Rating one piece arcs out of 10
(Hash Brown Edits)
Is Impel Down arc boring?

imo the impel down arc is pretty boring until they show up. 😅 I feel like the characters themselves are pretty good (in the english version), how Sanji reacts to them is a little yikes, but if you can ignore it Ivankov is a lot of fun.

(Video) What Episode Does One Piece Get Good?
(ultimate yeagerist)
Is One Piece slow paced?

It's worth noting that the anime's pacing can slow down at times to avoid catching up to the manga, and while there is some filler content, it's not as common as in other anime. Watching One Piece requires a significant commitment. It will take some time, and you'll need to be patient with it.

(Video) RANKING ONE PIECE ARCS BEST TO WORST 🤔 #onepiece #onepieceedit #onepieceanime #luffy #zoro #shanks
(Inferno Jae)
Which episodes are boring in One Piece?

One Piece Filler Episodes and Arcs You Can Skip
  • 1 Warship Island Arc. One Piece Filler Episodes 54-61. ...
  • 2 Post-Alabasta Arc. One Piece Filler Episodes 131-135. ...
  • 3 Goat Island Arc. One Piece Filler Episodes 136-138. ...
  • 4 Ruluka Island Arc. ...
  • 5 G-8 Arc. ...
  • 6 Ocean's Dream Arc. ...
  • 7 Foxy's Return Arc. ...
  • 8 Ice Hunter Arc.
Aug 28, 2023

(Video) Why One Piece is Garbage (ft The Masked Man)
Can I skip One Piece fillers?

Yes! You can skip the filler episodes in the One Piece anime. But there are some filler arcs that you might need to watch before streaming a certain few movies. As a result, if you want to watch One Piece movies, you need to watch the filler arcs.

(Video) The BEST Arc in One Piece
(ultimate yeagerist)
Can I skip punk hazard arc?

Capital NO. Punk Hazard had some crazy scenes like sanji vs vergo, zoro's will, smoker vs vergo, law vs vergo. It is an interesting arc. Do not miss it.

(Video) Ranking one piece pre time skip arcs
(Peace The one)
What is the funniest arc in One Piece?

10 Funniest One Piece Moments
  1. 1 Buggy Failing Upward at Marineford.
  2. 2 Ryunosuke's Tragically Short Life. ...
  3. 3 Sanji's Doppelgänger. ...
  4. 4 Zoro Tries to Kill Sanji After Wano. ...
  5. 5 Zoro Gets Lost On a Ship. ...
  6. 6 Zoro Tries to Cut Off His Legs. ...
  7. 7 Usopp Defeats Sugar. ...
  8. 8 The Straw Hats Meet Crocus. ...
Aug 1, 2023

(Video) The Most OVERHYPED Arc In One Piece???? #anime #onepiece #shorts
(dr3am gh0st)

Which anime has too much filler?

Which Anime Has the Most Filler? The three series with the highest filler count in terms of the number of episodes alone are Detective Conan with 440 filler episodes, Naruto and Naruto Shippuden with 294 and Pokémon with 231.

(Video) One Piece Sucks Rant - Only Idiots Like One Piece - One Piece Is Boring, Repetitive, & Overrated
(young defiant)
Can Naruto filler be skipped?

It's your choice - if you're bored, you can continue the series with the fillers. If you skip them, it won't affect the story at all. What episode fillers in Naruto should I skip?

Is One Piece filler boring? (2024)
Is Fishman arc boring?

Thriller Bark had a good finale although that arc is almost as bad as this. But Fishman Island is extremely boring. This is easily the worst arc that in One Piece.

Is Dressrosa a boring arc?

One Piece's Dressrosa might well be one of the worst adapted arcs in the anime's history. Although the arc is quite long already in the manga at 102 chapters, the anime makes this already exhausting arc even longer.

Can I skip Fishman Island arc?

I definitely wouldn't suggest skipping any arc past there, though. They've all been pretty good, barring the pacing. Fishman Arc was probably the worst arc in the entire series, and I disliked quite a few parts of the series like Thriller Bark. However, it's not good to skip canon arcs if you like a series.

Why One Piece is too long?

Why One Piece Became So Long. According to Oda himself, One Piece became as long as it is because of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, or the Shichibukai. The Seven Warlords of the Sea are powerful pirates that work for the Government.

How fast can you binge One Piece?

If you were to watch them all without any breaks or sleep, it would take you a total of 420.8 hours or 17.53 days. However, the bigger question is whether it's truly worth investing your time in this series.

How many episodes until One Piece gets good?

Instead, it's recommended to begin with episodes 19-30 (the Baratie arc), episodes 31-44 (the Arlong Park arc), or episodes 78-91 (the Drum Island arc). The first 40-90 episodes are crucial for deciding whether or not One Piece is for you, but once you've passed that point, the show's quality significantly improves.

Can I skip Ice Hunter arc?

Ice Hunter Arc

Whilst the One Piece canon hasn't explored the bounty hunters concept well, it might be nice to watch these fillers, or you can skip it. It's your choice.

Was episode 1000 of One Piece good?

After all the buildup, the 1000th episode of One Piece didn't disappoint fans. Here's what viewers loved about it. One Piece's much-awaited 1000th episode was everything that the fans could have wished for. The episode marks a huge milestone for One Piece, and fans of the series had huge expectations from the episode.

What is the creepiest One Piece episode?

1 Lily Absorbs The Straw Hat Crew

There have been quite a few One Piece movies that have gone to some interesting places, but the darkest one by far has to be Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island, for its villain that is nothing short of haunting.

What filler is worth watching One Piece?

The G 8 arc is almost universally accepted as the best filler arc of One Piece. G-8 follows the same structure as almost every other filler arc from the series, however, what it does differently is that the story is also shown from the side of the Marines.

Is One Piece filler important?

The so-called filler episodes don't really add any value or new information to the overall One Piece story, whittling down the overall series watchlist to something much more palatable. If you only want to watch essential One Piece episodes, avoid the below filler arcs: Episodes 54-61: Warship Island arc.

How many hours is One Piece?

With a whopping 1000+ episodes, One Piece is easily one of the longest-running anime shows in history. One Piece first aired in October 1999 and has been consistently adding new episodes ever since. If you were to watch them all without any breaks or sleep, it would take you a total of 420.8 hours or 17.53 days.

Can I skip Dressrosa saga?

Yes dressrosa is basically filler. Skip to the part where naruto starts training with Killer B and you'll be good. Alternatively if you don't like training arcs you can skip straight to The Rumbling.

Is there any filler in Skypiea?

One of the earlier arcs in the story, Skypiea, has garnered something of a reputation among fans as being skippable for one reason or another, treating it like filler. Unlike actual filler, however, the Skypiea arc is entirely canon -- so what about it makes some fans want to skip past it?

Is Punk Hazard slow?

5 Punk Hazard Arc – 46 Episodes

This means that every single chapter of the Punk Hazard arc was made into an episode on its own. Given that One Piece wasn't nearly as dense as it is now, this pacing is a bit too slow.

In which arc is Zoro the best?

In the Whiskey Peak arc, Zoro faces off against the bounty hunters again, this time defeating all one hundred of them effortlessly. This is a famous battle that solidified Zoro as a favorite character to many One Piece fans.

What arc is Luffy strongest?

As the Wano Country arc continued, Luffy grew stronger and stronger. On the fateful night of the Raid of Onigashima, Luffy fought against Kaido and lost to him two times. During this fight, Luffy's control over his Devil Fruit powers grew better and better.

Which arc is not important in One Piece?

If you only want to watch essential One Piece episodes, avoid the below filler arcs: Episodes 54-61: Warship Island arc. Episodes 131-135: Post-Arabasta arc.

What anime has no filler?

  • Oct 19, 2023, 03:23 PM IST. 8 Anime Series With No Filler Episodes. ...
  • Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. David Production knew adding filler episodes to Jojo's Bizarre Adventures would ruin the generational series. ...
  • Mob Psycho 100. ...
  • Demon Slayer. ...
  • Jujutsu Kaisen. ...
  • Hunter x Hunter. ...
  • Attack on Titan. ...
  • Haikyuu!
Oct 19, 2023

Which Big 3 anime has the most filler?

The three series with the highest filler count in terms of the number of episodes alone are Detective Conan with 440 filler episodes, Naruto and Naruto Shippuden with 294 and Pokémon with 231.

Is it OK to skip Skypiea?

I know it's one of the least favorite and one of the lengthier arcs in the series, but if you skip it, you'll miss a lot of important events, pieces of One Piece world history, some items, and an new ability introduced in the story that will indeed come up later.

Why do people skip Skypiea?

The adventure on Skypiea feels like something of a side quest for the Straw Hat crew, who go entirely out of their way to reach the island above the clouds. Visiting the island does nothing to actually advance their journey through the Grand Line, and it can feel like nothing more than a diversion as a result.

Are One Piece fillers canon?

Plenty of One Piece episodes embellish legitimate manga material with scenes of non-canon filler - an extended fight scene here, some additional dialogue there - and these are definitely worth watching, but others are fabricated entirely and contain nothing of value.

Can I skip Boruto filler?

Should I skip Boruto fillers? It is totally up to you if you wish to skip the Boruto filler episodes or not. To make things easier, we have marked the entertaining fillers as “Watch” in our dedicated list. So, you can easily watch all the best fillers if you are planning to watch the anime along with fillers.

What's under Kakashi's mask?

Some of Naruto's theories were that he was secretly ugly under, suggesting that he perhaps had cod roe lips or buck teeth. Despite Team 7's hilarious efforts throughout that episode, all that Kakashi reveals is that under his mask is… ANOTHER MASK.

Do we ever see Kakashi without his mask?

In Episode 469 of Naruto Shippuden, he finally shows his face twice. Consistently among the top five most popular characters based on polls from specific Naruto Manga chapters, Kakashi's actual face has been such a great mystery that an entire episode (Episode 101) was dedicated to trying to uncover his face.

Why does anime feel boring now?

Far more slice-of-life anime are open-ended, generic and shallow, and they seem to take their viewers for granted. This may lead some anime fans to declare slice-of-life to be a boring and weak genre, but the strongest SOL series have a few solutions in mind.

Why do people not like One Piece?

One Piece is literally too goofy most of the time to really take seriously, and even if you can, you still have to deal with pacing and the art style which has the potential to ruin good scenes, so yeah, patience is a virtue, but there's not much point if some just can't see the spark at all.

Why is One Piece drawn so weird?

The fact is, it was always Oda's intention for One Piece to look a little jarring, as he explains in a magazine blurb shared by Japanese Twitter user @SeamanArata. Oda says: “20 years ago, when I was just getting started as a manga creator, people would always say 'Your art is really unusual.

Why does One Piece have horrible pacing?

The Dressrosa arc (covering episodes 603-746) has been criticized for its slow pace, with some fans feeling that one chapter was covered in one episode or less. This was due to the anime's need to adjust the pacing to fit into a limited number of episodes, as well as to keep up with the weekly schedule.

Which anime is not boring?

Animes i really enjoyed: Attack on titan, Death note, Neon genesis, Inuyasha, Yu yu hakusho, DBZ, dragon ball super, goblin slayer, full metal alkaloid, and Konosuba. Konosuba perhaps more childish than the ones i listed, but it has many adult jokes, pervy stuff and the amount of genuine humor is just great.

What is anime burnout?

The sign that you are experiencing anime burnout is if you start to lose your will to continue watching it. If you experience anime burnout, you should stop watching for a couple of weeks, then see if your will to watch anime has returned.

Why am I losing interest in anime?

It's just that you have watched a lot of anime or you can't find the right anime that you can relate to or have fun watching. And it's not just you. Everyone looses interest in things when we do it for a long time. Especially if you like to keep moving forward and not stick to one thing.

When did One Piece become bad?

The pacing of the One Piece anime adaptation has been generally criticized as slow, with certain arcs being particularly affected by this issue. The Dressrosa arc (covering episodes 603-746) has been criticized for its slow pace, with some fans feeling that one chapter was covered in one episode or less.

Is it okay to not watch One Piece?

Whether or not to watch One Piece depends on your interests and the type of show you prefer. This show is a fantastic investment for fans of the shonen genre, especially if they have watched Naruto and Bleach, the other two members of the famous "Big Three" of shonen anime.

Why do adults like One Piece?

The world is cold and scary. Adult fans know just how ruthless real life can be, and that makes the brief escape into a childlike fantasy all the more appealing. While One Piece fans love how vibrant and bright this world is, older fans appreciate and need that in a way young fans don't.

Why do One Piece girls look like that?

One Piece Suffers From Same-Body Syndrome

Exacerbating the issue, Oda explained in one of his SBS Q&A columns that he draws female characters using three circles and an X — one circle for the head, two for the breasts and an X to create the body.

Who is the hardest character to draw in One Piece?

In the SBS (his Q&A section) for volume 69 of One Piece, he answered a question on which character is the most difficult to draw. He answered that one is General Franky, the robot version of "Cyborg" Franky, the carpenter of the Straw Hat pirates, because he's not great at drawing robots.

Why Luffy is so cute?

As stated earlier, Luffy is a pretty friendly guy, and a lot of that may come from his unique background. Ever since he was little, Luffy has always had a non-traditional family, whether it's being raised by an Emperor of the Sea, taken care of by mountain bandits, or becoming a brother to Ace and Sabo.

Does One Piece get better or worse?

Instead, it's recommended to begin with episodes 19-30 (the Baratie arc), episodes 31-44 (the Arlong Park arc), or episodes 78-91 (the Drum Island arc). The first 40-90 episodes are crucial for deciding whether or not One Piece is for you, but once you've passed that point, the show's quality significantly improves.

Has One Piece animation gotten worse?

This has resulted in the animation quality varying wildly, and some fans feel that it makes for a jarring watching experience. It takes a good few hundred episodes for the animation to improve to something that reflects the technology of the time.

Why does Wano look so good?

The Wano Arc brought one of the most dramatic shifts in art styles in the history of the anime, becoming something entirely unique. The animation style looks much softer, uses brighter colors, and everything looks much smoother, particularly during fight scenes.


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

Last Updated: 16/04/2024

Views: 6549

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.