The Sacrifice (event) (2024)

This article is about the sacrifice, an event in season two. You may be looking for The Sacrifice, an episode in The Vampire Diaries season two.

Well, the ritual itself is relatively straightforward. The ingredients, so to speak, you already know. [The moonstone.] A witch will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell that's bound within the stone. After that, Klaus, being both werewolf and vampire, will sacrifice one of each. [...] Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelgänger to the point of your death. [...] Klaus has been waiting to break this curse for over a thousand years.

Elijah about the ritual in The Last Day

The Sacrifice Ritual was a complex ritual that was first attempted in 1492 by Klaus to break the Hybrid Curse that Esther cast upon him to suppress his werewolf aspect as the first hybrid. After the doppelgänger's death, he was forced to wait over five hundred years before attempting it again.


  • 1 History
  • 2 Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series
    • 2.1 Season Two
  • 3 Requirements
    • 3.1 Witch
    • 3.2 Werewolf
    • 3.3 Vampire
    • 3.4 Doppelgänger
    • 3.5 Other Requirements
  • 4 Crashed by
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 See also


The event was planned and orchestrated by Niklaus Mikaelson. The goal of the sacrifice was to break the curse that was put on him over a thousand years ago by his mother Esther that kept his werewolf side dormant. After approximately five hundred years, Klaus found Katerina Petrova, the doppelgänger. However, both Trevor and Elijah Mikaelson fell in love with Katerina. Elijah went to the witches to create an elixir that would spare the doppelgänger from the ritual, though Klaus didn't care. To complicate his plans further, Trevor betrayed them and help Katerina escaped, while stealing the moonstone, which eventually led her to becoming a vampire.

With his plans foiled, Klaus and Elijah created rumors and whispers of the "Sun and Moon Curse" in Aztec, Roman scrolls, African tribal etchings, and any other culture or continent they felt like planting in it. They believed was the easiest way to discover the existence of the doppelgänger and to get their hands on the long lost moonstone as by having every single member of two warring species on the lookout. After another five hundred years, Klaus' finally found everything he was searching for.

Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series[]

Season Two[]

In The Last Day, the sacrifice took place at Steven's QuarryinMystic Falls, the doppelgänger's birthplaceduring the full moon. His witch, Greta Martin channeled the moon's power to complete the spell after first sacrificing thewerewolfJules, then the newly-transitionedvampireJenna Sommers,and then finally Elena Gilbert, the doppelgänger, by draining her of blood to the point of her death. With her death, the curse was broken after 1,000 years. As Klaus began to transform into a werewolf, Damon Salvatore appeared behind Greta and broke her neck as Bonnie appeared with the magic of 100 dead witches. Klaus was brought to the brink of death as Elijah was meant to perform the killing blow by removing his heart. However, Klaus explained that his family wasn't buried at sea and in exchange for his life, he'd take him to them. Elijah agreed and spare Klaus leaving Stefan and Bonnie unable to take either of them down.



The Sacrifice (event) (1)
  • Maddox: He was a witch and apart of Klaus' trusted inner circle. He assisted Klaus in taking possession of Alaric Saltzman's body so that he could spy on the doppelgänger, Elena, as well as protecting his fragile human body to take out Bonnie channeling witches. Similar to Greta's position, both gathered the necessary ingredients, as well as backups, to complete the ritual. It's unknown when or why Maddox joined Klaus and assisted him in breaking the centuries old curse.
The Sacrifice (event) (2)
  • Greta Martin: Greta was the daughter of Jonas Martin and the sister to Luka. At an unknown point in time, she was "kidnapped" by Klaus in order to help him break a curse put on him centuries ago. Jonas and Luka willingly helped and worked with Elijah Mikaelsonin hopes of getting her back, though it seemed they were completely unaware that she was working for Klaus willingly. When Elena questioned her, she said that witches are supposed to maintain the balance in Nature and it was her duty to them to keep the curse sealed.However, for reasons unknown, she told Elena that her duty was to Klaus the "new order". Working alongside of Maddox, they capture Caroline, Tyler,and Jules—as she was meant to be and have backs for Klaus should one of the Salvatore brothers interver, as presumed by Klaus. With Maddox's death, she successfully performed the ritual to releases the spell within the moonstone, as Klaus sacrificed Jules, Jenna and Elena. Her victory, however, was short lived she was killed by Damon as Bonnie attempted to Kill Klaus.


The Sacrifice (event) (3)
  • Tyler Lockwood: Tyler was originally meant to be the werewolf sacrifice. However, Tyler had been out of town with Julesfor months. In order to lure Tyler back, a witch compelledCarol Lockwood, his mother, to call him and tell him she was in the hospital from a fall.When she finished the phone call, the scene panned up to Maddox, Klaus' witch, who used his telekinetic powers to throw Carol down the stairs.Tyler finally returned to Mystic Falls and met up with his mother. As he was leaving the hospital car park, he ran into Caroline Forbes, who he had kissed just before leaving. After greeting each other, Caroline suddenly gets terrible headache, which eventually happens to Tyler as well. It's revealed that Maddox and Greta Martin knocked them out in order to kidnap them and chain them up until the sacrifice that night. However, Damon, who was trying to make good after forcing Elena to drink his blood, rescued Tyler and Caroline in hopes of postponing the sacrifice. It was also revealed that Tyler was one of the reasons Katherine returned to Mystic Falls as Klaus needed a werewolf and since Mason was dead, she compelled Matt to make Tyler angry enough so that he'll kill someone and activate his curse. He got help from Damon to escape, and he wasn't used for the sacrifice.
The Sacrifice (event) (4)
  • Jules: Jules was the replacement for Tyler Lockwood. She knew Tyler's uncle, Mason Lockwood. Since Damon saved Tyler, Maddox or Greta set out to find Jules and eventually incapacitated her long enough to bring her to the quarry in order to sacrifice her , as she was the only other werewolf they knew of that was nearby. Once there, she woke up to find Klaus, Greta, Elena and Jenna Sommers all divided by rings of fire. Unfortunately, the werewolf was the first part of the sacrifice, meaning Jules was the first to die. She attacked Klaus once the spell that slowed her transformation to werewolf, but Klaus easily disabled her and tore her heart from her chest.


The Sacrifice (event) (5)
  • Caroline Forbes: Caroline was originally a self absorbed mortal girl, however in a turn of events, she became a vampire. She was originally going to be used as the vampire part of the curse. When she was visiting Carol Lockwood in the hospital, she met up with her friend Tyler Lockwood. After a brief chat, she suddenly started getting an intense headache, which turned out to be Maddox, a witch, giving her an aneurysm. She was incapacitated and was chained up and in order to prevent her from fleeing, as well as injected with vervain to weaken her. However, she was eventually saved by Damon and together with Tyler, they fled. However that meant another vampire had to take her place, and unfortunately it was Elena's guardian and aunt, Jenna Sommers.
The Sacrifice (event) (6)
  • Jenna Sommers: Jenna was originally Elena's human aunt who had just recently learned about the existence of vampires and other supernatural beings. However when Caroline escaped, Klaus had to find another vampire, as soon as possible. He compelled Katherine to pretend to be Elena to lure Jenna out of the house and he fed Jenna his blood and then killed her, thus turning her into a vampire. He then took her to the quarry where Elena found her. Jenna was at first confused at what happened to her until Elena explained it to her and Jenna realized she needed to drink human blood to complete her transformation or she would die. Greta cut herself and placed her arm in front of Jenna. Elena begged Jenna not to drink the blood so she wouldn't have to be used as a sacrifice. However, the urge for blood was too strong and she then fed on Greta for a couple of seconds, before looking back at Elena, her facial veins appearing like that of a vampire. Elena and Jenna talked for a while before it was time for Jenna to get sacrificed, knowing it was most likely their final moments together. Elena told Jenna to run at the first chance she got, though instead of running, she instead attacked Greta, feeding on her in attempt to kill her since the sacrifice couldn't be performed without a witch. However, she was stabbed in the side and thrown to the ground by Klaus. Elena tearfully told Jenna to turn her emotions off so she wouldn't be afraid but Jenna chose to feel the last seconds of her life before Klaus staked her, devastating Elena and the rest of her friends.


The Sacrifice (event) (7)
  • Katerina Petrova: Katerina was the second Petrova doppelgänger, and was meant to be in Klaus' first attempt at breaking the curse in 1492.However, upon learning what Klaus had planned for her, she fled with the help of a friend Trevor, who was in love with her,and took the moonstone with her. She was told by Trevor to run east to a cottage where Katerina metRose, who invited her in before realizing what Katerina was up to. She insisted on taking her back to Klaus when night fell; Katerina tricked Rose into feeding her her blood after stabbing herself in the stomach. When Rose left the room to argue with Trevor about what to do,Katerina hung herself with a length of rope and transitioned to a vampire, making her blood useless for the sacrifice.Katerina completed the transition by feeding on the human who owned the house, lifting Rose and Trevor's protection in the house. The three ran for over 500 years to allude capture by Klaus, until Katherine learned of the third Petrova doppelgänger,Elena Gilbert. She then planned to leverage Elena's life for her freedom, which ultimately failed. She was going to be the vampire for the ritual, but chose Jenna in her place.
The Sacrifice (event) (8)
  • Elena Gilbert: Elena is a eighteen year old high school student who currently lives in Mystic Falls. She was dating and in love with Stefan Salvatore,a vampire and she is confused to learn she looks exactly like his ex, Katherine Pierce. After Elena slowly finds out more and more about Stefan's past, including his ex Katherine and their eerie resemblance, she becomes more interested in the supernatural world, not knowing she has always had a terrifying connection to it. She later learned from Rose, who also tried to (successfully) leverage Elena's life for her freedom, that she was a Petrova Doppelgänger and the key to breaking Klaus' curse.When Klaus finally arrived in Mystic Falls, he began to stir up trouble to ensure Elena wouldn't run if she wanted her loved ones to remain safe; ultimately Elena is the opposite of Katherine, and would die if it meant her friends and family remained unharmed. On the night of the full moon, Klaus hadGretatake Elena to the quarryin order to begin the sacrifice ritual. The final act of the sacrifice was to feed on the doppelgänger to her death.Klaus followed through with the sacrifice and fed on Elena's blood until she died and successfully broke his curse. However, Elena's best friend Bonnie Bennett, who was a witch, cast a spell that tied Elena's soul to Elena's biological father, John Gilbert, which revived Elena by giving her her father's life force and kept her from turning into a vampire due to the vampire blood in her system; John went through with it willingly, even though the result of resurrecting Elena was his death.

Other Requirements[]

The Sacrifice (event) (9)
  • Moonstone: The moonstone is a very vital piece in the curse on Klaus, as it was what was binding the curse. It was a translucent, milky-colored, flat ovoid gemstone and was about the size of a hockey puck, or a bar of soap. Katherine originally stole it from Klaus in 1492, however she gave it to George Lockwoodin 1864 in Mystic Falls in exchange for him faking her death and assuring her freedom from death like the other town vampires. The stone was then passed down through the Lockwood family and it ended up in the hands of Tyler Lockwood, however he gave it to his uncle, Mason, who had been looking for it for Katherine. After eventually finding the stone hidden in Damon's bathroom, Katherine steals it from them and ultimately gives it to Klaus for the ritual, although it wasn't her intention. Greta Martin channels the power of the full moon that releases the spell within the stone and the stone is destroyed by fire and the blood sacrifices, breaking Klaus' curse.
The Sacrifice (event) (10)
  • Cauldron: is an object used for witches spells and rituals. A stone cauldron was set up at Steven's Quarry and filled with blood. Greta began the ritual by tossing the moonstone into the cauldron causing it to explode in fiery sparks. As Klaus completed the first two sacrifices he'd drip their blood into the cauldron causing the blood to boil. After draining Elena of her blood, the cauldron's fire shot upright into the air as the curse was lifted.
The Sacrifice (event) (11)
  • Mystic Falls and Full Moon: In addition to the physical ingredients and the required sacrifices, according to Klaus, the sacrifice needed to take place at the birth place of the doppelgänger. Elijah also states that the sacrifices are completed in stages as the full moon sets. As the full moon passed it's apex, Greta began the ritual until it was completed.

Crashed by[]

The Sacrifice (event) (12)
  • Stefan Salvatore: Hellbent on getting Elena out of harms way, appeared at the ritual and tried to get Klaus to exchange Jenna for Stefan so he could die and she would live. Klaus refused to take the offer tough and rammed a piece of wood into Stefan's back paralyzing him. Stefan later stayed at the ritual to see Elijah killing Klaus.
The Sacrifice (event) (13)
  • Bonnie Bennett: As Klaus finished the ritual Bonnie appeared and using Klaus' vulnerability due to his transformation to weaken him severely so he could be properly killed by his brother.
The Sacrifice (event) (14)
  • Damon Salvatore: Following Bonnie's arrival, Damon also appeared in order to obtain Elena's dead body. He also killed Greta Martin before she could interfere with Bonnie and Elijah's plan to kill Klaus.
The Sacrifice (event) (15)
  • Elijah Mikaelson: Following Bonnie's spell, Elijah showed up to punish Klaus for sinking the coffins of their family in the Pacific and therefore making it impossible to ever resurrect them. Elijah rammed his hand into Klaus' chest in order to rip his heart out, but Klaus had an ace up his sleeve: he never sunk the coffins. Upon learning this, Elijah's whole motivation to kill his brother was gone since there was now a chance to resurrect their siblings. Elijah then grabbed his younger brother, and brought him to safety.


The Sacrifice (event) (16)

The Sacrifice (event) (17)

The Sacrifice (event) (18)

The Sacrifice (event) (19)

The Sacrifice (event) (20)

The Sacrifice (event) (21)

The Sacrifice (event) (22)

The Sacrifice (event) (23)

The Sacrifice (event) (24)

The Sacrifice (event) (25)

The Sacrifice (event) (26)

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The Sacrifice (event) (140)

The Sacrifice (event) (141)

The Sacrifice (event) (142)

The Sacrifice (event) (143)

The Sacrifice (event) (144)

See also[]

Powers and Weaknesses
Events (Timeline)
The Sacrifice (event) (2024)
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