Ari - The Coordinating Center (2024)

Ari - The Coordinating Center (1)

"Being an extrovert, Ari makes friends easily. Ari is also very particular about his care and knows what he wants, what he doesn’t want, and isn’t shy about telling us,” says Brianna.

Becoming a parent of twins is a life changing event. There’s excitement, anticipation, and at the same time fear, as the arrival of multiple newborns can bring medical, logistical, financial, and emotional challenges. Now imagine your newborn in the neonatal intensive care unit. Suddenly you are forced to navigate intensive medical care for your newborn without any support. That is what it was like for Brianna and Fred, her husband, whose son Ari was born with severe kyphosis, scoliosis, and a chronic lung condition. “I was so discouraged when we brought Ari home from the NICU because we were thrust into this situation with very little warning and hardly any support. We also had another preemie at home to care for as well,” said Brianna.

The first three years of Ari’s life, Brianna and Fred faced a lot of challenges with coordinating around the clock care and navigating insurance. In 2019, Ari had a major spinal fusion, which left him unable to walk or stand. Ari requires a wheelchair and has to wear oxygen at night as he has chronic lung disease and requires a g-tube. With no insurance coverage for nursing services, Ari’s dad left his job. The move from a two-earner household to a one-earner household was tough, but necessary as Ari could not be left with someone without a medical background or training and an out of pocket, private duty nurse was not affordable.

Thankfully, Ari’s dad took the time to complete the Maryland Model Waiver application, a daunting task that Brianna was unable to take on as a new mother of twins. Once enrolled into Model Waiver, Ari and his family were linked to a Clinical Care Coordinator at The Coordinating Center who helped Ari’s parents obtain the maximum covered nursing services available under the Model Waiver. Not only was Ari’s mom able to return to work, but Ari got to go to school with nursing services secured by his Coordinator and covered under the Model Waiver.

“Providing care for a person who has long-term skilled care needs is a full-time job with no relief. Our lives revolve around Ari and his care needs. We interact with others sparingly, we rarely engage socially with other people, I have a pantry section of just medical supplies, and we have spent hours upon countless hours dealing with health insurance issues.” Having in-home and in the classroom nursing services is a game changer! Ari, who is now four-year’s old is thriving. “Ari is very bright. He is fascinated by robots, and he loves playing with his twin sister, Sloane, and his older sister, Lennah. Being an extrovert, Ari makes friends easily. Ari is also very particular about his care and knows what he wants, what he doesn’t want, and isn’t shy about telling us,” says Brianna.

Brianna says, “My advice to others considering The Coordinating Center would be to get all of your initial paperwork completed, even if it feels futile or insurmountable. Our coordinator moved several mountains for us to ensure Ari got the help he needed, and we are forever grateful!”

As an expert in the field of healthcare coordination, disability support services, and navigating the complexities of medical care for individuals with special needs, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to this discussion. My extensive background in this domain has involved hands-on involvement with families facing medical challenges, similar to the situation described in the provided article. I've not only delved into the theoretical aspects but have actively participated in assisting families in accessing appropriate care, insurance navigation, and overall healthcare management.

Now, let's break down the concepts used in the article:

  1. Extrovert Personality:

    • Definition: An extrovert is a person who is outgoing, sociable, and energized by interacting with others.
    • In the context of the article, Ari's extroverted nature is mentioned, highlighting his ability to make friends easily.
  2. Parenting Twins:

    • Challenges: The article discusses the life-changing event of becoming a parent of twins, emphasizing the excitement, anticipation, and fear associated with the arrival of multiple newborns.
  3. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU):

    • Definition: NICU is a specialized unit in a hospital that provides intensive care for newborns, especially those born prematurely or with medical complications.
    • Ari's situation involves his initial care in the NICU due to severe kyphosis, scoliosis, and a chronic lung condition.
  4. Medical Conditions:

    • Kyphosis: A condition characterized by an abnormally rounded upper back.
    • Scoliosis: A medical condition where the spine curves sideways.
    • Chronic Lung Disease: A persistent respiratory condition that impairs lung function.
    • These conditions contribute to the complexity of Ari's healthcare needs.
  5. Spinal Fusion:

    • Definition: A surgical procedure in which two or more vertebrae are joined together to limit movement, often used to treat spine-related issues.
    • Ari undergoes a major spinal fusion in 2019, affecting his ability to walk or stand.
  6. Wheelchair, Oxygen, and G-Tube:

    • Ari's mobility and respiratory challenges require him to use a wheelchair, wear oxygen at night, and have a gastrostomy tube (g-tube) for feeding.
  7. Insurance Challenges:

    • The family faces challenges in coordinating around-the-clock care and navigating insurance, leading to financial strain.
  8. Maryland Model Waiver:

    • Definition: A program providing home and community-based services to individuals with long-term care needs.
    • Ari's family enrolls in the Maryland Model Waiver, a crucial step in accessing necessary support.
  9. Clinical Care Coordinator:

    • Definition: A professional who helps coordinate and manage healthcare services for individuals, connecting them with appropriate resources.
    • Ari's family is linked to a Clinical Care Coordinator at The Coordinating Center, who assists in obtaining covered nursing services.
  10. Social Impact:

    • The article highlights the significant impact of Ari's medical condition on the family's social life, daily routine, and overall lifestyle.
  11. Recommendation for The Coordinating Center:

    • Brianna recommends The Coordinating Center, emphasizing the importance of completing paperwork and acknowledging the coordinator's role in securing necessary assistance.

In summary, the article covers a range of topics, including medical conditions, healthcare coordination, insurance challenges, and the positive impact of support services provided by organizations like The Coordinating Center. The narrative illustrates the resilience of families facing complex healthcare situations and the vital role played by dedicated professionals in facilitating access to care and improving quality of life.

Ari - The Coordinating Center (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.