How Much Does an Uber Cost from Orlando Airport to Disney World? (2024)

Why take an Uber to Disney World

As you probably know, Uber is a ride-sharing service;

It’s has become one of the most popular modes of transportation these days and many vacationers are now using it to get around Orlando.

Uber is a great service because you don’t need to rent a car, share a shuttle bus with other guests, or pay the high fees of a taxi.

All you need to do is download the Uber app, link up your credit card information, and then hail a ride with your smartphone. The driver should arrive promptly.

Drivers use their own vehicle (UberX) and they are required to keep their vehicle clean and in good working order.

As they pick you up, it will be just you, your travel companions, and the Uber driver for the duration of the ride. It’s really easy to use and it WILL save you time and money.

Magical Express Was Discontinued After 2021

In previous years, guests relied on Magical Express shuttle service to get to their Disney hotel. Unfortunately, Magical Express was discontinued at end of 2021. So even though Orlando International is still the closest airport to Disney World, Guests must now find alternative transportation between Orlando International Airport to Walt Disney World Resort.

You could rent a car or hail a taxi, but those options will be much more expensive. Ubers are significantly cheaper than using a taxi and much more practical than renting an entire car. You won’t need to pay for packing and you really have no need for a rental car because Disney Transportation is free and readily available throughout the park.

For all these reasons, we think Uber is the best way to travel between Orlando’s airport and Walt Disney World.

The video below will tell you a little more about how transportation works at Disney:

How Much Does an Uber Cost from Orlando Airport to Disney World? (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.