The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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18 THE PLAIN DEALER THURSDAY JUNE 1 1967 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE a k'i Dear Abby Girl Wants Mom to Shape Up By Abigail Van Buren Deaf Abby: What do you think of a widowed mother who dresses and undresses with her bedroom door wide open? exactly what our mother does She has a small but beautiful figure and we all know it but does she have to show it off in front of her chil dren? I remind her she NEW CARPET Best Brand Names AT KILGORE CARPET CO SHOWROOM 1791 40 CUSTOMER PARKING UT 1 7474 has a 20 year old son in the house she says what? He pay any attention to I am 14 and have much more modesty than my mother Please tell me what I can do about this terrible situation as it is getting worse every day Embarrassed Daughter Dear Daughter: Your obvious annoyance over the possibility that big brother might catch a glimpse of Mama's but beautiful gives me more cause for alarm than anything else Quiet ly close bedroom door while dressing and make a federal case out of an attractive nuisance Dear Abby: We recently moved to a new city In our former city we knew a girl who baby sat for us She came from a very poor family in a and glimmer of TEE LOKDOK irYIR0LEY A rx ni i Change your looks and his with these super new shine ups from Yardley! Yardley's super Lip Polish lets you create zillions of soft new effectsto fit your mood of the moment Wear SLICKER over lip stick under lipstick or all alone for natural innocence! Iff 5 wildly pretty glows $150 each 3 EYELIGHTER Cream Highlighter by Yardley wakes up your eyes instantly makes them look twice their size! A touch over the eyes magnifies and widens them Under it smoothes away shadows and circles $150 AVAILABLE AT ALL all respects She has at least average intelligence and good moral values al though the only time she ever attended church was with us Now the girl is pregnant at 16 Thank God she considering marriage Her immediate family has disassociated them selves from her and she is now living with a di vorced aunt who is appar ently more interested in her as a housekeeper than anything else My wife and I are con sidering asking this girl to live with us All we would ask is that she fin ish high school and stay out of trouble If she de cided to go on to college we would send her We feel that a fresh start in a new community may be just what she needs On the other hand could we be asking for more than we can handle? Sometimes when people stick their noses into places they they get no thanks and lots of grief So far we made the offer What do you think? Anonymous Dear Anonymous: 1 I say give the girl a chance Invite her to make her home with you and see her through her unfor tunate situation If your efforts are ap preciated and she appears to respond do whatever you can for her But make only one offer at a time Dear Abby: My 11 year old daughter read your plea for mail to lonely servicemen so she wrote to one and sent it to the address you had in your column I am enclos ing part of the reply she received from her Mary: I want to thank you for being concerned about the GIs overseas and their lack of mail It is girls like you who are interested enough in giv ing some of their personal time that makes this place a little easier to bear am stationed at an air field in southern Thai land Perhaps you old enough to know about Vietnam and what we are doing over here We are fighting for what we Americans believe in reedom I hope we will never have to fight for it on United States soil have nine months (to go) before returning to the United States to be dis charged As you might guess I will be a happy man I enjoy being separated from my wife only if you have time As I remember I had a lot of homework when I was in the seventh grade No matter how much you may dislike it as a favor to me Mary promise me work hard in school Is that asking too big a Her Mother' Dinners Dances Planned Debutantes to Be By Mary Srassmeyer Society Editor the season for debutantes and their dances Invitations are in the mail today for an informal tent party at the Hunting Valley home of and Mrs Carlisle Tippitt on riday June 23 Their daughter Christine will be the hostess a group of four rock rollers from Mentor who have a hit record Cold Out have been booked for the party Christine a senior at Laurel School will make her debut at the Cotillion Society Ball in August also will entertain at a dance being given by eight debutantes on riday June 16 at the home of Mr and Mrs Jacob Perkins in Hunt ing Valley Their daugh ter Wendy will be one of the hostesses The others are Lisa Hills daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward Hills Nannie Hollington daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Rich ard Hollington Bambi Jones daughter of Mr and Mrs William Jones Tansy Neff daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Charles Neff Mindy Ochs daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Ochs Margo Taylor daughter of Mr and Mrs II Taylor and Linda White daughter of Mr and Mrs Stenson White The girls all classmates Dianne Joyce Thompson 3 Cleans your house Dianne Thompson Will Be Married rom Pages of Camelot THE CUT: The front sides are tap ered to cheekbone length the back hair reaches the shoulders TO SET: rom a short side part set as in diagram using 2 inch rollers TO COMB: rom the part arrange a section smooth across the brow and secure be hind the ear Take tem ple and crown hair loop loosely on top and let re mainder spill loosely1 around face Brush back hair down spilling on shoulders in casual curls How fairy tale can you look? By Mr London Paris Soadea Syndicate 1967 USA and Canada Busy at Hathaway Brown School will make their debuts at either the Cotil lion Society Ball or the Assembly Ball sponsored by the Recreation League of Cleveland during the holiday season Named Top Debs our young women who will bow at the Assembly Ball are among 50 top debutantes named by Town and Country in this issue which will be on the newsstands Tuesday They are cousins Louise Gertrude Dempsey and Melissa Dempsey Deb orah South loyd and Emery Mae Norweb Three are having parties later this summer The Dempsey cousins will be presented together at a dance Sept 2 at the Kirtland Club given by their parents Peter Du orchestra will play Mr Ernest sey grandfather and uncle will give a dinner party for the young women and their friends at the club before the dance Louise a Hathaway Brown senior is the without cleaning out your purse! BM 8 Jwzlll Ik A' S' 1 Read these amazing testimonials! It costs much less than other cleaning products and does a better Mrs Jean Snyder Washington Pa the only product that can cut the stubborn grease that accumulates on my kitchen Mrs Lynn Nigherbon Conoga Pork Calif ee using the Washing Soda in warm water I can whiz through mopping floors cleaning woodwork porcelain and other and Mrs James Wilson Pontiac Mich floors were cleaner than usual and at half the price I had been paying" Mrs Sylvia McGowen Yuba City Colit 1 began buying one giant size box of laundry soap and one large Washing Soda to the tune of $126 as compared to the $500 I spent in the past for detergent bleach and clothes Mrs Mechem alls Church Va am really amazed that a product fully lives up to all its Mrs Kenneth Koenemonn Hoagland Ind BUY ARM HAMMER WASHING SODA SAVES YOU AS MUCH AS 3 OUT 4 CLEANING DOLLARS AND DOES THE JOB AS WELL! CChudi freight Im 1967 Mr and Mrs James Thompson 8240 Rushton Drive Mentor announce the engagement of their daughter Dianne Joyce Thompson to William Earnest Harwell Jr son of Mr and Mrs William Harwell of Grosse Pointe Mich and Dune din la Miss Thompson was graduated from the An drews School for Girls and this spring received a BA degree in political science from Hillsdale College Hillsdale Mich where she reigned as May queen Also a May graduate of Hillsdale Mr Harwell re ceived a BA degree in economics The wedding will take place in the fall of 1968 daughter of Mr and Mrs John Dempsey II of Bratenahl and Melissa is the daughter of Mr and Mrs James Dempsey Jr of Hunting Valley She is a senior at St Timothy School Stevenson Md Emery Mae Norweb daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Norweb Jr of Shaker Heights will be presented at an afternoon reception on Aug 30 and later at a dinner dance at the Bratenahl home of her grandparents Mr and Mrs Henry Norweb She will be graduated from the Masters School Dobbs erry NY this month Deborah loyd a senior at Hathaway Brown School is the daughter of Mr and Mrs ranklin loyd of Chagrin alls Advertisem*nt Why women suffer constipation with bloating fullness and fat indigestion trueThese symptoms frequently occur together Because they have the same cause: irregular bowel habits and improper diet The pace of modern woman is hectic With their special pressures and problems no wonder so many women pay the penalty of irregularity with indigestion That is why physicians frequently specify Caroid and Bile Salts Tablets rather than an ordinary laxative Caroid and Bile Salts Tablets are unique They are designed to treat the full complex of symptoms Caroid and Bile Salts Tablets act gently in 3 ways: they help improve the digestion and aid in the absorp tion of proteins fats and fat soluble vitamins They increase the flow of natural bile They gently effectively stimulate laxation With the help of Caroid and Bile Salts Tablets you can relieve consti pation and accompanying bloating fullness and intolerance to fats or fast gentle action get Caroid and Bile Salts Tablets today Avail able at drug counters everywhere No prescription needed Cuddell Center GERI ANTICS By Maribel Haskin a Dis pd Junel of the amount of be sealed and ad pd mayll 1825 junel International pd may25 junel pd junel pd junel percent be sub the as as chassis chassis with will be pay for ana and hundred percent highest aggregate bids plus all addi submitted by the in favor of the of the Board of NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed blds will be received by the Director of Public Service 350 Dover Center Road Bay Village Ohio until 12:00 noon Daylight Savings Time on June 9 1967 for the Installation of curbs gutters and paving In Ash ton Lane Alternate blds will be taken for each type of paving Plans specifications and bld forms can be obtained at 350 Dover Center Road WILLIAM SADLER Director of Public Service Bay Village Ohio pd may 25 junel EDUCATION BROOKLYN CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 9200 Biddulph Road Brooklyn Ohio 44144 The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids Board of Education of Brooklyn City School District Brooklyn Ohio Approved for Publication JOYCE HUDSON Clerk EARL MARTIN Director of Public Safetv Service pd may25 junel ADVERTIsem*nT OR BIDS Sealed Proposals will be received at the OICE THE BOARD EDUCATION BROOKLYN CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 9200 BIDDULPH ROAD BROOKLYN OHIO jfcjdajj Jne 2 1967 12:00 Official Time tor furnishing the material and per forming the labor for the execu tion and construction of ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM OR BROOKLYN CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BROOKLYN OHIO (This work Includes General Construction Plumbing Heating and Ventilating and Electrical Work as Itemized in the orm of Proposal in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared bv OUTCALT GUENTHER RODE AND BONEBRAKE ARCHITECTS 13124 Shaker Square Cleveland Ohio 44120 and on file In the of fice of the Architects Drawing and Specifications will be forwarded SHIPPING CHARGES COLLECT upon receipt of written request and accompa nied by a deposit of TWENTY AND NOlOO DOLLARS ($2000) for each set requested Upon the return of plans and specifications In good condition with SHIPPING CHARGES PRE PARED within ten (10) days after opening of bids the full amount of the deposit will be refunded Each bid must be accompanied bv a bld bond IN THE AMOUNT 5 THE AMOUNT THE BID SATISACTORY TO THE OWNER or a Certified Check on a solvent bank In the sum of five per cent (b) the bid Blds are to dressed to: BOARD is reserved to bids Bv order of the Citv of Rocky River Ohio NOTICE PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell a 1965 Buick Super Sport 2 door 444675H254499 at Public Auction on June 6 1967 at 10:01 am at 7113 Euclid Ave Cleveland where the car my be Inspected prior to sale The undersigned re serves the right to bid GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPT ANCE CORPORATION Account Number 602 23399 pd junel MR RALPH DEEVERS Clerk Treasurer Board of Education Bedford Citv School District Bedford Cuyahoga county Ohio pd may 11 18 25 junel Alternate proposals will be re ceived for omission of or addi tions to various portions of the work and for substitution of vari ous materials and construction All proposals shall be accom panied by a Bid Bond or a Cer tified Check drawn on a solvent bank In an amount not less than five percent (5) of the amount of his largest Base Bid plus any Alternates bid upon The charac ter and amount of the Perform ance and Payment Bond required is stated In the Contract Docu ments No proposals will be con sidered unless submitted on the blank Proposal orms furnished by the Architect The Contract Documents In cluding Plans and Specifications are on file for inspection at the Dodge Corporation Cleve land Ohio the Ex change Cleveland Ohio the Of fice of the Clerk and at the of fice of HEINE CRIDER AND WILLIAMSON ARCHITECTS 30 Park Drive Berea Ohio Copies of complete sets of the Contract Documents may be se cured at the office of the Archi tect upon deposit of twenty dol lars ($2000) tor each set Bidders submitting bona fide complete bids to the Owner will have their deposit refunded In full for their first set of docu ments only Deposits for addi tional sets will be refunded at the rate of ten dollars ($1000) per set Documents shall be returned to the Office in a con dition acceptable to the Architect within 10 days after the time set for receipt of bids Deposit will be forfeited if no proposal Is re ceived The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any Informali ties in bidding No bld may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of blds for at least thirty (30) days Bertha Johnstone Clerk i reasurer Board of Education Brecksville City School trict Brecksville Ohio pd may25 junel LEGAL NOTICE Sealed proposals to Install "TV Reception and Close Circuit Sys for Junior High School now being constructed on Perkins Road at Columbus Road Bedford Heights Ohio for the Board of Education of the Bedford City School District Cuyahoga County Ohio will be received at the of fice of the Clerk Treasurer 475 Northfield Road Bedford Ohio until 12:00 Noon Eastern Daylight Saving Time of June 8 1967 and will be publicly opened read and tabulated immediately thereafter by the Clerk Treasurer Report thereof will be made bv the Clerk Treasurer of said Board of Edu cation at the next Board meeting Copies of the plans specifica tions and proposal forms may be obtained at the office of Lesko Associates Architects 1404 East Ninth Street Cleveland Ohio bv depositing $1000 certified check for each set of contract docu ments The amount of deposit will be refunded to bona fide prime bidders provided the plans and specifications are returned in good condition within seven days after bld opening The above named conditions of refund shall be lim ited to two sets of documents tor all bidders To be considered proposals must be made on the forms furnished by the Architect and must con tain the name of every person in terested therein and shall be ac companied by a certified check on a solvent bank In an amount not less than five percent (5) of the highest aggregate amount of base bids plus all additive alternates submitted by the bidder or a bld pona oi one (100) of the amount of base tive alternates bidder drawn Clerk Treasurer Education of the Bedford City School District The Board of Education reserves the right to waive Informalities to accept or reject any and all or parts of anv and all bids The successful bidder will be required to furnish a satisfactory performance bond for 100 of the contract price No blds may be withdrawn for at least (30) davs after the sched uled closing time and receipt of bids PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Euclid Ohio In a regular meeting to be held June 26 1967 at 8:00 PM in the Euclid City Hall 585 East 222nd Street will act upon the question of amending Ordinance No 2812 of the City of Euclid known as Zoning Ordi the amendment being rel ative to changing from U1 to U4 use district the property located at the southeast corner of Brush Avenue and East 261st Street re quested by the Brush Richmond Corporation In order to erect a commercial type building Public hearing will be accorded all persons Interested in mat ter described herein Clerk of Council pd may25junel Because 'a growl is all we find to say glad that morning comes but once day Pursuant to the Provisions of Section 170701 to 170745 inc notice is hereby given that on the 29th day of May 1967 ANN LOWE 3229 Hursch Place NW Canton Ohio tiled an application with the Division of Securities at Columbus Ohio for a license to act as a salesman of Securities in the State of Ohio for the General Development Corporation of Cleveland Ohio All persons concerned will notice that action on said applica tion will not be taken by the Division for at least seven days from the date of this advertise ment (Signed) ANN LOWE pd junel LEGAL NOTICE A Public Hearing will be held by The Brecksville Planning Com mission on June 15th at 8:00 pm tn the Council Chambers of Brecksville City Hall to consider a proposal to rezone from Class A Residential to Class 2 Office Building land adjacent to Class in tne area near uzwaier Brecksville Roads BRECKSVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION ROGER HIPPSIEY Chairman INVITATION OR BIDS DEMOLITION CLEARANCE AND REMOVAL The Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority will receive sealed bids for the demolition and disposal of approximately 38 ma jor structures and additional ga rages sheds etc and clearing of the site of the HAA Asslstcd Low Rent Housing Project located in the City of Cleveland known as Dike Park Project OH 3 18 be tween Scovlll Avenue and Mona Avenue and East 63rd Street and East 66th Street known as Stage Demolition until 2:00 pm East ern Daylight Time on the 8th day of June 1967 at its Construction Office 1325 West 28th Street Cleveland Ohio 4113 at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud Copies of the documents may be obtained at said Construction Of fice A certified check or bank draft payable to the Cleveland Metro politan Housing Authority or a satisfactory bld bond executed by the bidder and acceptable sureties in me amount or ten (10) of each bid shall mitted with each bld The successful bidder required to furnish and satisfactory Performance raymem Donn or nuiiiia Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth In the Specifications must be paid on this project i The Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all blds or to waive any informalities In the bidding No bld shall be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days sub sequent to the opening of blds without the consent of the Cleve land Metropolitan Housing Au thority CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN HOUSING AUTHORITY Ernest Bohn' Director NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the City of Mayfield Heights 6154 Mayfield Rd Mayfield Heights Ohio until 12:00 Noon EDST on Thursday June 8 1967 for the sale to the City of: One (1) 20 Yard Packer Unit One (1) 2 Ton Truck Chassis with 135" CA In accordance with specifica tions now on file In the office of the Director of inance Sealed bids will be received at the same time and place for the purchase from the City of: (One (1) 16 Yard Garwood Packer Unit Bids must be submitted on Bld orms which may be obtained from the office of the Clerk 6154 Mayfield Rd Mayfield Heights Ohio Each bid must be accompanied bv a certified check in the amount of 5 of the bid price as a guarantee that if the bid be ac cepted a contract will be entered into The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids By order of the Council of the City of Mayfield Heights DORIS A MAHON Deputy Clerk of Council pd rnay25junel HOWARD CLOSSON Clerk Treasurer Board of Education North Olmsted City School District North Olmsted Cuyahoga County Ohio pd may25junel NOTICE TO BID Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Public Safety Ser vice of the City of Rocky River State of Ohio at his office in the City Hall of said City until twelve noon Eastern Daylight Time on the 8th day of June 1967 tor furnishing the necessary labor and material for the resurfacing of Eastlook Rd Inglewood Dr Carolyn Ave River Oaks Dr Carmen Dr Laverne Ave River wood Ave and the City Hall Parking Lot with rubberized as phaltic concrete in the City of Rocky River All of the foregoing to be fur nished and installed to the plans and specifications therefore on file in the office of the Director of Public Safety Service of said City and the office of Warren Root Associates Berea Ohio Each bid must separately state the amount bid for both labor and material and shall contain the full name of every person or company Interested in the same and be ac companied by a bid bond or a certified check on some solvent bank in Cuyahoga County In an amount of at least five per cent (5) of the amount bid as a guarantee that it the bid is ac cepted a contract will be entered into and Its performance properly secured Bidders are required to use the printed forms to be fur nished on application The right reject any ano an LEGAL NOTICE Sealed proposals for additions and alterations to the Junior High School on Butternut Ridge Road City of North Olmsted Ohio for the Board of Education of the North Olmsted City School Dis trict Cuyahoga County Ohio will be received at the office of the Clerk Treasurer 27573 Butternut Ridge Road North Olmsted Ohio 44070 until 12:00 Noon Cleveland Time on June 12 1967 and will be publicly opened read and tabu lated Immediately thereafter by tha Clerk Treasurer Report there of will be made by the Clerk Treasurer of said Board of Edu cation at the next Board meeting Proposals will be received as called for on the form of pro posal as follows: General Work Base Bld 2 Junior High School Copies of the plans specifica tions and proposal forms for the school may be obtained at the of fice of Lesko Associates Archi tects 1404 East Ninth Street Cleveland Ohio 44114 by de positing $10000 certified check for each complete set of contract doc uments The amount of deposit will be refunded to bona fide prime bidders only providing the plans and specifications are re turned In good condition within seven days after bld opening The above named conditions of refund shall be limited to two sets ot documents tor generals All addi tional copies obtained must be re turned without refund To be considered proposals must be made on forms furnished by the architect and must contain the name of every person Inter ested therein and shall be ac companied by a certified check on a solvent bank In an amount not less than five per cent (5) of the highest aggregate amount of base bids plus all additive al ternates submitted by the bidder or a bld bond of one hundred per cent (100) of the highest aggre gate amount of base bid Plus all additive alternates submitted by the bidder drawn In favor of the Clerk Treasurer of the Board of Education of the North Olmsted Citv School District The Board of Education reserves the right to waive all informalities to accept or reject any and all or parts of anv and all bids The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish a satisfactory performance bond for 100 of the contract bid price No bids may be withdrawn for at least thirty (30) days after the scheduled closing time and or mas ORM ADVERTIsem*nT OR BIDS LEGAL NOTICE Sealed proposals for the con struction Of "GRADING AND MILL ROAD for the BOARD EDUCATION BRECKSVILLE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BRECKSVILLE OHIO will be received by the Board of Education at the office of the Clerk of the Board: Bertha Johnstone Clerk Treasurer Board of Education Brecksville City School District 8915 Highland Drive Brecksville Ohio 44141 until 12:00 noon Daylight Savings Time on riday June 16 1967 and will be publicly opened and read aloud Immediately there after They will then be tabulated and a report thereof will be made by the Clerk at the next Board of Education meeting i The proposed work consists of all labor materials and equip ment necessary to complete grading and paving work shown on the drawings and specified Alternate proposals will be Program Starts Cuddell ine Arts Center 10013 Detroit Avenue NW will start its summer pro gram today for adults inter ested in handicrafts art and languages Adult classes meet after noons and evenings Member ship cost $1 and class' fees range from $1 to $2 A program for children meeting in the morning and afternoon will begin June 19 classes include dancing LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OR SCHOOL BUS BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of the Rocky River City Schools at the office of the Clerk Treasurer 3111 Wooster Road Rocky River Ohio until Twelve Noon East ern Daylight Saving Time June 8 1967 for furnishing one (1) school bus Blds will be opened and tabu lated immediately after the bid ding deadline mentioned above Bid prices must be firm for a pe riod of thirty one (31) days Independent blds are to be sub mitted tor chassis and body on the bid forms provided Delivery of the completely assembled units to the purchaser shall be made by the chassis dealer Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid bond or certified check payable to the Rocky River Board of Education in an amoupt not less than five per cent (5) of the amount of the bid Bld shall then be submitted to said Board at its next meeting for final ac ceptance or rejection Certified checks shall be returned to un successful bidders when an award Is made and to successful bidders upon completion of the contract Specifications and bid forms may be obtained at the Business Office Such specifications shall be in accordance with those cur rently in effect for the State De partment of Education Payment for said bus will be made within thirty (30) days fol lowing the dale of delivery and acceptance by the Rocky River Board of Education and following inspection by the Ohio State High way Patrol The right is reserved to reject any and all bids to waive any in formalities and to accept the bid most favorable to the Board of Education of the Rocky River City School District MRS MILDRED JOSSELYN Clerk Treasurer Board of Education Rocky River City School District NOTICE TO BID Pursuant to Resolution No 4556 adopted by the Council of the City of Lakewood on March 6 1967 sealed bids will be re ceived by the Director of Public Works at his office 12650 Detroit Avenue Lakewood Ohio at 11:00 am official time June 16 1967 and thereafter will be publicly opened and read in the Conference Room at Lakewood City Hall for the purchase and sale of the fol lowing equipment: The purchase of: One (1) truck One (1) truck dump body The sale of: One (1) 1955 1 dumn truck One (1) 1956 ord chassis Specifications for the above ve hides may be obtained at the of fice of the Director of Public Works 12650 Detroit Avenue Lakewood Ohio The City reserves the right to waive any informalities and to re ject any or all bids HARLAN BARTELS Director of Public Works City of Lakewood pd junel 8 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED BIDS for General Me chanical and Electrical work In Clinical and Serology Laboratories and Blood Center in Bell Greve and Research Buildings will be received by the Assistant Director in Room 122 Hamann Pavilion Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital 3395 Scranton Road Cleveland Ohio 44109 until 2 PM Cleveland time on June 12 1967 and publicly opened and read aloud Drawings and Specifications may be obtained from the Plant En gineering Department by deposit ing a check in the amount of Twenty ive Dollars made paya ble to' the Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital The Board of County Hospital Trustees reserves the right to re ject anv or all blds Bv order of: The Board of County Hospital Trustees A SUGARMAN Assistant Director pd mayll1825 junel BUDGET HEARING NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS THE LAKEWOOD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Notice is hereby given that two copies of the proposed budget and estimate of cost of operation of the City School District of the City of Lakewood County of Cuyahoga State of Ohio including the cost of operating the public schools and libraries of said dis trict for the fiscal year of 1968 are on file in the office of the undersigned Clerk Treasurer the Board of Education and open to Inspection of the public pur suant to the requirements of law A public hearing on the pro posed budget for the Lakewood Public Schools will be held at 1470 Warren Road Lakewood Ohio on Tuesday June 13 1967 i at 8:00 pm ELEANOR CHIDESTER Clerk Treasurer.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


What happened to the Cleveland Plain dealer in 2013? ›

2013 cuts. In December 2012, members of the Newspaper Guild reported that The Plain Dealer management had told them that, after the January 2013 expiration of a no-layoff provision in the union's contract, it planned to eliminate about one-third of the newspaper's staff and cut 58 of 168 union positions.

Why is Cleveland's newspaper called The Plain Dealer? ›

Its name was probably inspired by a former Jacksonian paper published in New York. Among its early staff members was CHAS. FARRAR BROWNE, who created the character "Artemus Ward." In the years leading up to the CIVIL WAR, the Plain Dealer was the local Democratic organ in a Republican city and region.

Where is the Cleveland Plain Dealer located? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co, 4800 Tiedeman Rd, Cleveland, OH - MapQuest.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays.

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

One of those that submitted a bid was Industrial Commercial Properties/Cleveland Superior, LLC, which now owns the former Plain Dealer building.

What is the largest newspaper in Ohio? ›

The Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper and top advertising source.

How much is the Sunday Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

How often is The Plain Dealer printed? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

Does Cleveland still have the flats? ›

The Flats have come back to life thanks to a multi-million-dollar makeover to both its east and west banks. This waterfront neighborhood now features restaurants, bars, shops and a boardwalk with complementary green space.

How do I contact a Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The Plain Dealer Production and Distribution Center 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (216) 999-5000 or (800) 362-0727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Can I read The Plain Dealer online? ›

circulation department, you have access to The Plain Dealer e-edition via any of The Plain Dealer apps and via the desktop browser version using the same username and password on up to three devices.

How do I cancel Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

Your payment is non-refundable, and your access will continue until the end of your current subscription. To cancel your subscription to The Plain Dealer, please visit You may also call 216-999-6000.

What happened to the Cleveland press? ›

Citing the depressed economy and consequent losses in advertising, however, Cole announced the paper's closing on 17 June 1982, and the final edition appeared that afternoon. The former Press plant was demolished to make room for the North Point office complex. View image at Cleveland Memory.

Why did Cleveland decline? ›

Much of the decline of Cleveland has to do with the deindustrialization of the city. As businesses chose to relocate to other, warmer climates, or simply went out of business because they could not compete or they were obsolete, Cleveland, for whatever reason, was unable to address those issues effectively.

How much is a Sunday Plain Dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.