What does ab mean on snap?
Online jargon, also known as text message shorthand, used primarily in texting, online chat, instant messaging, email, blogs, and newsgroup postings, as in "Well that's AB."
An ab is a stomach, or abdominal, muscle. Doing sit ups and crunches will help you tone your abs. Ab is shorthand for abdominal, which comes from the Latin abdomen, "belly," and it's a common name for what's formally known as the rectus abdominus muscle.
AB – which is an abbreviation of "Action By" in Email jargon, etc.
AB, meaning Action By. Used with a time indicator to inform the recipient that the sender needs a task to be completed within a certain deadline, e.g. AB+2 meaning Action By 2 days.
Short for snapback, SB is used on social media platform Snapchat for when you want a user to respond back to a snap, or “message.”
noun. ˈbē-ˌgər(-ə)l. : a woman who entertains bar patrons and encourages them to spend freely. [b- (as in B-boy) + girl] : a usually young woman who adopts the pursuits or styles of hip-hop culture.
It comes from the Latin abūsus, from the Latin verb abūtī, meaning “to misuse.” The prefix ab- means “outside of” or “opposite to.” We often think of abuse as a repeated behavior, and it often is, but even a single instance of mistreatment qualifies as abuse.
The negative squared Latin capital letter B emoji, 🅱️, (that's a mouthful) has come a long away from its intended meaning. It began as a way to represent the blood type B, evolved into a way to signal the Bloods online, and was finally appropriated by internet culture for absurdist or racist memes.
B is an affectionate term for a loved one. It is often times used to address a homie, ya girl, or ya moms.
AB stands for Aktiebolag, denoting a limited company. It is used mostly in Swedish-speaking countries. Examples include AB Ericsson and AB Scania. A.G. AG stands for Aktiengesellschaft, a German word for a corporation limited by share ownership.
What does FFF mean on Snapchat?
Fff stands for “follow-for-follow” on social media apps.
“Follow-for-follow” is a proposition that if you follow the person messaging you, they'll follow you back so that you both win!
When used on Snapchat, the phrase ”pu” means”pop up“ referring to asking that person to message you.
If someone asks if you want to “ft,” they're asking if you want to video chat.
A B-boy or B-girl is a person devoted to hip-hop culture, specifically the breakdance element. The term originates from Hip-Hop Pioneer and Godfather, Kool DJ Herc, who, noticing the reaction of some dancers to his playing the part of the record with a drum break, named them break-boys or B-boys.
ab- in British English
prefix. away from; off; outside of; opposite to.
a woman employed by a bar, nightclub, etc., to act as a companion to male customers and induce them to buy drinks.
Abusive is an adjective used to describe a person who abuses a person or an animal—mistreats and causes harm to them. It can also be used to describe such a person's actions. The noun abuse refers to such mistreatment. A person who abuses someone can be called an abuser.
Part 1: Five B's of Child Physical Abuse: Bruises, Burns, Bones, Bellies, and Brains (Webinar) | Office of Justice Programs.
One of the classic methods of hiding hashtags is Instagram dots. This is a cuter way of saying adding a series of periods between the end of your caption and your hashtag list so that they're hidden beneath the “More” button for your followers.
"I guess" is usually what it means.
Most of the time, someone will use this abbreviation to express that they're unsure or have mixed feelings about something. To keep their message brief or save time, they might message "IG" instead of "I guess."
What does blue dot mean Instagram?
If a blue dot appears next to a search result, it means it's an account that has shared posts you haven't seen yet. Learn more about discovering posts in Search & Explore.
“B” is short for “baby” or “babe”. Normally called by lovers, and those in the initial stages of dating. Wives also call their husbands “b” too, short for “hubby”. It is a little intimate for casual friends, though I am not sure for platonic relationships.
It can also mean events coming one after the other, in quick succession and without interruption. Back-to-Back is usually the most common meaning of B2B when used on WhatsApp. It is also used on Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok with the same meaning.
Bff is an initialism of the phrase best friend(s) forever, and it's a term of endearment used for selected close friends. It's been in use since at least 1996, although the concept of having a “best friend” predates the phrase.
AB – area (or continental) best (the best mark recorded for a non-IAAF world record event) NB – national best (the best mark recorded for a non-national federation record event) PB – personal best (the best mark achieved by an athlete on a personal level)
Complete an Accounting Associate of Business degree to be qualified to work in accounting as a manager or coordinator in a small businesses. You will also become qualified to work in a support position in larger financial and manufacturing accounting in firm.
Suggest new definition. This definition appears frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Business, finance, etc.
OTF is an acronym often used in social media that means only the family.
Shorthand for bye-bye, bb is a way of saying goodbye in chat and other text-based communications. Below is an example of how this may be used in chat.
SFS stands for "Snapchat for Snapchat". It is a code used on the platform to request a Snapchat follow back. In other words, it is a way for users to request that their friends follow them back on the platform. When someone writes "SFS" in a Snap or a Chat, they are asking their friend to follow them back on Snapchat.
What does NR mean on snap?
One of the simpler acronyms, NR simply means 'no reply'. It is used across social media to indiciate you will not reply to comments or messages.
On social media, ML is often used as an abbreviation of 'My Love. ' This is used as a term of endearment, though does not necessarily have to be romantic, and you will usually see this used in direct messages.
cba – Can't be bothered.
better be going—a neutral, polite way to end a conversation that might otherwise continue.
for the win. used especially to express approval or support.
Interjection. alr. (Internet slang, text messaging) Clipping of alright.
- Open a Chat 💬
- Press and hold on any Chat message.
- Tap 'Snap Reply'
- Use the quoted Chat like a Sticker and reply with a Snap 📸
"SB" is an abbreviation for 'snap back'. This is a slang that is often used in the social media app, Snapchat. Snap back simply means 'respond' or 'send me a snap picture back'.
A SD/SB relationship is certainly when a couple from reverse sex currently have a sexual relationship. For those of you exactly who are sugar relationship unaware of the term, SD is short for single gender relationships. However , SD/SB stands for same-sex relationships.
What Does SB Mean? This slang term is typically used most often online and in text messages to represent the word “somebody.” This term is properly used as a noun to define a person of importance or someone who has some sort of authority.
How many snaps is a streak?
What Are the Snapchat Streaks Rules? The rules for Snapchat streaks are pretty simple. Both you and your friend must send at least one snap to each other at least once every 24 hours to keep the Snapchat streak running.
"TBH" is an informal abbreviation for "to be honest," according to Merriam-Webster. The term, often spelled out in lowercase, is one of many acronyms used in texting, social media and among other parts of digital culture. It can be used in many ways, such as to admit something, express an opinion or to make a comment.
This one typically means 'much love', and is used as a statement of affection at the end of a conversation with a close friend or family member.
When someone types \m/ it is an emoticon that means they are rocking out. The \m/ stands for a fist with two fingers in the air, like when people at rock shows raise their hands and make that symbol.
What does Red Heart emoji ❤️ mean? The red heart emoji is used in warm emotional contexts. It can be used to express gratitude, love, happiness, hope, or even flirtatiousness.
long-term relationship: used in lonely hearts columns and personal advertisem*nts.
abbreviation. 1. Her Highness; His Highness.
Sadomasochism Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com.
Basic fighter maneuvers (BFM) are actions that a fighter aircraft makes during air combat maneuvering, historically known as dogfighting.
We use the term "SA Relationship" to describe functionality that supports the following situations: • When companies other than your own provide a service to your customers AND you have some type of interaction with these companies.
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